Schlug heute bei mir auf. Wer will??
In Antwort auf:IP: ist in Korea
Envelope-to: xxxx@oleco.netReceived: from atmail by with spam-scanned (Exim 4.60) (envelope-from <>) id 1HFBdT-0001UY-LS for; Thu, 08 Feb 2007 16:56:38 +0100Received: from ([]) by with esmtp (Exim 4.60) (envelope-from <>) id 1HFBdD-0001LD-Fl; Thu, 08 Feb 2007 16:56:19 +0100Received: from (unknown []) by (Postfix) with SMTP id 1D3FD16D99C; Thu, 8 Feb 2007 16:55:28 +0100 (CET)Received: by ? ?id o4ys4abnf858 for <>; Thu, 08 Feb 2007 15:55:29 -0000 (envelope-from <>)Received: (qmail 15263invoked from network); Thu, 08 Feb 2007 15:55:29 -0000Date: Thu, 08 Feb 2007 15:55:29 -0000Subject: hi from traceyFrom: "tracey" <>To: silke@oleco.netMIME-Version: 1.0Content-Type: text/plainMessage-ID: <Silke#silke@oleco.netacid>x-email: silke@oleco.netx-status: uDTHrIY1RW5fPxoWdn9sViZdWJilz6pWCw==
Das war der header. wer aber ist die silke?
Hier die knappe mail.
i am here sitting in the internet caffe. Found your email and
decided to write. I am 25 y.o.girl.
I have a picture if you want. No need to reply here as
this is not may email. Write me at
Beiträge: | 4.489 |
Registriert am: | 22.01.2006 |
Magnus Horatio hat der Tracey mal geantwortet. Die will sich gleich verlieben, ob das gut geht?
In Antwort auf:
Betreff: Re[2]: Fwd: hi from tracey
Datum: Mit Feb 14 3:24 [/b]
Hello stranger :)
I am so happy to see that you have decided to reply,I see it is very short letter.
It is all right because you are astonished to get my letter.
I want you to know that I have only good intentions and I have not any secrets.
The thing is that I will work in your country for three months or so and I would like to meet a nice man to fall in love or just be closest friends.
I don't want to live in Russia because I have not any chances here,it is hardly possible to explain from first time but I want you to know my plans.I will work in any shop, bar or restaurant the agency that i am going through will suggest me some locations. It will be my choice in the end as to what option to go for.
So I will have a simple work till I improve my English. And I can choose any town of your area,agency will only help me to get a visa and all travel documents + some suggested placed to work in. My best friend last year met the man from the USA when she worked there for 12 months, too.
She had two jobs. From morning till 4 pm she worked in amusement park and after it she worked as a waitress in some bar till midnight. She was very tired of course but made very good money there.
It is special programm for young people who wants to work abroad and I think it is the right way for me ,I am lost here,and I think that I look pretty enough to find a better place .I want to repeat the same way,it is only my chance to meet a nice man.I want to work in USA or in Europe or any
nice country. I am full of plans and different dreams and I want to share my life with good man because I'm also full of love and tenderness,I know that I am not so beautiful like Hollywood Princess but I do hope to meet my Prince and I am sure he will be not be disappoined to meet me in the real life! This is why I am going to go through the same way. Well,I will close this letter and I do hope to get your reply.
I will leave russia in two weeks or so (I can't tell you everything exactly right now) and I would like to be sure that I have the man who waits for me there. I will work all day and I want to find a man to spend all free time together to get to know each other better.if you have any interest to meet me I will be more than happy to meet you too. I will tell you all details about me and my life if you like my pictures and want to meet me! please send picture of you too!!! I wrote to you with
Now I write you from my personal mailbox, please write me back here and here only. I will be checking it often. Kiss you , Mariya (this is my real name)!
> Hallo Tracey,
> Schick mir doch a bildl von dir an mi den Magnus i schick dir aa ans von mia.
> Der Magnus
> ----- Original Message -----
> From: 'tracey' <>
> To: weiblicher
> Sent: Don Feb 8 15:55
> Subject: Fwd: hi from tracey
> Hi,
> i am here sitting in the internet caffe. Found your email and
> decided to write. I am 25 y.o.girl.
> I have a picture if you want. No need to reply here as
> this is not may email. Write me at
Beiträge: | 4.489 |
Registriert am: | 22.01.2006 |
Babelfish wird seine helle Freude an der Antwort haben. Wenn sie Magnus solche love Angebote macht, soll sie auch die Katze aus dem Sack lassen.
In Antwort auf:
Betreff: arbeit unde love
Hallu Mariya,
Hab i di richtig verstandn, du willst kemma un mit mir schnackeln, meii des wiad scheee. Derfa mei Freund aa mitmacha?
I hab a grosse Wohnung da hamma aolle an Platz. I schick dia a Bildl mit.
Kannst dua mia oans schicka in am Tanga-Bikini oder mit goarnix, dös wär fei noch bessa.
der Magnus Horatio
Beiträge: | 4.489 |
Registriert am: | 22.01.2006 |
Irgwendwie hat sie vestanden was Magnus Horatio wollte, Das Bikinibild war schon dabei, mit dem gaornix ziert sie sich noch. Dafür aber ihr ellenlanger Lebenslauf und sonstiger Schwachsinn. auf den Bildern sieht sie nicht gerade arm aus.
In Antwort auf:
Date: Fri, 16 Feb 2007 18:55:49 +0100
To: Magnus Horatio von Schaum und Schlaeger <>
Subject: Re: arbeit unde love
Hello my dear Magnus, thank you for your answer!I like your photos very much!
At first I think I have to say that I am new in internet and I have only good intentions.
you should know that I am not very good writer in english, please be patient to read my
messages and see many mistakes. to be fair I don't know what you want to know about me,in principle
I am usual girl.I think I should tell you about me, my interests,tastes and hobbies.I think I will tell you
about things I want to know about you and you will know my future questions.
I am 25 years old,my birthday is 30 April 1981. I so much don't want to get older ,when I can see old women I am
getting crazy to think that it is my future .I do all the best to keep my youth and I keep my body well.In spite of all
difficultes here I am trying to be in good condition and I do a lot of exercises to be in good shape!
I am about 172 cm tall (5.6) and my weight is about 56 kg. I've been told I look well enough ,
and I think that all women have own beaty. I have never been married and I don`t have children.
I have one youngest sisters and it is great problem for us because we have only two rooms can't imagine what does it mean to be born
in small town in Russia,there are not any chances to live well,to get a good job.All young people leave towns to search great luck in big cities but nobody waits for them there. I want to leave Russia,I know it sounds ugly but I know that I will be lost here like many young girls before me. It is not place to grow children and have stable future.I want to meet my right man .
I think in future I can work as fitness trainer I have a certificate. My mother is my great problem too,she has a great dream to see me married and she wants to make me happy but I think it is only my business I am not a little child. She tells me every day that I should get married very soon... To be fair I am not sure I am able to explain all in first message I want to say so much!
I just want you to know that I am not afraid to work,I am fairly goal oriented and I am sure you will be not disappoined to meet me in real life.I am going to spend three months abroad to work in any good place,agency promises to help me because it is only the way I can leave Russia.I will have all documents to travel in a few days and i will travel to moscow then,from moscow I will travel to you and they ask me about name of the city i am going to work, if you don't mind to meet me please tell me the name of your city and nearest international airport!
I will book my flight from moscow!
I think it would be so great to meet my love and stay there forever.I know that it is not so easy like I think but I think it is possible that I meat my real love.
I want to love and to be loved I want to build our own happiness,only me and my man there. I don't smoke,I tried to smoke when I was younger.
I may have a glass of red dry vine,sometimes it helps to relax. I try to take care of my body and face. I know it is all I have. My soul may have any itnterst for you later, I thinkso.I am not a little girl and I know that at first almost all men look at body ,legs and face.God created males such persons. Well,I think I am lost in my letter,I am not sure you understand my goals,please feel free to ask.
I live in Russia,town Beloyarsk, Sadovaya street 4-21,it is near big city Barnaul.
My town is rather far from Moscow. Moscow is a capital of my country.
I want you to reply if you understand my mind,my intentions,my soul,if not please reply too, I will continue my searching. Well, I will close this letter,I think you are tired to read it.and If you think that I should write shorter letters please tell me. I write from internet cafe in Barnaul because there are not cafes and possibility to use internet in my small town,we have 4 digital phone number and we can't call abroad.Even to call in any big town here in Russia I have to order the call in advance.and I would like to say please don't worry if I keep silence sometimes I have no time to travel ,it is about 1 hour 25 minutes by bus from my town till Barnaul
Please tell me more about you,your tastes,likes and dislikes .also I have a few impotant questions do you
like strong drinks too much?can you be very drunk?very ofthen?can you be rude with women?
Well,I have to stop or I will write without ending.Kiss you !see you later. In my next e-mail I will write you more things about myself and more details about my trip and work. I will miss you, your Mariya.
Hallu Mariya,
Hab i di richtig verstandn, du willst kemma un mit mir schnackeln, meii des wiad scheee. Derfa mei Freund aa mitmacha? I hab a grosse Wohnung da hamma aolle an Platz. I schick dia a Bildl mit.
Kannst dua mia oans schicka in am Tanga-Bikini oder mit goarnix, dös wär fei noch bessa. der
Magnus Horatio
Beiträge: | 4.489 |
Registriert am: | 22.01.2006 |
Magnus hat ihr eine schöne Mail zurückgeschickt. Maildoorway wird wohl Husten haben oder die mail wurde zensiert??
In Antwort auf:
Magnus Horatio von Schaum und Schlaeger
He Hallou Mariya,
Mei warn dÃös scheene Bildl von dir. Mei Freund ham glei gesoagt die muŸ kemmaƒÂ‚¶s is pfundigs Weibsbild.
Die wann mer zum schnackelen ‚¤tten.
du woas moanst mit am saffa? Dös versteh i net ganz. I trink jÃöden Tag so oan, zwoa MaÃÂÂ
und villei noch an Enzian damit dös Biar ned so trocka is.
woas moanst denn du mit am R¼de und oaner Fraa?
Stehst du auf soetwas.? DÃös ¤r ja pfundig, i mag a weibsbild ab und zua omol hart oapacka, i moags wann schreit und a richtiage w¼lde wiard.
So schreib mir woas in soalchane soache moagst, mei freund san ja anoo da. Busseln tun mer dann aa.
Magnus Horatio
On Fre Feb 16 18:55 , Mariya <> sent:
Please tell me more about you,your tastes,likes and dislikes .also I have a few impotant questions do you
like strong drinks too much?can you be very drunk?very ofthen?can you be rude with women?
die steht auf sowas.
Well,I have to stop or I will write without ending.Kiss you !see you later.
In my next e-mail I will write you more things about myself and
more details about my trip and work. I will miss you, your Mariya.
Beiträge: | 4.489 |
Registriert am: | 22.01.2006 |
Auf die zerstörte mail hat mariya noch nicht geantwortet. Bei google unter kam ich auf eine US Seite: www. Hier sind jede Menge junger Dating Damen mit Bild und Steckbrief. Mariya ist auch dabei. Dort ist auch eine neue Variante zum Mugu ärgern, das SCHENGEN-VISUM. Ohne das Ding keine Einreise.
Um den Bait nicht abreißen zu lassen hat Magnus nochmal eine nette lesbare Mail geschickt und den Südfreistaatendialekt
etwas zurückgenommen.
In Antwort auf:
Hallo Mariya,
OHH, warn des scheene Bilder. Im Bikini i bin noch ganz hornig. Wann Kommst??
Mei Freund sage aach die soll kumma zu schnackeln.
Was moanst du mit drink und rude to woman?
Moagst du des? I aach.
Also schau das in Flieger kummst und bei mir vorbeischaust.
der Magnus Horatio
noch a ganz dickes bussel von mia.
Beiträge: | 4.489 |
Registriert am: | 22.01.2006 |
Mariya hat sich durch die fast unleseliche mail nicht abschrecken lassen. Liebesschwüre und demnächst will sie selbst und persönlich aufkreuzen. Schätze vorher soll Magnus aber das Reisegeld locker machen über WU. Bilder hat sie auch wieder geschickt.
In Antwort auf:
Hello my dear Magnus!!
I am so glad to see your letter again,I think I am a lucky girl to meet such man and I will do my best to meet you in real life! you know I can work in any city of your area because it is free choice and agency only helps me to get
only travel documents (work visa)and ticket, and I do hope that we will like each other and now I have the destination. The agency will also suggest some places to work in. I do hope I have met my right man!you know I have told you before one of my friend worked abroad last year and have met right man,now they live there and they are going to marry. by the way now they are arranging the trip to Russia,(he wants to meet her parents and friends)
I think if I feel that you are my dream and you have the same feelings we could think about our future together.
if not I will just work and return back when the time to travel back. you know I am new here and I am afraid to make any mistake. I have one great lack,I am very impatient sometimes I can act without thinking.
Sometimes I think that my dream is getting for real and it is so bad to be disappointed later. I want you to know all small things about me because it shouldn't be any misunderstandings between us. I want you to know that I am not angel and sometimes I can show my character.And I don't wait that you to be angel too, I just want to meet a kind man . I am very kind and I can forgive almost all I can't forgive if my man sleep with different woman, I don't know many nessesary words in english. I hope you can read between lines. A little more about myself! my favorite activity is fitness. I wanted to be as fitness trainer but I finished The Barnaul State Univercity, trainers faculty as fitness trainer but I don't work on my profession because there are no good fintess clubs in my city, I used to sit at home and to do all housework,helping my mom. I would like to have good job, I may work dancing teacher, or trainer of fitness,you know I have a certificate. I worked as a trainer a year ago . and I would like to do it again .you know how many more younger girls want to get this job too!Alot of competition here. I want to tell you about things I like:
I like to make barbecue and I so much want to have my own home with fireplace. usually I make very tasty ones and in principle I like to cook and it is not problem for me to cook something tasty and I don't like to visit cafes and restaurants, at first usually they can't cook weel(maybe only here) and second too high price.
I like warm weather. and my great dream is to live somewhere on tropical island. Also I want to tell you about my dislikes:
I hate our long winters it seems to me they will never end. I hate lies and unfaithfulness.
I hate evil people and politicans I think they like to play wars, I hate any ars.
What I like in a man: faithfulness, honesty. He has to be open- minded and open-hearted, also easy-going. and much more important he is kind,kindness makes our world!
Are you kind and gentle man ?????
I think my man should be kind ,it is great feeling after love,only kind person may be happy, all rude people are unhappy. or must be. A few questions yet, agency tells that I will have a room in nearest hotel near my future
work but if we like each other may be is it possible to live together?I think we will enjoy life together. do you have your car?animals? I can't drive and I do hope you give me a few lessons, to be fair I have so many plans .I will find out all travel details
about my flight this week. I will leave my town today in a two hours and i think I will be not able to write to you today or so. When I am in Moscow I will send you short letter to let you know that I am all right and they tell that it takes about two days to get all nesseary papers, please confirm your phone number and international airport, I want to be sure I have all your details and Please don't look at different girls. I am the best(joke).(da soll sie noch ein topless Bild schicken]Well, I will close this letter I think I am bore today,and please feel
free to ask. See you soon!I can't believe everything is for real. to be fair I am lost and my head is like any big station with a lot of voice!
KISS and LOVE Mariya!
Magnus Horatio von Schaum und Schlaeger
Email: ***[Edit by Scambaiter: Bitte keine Emailaddys posten]
He Hallou Mariya,
Mei warn dÃà scheene Bildl von dir. Mei Freund ham glei gesoagt die muàkemma, dös is pfundigs Weibsbild. Die wann mer zum schnackelen hätten.
du woas moanst mit am saffa? DÃös versteh i net ganz. I trink jÃöden Tag so oan, zwoa MaÃß und villei noch an Enzian damit dös Biar ned so trocka is.
woas moanst denn du mit am Rüde und oaner Fraa? Stehst du auf soetwas.? ƒÃƒÂ‚¶s w‚ja pfundig, i mag a weibsbild ab und zua omol hart oapacka, i moags wann schreit und a richtiage wülde wiard.
So schreib mir woas in soalchane soache moagst, mei freund san ja anoo da.
Busseln tun mer dann aa.
Magnus Horatio
Beiträge: | 4.489 |
Registriert am: | 22.01.2006 |
Mariya hat wohl ´ne Concorde genommen, sie behauptet schon in Moskau zu sein. der Header wird aber was anderes sagen. Magnus wird wohl viel Süßholz raspeln müssen um an seine ganz ohne Bild zu kommen.
In Antwort auf:
Der IP-Locator sagt: ist in den Niederlanden; ISP = LEASEWEB
My honey ! :-) it is me,can you believe I am in Moscow.
I can't believe ,it was wonderful flight and they gave red vine in plane, wow,I have never triedsuch tasty one!!!!!
I went the bus up to the Subway from the airport .
In Subway long went, it was so is delightful
I was in travel agency today, but my documents are not ready yet,
it will be ready tomorrow.
I will go to travel agency again to get all info about my trip.
And of course, when I will get it - I will send it to you!
It is such great city and it takes a few hours to travel from one end to other.
I rented the flat for few days.
People said to me some nice places in Moscow while he was
Such a great city it is. I have no words to explain.
you can't imagine how great Moscow is,to be fair I wouldn't like to
live here,a lot of cars,people , voice and pollution.
Ugly traffic and people with crazy eyes.
When I get off plane in airport Moscow policeman asked about passport
and he looked at me like I am any enemy,
I think all people here are a little crazy at terrorism.
Life here in Moscow is expensive. I was going through some shops today
and it is much more expensive than in our town. Food and all the general things.
It is the same country but different prices, what a great change.
I think people living in Moscow are very cautious ,I think so.
But I think that I have done my choice and to be fair I don't want to
live here,it is not the city of my dreams.
you know I am not coward I am not afraid I know it is my chance to meet
kind man .I do hope I am right.
and I think you are too kind to make any bad things I feel it.
Well,I will close this letter ,please write as soon as possible!see
you soon! KISS :-) Great kiss from moscow!!!!!!!!! Mariya!
Auf diese Mail hat sie geantwortet, Magnus hat ihr aber auf die Mail im Beitrag 6 nochmal geantwortet.
Hallo Mariya,
OHH, warn des scheene Bilder. Im Bikini i bin noch ganz hornig. Wann Kommst??
Mei Freund sage aach die soll kumma zu schnackeln.
Was moanst du mit drink und rude to woman?
Moagst du des? I aach.
Also schau das in Flieger kummst und bei mir vorbeischaust.
Magnus Horatio
noch a ganz dickes bussel von mia.
Antwort auf Mariyas Mail in Beitrag 6
Hallo my Mariya,
Du maochst me ganz hornig mit deine Bildln. Mey bist du schöön. So was wie dii mecht I den ganzen Tag schnackeln. Weist:I want you to know that I am not angel and sometimes I can show my character.And I don't wait that you to be angel too, I just want to meet a kind man . I am very kind and I can forgive almost all I can't forgive if my man sleep with different woman, I don't know many nessesary words in english.
For sowas braucht kei Angst net zu haben, du hast mir doch den kopf schon a soo verdraht das i kein andres Madel mehr oschau.
Schick mir doch no amoal a Bildl mit dem du nix anhast. Hast des du so ans? Da tät ich die Zeit bists kummst besser vorbei bringen.Du ich bin a so varrückt nach dir.A Auto hab i aa. an Trabi und an Traktor, mit dem hol i9 di ab.bis dann und denk ans Bildl.
Magnus Horatio
Kiss all deine Haut von kopf bis Zeh.
On Die Feb 20 14:19 , Mariya <> sent:
Beiträge: | 4.489 |
Registriert am: | 22.01.2006 |
Eine kurze Mail aus Moskau von Mariya. Sie(er) scheint ein paar Daten aus der Geschichte zu wissen, 23.2. Tag des Vaterlands. diese mail dürfte die Vorbereitung für eine Geldforderung zu sein. Die Antwort von Magnus und dann die kurze mail von Mariya. Magnus will immer noch das genz ohne Bild.
In Antwort auf:
Magnus Horatio von Schaum und Schlaeger
Allerliebste Mariya
Welch a Freud wieder a liebs Briefel von dir zu kriage. Mey I hab schon gedacht dir wär woas passiert. Du I kunnt scho nimmer richtig schlafa.
I schau immer dei Bildl an. Es ist ganz schee fad ohne di, I bin so allans in mein Bettl. I mecht dich nebe miar spürn. Die zeit wird lang bis des du kimmst.
Kannst Du mir net noch a Bildl schicka mit ohne woas an, I moan so richtig ohne alles. A Freind von mia macht mir des dann so richtig groß und i leg des in mey Bettl neben mia, dann kann ich die acu im schloaf angeschaun.
Tats du des Für mi machen? I bitt dich auch recht schön.
Schreib schnell wida wann des du kommst.
I bussl di
On Fre Feb 23 19:30 , Mariya <> sent:
Hello my dear!
I write to you the short letter. Excuse.
Today (February,23) at men a holiday in Russia (day of the defender of fatherland).
Therefore in the Internet of cafe many drunk young men.
And I wish to leave more quickly. I very much regret that I can not write more.
I shall write to you tomorrow! Today in Russia it is accepted to congratulate men.
I congratulate you too! Today I especially miss on your strong shoulder!!!
Kisses Mariya
Beiträge: | 4.489 |
Registriert am: | 22.01.2006 |
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