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RE: Hurra - 25,5 Mio$ Erben - Danke Facebook

#181 von Roadrunner , 03.11.2015 18:08

Dieser Bait ist wohl endgültig fertig.
Der George meldet sich nicht mehr.
Die Banque Atlantique hüllt sich auch in Schweigen.
Leider weiß ich dabei nicht ob der Brief im Spam der Bank gelandet ist

Danke @fridolin für deinen Einsatz

Fünf Monate beschäftigt
Ein Mulikonto verpetzt
Den Mugu arg verarscht ....

Sola Scriptura

In a world without walls and fences,
who needs windows and gates?
Linux is like a wigwam with an Apache inside

¥$ WE $CAN

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Beiträge: 8.840
Registriert am: 11.01.2010

zuletzt bearbeitet 04.11.2015 | Top

RE: Hurra - 25,5 Mio$ Erben - Danke Facebook

#182 von Motzgurke , 04.11.2015 11:06

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RE: Hurra - 25,5 Mio$ Erben - Danke Facebook

#183 von The_fast_learner , 04.11.2015 18:12

Zitat von Roadrunner im Beitrag #181
Dieser Bait ist wohl endgültig fertig.

Irgendwann merkt auch ein Mugu, dass er verarscht wurde, manche etwas früher, manche etwas später.

Klasse Bait .

Niemand beging einen größeren Fehler als jener, der nichts tat, weil er nur wenig tun konnte.
Das Böse triumphiert allein dadurch, dass gute Menschen nichts unternehmen. (Edmund Burke)

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Beiträge: 2.863
Registriert am: 28.02.2010

RE: Hurra - 25,5 Mio$ Erben - Danke Facebook

#184 von Scambaiter , 04.11.2015 19:18

Schöne Story, aber einmal muss man tschüss sagen

MfG - Scambaiter
> Horas non numero nisi serenas <

1 Mitglied hat sich bedankt!
Beiträge: 11.579
Registriert am: 01.01.2006

RE: Hurra - 25,5 Mio$ Erben - Danke Facebook

#185 von Roadrunner , 05.11.2015 05:05

Ganz vergessen Onas ersten Brief zu posten.

Dear Mr George Kalu

I was shocked to learn today by your letter of the death of my already long lost uncle.
The more surprised I am about the announcement of a million heritage.
Do you have more information about the death of my uncle? How did he die? Did he suffer? Did he die by natural causes or was he forcibly taken out of life?
Do you have notarized copies of documents relating to the deceased and his legacy?

Best regards

Ona Niere


Jetzt bin ich fast vom Stuhl gefallen, Überraschung!
Ona hat doch tatsächlich Post von George bekommen

Dear Ona,

I want to assure and guarantee you that this transaction is real and
it is not a joke or child's play so do not
entertain any fear on your mind. Kindly do understand that i have
contacted you in order to use your assistance to move out this dormant
funds belonging to my late client Engineer Gary A. Niere, who died
alongside with his next of kin in a ghastly Accident.

So i will strongly need your assistance so as to enable us achieve
this transaction goal successfully. Most importantly, your assistance
towards this noble transaction will never make you breach any
law, because I am the personal attorney to late Gary. A Niere, and i
have the sole executor right to appoint any of his bonafide
beneficiary to the bank following his raised letter of Appointment
given to me by him as the sole executor of his Estates and WILL, so you
can build trust in my word on this regards.

Late Engr Gary. A Niere who migrated from United States in 1942 on a
contract term and i have known them for almost 38 yrs. his parent only
have two children a boy (him) and the sister Micaleaf. The sister
has died earlier before the parent died, due to her nature of
illness. After when the sister died, the thinking about her lost is what
has leads to their parent's death as well, now leaving only Gary. A
Niere alone here in Africa. He has been monitoring the Gold and
Diamond business of his late father, which is the source of his wealth.

Further, during December 2005, late Engineer Gary. A Niere died a
ghasty accident involving both his wife Juliet and their only daughter
Roanna who was his next of kin and he does not leave any WILL behind
due to his untimely death accident.

By law, the bank have waited patiently to see if any close relative of
his would come forth to their bank to put claim on his funds all this
years, this inline to the bank policy here in Togo, without seeing
anybody. As the law demands, since i am his lawyer here in Africa and
also in Togo
, Ich dachte Togo ist ein Land auf dem Kontinent Afrika
the bank do mandate me to present urgently under a due
time frame, any of late Engineer Gary. A Niere's surviving
beneficiary who they can release his fund deposit at their bank to
legally by law.

I have tried all possible best to see if i can be able to locate any
close relative of his without success, before i decide in my mind to
contact and present you to the bank as the only surviving beneficiary
to my late client, so that the bank can process the release of his
funds in their bank to you by law and after the release, we shall both
make use of the funds for our personal future investment
purposes. reason on this my action was that i do not want the bank to
record this funds as unclaimed to the Government treasury, because the
Government officials will only loot this funds out for their own
selfish purposes only.

The procedure that this transaction will request from your side is simply,

1. You will send me your Full name, Contact telephone number, Home
address, Occupation, Marital status, Age and a copy of your
international passport or copy of your driver's license or Identity
card, which i can proceed to register you at the bank with as the
surviving beneficiary to my deceased client and also for the bank to
open communication with you.

2. After the above is done, then the bank will open communication with
you and ask you to procure or secure some inheritance back-up
documents upfront from the Authority Offices this inline to my
country's Inheritance Release Policy, because it is with these
documents that the bank will use to release this funds to you and also
facilitates the transfer to your bank account as an inheritance funds
without going against any international monetary policy.

3. Once the above is done, then the bank will likely invite you to come
down to their bank to sign off the funds release papers and should you
not be able to come down, you shall give me a power of attorney to
enable me represent you and sign the release papers so that the bank
can proceed with the transfer of the funds to your own bank account.

The Benefit on this transaction to us both

1. We shall both be sharing this funds together after the release to
you in ratio of 50%:50%.
Und wieder die Frage warum und wofür fifty fifty?

2. We shall possibly invest this funds together as well for our own
future purposes and Family better future.

My Guarantee

1. I am assuring you that your assistance towards this transaction will
not make you to breach any law,
Legal??? because i have the letter of
appointment copy with me as the sole executor of my deceased client's
estates and it is with this, that i am going to legally register you at
the bank with as the surviving beneficiary to my deceased client.

2. Also, your support both physically and financially is not going to
be regretted. So my friend, i am ready to go into signing an agreement
with you on this issue, so that with this, you shall be rest assure on
my word and also your interest and support will be protected in the

I hope you understand my message and i will be waiting to hear from
you soon to enable us proceed. and do give me a call so that i explain
to you better.

I wait for your response.

George kalu Esq

Also, auf geht's in die zweite Runde

Sola Scriptura

In a world without walls and fences,
who needs windows and gates?
Linux is like a wigwam with an Apache inside

¥$ WE $CAN

3 Mitglieder finden das Gut!
Beiträge: 8.840
Registriert am: 11.01.2010

zuletzt bearbeitet 07.11.2015 | Top

RE: Hurra - 25,5 Mio$ Erben - Danke Facebook

#186 von Roadrunner , 07.11.2015 14:24

Ona nimmt sich also die Zeit und schreibt eine Antwort.


Dear Mr Kalu
I'm sorry that I didn’t answer earlier. Like every year, there is a lot to do during the festive season. This means working to exhaustion and a lot of overtime.
But thanks to my late uncle this could change now very soon.
I am very grateful that you have found and informed me, Mr. Kalu.
My family lost contact to my uncle by the turmoil of war and postwar, completely. I even didn’t know that he was still alive during all the years, neither knew he was married and had children.
You can not imagine my surprise to this news.
I gladly will send you my contact information.
My name is:
Ona Niere
The adress is:
Hotel Absteige
Thaerstr. 11
65193 Wiesbaden
+49 0721 13xxxxxxxxx
But there is one point still very important to me. It affects your rates.
I think that an attorney fee of 50% is quite very high.
In my point of view it would be 15% -20% more than adequate and would cover all your troubles and honesty by far!
This point we should in any case negotiate again.
In this sense, I remain in hope of a good business relationship
Best regards

Ona Niere

Und ist auf die Antwort gespannt

Sola Scriptura

In a world without walls and fences,
who needs windows and gates?
Linux is like a wigwam with an Apache inside

¥$ WE $CAN

1 Mitglied findet das Gut!
Beiträge: 8.840
Registriert am: 11.01.2010

RE: Hurra - 25,5 Mio$ Erben - Danke Facebook

#187 von Roadrunner , 09.11.2015 12:21

Das Wochenende ist vorbei und schon kommt die übliche, unprofessionelle Antwort des möchtegern Anwalt.
Offensichtlich hat er nicht kapiert das es Leute gibt die für ihr Geld arbeiten und nicht den ganzen Tag auf dem Telefon sitzen.
Wahrscheinlich ist ihm auch das Konzept eines Festnetzanschluss fremd und aus seiner Sicht hat wohl Jeder ein Mobiltelefon.
Auch der Unterschied zwischen Vor- und Nachname scheint ihm nicht geläufig zu sein.


George Kalu <>, Ona Niere <>

AW: heir

Dear Mr. Ona,

Thanks for your message. I want you to know that i called your phone
number, but it was not in service.

Thanks alot,


On 11/7/15, Ona Niere <> wrote:
Dear Mr Kalu
I'm sorry that I didn’t answer earlier. Like every year, there is a lot to
do during the festive season. This means working to exhaustion and a lot of
This point we should in any case negotiate again.
In this sense, I remain in hope of a good business relationship
Best regards

Ona Niere

Sola Scriptura

In a world without walls and fences,
who needs windows and gates?
Linux is like a wigwam with an Apache inside

¥$ WE $CAN

Beiträge: 8.840
Registriert am: 11.01.2010

RE: Hurra - 25,5 Mio$ Erben - Danke Facebook

#188 von Roadrunner , 09.11.2015 19:28

Ich weiß ja nicht wie die sich das immer so vorstellen. Ständig erreichbar zu sein?
Nicht mit Ona!


Dear Mr. Kalu

I am very sorry to miss your phone call. But as I told you before, I am very busy during christmas season. I have a lot to do in my business.
Also I do not use a cellphone. I am on landline and not always sitting next to the phone.
If you like you can try to call me next Thursday at about 5pm. I will expect your call though.
By the way, my name is Mr. Niere!
Ona is my first name.

Best regards

Ona Niere

Sola Scriptura

In a world without walls and fences,
who needs windows and gates?
Linux is like a wigwam with an Apache inside

¥$ WE $CAN

Beiträge: 8.840
Registriert am: 11.01.2010

RE: Hurra - 25,5 Mio$ Erben - Danke Facebook

#189 von Roadrunner , 09.11.2015 19:56

Das konnte ja nicht funktionieren, wenn sich die Nummer ändert.


Dear Mr. Kalu

You wrote the number is out of service.
You are right. I just received a mail from my telephone provider that due to technical reason my number has changed. I was wondering anyway why I didn’t get any phonecalls lately.
So this is my new number: +49 0721 132xxxxx
Hear you on Thursday

Best regards

Mr. Niere

Sola Scriptura

In a world without walls and fences,
who needs windows and gates?
Linux is like a wigwam with an Apache inside

¥$ WE $CAN

1 Mitglied findet das Gut!
Beiträge: 8.840
Registriert am: 11.01.2010

RE: Hurra - 25,5 Mio$ Erben - Danke Facebook

#190 von Roadrunner , 12.11.2015 16:42

Der George muß ja selten dämlich sein. Die Uhr kann er jedenfalls nicht lesen.



AW: Hello again

Today is Thursday and your phone number is not reachable.

On 11/9/15, Ona Niere wrote:
Dear Mr. Kalu

You wrote the number is out of service.
Hear you on Thursday

Best regards

Mr. Niere

Er schreibt also kurz vor sieben morgens. Ona sagte aber gegen 05:00 PM also etwa 17:00 Uhr

Sola Scriptura

In a world without walls and fences,
who needs windows and gates?
Linux is like a wigwam with an Apache inside

¥$ WE $CAN

Beiträge: 8.840
Registriert am: 11.01.2010

RE: Hurra - 25,5 Mio$ Erben - Danke Facebook

#191 von Roadrunner , 12.11.2015 17:04


5 PM
Hi Mr. Kalu

You might not know how to read the time. I said 05:00 PM. This ist 17:00 in the Afternoon!!!


Ona Niere

Sola Scriptura

In a world without walls and fences,
who needs windows and gates?
Linux is like a wigwam with an Apache inside

¥$ WE $CAN

Beiträge: 8.840
Registriert am: 11.01.2010

RE: Hurra - 25,5 Mio$ Erben - Danke Facebook

#192 von CallcenterFun , 13.11.2015 15:56

Der liebe Anwalt hat angerufen, aber alles auf Englisch.
Ich frage mich, wie viel ihn der Anruf gekostet hat, er schien recht genervt und wollte am Ende mehrmals früher auflegen:

4 Mitglieder finden das Gut!
2 Mitglieder haben sich bedankt!
Beiträge: 37
Registriert am: 02.10.2015

zuletzt bearbeitet 13.11.2015 | Top

RE: Hurra - 25,5 Mio$ Erben - Danke Facebook

#193 von Roadrunner , 13.11.2015 16:23

Super gemacht, Danke

Sola Scriptura

In a world without walls and fences,
who needs windows and gates?
Linux is like a wigwam with an Apache inside

¥$ WE $CAN

Beiträge: 8.840
Registriert am: 11.01.2010

RE: Hurra - 25,5 Mio$ Erben - Danke Facebook

#194 von Roadrunner , 13.11.2015 18:39

Nach diesem Gespräch erreichte Ona dann die folgende Nachricht:


AW: 5 PM

Dear Ona,

How are you today? I am very happy to speak with you and i had to cut
off when i think you are trying to be childish with me. Please note
that this is a business between you and I. We need to trust each
other. Without trust, we cannot do anything. Also it is very important
to make this business a secret between you and I for security reasons.

Please give me your name, address, phone number, occupation and age. I
want to use these details to prepare the legal documents that will
make you the legal beneficiary of the fund. After this, i will take
this document to the bank. The bank shall automatically make you the
beneficiary of the fund without any problem, because i was the witness
to the deposit. You can also come to Togo if you want. If you cannot
come, there is no problem. Give me these details to start this

Thanks alot,


On 11/12/15, Ona Niere wrote:
Hi Mr. Kalu

You might not know how to read the time. I said 05:00 PM. This ist 17:00 in
the Afternoon!!!


Ona Niere

Welche Ona dann nach reiflicher Überlegung beantwortete


Betreff: Trust?

Dear Mr. Kalu

How are you? I’m fine. Thanks
I had to think about yesterdays talk the whole day. You said I have to trust you. OK.
You also wrote in one of your mails that everything is absolutely legal.
I have to think all the time, either you really found my uncle and have been his lawyer or you make it all up what makes it all illegal.
You didn’t answer my questions on the phone. Maybe you’ll do it in mail?
If this is a legal action, it is normal business and I am the heir and you’re the lawyer.
So there is no legal reason for you to claim 50%. Otherwise the whole action is illegal, then you lied to me. How should I trust you in that case?
Also I wonder why do you ask me again for name, address, phone number etc?
I gave you those information already. Yesterday you even called me. Have you forgotten all those informations?
What kind of a mess is your chancellery.
Have I to trust a messy?
Please give me some reasonable answers.
I like to trust you, and I will be happy if you really knew my uncle.
But now we have to clear the basics!!!

Best regards

Ona Niere

Sola Scriptura

In a world without walls and fences,
who needs windows and gates?
Linux is like a wigwam with an Apache inside

¥$ WE $CAN

Beiträge: 8.840
Registriert am: 11.01.2010

zuletzt bearbeitet 13.11.2015 | Top

RE: Hurra - 25,5 Mio$ Erben - Danke Facebook

#195 von Scambaiter , 13.11.2015 18:40

Saubere Arbeit! Und schon der Zweite in kurzer Zeit.
Und wie CallcenterFun richtig anmerkt "DIE" rufen an, und zahlen.
So muss es sein!

PS: Das Gesprächsvideo ist als Link im Kanal noch nicht freigegeben.
Also noch nicht öffentlich posten, richtig? Ich meine hier z.B.

MfG - Scambaiter
> Horas non numero nisi serenas <

1 Mitglied findet das Gut!
Beiträge: 11.579
Registriert am: 01.01.2006

zuletzt bearbeitet 13.11.2015 | Top

RE: Hurra - 25,5 Mio$ Erben - Danke Facebook

#196 von The_fast_learner , 13.11.2015 20:02

Ich habe zwar nur die Hälfte von dem Anruf verstanden, aber genug, um mir den Inhalt des Gesprächs zusammenreimen zu können. 16 Minuten, nicht schlecht!

Interessant ist, dass du den Scammer dazu bewegen konntest, mit dir offtopic zu reden.

Niemand beging einen größeren Fehler als jener, der nichts tat, weil er nur wenig tun konnte.
Das Böse triumphiert allein dadurch, dass gute Menschen nichts unternehmen. (Edmund Burke)

Beiträge: 2.863
Registriert am: 28.02.2010

RE: Hurra - 25,5 Mio$ Erben - Danke Facebook

#197 von CallcenterFun , 13.11.2015 20:37

Es ist ungelistet, da meine subscriber 95% deutsch sind und nicht notifiziert werden sollen.

Beiträge: 37
Registriert am: 02.10.2015

RE: Hurra - 25,5 Mio$ Erben - Danke Facebook

#198 von Scambaiter , 13.11.2015 21:27

Zitat von CallcenterFun im Beitrag #197
Es ist ungelistet, da meine subscriber 95% deutsch sind und nicht notifiziert werden sollen.
OK dann lassen wir es so.

MfG - Scambaiter
> Horas non numero nisi serenas <

1 Mitglied findet das Gut!
Beiträge: 11.579
Registriert am: 01.01.2006

RE: Hurra - 25,5 Mio$ Erben - Danke Facebook

#199 von schmubo , 14.11.2015 08:42

Zitat von CallcenterFun im Beitrag #192
Did you get the color of your religious energy tested?
Ich schrei mich weg!
War das ein geplanter Gesprächsverlauf oder eine spontane Idee?

Mugu vult decipi. Ergo decipiatur!   (frei nach Titio)

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baiting by software
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Registriert am: 21.11.2007

zuletzt bearbeitet 14.11.2015 | Top

RE: Hurra - 25,5 Mio$ Erben - Danke Facebook

#200 von CallcenterFun , 14.11.2015 09:41

Zitat von schmubo im Beitrag #199
War das ein geplanter Gesprächsverlauf oder eine spontane Idee?

Alles spontan, wobei ich diese Idee so halb schon im Hinterkopf für den zweiten Anruf für Rosa hatte.

2 Mitglieder finden das Gut!
Beiträge: 37
Registriert am: 02.10.2015


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