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RE: Darling William oder... wieviel Geduld brauche ich für den Liebsten ?

#261 von Schnuckel ( gelöscht ) , 20.10.2008 19:23

kann mir jemand sagen, ob ein Privatjet auch an Flugzeiten gebunden ist oder sich nur an Start- und Landeerlaubnis halten muss. Frage deshalb , weil ich vermeiden will, dass William mich nach der Flugnummer fragt. Die Ankunftszeit kann ich ihm ja sagen.
Andererseits ist es besser mit einer Fluglinie zu fliegen , denn auf dem Flughafen werden sooo viele P-Jets sicher nicht landen. Aber davon setze ich ihn erst kurzfristig in Kennnis.
Mit so viel Bargeld nach Accra.... hoffentlich komme ich wieder zurück, nicht dass aus der Hochzeit eine Beerdigung für mich wird


RE: Darling William oder... wieviel Geduld brauche ich für den Liebsten ?

#262 von Coroner ( gelöscht ) , 20.10.2008 19:28

Hallo Schnuckel (chen),

ein Privatjet hat sich nur an das Nachtflugverbot mancher Flughäfen zu halten, ansonsten bezahlen die für ein bestimmtes Zeitfenster (Slot), d.h. wenn ein Privater in der Hauptflugzeit einen Slot haben will, dann kostet der entsprechend. Ansonsten gibt es keine Einschränkungen.

achso, die Privaten haben zwar intern eine Nummer, diese wird aber nicht veröffentlicht, d.h. der Otto-Normalmensch bekommt keine Auskunft über Start- und Landezeiten von Privaten.


zuletzt bearbeitet 20.10.2008 19:31 | Top

RE: Darling William oder... wieviel Geduld brauche ich für den Liebsten ?

#263 von Schnuckel ( gelöscht ) , 20.10.2008 19:32


Während ich mit Darling gechattet habe, erreichte mich auch eine Mail von ihm. Hat er wohl zwischendurch geschrieben, um mich bei Laune zu halten

Von: William XXXXX
Betreff: GOOD MORNING <---- wohl eher good afternoon
Gesendet: Mo 20.10.08 14:22

Hi Darling.

How are you doing today..I know this may sound cliché' but to be honest you changed my life. From the moment I saw you I knew you were a gift from God. You constantly shower me with unconditional love and you always understand my shortcomings without criticism ja so bin ich halt, die Geduld in Person . Just looking at you is enough to make me happy. My life is now full of promise, every day is worth looking forward to, and it’s all because of you. You made me become a better person schön wär es ja... dann gib dein scamming doch auf... . I never thought I could love someone the way I love you now. I know you hear this all the time leider nicht... , but I want to tell you again and again that I truly love you and my life would never be the same without you. I miss you every day.

Love always,



RE: Darling William oder... wieviel Geduld brauche ich für den Liebsten ?

#264 von Schnuckel ( gelöscht ) , 20.10.2008 19:34

danke Coroner für die schnelle Antwort


RE: Darling William oder... wieviel Geduld brauche ich für den Liebsten ?

#265 von Coroner ( gelöscht ) , 20.10.2008 19:41

das scheint mir ein multipurpose textbaustein zu sein.

ich muss mal anfangen solche Phrasen als Textbausteine zu sammeln, wer weiss, vielleicht kann ich irgendwann mal die Frau meines Herzens damit beeindrucken


RE: Darling William oder... wieviel Geduld brauche ich für den Liebsten ?

#266 von Schnuckel ( gelöscht ) , 20.10.2008 19:46

@ Coroner

sammeln dauert zu lang... einfach ausprobieren.... Probieren geht über studieren, oder... Versuch macht klug


RE: Darling William oder... wieviel Geduld brauche ich für den Liebsten ?

#267 von Schnuckel ( gelöscht ) , 25.10.2008 23:10


Zusammenfassung nach dem letzten Chat

nach dem letzten Chat war erst mal Funkstille. Ausgerechnet am Dienstag , nach einem Probelauf ob alle Programme auf meinem neuen PC funktionieren, war William dann im Messenger. Habe mich sofort dort offline gemeldet, aber er hat es gesehen... so'n Pech aber auch. Erhielt eine Mitteilung, warum ich ihn ignoriert hätte. Rückmeldung an den Schatz, Situation versucht zu erklären. Keine Nachricht mehr von Darling. Habe ihm dann ne Message geschickt, mit dem Inhalt, er bräuchte das Geld , nicht ich, wenn er nichts mehr mit mir zu tun haben will...okay. Keine Antwort.


RE: Darling William oder... wieviel Geduld brauche ich für den Liebsten ?

#268 von Schnuckel ( gelöscht ) , 26.10.2008 00:51


Große Freude... Darling war online... und es hat MIR richtig Spass gemacht....

XXXX(20:06:05): good evening William, nice to meet you here
william: The same here Darling i was waiting for you..
william: How are you doing today my love...
XXXX: doing good, and you?
william: am doing better..
XXXX: thats nice to hear
william: How is everything with you my love...
XXXX: all is well
XXXX: just before i opened the messenger i took a pizza in the oven, so i have to interrupt for some minutes... if the pizza is okay, sorry please
william: Okay i have Missed you so much....
XXXX: the same here, but i've some problems to come clear with my new computer
william: what are you up to now..
XXXX: you like to know the news?
william: Yes Darling...
XXXX: will come to Africa on Monday
william: Really so how much are you coming with my love... typisch much...
XXXX: my nephew will borrow me 40.000 Euros, more wasn't possible to get in the short time and he will borrow it foe one week
XXXX: *for one week
william: Okay Darling so when is your nephew going to give you the money my love..
XXXX: we fly together on Monday and will give it to me on Monday
william: Darling seems that you are making fun of me.. meinste ???
william: Listen darling when you get this money on monday sms me or call me so that i will tell you what to do before coming ok..
william: and don't let your nephew know about that ok.. sagtest du nicht beim letzten Mal.... ich könne nicht mehr anrufen? Na mal sehen was da noch kommt
XXXX: sorry, why?
william: Darling when your nephew give you this money you need to send 5000euros.. nix da...
XXXX): no William , i will bring all the money to you and then we make all clear what has to make clear.
XXXX: You told me, you will make arrangement with the bank people
william: Yes Darling...
william: i Know that Darling but i need to pay the Hotel manager some money .. weiß ich doch Schatz
william: And my driver lost his wife i need to give him some money my love... der arme Mann...
XXXX: okay, but all of them we can do on Monday
XXXX: and after them i hope, you will come with me to Germany
william: Yes Darling when your nephew give you the money first send 5000euros and come with the rest ok.. das hättest du wohl gerne....
XXXX: no William , it isn't possible, we startet very early in the morning
XXXX: we have to fly for more than 10 hours
william: Darling try your best and send the money before coming Because i told the driver to wait i will pay him everything on monday..
XXXX: you can do , we are reaching .... wait a moment please, i have to look
william: Alright Darling...
XXXX: ... between 6 and 7 pm


XXXXX: the time in Africa is now... a bit after 9pm, right?
XXXX: no 8pm blöde Zeitumstellung , bringt mich total durcheinander
XXXX: Darling... please help... i am nervous enough sonst heißt es nachher, ich hätte dir die falsche Zeit angegeben....
william: Darling it's 7:11pm Saturday
XXXX: Oh war es nicht immer nur eine Stunde...grübel? Kein Wunder dass wir uns immer verpassen, hättest ja mal was sagen können...
XXXX: here is 9:11pm
XXXX: than the different is 2 hours
william: Okay Darling i Love you so much.. wenns dir langweilig wird oder du nicht weiter weißt, dann ist der Satz immer gut, gelle?
XXXX: Darling... pleaaase, help me
XXXX: the different is 2 hours
william: Oh i see..
XXXX: you see...what please
william: Yes
XXXX: you make me nervous
william: Why Darling..
XXXX: okay, we are starting at 7 in the morning
XXXX: its not so easy to meet someone, so far away, for the first time
XXXX: lets go on.... das hätte ich lieber nicht sagen sollen... William folgt der Aufforderung sofort
william: Alright Darling so you need to send the 5000euros before coming because my driver will be living early in the monring
xxxx: we need 11 hours to fly
william: Darling i Love you so what are you going to do when you arive here my love..
XXXX: that will be 6 o'clock German time , ment 3 o'clock African time, i am right?
XXXX: Daaaarling, i am right? hört der Mann mir überhaupt zu??
william: Yes Sweetheart...
XXXX: o its nice, in German its evening, in Africa afternoon
william: Darling listen you need to send the 5000euros before coming my love..
XXXX: i can't, sorry
william: why..
XXXX: my nephew has the money and we meet Monday morning in Hannover
william: Alright darling that's means it not going to work.. genau so ist es Darling...
XXXX: and if i am there in the afternoon , you can pay your driver , the hotel bill, the hospital bill and may be , we can go to your bank das wolltest du doch... deshalb kannst du mich ja auch nicht persönlich abholen, wegen der Terminvereinbarung...oder wie war das?
XXXX: any other bill? ja... bin großzügig mit dem Geld das mir nicht gehört..
william: Alright Darling i think when you come here your Nephew will wait for you at the hotel right.. ähm?
william: Yes Darling i am doing some Gold Business here..i want to buy some Gold and i will sell it when i come in the state..
XXXX: yes Dear, i think , thats a good idea, cause in the states are lot of problems with money
XXXX: do you like to go back to the States before you come to Germany? frage lieber noch mal nach...
william: Nope Darling i will go with you in Germany..
william: So when i buy the Gold can i see it in Germany my love..
XXXX: ? you can see it in Germany?
william: Alright Darling...But the gold they said shipment with everything is so cost my love wie???? ...soll ich das auch übernehmen???
XXXX: Darling, if i help you to pay the amount to the bank, you get all your money, you can do with it what you like to do
william: Okay Darling i Love you so much with all my heart and soul.. hast wohl gedacht ich pass nicht auf..., da fällt dir nur die Liebeserklärung ein, wie...
william: i can't wait to fuck you so hard my love..
XXXX: yes. i feel the same to you
william: tell me what time will you arive in Ghana..
XXXX: o , so hard, *smile* then you have to take a shower before
william: Yes Darling we will shower together my love..
XXXX: o ,
XXXX: you should help me for the time.... if i'm right, i'm there at 3 pm
william: Alright Darling....when you arive i will send my driver he will come and pick you up.. da bin ich aber gespannt...
XXXX: that would be nice
XXXX: would you like to fly wit me and my nephew?
XXXX: *with
XXXX: mean... home
william: Darling your Nephew will go and we will come letter ok
XXXX: i thought, you are happy if you can leave this country
XXXX: i've only some holidays
william: Alright Darling i will be very happy to be with you for the rest of my life...
william: Darling when you arive call me ok
XXXX: okay


XXXX: can you tell me how long you know me?
william: Darling i think..1year or..
XXXX: not really.... *lol Männer....
william: tell me baby...
XXXX: since 7 month
william: Alright i Love you so much my Sweetheart...
william: Darling what are you going to buy for us when your coming baby.. ICH?... wieso ich?...
XXXX: your first mail reached 15. March
XXXX: what would you like?
william: Anything Good for you it's Good for me baby o, möchtest du mein Kleidchen anziehen? oder wie wär es mit nem Brilli für uns Beiden... die Steinchen gibt es da doch auch sicher etwas preiswerter, oder nicht?..
XXXX: hm, thats its a good answer... will think about it
william: Alright Darling...
william: i Love you so much baby...
XXXX: yes Darling , i do the same and can't wait to hold you in my arms
XXXX: Darling , please... i like to close now, cause i've to write a list what to pack tomorrow
XXXX: and tomorrow T** is comming, he needs some instructions for the next days
XXXX: he needs my computer for some days... for school
XXXX: so he can take care about my rooms
william: Alright darling am very over happy now das glaube ich nicht so recht...ich...und dann noch mein Neffe....
william: please can you call me now i can't wait baby
XXXX: Darling, what is the number please?
william: Oh darling you have forgeten my number nööö, aber du hast vergessen, dass du sagtest, du kannst nicht angerufen werden...weil Handy ins Wasser gefallen ist
XXXX: no, i haven't but you told me , your cell is not going
william: Darling you can call me now...
XXXX: will try it, brb..........
XXXX: my phone says... no connection... why? stimmte sogar
XXXX: are you there my Love?
william: Yes am here waiting for your call
XXXX: the cell says... no connection , will try it again ehrlicherweise... mein Guthaben ist fast verbraucht
XXXX: its not going through
william: Darling please live your phone now i will call you right away ok
XXXX: dont come through
XXXX: Darling , you try it?
XXXX: Darling... you there?
XXXX: Darling, hellllooooo
XXXX(22:22:25): Goog night Darling, have a nice dream

Ob William wirklich versucht hat anzurufen, weiß ich nicht. Ich habe, um mein Handy zu blockieren, mir den Anrufbeantworter meiner Arbeit angehört. Jedenfalls war Funkstille im Chat, nach kurzer Zeit kam die Info, Willi hat sich abgemeldet.

zuletzt bearbeitet 26.10.2008 01:03 | Top

RE: Darling William oder... wieviel Geduld brauche ich für den Liebsten ?

#269 von Schnuckel ( gelöscht ) , 27.10.2008 22:43


Heute ist UNSER großer Tag , endlich finden Darling und XXXX zusammen. Da sich mein Schatz gestern nicht im Messenger hat blicken lassen , habe ich ihm gestern Abend per PC eine sms geschickt, abgesendet wurde sie aber erst heute Morgen um 7 Uhr.

An: 00233240706206
Betreff: SMS-Nachricht

Hi Darling, we are starting now. Will arrive at 3pm your time.I'm very nervous. But happy to meet you. I love you so much and all this waiting find an end.XXXX

Ob Darling wirklich seinen Driver schickt um mich abzuholen???? Immerhin habe ich 40.000 €uro im Gepäck


RE: Darling William oder... wieviel Geduld brauche ich für den Liebsten ?

#270 von Schnuckel ( gelöscht ) , 27.10.2008 22:52


Heute Nachmittag fand ich folgende Mail von William vor

Von: William XXXXXX
Betreff: Good Evening ??
Gesendet: Mo 27.10.08 04:41

Hi Darling

How are you doing today i Hope everything is okay with you love..your coming Ghana but not information from you...if you come today how are we going to meet selber Schuld, warum warste gestern nicht im Messi? because you don't give me the flight number.. okay darling when you arive here call me with my number ach Darling, wenn du wüßtest.... am my driver will be waiting for you at the airport

Love always



RE: Darling William oder... wieviel Geduld brauche ich für den Liebsten ?

#271 von Dana , 28.10.2008 08:41

Ich kann es kaum abwarten, wie es weitergeht!!! Ist der Flieger angekommen oder musste er vorher notlanden? Steht Schnuckel einsam und verlassen am Airport? Holt der Fahrer sie ab? Oder wurde sie vorher ihrer 40.000 Euro beraubt? Spannend!

Illusionen regieren die Welt. Die jeweils größere Illusion gewinnt das Spiel.

Beiträge: 4.410
Registriert am: 29.05.2008

RE: Darling William oder... wieviel Geduld brauche ich für den Liebsten ?

#272 von Coroner ( gelöscht ) , 28.10.2008 11:50

vielleicht wurde Schnuckel am Airport abgeholt und sie hat dem Fahrer das Geld ausgehändigt, aber das war garnicht der erwartete Fahrer, da hat jemand anders Wind von der Sache bekommen und Schnuckel abgefischt?
Nicht, dass da dann ein Krieg unter Scammern ausbricht.....


RE: Darling William oder... wieviel Geduld brauche ich für den Liebsten ?

#273 von Mittagsfrau2302 ( gelöscht ) , 28.10.2008 13:26

Fragen über Fragen.. zur besseren Orientierung sollten sich die Scammer Schilder malen mit Depp1 und diese fortlaufend nummerieren oder entsprechende Shirts tragen .. dann kann es auch zu keinen Verwechslungen mit all den zahlungsbereiten Damen kommen. So ein Pech aber auch, wenn die hart erlogene Kohle hopps geht.. und die Geldquelle gleich mit. Muss an den vielen Limousinen liegen, das kann unsereins schon durcheinander bringen.


RE: Darling William oder... wieviel Geduld brauche ich für den Liebsten ?

#274 von Schnuckel ( gelöscht ) , 29.10.2008 22:02


Telegramm von Schnuckel an

Lebe noch... kein Flugzeug bringt mich so schnell wieder in dieses Land. Freitag Rückflug.

Gruß Schnuckel


RE: Darling William oder... wieviel Geduld brauche ich für den Liebsten ?

#275 von Schnuckel ( gelöscht ) , 02.11.2008 00:49


Nachdem mein Neffe und ich dem Muguland am Donnerstag endlich tschüss sagen konnten, habe ich meinem Darling erst mal per Mail Bericht erstattet. Bin gespannt, ob es ihn überhaupt kümmert, denn Geld hat er immer noch nicht erhalten.

Betreff: Terrible Africa visit
Gesendet: Sa 01.11.08 17:51

Good Afternoon William
How are you doing, hope you and Mxxx are okay. Forgive me for waiting so long for mail, but I'm always shocked by the Africa visit. You remember?.... send sms Monday morning by the time we started to fly. We had to make a stop over to fill up the jet. The weather wasn't good, so we had to wait for an hour, we reached Accra at 4pm. I was looking to find someone who likes to pick up us.... a man came to us and asked wether we would be the guests from Germany. We thought, he was your driver, and told him , he should bring us to our Hotel. He was driving through Accra for a long time, we didn't know how long the trip would last. Then he drove out of the city.... it came a terrible suspicion to me. And i was right.... he demanded our cells and all the money.35.000 Euros he got !!! He threw our luggage on the road and then we had to step out and he drove of it. We did not know where we were, but a friendly African took us into the city and brought us to our hotel. My nephew and I was shocked.... The hotel manager phoned to the police.... a taxi brought us to the police station... and do you know what.... I'm always embrassed about this.... we were arrested !! For one night we were arrested.... we were robbed....not we were the robbers. It was terrible... really terrible and we were crying. One telephone call was permitted to us, therefore we called the German Embassy. Those sent a German Ambassador to us to the police station and he helped us, so that we could turn back into our hotel . We were shocked by this experiences and my nephew was very embrassed to me. Next day we tried to find you.... i couldn't call you , cause i didn't know your number, my cell was lost, and i didn't know the name of your hotel. So we tried it with the hospital were Mxxx had to be for so long. My nephew knows the hospital , we went to them. We ask a lot of people there , but nobody could remember of an American white boy called Mxxx. I felt so sad... as at the ground destroys, what should we do?So we turned back to the hotel, i was crying, the nephew was embrassed about all this and me. You know, he had to work in Africa... he did his work, i wasn't able to step out of the hotel. Was only waiting for his returning. We flew back Thursday to Germany. I arrived my home Friday morning, but wasn't able to send a message to you. And know this... it was my first and my last fly to Africa!!!! Now I'm so confused, don't know what to do, my nephew asked when i will pay back the money he borrowed to me, but i don't know, cause now i lost all i had. May be, i am loosing you too, cause i couldn't help you. What have i done? All is against me, am so sad and i cannot stop crying. Monday I have to start with my work, but in my thoughts i can not forget what happened in Africa.

This is my report of the last days. Will let you know, i was and i am missing you so much. So close to you, but couldn't be with you. I love you so much and i need you behind me in order to give me little comfort. What have i done...?

Believe me... i'm missing you and love you more than words can say.


RE: Darling William oder... wieviel Geduld brauche ich für den Liebsten ?

#276 von Coroner ( gelöscht ) , 02.11.2008 08:36

Klasse, einfach klasse


RE: Darling William oder... wieviel Geduld brauche ich für den Liebsten ?

#277 von Schnuckel ( gelöscht ) , 02.11.2008 21:38


@ Coroner

Zum einen... der Punkt geht an dich, weil du schon vorher was vom Scammer-Krieg gesagt hast. Ich hatte es mir schon seit Tagen so zurecht gelegt.

Aber... war die Mail so unverständlich?? Darling scheint sie nicht verstanden zu haben


RE: Darling William oder... wieviel Geduld brauche ich für den Liebsten ?

#278 von Schnuckel ( gelöscht ) , 02.11.2008 21:46


Darling sendet eine Mail....

Von: William XXXXX
Betreff: Terrible Africa visit
Gesendet: So 02.11.08 11:49

Good Morning Darling

How are you doing today i Hope everything is okay with you my love..i have missed you so much and am here just thinking about you my love...You see the Stupid things you are Nephew..cuse...i Told you when you get to the Airport call me so that i will send my Driver and he will come and Pick you up..i have waiting for your calls nothing.....You come and see what always am seeing Like if you send me only the 5000Euros and clear my Stuff come to you in Germany like this thing will happened But you don't believe and trust me now you have see everything with your Eyes i think that You not come here because if you do first thing you will do after Arrive you will come me..tell me something what are you thinking about me..


dieses Mal habe ICH Probleme zu verstehen.... hab wohl alles verlernt... liegt bestimmt an meinem Trauma


RE: Darling William oder... wieviel Geduld brauche ich für den Liebsten ?

#279 von Schnuckel ( gelöscht ) , 02.11.2008 22:05


und weil Darling so mitfühlend ist, kam noch eine zweite Mail hinterher...

Von: William XXXXX
Betreff: Good Luck!
Gesendet: So 02.11.08 12:26

Hello XXXX

i still don't understand this...i read this mail twic still i don't understand anything i told you before don't believe anyone hast du?? ...and your Nephew will be comfusing you Like this money 35.000Euros you send me only 5000 to cleard my Stuff halloooo? like everything will be okay by now..You said that your coming and know information from you i mean the Plan information the Number of the site kannit verstaan, i mean everything...But i want to let you know One thing...please am very tired in this life i mean about this our relationship because you don't believe and trust me and now your telling me that you went to the Hospitel you as listen we have wir?? hast du die afrikanische Staataangehörikeit angenommen? many branch here..and why you don't come to my Hotel i think i give you the name the other time nee, haste eben nicht, selber Schuld ...the thing that comfusing me is that you come to Ghana why you don't call me..and Your Nephew is comfusing you always...tell your Nephew to call me please da wirste lange warten müssen..You lose 35.000Euros your telling me to do Die right...because am very stupid man ..You don't believe and trust me..and your calling me your Darling am very sad here very...because now i don't know what to Understand..But it's okay very soon everything will be okay

Good Luck was soll das nun bedeuten??



RE: Darling William oder... wieviel Geduld brauche ich für den Liebsten ?

#280 von Schnuckel ( gelöscht ) , 02.11.2008 22:14


ganz klar.... ich bin selber Schuld, wie könnte es anders sein? Mail an William....

Betreff: RE: Good Luck
Gesendet: So 02.11.08 20:53

Good Evening William

how are you doing today, hope you feel fine.Thanks a lot for the two mails. I'm not astonished about your reaktion. But do you know what.... I'm so tired because of your reproaches. Since month you tell me you like to come, since month all the time happened anything. I try to help you and i did my best. But never you are contently.

I send sms to you on Monday with the following text :An: 00233240706206

Hi Darling, we are starting now. Will arrive at 3pm your time.I'm very nervous. But happy to meet you. I love you so much and all this waiting find an end.XXXX

Never you told the name of your hotel, all time I ask for this, you changed the topic. I ask for the name by our last chat, but your answer was...your driver will pick us up, but you didn't tell the name of the hotel. But the name of the hospital i knew, cause you send the bill fom The National Hospital Korle-Bu and my nephew knows this hospital. What shall i think about this? I am thinking, you don't like me anymore and you are looking for a way to say good bye.This makes me very sad, but i know, my heart belongs to you. You don't like to loose money, you don't like to pay the amount to the bank, but you like to ask me for money, so that you can save the fees. I'm so tired to talk about money, you can believe ...or not. I visited Africa to give you help and it was a horrible visit. But now I'm understanding.... you won't come to me. Cause if you really would like it, then you would try to find a way. You are the business man and your client paid for the stuff. You ask for help to redeem assistance around the changes and i try to talk with my bank. But after them you ask for money, even though you knew, i cannot get new credit. You are breaking my heart, but it doesn't make a matter to you. Okay Darling.... i see, you are tired about me. But you cannot see my tears.... and this is okay for me. If you really love me... then find a way to come here. My heart is broken now... but the door is open for you. Take care !


dann werde ich wohl warten müssen, hoffentlich lebe ich so lange...



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