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Miss Armelle und Caspers Bedrüger Theater [Yours Sincerely Daughter]

#1 von Scambaiter , 09.03.2007 04:30

An einem trüben Wintermorgen, sitzen Lady Constance Chatterley Le Theater
und ihr Gatte, Sir Casper am Frühsückstisch, bei Kaviarscnittchen und Champagne.

Da bingt der Privatsekretär, Pater Johann von Schwuchtel, die Morgenzeitungen und die Post,
wie an jedem Tag.
Unter der Post befand sich eine Mail, von Miss. Joanna Paula Jong aus den Philippinen.

Da Casper diese Miss nicht kennt, aber eine soziale Ader hat, weist er die Schwuchtel an,
eine Antwort vorzubereiten.
Und hier beginnt die Geschichte von armen Girl die zur countess Armelle wird.

In Antwort auf:
Datum: Thu, 22 Feb 2007 14:51:38 -0800 (PST)
Betreff: From Miss.Joanna Paula Jong Of Philippines
From Miss.Joanna Paula Jong
Block 17 Lot 19-20 Villa San Vicente Subdivision, Hinigaran, Negos Occidental, Philippines.
Email- ***

Compliments Of The Season, Grace And Peace And Love From This Part Of The Atlatic To You, I Hope My Letter Does Not Cause You Too Much Embarrassment As I Write To You In Good Faith,Excuse My Intrussion Into Your Private Life.I Got Your Email Contact In A Site During My Search For A Faithful And Honest Person Whom I Can Trust And I Prayed To Almighty God And He Directed Your Contact To Me And I Believed That Almighty God Whom I Serve Will Not Direct Me To A Wrong Person.

May The Almighty God Give You The Wisdom To Understnd Me.I Am Miss Joanna Paula Jong,The Eldest Surviving Daughter Of Late Mr.Jong Chiyoko Of Philippine ,[May His Soul Rest In Peace] At The Present Time I Am In Abidjan Cote D'Ivoire Where I Am Doing My Studies At The University, I Hereby Solicit For Your Help To Our Family. My Late Father(Mr.Jong Chiyoko) ]Was A Presidential Aide And Chairman Of The Philippians Railway Corporation Before He Was Killed In The Air Crash Francisco Bangoy International Air Flight Which Took Off From The Philippian International Airport,On The 22nd Of October 2004 With 108 Passengers And Six Crew Members On Board.Before The Dying Day Of My Father,He Confessed To Me Of About $5.Million[Five Million US Dollars]Kept In A Finance Security And He Directed Me To Transfer This Money To A Foreign Account Before The Government Knows Of It Because They Are Against His Political Reforms In Philippine. I Have A Proposal For You Which I Hope By The Special Grace Of God Will Be Beneficial To You And Me.This Is Not An Illusion But Achievable If Giving Your Maximum Support And Co-operation.I Have To Assure You That This Is Risk Free.I Am Left With No Other Option Than To Invest This Money Outside The Country Where It Will Be Safe Since Our Father Is Now Dead And The Cause Of The Crash, Government Has Sworn Never To Make know To The Public. I Hereby Propose This To You If I Can Count On You. (1)That You Take 25%Of The Money (2) 5% Of The Money Would Be Used To Help The Motherless Babies Home And The Less Privilege People (3)I Will Take 70% Finally,What I Need From You Is That You Forward Your Telephone Number Including Your Contact Address To My Email: ***
For Onward Transfer Of This Fund.

Note : Any Delay In Your Reply Will Give Me Room In The Sources Of Another Person. I Seriously Count On Your Support And Cooperation.

May God Bless You.

Miss.Joanna Paula Jong

MfG - Scambaiter
> Horas non numero nisi serenas <

Beiträge: 11.582
Registriert am: 01.01.2006

zuletzt bearbeitet 13.03.2007 | Top

RE: Miss Armelle und Caspers Bedrüger Theater [Yours Sincerely Daughter]

#2 von Scambaiter , 09.03.2007 04:39


Also geruht Sir Casper, eine Mail aufsetzen zu lassen.
Er will dem armen Mädchen helfen, die schon so viel schweres in ihrem jungen Leben durchmachen musste.

In Antwort auf:
Datum: Fri, 23 Feb 2007 02:46:35 +0100 (CET)
Betreff: RE: From Miss.Joanna Paula Jong Of Philippines
An: "Joanna Paula Jong" <***>
CC: ***
Dear Lady Miss Joanna Paula Jong,

Thank you for your mail. That is a nice surprise.

From where do you have my email address?
If you communicate to me more details, we could step into business relations.

Briefly to me: I come of an old German aristocracy family.
We originate from the province Bedrüger Land.
There we have still large farms and our master seat castle
Bedrüger Theater in Schwarzer Wald.
I live in Berlin. And operate one fine art gallerie.

Yours faithfully,

Casper Le Theater B.A. (HRM)

MfG - Scambaiter
> Horas non numero nisi serenas <

Beiträge: 11.582
Registriert am: 01.01.2006

zuletzt bearbeitet 09.03.2007 | Top

RE: Miss Armelle und Caspers Bedrüger Theater [Yours Sincerely Daughter]

#3 von Scambaiter , 09.03.2007 04:58


Als Antwort bekommt Casper erst einmal (unaufgefordert) eine Sammlung vom Fotos plus Pass,
von Miss Joanna Paula Jong.

In Antwort auf:
Datum: Fri, 23 Feb 2007 11:25:53 -0800 (PST)
Betreff: Fwd: PICTURES
Von: "Joanna Paula Jong"

Note: forwarded message attached.
Weitergeleitete Mail

Datum: Wed, 21 Feb 2007 08:37:34 -0800 (PST)
Von: "Joanna Paula Jong"

Anhänge: Fotos

Fototitel, von oben rechts:


MfG - Scambaiter
> Horas non numero nisi serenas <

Beiträge: 11.582
Registriert am: 01.01.2006

zuletzt bearbeitet 09.03.2007 | Top

RE: Miss Armelle und Caspers Bedrüger Theater [Yours Sincerely Daughter]

#4 von Scambaiter , 09.03.2007 05:12


Und am gleichen Tag kommt eine weitere Mail.
So so, sie hat gebetet, und Gott (welcher auch immer) hat ihr flehen erhört.
Ja, und Gott hat sie dann zu mir geschickt, welch eine gute Fügung des Schicksals.

BTW: Ich wusste gar nicht, dass Götter auch Email Adressen sammeln.
Sonst hätter er (Gott) sie ja nicht zu mir schicken können.

In Antwort auf:
Datum: Fri, 23 Feb 2007 11:29:59 -0800 (PST)
Betreff: RE: God Bless You
Goodday Mr. Casper Le Theater .

Compliments of the day, how is your day, hope all is well with you and your family. thank you so much for your replied and may Almighty God give you the heart of understanding to understnad me,excuse my intrussion into your private life. I got your email contact through a search after my prayers to Almighty God and he directed me to your contact and i believed that the Almighty God whom i called upon will not direct me to a wrong person.

(1) I will like to know if it's will be possible for you to fly down to this country to get everything done because i am a lady and i am afraid i don't want any mistake to be done concerning the moving of this funds and also i don't want my late father's relations to know anything about this funds because if they get to know. we will loose this funds and me and my sisters will end up suffering.

(2) I will like to know if the 25% is ok for you.

(3) I want you to promise me that you will be faithful and honest to me till the end of this transaction and also when the funds will get to you. i can trust you in useing 5% of this funds to help the motherless babies and the less privilege people in Germany because that is the forst thing that will be done as soon as this funds get to you.

(4) Secondly my major concern is not only to proof to you all the information regarding this transaction but to maintain the confidentiality of this information and not to betray me at the end of this transaction when the fund will be in your possesion, i can trust you, and i will also want you to trust me too. to build more confidence in each other,

As i told you in my proposal, this is all my father left for me as inheretance and as the Eldest Surviving Daughter and also i have to takecare of my junior sisters. My father deposited the trunk box in the name of a foreingner as containing family valuables and presently the security company does not know the real content of the box and for no reason must they know.

(5) l want this funds to be move as soon as possible so that i can settle down somewhere i can be safe and able to continue my education and a better investment for my future. l really want to further my education, so my first piority now is to move this funds out of this country.

(6)On how to help retive this fund you will contact the Security Company as my late father foreign business partner, make an arrangement with the security company to cargo and delivery this trunk box to you in Germany through their diplomatic courrier service .

Finally..After all necessary assurance from you,i will forward you the contact informations of the security company so as to contact them, but before that i will like to have your ....................

(1) Full Name:
(2) Contact Address:
(3) Telephone Number:
(4) A copy of your passport photograph for
proper identification of whom you are.

I will be expecting from you soon.
Thanks and may God bless you.

Yours sincerely,
Miss Armelle Richemonde Konam

MfG - Scambaiter
> Horas non numero nisi serenas <

Beiträge: 11.582
Registriert am: 01.01.2006

zuletzt bearbeitet 09.03.2007 | Top

RE: Miss Armelle und Caspers Bedrüger Theater [Yours Sincerely Daughter]

#5 von Coroner ( gelöscht ) , 09.03.2007 05:30

Na das ist ja mal interessant, ein weiblicher Philippino und dazu noch falsch geschrieben.

Ich meine, es gibt sie schon, die weiblichen Philippinos, die nennt man dort aber Philiboys oder Ladyguys.

Ansonsten nennt man eine weibliche philippinische Staatsangehörige Philippina und den männlichen Philippino.

Hmmmm...die passausstellende Stelle hat davon scheinbar noch nix gehört.

Ansonsten ist der Pass natürlich total echt, sieht man schon an der Schrift.


RE: Miss Armelle und Caspers Bedrüger Theater [Yours Sincerely Daughter]

#6 von Scambaiter , 09.03.2007 05:31


Natürlich ist Sir Casper gern bereit, seine Daten an sie zu schicken.
Er hat keinen Grund, es nicht zu tun.
Weil er ja zu ihrer Rettung beitragen will.

In Antwort auf:
Datum: Thu, 1 Mar 2007 01:16:54 +0100 (CET)
Betreff: RE: God Bless You
Dear Lady Miss Armelle Richemonde Konam,

Thank you, Lady Konam, for mail to me.
My secretary give me your mail as an important one.
It it my pleasure, Lady Konam, to answer you.
And send you my ID plus a photo, taken in Berlin,
on the occasion of review a art book in one radio
station in Berlin.

Here my address:

Sir Casper Le Theater
Castle Hinkel-Stein Bedrüger Theater
Am Bedrüger Schloß 1-100
Province Bedrüger Land, Schwarzer Wald
D-21111 Hexenburg-Bedrüger

Phone: Cetral number of my art company
AR-CHOR-DE Service ART GmbH & Co. KG/AG
Germany + 69 / xxxxxxxx038872 (phone & fax)

Sincerely yours,

Sir Casper Le Theater B.A. (HRM)

MfG - Scambaiter
> Horas non numero nisi serenas <

Beiträge: 11.582
Registriert am: 01.01.2006

RE: Miss Armelle und Caspers Bedrüger Theater [Yours Sincerely Daughter]

#7 von Scambaiter , 09.03.2007 05:43


Ja nee, jetzt ist Casper auf einmal (Goodday) Daddy.
Und plötzlich hat sie einen anderen "realen" Namen.

Auch beginnt schon die Masche man soll zu eine "Security Company" Kontakt aufnehmen.

Und hier beginnt Casper sie aus dem Mugu Konzept zu bringen.
Ansonsten würde es wieder eine stinklangweilige Angelegenheit.

In Antwort auf:
Datum: Thu, 1 Mar 2007 00:25:28 -0800 (PST)
Betreff: RE: Contact The Security
Goodday Daddy .

Compliments of the day, How is your day, hope all is well with you and your family?Thank you for your message of today, i received your Identity Card including your photograph which you sent to me, Sir, My real name is Miss Joanna Paula Jong but because i don't want people to know that i am the Daughter of Late Mr.Jong Chiyoko that was why i changed my name to Armelle Richemonde Konam because if they get to know that i am his Daughter they will inform the Government in philippine and like i told you before in my forst message that the Government in philippine where Against His Political Reforms when he was alife, so i changed my name for security reasons and because the Government in philippine where Against His Political Reforms when he was alife, that was why he deposited the funds outside the country for security reasons. Sir, i am taking you as my Daddy because i have nobody to help me in moving this funds out of this country before the Government will know about it,

As it's are to contact the Security Company as my late father foreign business partner, make an arrangement with the security company to cargo and delivery this trunk box to you in your country through their diplomatic courrier service and please don't forget that the security company does not know the real content of the trunk box and for no reason must they know because it's was deposited as family valuables for security reason.

Below is the contact informations of the Security Company.

EMAIL: info_***

I shall be waiting to hear from you as soon as you contact the security company.

Thank you and May God Bless you.

Miss.Armelle Richemonde Konam

MfG - Scambaiter
> Horas non numero nisi serenas <

Beiträge: 11.582
Registriert am: 01.01.2006

RE: Miss Armelle und Caspers Bedrüger Theater [Yours Sincerely Daughter]

#8 von Scambaiter , 09.03.2007 05:56


Die Ehe von Casper und seiner Gattin Lady Constance Chatterley Le Theater ist kinderlos geblieben.
Also beschließen die Beiden das Waisenkind zu adoptieren.

Das setzt natürlich einige Formalitäten in Gang. Papiere, Bewilligungen usw.
So ein Akt ist kompliziert und langwierig.

In Antwort auf:
Datum: Sun, 4 Mar 2007 03:46:09 +0100 (CET)
Betreff: RE: Contact
Sir Casper Le Theater
Castle Hinkel-Stein Bedrüger Theater
Am Bedrüger Schloß 1-100
Province Bedrüger Land, Schwarzer Wald
D-21111 Hexenburg-Bedrüger
Dear Lady Miss Armelle Richemonde Konam,

Thank you Lady Armelle Konam, your answer to me.
My secretary give me again your next mail, as a very
important one document.

How are you today Miss Armelle?
I was read your text several times, beside our five
o'clock coffee and cake.
Lady Constance Chatterley Le Theater, my wife, take
with me the coffee too.

And we was talk about your idea, I can be your daddy.
And we, Lady Constance Chatterley and me, we have no own kids.
God know why not. We was try it many times, to make a
baby. But nothing come out.

So we have conclude to adopt you.
You will get a new name. You are the future:
Miss Armelle countess Le Theater I.

For this act, you must fill the small form, I sent
you. We call it "Royal Family Confraternity".
So please my dear girl, print the form, fill it, and
send it back to us.

Lady Constance Chatterley and myself are very happy
and proud, to have soon a propper, intelligent and
pretty daughter. When you are be a good daugter, you
will be later our sole heiress!

God bless you my daughter, amen.

Your future Daddy

Sir Casper Le Theater B.A. (HRM)

MfG - Scambaiter
> Horas non numero nisi serenas <

Beiträge: 11.582
Registriert am: 01.01.2006

zuletzt bearbeitet 09.03.2007 | Top

RE: Miss Armelle und Caspers Bedrüger Theater [Yours Sincerely Daughter]

#9 von Scambaiter , 09.03.2007 06:13


Miss Armelle countess Le Theater I. - ist aus den Häuschen vor Freude.
Vergessen ist die "Security Company".

Im Gegenteil, sie hat Sorgen, dass sie beim ausfüllen des Antrages, etwas falsch gemacht hat.

In Antwort auf:
Datum: Mon, 5 Mar 2007 05:04:04 -0800 (PST)
Betreff: RE:Message From Your Daughter
Goodday Daddy and Mummy,

Compliments of the day, how are you? hope all is well with you in Jesus name, Amen, Dear Daddy, i am so glad to received your message to me including the application form which was attached to your message and i really thanked the Almighty God for making my dream to come through,

I can go through life without a lot of things but i can't go through life without a Father and a Mother,i really thanked the Almighty God for making it possible for me to have a Father and a Mother, Glory be to God,

Daddy, i have filled the Application form but i want you and mummy to go through the form to see if there is any correction that should be made on the Application form because i have never fill this kind of form before, if there is any correction that should be made?

Daddy please i will like you to correct it by yourself and send me a copy so that i can sign my signature on it and also i want to see the pictures of my Mummy,(Lady Constance Chatterley Le Theater) Extend my greetings to Mummy and your secretary, May the Almighty God continue to Bless you all, Waiting to hear from you as soon as possible,

Yours Sincerely Daughter
Armelle Le Theater

MfG - Scambaiter
> Horas non numero nisi serenas <

Beiträge: 11.582
Registriert am: 01.01.2006

RE: Miss Armelle und Caspers Bedrüger Theater [Yours Sincerely Daughter]

#10 von Scambaiter , 09.03.2007 06:21


Von der Sorge getragen, es könnte was schief gehen, mit der Adopption,
fragt sie noch einmal nach.

Aber so eine Adopption ist kompliziert und langwierig.
Da müssen noch weitere Formular ausgefüllt werden usw.
Und das kann dauern...

In Antwort auf:
Datum: Mon, 5 Mar 2007 09:18:47 -0800 (PST)
Betreff: Questions?
Dear Daddy and Mummy,

How are you, hope you all are fine and hope you received my forst message to you? I believed that God has a purpose and he is making ways for his purpose to be fulfill and i believed that the purpose of God must surelly stand, no man can change it, Daddy and Mummy, this are the 2 place where i am confused in the Application form, i don't know what to write,

(1) The Address: Should i write my address here in Abidjan Cote D'Ivoire or should i write the Address in Germany or the Address in Philippine?

(2) The Nationality: Should i write Philippine or Germany?

Daddy, That was why i said you should go through the Application form and see if there is any mistake that should be correct, I shall be waiting to hear from you soon, Thank you and remain bless.

Yours Sincerely Daughter
Miss Armelle Le Theater

MfG - Scambaiter
> Horas non numero nisi serenas <

Beiträge: 11.582
Registriert am: 01.01.2006

RE: Miss Armelle und Caspers Bedrüger Theater [Yours Sincerely Daughter]

#11 von Scambaiter , 09.03.2007 06:42


Natürlich hat das Ehepaar Le Thater volles Verständnis, für die Sorgen und Nöte der zukünftigen Tochter.

In Antwort auf:
Datum: Thu, 8 Mar 2007 00:21:53 +0100 (CET)
Betreff: RE: Questions?
Sir Casper Le Theater
Castle Hinkel-Stein Bedrüger Theater
Am Bedrüger Schloß 1-100
Province Bedrüger Land, Schwarzer Wald
D-21111 Hexenburg-Bedrüger

My dear daughter Miss countess Armelle,

Thank you again for your welcome mail. And sent back the form.
My secretary rushed to me. To bring your mail to me.
He has my strict directive to bring me your mail immediately as important.

But today only a short note to send you the photos.
Yo see my wife, me and an old family photo.

Don't worry, about the form.
I was call our family lawyer & counselor for to guide,
the form. And if ther any things to change, we will
tell you soon.

Mummy and me are sure there are not many thinks to do
for a family membership, countess Armelle.
Maybe an other small form for fill it.
And also a recent photo of yourself, with hold your
authenticated document to become a family member.

Later I tell you how you do this. First we will waít,
for the lawyer & counselor with her declarations.

Soon you will get more instructions for the progress of your apply.

Have a nice day and take care. God is with you, amen.

Yours Daddy Sir Casper and Mommy Lady Constance (in name of the family)

Lady Constance Chatterley Le Theater
Sir Casper Le Theater
Family Casper Le Theater 1901
Pater Johann von Schwuchtel my secretary

MfG - Scambaiter
> Horas non numero nisi serenas <

Beiträge: 11.582
Registriert am: 01.01.2006

zuletzt bearbeitet 09.03.2007 | Top

RE: Miss Armelle und Caspers Bedrüger Theater [Yours Sincerely Daughter]

#12 von Scambaiter , 09.03.2007 07:06


Schade, mit ihrem Handy hat sie Probleme. Gerade jetzt, wo ich mal mit ihr telefonieren wollte .

In Antwort auf:
Datum: Thu, 8 Mar 2007 18:55:52 -0800 (PST)
Betreff: RE: Bonjour
Goodday Daddy and Mummy.

Compliment of the day, how is your day, hope all is well with you in Jesus name, Amen, may the Almighty God whom we serve continue to bless and protect both of you including your secretary, i received your message with meekness and joy and i want to thank you for the wonderful pictures which you sent to me, actually from the look of Mummy's picture shows that she is a wonderful woman, i really thanked the Almighty God for Mummy's life,

Daddy, i want to use this opportunity to thank you for your words to me and for the form which you said you will takecare of and also i want to thank your secretary including your Lawyer/Counselor, may the Almighty God give them wisdom and understanding to overcome their enemys, please Daddy i will like to know the name of your secretary including the name of your Lawyer/Counselor so that i will also put them in my prayers because it's my duty to pray for all souls,

Dear Daddy and Mummy,I surpose to have call you on my cellphone but they have blocked my line because since three months i have not recharge my cellphone and i cannot go to business centre to make international call for security reason, so i will have to wait untill i get new line,please i want you all to always put me in your prayers, always pray that God should help me to finish my Education successfully,i am studying Micro Biology here in the University and my vision is to become a Biologist,

I shall be waiting to hear from you as soon as possible.

Extend my greetings to Mummy and your Secretary including your

Thank you and God bless you all.

Yours Sincerely Daughter

Miss Countess Armelle Le Theater

MfG - Scambaiter
> Horas non numero nisi serenas <

Beiträge: 11.582
Registriert am: 01.01.2006

RE: Miss Armelle und Caspers Bedrüger Theater [Yours Sincerely Daughter]

#13 von Scambaiter , 12.03.2007 03:07


Miss countess Armelle Le Theater, wird sich freuen. Es gibt wieder was zum ausfüllen.
Mit jeder Menge Fragen an denen sie sich austoben kann.
Aber die dt. Behörden verlangen es so.
Dann ist noch der Herr registrar privy councilor Dr. Erhardt Mundgeruch jr. von Seiten der Staates.

Desweiteren der Sekretär von Sir Casper, Pater (padre) Johann von Schwuchtel.
Und Herr RA lawyer & counselor Professor Dr. Jura Winkelzug.
Und die Kammerzofe (chambermaid) Miss Doris Dicketitten.

In Antwort auf:
Datum: Mon, 12 Mar 2007 02:18:35 +0100 (CET)
Betreff: RE: Bonjour
Sir Casper Le Theater
Castle Hinkel-Stein Bedrüger Theater
Am Bedrüger Schloß 1-100
Province Bedrüger Land, Schwarzer Wald
D-21111 Hexenburg-Bedrüger
Dear countess Armelle dearest daughter,

How are you today countess Armelle?
Today is Sunday and my secretary have his free day.
So I do the paperwork by myself.
Your mommy Lady Constance Chatterley, was bring me
a glass of hot chocolate and scroggin.

At morning we was in our castle chapel to attend
church. We was pray for your salvation in peace.
Jesus was hear us I feel deep in my heart.
God is with us Armelle.

And how was your day my daughter?
Mommy Lady Constance Chatterley, is worried that you
have warm cloth. It is cold at the moment.
Your mommy will go shopping with you when you are
here. Last week she bought one diamant ring for you.
See by attachment if you like.

OK to our assignments:

1. You ask for the address:
The best will be you send all 3 addresses.
(Abidjan Cote D'Ivoire, Philippine and Germany)

2.You ask for Nationality: At the moment better write
Philippine. German come soon.

2.You ask for the name of my ecretary, his name is:
Pater (padre) Johann von Schwuchtel

The lawyer & counselor name is:
Professor Dr. Jura Winkelzug

Cunselor J. Winkelzug and Pater v. Schwuchtel had
signed your form 1. I send you back for your control.
Some small thinks are to change.

Second I send you the official German Membership
Application-1doc form, for fill also.
This is the last what you have to fill.
After we have it back, I talk with registrar privy
councilor Dr. Erhardt Mundgeruch jr.

He is a good friend of the family and so we can get
the adoption documents in few days only.

In Brief: Fill in the German Application 1doc.
complete. Make the small chages on your family form.
Send it back. We will do it in progresses.

You get an authenticated document. With this document
you take a photo of yourself. The governement will be
sure you are the person for sure.
Over this is it a great remember moment for you.
An such a great moment need a photo or two.

Then I send you the visa and you can come over.
Maybe in May you can here on our Castle
Hinkel-Stein Bedrüger Theater. We reserve you fife rooms.
Is this enough for you? And you become one chambermaid
Miss Doris Dicketitten.

I hope I have nothing forget.
My dear daughter, Mommy send you a big hug and a kiss.
God bless you and you are with god always, amen

Yours Mommy and Daddy

MfG - Scambaiter
> Horas non numero nisi serenas <

Beiträge: 11.582
Registriert am: 01.01.2006

RE: Miss Armelle und Caspers Bedrüger Theater [Yours Sincerely Daughter]

#14 von Nomademusic ( gelöscht ) , 12.03.2007 13:24

Klasse gemacht Scambaiter!

Und die netten Darsteller, Markus Wolf, Lady Chatterley,
Dr. Mundgeruch...,die partiell dicke Chambermaid...
Und dann noch der edle Diamantring...
In Nigeria rauchen jetzt sicher die Köpfe...


zuletzt bearbeitet 12.03.2007 13:26 | Top

RE: Miss Armelle und Caspers Bedrüger Theater [Yours Sincerely Daughter]

#15 von Scambaiter , 13.03.2007 02:31


Wie süß die Kleine. Gerade hat sie einen Diamant Ring bekommen.
Und was will sie, nachdem sie sich artig bedankt hat? Richtig Geld, Geld für die Miete ihrer Studentenwohnung.

Aber leider, gibt es im Schloss von Casper's Theater kein Bargeld.
Alles wird Bargeldlos abgewickelt. Das muss nun Daddy Casper seiner fast Tochter, schonend beibringen.

Möglicherweise per MoneyGram, aber zuvor muss sie schon noch die Formulare zurückschicken plus Fotos *.
Auch könnte sie die Anschrift vom "Landlord" schicken.
Dann würde die gräfliche Finanzverwaltung, das Geld direkt überweisen.

@all - wir nehmen die Herausforderung an...

In Antwort auf:
Datum: Mon, 12 Mar 2007 03:08:27 -0700 (PDT)
Von: "Joanna Paula Jong"
Dear Daddy/Mummy.

Greetings to you in the matchless name of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ,how is your day, I confidently believe that it is well with you in Jesus name Amen, may the Almighty God whom we serve continue to bless and protect you all in Jesus name, Amen, thank you so much in praying for the salvation of my soul,yes God is really with us because GOD said in the scripture that he will never leave us non forsake us till the end of this world,he has a specific purpose concerning us and he is already making ways for his purpose to be fulfill. God said to prophet Jeremiah, (Before i formed you in your mother's womb, i knew you and i have ordained you a prophet to the Nation)

A very big thanks to my Mummy for the good thought which she had for me and the wonderful ring which she bought for me, i appreciate,she is a mother indeed, may the Almighty God continue to have good thought for her, i cannot wait to go to shopping with my Mummy, i wish i am already in Germany,

Daddy, i want to thank you for the 2 forms which you sent to me, i will change the nessary things on the form and also fill the new form (German Membership Application Form) and send it back to you as soon as possible,i shall be waiting to receive the Authenticated Document as soon as possible so that i will take a photo with it for the confirmation of the Goverment in Germany.

Address in Philippine
Block 17 Lot 19 -20 Villa San
Vicente Subdivision Hinigaran
Negos Occidental.Philippine.

Address in Abidjan
Cote D'Ivoire
Marcory Deguerpis RF 22 Lot 64
Abidjan Cote D'Ivoire.

Address in Germany
Castle Hinkel-Stein Bedrüger Theater
Am Bedrüger Schloß 1-100
Province Bedrüger Land, Schwarzer Wald
D-21111 Hexenburg-Bedrüger
Daddy/Mummy.this letter is honorably addressed to you, knowing that your thought towards me is the thought of peace and not of evil,i surpose to be staying in Campus but because i don't want to associate myself with Bad Friends, i rented a house outside the school for security reasons but as it's stands now, my house rent has expired on February 2007 and my landlord has given me 1 week to pay my house rent otherwise he will give me quick notice, i am worried and confused because i don't have any money with me right now, i have spent all the money i have for my school fees and i don't have anybody that can assist me, Dear Daddy and Mummy, I am passionately soliciting for founds to help in my house rent, i don't know your financial level but i believed that you are blessed in Jesus name, Amen, my house rent is $115 per month and i am surpose to pay for 6 months but hence you said that i might be coming to Germany by May 2007 that means i will be paying for 3 months which is a total of ($345)

Please Daddy and Mummy i beseech you to send me the money via western union money transfer with my name and informations below............

Name: Armelle Le Theater
Address: Marcory Deguerpis RF 22 Lot 64
Country: Cote D'Ivoire.
City: Abidjan

Please don't forget to send me the western union payment slip as soon as you make the payment.

Finally I want to utilize this medium of communication to thank you for granting me your financial assistance and I know that as you give, good measure pressed down shaken together shall men give unto you in Jesus name Amen,

Extend my greetings to Mummy including your secretary Pater Padre Johann Von Schwuchtel/Professor Dr. Jura Winkelzug/Dr. Erhardt Mundgeruch jr. May the Almighty God continue to bless you all.

Yours Sincerely Daughter
Miss Armelle Le Theater
*Vermutlich wird hier unsere countess Armelle, ein Problem haben.
Sie wird keine Filipina sein. Sondern "Rabenschwarz" afrikanisch eben.
Da bin ich gespannt, wie sie das Problem versuchen zu lösen...

MfG - Scambaiter
> Horas non numero nisi serenas <

Beiträge: 11.582
Registriert am: 01.01.2006

zuletzt bearbeitet 13.03.2007 | Top

RE: Miss Armelle und Caspers Bedrüger Theater [Yours Sincerely Daughter]

#16 von Scambaiter , 15.03.2007 04:48


Unsere möchtergern Prinzessin hat eine Appanage in Ausicht.
Dazu eine Weltreise mit Mommy, Daddy muss leider arbeiten.

Wegen der paar Dollar betreff ihre Miete, muss sie sich keine Sorgen machen.
Da regelt Daddy mit dem Landlord von Mann zu Mann.
Klein Armelle solll sich um ihr Studium kümmern um sonst nichts.

Ja nee, um die Formulare und Fotos muss sie sich noch kümmern.

In Antwort auf:
Datum: Thu, 15 Mar 2007 04:21:35 +0100 (CET)
Sir Casper Le Theater
Castle Hinkel-Stein Bedrüger Theater
Am Bedrüger Schloß 1-100
Province Bedrüger Land, Schwarzer Wald
D-21111 Hexenburg-Bedrüger
Dear dearest daughter Armelle,

Mommy Lady Constance Chatterley and me, we was so charmed,
when we got your mail. You are such alovely and fantastic girl.
Good in your studies and thankful for our words.

All the time we was was desired to have an child like you are.
You make us very happy and proud, in any way.

So please be a good girl in future,
and send back very quick the forms we was send you.
The civil law notary from Hexenburg-Bedrüger notary office
Mr. Morgen Latte, was this afternoon here our guest.
He tell me, ther is no problem with the future paper work.

Like we was tell you we need only the forms and photos = soon, my dear.

About your problem with the landlord and the money for rent your house, don't worry.
We wil bring all in order with Jesus help.
The best will be, you give us the address and account number from the landlord.
How is his name? We will you not bring in any troubling,
with such banal things like some 100 Dollar.

You have to learn any time diligent to become a first class diploma.
We think about to give you a appanage. We will be transferred monthly
500,-- UDS Dollar to you. Till you come over.
And if you have a first class diploma we want to give you 5000,-- USD Dollar extra.

And Mommy Constance Chatterley plan to take you on a sea voyage
around the world.
Sorry, you must go with mommy alone, I have to work.

God bless you my dear nulliparous Armelle!

Yours in love Daddy and Mommy im Casper Le Theater
Kleiner Scherz am Rand: nulliparous Nullipara ist eine Frau, die noch kein Kind geboren hat.
Der Begriff stammt aus der Medizin.

MfG - Scambaiter
> Horas non numero nisi serenas <

Beiträge: 11.582
Registriert am: 01.01.2006

zuletzt bearbeitet 15.03.2007 | Top

RE: Miss Armelle und Caspers Bedrüger Theater [Yours Sincerely Daughter]

#17 von Scambaiter , 17.03.2007 03:39


Ganz dumm stellt sich Armelle nicht an.
Und darin liegt die Herausforderung. Denn sie versucht es weiter mit WU.
Aber auch MoneyGram kommt zur Sprache.

Sie hat natürlich den Aufnahmeantrag nur unvollstänig ausgefüllt.
Da muss sie nachbessern.
Und dann noch fünf Fotos, wo haben sie die alle geklaut.
Dafür deutet sie schon eine Ausrede an: "i don't have any current picture now,"

Damit will "sie" warscheinlich verhindern, aktuelle Fotos schicken zu müssen.
Schaun wir mal, wie wir das Kind (ver)schaukeln...

In Antwort auf:
Datum: Fri, 16 Mar 2007 12:53:43 -0700 (PDT)
Betreff: RE: I Miss You Daddy/Mummy/Everyone
Dear Daddy and Mummy,

Compliments of the day, how is your day, hope all is well with you in Jesus name,Amen, thank you so much for your response to my message, i surpose to have write you since yesterday that i received your message but due to our church program, that was why i could not be able to write you, sorry for my delay,

Daddy, i have filled the membership form and i have changed one of the things you said i should change in the Application form but there is one space i did not fill which is the space for Next Of Kin, Daddy i am confused about this Next Of Kin, you know that i am not married and i don't have any child yet and i cannot write my junior sister's name ( Marilou ) as my Next Of Kin because one day, she will get married to a man and she will then have her own family,

I left the space open because i don't know what to write and also there are some space which i did not fill at the Membership Form because i don't know if i am the one to fill the space or you, Daddy please hence you have all my contact details with you, i beseech you to takecare of this forms, do the nessary things on my behalf because printing and scaning of this forms cost me too much money and things are very expensive here in this country,

Concerning the issue of my Landlord, Daddy, I think this issue has given me sleepless night because i am afraid, i don't want to be Embarrass by my Landlord, he is a very difficult man when it's comes to the issue of money and i am afraid because the deadline is next week Tuesday, i don't want to be Embarrass at the public, I have informed him about you (My Father) and i also told him that you requested for his contact address including his account informations to send him the required money direct to his account but he refused to give me his account informations, he said that he cannot release his account informations to you, that his account is not a foreign account, that here in this country,you cannot send money to any account that is not a foreign account.

He only gave me his email contact including his contact address and concluded that you should send him the money through Western Union Money Transfer or MoneyGram Money Transfer with his name and address, Here are his name/contact address/email contact.

Name:Mr.Louis Chibueze
Contact Address: 01 B.P. 1712, Abidjan 01, Cote d'Ivoire
Email Contact : ***

Concerning the first class diploma, Daddy i promised to be diligent so as to become a first class diploma and i believed that my memory is blessed in Jesus name and i can do all things through christ that strengthens me.

Daddy i will be stoping here and will be waiting to received your urgent response to my message, extend my greetings to Mummy and the Secretary/Barrister/Counselor, i am puting everyone of you in my daily prayers and i want you all to also put me in your daily prayers, i am sending some pictures of me and my friends along with this message, i don't have any current picture now, it's vey expensive to snap pictures here in this country but when once i get money, i will snap so many pictures and send to you and Mum and i will also Enlarge your pictures ( Daddy/Mummy) and place it in my room,

Thank you and God bless you all.

Yours Sincerely Daughter
Miss.Armelle Le Theater

Attached is the Forms

Mail mit weiteren Fotos:
In Antwort auf:
Datum: Fri, 16 Mar 2007 13:21:02 -0700 (PDT)
Von: "Joanna Paula Jong"
Betreff: Pictures

MfG - Scambaiter
> Horas non numero nisi serenas <

Beiträge: 11.582
Registriert am: 01.01.2006

zuletzt bearbeitet 17.03.2007 | Top

RE: Miss Armelle und Caspers Bedrüger Theater [Yours Sincerely Daughter]

#18 von Scambaiter , 18.03.2007 04:55


Das Wort zum Sonntag.
Heute "gesprochen" von Miss countess Armelle Le Theater, geborene Armelle Richemonde Konam.

In Antwort auf:
Datum: Sat, 17 Mar 2007 01:03:08 -0700 (PDT)
Von: "Joanna Paula Jong"
Betreff: Continuation
Dear Daddy/Mummy.

This is in Continuation of my message to you, there is something i have been longing to tell you, it's because of our communication, my Bishop told me that the basic thing in any relationship is communication, most especially the relationship between parents and the children, i have been longing to hear your voice because hearing your voice always will give me joy, like i told you in one of my message to you that i am no longer online,

The MTN communications has blocked my line and i cannot make international calls, if you call my number +225-0500-8629 you cannot get me because the line has been blocked, Daddy/Mummy, i need to retrive my line back so that i can have communication with you, i am hungry for communication, i want to talk with you and my Mummy on the phone because it's like Mummy don't have access to the internet.

Secondly, There is a space in the membership form where it's requires me to fill my telephone number and my fax number, Daddy, i don't have a fax number and it's not wise for me to put a fax number that is not my personal fax number, so i left that space empty, i only put my telephone number,

Finally Daddy, i want to thank you and Mummy for the $500 which you promised to be sending me every month, i am grateful and i appreciate and may the Almighty God continue to bless you and Mummy aboundantly in Jesus name, Amen, I will be stoping here because i was about going to school before i decided to drop this message to you and Mummy, extend my greetings to everyone, tell Mummy that i love her so much.tell your secretary that the Lord is his strength, i love you Daddy.

Yours Sincerely Daughter
Miss.Armelle Le Theater

MfG - Scambaiter
> Horas non numero nisi serenas <

Beiträge: 11.582
Registriert am: 01.01.2006

zuletzt bearbeitet 18.03.2007 | Top

RE: Miss Armelle und Caspers Bedrüger Theater [Yours Sincerely Daughter]

#19 von Scambaiter , 20.03.2007 02:19


Einiges läuft schräg, auf Castle Hinkel-Stein Bedrüger Theater.
Die Schwuchtel fluoresziert, Mommy & Daddy waren auf der Gralsburg.

Diese und andere Seltsamkeiten, kann man in dieser Folge lesen.
Hoffentlich macht es Spaß...

In Antwort auf:
Datum: Tue, 20 Mar 2007 01:50:16 +0100 (CET)
Betreff: RE: Continuation
An: "Joanna Paula Jong"
Sir Casper Le Theater
Castle Hinkel-Stein Bedrüger Theater
Am Bedrüger Schloß 1-100
Province Bedrüger Land, Schwarzer Wald
D-21111 Hexenburg-Bedrüger

Dearest daughter Armelle, cherub!

How are you dear cherub? We hope all go well with you.
Today bring butler Trottel-Bommel your mail.
Our secretary Pater Johann von Schwuchtel, is a bit
sick. He got a light flu. And now he fluoresziert a
little. But I think soon he will be back in on-duty.

Mommy and me was over the weekend spent the time among
friends. We was on castle "Die Gralsburg
Montsaluasche". Every year we celebrate there our new
nobleness year, in traditional historical costumes.
Mommy send you 2 photos with this mail.
The adage for this year is follw, please try to learn
it memorizes:


Durch sein tugnt erhal sein nam.
In allen lanndn sunder still:
Der edl und jung hies Parill.
Zu aller frumkait was er schnell.
Desselbn sun hies Titurell.

God, Jesus and Maria bless you all the time on earth.
God is with you and us, we are the best and the good.

Well, Armelle cherub, we was not at home and come back
just. So I will give you some short hints and
directives. More in detail later:

1.) Your Mommy Lady Constance Chatterley Le Theater
and me, use not and never ever cash.
So we have to ask our financial consultants (financial
management), what we can do.
What is "Western Union Money Transfer or MoneyGram
Money"? We never heard from this. Maybe we have this
not in our coutry.

2.) Thanks for the name of Mr.Louis Chibueze, the
landlord. We will soon cotact him.
Tell him, he have to wait till secretary Schwuchtel
come back from his sickness.

3.) About the form. Sorry darling, this government
documents forms must be fill out complete handwritten
by yourself. We can not write any by us. The
government will never accept this documents.
Don't worry we will help you step by step.

4.) About the photos, we need soon, before the
government say the last: "Yes we agree". So to take
one or two photos with the documents will be possible
for you. The extra text for the label (identification
plate) I will tell you soon.

Armelle - hello, here is Mommy, my dear.
I will also write you few words. Daddy is very strong,
you know. So I hope he has nothing forget to tell you.

We hope we see you soon here, and wish you all the
best. I send you a kiss on your forehead.

God bless you, amen.

Yours in trust on you, Mommy and Daddy

@all, kleine Umfrage:
Was könnte auf dem Schild stehen, mit welchem Miss Armelle Le Theater, sich fotografieren soll?
Vorschläge sind willkommen.

MfG - Scambaiter
> Horas non numero nisi serenas <

Beiträge: 11.582
Registriert am: 01.01.2006

zuletzt bearbeitet 21.03.2007 | Top

RE: Miss Armelle und Caspers Bedrüger Theater [Yours Sincerely Daughter]

#20 von Scambaiter , 21.03.2007 01:20


...welch ein Glücksgefühl.
Ich habe eindlich einen Mugu, der wirklich meine Mails liest.
Und auf jedes Detail eingeht. Allerdings geht er/sie auf den größtem Quatsch ein.
Von König Artus Tafelrunde (um 1150) bis hin zu den Personen, und Handlung.

In Antwort auf:
Datum: Tue, 20 Mar 2007 16:38:29 -0700 (PDT)
Von: "Joanna Paula Jong"
Dear Daddy/Mommy.

Compliments of the day, grace and peace and love from this part of the atlatic to you,how was your weekend and your sunday service, hope all things went well with you in Jesus name,Amen.the Lord our God in the midst of you is mighty, he will save,he will rejoice over you with joy,he will rest in his love,he will joy over you with singing, (Zephaniah 3:17)
Father in the mighty name of Jesus Christ, i thank you for your son Mr.Pater Johann von Schwuchtel, i thank you for what you have said concerning him, what you have said concerning him is true, no devil can lie against him, thank you because he is born of God, his life is hide in Christ in God, thank you because he shall not die but he shall live to declare the works of God, God i thank you because you said in your word in the book of (Isaiah 53:5) But he was wounded for our transgressions, he was bruised for our iniquities, the chastisement of our peace was upon him and with his stripes we are healed, God i thank you because your son Mr.Pater Johann von Schwuchtel is healed in his body/Spirit/Soul/Bone, thank you because every spirit of sickness in his life is broken in the name of Jesus, God whatever that sickness is named, i command that sickness to die and leave his body in the mighty name of Jesus, Amen.

Dear Daddy/Mommy.

I am so happy about the new nobleness year which you celebrated, thank you for the adage for this year which you sent to me and i promised to learn it.


Durch sein tugnt erhal sein nam.
In allen lanndn sunder still:
Der edl und jung hies Parill.
Zu aller frumkait was er schnell.
Desselbn sun hies Titurell.

(1) Western Union Money Transfer or MoneyGram Money is a way of sending money to someone outside the country, it's a company and they have their branch office in so many countries but i don't know if they have it in Germany,

(2) After reading your message this afternoon, i went to my landlord office to explain to him but he was very angry with me, he did not allow me to explain, he wanted to give me a quick notice immediatly in his office but with the help of the Almighty God whom we serve,i pleaded with him, he then decided to give me extra 5 days to make the payment, please Daddy, i beseech you to contact him as soon as possible so that his mind will settle down, i don't want any embarrassment from him,

(3) I shall be waiting to receive the Authenticated Document so that i will do the enlargement and snap pictures with it but that will cost me some money because things are very expensive in this country,

(4) What is the extra text for the label (identification plate)
Dear Mommy,

How is your health, hope you are strong in the Lord, may the Almighty God give you the strength to do all things through Christ Jesus,Amen, thank you so much for the 2 pictures which you sent to me, i appreciate, i also hope to see you and Daddy soon,

Extend my greetings to Secretary/Mr.Pater Johann von Schwuchtel/Butler Trottel-Bommel/Lawyer & Counselor Professor Dr. Jura Winkelzug/Dr/Erhardt Mundgeruch jr. may the Almighty God continue to bless you all in Jesus name, Amen,

Yours Sincerely Daughter
Armelle Le Theater

MfG - Scambaiter
> Horas non numero nisi serenas <

Beiträge: 11.582
Registriert am: 01.01.2006

zuletzt bearbeitet 21.03.2007 | Top


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