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Präsidentenwitwe Veronica Taylor und ein Berliner Bauarbeiter

#1 von Scambaiter , 27.01.2007 00:50

Handelnde Personen im ersten Akt:

Präsidentenwitwe Frau Veronica Taylor, aus Monrovia Liberia
Harz IV. Empfänger und Bauarbeiter Herr Vonmir Kriegstdunix, aus Berlin DE

Alles beginnt damit, dass Herr V. Kriegstdunix, im neuen Jahr viel Glück hat.
Er bekommt nach langerer Arbeitslosigkeit wieder Arbeit.
Dem milden Winter sei Dank.
Und dann starb Anfang 2007 seine Oma, und vermachte ihm ein Erbe, von 23.000,-- Euro.

Und dann machte Vonmir einen Fehler. Er kaufte sich einen Computer.
Dabei hat er weder vom Internet noch von der englischen Sprache eine Ahnung.
Just in diesem Moment, tritt eine Frau in sein Leben, in Form einer Mail.
Es ist die Witwe des ehemaligen Präsidenten von Liberia, Carles Taylor.

Und nun nimmt das Unheil seinen Lauf...
In Antwort auf:
Date: Mon, 15 Jan 2007 09:41:09 +0100 (GMT+01:00)
Subject: Can I Trust You?
Dear Friend,

How are you today? I hope all is well with you and your family.

My name is veronica Taylor, I am resident in Monrovia the
capital city of Liberia.I am the wife to the former President of
Liberia (Charles Taylor).I am a 48 years old woman with three children,
I am a devouted christain.

Sequel to the recent arrest of my husband
at a nigerian border town by custom officials and his consequent
transfer to Sierra Leone for trial for war crime which he was accused
to have committed during the war in my country Liberia and a
neighbouring country (Sierra Leone).I am afraid that the hit might soon
turn on us (his immediate relatives). I therefore urgently want to
acquire a property (HOUSE) as i wish to relocate my children out of
this country for safety and also to start a new life before this
present turn around of event affects the future of my children and i.
My choice of property are duplex houses with about four or five
bedrooms in a very peaceful and quiet city.The prices of which I expect
to range between US$500,000.00 to USD700,000,00 .The mode of payment
will not be a problem for I am paying you cash. PLEASE CAN I TRUST AND
CONFIDE IN YOU? The war in my country and the present happenings
concerning my husband has taken a different toll as many people are
still being killed silently and i do not think my children and i are
safe here.

Due to security reasons, I will not be able to call you
and you can not call me too as our telephone lines are being bugged.

Please contact me as soon as possible.

Best regards
Mrs Taylor
Anmerkung: Alle engl. Texte die Vonmir Kriegstdunix schreibt, stammen vom Babelfish.
MfG - Scambaiter
>Horas non numero nisi serenas<

Beiträge: 11.580
Registriert am: 01.01.2006

zuletzt bearbeitet 27.01.2007 | Top

RE: Präsidentenwitwe Veronica Taylor und ein Berliner Bauarbeiter

#2 von Scambaiter , 27.01.2007 00:56


Obwohl Vonmir Kriegstdunix von "Tuten und Blasen" keine Ahnung hat, antwortet er trotzdem.
Hoffentlich wird er es nicht bereuen.

In Antwort auf:
Date: Tue, 16 Jan 2007 13:07:00 +1100 (EST)
Subject: Re: Can I Trust You?
Dear Mrs. Veronica Taylor,

Thank you for your offer which is very interesting for
me. Please tell me more details.
I would it like to help you.

Best regards from Germany,

Mr. Vonmir Kriegstdunix

MfG - Scambaiter
>Horas non numero nisi serenas<

Beiträge: 11.580
Registriert am: 01.01.2006

RE: Präsidentenwitwe Veronica Taylor und ein Berliner Bauarbeiter

#3 von Scambaiter , 27.01.2007 01:13


Die brave Witwe antwortet sogleich.

In Antwort auf:
Date: Tue, 16 Jan 2007 08:18:09 +0000 (GMT)
Subject: Re: Can I Trust You?
Dear Mr. Vonmir Kriegstdunix

thanks for your willingness to help me out of this situation.God will bless you and be with you in your time of needs as you have decided to help me.pls note that everything about the transaction is legitimate so you don't have to have any fear about it.

what i urgently want you to do is to help me look for a good house to buy in in your country as i wish to relocate my children out of this place and settle down with them in a new peaceful place.the situation has even become worst since my husband was arrested in nigeria and handed over to the united nations for trial on what they insincerely called war crime they claimed he commited during his liberation of the Liberian people.
My choice of property is duplex house with about four or five bedrooms in a very spacious compound, peaceful and quiet city.The prices of which I expect to range between USD$700,000 and US$1,500,000.00 .The mode of payment will not be a problem for I will be sending you the money for payment to you through a bank to bank wire transfer or check depending on what you want.

pls i need you to do this for me without delay as the security risk i am facing here is becoming dangerious for my children and i as soon as you inform me that the house has been found with details of how to send you the money and the total amount you need,i shall instruct my bank to send you the money for the payment.please include your commission to whatever the price of the house is.i would very much appreciate if you could send me the scanned picture of the house but this is not compulsory.

Due to security reasons, I will not be able to call you and you can not call me too as our telephone lines are buggedalso pls make sure you do not tell anybody no matter how close the person is to you as i do not want anybody to know about my plan to relocate out of my country.pls my friend this is important to my safety and that of my children.

meanwhile,i will like you to include your telephone number in your next reply as the bank might want to call you before transferring the money for payment for the house to you.

further,i would appreciate if you can keep this my relationship with you secret as we don't know who is closest friend can reveal my plan to anybody and if my government get to know about my plan i can be stopped as they want to see to the end of anything that gets to do with taloy's family.this is why i am appealing to you to keep out communication secret.

Please contact me as soon as possible.

your sister in need,

Und weil ein Bauarbeiter nun mal baut, hat er nicht gleich Zeit zum antworten.
Zumal ihm das alles noch ein wenig unheimlich ist.
Aber schon drängt Witwe Veronica zur Eile.
In Antwort auf:
Date: Thu, 18 Jan 2007 23:08:57 +0000 (GMT)
Subject: Re: Can I Trust You?
my friend,

pls note that i am still waiting for you to know what next to do.

pls tell me if you are still interested in helping me or not.i would like know your answer because i don't want to contact another person until you tell me what you have decided.

your sister,


MfG - Scambaiter
>Horas non numero nisi serenas<

Beiträge: 11.580
Registriert am: 01.01.2006

RE: Präsidentenwitwe Veronica Taylor und ein Berliner Bauarbeiter

#4 von Scambaiter , 27.01.2007 01:25


So, nun hatte unserer wackerer Baupolier Zeit gefunden, eine holprige Antwort zu verfassen.

In Antwort auf:
Date: Sun, 21 Jan 2007 11:01:17 +1100 (EST)
Subject: Re: Can I Trust You?
Dear Mrs. Veronica Taylor

Quite thank you for your Mail of 16.01.07!
One question, from where do you become my e-mail
address? My coputer is brand-new. And my e-mail
address too. So my basic knowledge for computer equals zero.
Further I would like to apologize for my bad English.
I learned the language in my spare time.

I was few years an unemployed person, and there I had
visited the people's highschool. Until recently I
lived on the social welfare assistance.

But to 02.01.07 my granny died. And the dear granny
left 23000 Euro to me. Actually I do not know yet at
all, what I am to make with many the money. They as
one experience woman, can me surely good pieces of advice give.

Before I forget it, my first name is Vonmir and my
surname Kriegstdunix. I live in Berlin Germany and am
by occupation bricklayer foreman on building sites in
Berlin. I am 38 years old. Give with please exact
instructions which I to make are.
That is my first time that I have to do with international business.

So please dear Mrs. Verionica Taylor,
explain me what I can do for you, thank you so much.


Mr.Vonmir Kriegstdunix

MfG - Scambaiter
>Horas non numero nisi serenas<

Beiträge: 11.580
Registriert am: 01.01.2006

RE: Präsidentenwitwe Veronica Taylor und ein Berliner Bauarbeiter

#5 von Scambaiter , 27.01.2007 01:36


Natürlich kommt die Antwort umgehend.
Dabei fällt etwas auf, sie geht im Detail auf die Fragen ein, die Kriegstdunix stellt.

In Antwort auf:
Date: Mon, 22 Jan 2007 09:31:17 +0000 (GMT)
Subject: Can I Trust You?{pls reply today with you phone number}
my brother Vonmir Kriegstdunix,

thanks so much for your reply to my mail after much silence.i apprecaite.don't bother about your english,it is ok.i quite understand it.

as regards your question about how i got your mail address.i got it on my search for somebody who will help me get a house in germany to buy and move down to germany to settle with my children.immediately i saw your email address,my spirit which i beleive is from God told me to mail you and ask for your assistance concerning this issue to my moving out of my children to germany.the spirit to me that you will be of a agreat help to me and will be somebody that can be trusted with money.that was why i sent you the mail immediately i saw your email address.

thank God you are involve in building of houses{as a bricklayer}.what i want you to do for me immediately is to help me look for good house which i can buy and move my family to germany.i want to settle in germany and establish some business as i want to settle down and start a new life in i want you to immediately help me look for a house i can buy.tell me the price of the house and i will send you the money to pay for the house.the house must be a four or five bedroom duplex with a large compound and modern facilities.
i thank God for the money you said you just got from your granny.that will be a great help to you.i will also be moving the sum of about $12,000,000 to germany to set up businesses.i think we can enter into buisiness partnership with your money and my money when i come over.i hope you will know good areas of business in germany where we can invest and make good money with both your money and the money i shall be bring in for business establishment in germany.

pls ensure you get this house without delay and tell me the total amount i need to send to you for the payment for the house and the commission you will be charging me for your services.i need this urgently becuase my children and i are facing a great risk of being killed here by government agent who are ready to see to the end of anything that bear the name taylor.

meanwhile,my dear brother,i want you to keep this our communication concerning my moving down to germany a top secret even to your closest friend as i don't want anybody else to know about my plan to relocate to germany.this is because if my government gets to know about it they will stop me from moving out and this will not be to my interest and that of my children.therefore,pls see that you do not discuss this issue with anybody.

i will be hoping to get the information about the house from you including the total price for the house and the commission you want me to pay you.

pls send me your phone number too as my lawyer said he would like to speak with you before we can move forward.pls send me your direct phone number immediately so that i can forward it to the lawyer to call you.this is very important pls.

i hope to hear from you.

best reagrds,

your sister,


MfG - Scambaiter
>Horas non numero nisi serenas<

Beiträge: 11.580
Registriert am: 01.01.2006

RE: Präsidentenwitwe Veronica Taylor und ein Berliner Bauarbeiter

#6 von Scambaiter , 27.01.2007 01:50


Und weil arbeiten auf dem Bau "schlaucht", kommt unser B.-Arbeiter wieder nicht gleich zum antworten.
Aber Sister Veronica macht es dringend.

Wieso eigentlich Schwester Veronica ?
Hat sie inzwischen ihr Schwesteren Examen gemacht?
Welche Richtung, große Krankenpflege oder kleine?
( Ich weiß, in Englisch würde das nurse bedeuten)

In Antwort auf:
Date: Thu, 25 Jan 2007 10:21:50 +0000 (GMT)
Subject: Re: Can I Trust You?
my brother,

i am still waiting to hear from you.have you been able to get the house for me?pls reply so that i will know.this delay in your reply is giving a source of continue delay in leaving this place is risky to me pls tell me if you still want to he me.

also i need your phone number as the lawyer wants to call you for get some information from you to enable him put everything in order as regard the tranfer of the money to you for the purchase of the house.

pls i need your urgent reply.

your sister,


MfG - Scambaiter
>Horas non numero nisi serenas<

Beiträge: 11.580
Registriert am: 01.01.2006

RE: Präsidentenwitwe Veronica Taylor und ein Berliner Bauarbeiter

#7 von Scambaiter , 27.01.2007 01:59


Nun hat sich V.K. der Polier zu einer Antwort entschlossen.
Er musste sich ja auch noch um den Hauskaufwunsch von Frau Taylor kümmern.

In Antwort auf:
Date: Fri, 26 Jan 2007 12:31:37 +1100 (EST)
Subject: Re: Can I Trust You?{pls reply today with you phone number}
My dear sister Veronica Taylor,

thanks for your mail.

Thus dear sister, you writes too complicated. Can't
you a little more clearly write which you now exactly
from me want? The telephone number I give you gladly.

It remembers however that I have to do much and daily
on build are for working. I am now a foreman. And must
worry about 12 building workers. So that all this make
correct. I help naturally gladly during your money transfer.

How is to go however? I can give you my account
number. Then you can transfer equal to money. And then
you come simply to Germany. And I return your portion
of the money to you. There we do not need nevertheless
much time in addition. The money please equal mornings
transfer. Then it is next week already in Berlin.

Like that that was it for today. Here still my
telephone number: ++ 49 - 69 - xxx 950 388 xx

You have still in demand which a house with 5 bedrooms
cost. For what do you need 5 bedrooms? Do you want to
sleep each night in another room? Strangely, but no
matter, if you pay. It will cost so for instance
500,000 to 900,000 €. Without development land.
That costs specially, thus around the 350,000 €.
At least you need (all in all) ~ 1,4 million Euro or 2,0 million US Dollar.

Best regards your brother in christ and god bless you,

Mr. Vonmir Kriegstdunix

MfG - Scambaiter
>Horas non numero nisi serenas<

Beiträge: 11.580
Registriert am: 01.01.2006

RE: Präsidentenwitwe Veronica Taylor und ein Berliner Bauarbeiter

#8 von Scambaiter , 27.01.2007 02:24


[Anmerkung: Da ich der Mugudame von "Australien" aus antworte, muss man die Zeitverschiebung beachten. Im Winter 11 Stunden.
Dadurch ist es so, dass die Anwort aus Muguland eher ankommt, als meine Mail, die ich angeschickt habe.]

Sister Taylor hat für alles eine Erklärung. Und das mit dem Geld überweisen, scheint auch kein Problem zu sein.
Wie gut, dass Vonmir ein Konto bei der Berliner BBP-Bank hat :rolleyes:.

In Antwort auf:
Date: Fri, 26 Jan 2007 09:15:33 +0000 (GMT)
Subject: Re: Can I Trust You?{pls reply today with you phone number}
my brotherVonmir Kriegstdunix,

thanks for your mail and the details well understand.i will be writing you in small english from now.

please note that i need the four or five bedrooms for myself and my three children.i may be needing domestic staff in my house you can see why i ned the four or five bedroom house.

i have asked my bank to transfer the sum of $2,000,000 into your i want you to please send me your bank account details so that the bank can transfer the $2,000,000 into your account so that you can buy the house for me.i will then come over to germany as soon as you tell me that you have bought the house for me.
pls send me your bank account details as follow.

1}bank name

pls send it today so that the bank can transfer the money to you on monday.
thanks and God bless you my brother.
your sister,


MfG - Scambaiter
>Horas non numero nisi serenas<

Beiträge: 11.580
Registriert am: 01.01.2006

zuletzt bearbeitet 02.02.2007 | Top

RE: Präsidentenwitwe Veronica Taylor und ein Berliner Bauarbeiter

#9 von Scambaiter , 27.01.2007 19:25


Unserer wackerer Bauarbeiter hat mit seinen schwieligen Händen eine Antwort verfasst.
Die Telefonnummer seiner Bank hat er vergessen.
Die anderen Daten bekommt sie.

Im Gegenzug muss sie aber nun auch einige Dokumente beibringen.

In Antwort auf:
Date: Sun, 28 Jan 2007 04:56:54 +1100 (EST)
Subject: Re: Can I Trust You?{pls reply today with you phone number}
Loves sister Veronica!

Thank you for your Mail.
You always write “your sister”. Did you learn sister?
In the hospital or in another mechanism?
How long did you use up to the state examination?

For the house I will strive. I already received a few offers.
Should the house be more in the city centre or at the edge of Berlin?
With the transfer of the 2 Millonen dollar is no problem.
I give you my account data here:

BBP- Finanztransferinstitut Berlin
D-14195 Berlin
Am Spreebogen 14

Account name (owner) Vonmir Kriegstdunix
· BLZ : 10120500
· KONTO: 1572484778 (Account number)
· IBAN : DE91101205001572484778

IMPORTANTLY: The bank said to me, I needs some documents for the transfer, from you.
The following you must send to me:

= Your passport copy
= Your birth certificate
= Death certificate of the spouse (your man)
= Proof of the legal property of the 2 Mill. dollar

I think that can you to me fast send.
I do not need that everything, I trust you to 1100000%!
But the bank wants to have it. I am safe, you know as rich of business woman exactly.

i wait for your documents, till them god bless you so much,

Your brother in the spirit -

und Vonmir Kriegstdunix

MfG - Scambaiter
>Horas non numero nisi serenas<

Beiträge: 11.580
Registriert am: 01.01.2006

RE: Präsidentenwitwe Veronica Taylor und ein Berliner Bauarbeiter

#10 von Scambaiter , 30.01.2007 03:11


Schwester Veronica wird mir unheimlich.
Sie hat 2 Millionen $ zum überweisen.
Sie will nach DE kommen, um ein Haus zu kaufen.
Sie hat Kontakt zu ihrem lover...äh

Aber, sie hat keinen Pass, keine Geburtsurkunde, keine Sterbeurkunde vom Gatten...nichts.
Wie soll das funktionieren? Da muss der Bauarbeiter gehörig nachfragen.

Ach ja, und der lawyer ist zu blöd zum telefonieren.
Schon zwei mal haben sie versucht, die Arcor Nummer anzurufen.
Aber man hört nichts, da die Verbindung jeweils nur Sekunden bestanden hat.

In Antwort auf:
Date: Mon, 29 Jan 2007 09:16:31 +0000 (GMT)
Subject: Re: Can I Trust You?{pls reply today with you phone number}

thanks for your mail and the bank information.i have forwarded the details to the bank.they will contact you soonest to inform you when the $2,000,000 will be sent to you.

pls note that i can not send the information you asked for to your i told you earlier i lost all i had during the bombing of our official residence by the rebel soldier.i have sent you the only picture i have now.i don't have as all these were burned during the bombing.
= Your passport copy
= Your birth certificate
= Death certificate of the spouse (your man)

thanks once again for the bank detail.meanwhile,the lawyer said he tried to call you but your line did not go through.pls send the phone number again.

i hope to hear from you.

your sister,


MfG - Scambaiter
>Horas non numero nisi serenas<

Beiträge: 11.580
Registriert am: 01.01.2006

RE: Präsidentenwitwe Veronica Taylor und ein Berliner Bauarbeiter

#11 von Scambaiter , 31.01.2007 03:54


Nun stellt sich heraus, Veronica ist von der "Schnellen Truppe".
Nicht mal die Antwort von Vonmir abwartend, kommt die erste Kostennote.
Von Veronicas Bank, der "First city bank".

Pech gehabt, mein Name ist Programm "Vonmir Kriegstdunix" aber wirklich nix.

In Antwort auf:
Date: Tue, 30 Jan 2007 11:21:43 +0000 (GMT)
From: "first city" <fcb***>
Subject: Pay Advice From First City Bank{On Mrs.Taylor Veronica}
To: *** [Edit - Delete]
CC: ***
Attn:Mr.Und Vonmir Kriegstdunix

Sequel to the receipt of your bank account details,Bank Name:BBP- Finanztransferinstitut Berlin,Address: D-14195 Berlin,Am Spreebogen 14,Deutschland-Germany,Account Name:Vonmir Kriegstdunix,Account No:1572484778 ,Swift Code:PAPPDEBEXXX,BLZ: 10120500,IBAN : DE91101205001572484778 from our client,Mrs.Taylor Veronica,be informed that all necessary arrangements had been concluded for the transfer of the sum of $2,000,000 into your account as requested by our client.Your bank data has been computed by our telex department in readiness for the remittance of the fund.

Meanwhile,as foreign payment regulatory policy guideline directive given to us by the federal government through the Federal Ministry of Finance as regard foreign remittance in respect to such payment,you are urgently required to pay acompulsory 0.013%{260} of the total sum of $2,000,000,NERFUND tax{national economic Recovery fund tax}which must come from the fund beneficiary country to enable us remit the fund into your account without further delay.

Please note that this tax fee has to come from beneficiary's country for NEDFUND official recording and permission before we can be permitted to make any international remittance ,therefore it is not detuctable from the original sum or paid by the bank.Also please be informed that this tax is not being paid to the bank as we do not charge our client transfer fee.

The payment should be made immediately through Western Union Money Transfer in the name of the chief cashier of NERFUND thus:

Text question:Payment made by
Answer:Vonmir Kriegstdunix

You are to send the payment information which must include sender's name and address,text question and answer,city and country the payment is made from and western union payment control number to either this mailbox or directly to nerfund email can make the payment through Western Union Agent nearest to you for quicker service.

As soon as the payment confirmation of the Nerfund $260 tax is received and recorded by NEDFUND,your $2,000,000 shall be remitted and this is confirmable in your account within 24 banking hours.

Please call the Director,Foreign Operations,Pastor Peter Okolie on his direct phone number:2348035010344 immediately the tax payment is made for further directive in regard to the remittance of the fund.

We await your urgent compliance to this directive to enable us remit the fund without delay.

Yours faithfully,

For Director,Foreign Operations

MfG - Scambaiter
>Horas non numero nisi serenas<

Beiträge: 11.580
Registriert am: 01.01.2006

zuletzt bearbeitet 31.01.2007 | Top

RE: Präsidentenwitwe Veronica Taylor und ein Berliner Bauarbeiter

#12 von Scambaiter , 31.01.2007 04:58

11 dieser Antwort, wird die Witwe keine Freude finden.

In Antwort auf:
Date: Wed, 31 Jan 2007 14:48:29 +1100 (EST)
Subject: Re: Can I Trust You?{pls reply today with you phone number}
Dear sister Veronica,

Thank you for yours mail.
But why you do not answer to my questions? I asked you politely, when you learned sister. I powers that gladly know. I am glad to know so an intelligent and clever woman.
Then you, you write to me you was sent one photo to me. When, do you sent? I do not have a photo from you received.

Next problem: I cannot receive the money on my account, without documents. Germany is a tidy country with laws. And it does not permit this anti-terror laws, that I have suddenly 2 million on my account. And not to prove it can from where the money comes. Then faster the police comes as you thinks, and expropriates your millions.
Do you want to lose your money? In addition I could be a cheat, and steal your money.

Still another further problem, you do write you have not:
= Your passport copy
= Your birth certificate
= Death certificate of the spouse (your man)
= Proof of the legal property of the 2 Mill. USD $$

How do you want to travel to Germany, without passport? In addition you must have a visa. Which I must procure to you. And but I need your passport and the death certificate also. Naturally for the bank the proof of title.
About the 2.000.000,00 $$

And for visas I still your birth certificate bulge out.
You are thus not at all prepared, for the business. But only once you wrote me rashly.

Thus give you trouble that you procure fast the documents. But there are archives and authorities. Those give you a replacement passport and a copy of your documents. And for the 2 Mill. you can send also account statements to me. You get those always directly from your bank.

You wrote me, you give the whole documents to your lawyer. But now I got one mail from a bank. I do not know this bank at all. The bank writes me, I have to send in ADVANCE money, in your name. That you must explain to me!
Thanks and answer quick with the documents for quick completion of the affair.


Foreman und Vonmir Kriegstdunix

MfG - Scambaiter
>Horas non numero nisi serenas<

Beiträge: 11.580
Registriert am: 01.01.2006

RE: Präsidentenwitwe Veronica Taylor und ein Berliner Bauarbeiter

#13 von Scambaiter , 01.02.2007 03:42


Isse nun so doof, oder tut sie nur so?
Fragt nach der Antwort, auf die sie wartet. Und hat sie (die Antwort) darunter angehängt...

In Antwort auf:
Date: Wed, 31 Jan 2007 16:34:34 +0000 (GMT)
Subject: Re: Can I Trust You?{pls reply today with you phone number}
my brother,

i am still waiting for your reply to my last mail.

your sister, veronica
*** wrote:

Dear sister Veronica,

Thank you for yours mail.
But why you do not answer to my questions? I asked you politely, when you learned sister. I powers that gladly know. I am glad to know so an intelligent and clever woman.
Then you, you write to me you was sent one photo to me. When, do you sent? I do not have a photo from you received. [...]
In Antwort auf:
Date: Thu, 1 Feb 2007 13:17:24 +1100 (EST)
Subject: Re: Can I Trust You?{pls reply today with you phone number}
Below you see and find my answer to you!

I was wrote to you on:

Wed, 31 Jan 2007 14:48:29 +1100 (EST)

And I see, you was got this mail below.

So why you ask for that?

Yours Foreman und Vonmir Kriegstdunix

MfG - Scambaiter
>Horas non numero nisi serenas<

Beiträge: 11.580
Registriert am: 01.01.2006

RE: Präsidentenwitwe Veronica Taylor und ein Berliner Bauarbeiter

#14 von Scambaiter , 02.02.2007 02:03


Ein Anfang ist gemacht. Foto und Kontoauszug haben wir schon mal.
Da liegt nun ein Kontoauszug vor, der ein Guthaben von 13,5 Millionen USD aufweist.

Witwe Taylor hat also ~ 10 Mill. Euro auf einem Konto in Lagos.
Kann aber weder "vorn noch hinten" hoch.
Jeder "zweite Wort" ihres Geschreibsel, ist: "can not".
Darüber ist Vonmir Kriegstdunix nicht amused.

Und die überaus wichtige Frage, wo sie denn nun de Beruf einer Sister gelernt hat,
ist immer noch nicht beantwortet.
Da muss nachgefragt werden.

In Antwort auf:
Date: Thu, 1 Feb 2007 09:55:18 +0000 (GMT)
Subject: this what i sent to you.
my friend,

i have answered your questions about passport,birth certificate and others.i told you that the passport and all other personal things we had was burned when our official residence was bombed by the rebel soldier.i will attached my picture and a statement of account in this mail as the bank sent it to me this morning on my request.all other documents will be sent to you by the bank immediately the fund is being transferred into your account.according to the bank,it can not be sent before the money is transferred but will be sent to you as the $2,000,000 is being transferred.

all the documents you need including the drug law and anti_terrorost certificate will be sent to you immediately the fund is transferred as the bank can not send it before fund is transferred.the bank said as soon as you pay the NERFUND charge and they receive the fund release order from Nerfund,they will transfer the fund and send you the necessary documents including the anti-terrorist certificate.

please note that arrangement will be made by the security guides that are guiding us on how i will travel immediately you inform me that you have bought the house.that will not be a serious problem as long as you are sure that the house has been bought.the security guides only want me to assured them that i have got where i want to stay then they will make arrangement for my travelling out.

the bank that wrote you is the the bank that is holding the money for me in trust and want to transfer the $2,000,000 i instructed them to transfer to your is my bank and they said they are ready to transfer the money as i instructed them.they said the $2,000,000 will be transferred as soon as you make the nerfund tax payment.the bank said this tax has to be paid to nerfund compulsorily before transfer can be make out of the country.they said it is called national economic recovery fund which must be paid before the transfer has to be made.

i am therefore begging you to please send the nerfund payment so that the $2,000,000 can be transferred to you enable you buy the house so that i can come over to germany as soon as possible and settle down with my family.

i hope to hear you today possibly informing me that the nerfund payment has been made..

your sister,

attached is my picture and the statement of account.

...Sister Veronica Taylor

MfG - Scambaiter
>Horas non numero nisi serenas<

Beiträge: 11.580
Registriert am: 01.01.2006

RE: Präsidentenwitwe Veronica Taylor und ein Berliner Bauarbeiter

#15 von Scambaiter , 03.02.2007 07:36


...und wieder drängeld die Witwe. Dabei ist alles so einfach.
Sie überweist die 2 Mill. USD auf das Konto in Berlin.
Anfallende Kosten/Gebühren kann sie einfach von der Summe anziehen.
Bzw. von ihren Guthaben von $ 13.500.000,00 USD bezahlen.

Und die überaus wichtige Frage, wo sie nun "Schwester" gelernt hat,
ist immer noch nicht beantwortet.

In Antwort auf:
Date: Fri, 2 Feb 2007 16:05:50 +0000 (GMT)
Subject: Re: Can I Trust You?{pls reply today with you phone number}
my friend,

i am very sure you received my yesterday details mail to you.pls reply so that i will know what to do,tell me straight if you are not helping so that i will know which way forward instead of keeping me quiet.

i hope to hear from you today.

your friend,.

Herr Foreman Vonmir Kriegstdunix antwortet daher etwas "ungehalten".
In Antwort auf:
Date: Sat, 3 Feb 2007 16:34:01 +1100 (EST)
Subject: Re: this what i sent to you.
Loved sister Veronoka,

Thanks for yours mails. Again you have so much and snap written.
Please somewhat simply for me write, THANKS!

Naturally I help you after forces.
Only I have the impression that you my mails at all does not read.
Why you do not answer me to mene question, where you learned sister.
It interests me much!

Already again write you, all your documents are burned.
Thus still once the question, how you want to come without passport to Germany?

And why did you transfer the money not long to my account?
Thereby if costs/fees should arise, you can pay it nevertheless completely simply.

There are two possibilities:
Either you take the sum off simply from the millions.
Or you pay it from your US$ 13.5000.000, 00!
Therenevertheless still so much millions are remaining that you can pay those few dollar.

I have ady a few houses select, which stand to the sales.
I will send to you with my next mail a few photos.


Love from,

Foreman und Vonmir Kriegstdunix

MfG - Scambaiter
> Horas non numero nisi serenas <

Beiträge: 11.580
Registriert am: 01.01.2006

zuletzt bearbeitet 04.02.2007 | Top

RE: Präsidentenwitwe Veronica Taylor und ein Berliner Bauarbeiter

#16 von Scambaiter , 04.02.2007 00:20

15 so was, "Sister Veronica" hat Probleme das English von Vonmir Kriegstdunix zu verstehen.
Dabei schreibt er doch - fast - Oxford Englisch .

Wie auch immer, sie versteht mich nicht. Und ich sie wiederum auch nicht.
Das ist eine glänzende Grundlage, für Geschäfte aller Art...

Und die Grundsatzfrage, wo sie Sister gelernt hat, ist immer noch nicht beantwortet.

In Antwort auf:
Date: Sat, 3 Feb 2007 08:21:47 +0000 (GMT)
Subject: Re: this what i sent to you.
my brother,

thanks for your mail,although it is difficult to understand some of your english.

pls note that arrangment will be made for my coming to germany immediately you inform me that you have bought the house.coming to germany will not be a problem as long as you get the house for me.the securitymen will arrange for that,so do not worry about that.all i need is for you to arrange for the house,then coming to germany will not be any problem.arrangement for that will be done by the security bguide guiding us.

the money can not be transferred until the $260 fee is paid.that is why the money has not been transferred.please note that at present i do not have money of my own at hand presently as my children and i currently depend on daily allowance we are being giving by the Ecomog soldier{west african peace keeping soldiers} for our daily feeding as all my funds are in the bank and due to the agreement i enterred with the bank on my desperate move to move the money out of my native country Liberia,i will not be able to lay my hands on this money until i am able to come over after you must have helped me to buy the house.

this agreement makes it mandatory that i will not able able to withdraw any amount less than $150,000 and it has to be for a major project such as we are about to do.this means i can not ask the bank to send you such a little money and also the bank can not send me such money.infact it will risky for the bank to send money to me in this place.i can only make direct transaction with them after my leaving this place and any direct financial transaction i make now might lead to surious implication to me.

i am threfore begging to you in the name of God to please try all you can to raise this money{$260} and send to nerfund as requested to enable the bank transfer the fund for the house to you as according to them the only thing that is holding the transfer now is the $260 fee which nerfund is requesting before they will allow for the transfer.please make sure you do this before thursday as our continuous stay here potends danger to us{my children and i}.

i will pay you back whatever you spend as soon as i come over.apart from this i have other plans for both of us which i will reveal to you when i come can even collect the $260 from the $2,000,000 the bank to transfer to you immediately the money gets into your account.

pls my brother Kriegstdunix,do me this little favour for the sake of my children's life,mine and for the sake of God.pls save our lifes from this danger.pls ensure you do this as urgent as possible as i am afraid of what may come upon us if we continue staying here more than not allow this little money to stop you from saving our are saving souls not particularly because of our sake but you are doing it for God.i am begging you pls to do me this favour by sending the money to them so that the $2,000,000 can be transferred to you without further delay.

i shall be expecting a positive answer from you and i pray that God should give you the heart to consider our lifes and save us from this difficult situation.

best regards and God bless you as i hope to meet with you soon.i shall also be expecting the pictures of the houses you have seen.


mrs.taylor veronica.

MfG - Scambaiter
> Horas non numero nisi serenas <

Beiträge: 11.580
Registriert am: 01.01.2006

zuletzt bearbeitet 04.02.2007 | Top

RE: Präsidentenwitwe Veronica Taylor und ein Berliner Bauarbeiter

#17 von Scambaiter , 04.02.2007 12:23


Veronica beklagt sich und V.K. auch.
Mal sehen wohin das führt, der Babelfish lässt grüßen.

Ach ja, fünf Häuser hat sie nun zur Auswahl.
Mal sehen, welches ihr gefällt.

In Antwort auf:
Date: Sun, 4 Feb 2007 21:38:11 +1100 (EST)
Subject: Re: this what i sent to you.
Loves sister Veronica,

Thank you for your Mail. You write that you do not
understand so correctly my mails. I DO NOT UNDERSTAND

You write only long ones and insignificant mails. You
cannot seize times briefly together, which you want.
And like that practically to function is.

And which I do not understand at all, why I am to pay
something! You want to transfer money, not I. I ever
did not hear that one which in advance to pay is only
because one money to its account transferred get.

Well however I make it for you for Veronica.
But I absolutely need, a proof of title!
WHERE THE MONEY COMES! You will understand that

And again you did not answer my question, where you
learned sister! ASK FOR ANSWER!!!

I send today some photos of houses, which in Berlin to
the sales to you. Legend me please which house
(number) you pleases. Then I will already sign a sales


Vonmir Kriegstdunix

MfG - Scambaiter
> Horas non numero nisi serenas <

Beiträge: 11.580
Registriert am: 01.01.2006

RE: Präsidentenwitwe Veronica Taylor und ein Berliner Bauarbeiter

#18 von Scambaiter , 05.02.2007 20:39


...ich bin traurig! Sie versteht mich nicht. Warum bloß, ich geben mir so viel Mühe mit der Frau.
Ich verehre sie, ich bete sie an, fast hätte ich gesagt "ich liebe sie" [wegen der Millionen]

...was soll ich bloß machen ??

In Antwort auf:
Date: Sun, 4 Feb 2007 14:04:03 +0000 (GMT)
Subject: Re: this what i sent to you.
my friend,

thank you so much for all you have done so far.i will be trying to write short mails to you.

i like one number one that you sent.i will attach it.

the lawyer said he wanted to call you but your phone number did not go the workinbg?

i will tell the lawyer to send you prove.the ones he has.

pls i don't understand this question {And again you did not answer my question, where you
learned sister! ASK FOR ANSWER!!!}
can you explain what the question means?

pls note that the lawyer will send you the prove as soon as the $2,000,000 is transferred into your account so that when you are ask the nprove,you can present it to the authority.

he told me that he will send you the prove of the money as soon as the bank send the money to you and you ntell me that you have received the money in your account.

i attach the house i want you to buy for me.

pls try and send the $260 to the NERFUND so that the bank can transfer the money to your account.

your sister,


MfG - Scambaiter
> Horas non numero nisi serenas <

Beiträge: 11.580
Registriert am: 01.01.2006

RE: Präsidentenwitwe Veronica Taylor und ein Berliner Bauarbeiter

#19 von Scambaiter , 09.02.2007 22:55


Nach einer Woche bekommt silly-billy Veronica wieder Antwort.
Kann die Frau sich nicht vorstellen, dass ein Bauarbeiter viel zu tun hat?
In seiner Aufregung über die Frau, hat Vonmir K. gleich alles komplett vergessen,
was sie von im wollte...

Hier aber erst eine der Drängelmails.
Ich lasse 3 Mails weg, weil es immer das Gleiche ist.

In Antwort auf:
Date: Thu, 8 Feb 2007 17:52:36 +0000 (GMT)
Subject: Re: this what i sent to you.

my brother,

pls tell me if you are not helping me gain let me know what to do.your keepint me quiet for this past days is not helping me me mentally.

your ister,

Und hier die Antwort:
In Antwort auf:
Date: Sat, 10 Feb 2007 08:28:22 +1100 (EST)
Subject: Re: this what i sent to you.

Dear Veronica,

Thanks for yours mail. Why pushing you so? Stop pushing!

I work the whole week hard on the building site. For
the moment there is to storm and snow. We away-dug
already 30 cm snow on the building site!
You sit in the warm Africa and have a beautiful time.
And we slaved here like the wild ones.

Why don't you understand my simple question? Are you
not more clever but stupid? I mean a woman, who works
with the physician in the hospital as sister.
A medal sister. And when and where did you learn that?
The question, is so simple, my silly-billy.

So, in excitement over you I forgot equal everything,
what you wanted to know. Thus please writes again
briefly, what exact I am to make.


Vonmir Kriegstdunix

I send you one photo from my winter work place!
So you see ownself!

MfG - Scambaiter
> Horas non numero nisi serenas <

Beiträge: 11.580
Registriert am: 01.01.2006

RE: Präsidentenwitwe Veronica Taylor und ein Berliner Bauarbeiter

#20 von Scambaiter , 11.02.2007 02:53


Veronica scheint ein wenig zu zweifeln, warum bloß?
Unser Polier meinet es ehrlich, bis zur Selbstverleugnung.

In Antwort auf:
Date: Sat, 10 Feb 2007 14:25:55 +0000 (GMT)
Subject: Re: this what i sent to you.
my friend,

pls tell me if you are helping me or not so that i will know what to do.
we are delaying too much with un_necessary thing.

150% ehrlich...
In Antwort auf:
Date: Sun, 11 Feb 2007 10:53:53 +1100 (EST)
Subject: Re: this what i sent to you.
Dear Veronica,

For sure 150% I want to help you!!!!!!
But you must be a little bit patient with me.
It's my first business in this kind and I am busy with my job.

Thank you for your understanding.

Vonmir Kriegstdunix

MfG - Scambaiter
> Horas non numero nisi serenas <

Beiträge: 11.580
Registriert am: 01.01.2006

zuletzt bearbeitet 11.02.2007 | Top


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