Dear Friend.
I know it will be a surprise for you to receive my proposal through the internet which could not be the best method of sending you this message, well. My name is Dijk Van Michan, I work with the Finance Monetary Unit here in the Netherlands, we are in charge of auditing foreign account holders in all various banks here in Netherland . I actualy found your contact email address through my country international Web directory.
During our last annual inspections of all foreign account holders in all various bank accounts here in the Netherlands , My department found a dormant account with an enormous sum of US$ 6,500,000.00 (Six Million Five Hundred Thousand US Dollar) which was deposited by one Mr. Jerry R. Williams a British citizen,and to my investigation why the account has be dormant for so long I found out that the accound holder has actualy died in a plane crash in november 1999 which lead to the dormant of the account.
As I investigate further I found out that the late Jerry R.Williams has not indicated any beneficiary or next of kin in his certificate of deposite which he used to deposited the money in post bank here in Netherland to claim these Funds.(US$ 6,500,000.00)and to the law of my country here in Netherlands when an account is dormant for more than eight 8 years the authority has every tendency to confiscate the account and the money will go to the government account,this is why am contacting you to stand as the next of kin or beneficiary to the deceased account since you are not a Netherlands citizen. I will provide all support proof documents to put you in the place of the beneficiary with the help of my lawyer upon hearing from you.
I will need us to work together if you are interested, and I assure you that I will provide all useful information’s and documentation that we enable us transfer the funds out of the bank where it is deposited here in post bank Netherland into your designated bank account in your country legally without any problem. I would explain better to you on phone conversation upon hearing from you as I await your prompt responds. You can contact me on my private Mail:vanmichan@aol.com
Best Regards,
Dijk V.Michan
Illusionen regieren die Welt. Die jeweils größere Illusion gewinnt das Spiel.
Beiträge: | 4.410 |
Registriert am: | 29.05.2008 |
Aus einem meiner Mülleimer.
Good day,
...Mittwoch, den 30. März 2011, 10:54:47 Uhr
Blaise.Samake <blaise.samake1@gmail.com>
Good day,
Hope all is well with you and your family.
I am Blaise Samake I currently hold the post as the Audit Account Manager of our bank in Ouagadougou Branch, Burkina-Faso. I got your contact from a reliable web directory. We can see actually that the world is a very small place to meet people but what matters most for me is to transact with a person with full trust. I have developed the trust on you after one week of fasting and praying. Due to the trust, I made up my mind to disclose this confidential business to you.
We are imposition to reclaim and inherit the sum of US$10, million without any trouble, from a dormant account which remains unclaimed since 7years the owner died. This is a U.S Dollar’s account and the beneficiary died without trace of his family to claim the fund.
Upon my personal audit investigation into the details of the account, I find out that the deceased is from Atlanta America, which makes it possible for you as a foreigner no matter your country to lay claim on the balance as the Foreign Business Partner or Extended Relative to the deceased. Your integrity and trustworthiness will make us succeed without any risk. Please if you think that the amount is too much to be transferred into your account, you have the right to ask our bank to transfer the fund into your account bit by bit after approval or you double the account. Once this fund is transferred into your account, we will share the fund accordingly.
40%, for you,
40%, for me,
3%, had been mapped out for you for the expense you make in this transaction,
17%as a free will donation to charity and motherless babies homes in both our countries as sign of breakthrough and more blessings.
If you are interested to help without disappointment or breach of trust, reply with your full details,
1. YOUR FULL NAME:........
3. YOUR AGE:........
4. YOUR SEX:.........................
5. YOUR OCCUPATIONS:..........
so that I will guide you on the proper banking guidelines to follow for the claim. After the transfer, I will fly to your country for sharing according to our agreement.
Assurance: Note that this transaction will never in any way harm or foiled your good post or reputation in your country, because everything will follow legal process.
I am looking forward to hear from you soonest.
Yours faithfully,
Mr Blaise Samake
Beiträge: | 4.489 |
Registriert am: | 22.01.2006 |
Ich habe Post von der Frau des Ex Präsidenten von Ägypten bekommen:
Von: "Suzanne Mubarak" <suzannemubarak01@gmail.com>
Betreff: Victory is Ours
Datum: Thu, 31. Mar 2011 01:00:47
Dear Friend,
This mail may not be surprising to you if you have been following current events in the international media with reference to the recent protest in Egypt. I am Mrs. Suzanne Mubarak, the wife of Deposed Egyptian President Hosni Mubarak who is seriously ill where he had retreated after giving up power on February 11.
Ever since the turn out of events and even prior to the protest I have been thrown into a state of antagonism, confusion, humiliation, frustration and hopelessness by the present military leadership of the Egyptian Liberation Organization. I have even been subjected to physical and psychological torture. As a woman that is so traumatized, I have lost confidence with everybody in the country at the moment.
You must have heard over the media reports and the Internet on the discovery of some fund in my husband secret bank account and companies and the allegations of some huge sums of money deposited by my husband in my name of which I have refuses to disclose or give up to the corrupt Egyptian Government. In fact the total sum allegedly discovered by the Government so far is in the tune of about $6.5 Billion Dollars. And they are not relenting on their effort to make me and my sons (Gamal & Alaa Mubarak) poor for life. As you know, the Muslim community has no regards for women, more importantly when the woman is from a Christian background, hence my desire for a foreign assistance.
I have the sum of 115.5USD(One Hundred and Fifteen Million Five Hundred Thousand United States Dollars) with a financial firm in Europe whose name I can not disclose for now for security reasons until we open up communication. I shall be grateful if you could receive this fund into your bank account for safe keeping and any Investment opportunity. This arrangement will be known to you and I alone and all our correspondence should be strictly on email alone because our government has tapped all our lines and are monitoring all my moves. In view of the above, if you are willing to assist for our mutual benefits, you shall be compensated with 30% o the funds after the completion and transfer of fund to your possession.
Please note that this is a golden opportunity that comes once in life time and more so, if you are honest, I am going to entrust more funds in your care as this is one of the legacy we keep for our children. In case you don't accept please do not let me out to the security and international media as I am giving you this information in total trust and confidence I will greatly appreciate if you accept my proposal in good faith. I am aware of the consequences of this proposal. So I ask that if you find no interest in this project that you should discard this mail.
I ask that you do not be vindictive and destructive. If my offer is of no appeal to you, delete this message and forget I ever contacted you. Do not destroy my family reputation because you do not approve of my proposal.
Yours sincerely, Mrs. Suzanne Mubarak
Ich weiss was ich tue, und wenn ich es mal nicht weiss, tue ich es trotzdem!
I would rather have a prostate exam on live television by a guy with very cold hands than have a Facebook page. (George Clooney)
Beiträge: | 319 |
Registriert am: | 24.02.2011 |
Spanische Telefonnummern, aber IP ( aus den Niederlanden.
Absender: Von: EU-INFO-2011 <wininfo@physicalinstruction.com>
Wir sind erfreut ihnen mitteilen zu konnen, das die gewinnliste INTERNATIONALE LOTTO/BONO LOTTO PROGRAMM am 18TH MARCH 2011. erschienen ist, vorbei Co-organisiert World Tourism Organization/Spanish Ministerio de Tourismo
Dir offizielle liste der gewinner erschien am 18 Marz, 2011. Ihre e-mail wurde auf dem lose mit die No: 000442002 und mit der seriennummer: 2113-0089 registriet. Die glucksnummer: 10-16-25-41-46, haben in der drittens (3) kategorie gewonnen. Sie sind damit gewinner von: Ђ 950,777.00 (NEUN HUNDERT UND FUNFZIG TAUSEND, SIEBEN HUNDERT SIEBEN UND SIEBZIG EUROS.) Die summe ergibt sich einer gewinnausschuttung von. Ђ 10,485.547. Geteilt unter den elf
internationale Sieger in diese Kategorie.
Ihre Gewinn ist bei einer Sicherheitsfirma hinterlegt und in ihren Namen versichert, um keine Komplikationen bei der Abwicklung der Gewinnauszahlung zu
verursachen bitte wir sie diese offizielle Mitteilung, diskret zu behandeln. Dies ist ein Teil unseres Sicherheitsprotokolls und Garantie Ihnen einen Reibung lose Ablauf. Alle Gewinner werden per Computer Spielgemeinschaft aus 45.000.00 Namen und e-Mail aus ganz Europa, Asien, Australien und Amerika als teil unserer Internationalen Promotion Programms Ausgewahlt, Welches wir einmal im Jahr veranstalten.
TEL: +34 672 961 486
FAX: +34-917-905-000
Bitte denken sie daran jeder Gewinnanspruch muss bis zum 30th April 2011. Angemeldete sein. Jeder nicht angemeldet Gewinnanspruch verfallt und geht
zuruck an das MINISTERIO DE ECONOMIA Y HACIENDA Bitte denken sie auch daran das 05% ihres Gewinnes an die Sicherheitsfirma ROYAL LINKS SEGUROS S.A geht. Dir 05% sind erst nach erhalten des Gewinn, da der Gewinn in Ihren Namen versichert ist gibt keine abzug.
******Bitte deutlich schreiben oder in extra A4 blatt schreiben.********
schicken sie mit eine copie Ihre ausweis,Reisepass oder Fьhrerschien
1. NAME:________________________________________________
2. NACH NAMEN____________________________PLZ____________
3. ADRESSE______________________________________________
4. NATIONALITAT:_____________________BERUF______________
5. GEBURTSDATUM:________________________________________
6. STAT:________________________________________________
7. EMAIL:_______________________________________________
8. TELEFON:_____________________________________________
9. MOBIL:_______________________________________________
10. FAX:_________________________________________________
11.GESCHLECHT:____________HERR ODER FRAU______________
Die oben genannten Anforderungen sind erforderlich.Gluckwunsche noch einmal.
HERR S.Pablo
Illusionen regieren die Welt. Die jeweils größere Illusion gewinnt das Spiel.
Beiträge: | 4.410 |
Registriert am: | 29.05.2008 |
Ich hab drauf gewartet !
Abdul Haziz <abdul@hotmail.com>
ATTN: SIR/MADAM STRICTLY CONFIDENTIAL JOINT VENTURE/PARTNERSHIP I am making this venture proposal to you, as a reliable partner. I got your contact from your country business guide as a reliable person/company in a related area of my interest for investment. The money I want to invest was acquired from the (Muammar Gaddafi) vault account, then I was his financial adviser. I kept this money with a security finance company abroad in Europe with a finance company . The amount to invest is (50million US dollars). presently, I am still in Libya . If you will like to assist me as a partner, then indicate your interest after which we shall meet to discuss on the modalities. All other information relative to the presence of the funds will be revealed to you as we progress on. I will like my proposal to be kept confidential as regards to what I explained above and you can re urgently on my e-mail. please indicate your direct telephone and fax numbers when replying this business proposal. Bye and God Bless, Regards, Abdul Haziz Tripoli, Lybia. Please reply to: addulhaziz1@gmail.com
alter Schwede
Beiträge: | 3.733 |
Registriert am: | 23.01.2009 |
Hier würde sich die Arbeit richtig lohnen. Lass dich nicht mit Millionen abspeisen, da sind Milliarden drin!!!
Sola Scriptura
In a world without walls and fences,
who needs windows and gates?
Linux is like a wigwam with an Apache inside
¥€$ WE $CAN
Beiträge: | 8.840 |
Registriert am: | 11.01.2010 |
... und noch einer aus der Ecke !
I am Haji Mustapha Bin Hadi, a Libyan citizen presently seeking asylum in London United Kingdom, I got your contact information from the web directory when I was looking for a partner who will assist me to invest huge amount of money collectively removed from the Exxon oil company account under Colonel Gaddafi's family treasury account , as the chief account officer, I was able to move a huge sum of money into an escrow account in London, when I sensed that there will be political problem in Libya.
In view to the present crises in Libya I have decided to remain calm in one of the cities in the United Kingdom, knowing that British government being rated amongst nation that practice pure democracy, I deem it necessary for safety depending on completion, negotiation and arrangement with you on how the funds will be transferred to a suitable investment place of your choice.
The fund is presently in safe deposit as a Consignment into a two trunk boxes with Adex Security Company London United Kingdom the security company does not knew it was fund inside the boxes it was been deposited as personal effect, I am writing this message to seek for a possible assistance of reinvesting this fund on my behalf, as my immediate family have now fled to Tunisia, under the direct supervision and advice of the security personal attach to me.
Note: I have the mandate and corporation of the Director of the security company who assured me, that his company will do all things possible to ensure that the boxes are safe, on provision of the address that will be used for all formality.
I am ready to give you any useful information you may require, I have to contact you through this media of communication due to the time and urgency involve. If you will handle this project, do not hesitate to contact me through mail, to give me the moral to correspond more details of myself and as well forward my phone number to you for verbal communication.
I would also need your phone number and other vital details that might help us commence action with the project when replying to this message.
Yours Faithfully
Haji Mustapha Bin Hadi
alter Schwede
Beiträge: | 3.733 |
Registriert am: | 23.01.2009 |
Ein seriöser Job gefällig ???
Meine Frau und ich besitze eine kleine Firma Agro hier in Malaysia genannt ÁNING RESOURCES SDN ". Wir sind in der Versorgung mit natürlichen Zutaten und die Nutzung der Natur Kräuter als Produkte in Bildung pflanzlicher Arzneimittel, Kosmetik-, Lebensmittel-und Getränkeindustrie spezialisiert.
- Wir sind gegenwärtig den Ausbau unseres Vertriebs in den USA und Europa auf den Markt, und wir müssen jetzt rekrutieren Vertreter in den niederländischsprachigen Regionen in Europa wie Deutschland, Lutzemburg, Österreich Holland und der Schweiz, die für uns arbeiten als Zahlung sammeln Offiziere und Hilfe wird als Bindeglied zwischen uns und unseren Kunden in diesen Regionen, denn wir haben vor einigen Schwierigkeiten beim Verkauf unserer Produkte an Kunden in diesen Regionen aufgrund sprachlicher Probleme und Verzögerungen bei der Abwicklung von Zahlungen aus diesen Gebieten zu uns gemacht hier in Malaysia.
- Um den mit unseren Verkauf, Unsere Firma in der Regel weist eine unserer Arbeiter zu reisen über einige dieser Regionen in Europa wie drei Minuten vor vier mal in etwa zwei Monaten, nachdem wir die Ware geliefert, aber es ist zu teuer geworden und stressig weiter ausgeführt werden diese aus Land der Umsatz in dieser Weise. Deshalb haben wir zu rekrutieren arepresentative in diesen Regionen entschieden, weil wir viele Aufträge von Kunden in letzter Zeit in diesen Regionen in Europa zu bekommen.
- Der Vertreter wird Sie mit uns auf Teilzeitbasis arbeiten, damit wir unsere Geschäfte zu erleichtern. Der Job ist nicht zeitaufwendig, weil es nicht beeinflussen Ihrem jetzigen Job und es wird meist online durchgeführt werden, es eine flexible Arbeit, die nur nehmen Sie 1-2 Stunden in einer Woche auf eigene Zeit, Tag oder Abend Zeit Zeit ist.
Sie werden einen gewissen Betrag als Lohn alle 3 Wochen bezahlt werden. Ihr Gehalt wird auf soliden Grundlagen basieren. Sie werden zu 10% Provision von jedem Kauf über Sie gemacht berechtigt. Zum Beispiel: Wenn Sie 8.000 Euro von Zahlungen via Money Orders oder Cerified Bank prüft in unserem Namen in Ihrer Region. Sie werden Geld für die Zahlungen und halten 10% Provision, um sich vor tranfering Gelder zu unseren Büros.
* Voraussetzungen für ANWENDUNG:
1} - Antragsteller müssen mindestens 21 Jahre und darüber.
2} - Antragsteller muss Europa Bürgerschaft.
3} - Sie brauchen nicht zu einem professionellen Buchhalter für die Stelle bewerben werden.
Wenn Sie Interesse an der Arbeit antworten Sie bitte mit den Details siehe unten angegeben:
Ihre Namen ..................
ADRESSE ......................
LAND .........................
TELEFONNUMMERN ...............
GENDER .......................
AGE ..........................
BERUF ........................
Bitte senden Sie Ihre Antwort mit diesem Hinweis Positionsnummer als Subjekt (ÁNING-RSB-Job-0000007832-my) an meine Sekretärin Frau Tenya Kong Yee Cheng (info.aning@yahoo.com.my). Oder senden Sie es direkt an mich auf diese E-Mail:
Mit freundlichen Grüßen
Mr. Lee Wu Cheng
Aning Resources Sdn.Bhd.
13G & 13-1, Jalan LJ 3,
Taman Industrial Lembah Jaya,Ampang 68000,
Kuala Lumpur Malaysia.
Tel / Fax: +60 163578570
Copyright © 2007-2010 http://myaning.en.gongchang.com/ Aning Resources Sdn.Bhd. All rights reserved.
alter Schwede
Beiträge: | 3.733 |
Registriert am: | 23.01.2009 |
Endlich mal ein kreativer Mugu, der sich auch mal was neues einfallen lässt!
Von : okemmuocliff@yahoo.de
My name is Alan Goody. My wife wants to under go a surgical breast reduction. she is 26 of age.
She suddenly became uncomfortable considering the size and hence,wishes to go for an operation,although,she is not in danger medically, but I know this has been a source of emotional/psychological embarrassment for her as it shows no sign of reducing after we had spent so much time and money in gym.She is not always happy with it.
My wife and my personal assistance will be coming over for holidays on the 20th of June 2011.Could you please let me know the medical charges involved and also if you accept credit card payment. Your swift response shall be appreciated.
Alan Goody
Egerton Training Ground,
15 Mereheath Lane,
alter Schwede
Beiträge: | 3.733 |
Registriert am: | 23.01.2009 |
Zitat von alter SchwedeZitat
My name is Alan Goody. My wife wants to under go a surgical breast reduction. she is 26 of age.
She suddenly became uncomfortable considering the size and hence,wishes to go for an operation,although,she is not in danger medically, but I know this has been a source of emotional/psychological embarrassment for her as it shows no sign of reducing after we had spent so much time and money in gym.She is not always happy with it.
My wife and my personal assistance will be coming over for holidays on the 20th of June 2011.Could you please let me know the medical charges involved and also if you accept credit card payment. Your swift response shall be appreciated.
Alan Goody
Egerton Training Ground,
15 Mereheath Lane,
Verdammt das passt nicht in mein Gebiet. Ich biete nur Brustvergrößerung durch Handauflegen an.
Brustverkleinerung. Er hätte wenigstens ein Beweisfoto beilegen können.
Beiträge: | 4.489 |
Registriert am: | 22.01.2006 |
Wieder was aus dem Irak,
Capt. Robert Blumley
Von Capt. Robert Blumley <capt.robertblumley@hotmail.com>
An capt.robertblumley@live.com
Datum 12. April 2011 01:37
Dear Friend,
I am writing you after proper consideration that telephone conversation may not be Ideal medium to contact you.
I got your contact through my search on the internet for a reliable person. i am In National Guard Artillery unit here in Iraq, we discovered some funds when on Routine foot patrol in Khalis Iraq at companys compound.
We can't keep these funds so we want to move the funds to you to keep it for us In your safe account.
The money is legit. If you are interested get back to me for details.
Please use details below to establish contacts with my financial consultant for more details regarding the existing fund.
Name : Mr. Nick James
Email address: nickjames11744@consultant.com
Remember to include your full details including confidential phone and fax numbers for easy communications.
Your urgent response will be expected.
Best Regards,
Mr.Robert Blumley JR.
Beiträge: | 4.489 |
Registriert am: | 22.01.2006 |
die mail kam aus dem sonnigen Senegal (Dakar)* SONATEL Dakar Senegal
Von: Jenna <jenna.4840@hotmail.com>
Jeg har på fornemmelsen, at dette stykke post vil nå dig i en perfekt tilstand i sindet og bedre sund tilstand. Jeg tror og har også på fornemmelsen, at i dagens verden, vil hverken race, nationalitet eller religion længere posse en barriere for relationer.
Selv om vi ikke kender hinanden godt, men jeg vil virkelig gerne have dig som en ven, jeg er en enkelt dame, jeg tror, jeg er følsom og venlig mod folk, jeg også tror, jeg har en god sans for humor, koncerter og være en god kristen
Må Gud velsigne jer, som jeg venter på at høre fra dig snart igennem.
I have the feeling that this piece of mail will reach you in a perfect state of mind and better healthy condition. I believe and also have the feeling that in today’s world, neither race, nationality nor religion will any longer posse a barrier to relationships.
Although, we do not know each other well but I will really like to have you as a friend I am a single lady,I think I am sensitive and kind to people, also I think I have a good sense of humor,concerts and be a good Christian
May God bless you as I wait to hear from you soon through.
Interessanter Schreibstil ! Jedes Wort Fängt Mit Einem Grossbuchstaben An. Muss Ganz Schön Anstrengend Sein So Zu Schreiben.
Urgent Response Needed
Von: Dr Badakri Tpsode <dr.badakri.tpsode0@gmail.com>
An: ***
Urgent Response Needed.
From: Dr Badakri Tpsode.
Central Bank Of Burkina-Faso (BCEAO)
Ouagadougou-Burkina Faso
Attn: Please,
This Message Might Meet You In Utmost Surprise. However, It's Just My Urgent Need For Foreign Partner That Made Me To Contact You For This Transaction. I Got Your Contact From Burkina Faso Chambers Of Commerce While I Was Searching For A Foreign Partner. I Assured Of Your Capability And Reliability To Champion This Business Opportunity When I Prayed To God Or Allah About You.
I Am A Banker By Profession From Burkina Faso In West Africa And Currently Holding The Post Of Manager Of Bill And Exchange At The Foreign Remittance Department Central Bank Of Burkina-Faso (BCEAO). I Have The Opportunity Of Transferring The Left Over Sum Of ($10.5 Million Dollars) That Belongs To Late Mr Rudi Hermanto From Indonesia Who Died Along With His Entire Family In The Tsunami Disaster In Indonesia And India 2004 And Since Then The Fund Has Been In A Suspense Account.
After My Further Investigation, I Discovered That Mr Rudi Hermanto Died With His Next Of Kin And According To The Laws And Constitution Guiding This Banking Institution Stated That After The Expiration Of (6) Six Years, If No Body Or Person Comes For The Claim As The Next Of Kin, The Fund Will Be Channel Into National Treasury As Unclaimed Fund. Because Of The Static Of This Transaction I Want You To Stand As The Next Of Kin So That Our Bank Will Accord You Their Recognition And Have The Fund Transfer To Your Account.
Hence, I Am Inviting You For A Business Deal Where This Money Can Be Shared Between Us In The Ratio Of 60% For Me And 40% For You. And Any Expenses Incidentally Occurred During The Transfer Will Be Incur By Both Of Us. The Transfer Is Risk Free On Both Sides Hence You Are Going To Follow My Instruction Till The Fund Transfer To Your Account.
Further Details Of The Transfer And Text Of Application Form Will Be Forwarded To You As Soon As I Receive Your Return Mail And You Should Contact Me Immediately As Soon As You Receive This Letter.
Your Full Name.....................
Your Sex...............................
Your Age..................................
Your Country.......,.....................
Passport / Driving License...............
Marital Status...................................
Your Occupation........................................
Your Personal Mobile Number.....................
Your Personal Fax Number......................
Trusting To Hear From You Immediately
Regards, Dr Badakri Tpsode.
alter Schwede
Beiträge: | 3.733 |
Registriert am: | 23.01.2009 |
Hallo aus Teneriffa,
Mir hat er sogar einen gefälschten Ausweiß zukommen lassen.
ich habe das Bild des Passes hochgeladen, er hat mir sogar gedroht ich solle Ihn ja nicht noch einmal Anschreiben.
Gerne würde ich Ihn noch ein wenig reizen diesen kleinen Nigerianischen genossen.
Grüße aus Buen Paso.
In dem Bericht über mir geht es mit Sicherheit wieder um Hauskauf, das sich dann wider als Joke herausstellte.
Erst später kam er mit der waren Frage ans Tageslicht. Und was wollte er???
Er wollte uns mal wieder 16,5Mil.USD überbringen.
Ein angeblicher General der US-Streitkräfte im IRAK, ha ha dennen ist echt Langweilig.
man sollte doch einmal den Ausweiß mit allen schriftlichen Mails an das Verteidigungsministerium in den USA senden, und einmal Anfragen ob Sie damit einverstanden sind, dass mit dem Namen eines Offiziers da solch Schmu getrieben wird.
Also den Robert Cone gibt es schon, aber nicht im Iraq, da laut Internet er wieder in den USA neue Aufgaben für das Militär gefunden hat.
Was meint Ihr, soll ich mal Versuchen die Mails weiter zu leiten, oder soll ich das Lieber lassen???
Zitat von Gonzolibro
Was meint Ihr, soll ich mal Versuchen die Mails weiter zu leiten, oder soll ich das Lieber lassen???
Das kannst du machen.
Ich schätze die Erfolgsaussichten als gering ein. Was sollten die Amis unternehmen?
Da sitzt irgendwo (wahrscheinlich) in Westafrika ein Betrüger, und klaut Namen.
Und nächste Woche nimmer einen andere ID.
Die Stories sind beliebig austauschbar. Nur die Namen wechseln.
MfG - Scambaiter
> Horas non numero nisi serenas <
HP: http://scambaiter.info
Beiträge: | 11.579 |
Registriert am: | 01.01.2006 |
ja, da hast du auch wieder Recht, die muss man doch stoppen können solche Unnötigen Leute!
Auf der anderen Seite ist doch Interessant was die sich alles Einfallen lassen, die Pappnasen.
Freund Alamezie macht schon wieder auf "next of kin". Das "Tolle" dabei ist, er benutzt den Namen seines langjährigen Opfers, des Chiefs der Great Powhatan Nation. Dr. Cliff Martins heißt er auch nicht mehr sondern Cliff Richard Alamezie. Ich werd ihm aber versuchen ein wenig in die Suppe zu spucken. Neuen Wohnsitz hat er auch: Accra Ghana, (Dana, besuch ihn doch mal) sein zu guttenbergen hat auch nicht so richtig geklappt, rot hervorgehoben. Entweder heißt er Mr.Smith oder J.D.Hassett.
die Midland Bank hat er glaub ich bei mir bei Chantal Pryczibinsky auch benutzt.
Flag this message
Wednesday, May 18, 2011 7:31 PM
"cliff martins" <dr_cliffmartins@yahoo.com>
Add sender to Contacts
Hier standen jede Menge mail adressen.
Dear Sir,
Do not feel bad receiving my message. My name is Mr.Cliff Richard Alamezie, I am a good friend to Late Mr.Smith J.D.Hassett , a national of United Kingdom who was born on the 1th day of Jan,1956 in Mexborough England who until his death has no wife no son or daughter to claim his assets hence he was burred here.He is a Contractor and have spent most of his life in my country Ghana.
Mr.Smith J.D.Hassett were involved in a car accident along Aburi/Kumasi express road and unfortunately lost his life on the 27th day of September,2009 at Aburi. Since then I have made several inquiries to the British embassy to locate any of my friends extended relatives, this has also proved unsuccessful hence;he has no next-of-kin at the time of his death.After these several unsuccessful attempts, I decided to track names over the Internet, locate any Member of his family hence I contacted you.
I have contacted you to assist in repatriating the assets and Capital valued at US$6.5million left behind by my friend before it gets confiscated by the bank where these huge deposits were lodged.The said Bank in Ghana has issued me a notice to
provide the next of Kin or have the account confiscated before the end of this year.Since I have been unsuccessful in locating any of my friend's relatives for over two years now, I seek the consent to present you as the Next of kin to the deceased since you are a foreigner so that the proceeds of this account can be paid to you.Mr.Smith J.D.Hassett also has an account with the Midland Bank Plc,p.o.Box 19,1High Street Doncaster South Yorkshire Dn1 1ee with account no:73154491.
Therefore, on receipt of your positive response, we shall then discuss the sharing ratio and modalities for claim. I have all the necessary information's/document to back you up for the claim.All I require from you is your honest cooperation to enable us see this transaction through.I guarantee that this will be executed under legitimate arrangement that will protect you from any breach of the law.
I wait to hear from you soon.
REPLY TO. alamezierichard@yahoo.com
REPLY TO. richard_alamezie@hotmail.com
Best regards,
Mr.Cilff Richard Alamezie.
Accara Ghana.
REPLY TO. alamezierichard@yahoo.com
REPLY TO. richard_alamezie@hotmail.com
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