Hitman Scam (Erpressung Scam) - Das Opfer erhält eine E-mail, angeblich von einem Auftragskiller, der von einer "unbekannten Partei" angeheuert wurde, um ihn zu töten. Der Hitman wird für eine große Summe Geld seinen Auftrag gerne vergessen.
Hitman: An email is sent to the victim's inbox, supposedly from a hitman who has been hired by a "close friend" of the recipient to kill him or her but will call off the hit in exchange for a large sum of money. This is usually backed up with a warning local police or FBI, or the "hitman" will be forced to go through with the plan. This is less an advance-fee fraud and more outright extortion, but a reward can sometimes be offered in the form of the "hitman" offering to kill the man who ordered the original hit on the victim.
Quelle: List of email scams
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