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RE: Autokauf von einem Scammer

#21 von Coroner ( gelöscht ) , 23.01.2007 09:20

In Antwort auf:
Mitglied im Verband der Kredithaie Deutschland

Jetzt wird er mächtig beschäftigt sein, auch Strickjacke hat ihn an der Angel


RE: Autokauf von einem Scammer

#22 von Scambaiter , 23.01.2007 16:10

Ihr böhzen Buben, ihr = aber ihr gefallt mir...
MfG - Scambaiter
>Horas non numero nisi serenas<

Beiträge: 11.579
Registriert am: 01.01.2006

RE: Autokauf von einem Scammer

#23 von strickjacke ( gelöscht ) , 23.01.2007 21:12

Also Valerié Tusche, grell geschminkte Blondine versucht sich mal. Schaun wir mal.
Bei den Afrikanern komme ich ja in etwa dahinter wo Sie herkommen aber bei unseren
englischen Freunden scheitere ich. Harry Gefferson hatte mir auch mal kurz geantwortet aber hm.
Ich denke es ist der gleiche. Wobei der ja gleich mit der Tür ins Haus fällt.


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Datum: Mon, 22 Jan 2007 09:08:22 +0000 (GMT)
Von: "Hank Goete" <> Ins Adressbuch
Yahoo! DomainKeys hat bestätigt, dass diese Nachricht gesendet wurde von: Weitere Info
Betreff: Volvo XC 90 D5Premium NaviPlus
An: ********
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Hello there,

My name is HANK GOETE ,I am located in Belfast, Ireland and in a few words I want
to explain you my situation :the car was owned by my brother (Frank Goete)that was
student in Hamburg/Germany and because of his healty we was forced to bring it
back in Ireland and now two weeks ago he died....He has lived in Hamburg, where
he has rented an appartment and the car is there in the garage.I want to sell it
fast and that's why I ask a low price,because the montly rent for this appartment
is allmost 500 EUR and we cannot renunce at this appartment until we will sell the
car....I will answer to all your questions after i will receive the confirmation
that you agree with my terms of sale.....
**Feew weeks ago a person from Norway ,told to me that is 100% decided to buy the
car.I said Ok,we will meet in Hamburg and we will make the deal on spot.When I was
in Hamburg, no buyer and never responded to my emails or calls, so here is what I'm
sugesting you just to avoide to make the same mistake 2 times:-All the time that my
brother lived in Hamburg ,I have sent him money trough a cash transfer service, that
has a website too and with this service i'll have the necessarry prouve to take a
decision regardind my trip to Germany...The service name is Western Union Money Trasfer
and the website is You can find a Western Union Agency in your
location into a Bank or a Posstal Office. **You will have to choose a person from your
family (wife,husband,mother,father,sister) or your best friend to make a transfer of
EUR 3000 from his name (from yours location) into your name , but in Hamburg (like
then you are in Hamburg).The person that will wire the money into your name ,will be
the sender of the transfer and you the receiver and only you two will have the control
of this funds...after the transfer is done,the person that will wire the money will
receive a receipt from the western Union agent and all you have to do is to scan this
receipt and to send it to me attached trough e-mail....This paper will be enough for
me to see that you have the money and your interest in buying my car is my
turn, as soon as I will see the scanned receipt that will show me that this amount of
Eur 3000 is valid in your's western Union account in Hamburg, I will make some researches
at the Airport ,to see when I'll have flights to Hamburg .I will buy the plane ticket
for the first flight to Hamburg and I will scan it at my turn and I'll send it trough
e-mail to you , just to assure you that I am a man of my word....We will set up a place
and a time when we should meet in Hamburg after you will see my plane ticket so you
will be able to prepare your trip too,in case that you are not in Germany....
**I think that you'll understand my concerne and my terms of sale will not be a problem
for you if you really want the car and if you are a serious person....I don't want to buy
the plane ticket, to come and then to wait for you and maybe you will never come ,as my
first client from Norway ....I have lost a lot of money for that trip and my trust in
people.....If I will see the receipt ,then I will be sure that you have the money and
you will be there to wait for me when I will arrive in Hamburg.
**I want to make all clear and to tell you that. I have put a location from Germany at
random,just to be able to post my ad on I have found this web site on a
nd I have post the ad on others web sites too, because I want to sell it faster. When you will
come in Hamburg/Germany, we will go to a mechanic to confirm you that the car runs perfect
and to a Police office to confirm you that the car it's not stolen and it was owned by
my brother. If something is wrong with this car and if will not be as I have described
you,then I will pay for your trip and for the time that
you will lose... the car is in perfect conditions it's like new, I know how much my
brother took care of it and I have saw it when I was in Hamburg few weeks ago.....
I will transfer the documents of the car on your name and after that we both go to a
Western Union Office in Hamburg to get the money that has been sent from the person
from your family (wife,mother,father,sister) or your best friend..... **I have to
tell you that,to transfer money trough Western Union you will pay a commission .....
This is not a problem,because when we will meet in Hamburg/Germany ,I will refund
you the commission from my pocket...
**I will wait your answer only if you will agree with my proposal,if not don't reply
to waste my time with other ways to close the deal .... For more details feel free to
contact me anytime on my cell phone and if I will not be disponiblle or at work just
leave me a message and your phone number and I will call you as soon as I will receive it.....
My phone number is: 00447031897242 .
Or give me your phone number and i will call you.


zuletzt bearbeitet 23.01.2007 21:14 | Top

RE: Autokauf von einem Scammer

#24 von strickjacke ( gelöscht ) , 23.01.2007 21:17

Irgendwie hat der keine manieren und schein mächtig unter Druck zu stehen.


Datum: Tue, 23 Jan 2007 08:45:08 +0000 (GMT)
Von: "Hank Goete" <> Ins Adressbuch
Yahoo! DomainKeys hat bestätigt, dass diese Nachricht gesendet wurde von:
Betreff: RE: Volvo XC 90 D5Premium NaviPlus
An: "Valerie Tusche" <********>
there is none who can show you the car ... i am the only person who have the keys
from the garage ... so if you want to buy the car ... i must come there to show it to you ...

Let me know,

Valerie Tusche <*******> wrote:Hank,

sorry. I am in France tonight. I could be in Hamburg Friday. There must be a landlord
showing the car. If I buy it Key against cash in Ireland early February. What colour is it?
My husband likes black only!!!!! Angeboten hatte er mir erst einen schwazen dann einen silbernen

Valerié ,-))))))))

Hank Goete <> schrieb:
didn`t you read my first email?
Please read it again ... the car it is not in Ireland ... it is in Germany ...

Valerie Tusche <*****> wrote: Bonjour Hank,

I am a bit disapointed that you are offering wrong things. However as
I am am working as a consultant I will be travelling on the 29/01 to
East Kilbride/Scotland. I have to stay there for 2 weeks so I have a
weekend to go. I can take a Ferry and come over to Northern Ireland
to have a look to the Volvo. If needed my husband sends me temporary
number plates and I take the car back myself to Germany. What do you think?
Its most convenient for both of us without any Western Union and unnecesarry tarvel.
By the way what colour hat the Volvo. My men prefers black.

Au revoir


Aber auch der liest nur was er will



RE: Autokauf von einem Scammer

#25 von strickjacke ( gelöscht ) , 23.01.2007 21:28

Mal ein bischen gut wetter machen. An die Admins kann man den
Thread eigentlich in den geschlossenen Teil verschieben? Im übrige war mein
Freund 2005 schon mal tätig Damals mit einem Golf


Datum: Tue, 23 Jan 2007 21:24:19 +0100 (CET)
Von: "Valerie Tusche" <********> Ins Adressbuch
Betreff: Volvo
Bonsoir Hank,

I fully understand that you are not happy travelling to Germany and then nobody is there. But you have to understand as well that I no not send a man I do not know any money. I mean how can I know that you are real. I mean all I have is an Emailaddress. Would you send to me money without having a proove that I am real?
I am very interested in the car but how should we go ahead?

Au revoir

Valerié Tusche



RE: Autokauf von einem Scammer

#26 von Scambaiter , 23.01.2007 21:58

Ich habe es in den geschlossenen Bereich verschoben.
MfG - Scambaiter
>Horas non numero nisi serenas<

Beiträge: 11.579
Registriert am: 01.01.2006

RE: Autokauf von einem Scammer

#27 von strickjacke ( gelöscht ) , 23.01.2007 22:07



RE: Autokauf von einem Scammer

#28 von Coroner ( gelöscht ) , 24.01.2007 17:48

Mein Scammer scheint auch nicht sehr helle auf der Platte zu sein. Es sieht so aus, als hätte er den Inhalt meiner intelligenzlosen Mail garnicht verstanden.
Er schieb:

In Antwort auf:
If you are not agree with this depozit i will not have eny problem, you can come to my when you want i dont have problem but i will not keep the car for you until you are here..Let me explain to you way i want this depozit:
Just like you, they told me too many buyers and one day one buyer we told me for go with the car to him and he pay me the trip and buy the car.I dont now whay he never showed up.I dont want to make the same mistake and for lose others real buyers.I don`t know if you reale understand what i try to explain to you but i lose one time!!!
I dont know if you read good the propozition:
YOU will ask a friend to come with you to Western Union Office. HE will make a transfer so that HE will be the sender and YOU will be the receiver. YOU will receive the money from Western Union in UK,London
So the address of the receiver will be UK,London(In this way i`ll be sure that you`ll be in London and that you`ll buy the car).
Where is the problem?.But just like i told you can come here and i hope that i will not sell the car and we can have one deal together.
Thank you and have a good time.

Anna ist aber auch wirklich ein Dummchen, sie schreibt:
In Antwort auf:
Hallo Mister Geferson,

I understand what you mean, but how can I send mony to myself if I don´t even have any bankaccount at Western Union?
There is no Western Union Bank around me where I could open a bankaccount for this transfer.
Anyway to send money to a Western Union bankaccount in London, I should open a bankaccount in London, not here.
How can I do that and when I must go anyway to London to open a bankaccount there, than I can pay you the money directly instead, isn´t it?
I´d like to pay you the money, but how can I do so?
Don´t you have any bankaccount where I can send the money to?

Anna Zwickel

Das sollte ihn mal ein bisschen von seinem Script abbringen

zuletzt bearbeitet 24.01.2007 17:49 | Top

RE: Autokauf von einem Scammer

#29 von strickjacke ( gelöscht ) , 24.01.2007 20:20

Valerié wird Ihm ein Ticket in Belfast bei BA hinterlegen lassen. Der ist so unverschämt.


Bonsoir Hank,

when do you have time to travel to Hamburg?


Hank Goete <> schrieb:
In the case you dont understand me ... you will not send the money to my name
... i will get the money cash only from your hands when we will meet us in Hamburg ...
Your friend (e.g. John Smith) must send 3000 euro to your name (e.g. Jack Bone) in Hamburg ...
You can find Western Union office to the Post office from your city ... so your
friend will go there and ask to send some money ... and the people from Western
Union will give him an paper ... and he must fill there some details like ... name and address.
Your friend must write like that on the paper:
Sender name and address: your`s friend name (e.g. John Smith) ... and the address of your friend ...
Receiver name and address: your name (Jack Bone), Hamburg, Germany.
In that way you can pick up the money from WU in Hamburg, when we will meet, only
with your identity card or passport ...
And in that way i can be sure that you will be in Hamburg ... and i will be sure
also that you have the money to buy my car ...

Let me know,

Valerie Tusche <*******> wrote: Bonsoir Hank,

I fully understand that you are not happy travelling to Germany and then nobody is there. But you have to understand as well that I no not send a man I do not know any money. I mean how can I know that you are real. I mean all I have is an Emailaddress. Would you send to me money without having a proove that I am real?
I am very interested in the car but how should we go ahead?

Au revoir

Valerié Tusche


RE: Autokauf von einem Scammer

#30 von strickjacke ( gelöscht ) , 24.01.2007 20:49

André arbeitet jetzt auch mit. Überraschender weise spricht André kein Englisch mehr.
Ich hab noch einen an der Angel da bin ich mir aber nicht sicher ob das ein Scammer ist


can you read. I do not speak English. I have the text translated by Babelfisch.
Where I can regard the car. I live in sew from Frankfurt Main.

Many greetings

A. Leute-Sachen

Harry Geferson <> schrieb:

My name is Harry Karl Geferson ,
The car is still for sale.
Where are you located ? Please speak English !
If you are interested in my car please contact me.
Thank you,


RE: Autokauf von einem Scammer

#31 von strickjacke ( gelöscht ) , 24.01.2007 21:19

Der nervt und hat keine manieren. Sobald er laut gibt hinterlege ich Ihm ein Ticket.

Bonsoir Hank,

next week as I am busy this week and I have to go to Postbank on the weekend first. Which date should I put in my agenda.


Hank Goete <> schrieb:
this week after i see the Western union receipt


RE: Autokauf von einem Scammer

#32 von Coroner ( gelöscht ) , 24.01.2007 21:32

auweia, ob der das auf die Reihe kriegt, das ist nämlich immerwieder der ein und derselbe


RE: Autokauf von einem Scammer

#33 von strickjacke ( gelöscht ) , 24.01.2007 22:33

Die antworten werden immer spärlicher

Bonsoir Hank,

I get tired of your one sentence replys. Which day, which time, should I pick you somewhere up??????


Hank Goete <> schrieb:
yes, next week will be ok for me



RE: Autokauf von einem Scammer

#34 von Rattenfänger , 25.01.2007 00:46

Hallo Coroner und Strickjacke, den Hank Goete habe ich auch an der Leine, benötige das Auto dringrnd für Jagdausflüge, habe Ihm ein dickes Geschäft vorgeschlagen. Auto gegen Grundstück in Nigeria mit Einfamilienhaus, soll nur einen kleinen Wertausgleich von 25.000€ zahlen. Also bezahlt euer Auto, damit ich mein Geld bekomme.

Beiträge: 1.873
Registriert am: 27.05.2006

RE: Autokauf von einem Scammer

#35 von strickjacke ( gelöscht ) , 25.01.2007 19:34

Das könnte dir so passen. Der ist so beschäftigt mit Deinen m² in
Nigeria das er mir noch 3 Worte schreibt. Jetzt ist er auf der Strafbank.

By the way vermietest Du das Haus????

Im übrigen habe ich eine Mail einem Englisch Muttersprachler gezeigt,
der hat sich schlapp gelacht. Das ist bei Kjeld ein typischer falscher Freund
für einen Deutschen drinn. Actually heißt im Englischen wirklich und nicht gegenwärtig. Also Achtung.


RE: Autokauf von einem Scammer

#36 von Coroner ( gelöscht ) , 25.01.2007 19:48

Hallo Strickjacke,
dass das kein native englisch sprechender Mensch ist, ist mir schon früh aufgefallen.
Ich kann mir auch ganz gut vorstellen, dass das Gebäude dort in der Shaftesbury Avenue 125
wo die Mails herkommen, ein Office von yahoo ist wo er seine Mails ablädt.
Diese Adresse besitzt einen grossen IP-Block und genausoviele Telefonanschlüsse, das ist ein sehr grosser Bürokomplex.

Auch antwortet er mir meistens spätabends oder nachts, das könnte darauf hindeuten, dass er irgendwo im Osten sitzt.



RE: Autokauf von einem Scammer

#37 von strickjacke ( gelöscht ) , 25.01.2007 20:17

Copyright Agent
Legal Department
Yahoo! UK Ltd
125 Shaftesbury Avenue
London WC2H 8AD


RE: Autokauf von einem Scammer

#38 von Coroner ( gelöscht ) , 26.01.2007 08:27

Heute Nacht kam wieder eine Antwort von Harry Geferson:

In Antwort auf:
I thing that you don`t understand good.Western Union is one office.This is the fastes way to send money in all over the word.
(you can find one in each postal office or by visiting
Ask a friend of yours to transfer the money(3800EUR) via Western Union on your name ( in this way you are the only person able to pick them up and there is no chance to lose them ) and a London address. After the transfer is done send me the scanned paper from western Union as proof. If you will do that it means you are a serious person and you have only good intentions. This is all you have to do.So all i must to know is your answer as soon as possible.
Thank you and have a good night.

Aber Anna hat wirklich nur zwei Gehirnwindungen, die anderen wurden bei der schweren Geburt glatt gezogen, wovon eine damit beschäftigt ist ihr Sexualleben zu steuern.
Sie schreibt:

In Antwort auf:
Hallo Mister Geferson,

sorry, but at our post-office is no other office like Western Union.
Also I have no friend who can send me that much money for bying a car.
I´m not married, have no husband and no friends here.
Anyway I´m wondering how to can send mony to a place where is nobody who knows me.
If I send mony to myself in London, how people there at Western Union want to know, that it´s for me? they don´t even know me.
They will send it back immediately.
I think it wont work.

Please tell me if there is any other way to transfer the mony.
Anyway I would prefer to come over, pick up the car and pay you the price.
Mony from hand to hand, that´s much easyer.

Anna Zwickel

Es ist wirklich nicht einfach sämtliche Intelligenz einfach abzulegen


RE: Autokauf von einem Scammer

#39 von Coroner ( gelöscht ) , 26.01.2007 11:00

jetzt isser aber enttäuscht, er hat noch nichteinmal gemerkt, dass Anna eine Frau ist:

In Antwort auf:
Sir i`m sorry but without a deposit done i will not keep the car for you.All you have to do is very simple but you don`t whant to understand.So have a great day and thank you.

Ich würde ihm ja jetzt gerne ein Scambaiter-Certificate schicken, aber dann würde er gewarnt sein und ich will euch nicht den Bait kaputt machen.
Ich warte mal noch n bisschen, vielleicht fällt mir noch was anderes ein.



RE: Autokauf von einem Scammer

#40 von strickjacke ( gelöscht ) , 26.01.2007 15:48

Dann lass uns doch zum Schluß ein Sammelzertifikat schreiben



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