die Mail für William
Datum: Sonntag, 18. Januar 2009 18:22
An: william_4ualone12@yahoo.com <william_4ualone12@yahoo.com>
Betreff: Still I love you
Hello William
how are you doing, hope you are fine. I try to contact you but you won't talk with me. Okay, is this the way to say good bye? You have got what you wanted... my money. You got all I had, you are content now?
I don't hate you therefore I am sad like you with feelings only infinitely, play. Why?????? What have I done to you? What? I tried to find a man who needs my love, just like I need love. I have almost my whole life worked as ************************. I would never have thought, that my feelings and my love for a man are made use of exploited in such a way. What have I done to you?
>>It's time we stop pretending, it's time to turn the page, all stories need an ending. It makes no sense to stay, livin' my life in yesterday, I'm leaving. It'll only bring pain for us to stay.
And I feel the pain looking of you in a world of lies. No matter where you are and bring you
everything you ask for nothing is above me. I'm shining like a candle in the dark when you tell me that you love me. I wanna make you see just what I was show you the loneliness and what it does you walked into my life to stop my tears. In a world without you I would always hunger. All I need is your love to make me stronger. And I feel the pain looking of you in a world of lies.<< dieses ist ein Songtextauszug von Diana Ross
immer noch keine Reaktion vom Darling. Erneute offline message an William:
XXXX(17:59:04): Good evening William
how are you doing today
hope you are okay.
if you are online... I like to talk with you, please
er war wieder stundenlang invisible, reagierte aber nicht
William war bis wenige Minuten vor 18 Uhr invisible, danach meldete er sich ab. Obwohl ich ihn gebeten hatte online zu gehen, er blieb stur. Also noch ein Versuch in Form einer offline Nachricht:
XXXX (20:44:07): Hi William, I'm sad because you didn't say Good bye. You don't have any difficulties in scamming unsuspecting women but not the courage telling me Good bye, *lol. You disappionted me. I will forgive what you have done to me but never I will forget how much you hurt me. I know you are online now and try to scam women. I'm waiting for you before heavens door !
Anmerkung: William war invisible zur Zeit als ich den Text schrieb. Direkt als ich den Text abschickte, meldete er sich ab...
E'Mail von William:
Von: William Bright
Datum: Montag, 19. Januar 2009 20:53
Betreff: Still I love you
Hello My Sweetheart
How are you doing today i hope everything is okay with you am so happy to hear from you once again and am enjoy reading your mail as well...Darling seems that you don't know how much i love you with all my heart and soul am doing everything anything to be with you in Germany but seems that you don't want us to be together i don't know what you and Agathe are doing with me..Darling i don't understand this since you send me money i don't have this Problem before...when you send me money after that you will block it again do you know why i say this because Agathe Have do this to me before she send me money and later on she block the money...Sweetheart i Believe and trust you that's why i booked flight ticket send you all the information so that you will believe me that i wanna be with you baby..i don't want to ask you money again i am trying my best to pay everything but it will take months time if you want us to meet each other very soon please try your best and help me with this money so that everything will be okay tomorrow i will be online at 8:00 your time love you so much
love always
leider kann ich "tomorrow" nicht... und dieses Mal stimmt es wirklich
und noch eine Mail von William. Leider sind es Textbausteine die ich schon mehrmals von ihm erhalten habe
Datum: Montag, 19. Januar 2009 23:03
Betreff: Good Evening Darling
My dearest XXXX,
My heart overflows with emotion and joy! I do not know what heavenly drive what infinite pleasure permeates it and burns me up. It is as if I had never loved! Tell me whence these uncanny disturbances spring, these inexpressible foretastes of delight, these divine tremors of love.
All this can only spring from you, XXXX! All this is surely nothing less than a gentle ray streaming from your fiery soul, or else some secret poignant teardrop which you have long since left in my heart.
Oh XXXX, let me repeat your name a hundred times, a thousand times over. For days now it has lived within me, oppressed me, set me afire. I am not writing to you, no, I am close beside you. I see you, I hear you.
Eternity in your arms... Heaven, Hell, everything, all is within you, redoubled. Leave me free to rave in my delirium. Drab, tame, constricting reality is no longer enough for me. We must live our lives to the full, loving and suffering to extremes.
This is to be - to be!
Yours forever in love,
So einen wie William würde ich nicht baiten wollen. Es ist einfach unglaublich, er weicht nicht ab von seinem Standpunkt. Er gibt nicht auf und würde sich nie als Mugu outen. Den Kerl zu baiten ist eine Lebensaufgabe, darüber wird man grau.
Illusionen regieren die Welt. Die jeweils größere Illusion gewinnt das Spiel.
Beiträge: | 4.410 |
Registriert am: | 29.05.2008 |
und weil William so gerne schreibt, eine dritte Mail....
Datum: Montag, 19. Januar 2009 23:08
Betreff: Hi Sweetheart!
How are you doing today i Hope everything is okay with you am so happy to hear from you once again and am enjoy reading your mail as well Thank you very much for your offline message Now tell me something what do you mean by this words Scamming i don't understand you baby am not online but you think that am online whats wrong with you....what do you think about me if you don't want to continue this relationship please let me know i try to call you how many times have you called me
love always
offline von William:
william (17:26:51): <ding>
william: Hi XXXX
How are you doing today am online since morning
please when you come online sms me or call me so that i will meet you then
i will be online again at 8:00 your time
take care!
die Nachricht las ich nach getaner Arbeit heute
ich habe wirklich keine Zeit heute und hinterließ William deshalb eine SMS....
Datum: Dienstag, 20. Januar 2009 18:06
An: 00233241775379;
Betreff: SMS-Nachricht
Hello William,how are you doing today?All ok with you? I cannot be online tonight,but tomorrow it will be possible. 8 pm,my time,ok? I'm working tonight
nun... ich arbeite zwar nicht, habe aber was zu erledigen nun....
Zitat von Dana
Er gibt nicht auf und würde sich nie als Mugu outen. Den Kerl zu baiten ist eine Lebensaufgabe, darüber wird man grau.
23.01 2009
William war oft invisible in den letzten Tagen, aber er sprach mich nicht an. Heute schien er jedoch bereit für einen Chat.... und ich war gar nicht auf ihn vorbereitet
william(22:48:39): Hi Sweetheart!
XXXX: good evening William
william: Finaly online now!
william: Good Evening XXXX how are you doing today
XXXX: I am doing good today... how are you William?
william: am doing great...i have missed chatting with you
XXXX: really?
william: how is everything with you over there!
william: Yeah..
XXXX: am okay... what shall i answer?... I dion't know.. not really, all is right
XXXX: you are not online every day?
william: Okay XXXX You made me very sad why are you calling me names
william: Yes XXXX am very busy working hard trying how to pay the rest of the money!
XXXX: okay... then you don't need money from me
XXXX: do y like to go back to the States?
william: Yes i don't need money from you Again what come into your mind you called me a scammer
XXXX: what shall I think about you William? what? y ask for money atlthough y know I have no one
XXXX: you send flowers and I don't understand why
william: Okay XXXX that's why you called me names
XXXX: what shall I think about you ???
william: I don't know what you think of me and the flower was sent to you by my driver on my behalf so if you don't like it you can return it back to FTD bereits letzte Woche geschehen, der Auftrag wurde angeblich storniert!?!
william: because it seems you don't like to receive a gift from me
XXXX: that is not about the gift and not the flowers that are flowers for the bereavement
william: That's okay i sent you something and you're thinking so much bad about me why!
XXXX: I could see y are online , why didn't y talk with me?
william: Nope baby am not online
william: i Told you before when you online sms me i will meet you then
XXXX: why should I send sms if i could see you are online?
XXXX: and... I have such a lot numbers to call you... I don't know what is the right one
william: XXXXi Promise am not online er lügt!
william: How can i be online see that your on also and i will not talk to you never!
XXXX): ok, I won't no trouble...
XXXX: I sent SMS Tuesday, cos I had to work in the evening, told you, I'm online Wednesday, but I was waiting and y not there wo bleibt die Antwort??
XXXX: sorry, brb in 3 minutes (bathroom)
william: am here XXXX
william: Sorry got booted
XXXX: sorry, please.. I'M back
william: Alright
william: You made me very sad!
XXXX: and you make me sad!
william: Think before you say don't say before you think! vielen Dank für die Belehrung
XXXX: Dear, all is so strange... never I saw you before... all this problems, what shall I think?
XXXX: so many bad things are happening by Internet
william: Yes i understand how you feel
XXXX: really? the bank make me problems and I'm still working and the evening school... I'm so tired about all this
william: XXXX tell me what are you thinking about me because i have tryed everything for us to be together but seems that you don't want it ok
XXXX: and I tried to help you , nothing is going... still I'm waiting for you
william: i Know that XXXX am trying mt best too but i don't know why your calling me names now i sent you flowers too Problem
XXXX: yes, but why flowers for bereavment? I don't understand? I'm still alive
william: XXXX so if someone sent you something like flowers that's mean the person dead right! hä? versteh ich irgendwie nicht...
XXXX: I'm not sure if I understand right now...
XXXX: flowers for bereavement are special flowers in Germany You are living and I'm too
XXXX: Okay i sent you this Flowers to make you happy but now problem ok
XXXX: I feel fera
XXXX: *fear
william: Oh XXXX i do this to make you so that you will know that i love you so much!
william: Happy
william: Oh XXXX i do this to make you happy so that you will know that i love you so much!
william: But now i don't know what your thinking about me!
william: seems that you don't know how much pains
XXXX: still I love you and I wrote this in my last mail
william: i have
XXXX: and what is with my pain?
william: Okay XXXX am very sorry for making you feel sad...But i don't know what this words is Scammer never heared that before Explain please!
XXXX: this is an english word... you don't know it?
william: Okay i understand you now
william: Seems that you don't know how much i need you in my life!
william: i think it's too late there for you
william: Are you working tomorrow!
XXXX: yes, in the afternoon
william: Okay we will meet online in the morning ok\
william: what time is Good for you XXXX!
XXXX: sorry, I need a bit time to write, it seems I've forgotten all the english words
william: Okay what time is Good for you tomorrow so that we can chat online
XXXX: in the morning I have to buy a bit to eat.. it is possible in the early evening?
william: Okay XXXX what time in the Evening!
william: You made me feel so sad!
XXXX: and you make me crying... too many tears are flowing last time
william: i try to call you everyday But you don't want to pick my calls ok
william: am very sorry for making you feel sad...
william: But you know that all the problems from you! Frechheit!!!
XXXX: it is always my debt
william: i want to show you that i really want to be with you that's why i booked flight ticket right
XXXX: yes
william: Good and you make they cancel it
XXXX: never... I was driving to Frankfurt and waiting there
william: because you send me money later on you will tell them to block it
XXXX: darling... now it is enough... I blocked nothing!
william: Okay we can chat again tomorrow at 9:00 your time ok
XXXX: 9.. what? pm or am?
william: PM
william: Or AM
XXXX: okay.. I will be online
XXXX: pm
william: Okay baby i will meet you then
william: bye for now i will send you email tomorrow good morning ok
XXXX: okay... have a sound sleep and know this... still I love you
william(23:43:38): Okay Darling
...und schon war er offline...
das war ein neuer William... seltsam... er bestreitet nichts mit den Blumen, aber er wundert sich nicht dass ich die Grabgestecke nicht angenommen habe?? Okay, vielleicht hat sich jemand das Geld in die eigene Tasche gesteckt? . Da bin ich aber gespannt ob er wirklich zum Chatten erscheint...
Schnuckel, im Moment spinnen die Invisble viewer ganz höllisch. Die zeigen oftmals ID's invisible online an, obwohl sie gar nicht online sind.
Damit ich mir ganz sicher bin, schaue ich mir vergleichsweise eine ID an, von der ich sicher weiß, dass sie offline ist. Wenn diese invisible angzeigt wird, dann spinnt das Teil wieder.
Illusionen regieren die Welt. Die jeweils größere Illusion gewinnt das Spiel.
Beiträge: | 4.410 |
Registriert am: | 29.05.2008 |
@ Dana
danke Dana für den Hinweis. Aber trotzdem wird Willi nicht tagelang mir zuliebe offline sein. Aber ich werde es nach deiner Methode versuchen, danke
William war pünktlich online. Das Gespräch verlief anfangs schleppend, in unserer Beziehung ist ein klarer Knacks, vor allem nachdem ich ihn als Scammer bezeichnet habe. Zum Schluss hatte ich aber noch meinen Spass
XXXX(21:03:09): Good Evening William
william: Good Evening XXXX
william: How are you doing today!
XXXX: how are you doing today?
XXXX: I'm doing good
william: am doing great and yourself.. diese Übereinstimmung... wie ein altes Ehepaar..
XXXX: I had to work and to do a bit houesework what have you done today?
william: Am just coming back from Business Meeting..
william: How is everything with you over there!
XXXX: all is right all is going the way it has to go
william: That's great..
XXXX: did you have success by your business meeting?
william: Not really XXXX they still talking about the rest balance that i will pay them!
XXXX: I cannot understand.. ok the conditions in Africa are bad... but it is your money on the bank
william: Yes XXXX i want to tell you something now!
XXXX: I'm listening...
william: Okay You told me something about agathe last time ago that Agathe is taking care of your nephew proparty or something like that!
XXXX: Agathe inherited the company from my uncle , she has nothing to do with my nephew
william: You know that agathe have send me money before and she block it scan the paper send to me..
XXXX: which paper shall i scan?
william: Nope am talking about Agathe...
william: The same thing you do to me now..you made me drive three time to westernunion
XXXX: but i was working with my bank
XXXX: you know this... all the time I was working with my bank
william: Okay XXXX i understand you!
william: Tell me something
XXXX: but I don't understand what would you like to say to me?
william: It's okay...
william: tell me something..
XXXX: what wanted Agathe at that time from you? Tell me , please
william: Because you do the same thing to me...you send me money after that you will block the money! aber ich doch nicht
william: This thing have never happen before
XXXX: what does it mean: This thing have never happen before , how often did you got money in the past by this Western Union?
william: Listen XXXX please be honest with me!
XXXX): Dear... I gave the money to the bank people..cash.. the bank people are sending the money, not I did it. I cannot do, cos we have no Western Union here hoffentlich überprüft er das nicht, seit neuestem haben wir...
XXXX: All is going by the bank
william: Oh i understand you XXXX.
XXXX: I'm not sure... I'm thinking we talk besides each other here
XXXX: Darling... I don't hate you... so much emotions are there in all the time why are you thinking I hate you?
william:XXXX seems that you don't know how much i need you in my life!
XXXX: I gave all I had, I ask my family for money and this wasn't easy for me, I ask Agathe... what a blame for me because she is not my favorite friend
XXXX: do you know how much I need you?
XXXX: what wanted Agathe at that time from you? You didn't give me an answer ich wollte ihn auf Agathe festnageln um heraus zu finden, wie viel dieser William von ihr weiß. Ohne Erfolg...
williamXXXX: XXXX i know that but am afired thinking maybe you found another man in your life einen? Es waren zwei die aber schon aufgegeben haben
XXXX: and why are you thinking I found another man?
william: You told me before you think that agathe like me and she want to give me a help right
XXXX: yes... and?
william: She send me money and later on she blocked the money! ach... das wußte ich gar nicht.. Hat Agathe mir was verheimlicht??
XXXX: but I'm thinking there must be other reasons you hate her so much what happened that you hate her so much? ich denke da an Bilder und ihre Anmache...
william: Okay Good Question weiß er nichts oder ist er Kavalier?
william: Because how can she make fools on me when she send me money later on she will blocked it what does that mean!
william: tell me something!
XXXX: Dear i don't know what happened between sagathe and you I cannot give an answer
XXXX): I have no connection to her
william: Okay XXXX...i understand you
william: Lets talk about something!
XXXX: something? what is something?
XXXX: I'm working a lot and the days are going away so fast
william: How we can meet each other in person!
william: Okay i have missed chatting with you!
XXXX: I missed it too but I'M home late and am so tired mostly
william: Okay But i don't understand why your not picking my calls anytime i called you!
XXXX: its the fear you are only talking about money and I hate this word because I have a lot problems with my bank now
william: Okay XXXX you told me that..i will never tell you something about money again!
XXXX: I had to make an arrangement with my bank
william: Okay do you have postbank there!
XXXX: They pay my expences every month and I got 150 Euro for living every month all the rest of my money belongs to the bank ja, ja, harte Zeiten sind es für mich
XXXX: till i pay back the kredit
XXXX: life in Ger is expencive and so I'm working to pay back as soon as possible
william: Okay XXXX i understand..i promise to pay everything back when i come to you in Germany right...
XXXX: thats not the point ...I cannot give money to you... my bank has all of them
william: Okay what about the 2000E
XXXX: the money I payed cash came from Agathe it was resend and Agathe ask for her money
XXXX: so I had to give it back to Agathe
william: Okay Baby...
william: The Bank people are giving me problems!
XXXX: nothing is okay and I feel so sad and mad about all this problems
william: The same here my Sweetheart But i hope very soon everything will be okay...
william: XXXX do you have Postbank there!
XXXX: I dont know... why? was soll das nun ??
william: Just asking..
william: i Told you that i wil never ask you for money again!
william: You think that i love you because of your money!
XXXX: lol... which money? I have no money not now and not in the next two years
william: why are you talking like that!
XXXX: I'm laughing about : that I'm thinking you love me about money... which money?
william: Nope that's what your thinking..
william: And now your calling me names
XXXX: sorry, I become sarcastic about all the problems (*cry)
Hier brach meine Internetverbindung plötzlich ab und ich musste nach einer Pause alles neu starten
XXXX: sorry... the internet connection was interrupted
william: It's Okay
XXXX: I don't know what was the last you wrote?
XXXX: William?
william: michelle
william: Your calling me names why..what have i done to you wrong
william: You don't know how much i love you
william: But seems that you hate me
XXXX: it seems you are writing with another woman because my name is not Michelle and it seems you have problems with her too
william: what do you mean XXXX
XXXX: Good night William, know this I love you but you are cheating me
william: Nope baby
william: i am not chatting with anybody only you er lügt, ich konnte sehen wie er mit jemand anderem schrieb
william: i made mistake with spelling
XXXX: really??????
william: Yes because of you am here
XXXX: may be you are here about me, too
william: Nope i am not chatting with anybody only you
XXXX: Michelle and XXXX the names are like himself and you like to tell me you are spelling
william: XXXX seems that you misunderstand me
XXXX: really?
william: Yes
william: what are you thinking about me now!
XXXX: would you like to know this?
william: Yes
XXXX: you should take more care if you talk with another woman and not change the names
william: XXXX because of you am here
XXXX: may be of me, too
william: As am talking with you now am very sick!
XXXX: thats your problem now *lol
XXXX: ok, i will forgive you
william: Okay XXXX am very sick
william: i have pains all over my body!
XXXX: don't tell me lies now
XXXX: but thank you a lot I have to laugh now in this evening... thank you so much
william: what do you mean!
XXXX: what I wrote *lol
XXXX: Michelle is your private nurse?
william: XXXX what are you trying to tell me now! so was humorloses...
XXXX: that I have a bit fun now and for this I love you sooo much
XXXX: okay ... you are a man and you are so far away, be honest with you love in your heart
william: i don' know what come over you your talking like that
william: what are you thinking about me
william: if you don't wanna chat with me anymore please let me know XXXX
XXXX: you made a mistake and I had something to laugh so it will be okay now... I love you
william: Okay XXXX i need to have some rest now please can we chat tomorrow again by this time
william: i have pains all over my body tomorrow i will go and see doctor
XXXX: Darling.. have a sound sleep and i love you more than you are thinking
XXXX: do you have pain, really? schon wieder eine Krankenhausrechnung?
william: Yes..
XXXX: I thought you make a joke
XXXX: sorry to hear this
william: Nope i have pains all over my body
william: It's ok
XXXXX: then I wish a speedy recovery I love you William
william: OkayXXXX...
william: i Love you too
XXXX: thank you Darling
william: what are you doing now!
XXXX: will read a bit and after them I will go to bed too
XXXX: and dream about you
william: Awwwwwww that's nice the same here@
XXXX: have a good night and I hope you feel better tomorrow
william: i Hope see too
william: i Miss you so much and i miss talking to you on phone too
XXXX: try to get a headset, then we can talk by yahoo for nothing
william: that's nice i will try to get that..
XXXX: you know its possible?
william: Baby i told you before that i want to send you my Draft for your account.. das hatten wir doch schon einmal...
XXXX: ? yes but you told me too you won't send nothing any more
william: Nope my Bank said that before you will reciave this Draft you need to give me your Bank people..
XXXX: you like to talk with my bank people?
william: Yes baby
XXXX: then I have to make a date for you na, die werden sich freuen...
william: Okay
XXXX: can we talk about it tomorrow? I can do nothing by this weekend
william: Okay Darling can i have thry phone number!
XXXX: darling.. Sunday the banks are closed in Germany and i have to search for the number
XXXX: its a hotline and by this hotline you can make a date with the bank manager
william: Okay baby
william: You need to have some rest now
XXXX): me or you?
william: Are you working on sunday
XXXX: no its the only free day in the week
william: Okay what time do you want is to chat on tomorrow
XXXX: Darling... I told you before... is it possible at 8 pm , my time
william: Okay baby i will be waiting for you then!
william: Will you send me email tomorrow Good Morning!
XXXX: okay 8 pm tomorrow
XXXX: what do you like to reag in this mail?
XXXX: *read
XXXX: that i love you?
william: Anything that will makes me happy!
XXXX: okay i will try to find something that makes you happy
william: Okay baby i Love you so much!
XXXX: and I love you
william: Bye for now!
XXXX(23:05:00): bye Darling
was erwartet mich nun? Ein Geldsegen, nachdem Willi mit der Bank gesprochen hat, oder einen kranken William?soll ich ihm wirklich die Hotline-Nummer meiner Bank geben?
21.Februar 2009
Bis zum heutigen Tag hat sich Darling William nicht mehr gemeldet, weder per Mail, per Handy, SMS, noch im Chat. Am 15.März hätten wir Jahrestag gehabt, leider ist es mir nicht gelungen, ein komplettes Jahr mit ihm voll zu machen. Er hat mich bewußt zum Opfer gemacht, er hat mich zum Baiter gemacht. Love hurts...sometimes.
William ist immer wieder bei Friendscout24 zu finden, das letzte Mal war er dort mit einem anderen Bild als früher, als zahlendes Mitglied. Ich habe ihn sperren lassen.
Da William mein erster Versuch des Baitens ist/war, möchte ich
Danke sagen an Agathe und Prof. Mausbaer, ohne deren Hilfe der Bait wahrscheinlich nicht zustande gekommen wäre.
Danke sagen an alle Mitglieder, die mir immer wieder mit Vorschlägen, prompter Beantwortung meiner Fragen und sogar Warnungen geholfen haben.
Danke sagen an das Team, das meine Fehler beim posten ausgemerzt hat.
Danke sagen an alle Leser, die mir durch ihre kleinen Botschaften immer wieder Mut gemacht haben, die Story Darling William weiter fort zu führen, obwohl ich manchmal keine Lust und gelegentlich keinen Mut mehr hatte.
Anbei noch einmal die zwei Bilder von Darling William. Es sieht so aus, als gibt es nur die zwei Bilder von ihm, mal von "seinem Sohn" abgesehen.
Okay Darling William.... Game over....
Hattu gut gemacht...
Beiträge: | 715 |
Registriert am: | 05.05.2008 |
Liebe Schnuckel.
ich weiß, trotz allem tuts weh, nicht wahr? Wie konnte uns das passieren? Ich denk mir das oft...
und DANN krieg ich das Heulen über meine eigene Blödheit... (oder weil wir einfach denken: ENDLICH mal jemand mit Herz? Die habens echt drauf... man sollte sich hier unter den Scambaitern umsehen lol
denn die gescammten sind wohl alle aus dem selben Holz geschnitzt :-) viel zu Geben aber zum Nehmen zu doof, zumindest hat uns nicht der letzte Funke Verstand verlassen denn sonst wären wir nicht alle HIER..
aber Schade dass die WILLIAM STORY zu Ende ist....
und denk dran, jede Sekunde die wir sie baiten haben sie weniger Zeit für andere...
Bin erst heute als Mitglied registriert worden und möchte Dir sofort sagen , das ich mich halb schief gelacht habe. Eigentlich hab ich keinen Grund zum lachen. Bin selber zum Opfer geworden und möchte nun diesem kleinen Mistkerl zeigen, wo der Hammer hängt.
Ja du sagst es, wie kann man nur so dumm sein. Ich hätte nie gedacht, das mir das passiert aber manchesmal setzt das Gehirn aus oder besser gesagt, man weiß zwar das was nicht stimmt aber die Hoffnung stirbt zuletzt.In diesem Sinn will ich mal meinem Sweetheart zeigen, wie leid mir doch alles tut.
Ich hab bloß ein bisserl Bammel, was da so alles auf mich zukommt. Dieser Kerl hat mich in 4 Wochen 7 Kilo gekostet.
@ dummschiss
vielen Dank für deinen netten Eintrag. Du hast doch nicht die ganze Story gelesen, oder? Das braucht ja Stunden... .
William hat viel "Kraft" gekostet und es wurde immer schwerer die Story weiter zu führen. Ich hätte da noch was für ihn gehabt... aber irgendwann mußte es mal zu Ende sein. Sonst laufen auch die Leser weg...
Am meisten ärgert mich aber meine Blödheit. Im nachhinein frag ich mich, wie konnte ich, die sonst immer soooo vorsichtig ist, soooo blind sein.
Wieder was dazu gelernt....schöne Worte sind nicht immer wahr, wahre Worte sind nicht immer schön.
Ich wünsche Dir jedenfalls alles Gute und viel Spass beim baiten!
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