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RE: Der Tsunami war schuld !

#21 von alter Schwede , 31.03.2009 09:14

Hello Paul
You didnt understand me , but maybe my english is to bad. I asked you for some document , that shows that Kleines Arschloch is realy dead. I must have something to see that you talking the truth ! Please dont think that i not trust you , but i prefer to have some papers / dokuments .

With kind regards
Karl Arschloch

alter Schwede

alter Schwede
Beiträge: 3.733
Registriert am: 23.01.2009

RE: Der Tsunami war schuld !

#22 von alter Schwede , 31.03.2009 19:54

Da bin ich aber mal auf die weiteren Details gespannt !

What we have is his information and the vital information you will present to a lawyer that will help you apply for the funds. Kleines has died without a will hence I contact you to claim the estate. It is only during the application that it will be made known to everyone that Kleines has died intestate. I will send you more details shortly. Thank you, Paul

alter Schwede

alter Schwede
Beiträge: 3.733
Registriert am: 23.01.2009

RE: Der Tsunami war schuld !

#23 von alter Schwede , 01.04.2009 18:51

Jetzt erzählt der mir auch noch seine Familiengeschichte ! Begreift der nicht , dass ich doch nur eine Bestätigung brauche , dass Kleines Arschloch wirklich tot ist ?

I understood your email and our position is quite clear. If you cannot afford to hire a lawyer then you do not deserve to be part of this operation as you must be aware that you are not the only surviving relative of the deceased person. I thought you were glad to receive the good news from us, remember the deceased person is perhaps your relative and we are not in position to hire lawyer from here to do the application because we still work with the bank where the funds are located, this could cause trouble for us. If you are still ready to move on with the operation do reply me for me to furnish you with the necessary details which the lawyer would need to make the application on your behalf so that the inheritance funds can be release to you. Note it is not a must for you to work with us since we have other option! Lawyers here do not charge high, I am sure you will be able to handle the minima charges that will come up or be able negotiate the lawyer to work and get payment after the inheritance funds has been transferred to you. If you know you cannot handle your side of the operation let me know so that we can move on with our other options, be sure of your reply before doing so because this is a big one for us and we do not want anyone to spoil the operation because of lack of understanding what to do.

Some brief information about me:

I am Mr. Paul Wang, born. 1958, Place of birth Singapore. I am a banker by profession. I am the second son of Seow Wang. I first enrolled in a Chinese school and spent two years there. Thereafter, I was transferred to a school called the Eastern School. I completed my education at the Anglo-Chinese School (ACS). After I passed the Senior Cambridge examinations at the ACS, I decided to teach. I first taught at the Eastern School from 1982 to 1984. Between 1984 and 1986, I taught again at the ACS and Raffles Institution. In 1986, I applied for the Queen's Scholarship but was unsuccessful.

My interesting career path included various different jobs such as a chemist's assistant, a law clerk. In addition, I was once briefly involved in the rice trading business. I entered the banking world when I joined the Overseas Chinese Banking Corporation (OCBC Bank) I subsequently left OCBC to work with the Bank of East Asia Ltd (BEA) till current date. Our main focus was to expand into Southeast Asia and China, particularly in foreign exchange transactions in this way I have free access to all clients’ accounts which run above $5M dollars deposit/investment accounts.

As a banker, I relied mainly on my own study and observations to educate myself on the various banking mechanisms.

I was a theatre-lover; I took part in amateur theatricals in the 1980s. I adored Shakespeare. I enjoyed acting and singing. I once acted in a farce, In a Race for a Dinner. The aim of the performance was to raise funds to repair the roof of the Straits Chinese Recreation Club. I was active in clubs and sports during my school days.

I am marriage into the 'Chan Kam Foo' Family. My family lived in a shophouse along Emerald Hill Road, Singapore. I and my wife are blessed with four children. My Wife: Lilian Foo Wang, My Sons: Duke Seow Wang 23yrs (alias Seow Sieu Jin) and Seow Wang 9yrs. My Daughters: Amy Seow Guat Wang 20yrs and Betty Seow Guat Wang 14yrs. I am a lover of my family and wish to give them all the best at every time. I have been humble, honest and a trust worthy person during my career. I decided to take part in this operation because of the increasing financial need of my family and to build a solid future foundation for my children and my grand children.

Please be confidential about my information even if you choose to bow out of this operation for the sake of my Job and my family. Thank you and God bless, Mr. Paul Wang.

alter Schwede

alter Schwede
Beiträge: 3.733
Registriert am: 23.01.2009

zuletzt bearbeitet 01.04.2009 | Top

RE: Der Tsunami war schuld !

#24 von Amparo , 01.04.2009 19:03

na du sollst doch wenigstens die Familiengeschichte kennen, wenn du dann dein Geld eben ein hoeflicher Mugu

Beiträge: 1.434
Registriert am: 24.09.2008

RE: Der Tsunami war schuld !

#25 von alter Schwede , 02.04.2009 23:14

Hello Paul
Its very nice from you that you tell me your hole family - history and its very interesting for me , but you didnt answer to my question ! I ask you if you can send me something about the late Kleines Arschloch , like insurance -papers , obituary-notice , death-certuficate or something like that . If you dont show my something like this , its not possible to go further in this business. I must see something , that i now that i can trust you. You now , we now eachother now only from the internet , and you now , there are many very sick people out there. I will trust you , but you must show me something about the late Kleines Arschloch. otherwise i want to go out of this agrement !

with kind regards
and god bless you

Karl Arschloch

alter Schwede

alter Schwede
Beiträge: 3.733
Registriert am: 23.01.2009

zuletzt bearbeitet 02.04.2009 | Top

RE: Der Tsunami war schuld !

#26 von alter Schwede , 03.04.2009 15:35

Ich glaub er wird langsam sauer !

Hello Karl, Kleines Arschloch died in the tsunami tragedy what I can lay my hand on is the deposit certificate from the bank. I cannot get the death certificate since I am not a family member Kleines Arschloch. I am sure the death certificate has not been issue hence I contacted you to make the application as the decease family member. If you still doubt me you can quietly withdraw from the operation that you for your time. Paul.

alter Schwede

alter Schwede
Beiträge: 3.733
Registriert am: 23.01.2009

RE: Der Tsunami war schuld !

#27 von alter Schwede , 03.04.2009 22:25

Ich geb nicht auf , bevor ich nicht mein certificate habe !

Hello Paul
Thank you for your message ! My question to you is only : isnt t it possible that you send me the deposit certificate , i mean a copy of it ? Its important to see something on Paper . I will help you in this business , because i be my company , that i hold with my brother Altes is not going so good at the time . I think , when i help you i can use the money to put it in our company. But that are only my own problems .
So , please send me some certificate or something that we can go further in this deal. I must show my brother something or he think that you dont exist !

with kind regards
Karl Arschloch

alter Schwede

alter Schwede
Beiträge: 3.733
Registriert am: 23.01.2009

RE: Der Tsunami war schuld !

#28 von alter Schwede , 05.04.2009 01:17

Ich schrei mich noch weg hier !!!

Hello Karl, Thank you once again as a matter of urgency I and my colleague has decided to work with you so that the money can be paid to you as the only surviving family member of KLEINES ARSCHLOCH. Remember that you do not have anything to worry about because all documents to grant you the right of this inheritance claim will be gotten by the lawyer also this is not a money laundering business but claim that can be perhaps due to your family, all the paper work will be properly done by the lawyer and no authority can question you because the funds will be transfer to you legally from our bank (BEA) as an inheritance entitlement to you.
My colleagues and I after investigation, came up with the under listed lawyer’s information. From our investigation, this lawyer has handled inheritance cases in The Bank of East Asia ltd (BEA) Ltd in the past, which makes him a better choice. Please remember not to mention any thing about my colleagues and me to the lawyer. You should tell the lawyer that MR. KLEINES ARSCHLOCH is your Uncle or cousin.

Lawyer’s information:

Robin Tan & Co. Attorneys
133 New Bridge Road #11-07 Chinatown Point Singapore. 059413
Hotline: +65-8196-2583
Tel: +65-8156-2960
Fax: +65-6826-4384
Fax: +65-6491 5013

alter Schwede

alter Schwede
Beiträge: 3.733
Registriert am: 23.01.2009

RE: Der Tsunami war schuld !

#29 von alter Schwede , 05.04.2009 01:36

Yes , we can !!!!

alter Schwede

alter Schwede
Beiträge: 3.733
Registriert am: 23.01.2009

RE: Der Tsunami war schuld !

#30 von Scambaiter , 05.04.2009 01:59

hallo "Kleines Arschloch"!

MfG - Scambaiter
> Horas non numero nisi serenas <

Beiträge: 11.581
Registriert am: 01.01.2006

RE: Der Tsunami war schuld !

#31 von Amparo , 05.04.2009 02:20

ich falle hier bald vom stuhl

Beiträge: 1.434
Registriert am: 24.09.2008

RE: Der Tsunami war schuld !

#32 von alter Schwede , 05.04.2009 20:04

Jetzt heisst es ernst bleiben !

Hello Paul
Thank you for the document. Now i have something to show my brother , that he can see that everything is okey . please inform me , how we go further in this matter. Are there documents i must sign ?
If there are documents , then its the best way you send them by normal post to my adress . I send you my adress in one of my first mail, i think.
Please let me now how we handle this affair .

with kind regards
Karl Arschloch

alter Schwede

alter Schwede
Beiträge: 3.733
Registriert am: 23.01.2009

RE: Der Tsunami war schuld !

#33 von merino , 05.04.2009 21:32

meinst du nicht, dass du noch deine Familienanwälte Dr. jur. Prokto Lage und Dr. jur Kalle Pros-Tata ins Spiel bringen solltest, da dise ja alles untersuchen was Kleines Arschloch angeht ??

munter bleiben - (wer Schreibfehler findet, darf sie behalten)

Über 90% aller Gewaltverbrechen passieren innerhalb von 24h nach dem Konsum von Brot.

Beiträge: 1.198
Registriert am: 24.02.2009

RE: Der Tsunami war schuld !

#34 von Cuchulainn ( gelöscht ) , 05.04.2009 21:53

"Nationality: Hong Kong"
Wusste gar nicht, dass es so etwas gibt. Bis 97 waren das Briten, jetzt sind das chinesische Staatsbürger.

Aber wahrscheinlich ist Kleines Arschloch auch nicht im Tsunami "three years ago" gestorben, der war nämlich 2004, sondern an Hämorrhoiden.


RE: Der Tsunami war schuld !

#35 von alter Schwede , 06.04.2009 20:18

Ja , was soll das denn jetzt ? Bin ich hier der Mugu oder du ?

Hello Karl, Please update me if you have contacted the lawyer and let me know the proceedings. Thank you, Paul

alter Schwede

alter Schwede
Beiträge: 3.733
Registriert am: 23.01.2009

RE: Der Tsunami war schuld !

#36 von alter Schwede , 06.04.2009 22:47

Hello Paul

I must say , i did never something like this before ! I hope you now how the proceding is ? Have you maybe more documants from the late Kleines Arschloch ? When i have more papers i can go to a lawer.

with kind regards
And God bless you
Karl Arschloch
and also many greetings from my brother Grosses , he is sitting near me and hope like me , that we get this affair on asap.

alter Schwede

alter Schwede
Beiträge: 3.733
Registriert am: 23.01.2009

RE: Der Tsunami war schuld !

#37 von alter Schwede , 07.04.2009 16:56

Hello Paul
I did contact our family - lawer Dr. Rainer B. Trug , he is involved in all our family - affairs. He is authorized t o represent our family- interessts.I talk with my brothers Altes and Grosses and even them think its the best to lay this affair in proffesssional hands. We dont now so much about this things around rights and laws and rules. And we think it will be a big deal to be the next of kin to the late Kleines Arschloch. Please answer asap if you want to contact our lawer.Ore maybe you have an other solution for our problem ?

with kind regards
and god bless you
Karl Arschloch
Darmstadt / Germany

alter Schwede

alter Schwede
Beiträge: 3.733
Registriert am: 23.01.2009

RE: Der Tsunami war schuld !

#38 von Amparo , 07.04.2009 19:41

*alter Schwede* der Familienname hat was, von jung bis alt

Beiträge: 1.434
Registriert am: 24.09.2008

RE: Der Tsunami war schuld !

#39 von alter Schwede , 08.04.2009 06:55

Rinn inne Kartoffeln , raus ausse Kartoffeln ! Der weiss nicht was er will ! Erst möchte er , dass ich meinen Lawer kontaktiere , dann plötzlich ist das auch nicht richtig !

Hello Karl, Thank you for your quick reply. The way you have gone about the claim is not what I expected of you. I thought I sound it clearly for you to be confidential about the whole process. I still work with the bank and I cannot be face with any lawyer for now if choose to continue you can ask your lawyer to help you do the application and come over to Singapore to do the needful since you cannot take my advice and do what is obtainable here to receive the claim. Anyway thank you for your time and wishing the best of luck during the inheritance application with your family lawyer. Paul

Schade Paul ! Es war eine schöne Zeit mit dir ! Wir haben viel gelacht !
Ich denke mal , so langsam wirds Zeit fuer eine " echte " Urkunde !

alter Schwede

alter Schwede
Beiträge: 3.733
Registriert am: 23.01.2009



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