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Dating scammer Ola Hamza alias Fred Martins [Steckbrief]

#1 von Sven Udo , 04.03.2008 01:37

Steckbrief & Warnung

Vor Dating scammer Ola Hamza alias Fred Martins

Other Comments: This man say that he is from USA and work in Nigeria.
On the picture is not Ola Hamza but Mike from Model agency FocusHawaii.

Ola Hamza Email: | |

Address: 2341, Ikoyi, Lagos, Nigeria,
Phone 00234-18134479, or 002348056019951 (mobile) or 002347028178235,

Computer IP located in Nigeria
Steckbrief: Ola Hamza alias Fred Martins

Address for send money:
Name:Ola Hamza
Address: House 12, Adeleye close, Ikoyi, Lagos
Country: Nigeria

Phone Nigeria: 00234-8056019951 or 00234-18134479 or 00234-8056019951 (mobile) or 00234-7028178235,

Fotos die er benutzt:

Sven Udo


Sven Udo
Forum Guru
Beiträge: 1.678
Registriert am: 01.01.2006

zuletzt bearbeitet 26.04.2008 | Top

RE: Warnung vor: Dating scammer Ola Hamza [Steckbrief]

#2 von Scambaiter , 05.03.2008 00:00

Von dieser Webseite wurden alle Fotos gestohlen:
JOBY = hair: brown / eyes: hazel / height: 6'3"/ suit: 44 / shoe: 13

Fred Martins alias Ola Hama (Profile in comiends.friends like a austrian) wrote in some
email he is still living in Denver/Colorado like a architect constructor (onself),
he has visit austria also germany for a seminar
(maybe he forgot bevor he said he is comming from the Bahamas).
He wrote he bury his wife 4 years ago. He has a little toghter Mariah,
she is living with her grandmother.
In his letters he wrote poeme
(maybe greatet with some computerprogramm).
He begin fort contact on livemessenger yahoo or msn for talking.
(After he us contact on livemessenger he never use yahooemail).

He wrote, he can't give telephonenumber, because he didn't pay the last bill.
He call by telephone, but he didn't show his number. Someone he make a mistake and his
phonenumber was on my display 002348056019951).
This number is excactly the phonenumber of Ola Hama, House 12, Adeleye Ikoyi, Lagos, Nigeria.
(Areacode of Nigirea: 00234).

Fred Martins alia Ola Hama wrote, he need to go to Kenya or Nigeria.
Later he wrote he has some friend in nigeria; the friend needs help.
Later he wrote he has to go to nigeria and need help to pay the internetbill for his laptop
-he want to us them there-. Later he wrote he need help to pay the hotel for himself.
Now he is still waiting for money!

Warnings! Warnings! Warnings!

Fred Martins alias Ola Hama is a black african crime person,
he chance identity like underware,
he use pictures from different person also pictures from (white) persons,
he steel picures from newspapers ore somewhere.

Warnings! Warnings! Warnings!

If he has doing any crime to some person, if you have transfer some money to him,
use help or contact police.

Von: Charly | Scambaiter-Deutschland

MfG - Scambaiter
> Horas non numero nisi serenas <

Beiträge: 11.579
Registriert am: 01.01.2006

zuletzt bearbeitet 24.03.2008 | Top

RE: Warnung vor: Dating scammer Ola Hamza [Steckbrief]

#3 von Charly ( gelöscht ) , 05.03.2008 20:22

von: "Fred Martins"
gesendet: Freitag, 15. Februar 09:10
einfügen: Fred1.jpg
Betreff: Mein Foto!

es war hier noch früh zur der Zeit als ich Ihnen schrieb. Ich checkte wirklich meine Post, um zu sehen, ob Sie auf
meine Anzeige geantwortet hätten und ich sehr glücklich bin Ihre Post zu lesen. Ich möchte erklären, daß Sie mir gefallen, was für ein Leben leben Sie und in welch all andere Sachen sind Sie engagiert....Ich wünschen Ihnen einen sehr schönen Tag und ein wundervolles Wochenende. (*Übersetzung englisch/deutsch von Originalemail)

von: "Fred Martins"
einfügen: Fred1.jpg
Betreff: My Pic!

It was still early here at the time i wrote to you. I actually cheked my mail to see if you had replied to my message
and it was very fortunate for me to read to you mail. I would like you to please tell me what you do for a living and every other thing that you engage in....I wish you a very nice day and a winderful weekend.

Angefügte Bilder:
Aufgrund eingeschränkter Benutzerrechte werden nur die Namen und (falls vorhanden) Vorschau-Grafiken der Dateianhänge angezeigt Jetzt anmelden!

zuletzt bearbeitet 04.04.2008 00:44 | Top

RE: Warnung vor: Dating scammer Ola Hamza [Steckbrief]

#4 von Charly ( gelöscht ) , 05.03.2008 22:35

von: "Fred Martins"
gesendet: Samstag, 16. Februar 2008 11:27
Betreff: Re: Dein Foto!

ich bin so glücklich von Ihnen zu hören und ich fühle mich sehr erfreut, jemanden von Ihrem Charakter und Persönlichkeit zu kennen. Ich arbeite als ein Architekt und auch als ein Bauunternehmer. Ich habe eine Tochter die ich Mariah nenne, die nur 6 Jahre alt ist und ich habe meine Ehefrau gerade vor 4 Jahren verloren. Sie haben mich sehr glücklich in den vergangenen wenigen Tagen gemacht, weil sie mir Hoffnung gegeben und Mut zum Leben gemacht und wieder geliebt zu werden. Ich lebe in Denver/Colorado und ich verstehe kein Deutsch, weil ich aber in Deutschland gewesen bin und habe ein paar Zeiten Seminare besucht,deshalb habe ich viel Liebe zu Deutschland und schätze die deutsche Kultur. Der eigentliche Ort, wohin ich gekommen bin war Salzburg(Österreich) und Bremen(Deutschland). Vielen, vielen Dank für das Kompliment, dass Sie für meine Profil gegeben haben und ich muss Sie wissen lassen, dass Ihr Englisch gut für micht ist, ebenso lang als wir kommunizieren können und uns verstehen können. Ich wäre mehr als
glücklich zu sehen, dass wir uns bald besser kennen. Es wäre freundlich, wenn Ihre Bilder an meine E-Mail schicken können, weil ich sehen möchten, wie Sie sich wirklich meine Liebst anschauen. Lassen Sie mich wissen, wenn Sie Yahoomessenger oder msn haben, ich denke, dass es besser wäre, wenn wir eine nette Plauderei dort haben könnten. Ich wünsche Ihnen ein sehr glückliches Wochenende.

Ich wünsche wirklich, dass ich all dies machen könnte......,
ich wünschte Sie können fühlen, meine Arme dicht,
und Sie dicht halten, durch die ganze Nacht,
Sie wissen lassen, ich bin da, und niemals weit weg, ich will bleiben wo je Sie sind,
wo immer Sie sind, damit Sie in meine warme Umarmung drücken, und meine zarte Berührung fühlen,
warm an Ihrem Gesicht, und Sie sich dicht an mich lehnen,
die Hitze meines Körper zu fühlen, und meine Lippen küssen Sie leicht,
ich wünschte Sie könnten mein leises geflüstertes Lied hören, Sie zu beruhigen in den Schlaf,
es ist dafür, dass wir zusammen gehören, dass Sie mich hören können was ich sage,
es ist alles was Sie zu hören brauchen, was ich Ihnen über meine Liebe sage,
geflüstert sanft in Ihr Ohr,und Sie können meinen Atem fühlen, warm an Ihrer Haut,
während ich Sie um meine Anwesenheit betteln lasse, und sie diese Liebe reinlassen,
ich wünsche kann Sie halten, und flüstere diese die ganze Nacht in Sie


RE: Warnung vor: Dating scammer Ola Hamza [Steckbrief]

#5 von Charly ( gelöscht ) , 05.03.2008 22:57

von: "Fred Martins"
gesendet: Samstag, 16. Februar 2008 11:27

I'm happy to hear from you and i feel very delighted to know someone of your character and personalty.
I workas an architect and also a building contractor.I have a daugther named Mariah who is just 6yrs old and i lost my wife barely 4yrs ago. You have made me very happy in the past few days,because you have given hope and yourage to live and be loved again. I live in denver/colorado and i do not understand german,but i so much love and appreciate the german culture because have been there to attend seminars a couple of times. The actual place i came was salzburg(austria) and bremen(germany).Thank you so much for the compliment you gave about my profile and i must let you know your english is ok for me, as long as we can communicate and understand each other. I would be more than happy to see us know each other alot more better. Kindly, send your pictures to my email because i would love to see what you really look like my dear. Let me know if you have yahoo messenger or msn, i think it would be better if we could have a nice chat there. I wish you a very happy weekend.....

.I really wish i could do all these......
I wish that you could feel
My arms about you tight,
Holding you up close
All thru out the night.
To know that I am there
And never away far,
That I will remain
Where ever that you are.
That you could press back
Into my warm embrace,
And feel my soft touch
Warm against your face.
Or you could shift your hips
And press against me tight,
To feel my body's heat
And my lips kissing you light.
I wish that you could hear
My sofly whispered song,
To lull you into sleep
For it's here that we belong.
That you could hear me say
All you need to hear,
As I tell you of my love
Whispered sof against your ear.
And you could feel my breath
Warm against your skin,
As I let my presence beg you
To let this true love in.
I wish that I could hold you
And whisper long into your night


RE: Warnung vor: Dating scammer Ola Hamza [Steckbrief]

#6 von Charly ( gelöscht ) , 05.03.2008 23:18

von: "Fred Martins"
gesendet: Sonntag, 17. Februar 2008 16:22
Betreff: Hallo

Hallo Liebste,
ich habe gedacht, dass ich von Ihnen nicht mehr hören würde,
weil ich gestern den ganzen Tag lang durchgehend auf eine Rückmeldung gewartet habe,
aber diese irgendwie nicht erhalten habe.
Sie lassen mich in Glück fallen und ich
habe nie gedacht und erwartet, dass wir so gut kommunizieren könnten.

Gott hat uns zusammengebracht, danke und ich weiß, dass wir ein gutes Paar sind.
Es würde mich freuen, wenn Sie Yahoo- oder MSN Identifizierung (Adresse) haben,
damit ich Sie zu meine Botenliste (Mitgliederliste) hinzufügen kann,
und dann können wir eine gute Plauderei haben.
(*Übersetzung englisch/deutsch von Originalemail).


von: "Fred Martins"
gesendet: Sonntag, 17. Februar 2008 16:22
Betreff: Re: Hallo

Hello dear,
I tought i wasn't going hear from you anymore,because i waitet for your reply all through yesterda,but didn't get any. You make me feel so happy and elated because i never thought we could communicate so good. I thank God for bringing us together and i know we will make a good pair.Kindly, let me have you yahoo or msn id so that i cann add you to my messenger list and then we can have a good chat.


zuletzt bearbeitet 05.03.2008 23:43 | Top

RE: Warnung vor: Dating scammer Ola Hamza [Steckbrief]

#7 von Scambaiter , 05.03.2008 23:49

@Charly, danke für deine Mail Postings zum Betrüger Fred Martins aka Ola Hamza.
Ich werde den Thread hierhin verschieben: Andere-Mails.
Dort paßt es besser hin.

MfG - Scambaiter
> Horas non numero nisi serenas <

Beiträge: 11.579
Registriert am: 01.01.2006

RE: Warnung vor: Dating scammer Ola Hamza [Steckbrief]

#8 von Charly ( gelöscht ) , 11.03.2008 00:21

von: Fred Martins fred2g8 via Yahoo!Messenger
an: xxxxx
Datum: 20.02.2008

Chat Protokoll

xxxxxxx (18:43:18): hallo

fred2g8 (18:54:46): hello dear
xxxxxxx (18:55:12): oh, your are there
fred2g8 (18:55:21): yes dear
fred2g8 (18:55:27): and you?
fred2g8 (18:55:32): how r u doing?
Xxxxxxx (18:56:09): I'm doing fine, it's looks like i get little bit freescoole
fred2g8 (18:57:29): why don't you take some tea
xxxxxxx (18:57:47): yes i'm doing so
fred2g8 (18:58:24): ok
xxxxxxx (18:58:38): what you are doing
xxxxxxx (19:00:24): i like to here more about you and about your live,
i like to read also your emails
fred2g8 (19:00:36): am actually at work but less busy at the moment
xxxxxxx (19:01:35): yes i think so, we can take time if there is time, here is now
xxxxxxx (19:02:00): 19.00 (7) pm, have a nice workingday
fred2g8 (19:06:36): i can with you
fred2g8 (19:06:41): i will let you know when i need to work
xxxxxxx (19:07:29): do you recive the last email?
fred2g8 (19:08:38): in my private mail and when?
xxxxxxx (19:09:06): yes, yesterday evening
xxxxxxx (19:14:21): mmmmmmmmmmmmh, how do feel?
fred2g8 (19:16:39): i feel good
fred2g8 (19:16:39): it was very nice
fred2g8 (19:16:50): how has your day been?
xxxxxxx (19:18:33): It was a good day, I'm happy you contact me,
xxxxxxx (19:19:35): tomorrow and saturday I invated to 2 conferences
xxxxxxx (19:19:46): (this are my private engagements)
fred2g8 (19:20:33): sorry,i didn't notice
xxxxxxx (19:22:08): I have also education in xxxxxx and xxxxx i,
got invitation for 2 conferenc (one xx one xx),
fred2g8 (19:22:23): from who?
xxxxxxx(19:25:08): this are my xxxxxx, the invitation is from the organisation where
I have been like a xxxxx, we are specials of xxxxxx in Germany
fred2g8 (19:26:03): oh i see
xxxxxxx (19:26:16): What kind of architectur you are building
fred2g8 (19:26:25): how did they get to know that you were online?
fred2g8 (19:27:13): building and construction...
xxxxxxx (19:27:22): the conference is not online, it's in xxxxxx personaly
fred2g8 (19:28:14): ok
xxxxxxx (19:30:57): xx - xx i was working xxxxx like a xxxxx where also
Achitect and Ingenieurs was working there, but the only xxxxxxxxxx
xxxxxxx (19:32:51): my xxxxxxxx was an buildingingenier too, he make the xxxx of
xxxx at xxxxxx xxxx/Germany
fred2g8 (19:34:10): that's great
xxxxxxx (19:35:03): yes, it's reality, have seen so many things in live, thankyou,
xxxxxxx (19:35:33): and how is your little toghter Mariah, went she to school,
xxxxxxx (19:35:56): in germany children starting with 6 years
fred2g8 (19:36:47): she is fine and in school
fred2g8 (19:37:06): she should arrive at grandma's place very soon
xxxxxxx (19:38:04): this is nice, xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
xxxxxxx (19:39:06): xxxxxx and finish highschool xxxxxxxxxxxx
fred2g8 (19:39:29): i don't understand
xxxxxxx(19:40:13): xxxxxxxxxxxx
xxxxxxx(19:41:05): xxxxxxxxxxxx
xxxxxxx (19:42:31): xxxxxxxxxxx
xxxxxxx (19:43:13): how do you call it, maybe search mashine
fred2g8 (19:43:50): serch engine
fred2g8 (19:43:50): search
xxxxxxx (19:44:28): xxxxxxxxxxx
fred2g8 (19:45:08): i will later my dear
xxxxxxx (19:46:27): Why do you like me ??? Becareful I can talkin very much ...
fred2g8 (19:47:49): is ok
fred2g8 (19:48:27): i like you because you have got good atittude and manners
fred2g8 (19:48:33): and yu?

xxxxxxx (19:51:48): I'm surprice, I have the same mind about you, when I read
fred2g8 (19:52:54): really?
fred2g8 (19:52:54): and will you like to us to be together someday?
xxxxxxx (19:53:36): xxxxxxxxxxxxx
xxxxxxx(19:54:12): xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
xxxxxxx (19:54:22): you on your picture
xxxxxxx(19:56:08): Oh, Fred xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
xxxxxxx(19:56:59): But if the dream like to go in to reality (.....maybe xx xxxxxx)
fred2g8 (19:58:42): your heart can't stop...
xxxxxxx (20:01:26): He, becarefull, you touch me very deep and open my soul to much,
maybe you are a thief
fred2g8 (20:01:55): yes,i am and i want to still your heart......
xxxxxxx (20:03:19): than I call my father in xxxxx he will call FBI Heardbreakerdepartment for you
fred2g8 (20:05:03): that's very funny
fred2g8 (20:05:03): i like you for that
xxxxxxx (20:06:12): i was reading your profile, it's was wonderfull, powerfull,
xxxxxxx (20:06:38): gentle, but i reed also you are a thief
xxxxxxx (20:10:17): you was writing a wonderfull poem at email but I'm write something about
your lovely crime, I hope it make's you softly worry
fred2g8 (20:10:30): thief?
fred2g8 (20:12:32): n't make me worry too much
xxxxxxx (20:15:18): I will read in some diconarybook (how long will be somdeday)
fred2g8 (20:16:03): ok dear
xxxxxxx (20:17:35): it looks like we have started and we can't stop it, it will be
xxxxxxx (20:17:50): going forward and forward
fred2g8 (20:19:48): yes my dear
fred2g8 (20:20:10): you are also a thief and i will report you to the sheriff
xxxxxxx (20:20:40): yes, please
fred2g8 (20:21:43): youb
fred2g8 (20:21:49): you are not serious
xxxxxxx (20:24:14): I 'm serious xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
fred2g8 (20:24:54): you are so sweet
xxxxxxx (20:25:15): thankyou, thankyou
fred2g8 (20:26:04): you are welcome
xxxxxxx (20:27:10): I' m very happy, I'm still waiting and running everyday to
fred2g8 (20:27:27): me too dear
xxxxxxx (20:27:58): the computer and check if is there some email or news from you for me
fred2g8 (20:28:23): what?
xxxxxxx (20:29:11): I'm waiting and running everyday to the computer and check
xxxxxxx (20:29:24): if is there some email oder news from you for me
fred2g8 (20:29:55): this is because our minds are incontact
xxxxxxx (20:30:59): it's true
fred2g8 (20:34:09): yes
xxxxxxx (20:35:55): yes, it's a great macic
xxxxxxx (20:36:30): (or magic)
fred2g8 (20:36:54): please,giev me some minutes i need to attend to somethings
xxxxxxx(20:37:23): okay

xxxxxxx (21:29:48): xxxxxxx
xxxxxxx(21:32:50): by, by have a nice day........{

zuletzt bearbeitet 11.03.2008 20:49 | Top

RE: Warnung vor: Dating scammer Ola Hamza [Steckbrief]

#9 von Charly ( gelöscht ) , 11.03.2008 08:52

von: Fred Martins via Yahoo! Messenger
an: xxxxx
Datum: 21.02.2008

Chat Protokoll

xxxxxxx(21:38:09): hello, hello someone don't fear to shot smart a wonderful poeme 
deep into my heard,
xxxxxxx (21:40:12): ..who is the person...I need to now more, more, more
fred2g8 (21:40:24): hello dear
xxxxxxx (21:40:35): hello, hello
fred2g8 (21:41:16): which person?
Xxxxxxx (21:42:59): the person which don't led me sleep, the person to let me loose control
fred2g8 (21:44:05): and who is that person?
Xxxxxxx (21:45:07): he, he I'm asking you, to found out for my, please
fred2g8 (21:45:25): can it be me?
Xxxxxxx (21:45:57): maybe?
Xxxxxxx (21:47:20): I'm asking all men round over the world, but nobody say, he is the one,
who ....shot softly....
fred2g8 (21:47:39): how many men have u asked?
Xxxxxxx (21:48:08): 300.000 million
fred2g8 (21:48:33): that's are very funny
xxxxxxx (21:48:48): yes, I'm
fred2g8 (21:50:28): how was your day?
fred2g8 (21:50:28): i missed you.i was here looking for you 10times before now
xxxxxxx (21:52:26): the poem you send me today was also very great,
I realy didn't know what I can say in the cat,
xxxxxxx(21:52:36): I feare to open the cat
fred2g8 (21:53: 01): thank you for the comliment,but why do u fear the cat?
fred2g8 (21:53:59): compliment
xxxxxxx (21:54:39): I couldn't imagen and I'm total confuse
xxxxxxx (21:55:19): thank God, I was not cooking soup, maybe I will put to much salt in......
fred2g8 (21:55:54): i wish i could be with you because you are very funny
fred2g8 (21:56:02): what's your phone number?
xxxxxxx (21:57:18): I feare to falling down in our explosiv magic
fred2g8 (21:57:47): i will like to hear your voice on phone
xxxxxxx (21:58:12): oh my God....
xxxxxxx (21:59:38): 0049/xxxxx or xxxxx (telephone xxx and Fax)
xxxxxxx (22:00:25): xxxxx will be nice
xxxxxxx (22:01:52): 0049 is the code for germany
xxxxxxx (22:02:43): from outside the citycode xxxx, inside from germany xxx
fred2g8 (22:04:34): ok,i will give you a call later.
My phone isn't working at the moment because i haven't paid the bills for this month
I would be going to secure a building contract and there is not need to do that
at the moment,but am going to call you from the phone booth...
xxxxxxx (22:06:06): don't worry, maybe it's will be also expensive
fred2g8 (22:06:42): i don't mind for as long as i love you....
xxxxxxx (22:07:23): or you call ambulance for me, so the can put little bit ice on my heard
fred2g8 (22:08:55): you are not serous at all xxxxxxxxxxx
xxxxxxx (22:09:49): but I'm also like to here your voice, I'm serous but I'can't believe
I can really here your voice
xxxxxxx (22:11:41): your are a man, but I'm a women it's riski for me like a women and
a mother to trust somebode only
fred2g8 (22:11:50): why?
Xxxxxxx (22:12:05): on internet, becauce I never have doing this
fred2g8 (22:12:26): me too and you make me happy since i met you...
xxxxxxx (22:12:58): bevore, it was my first step into (comiend.friends)
xxxxxxx (22:13:59): after the 10 days free, I step out and break it,
fred2g8 (22:14:57): you mean i met you after 10days
xxxxxxx (22:15:08): the gentle conversation from you makes you very sympatic for me
xxxxxxx (22:17:09): I mean when you was sending the email at my profile, in this
time maybe my profile was there only for
xxxxxxx (22:17:26): 3 or 4 days
xxxxxxx (22:18:41): I hope I understand your quetion well? If you go into comiend.
friend my profile is not there now
fred2g8 (22:19:11): i understand and i feel very happy
xxxxxxx (22:20:06): yes, it's like this and the yahoomessenger I realy open for you
fred2g8 (22:20:36): i love you!
xxxxxxx (22:22:33): i'm falling in love too
fred2g8 (22:23:08): and do you love me?
xxxxxxx (22:23:27): this is my first time I use livemessenger
xxxxxxx (22:24:23): I'm realy surprice what is going on xxxxx xxxxxxx
xxxxxxx (22:26:57): I'm also like your picture very much, your face is shining on it
fred2g8 (22:27:32): thank you
xxxxxxx (22:29:23): maybe you know
fred2g8 (22:31:53): i just got to know.....
xxxxxxx (22:32:21): yes
fred2g8 (22:32:55): you are such a pretty woman too
xxxxxxx (22:33:08): thankyou too
xxxxxxx (22:33:45): you saw all the pictures
fred2g8 (22:33:45): you are welcome
xxxxxxx (22:34:19): I can't believe, I'm happy
fred2g8 (22:34:20): yes i did,very lovely.....
xxxxxxx (22:34:47): yes, I can feel your are lovley
fred2g8 (22:35:16): what did you do today?
xxxxxxx (22:37:04): in was cooking, in the afternoon I went quickly shopping,
i visit some friend (women) now it's 22.20 clock pm
fred2g8 (22:37:33): ok dear
fred2g8 (22:37:57): i have to get back to work now.lets talk later
xxxxxxx (22:38:40): yes, have a nice day, we talk tomorrow, tomorrow, and tomorrow........
fred2g8 (22:38:59): take care my love
fred2g8 (22:38:59): @};-
fred2g8 (22:39:18): have a goodnight rest
xxxxxxx (22:39:33): yes I will keep deep in my heard, by by, thankyou
fred2g8 (22:39:37): love you
xxxxxxx (22:39:48): i love you too
fred2g8 (22:40:08): you are welcome
fred2g8 (22:40:08): byeeeeeeeeee

zuletzt bearbeitet 07.04.2008 02:55 | Top

RE: Warnung vor: Dating scammer Ola Hamza [Steckbrief]

#10 von Charly ( gelöscht ) , 11.03.2008 09:35

von: Fred Martins via Jahoo!Messenger -Protokollabschrift vom Orginal-
an: xxxxx
Datum: 22.02.2008

Chat Protokoll

Fred Martins: (22.02.2008 09:43:41): hello my dear, hope you had a nice night?
Fred Martins: (22.02.2008 09:43:58): all i want to do is make you happy.
xxxxx: (22.02.2008 15:39:12): realy? For now cant write more, because I went to some
xxxxx: (22.02.2008 15:39:43): conference now....thankyou for the mail
Fred Martins: (22.02.2008 16:48:11): youare welcome
Fred Martins: (22.02.2008 16:48:24): hope your day has been good?
xxxxx: (22.02.2008 22:47:21): hello, where are you? May day has been good,
I visit the conference for 3 hours, how are you?
xxxxx: (22.02.2008 22:49:59): I'm also sleept very well.
xxxxx: (22.02.2008 23:50:53): I can't rich you for 2 hours now, here is quater to
xxxxx: (22.02.2008 23:51:16): 24.00 pm midnight, by, by for now

zuletzt bearbeitet 11.03.2008 20:53 | Top

RE: Warnung vor: Dating scammer Ola Hamza [Steckbrief]

#11 von Charly ( gelöscht ) , 11.03.2008 09:43

von: Fred Martins via Jahoo! Messenger -Protokollabschrift vom Orginal-
an: xxxxx
Datum: 23.02.2008

Chat Protokoll

Fred Martins: (23.02.2008 19:29:59): where are you my dear? 
Fred Martins: (23.02.2008 19:30:12): have waited for hours and still know sign of you
Fred Martins: (23.02.2008 19:30:37): i miss you and can't wait to have you in my arms because
i seem to think about you more and more

zuletzt bearbeitet 11.03.2008 20:56 | Top

RE: Warnung vor: Dating scammer Ola Hamza [Steckbrief]

#12 von Charly ( gelöscht ) , 11.03.2008 09:46

von: Fred Martins via Jahooh!Messenger
an: xxxxx
Datum: 24.02.2008

Chat Protokoll

xxxxxxx (00:44:31): hello, hello, I'm here
fred2g8 (00:44:45): where have you been?
xxxxxxx (00:46:21): I'm just comming from a birthdayparty 24.00 pm from a little boy 4 years
fred2g8 (00:47:23): i see,have been waiting all day for you
xxxxxxx (00:47:31): I'm missing to talk with you
xxxxxxx (00:48:15): at 10.00 am in the morning I visit a conference for 3 hours
fred2g8 (00:48:23): me too my dear
xxxxxxx (00:49:03): at 19.00 pm I went to the birthday
fred2g8 (00:49:12): what kind of conference?
xxxxxxx (00:49:40): xxxxxx
xxxxxxx (00:50:08): for peaple how been xxxxxxx
fred2g8 (00:50:11): ok
xxxxxxx(00:50:50): the big engagements I have given up xxxxxxx
xxxxxxx (00:51:06): How are you doing?
fred2g8 (00:51:43): am fine
fred2g8 (00:51:48): i missed you so much
xxxxxxx (00:52:28): I miss you yesterday too
fred2g8 (00:52:49): i thought u didn't want to talk anymore
xxxxxxx (00:53:08): why, why
fred2g8 (00:54:13): because i didn't hear from you
xxxxxxx (00:54:50): on the livemessenger is not very easy, to rich in the rigth time
xxxxxxx (00:55:58): what time is it now in your home
fred2g8 (00:56:12): why?
fred2g8 (00:56:17): 6pm
xxxxxxx (00:56:55): here is now 0.50 midnight
fred2g8 (00:57:21): and you just came in?
fred2g8 (00:57:21): do you drive?
xxxxxxx (00:58:24): somebody take me with car, myself I can't drife since around
xx weeks, becauce I had some operation xxxxxx
fred2g8 (00:59:15): oh,sorry dear
fred2g8 (00:59:15): but do u have a car?
xxxxxxx (01:00:10): yes, I have a car and my licence since xxxxx
xxxxxxx (01:00:29): I tould you in one email I have a car
xxxxxxx (01:02:22): you will be wonder, how I drive (any car)
xxxxxxx (01:03:49): at the operation xxxxxxx
xxxxxxx (01:04:15): in the first weeks xxxxxxxxx
xxxxxxx (01:05:42): but it need little bit more time to get health complete
fred2g8 (01:07:32): ok dear
fred2g8 (01:07:54): i seem to think about you all the time
fred2g8 (01:08:00): what brand is your car?
xxxxxxx (01:08:12): what ist brand?
fred2g8 (01:08:36): name
xxxxxxx (01:08:47): xxxx
xxxxxxx (01:09:34): If you can see xxxxxx
xxxxxxx (01:09:44): many dificult cars
fred2g8 (01:09:52): ok
fred2g8 (01:10:00): am feeling sleepy dear
xxxxxxx (01:10:08): Why?
fred2g8 (01:10:17): lets talk tomorrow
fred2g8 (01:10:22): am tired and want to sleep
xxxxxxx (01:10:35): I have waiting of more pictures of you?
fred2g8 (01:11:16): i think i have 2 more
fred2g8 (01:11:16): i will give you tomorrow
fred2g8 (01:12:10): have to go now
fred2g8 (01:12:10): byeeeee
fred2g8 (01:12:10): @};-
xxxxxxx(01:12:32): I feel maybe you don't like the conversation from this evening?
fred2g8 (01:12:50): no dear
fred2g8 (01:12:55): am only tired and need to sleep
xxxxxxx (01:14:01): Okay, but you said it's only 06.00 pm, I don't understand, but I
xxxxxxx(01:14:14): will giving my respect
fred2g8 (01:14:23): yes
fred2g8 (01:14:28): i just want to relax
xxxxxxx (01:14:46): okay, by
fred2g8 (01:15:56): let me ave your number again
xxxxxxx (01:16:22): I'm feare, I'm tould you so much about me, but you don't
tell me very much about you? Okay, rast well. You say you call, but
fred2g8 (01:17:20): my comp acted somehow and i lost the number
fred2g8 (01:17:30): i think i have a virus on it
fred2g8 (01:17:46): let me have it back and i will surely give you a call my dear
xxxxxxx (01:18:59): you didn't call. You don't give me you number too. I feare little bit,
please understand me, for me like a women is not easy
xxxxxxx (01:19:34): to trust, for me like a women it's riski, sorry, exuce me please,
xxxxxxx (01:20:21): but I say what is into my soul, by, by goodnight
fred2g8 (01:20:36): I told you about my phone.It hasn't been connected because
i havent paid the bills for this month
fred2g8 (01:20:42): don't you want to give me the number anymore?
xxxxxxx (01:21:20): for me is eacy, because I'm with open mind,
fred2g8 (01:21:43): are u saying am not being open to you?
fred2g8 (01:22:28): i will have to leave if you don't want me to call you
fred2g8 (01:22:29): am very tired and i need to rest
xxxxxxx (01:23:04): I know, you didn't call
fred2g8 (01:23:11): moreover have been waiting here online for you for hours and you didn't show
fred2g8 (01:23:11): have to go bye
xxxxxxx (01:23:18): please rest well

zuletzt bearbeitet 12.03.2008 01:53 | Top

RE: Warnung vor: Dating scammer Ola Hamza [Steckbrief]

#13 von Charly ( gelöscht ) , 12.03.2008 01:11

von: Fred Martins via Yahoo! Messenger
an: xxxxx
Datum: 25.02.2008

Chat Protokoll

fred2g8 (23:00:06): hello dear
fred2g8 (23:00:07): how r u doing?
xxxxxxx (23:00:34): I'm doing fine
fred2g8 (23:01:36): ok
fred2g8 (23:01:42): i miss u
fred2g8 (23:01:53): are u mad at me?
fred2g8 (23:01:59): how r u?
xxxxxxx (23:03:07): what is mad?
fred2g8 (23:04:10): angry
xxxxxxx (23:04:54): oh, I understand
xxxxxxx (23:05:33): now the angry is fly away little bit
fred2g8 (23:06:26): ok
fred2g8 (23:06:26): pls,hold on
xxxxxxx (23:06:39): okay
xxxxxxx (23:12:04): hello you are there?
xxxxxxx (23:16:11): yesterday and today all the time if I visit yahoomessenger,
it's look like you are offline, by 22.00 pm I went outside with the dog
fred2g8 (23:16:21): am back
fred2g8 (23:16:21): i went to have my shower
fred2g8 (23:16:36): did u miss me?
xxxxxxx (23:16:44): a little bit
xxxxxxx (23:18:29): today was the birthday of my youngest toghter
xxxxxxx (23:18:49): how are you?
fred2g8 (23:18:59): hey!how is she?
xxxxxxx (23:19:25): 17
fred2g8 (23:21:50): my regards to her,ok?
xxxxxxx (23:22:49): thankyou
fred2g8 (23:23:06): how was your day?
xxxxxxx (23:24:12): It was okay, but I'm thinking very much about us
fred2g8 (23:24:33): what did you think about?
xxxxxxx (23:26:08): Oh...God....I don't know the answer...
fred2g8 (23:27:21): why?
xxxxxxx (23:28:47): He...he...he....I don't know why, why, why....
fred2g8 (23:30:20): is ok....
fred2g8 (23:30:20): i wish i could be with you
xxxxxxx (23:31:57):
fred2g8 (23:32:52): why are you so shy to talk tonight?
xxxxxxx (23:34:48): I don't understand "shy"
fred2g8 (23:39:55): you are not talking?
fred2g8 (23:39:55): is anything the matter?
xxxxxxx (23:44:05): english conversation is not so easy, sometimes I don't
understand very well (then I use englishdictonarybook)
xxxxxxx (23:44:51): or I use also translator at my computer, sorry
xxxxxxx (23:46:54): and also I can talk, talk much, but i want to listen to you
fred2g8 (23:48:43): i told you to let me have your phone number again the other day,
but you didn't give it to me again
xxxxxxx (23:49:42): but sometime I fear, and sometimes I don't fear
fred2g8 (23:49:50): why?
xxxxxxx (23:50:03): 0049/xxx/xxxxxxx
fred2g8 (23:50:42): i will call you ate the payphone tomorrow
xxxxxxx (23:51:45): an the secondno. ist 0049/xxx/xxxxxx
fred2g8 (23:52:33): ok
xxxxxxx (23:52:40): but xxxxx
fred2g8 (23:53:07): ok dear
xxxxxxx (23:53:53): your are litte bit happy now?
fred2g8 (23:54:18): why do u say so?
xxxxxxx (23:55:48): I mean, do like i give my telephone to here my voice
fred2g8 (23:57:28): do u want us to talk on phone?
xxxxxxx (23:57:51): I'm curiosity (inquisitiveness) to here your voice
fred2g8 (23:58:57): hold on,the payphone is just outside my building
fred2g8 (23:59:02): i will call you now,ok?
xxxxxxx (23:59:11): okay

zuletzt bearbeitet 13.03.2008 02:48 | Top

RE: Warnung vor: Dating scammer Ola Hamza [Steckbrief]

#14 von Charly ( gelöscht ) , 12.03.2008 01:12

von: Fred Martins via Jahoo! Messenger
an: xxxxx
Datum: 26.02.2008

Chat Protokoll

xxxxxxx (00:10:24): Oh my God, my heard is knocking, 
thankyou to let me feel you voice, I realy, I can't believe
fred2g8 (00:12:57): am back
fred2g8 (00:12:58): are you there?
xxxxxxx(00:13:05): yes
xxxxxxx (00:13:46): wonderfull
fred2g8 (00:13:55): really?
fred2g8 (00:14:01): i like yours too
xxxxxxx(00:14:45): really, I can't believe, you voice is like you look
fred2g8 (00:14:47): i need a serious relationship and a woman i can call my wife
fred2g8 (00:15:10): thank you!
xxxxxxx (00:17:00): myself too, I need a men, where I can spend my love and symphatie everyday
fred2g8 (00:17:23): then we can be together forever.....
fred2g8 (00:17:39): how soon will you like me to come?
xxxxxxx (00:17:42): it's like this, yes
xxxxxxx (00:18:48): anytime, if there is some chance
fred2g8 (00:19:16): ok darling.remember i told you i need to secure a project in africa?
fred2g8 (00:19:33): kenya and nigeria to be precise,but nigeria is most important......
fred2g8 (00:19:44): because it is a federal goverment project
xxxxxxx (00:21:27): I don't remember if you tould me something about this
fred2g8 (00:22:10): i did honey,u might have forgotten
xxxxxxx (00:22:59): sorry, you didn't
fred2g8 (00:23:40): i told ou i will need to go to africa.....
xxxxxxx (00:24:12): okay, but I can't remember
fred2g8 (00:25:22): i should leave thursday/friay
xxxxxxx (00:25:40): this week
fred2g8 (00:25:48): yh
xxxxxxx (00:25:58): how long
fred2g8 (00:26:35): ot sure my love,but it shouldn't be long..
xxxxxxx (00:26:37): when can I rich you again
fred2g8 (00:27:07): because i will need to go through series of meetings,
so that we can reach an agreement on how to start work and my pay
fred2g8 (00:27:24): you will always reach me and i will never be far away from you.......
xxxxxxx (00:28:01): maybe, I know
fred2g8 (00:28:23): what?
xxxxxxx(00:29:40): yes
fred2g8 (00:31:23): i will go along with my laptop,i would have loved to
pay for the internet connection overther before i go,but i
don't have the access to do it because i have booked for
flgiht and made preaprations for my trip.
xxxxxxx(00:32:36): I know, travel is not easy
fred2g8 (00:32:45): flight
fred2g8 (00:32:55): yes my dear
fred2g8 (00:33:06): i was wondering if you could do me a favour?
xxxxxxx (00:34:49): I visit xxx countrys, I know
fred2g8 (00:35:21): ok
fred2g8 (00:35:27): can you do me a favour?
xxxxxxx(00:36:35): I don't know so much about architec contractor
fred2g8 (00:37:44): i understand.I want you to help me make a payment to someone in nigeria
xxxxxxx (00:41:55): now it's verly late at midnigt 0.40 pm
xxxxxxx (00:43:25): maybe you don't know, I m a very intellegent women
xxxxxxx (00:46:43): please for now, we can say goodnight, it's really very late
xxxxxxx (00:48:18): Helle, where are you?
xxxxxxx (00:52:19): Hello Fred, you didn't answer, okay goodnight
fred2g8 (01:17:24): sorry dear
fred2g8 (01:17:29): am very tired and feeling sleepy already
xxxxxxx (01:17:40): I think you are spleeping
fred2g8 (01:18:03): yes dear
fred2g8 (01:18:30): i was asking if you could help me pay some money to someone in nigeria my dear?
Xxxxxxx (01:19:54): Now it's 10 minutes past 01.00 I'm starting to be tired too,
I have to go slonly to bed now, If it's not so very much
xxxxxxx (01:21:43): and if it's will to be very helpfull
xxxxxxx (01:23:18): but now I really have to lay down, becauce is so late, but
I'm very happy you call me, thankyou
fred2g8 (01:24:21): ok dear
xxxxxxx (01:24:45): sleep well
fred2g8 (01:24:53): we talk again tomorrow,because i really need you to help me
xxxxxxx (01:25:12): okay, by, by
fred2g8 (01:25:21): byeeeeeeeee
fred2g8 (01:25:21): take care
xxxxxxx(01:25:29): yes i do
fred2g8 (01:25:37): @};-

zuletzt bearbeitet 12.03.2008 02:04 | Top

RE: Warnung vor: Dating scammer Ola Hamza [Steckbrief]

#15 von Charly ( gelöscht ) , 12.03.2008 01:18

von: Fred Martins via Jahoo!Messenger -Protokollabschrift vom Orginal-
an: xxxxx
Datum: 27.02.2008

Chat Protokoll

xxxxx (27.02.2008 12.09:37): hallo, sorry, my xxxxx told me (some Fred call), maybe you was it.
xxxxx (27.02.2008 12:10:23): Maybe you are very buzy, because you want to travel on fridey, have a nice fly,
xxxxx (27.02.2008 12:10:59): I wrote some email to your emailadress, if do you like you can read,
xxxxx (27.02.2008 12:12:05): take care, it was interessting to meet you in the internet, Goodby

zuletzt bearbeitet 12.03.2008 02:05 | Top

RE: Warnung vor: Dating scammer Ola Hamza [Steckbrief]

#16 von Charly ( gelöscht ) , 12.03.2008 01:38

(Abschrift von Orginalmessage/E-Mail)

In Antwort auf:
Betreff: Hallo Darling
Datum: 27.02.08 12:01:51 Uhr

Hallo untruthfull Darling,
now is the time to stop the crime,
it's a shame, to play this game,
you use austria, to look like a architectstar,
than you enter to denver,
the picture of the white men,
will never happen, fourtyseven,
also you means, you are Fred Martins,
your are not a real man,
the loveletters are printes on some computerprogram,
if you didn't stop the crime, you will landing in prison at time,
here we know the action, of nigeria-connestion
if you not stop the contact to me,
I will spend money to bring you in prison early,'s a shame, you want to be to a xxxxx lady xxxxx a crime.....


zuletzt bearbeitet 12.03.2008 02:30 | Top

RE: Warnung vor: Dating scammer Ola Hamza [Steckbrief]

#17 von Charly ( gelöscht ) , 12.03.2008 01:47

Fred Martins alias Ola Hamza liebt Rosen und Poesie


RE: Warnung vor: Dating scammer Ola Hamza [Steckbrief]

#18 von Scambaiter , 12.03.2008 02:10

von: Fred Martins via Jahoo! Messenger -Protokollabschrift vom Orginal-
an: xxxxx
Datum: 29.02.2008

Chat Protokoll

fred2g8 (21:42:34): y,
fred2g8 (21:42:34): where have u been?
xxxxxxx (21:43:03): I'm here
fred2g8 (21:43:55): how has your day been?
xxxxxxx (21:44:35): I had a good day
fred2g8 (21:45:00): why haven't you been online to chat with me lately?
xxxxxxx (21:45:32): you are reading my email?
fred2g8 (21:48:18): did you send a mail today?
Xxxxxxx (21:48:56): maybe 3 days before to your yahooemail
fred2g8 (21:50:13): yes,i got it
fred2g8 (21:50:14): did n't i reply you?
fred2g8 (21:50:46): didn't i?
fred2g8 (21:52:08): are you busy?
Xxxxxxx (21:53:47): the email ist with date of 27th february 08
fred2g8 (21:57:32): i got it
xxxxxxx (21:58:52): what do you espect, if you are use so much lyings?
fred2g8 (21:59:42): me lie?
fred2g8 (21:59:48): i said i read your mail
fred2g8 (21:59:48): is that a lie?
Xxxxxxx (22:00:36): you read the email, but you read what I wrote?
fred2g8 (22:04:20): it was a message on the messenger
xxxxxxx (22:05:08): no, it was a message to your emailaccount
fred2g8 (22:06:09): i got a message saying that you wrote a message,
but couldn't find any message in my mail box
xxxxxxx (22:06:11): (
fred2g8 (22:06:26): i didn't get it
xxxxxxx (22:07:27): sorry
fred2g8 (22:07:57): and why did u accuse me?
fred2g8 (22:08:09): you called me a liar
fred2g8 (22:08:09): that's bad
xxxxxxx (22:09:26): yes, that's bad, but maybe you know self, why,
xxxxxxx (22:09:44): if you like, I can send the email onemore, then you will know
fred2g8 (22:10:04): are you still calling me a liar?
Xxxxxxx (22:22:05): by,by

MfG - Scambaiter
> Horas non numero nisi serenas <

Beiträge: 11.579
Registriert am: 01.01.2006

RE: Warnung vor: Dating scammer Ola Hamza [Steckbrief]

#19 von Charly ( gelöscht ) , 12.03.2008 18:53

von: Fred Martins via Yahoo! Messenger -Protokollabschrift vom Orginal-
an: xxxxx
Datum: 01.03.2008

Chat Protokoll

Fred Martins (01.03.2008 18:57:14): <ding> 
Fred Martins (01.03.2008 18:59:17): i have misses you and keep wondering why you
haven't been online in the last couple of days........
xxxxxx (01.03.2008 22:15:52): I hope, you are doing well?

zuletzt bearbeitet 13.03.2008 01:47 | Top

RE: Warnung vor: Dating scammer Ola Hamza [Steckbrief]

#20 von Charly ( gelöscht ) , 12.03.2008 23:43

von: Fred Martins via Yahoo! Messenger
an: xxxxx
Datum: 02.03.2008

Chat Protokoll

fred2g8 (00:15:30): hey
fred2g8 (00:15:30): where have u been?
xxxxxxx (00:15:43): I'm here
fred2g8 (00:16:33): why don't you come online like you use to anymore?
xxxxxxx (00:18:18): I was little bit buzy, but I'm here now
xxxxxxx (00:19:38): Now I can xxxxxxxxxxx
fred2g8 (00:19:45): i miss you so much and you make me worry all through the day
xxxxxxxx(00:19:53): xxxxxx again
fred2g8 (00:20:02): you had an operation?
xxxxxx (00:20:31): maybe I tould you, at xxxxxx last year
xxxxxx (00:21:25): xxxx I was not xxxxxx
fred2g8 (00:21:37): yes
xxxxxxx (00:21:53): how are you?
fred2g8 (00:22:02): am fine
fred2g8 (00:22:08): did you miss me at all?
xxxxxxx (00:22:25): you said you want travel
xxxxxxx (00:23:40): yes, special if I have no time to use livemessenger
fred2g8 (00:24:21): hope your weekend has been good?
xxxxxxx (00:24:59): yes it will be good
xxxxxxx (00:26:15): I hope you was in position to solve everything, becauce you say you have to
xxxxxxx (00:26:20): fly somewhere
fred2g8 (00:26:46): yes dear
fred2g8 (00:26:51): i said i would be travelling to africa
xxxxxxx (00:28:33): I was really stil waiting of more pictures you want to send me,
but I'm understand, maybe you are buzy?
fred2g8 (00:29:13): not really
fred2g8 (00:29:22): i don't have much pictures
fred2g8 (00:29:28): i thought i gave you two before
xxxxxxx (00:30:02): yes I mean "two" ....I was waiting day and night....
xxxxxxx(00:30:26): no only, only, only
fred2g8 (00:31:27): ok
xxxxxxx(00:34:16): oh
fred2g8 (00:34:21): do you like it?
xxxxxxx (00:35:43): oh, I can't believe, thankyou very much....
fred2g8 (00:36:10): you are welcome
xxxxxxx (00:37:09): I fear, you didn't want to send me more about you, I'm very happy now
fred2g8 (00:37:59): why should you?
xxxxxxx (00:38:38): today I will sleep very well
fred2g8 (00:39:07): haven't you been sleeping well?
xxxxxxx (00:39:21): yes, sometimes
fred2g8 (00:39:41): why?
xxxxxxx (00:40:23): please, please, the quetions are to much
fred2g8 (00:41:13): is ok
fred2g8 (00:41:18): do u have a mic?
fred2g8 (00:52:22): i will like you to do me a favour dear
fred2g8 (00:53:04): i would be travelling to africa on tuesday and i need to make a
payment for my hotel.I would have loved to do this on my own but i
haven't got any money to do that at the moment because i already
booked my flight and make all other reservations
fred2g8 (00:53:48): i was wondering if you could help me make the payment for my hotel overthere.......
fred2g8 (00:53:54): then i will pay you back later
fred2g8 (00:54:10): i need you to borrow me.......
fred2g8 (00:55:17): i need you to help me send the money to someone overther
who will help me pay for the hotel reservation on monday
fred2g8 (00:57:32): i need a1200euros
fred2g8 (00:58:28): you mean you can send 800?
fred2g8 (00:59:11): can you please make it 1000?
fred2g8 (01:00:05): ok my love
fred2g8 (01:00:22): so are you going to send the 800 on monday?
fred2g8 (01:00:33): so that the person can help me pay for the hotel?
fred2g8 (01:01:57): hold on dear,let me give you the person details
fred2g8 (01:02:03): and you can then go to westernunion to send it on monday
fred2g8 (01:07:55): Name:Ola Hamza
Address;House 12,Adeleye close,Ikoyi,Lagos.
Test Question:What's my favourite color?

fred2g8 (01:21:12): are u still on swissfriends?
fred2g8 (01:21:26): comfriends
fred2g8 (01:21:37): the dating website
fred2g8 (01:21:54): where i found you
fred2g8 (01:22:47): am no more there
fred2g8 (01:34:26): do you still get paid?
fred2g8 (01:37:05): where do you get money from?
fred2g8 (01:38:51): hold on
fred2g8 (01:38:51): when you stop working you receive the exact salary that
you are being paid from the goverment
fred2g8 (01:38:51): ?
fred2g8 (01:42:03): how much were u been paid when you were working?
fred2g8 (01:43:32): aand how much do you get now?
fred2g8 (01:44:04): ok
fred2g8 (01:44:04): ok dear
fred2g8 (01:44:16): yes i like it
fred2g8 (01:45:19): :-*
fred2g8 (02:04:45): i need to go now
fred2g8 (02:04:46): take good care of yourself for me
xxxxxxx (02:04:46): goodnight
fred2g8 (02:04:54): Goodnight.....
fred2g8 (02:04:54): @};-

zuletzt bearbeitet 13.03.2008 02:57 | Top


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