Habe mir mal zwei Tage Pause gegönnt und mit Darling nicht gechattet .Damit er aber nicht denkt ich habe ihn vergessen, erhält er mal ne Mail von mir
Hello Darling ,
how are you doing today . Hope you and also Mark will be okay .
Two days ago i was annoyed about you , cause i was waiting for an answer by chatting , was waiting for 20 minutes without a sign , it wasn't nice . It seemed , you didn't read my last mail , I sent two days ago . Cause then you would know , my uncle is in the hospital in Frankfurt . Yesterday i tried to phone with him , but he has a problem to speak . Still he has great problems with his face , it is still furget , he has to drink with a straw , he cannot eat . There is nothing i can do for him , only waiting for his recovery . I was thinking about Agathe , i don't know who she is . The firm of my uncle is very great and i visited him only for two times in the firm . I don't know all the name of his secretaries . I think , she is working in his financial department . I don't know , what she wrote to you , but it's the only one possibility , where she got your e'mail address . I like to ask my uncle . Also i was thinking ...... shall i write a letter to her ? A talk between two women .... may be .... we find a way to help you . But first i have to ask my uncle who she is and were she is working .
Darling , believe me , i love you very much and am missing you a lot . You feel lost and sad , i know that . The only one person that can give help ..... is my uncle . To resolve your problems ...... my uncle will be the best . May be you know an another way ....... i don't . To much problems without an answer .
All my love to you , i know ... we find a way ......
Kisses as much you like ........ in love .....
Keine Reaktion von William. Die Mail von Agathe ist nur von mir ausgedacht. Deshalb noch mal ne Mail an ihn :
Dear William ,
how are you doing , all is well with you ? It seemed , you are not interested to contact me . Am sad , what about all your fine words you sent to me ? All this words are lies ? Darling , i hope , am thinking wrong . If i am right , it means , you need no more money and you find a way by yourself .
I got a mail yesterday by Agathe . What happened that she is writing me a mail like that ? will copy it to you , you can read it . Okay , my love , hope to hear you again , cause am missing you more than the dry earth needs water .
Looking forward to hear you again
Love always
William antwortet mir auf meine Mail :
Hello Sweetheart
How are you doing today i hope Everything is Okay with you my love am so happy to hear from you once again....Darling you know that i love you so much with all my heart and soul...i don't Understand why am chatting with you ? you said that you don't Believe me that i don't have friends Darling you know that if i have friends or someone who will help me like i will never in my life ask you for money or something like that....You are the only person i have in this world i don't have anybody only you my love But i don't know why you want to Ingnore me Sweetheart.....You need to get the money from your Uncle and send it here Because your Uncle don't know how to send the money my love and i don't know why your Uncle need my picture...Darling Please you have all the Information try to help me with this money as i told you that the Habour people said that tomorrow is that last day they give me my love....i can't wait to hear from me
Ich schreibe mal an den Onkel, hoffentlich geht es ihm besser !
Lieber Onkel Hugo ,
ich schreibe dir mal schnell ne Mail ins Krankenhaus und kann nur sagen .... gut gebrüllt Löwe . Das hier Wochenende ist und die Banken , egal welchen Namen sie haben , geschlossen sind , scheint in Afrika nicht zu gelten . Außerdem hat er immer noch nicht seine Mails gelesen , dieser Blödmann , wüßte er dann doch , dass Du armer verprügelter Tropf dich nicht äußern kannst . Bei dieser Gelegenheit .... wie geht es dir , mein Gönner ? Kannst du nun wenigstens schlabrige Suppe oder verwässerten Kartoffelbrei zu dir nehmen ?
Ich wünsche dir gute Genesung und weiterhin erfolgreiches Gesichtsabschwellen ! Liebe Grüße mailt dir ....
Deine Nichte
..... XX.
Noch ne Mail an den Onkel:
Lieber Onkel ,
ich schon wieder ... ich nehme alles zurück , er ist doch nicht so schreibfaul (bzw. sendefaul) wie ich dachte . Diese Nachricht war gleich zwei Mal da , gleich nach der vorherigen abgeschickt . Nur ..... einer von uns beiden scheint schon Alzheimer in fortgeschrittenem Stadium zu haben .... diese Mail erhielt ich nun schon
das 5. oder 6 te Mal . Menno , ich will mal was Neues lesen
So schmiert er mir jedenfalls keinen Honig um meinen zuckersüßen Mund ! Na , das wird sicher wieder ein tolles Gespräch beim chatten ... money ,money , money ... lieber Onkel , geh in dich und schicke mir Geduld , besser noch GELD !
Abermals lieber Gruß
Anhang von Williams Mail an mich
My dearest ,
My heart overflows with emotion and joy! I do not know what heavenly drive what infinite pleasure permeates it and burns me up. It is as if I had never loved! Tell me whence these uncanny disturbances spring, these inexpressible foretastes of delight, these divine tremors of love.
All this can only spring from you, ! All this is surely nothing less than a gentle ray streaming from your fiery soul, or else some secret poignant teardrop which you have long since left in my heart.
Oh , let me repeat your name a hundred times, a thousand times over. For days now it has lived within me, oppressed me, set me afire. I am not writing to you, no, I am close beside you. I see you, I hear you.
Eternity in your arms... Heaven, Hell, everything, all is within you, redoubled. Leave me free to rave in my delirium. Drab, tame, constricting reality is no longer enough for me. We must live our lives to the full, loving and suffering to extremes.
This is to be - to be!
Yours forever in love <----- Never du an Alzheimer Erkrankter
Okay , Darling hat sich dann doch noch bequemt sich per IMessage zu melden , nur das habe ich erst später gesehen :
18:26:42): Hi Darling i need you to much my love
20:04:57): Hi Darling
20:05:25): I Think maybe you don't want me to contact you again
Darauf musste ich nun doch antworten :
sorry , didn't know , you there . Had to write something for my work
Chatzusammenfassung Wem es zu langweilig wird... darf das Lesen gerne bleiben lassen
Darling wieder grün ,und das bin ich:
Kurz nach 22 Uhr ging er dann auf Sendung , sprich , Darling hatte Zeit zum Chatten
nice to meet you ....
Nice to meet you tooo.How are you doing today... Alright am about to go i said i should check to know if you are online did you got my email..
offensichtlich denken wir ziemlich gleich
sorry , mein PC ist heute etwas launisch... ist mir zum dritten Mal heute eingefroren
okay ... wir waren beim chatten und der Begrüßung....
Nice to meet you tooo.How are you doing today... Alright am about to go i said i should check to know if you are online did you got my email..
Na klar mein Lieber , aber hast du meine gelesen ? did you got my Mails ?Yes....i reply it did you got my emails Alright...i think you don't want me to chat with you again
Nun , viel Lust habe ich nicht , aber woher weißt du das ?
why are you thinking this ... today i was working by the PC , i had to do something for my work
and so i saw your message to late
Because you said that you are Annoyed when i ask you for Money..so i want to look for someone who will help me with this money Because Tomorrow i don't Know what will Happend...
Sieh an , dir vergeht scheinbar auch die Lust , bist wohl schon auf Suche , was ? Oder hast du schon wieder jemanden gefunden??.......i was annoyed , cause you didn't answer me for more than 20 minutes
Darling am crying that's why....Because your Uncle don't want to help me with the Money....and i ask you How Much are you going to help me with so that Everything will be okay
Darling am crying that's why....Because your Uncle don't want to help me with the Money....and i ask you How Much are you going to help me with so that Everything will be okay
Alright.....i think i will wait when you get your month pay you will help me with the money
Ach nee , ich denk das mit deinem Stuff hat nur noch Zeit bis morgen , wie denn nun ? what happened by Agathe ?...... she wrote a letter to me , i copied this and sent them to you , you didn'tread them ?
i Read it who is Agathe?
Du lügst mich an , das ist aber nicht die feine Art von Liebe .......
she is working in a special department for money by my uncle..... but i've never seen this woman , there are so much people working for my uncle
i don't know what the woman write to me am very Sad to read the email...or i don't know if it's your Uncle
Holzauge sei wachsam!!!!
sorry , if it's not my uncle , who should it be ?
now I don't understand
that's why i said your Uncle will never Help me with this money my love
Darling , he is a businessman , a wonderful man , but he is strong
Do you know the Best way my love....Let your Uncle send you the money and you will send it to me......... Because i don't know what he's talking about
i will talk with Agathe , .... but it seemed , you wrote something what wasn't nice , i don't know , she is very embrassed about this , but she didn't tell me what you wrote ....
.Na , nun gib schon zu , du hast sehr sehr unhöfliche Worte benutzt , gar nicht für Lady-Ohren bestimmt
Alright... Darling please tell her to forgive me ..
.Also , nun soll ich lieb Kind bei ihr machen , du hast doch so unflätige Worte benutzt , nicht ich ...
and she said ..you should say sorry ... but for what , what had you done
Also Schatzi , nun sag es mir schon...... am very sad to write the email Because she is writing something about picture and Address i don't know... Okay now when i send her email i will never Translate it again.... i don't know what she need from me she said i should send her my picture
Also Agathe , nun werd ich doch stutzig .... was hast du geschrieben , dass er dein Geschreibsel nicht mehr lesen will ? Hast du ihm ein Angebot gemacht ?Oder warum ist er so verschüchtert ?
yes , but you told me , you did
Yes Darling i send her my picture i don't know what again she need from me.. i Told her how she will send the money she don't want to talk about that again so Darling Please tell her about
Westernunuion ok....
hmm ,it is very strange , i don't know whwt i shall think all about this
i think you still have my Information....
yes , i talk with her , we find a way , i am sure
Darling Please do it Fast you know that the Habour people give me Tomorrow...
i think you need to called her now...so that tomorrow she will send off the money my love
send her the information on Phone as Text
Wie .... um diese Zeit , das ist sehr unhöflich
it doesn't go , cause i don't know her number.... will phone tomorrow in the early morning at the beginning at her work
Alright..... Where is your Uncle now
Willst du mich verklappsen ? Ich denk du hast die Mails gelesen , dann müßtest du wissen , dass der alte Haudegen im Krankenhaus liegt ..
. you shure you reed my e'mails ? then you know were hie is ..
Na merkt der es noch ? .
Darling can i have the Number so that Tomorrow i will try to call her too....
Darling , please read what i wrote ... i haven't the private number
what Number can you used to reach her tomorrow morning
will phone her at work , I only know the number you must have too......and this number is now by my work ,
what's the number my love
Meine Güte , ich hab sie nicht , rede ich chinesisch ,oder was ?
darling , i said , the number is by my work , i don't need them here at home ....... because , i don't phone my uncle at work , mostly private ......at home in Wahnsinnsfehn
Darling you are online today and you don't want to send me SMS so that i will meet you online why...
Was soll das nun wieder ?
Darling , you find me and you know , ihave not such a lot of money , and it cost a lot money to send SMS to Africa
Alright so it will cost you to send sms to your love Right
sorry ... to my love ? Darling , all in GER is expencive and i have to look that there is enough money for the whole month ....you find me by this messanger , what is the problem ..... and last time ago ... i sent SMS , but you didn't come
Das willste nicht hören , was ?
Now i don't know if you change your Number too or what am trying to call you but it's not going through..
wieso auch ... was hab ich denn noch geändert ? ??..
a lot of people tell me . there must be something wrong with my phone sometimes they can reach me , sometimes not ..... also , the connection is mostly very bad , you know this ..... yes , emails are the better way ..... and it's send by telekom , it is going faster than by yahoo ..... i don't know what is the reason
Alright......i think emails will ne batter now....because if you don't send me sms i will not know that you are online ...... Darling so now are you sure that this woman will help me with the Money when you called her Tomorrow morning Darling when you called the woman tell her how she will send the Money and how are you going to give her the Information... Okay you will send her text
Sonst noch ein Wunsch Darling ?
okay Darling , i will phone her in the early morning
hope , all will find a good end .... may be she contacted you , look sometimes in your box , please
Darling , it's late ... i need my rest
Darling i will be very happy when the woman will send the off money tomorrow morning and Everything will be okay...
yes ,then i am happy , too
Darling am crying always about this
yes Darling , i know this
Please Explian Everything to the woman when you are talking to her to her to send the money Through Westernunion something like that
yes my dear , i tell her all about Western Union , hope she knows what to do
Okay my love i can't wait Tomorrow when she send the money off and Everything will be okay... Yes Darling i will be very happy Sweetheart....darling i can't wait to meet you in Ger on my Birthday my love : i don't want to be here anymore
okay , now i wish a good night to you , have a nice dream ... why , it is so bad in africa`?
Darling you know that Africa is not my Country i need to come back home i don't know what's going on in my House there
yes , i believe this , home is home , am right ? Darling , i have to say good bye and good night
think about me ...... i phone with this woman
Yes ....When...now
ist der so blöd oder tut der nur so ? Nachts um halb zwölf..., ich glaub es geht los ....
Darling , i said tomorrow ! ........ now , my love , i am going .....sleep well my love
....... take care to you
The same here....
okay , sleep well ........
(29.06.2008 23:32:08): Na , hoffentlich ist Agathe nicht nachtragend .... und hoffentlich kapiert sie das mit Western Union . Aber ich wüßte gern was Agathe ihm geschrieben hat , dass er nichts mehr übersetzen will . Ob es ein unmoralisches Angebot war ?Ach Agathe wie ist deine Telefonnummer ? Mein Darling möchte mit dir reden .....
Mein Lover hat den ganzen Tag nichts von sich hören lassen. Da mußte ich ihm doch mal ne Mail schreiben, hatte schließlich versprochen, mit Agathe zu telenieren.
Gegen 19:15h schickte ich dann die Mail nach Afrika...
Hello Darling ,
how are you doing today ? Hope you are okay !
Phoned with Agathe . What is happened ? She was very, very embrassed about you .... She won't phone with you , she said , you should write an e'mail ....to say sorry . I told , you said yesterday she may forgive you , but she won't hear this by me . Jesus , she is realy annoyed .
Try to send 1500 € to you , even my money isn't there . The cash dispenser withdraw my credit card . Now i have realy a problem ...... i cannot take money from my own account . Such a lot of pitch
last days . What have I done ?
You are in my mind , believe ..
In meiner Mail habe ich meinem Lover mitgeteilt, dass der Geldautomat meine EC Karte eingezogen hat. Na ..da freu ich mich doch schon auf's chatten, wenn er überhaupt kommt.
Er kam ...und zum Schluss konnte ich mir in die Hände klatschen .
Darling William,ich
Hi Darling .... Are you there ..
Na klar, warte schon sehnsüchtig auf dich hello Darling , how are you ?
am doing Good and yourself....
Nun, ich muss mal ein wenig jammern und sehen ob er meine Mail gelesen hat...oh , its a black Monday today
Why my Love
did my Mail arrive ?
Yes....i don't Know what's going on....Darling Please tell me what's going on... The Habour Peopole i don't know what's going on....
then you know , Ahathe is yery embrassed
don't know , sorry , i write in Ger. das muss mit einem Deiner mails zusammenhängen , sie ist stink sauer , sie möchte , wenn sie helfen soll , eine Entschuldigung von Dir , per Mail
es braucht seine Zeit bis Darling das Ganze übersetzt hat..But i have send email to Agathe now...
okay, ich hoffe, du hast dir viiieeel Mühe gegebenokay ... hope she will help after them
Darling still you havn't get your month pay...
aha... Thema Agathe ist dir wohl nicht recht, wie? no , the money comes tomorrow or overtomorrow to my bank , thats the way it is
Alright Darling i Hope you will help me with the 1500Euros so that Mark will come Home as well... der hat die Mail doch nicht gelesen, dieser Knallkopf Darling , your sure , you read the mail ? The bank has my credit card ,, it needs some day , i get them back
Like How many Days my love
Sag mal, kapierst du nicht...? Das Geld wird auf sich warten lassen, aber es scheint dich nicht wirklich zu betrüben.... hope two or three , i don't know , the problem is .... i can't take money from my own account
Alright Sweetheart .... why...
i can take money only with my card from the .... Bankautomat , sorry , i've forgotten the word........it's a black Monday , i say this at the beginning
So Darling when are you going to get your Credit card back ..... Darling i don't know what's going now...
ja meine Güte..., bin ich Hellseher...,oder was?why ? i hope , Agathe is reeding your mail soon , will phone with her tomorrow again
Alright Darling i Hope the Best way is you to go there and get all this money by youself
na klar, nichts leichter als das...die Bank wartet schon auf mich,menno, ist der noch klar im Kopf...? you know , i try to help you , but i can't change the time or the problems so soon
i Know that my Love and i promise to pay EverythinG back my love....
na klar, in meinem neuen Leben vielleicht,aber bis dahin...wird noch viel Zeit vergehen Darling , i know ... it is a bad time last time
So When are you going there....
bitte nicht schon wieder...to my bank ? ..... i will ask them every day , cause i need ma card
Yes....and your Uncle Place .... Darling you Need to go there Tomorrow Morning... ...... I mean to your Bank...
sicher, am Bankeingang hängt ein extra großes Willkomensschilddarling , will try it in lunchtime I can't leave my work all the time by working , i got problems with my boss
Okay....Sweetheart when are you going to go to your Uncle Place ...... Alright.......Hope you will get your Card Tomorrow and you will send Off the Money my love ....... And my son will come Home my love ..... Mark have been so much long in Hospotel my love ...
i hope so too , but i am not sure , its not easy get them back ...... yes , i can understand him Darling ...... does he feel better now , is all right with him now ?
Know that my Love....i Hope you will try to send the 1500Euros Off Than My love ........ Yes Darling he Need to come home my love .
ja gewiss doch, hast Sehnsucht nach deinem Sohn, nicht wahr? Immer ins Krankenhaus latschen müssen ist anstrengend...hmmm , he is a child , i know .
Darling Can you give me the QUESTION AND ANSWER MY LOVE
Hä?? was will er denn nun?.(Er redet von der Frage und der Antwort zwecks WU-Überweisung).to go to my uncle is not possible , cause his Firm is in Frankfurt , thats 600 km away from my town
Alright my love
Sorry für den Gedankensprung, manchmal komm ich auch nicht mit was er meint.think , will visit my uncle at weekend
Darling you need to give it to me so that i will know that you will send the Money Tomorrow My love ..... That will be so Wonderful my love...
Darling , i can't send the money without my card , i have to take it cash from my bank ... and this is only possible with my card
Yes Hope you will get the Card Tomorrow and you will send of the Money my love .... Mark have been so much Long in Hospitel my love
Darling , i know , what shall i do ? Without money i can't do nothing , it's the same here
Okay Sweetheart.....i don't Understand why your Bank can't hold your Card my love ..... Tell me why your Bank Hold your card
also, so langsam reicht es mir...deine Nachfragen gehen mir auf die Nerven, mein Schatz..will write in German ... wollte per Geldautomaten Geld abholen , da aber mein Gehalt noch nicht auf dem Konto ist und ich das Konto stark überzogen habe , gibt es kein Geld und die Karte wird vom Geldautomaten eingezogen . Ist eine Sicherheit von der Bank . Nun muss ich versuchen , wenn mein Gehalt auf dem Konto ist , meine Karte wieder zu bekommen ...... die Bankvorschriften sind in GER sehr streng .... in Deutschland ist alles kompliziert und streng
bist du nun zufrieden..., oder immer noch nicht? Okay Sweetheart Hope Tomorrow Morning Everything will be okay
Darling , i hope so , too
Okay Darling when Everything is Okay try to send the Money Off Ok ... Think you have ALL all the Information my love
Darling , would it make you sad , if i close now ? .... I have to write something for my work
Hiiilfe...ich mag nicht mehr will you be back again ... Okay Sweetheart......Maybe if you wait you don't see me online make it tomorrow ok
am not sure , it needs time , we got a certfication for our work and so i have to write down many things ....
But now am still online
danke, tausend dank ..aber dann bitte Themawechsel!!!ok , tell me something about you ... what are you doing the whole day ? what is the best in Africa , ... what do you thinking ..... mean , when i will visit this country , what should i looking for , or what should i do in the country?
Darling am working on for Business Files... .... Going up and down my love ... Darling i don't Know Sweetheart am tried of staying here\ .... Darling you mean you want to come here...
not now , cause i sent all my money to you
Es folgt ein kurzes Gespräch darüber wie wunderbar es wäre, wenn wir endlich zusammen wären und dann gemeinsam Afrika besuchen könnten.
Alright my Love i hope we will enjoy everything together my love
yes , i would be wonderful , also i need some dreams
. Dann geht es weiter mit Thema Nr. 1 ...Money
Yes Sweetheart Darling are you going with the Information tomorrow
JAAAA DOCH!!!i try all to get the money , will phone with Agathe , will try to get my card back and to send the money
Darling Please don't tell that woman that you are sending money to me ok
Na nu , warum das nicht? Gibt es ein Geheimnis...oder warum darf ich der lieben Agathe nix sagen ???why not , it is a problem for you ?
Darling i will be very happy when you send this money off tomorrow and Everything will be okay
will believe , but you know , i need my card and i hope , my money is there from work
But do you still have my information my love
yes , i think ,, Patric Larbi or to whome shall i send ? .... you know , i've two names
Darling Used Patric Larbi ....... Okay my Love...i will be very happy my love
am happy if you are here im GER , i can't wait for it to see you
Yes Darling so you need to Help me with this last money so that everything will be okay and i will come to you my love
yes Darling , i do my best , i need your love
The same here i need you always with me my Sweetheart ..... can't live without you my love am thinking about always .... Yes Darling....when you send the Money off tomorrow how are you going to give me the Information my love
as fast as possible , Darling , the Answer & Question i send to your Box it is okay
Alright my love why can't you give me the Question and Answer now... i don't know what to ask in the moment
Darling Please ask .... What's the Question and Answer my love .... What's the Question and Answer my love
meine Güte..mir fällt nichts ein....
nun bin ich gleich SEHR gespannt auf die Antwort question : what is the date of Mark's Birthday .... Answer .....
i think , you know his birthday ....
Darling i forget Please Can you Answer it for me..
Was??du weißt das Geburtsdatum deines Sohnes nicht?...Dein ein und alles...Das ist ja unglaublich...
Darling i forget Please Can you Answer it for me..
Darling , you forgot the date of Mark's Birthday???? ... Ask Mark , i think he knows
Darling you know going Up and Down
Nun man keine Ausreden.., ha, erwischt,juchuuuu Ask Mark
Okay Darling i will Find out
jo Darling..dann such man schön...lach mich tot.. tonight you can't do anything , its time enough to ask Mark tomorrow .......
The Question:what is the date of Mark's Birthday ? Answer..\
yes , thats right .... and if Mark also don't know his birthday , send a message to me
...auf die Frage warte ich heute noch..Okay Darling Hope you are going to send the Money off tomorrow my love
i hope so too , Darling ... ....... but now , i have to close ... have to sleep ....... it's always a lot to do
Okay when you send it just send me Sms with the Number my love
send message to your IMessage here
Alright my love ........ lOVE YOU SO MUCH SWEETHEART
Darling , wish a nice dream and don't forget me .... will think about you and dream a sweet dream about you .... okay , my Love , sleep well and all my love to you
The same here my love ....... Love you always ........ Okay my Darling
good night Darling
Was ist die Moral von der Geschicht...vergesse niemals einen Geburtstag nicht...und schon gar nicht von deinem eigenen Kind!
01.Juli 2008
Am Nachmittag erhielt ich eine kurze IMessage vom Darling. Klar.. er wollte wissen, ob ich zur Bank war. Natürlich war ich nicht , warum auch ?
16:42:13): Hi Darling what's going on ...... have you send off the Money my love .......
Wollte meinem Darling gerade eine Nachricht hinterlassen, da erscheint er im Messenger. Eigentlich war er offline... wieso zum Kuckuck ist der da? Kann ich denn gar nichts mehr in Ruhe machen? Menno...
18:08: Hi Darling , how are you doing , hope you are well .....
Didn't got back my Bank card , also i don't know if my money is there , for this i need my card ........
was phoning with the bank at lunchtime , at this timt my money wasn't there
Why Sweetheart ....... You Told me that you will go to your Bank after lunchtime
Dem kann ich es auch nie recht machen okay , have to think for the words in engl ............ i got the money from Stadt B. , they have a special own bank ..... the money is going to that bank , the bank from Stadt B. has to ... überweisen .... it to my bank ......... sometimes it needs two days , i can't change it ..
Alright my Love ....... when are you going to get your card my love Keine Ahnung... wenn du mich weiterhin so nervst, vielleicht überhaupt nicht, zumindest nicht für dich... will ask , phone tomorrow again , i need this card for myself , i need money , i have to buy some fooda ......... *foods .
Know that my love
du weißt garrr nichts , mein Love since 4 days i change pancake and pasta for lunch , cause i need the money , and i have no more foods at home , without eggs , milk and flavour and pasta ........... i can't eat it for a longer time ...
ja ich armes Schwein, lebe nur von Milch, Nudeln, Eier und Mehl...heißt Mehl überhaupt flavour? Na egal Yes Darling i Think you will go there by yourself i mean to the Bank
Darling i Hope with all my heart that you will get the Money.,..
yes , i hope so too, Darling , it's realy a bad time last time
Yes Sweetheart ........ Darling did you go to the Bank today
Mann kannst du mal was Anderes schreiben.... ich kann's nicht mehr lesen... grrrr. .Darling ... think about the different time between Africa and Ger . the bank is closed at this time ........ don't know how long bank are opened in Africa or USA , .............
Yes Darling i think you will live work tomorrow and go to the Bank my love
gewiss doch, ich verlasse mal eben schnell den Arbeitsplatz während der Arbeitszeit, kein Problem, die Kundschaft wartet gerne bis ich wieder zurück bin, so nach ner Stunde ca. ... Was hast du bloß für eine Arbeitsmoral.... hast DU überhaupt Arbeit oder ziehst du nur den Frauen das Geld aus der Tasche?... Darling , i can't go always away from my work , they sacced me if i go alway by the time i've to work ..... and then..... i have no chance to get new work , Ger is not USA .....
for work in Ger . you have to be young and have to know so much as an older one . it's bad in Ger. by my age to get new work ..... i think , its easier to get new work in other countries than in Ger if someone is more than 45 years old
Alright my love am very worried
Know that my love
ach... tatsächlich? Liest du überhaupt was ich hier mit mühevoller Unlust schreibe? So now when are you going to get your card my love
Lieber Gott, schenke mir noch ein wenig Geduld, ich hab zwar Kübelweise welche, aber ich glaube, das reicht bei dem nicht... Darling , i said ... tomorrow , but after working , hope , i can go a bit before the end of working ..
Okay my Love so tomorrow you will get the Card
hoffst du...ich weiß nicht so recht, ob das gut ist... i hope so !!!!! ........ Darling , sorry , i have to close now , cause my son was coming some minutes befor ....... he is hungry and he has to work with my PC for school for a while
Alright so when again will you be online my love ........my son says How are you doing today
tell him .... I am okay and hope he will be back home yery soon .......... take care to you , bye my Love und bevor du mich nun fragst wann dein Kind Geburtsdtag hat, nix wie weg hier... 18:39:03): Yes.....when again are you going to be online
Tut mir leid... ich bin schon weg, ich weiß es nicht, ...wenn ich Lust und Zeit habe my Love....
Da ich nicht vor habe abends mit meinem Lover zu chatten , muß ich ihn wenigstens darüber informieren , ob ich nun endlich meine EC Karte zurück habe...
Mail an William : 02 Jul 2008 16:16:02
Hello Darling ,
how are you doing today . Hope you are fine .
Was visiting my bank at lunchtime . You know , i need my bank card back to send the 1500 €uros to you .
The bank lady told me i need a new one . In the first moment i thought , i didn't understand right . She told me , i need a new one , cause the bank destroy my card after the cash dispenser withdraw my card . In that moment i felt like a bomb yust befor explode . I ask for the director of bank . I ask him , why couldn't they tell me in that moment i ask for the card 3 days ago , that i need a new one . I ask him , what he is thinking by witch way i get my money now . I tell him , i've no money to buy something to eat or drink . What's up .... Am so embrassed by this bank people , i've no words . He told me it needs one week to get the new one , wonderful , realy wonderful . And with witch money i can pay my food ? He said ... it needs only one week .Only ??? One week is a long time if i have to pay for food . Heaven and hell .... what have i done , what is wrong with me that there are only problems last time ....
After bank visiting i came back too late by my work ... My Boss called me and she said she is angry about me . Last time i overtake my lunchtime very often and i have to stop to come too late . O what a wonderful day today . Bull sh.....
Did you contact Agathe ? I try to phone her , but she had no time for me . Darling , did you say sorry to her ? It seemed , she is always annoyed about you . Send one of this nice cards by > 2000 Greeting cards < , may be she will forgive you . I don't know what happened between you and this woman , why she is so annoyed .
I miss you so much , i need you so much ,just now by all this problems . Feel so sad and cry ,cause the problems find no end .
Darling , if you like to chat with me , DON'T talk about money today . I feel like a rocket just befor starting . I love you so much , but i won't hear the word money today . I sign out if you try it . I've no nerv to talk about money today .
Hoping there will come better times i say good bye now . I need some fresh air for my head and my minds .
Love always you
Nachdem ich William die Mail geschickt habe , checke ich noch mal meinen Messenger . Er hat mir gestern spät abends noch eine IMessage hinterlassen :
22:29:54): How are you doing today.....Hope Everything is okay with you....
Check you tomorrow
Have Missed you so much am here Just Thinking about you as am always do....
Can't wait tomorrow when you get this Money send my love
Please when you come Online again try to send me SMS so that i will meet you ok
Are you there......
Are you there......
23:33:28): <ding>
Und von Agathe erfahre ich dass William gestern eine Mail an sie geschrieben hat :
William schrieb am 01.07.2008 15:15:07:
Good Morning
How are you doing today i Hope Everything is Okay with you....i said
Please forget about Everything and Help me with this Money i Hope
Everything will be okay
Nur das ist für Agathe nun wirklich keine Entschuldigung ! Ein Erinnerungsfoto schickt sie mir auch gleich mit .
Darling muss meine Mail sehr schnell erhalten und auch gleich gelesen haben , denn er hinterlässt im Messenger eine Nachricht :
16:28:30): Hello Darling......
How are you doing today....i hope everything is okay with you my love
So you mean on Monday everything will be okay and you will get your money my love
i don't know what's going.....
Why this people is doing like this....
i will be online today at 8:00 my time
16:30:46): Love you always
Im Laufe des Nachmittages hat Darling mehrere Male versucht per IM mit mir Kontakt aufzunehmen. Nach 18:00 Uhr war er ständig online, das habe ich ignoriert. Nach 22:00 h wollte ich mal sehen , was Darling zu sagen hat . Obwohl in meiner Mail stand , dass ich heute nichts mehr von Moneys hören wollte , er konnte es nicht lassen.... Aber immerhin .... er hat sie gelesen , scheinbar auch endlich mal all die Vorherigen .
Da die endlosen Gespräche mit immer demselben Text langweilig werden , versuche ich nur Auszüge hier her zu kopieren (der Chat dauerte über 2 Stunden).
Hi Darling
Darling so you don't have someone who will borrow you this money i will pay you back as soon as this stuff have cleard my love .... Darling Please do it for me i will pay you everything back ......
Please any amount you get it's okay .... Please any amount you can help me is okay
Der Herr wird doch wohl nicht bescheiden??
Ich mußte ihm mehrere Male erklären, dass ohne meine EC-Card nichts machbar ist . Darauf hin versucht er es mit dem Onkel when are you going to your Uncle house my love
Darling , be honest , you didn't read all my mails , cause then you would know were he is in the moment ....... if we like it or not , we need Agathe .....
Darling you said that he's in the Hospitel right ....
okay, er hat sie gelesen, ich leiste Abbitte hope , he will come back next time , his house is not sooo far away than Frankfurt . Frankfurt is more than 600 km away , Wahnsinnsfehn "only" a bit more than 300 km ...and only the weekend is free time to go to him
Okay Darling so when you go there are you going to get me the money or..
ich würg ihn gleich ein bisschen didn't you see or know , ... the money from my uncle has to be send by Agathe ...... she is the woman in his firm who is working with money ..
did you contact Agathe ?
Darling i Contact her she said me Fuck You what's the meaning of that?
Darling i Told her to forget about everything and Help me with the money i will pay her everything back//// ....... Darling i think you will get the money for me and send it off my love ..... Because this woman will never send this money my love ....... what's going on i don't understand all that
will write in Ger . .. der Geldtransfer von meinem Onkel wird über Agathe bearbeitet . Sie (Agathe ) ist für die Finanzen zuständig ...Es ist an der Zeit Frieden mit Agathe zu schließen ,,, irgendwie muss Ruhe in die Sache kommen .........Darling . did you think about this card from 2000 Greetings .... I think , if you send a card and tell her , there should be freedom between Agathe and you , i hope , than it will be okay .
so without Agathe he will not send the Money my love
ob er es wirklich kapiert hat? ich mag es gar nicht glauben...
Sweetheart.....Please let forget about this people this problem is for you and me ...
Agathe und meinen Onkel scheint er nicht besonders ins Herz geschlossen zu haben... Schade eigentlich...FÜR IHN.... we can't forget this people , they have the money , it's not me in this days ... send a card , this will be the best i think
Okay Sweetheart i will try it after chatting with you ok ......Darling i think you need to find something sell so that we can pay this money fast my love
Verd... ich hab nichts mehr!... the only one i had was my car , it was payed by cash , but now , the bank got the papers for the credit and i can't sell it
Okay Sweetheart....Please Answer me .....i think you can used the Car and get money from your friends my love ........You can go and get it tomorrow my love .... Like How much is that car my love
na das werde ich dir bestimmt nicht erzählen mein Darling... you can go and get the papers from your Bank tomorrow my love Darling ... die Bank behält die Papiere so lang , bis ich den Kredit bezahlt habe . Mein Auto ist die Sicherheit dass ich den Kredit zurück bezahle ..... and for this ... the bank doesn't give the papers back
Okay my love you mean you have credit with the Bank how much my love
i told you .... the last money i sent to you ... 5000 € were a credit
Darling Please you need to help me with this Last 5000euros so that everything will be okay and i will pay you all your money as well my love ..Okay Darling maybe tomorrow you will find someone who will help you with the money my love .. tell the person that you will pay everything back in two days time my love
ICH?...wovon denn ? Okay my Love Please tomorrow try your best i know that someone will help you with this money tomorrow ok .....will be very happy for that my love .....Know that you will surely find someone who will help me with this money tomorrow my love .....Darling now who are you going to ask this money tomorrow .. .. do you have anybody in your mind now
no , and am too tired to think about this now . I need my rest .....Darling , i love you a lot but i have to close now , sorry ...... sleep well Dear
Darling Hope with all my heart that you will get this money tomorrow .. Love you so much my Sweetheart i can't Live without you my love
so do I , and now .......... bye my Love .....and don't forget Agathe Darling ...... the same here
Okay i will email her now ok
ok, aber bitte gib dir gaaanz viel Mühe... und weißt du was ich jetzt gerne möchte...schlafen... aber vorher...Tsuki-Komo-Jime....., ich kann deine Moneyfragen nicht mehr hören..
Den ganzen Tag keine Nachrichten vom Darling ..... deshalb schicke ich ihm eine lange Mail, damit er auch mal sieht, mir geht es gar nicht gut...
Hello William ,
how are you today , hope you are well . Will send this message in German , sorry please , but i hope , it's better for understanding if you translate it .
Seit zwei Tagen renne ich hinter Geld her . Nein , meine Bank card ist immer noch nicht da . Nochmals habe ich meine Freunde befragt , sie sind entweder im Urlaub , sind arbeitslos oder haben selber nichts . Auch meine Nachbarn und selbst mein Arbeitgeber sind nicht gewillt mir Geld zu leihen . Seit einer Woche lebe ich nun von Pasta und Pfannkuchen . Nun ist meine Milch sauer , da ich sie ständig verdünnen mußte , also keine Pfannkuchen mehr . Mein Nudelvorrat geht zu Ende , konnte ich vorher wissen , dass solch eine Zeit auf mich zukommt ? Nein , und ganz ehrlich , mir hängt beides zum Hals heraus . Bald hast du Geburtstag .... du möchtest gerne ein Laptop von Toshiba . Okay , dein Wunsch ist mir Befehl ... nur ohne card und damit ohne Geld , kann ich es nicht besorgen . Also habe ich mit meinem Onkel telefoniert . Es geht ihm zum Glück besser , zumindest kann er schon wieder sprechen . Arm und Bein müssen weiterhin im Gips verbleiben . Am Sonntag darf er eventuell nach Hause , benötigt dort aber zur Pflege eine Krankenschwester. Zum Glück kann er sich eine Privatschwester leisten . Ich habe ihm von meinen Problemen mit der Karte und deinem bevorstehendem Geburtstag erzählt . Da ich ja auch nicht weiß wann meine card nun endlich kommt , hat er sich bereit erklärt die 1500 € für deinen Sohn ebenfalls zu übernehmen . Er wird Agathe darüber informieren , allerdings erst am Montag , schließlich ist Wochenende .
Es mag dir gefallen oder nicht mein Liebling , aber Agathe ist nun mal die einzige Person die über das nötige Kleingeld verfügen kann , natürlich mit dem ok meines Onkels . Hast du ihr eigentlich die Karte geschickt ? Falls nicht , bitte , hole es dieses Wochenende schnell nach .
Noch etwas zum Chatten : es macht mir keinen Spass immer nur über Geld zu reden . Warum beantwortest du meine Fragen nicht , zum Beispiel ... was machst du den ganzen Tag . Du schreibst doch nicht nur Geschäftspapiere, den ganzen und jeden Tag ? Wie soll ich dich besser kennen lernen , wenn du mir immer keine Antworten auf meine Fragen gibst . Ich kann nun mal nicht zaubern .... leider , es ist müßig über Dinge zu reden die im Augenblick nicht zu ändern sind .
Okay , dies ist eine lange Mail . Ich habe sie in deutsch geschrieben , weil ich mich in meiner Muttersprache besser ausdrücken kann . Ich weiß , dass du die Möglichkeit hast dieses alles zu übersetzen . Bevor du mich nun wieder fragst , warum ich in dieser Weise mit dir spreche , nun , ich bin es leid deine Fragen immer wieder und wieder zu beantworten . Ich habe keine Lust mehr mich ständig zu rechtfertigen . Wenn du auf das Geld verzichten kannst .... wenn nicht , müssen wir mit Agathe kooperieren , ob es gefällt oder nicht .
So , mein Schatz , ich habe noch was zu erledigen . Ich habe dich sehr lieb und du bist immer in meinen Gedanken , das kannst du mir glauben .
Es grüßt dich mit einem Herzen voller Liebe
Gestern habe ich nicht mehr mit Darling gechattet. Er hat mehrere Male versucht mich anzurufen, auch nachts zwei Mal. Nur es gibt nun mal in punkto Geld keine Neuigkeiten.
Aber er hat mir eine Mail geschrieben:
Hi Darling
How are you doing today i Hope Everything is Okay with you my love am so happy to hear from you once again and am enjoy reading your mail as well....Darling you Know that i Love you so much and i can't Live without you my love....so now what are we going to do my love......Darling you mean your Uncle is going to offer us this money on weekend......i don't Know what to do am crying always today am going to sleep with Mark because the doctor says Mark need me....always by his side....so Darling i will talk with you latter when i come back tomorrow..i Love you so much my wife
Love always
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