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RE: Warnung vor: Dating scammer Ola Hamza [Steckbrief]

#21 von Charly ( gelöscht ) , 13.03.2008 00:10

von: Fred Martins via Yahoo! Messenger
an: xxxxx
Datum: 03.03.2008

Chat Protokoll

fred2g8 (01:16:00): hello dear
fred2g8 (01:16:20): i thought maybe you didn't want to talk to me
xxxxxxx (01:17:47): hello I'm here, I couldn't try, because today is sunday
fred2g8 (01:18:11): ok my dear
xxxxxxx (01:18:34): in the morning, I went to xxxx church, in the day I got visitors and also my
xxxxxxx (01:19:09): xxxx has been at home (xxxx using computer 24 hours)...sorry
fred2g8 (01:19:43): is ok darling
fred2g8 (01:19:49): can we talk using the mic?
xxxxxxx (01:20:10): If you like
fred2g8 (01:20:24): but you are not talking
xxxxxxx (01:21:00): but I take the click the phone
fred2g8 (01:21:44): can't you hear me?
fred2g8 (01:22:11): try to call me from your computer
xxxxxxx (01:22:24): okay
fred2g8 (01:23:10): i can hear you
fred2g8 (01:23:10): can you hear me?
xxxxxxx (01:23:27): no
fred2g8 (01:23:40): i wonder what is happening
xxxxxxx (01:24:26): I found the mistake, the speake was off, it's has to work now
fred2g8 (01:46:35): @};-
fred2g8 (01:46:41): take care,byeeeeeeeee
xxxxxxx (01:47:34): goodnight, thankyou for the call,
xxxxxxx (16:24:52): Hello Fred, I'm just back from the city,
I can help you with the complete money what you need.
I try my best, but the bankofficer said is not working there with
Western Union, I have to use MoneyGram (it's also not so expensive).
Then I going tomorrowmornig at march 08, at 10.00 clock am again,
and make the transver ready.
I will use the same code are you giving me. But please (it's only borrow,
because it's not so easy, but i try) you
xxxxxxx (16:28:55): can pay back to me after you have travel in three or four instalments.
xxxxxxx (16:33:20): Take care, have a good fly (...becarefull in Africa...).
I hope you can use there computer to recive the details.
The bankoffice said (the moneytransfer need x to africa).
xxxxxxx (16:34:02): Please don't forget me there, greetings from somebody, how like you
xxxxxxx (16:34:25): ...a little bit...a little bit...a little....bit

xxxxxxx (16:36:20): By, By, I have to pick up my xx quickly, I tould you yesterday, By, By

zuletzt bearbeitet 13.03.2008 02:15 | Top

RE: Warnung vor: Dating scammer Ola Hamza [Steckbrief]

#22 von Charly ( gelöscht ) , 13.03.2008 00:21

von: Fred Martins via Yahoo! Messenger
an: xxxxx
Datum: 04.03.2008

Chat Protokoll

xxxxxx (11:56:32): Hallo,
I'm just back from the city, I have doing my commitment to help.
xxxxxx (11:59:35): The have sending a payment via MoneyGram ExpressPayment.
xxxxxx (12:00:22): Receive Code (Required): xxxxxx?
xxxxxx (12:01:25): Pay to: Equitorial Trust Bank-Sommercial Rd24 House 12, Aadeleye Ikoyi,
Lagos Nigeria.
xxxxxx (12:02:00): Account Number to wihich Payment should be applied or designated recipient:
xxxxxx (12:02:11): Ola Hamza.
xxxxxx (12:03:14): Dollar Amount: $=1.517,55=.
xxxxxx (12:04:25): Sender's Name: xx xxxxxx
xxxxxx (12:05:15): Zip/C.: xxx
xxxxxx (12:06:05): Message: Answer: xx
xxxxxx (12:06:15): Date: 2008/03/04.
xxxxxx (12:07:02): I hope you will have a good fly and arrived Nigeria well.
I feare flying so much,
xxxxxx (12:10:28): special if the plain little bit wobbly from the wind.
Please take care of you (special in africa). Myself I'm lucky
I will get a new Job (maybe xxx), I have to go
xxxxxxx (12:11:39): to the interview now (pray for me) so I will get the contract for it.
xxxxxxx (12:12:02): by,by
xxxxxxx (12:45:05): I'm here now, I'm very buzy, becauce I have interviewtermin
for a new job at 13.30 pm.
fred2g8 (12:45:22): hello dea
fred2g8 (12:45:22): dear
fred2g8 (12:45:45): ok,i understand
xxxxxxx (12:46:01): For Acent use: reference Number: xxx
fred2g8 (12:46:33): is there anything like money transfer number or code on the receipt
fred2g8 (12:46:45): i think it should be an xxxx code
xxxxxxx (12:47:16): how looks this, wich kind of no
xxxxxxx (12:48:04): in the mornig i give you some Zip/C.P (is that the one)?
fred2g8 (12:48:26): just digits
fred2g8 (12:48:37): or will you call them to confirm my dear
fred2g8 (12:48:38): ?
xxxxxxx (12:49:35): I see another number is like this: xxx
xxxxxxx (12:49:46): I this the one?
fred2g8 (12:50:04): what is written infornt of this?
fred2g8 (12:50:15): infront
xxxxxxx (12:50:19): oh...Jesus...I never used MoneyGram before, I hope everything is allright
fred2g8 (12:50:32): or can you scan the receipt and send it to me?
xxxxxxx (12:50:56): MoneyGram Operator
xxxxxxx (12:53:16): Yes, I can do (it's a Customer Copy), but later in the evening,
becauce have to go now quickly to the interview for the new Job,
if I'm comming late, I will loose the chance, please unterstand
xxxxxxx (12:55:11): xxxxxx
xxxxxxx (12:56:22): xxxx
xxxxxxx (12:57:22): But now, please let me go, becauce I have only 30 minutes
(I will realy loose the chance)
fred2g8 (12:58:02): ok dear
fred2g8 (12:58:02): you can go
fred2g8 (12:58:02): we talk later
fred2g8 (12:58:08): i wish you goodluck
fred2g8 (12:58:08): byeeeeeeeee
fred2g8 (12:58:18): @};-
xxxxxxx (12:58:33): by,by later
fred2g8 (12:59:21): is it correct?
fred2g8 (12:59:26): 800euros?

zuletzt bearbeitet 15.03.2008 23:21 | Top

RE: Warnung vor: Dating scammer Ola Hamza [Steckbrief]

#23 von Charly ( gelöscht ) , 13.03.2008 00:56

von: Fred Martins via Yahoo! Messenger
an: xxxxx
Datum: 05.03.2008

Chat Protokoll

xxxxx (09:40:52): Goodmorning Fred, sorry, I understand you are buzy, 
but I have done all what I'm in position to do.
Myself I don't espect much, but I falling in unhappyness,
because you really didn't say "thankyou". I didn't sleep at night.
I remember what a very old lady (from babtistchurch) said,
when I went to america. Sorry, she said to me ....never give up the blackroots,
becarefull with white men...
xxxxx (09:45:47): When you contact me, I chance little bit my mind about white men,
because you looks gentle, you wrote poem. But it's okay, when somebody
meet somebody, nobody can know, it's going forward or not.
I feel you make me guitly, because you couldn't fly. I handle gentle,
I fell also sorry for you, but
xxxxx (09:46:49): it's not my mistake, I really not the one, how have the duty for it. If you push me
xxxxx (09:47:49): to much, I really want to given up. Love is Love, but things can also spoil love.
xxxxx (09:51:20): Maybe in one mail I tould you, the bankofficer tould me, it's will need around
xxxxx (09:54:22): 8 days to rich africe. The transfer ist was not so expensive for me lik
western union. Please give up now, to call me day and night for it.
xxxxx (09:56:42): I have to go in our copyshop, the can scan for me the costumer copy and
copy on some disk.
Than I can do the dis or CD on my computer and send to you.
xxxxx (09:59:27): I do it one freyday.
xxxxx (09:59:34): Greetings, take care.

zuletzt bearbeitet 15.03.2008 23:22 | Top

RE: Warnung vor: Dating scammer Ola Hamza [Steckbrief]

#24 von Charly ( gelöscht ) , 13.03.2008 01:04

von: Fred Martins via Yahoo! Messenger
an: xxxxx
Datum: 06.03.2008

Chat Protokoll

xxxxxx  (11:06:51): Hallo Fred, today I have drive 
in the city and I'am also I will contact MoneyGram to tell
there about the problem you tould me,
I hope everything will be allright, I let you Know the result, (don't worry, be happy)
xxxxxx (23:52:43): Hello, sorry I'm very late, I take some information today, the time of transfer has
fred2g8 (23:54:21): i don't get you dear
xxxxxx (23:56:09): to be minimum 10 minutes and maximum 3 days, normaly
the transfer has to rich the person, the bankofficerlady said,
she will prove the number, if the transfer didn't arrived him the latest today,
I have to contact her mondaymorning
xxxxxx (23:57:00): I'm also went to the copyshop and doing there the scan on a disk,
fred2g8 (23:57:06): means i will have to wait till monday?
xxxxxx (23:58:15): It means only, if ther transfer don't rich you friend today or latest tomorrow
fred2g8 (23:59:15): but he can't get it when the reference number is 7 my dear
fred2g8 (23:59:15): it has to be 8 numbers

zuletzt bearbeitet 13.03.2008 02:41 | Top

RE: Warnung vor: Dating scammer Ola Hamza [Steckbrief]

#25 von Charly ( gelöscht ) , 13.03.2008 01:05

von: Fred Martins via Yahoo! Messenger
an: xxxxx
Datum: 07.03.2008

Chat Protokoll

xxxxxxx (00:03:09): yes, I tould her, she said she will 
found out with a special medod of testing
xxxxxxx (00:03:42): (...I use diconarybook, becauce I don't now all words in english)
fred2g8 (00:04:03): and when are you going to here from her?
fred2g8 (00:04:50): hear rather
xxxxxxx (00:05:16): I have the termin on mondeymorniny 08.30 am
fred2g8 (00:05:49): ok my dear
xxxxxxx (00:06:01): what is rather?
fred2g8 (00:06:11): i know you must be very tired by now
fred2g8 (00:06:16): i think you need to rest
fred2g8 (00:06:34): i will make sure i call you tomorrow 2pm your time
fred2g8 (00:07:21): ok!
xxxxxxx (00:07:38): yes, it is not so bad, but I'm little bit worry, where is the money hanging,
xxxxxxx (00:07:52): I will pray
fred2g8 (00:08:50): ok my dear
fred2g8 (00:08:50): don't worry too much
fred2g8 (00:08:50): take care
fred2g8 (00:08:51): byeeeeeee
xxxxxxx (00:08:51): Where can I send the costumer copy? On your email,
because maybe you can send to your friend?
fred2g8 (00:09:00): @};-
fred2g8 (00:09:06): yes
fred2g8 (00:09:15): send to
xxxxxxx (00:09:25): okay, by, by, goodnight
fred2g8 (00:09:37): bye dear
fred2g8 (00:09:37): take care
xxxxxxx (00:09:53): yes, yes, I do
xxxxxx (12:36:02): Halle Fred, I have sending the costumer copy to your
emailadress on a save way, because of the details in the copy,
the email: Priorität: Hoch-E-Mail-Einschreiben (it's like high priority mail),
if there is any code, it's will be xxxx (or xxx),
I have to check onemore is a big C or a little c, but maybe the frist
one is the right one, please let me know, if you got it
xxxxxx (12:37:45): This computertechnicals drive me little bit crazy,...
for me it's more easy me dishwasher at the kitchen...also my tryermashine at the bathroom...,
xxxxxx (12:38:59): please vergive me, when I doing technicals mistakes, you are a man...
i a women, I know how to ..cook...and more like this things,
xxxxxx (12:39:03): greetings
xxxxxx (12:40:53): by,by,later I need to go out now
xxxxxx (16:52:16): hallo, now i have sending the costumer-copy 3 times,
is not posiple this mails can't rich you (I have doing no mistake at the emailadress),
you give to much attention, I running here, I running there,
if the money dont't rich your friend,
xxxxxx (16:59:36): then it's me the one to have the risk to lost the money,
if it's not return back on my account because is hanging some where then
I have solve the problem,
xxxxxx (17:06:36): you are a typical men (but you don't understand,
I'm a (, and not a american (Cowboy). I gave my word for help.

zuletzt bearbeitet 13.03.2008 02:27 | Top

RE: Warnung vor: Dating scammer Ola Hamza [Steckbrief]

#26 von Charly ( gelöscht ) , 13.03.2008 01:57

Fred liebt Romantic und ist traurig, daß er telefonisch nicht erreichbar ist


RE: Warnung vor: Dating scammer Ola Hamza [Steckbrief]

#27 von Charly ( gelöscht ) , 13.03.2008 02:10

von: Fred Martins via Yahoo! Messenger -Protokollabschrift vom Orginal-
an: xxxxx
Datum: 08.03.2008

Chat Protokoll

Fred Martins (08.03.2008 15:10:19): <ding>
Fred Martins (08.03.2008 15:10:24): are you there?
Fred Martins (08.03.2008 15:11:00): <ding>
Fred Martins (08.03.2008 19:41:07): <ding>
Fred Martins (08.03.2008 19:43:35): <ding>
Fred Martins (08.03.2008 19:46:15): i wake up this morning and i was filled with thoughts of u,
i asked mayself if this feeling of mine could be true.
it took me some few hours and i was able to realise that
it was just too good to be true.My feelings for you is more
than words can ever express.
Fred Martins (08.03.2008 19:47:13): i miss you so much

zuletzt bearbeitet 13.03.2008 03:06 | Top

RE: Warnung vor: Dating scammer Ola Hamza [Steckbrief]

#28 von Charly ( gelöscht ) , 13.03.2008 02:22

Fred Martins alias Ola Hamza fragt sich selbst ob es war sein kann


RE: Warnung vor: Dating scammer Ola Hamza [Steckbrief]

#29 von Charly ( gelöscht ) , 13.03.2008 02:58

von: Fred Martins via Yahoo! Messenger
an: xxxxx
Datum: 09.03.2008

Chat Protokoll

fred2g8 (11:55:59): hello dear
fred2g8 (11:56:29): i'm so sorry to wake u up while you were sleeping
fred2g8 (11:57:27): are u there,because i can't see what you are typing
fred2g8 (11:57:38): ?
xxxxxxx (11:58:11): Hallo Fred, thankyou so much for you mails and call, yesterday
I went out, because we are planing in our church something for
Eastern xxx for children, today I'm going with some lady together again,
because on eastern I will be not here, I'm going on Easternholiday to visit
my xxxxxxxxx I will send a nice eastercard for you also
(for little mariah) to you emailadress
xxxxxxx (11:59:14): we are driving to houers to the headcity
fred2g8 (11:59:29): thank you my dear
fred2g8 (11:59:29): ok dear
fred2g8 (12:01:04): i sent the customer copy to my friend and he was told that the
reference number is invalid
fred2g8 (12:01:39): he couldn't get the money because i think they stopped it overthere
fred2g8 (12:02:44): you will tell them to re-send it and they will give you another eference number?
fred2g8 (12:07:36): i seem to think about you all the time
fred2g8 (12:07:36): and wish we could be together
xxxxxxx (12:14:14): I going by 10.00 am tomorrowmorning, after the bank,
I go to let check my left foot by the orthopädiedocter,
so I will be at home around 13.00 pm, then I contact you quickly
fred2g8 (12:14:52): 1000euro?
Xxxxxxx (12:15:17): in Dollar 1.517,00 something
fred2g8 (12:15:32): Try to scan the customer copy on your way back home....
so that i can send it to that person
fred2g8 (12:15:33): ok dear
xxxxxxx (12:16:35): I send you all results from tomorrow, and I will begin at the bank to
write some notice
fred2g8 (12:17:01): yes dear
fred2g8 (12:17:02): ok,you can go now
fred2g8 (12:17:18): let when me know when you get back tonight
xxxxxxx (12:17:30): have I nice sunday !!!!!
fred2g8 (12:17:41): you too
fred2g8 (12:17:41): take care
fred2g8 (12:17:47): @};-
fred2g8 (12:17:47): wrire me when u get back
fred2g8 (12:17:53): byeeeeeeeeeeeeee
fred2g8 (12:17:53): i understand
xxxxxxx (12:18:06): okay, by,by
fred2g8 (12:18:25): :-*

zuletzt bearbeitet 15.03.2008 23:23 | Top

RE: Warnung vor: Dating scammer Ola Hamza [Steckbrief]

#30 von Charly ( gelöscht ) , 13.03.2008 03:38

Fred Martins aus Denver/Colorado hat einen Freund in Nigeria


RE: Warnung vor: Dating scammer Ola Hamza [Steckbrief]

#31 von Charly ( gelöscht ) , 13.03.2008 09:37

von: Fred Martins via Yahoo! Messenger
an: xxxxx

Datum: 10.03.2008

Chat Protokoll

fred2g8 (19:14:05): how are you doing?
Xxxxxxx (19:15:16): hallo, I hope you recive my email, I stay in stress
fred2g8 (19:15:31): yes dear
fred2g8 (19:15:37): i understand how you,but did you have the money back?
fred2g8 (19:16:05): i understand how you feel,but did u get the money back?
xxxxxxx (19:16:37): I feel very tired, I habe sending some mail on yahooemail
fred2g8 (19:17:30): yes i have read it,tell them to give you the money back my dear
xxxxxxx (19:17:33): I'm going out know, becauce my friends from the womensclub pick me up at 19.30 pm
fred2g8 (19:17:44): this is too stressful and i don't want you to go through stress
fred2g8 (19:17:55): do u understand me?
fred2g8 (19:18:27): send it through wetsren union(1000)and the charges will also be deducted from it...
fred2g8 (19:18:43): i think it is better and stress free this way
xxxxxxx (19:19:48): thankyou for the big kisses, I going with the lady to a xxxxxxx, mybe i
can relex there a little bit
xxxxxxx (19:21:03): the show nice xxxxx and assesoies for x women xxxxxxx i like it very much
fred2g8 (19:21:38): read what i wrote
xxxxxxx (19:21:53): special I can found something nice for my xxxxx xxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxx xxxxx
fred2g8 (19:22:08): have you read what i wrote?
xxxxxxx (19:22:58): yes, I wrote, but know I have to make myself quickly beauty, because the ladys
xxxxxxx (19:23:11): soming in 10 minutes
xxxxxxx (19:23:59) have you collected the money back?
Xxxxxxx (19:24:37): all information is at the email, please read everthing,
I have to make me ready quickly,
I try in the morning my best for the moneyproblem
fred2g8 (19:25:09): i want you to get the money back and send it through western union
xxxxxxx (19:26:26): I will found out, it rings at the door, please wait a moment
fred2g8 (19:26:40): ok dear
fred2g8 (19:27:06): just tell them you are not sending it anymore
xxxxxxx (19:28:04): I have to stop, the ladys are there I can't write more
fred2g8 (19:28:24): what time are you going to be back?
fred2g8 (19:28:25): we really need to talk
xxxxxxx (19:28:58): yes, but I'm not alone know
xxxxxxx (19:29:28): so by,by later

zuletzt bearbeitet 15.03.2008 23:23 | Top

RE: Warnung vor: Dating scammer Ola Hamza [Steckbrief]

#32 von Charly ( gelöscht ) , 13.03.2008 10:12

von: Fred Martins via Yahoo! Messenger -Protokollabschrift vom Orginal-
an: xxxxx
Datum: 11.03.2008

Chat Protokoll

Fred Martins (11.03.2008 11:11:54): <ding> 
Fred Martins (11.03.2008 11:12:24): <ding>
Fred Martins (11.03.2008 23:24:25): hello dear
Fred Martins (11.03.2008 23:14:58): i really do not understand why you have decided to act like this.
Does the money really matters to you at all?
Fred Martins (11.03.2008 23:15:51): i got your message yesterday and you said they needed some details for it.
Why did you decided not to come online today,so that we can talk about
it and also know how to go about it.....
Fred Martings(11.03.2008 23:17:22): i think it is better,if you go there and get the money and then send
it through western union.All they will do is to deduct the charges from
the 1000euro and you need not to pay anyu extra
charges or you wait for me to get a feed back from Mr Ola Hamza,but i think
western union is more efficient and reliable
Fred Martins (11.03.2008 23:17:57): Hope to hear from you soon. I miss you so much and you make me
wonder why you don't come online anymore
Fred Martins (11.03.2008 23:18:01):
Fred Martins (11.03.2008 23:18:44): <ding>

zuletzt bearbeitet 13.03.2008 13:49 | Top

RE: Warnung vor: Dating scammer Ola Hamza [Steckbrief]

#33 von Charly ( gelöscht ) , 13.03.2008 10:23

von: Fred Martins via Yahoo! Messenger -Protokollabschrift vom Orginal-
an: xxxxx
Datum: 12.03.2008

Chat Protokoll

xxxxx        (12.03.2008 03.00:31): sorry, I was not in position to be online, 
s short message know at midnight, yesterdy
xxxxx (12.03.2008 03:04:29): morning I went out to by gift /presents for eastern, when I
went back at home,
the hole water was running out from my washingmashine at the time
I have been not there. In der afternoon
some electricspecialist check the mashine
(one sock was hanging between something),
but the problem is solved
know, tomorrow in the late afernoon I will contact you again,
xxxxx (12.03.2008 03:05:13): sorry, sorry, I really was falling in stress,
xxxxx (12.03.2008 03:05:24): goodnight
Fred Martins (12.03.2008 07:58:30): <ding>
Fred Martins (12.03.2008 07:58:38): hello dear
Fred Martins (12.03.2008 07:59:01): i understand how you feel and i don't want you to feel stress in anyway.
Fred Martins (12.03.2008 17:54:36): let me know what you are up to.....
Fred Martins (12.03.2008 17:55:12): i assume you have the money back and you don't wanna tell me
Fred Martins (12.03.2008 21:50:48): <ding>
Fred Martins (12.03.2008 23:11:13): <ding>

zuletzt bearbeitet 13.03.2008 14:15 | Top

RE: Warnung vor: Dating scammer Ola Hamza [Steckbrief]

#34 von Charly ( gelöscht ) , 13.03.2008 10:38

von: Fred Martins via Yahoo! Messenger -Protokollabschrift von Orginal-
an: xxxxx
Datum: 13.03.2008

Chat Protokoll

xxxxx (13.03.2008 04:47:21): goodmorning Fred, your words are paining me, maybe there are 
missunderstandings about the conversation of my english (I feel overloaded),
I can't sleep and week up to early, I have try what I'm be in position.
Now is 13 th of march, maybe you are buzy too,
but you forgot I have to start my new job
xxxxx (13.03.2008 05:06:07): at of april), also I was planing to go on Easterholyday to meet my family,
everyday iss running, there is time only about 2 weeks.
I'm worry about the money too, but not so much, because if
the bank will loose my money they have insurance,
so thinks will be solve, I believe in God, nothing will happen bad
to me, I taken also little bit rast from you,
because you try to push me to much, if I'm outside of my house and I
would like to call you, to say shortly hallo, is not working,
because you didn't gave me your phonenumber, what can
I do more, I'm a women, I loose my confidence, because it's
looks I'm not the right one for you, like a women you
espect....we all have a dream, but we don't know the dreams
are coming into our live.....
xxxxx:(13.03.2008 05:08:30): sorry I have to lay down again, I hope I will not forget to
send the eastercard for little mariah on email, by, have a nice day
Fred Martins (08:21:34): I'm not trying to puch you my dear, because i have
feelings and affection for you
Fred Martins (08:21:52): i'm only being concerned about the money and then pay
whenever it is received....
Fred Martins (08:25:19): don't forget to send the card to mariah,because i told her about you
already and she will be expecting it.

zuletzt bearbeitet 15.03.2008 23:20 | Top

RE: Warnung vor: Dating scammer Ola Hamza [Steckbrief]

#35 von Charly ( gelöscht ) , 13.03.2008 10:50

Fred Martins alias Ola Hamza aus Denver/Colorado liebt Western Western Union


RE: Warnung vor: Dating scammer Ola Hamza [Steckbrief]

#36 von Charly ( gelöscht ) , 13.03.2008 23:55

Fred Martins alias Ola Hamza ist vor 4 Jahren Witwer geworden und hat eine 6-jährige Tochter

zuletzt bearbeitet 14.03.2008 00:15 | Top

RE: Warnung vor: Dating scammer Ola Hamza [Steckbrief]

#37 von Charly ( gelöscht ) , 15.03.2008 00:17

von: Fred Martins via Yahoo! Messenger -Protokollabschrift vom Orginal-
an: xxxxx
Datum: 14.03.2008

Chat Protokoll

Fred Martins (00:08:15): I'm waiting for you my dear. I Know you got my message
Fred Martins (00:08:22): let me know when you back
Fred Martins (00:08:31): buzz me
Fred Martins (02:51:23): <ding>
xxxxx (13:18:54): hallo, thank you so much for the nice call in the morning, I'm here now.
xxxxx (13:21:29): Maybe your friend don't know, how he to handle the
form from MoneyGram and needs some kind of help someone,
maybe it's will be new for somebody in africa, I really don't know,
because the bankofficer said, you know, when I
was there they are still waiting for it?
xxxxx (13:21:36): How are you?
xxxxx (13:22:40): You are not online, then I'm going quickly shopping,
I will contact you later again.
xxxxx (13:22:47): best wishes
Fred Martins (16:50:29): i hope everything works out fine
Fred Martins (16:50:31): hope
Fred Martins (16:50:32): bye
Fred Martins (16:50:43): i'm not happy i missed you!

zuletzt bearbeitet 15.03.2008 00:51 | Top

RE: Warnung vor: Dating scammer Ola Hamza [Steckbrief]

#38 von Charly ( gelöscht ) , 15.03.2008 00:31

Fred Martins ist unglücklich, das Geld von MoneyGram ist noch nicht bei seinem Freund Ola Hamza in Nigeria angekommen


RE: Warnung vor: Dating scammer Ola Hamza [Steckbrief]

#39 von Scambaiter , 15.03.2008 23:13

Hallo Charly, es gibt Neuigkeiten Betreff: Ola Hamza aka Fred Martins!
Sven Udo hat weitere Informationen bekommen!

Dazu bitte den folgenden Thread lesen und dort antworten:

Ich denke, es ist wichtig!

MfG - Scambaiter
> Horas non numero nisi serenas <

Beiträge: 11.579
Registriert am: 01.01.2006

RE: Warnung vor: Dating scammer Ola Hamza [Steckbrief]

#40 von Charly ( gelöscht ) , 16.03.2008 10:38

Fred Martins ist seit 2 Tagen nicht online



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