I. Dr. Dr Sophia Loren und the UNITED NATIONS SECRETARY GENERAL, Mr Kofi Anan
schreiben dem bekannten Berliner Kunsthändler und Galleristen Herrn Casper Le Theater B.A. (HRM)
From: "Dr Sophia Loren" <agent@unprogram.org> Add to Address Book
Date: Thu, 23 Feb 2006 15:00:57 +0000
© Joint United Nations Programme on HIV/AIDS (UNAIDS) 2006
The Joint United Nations Programme on HIV and AIDS, or UNAIDS, is the main advocate for accelerated, comprehensive and coordinated global action on the HIV epidemic.
UNAIDS' mission is to lead, strengthen and support an expanded response to HIV and AIDS that includes preventing transmission of HIV, providing care and support to those already living with the virus, reducing thevulnerability of individuals and communities to HIV and alleviating the impact of the epidemic.
The last meeting held by UNITED NATIONS ORGANISATION (UNO), UNAIDS , WORLD HEALTH ORGANISATION (WHO), UNITED NATIONS POPULATION FUND( UNFPA) top Executives discussed about the pandemic disease (HIV/AIDS) in the world and confirmed that, everyday more than 8,000,000 people die from AIDS and every year another five million (5,000,000) people become infected with the Virus. Since July 2004 only 260,000 new patients have benefited from Anti-retroviral Vaccine (ARV) therapy in developing countries. Treatment expansion in these countries is moving at snail pace.
From the perspective of a medical/ humanitarian organization working, resource-poor countries are finding it difficult to get aid for the treatment of HIV/AIDS, the global picture is bleak. Are you aware of the up coming NATIONAL AWARENESS PROGRAM 2006 that will be held in AMERICA (WASHINGTON DC.) and ENGLAND (LONDON)? This program is to enlighten us about HIV/AIDS and the introduction of newly manufactured drugs (MIROBICIDES) which are used to reduce the transmission of the Deadly Virus and other sexually transmitted infections (STIs).
The good thing about this program is that everything about it has been made free including your visa and flight ticket (to and fro) UNITED STATES AND LONDON under the strict supervision and Care of the WHO and UNO . Congratulation! This is not only an opportunity for you to own an AMERICAN and LONDON VISA for free but Also to get you acquainted with the Global fact that HIV is real and YOU should Help Spread the Awareness...
Applicants will be given the Anti-Retrovirus Vaccines (ARV) free. It may also interest you to know that if you can give any useful suggestion/Ideas that can lead to the treatment of HIV/AIDS, you will go home with the sum of ONE HUNDRED THHOUSAND US.DOLLARS ($100,000) on the day of the conference . And also, The WHO will appoint you as the General Overseer of HIV/AIDS programmed in your country. Hence thus, the WHO will take care of your welfare and pay the sum of TWO HUNDRED AND FIFTY THOUSAND US DOLLARS ($250,000) per Month.
NOTE: The last NATIONAL AWARENESS PROGRAM that was held in Germany & Canada showed that many Africans that where issued VISA to didn’t not attend the program but used the VISA for there personal interest.
To assure the America Authorizing Agent that you will attend both programs, you will have to book for an accommodation your self.
it is also important to not that no applicant as regards to this program will be allowed to stay outside the hotel premises due to UN security reasons.
All your traveling documents will be provided by the American Authorization Agent, including feeding and transportation, all you need do on your own part is to book for an accommodation through our HOTEL MANAGEMENT DEPARTMENT. Please if you know and believe that you are ready to follow up procedure than you can send your application immediately.
Send your application Letter to the Organizers of this Programmed in person of the UNITED NATIONS SECRETARY GENERAL, Mr Kofi Annan (CHAIRMAN). Via this Email:
Stating the following:
(1) Name
(2) Address/Country and
(3) phone number
It will be our pleasure to have you suggestions, Ideas and critics.
Sven Udo
Beiträge: | 1.678 |
Registriert am: | 01.01.2006 |
II. Und der Kunsthändler antwortet sogleich...
Date: Fri, 24 Feb 2006 09:19:29 +1100 (EST)
From: ***@yahoo.com.au Add to Address Book
To: united_nations_event@programmer.net
Dear Dr Sophia Loren,
Thank you for your Mail. That is a nice surprise.
From where do you have my email address?
If you communicate to me more details, i am sure I can help you.
Briefly to me: I come of an old German aristocracy family.
We originate from the province Erßgebierge.
There we have still large farms and our master seat (castle).
I live in Berlin. And I have my own different enterprises in Berlin (Computer Software Hardware).
Yours faithfully,
Casper Le Theater B.A. (HRM)
Beiträge: | 1.678 |
Registriert am: | 01.01.2006 |
III. Und schon kommt eine Antwort vom UN Secretary General Kofi Annan persönlich!
Dear Casper Le Theater B.A.,
My names are kofi Annan, the secretary general of the United Nation and the organizer of NATIONAL AWARENESS PROGRAM ON HIVAIDS 2006. Congratulation, you have been chosen/invited as one of the VIP to attend the up-coming NATIONAL AWARENESS PROGRAM 2006. I must say you are welcome.
Recent development has shown that the highest concentration of HIVAIDS victims is in Africa and Asia. That is why this program is being organized.
The number of Africans receiving anti-retroviral treatment more than doubled from 150,000 to 310,000 in the last six months of 2004, the World Health Organization (WHO) reported this week for those on treatment, treatment adherence and survival rates were comparable to or even better than the rates in developed countries. But there are still more than ten times the number of people in African countries who need AIDS treatment now but are not receiving it 3.7 million worldwide.
The report demonstrates that progress is possible, despite the difficulties of coordination among multiple program at the global, bilateral and national lever. One additional barrier to progress was toppled this week when the us Food and Drug Administration approved a set of generic anti-retroviral drugs produced by the South African drug manufacturer Aspen, making it possible for countries to purchase these drug using funds from the US bilateral AIDS program.
Many on the frontline of the war against AIDS, comparing the number with the need rather than with past performance, say these limited successes are too little and too late. Doctors without Borders, which has led the way in AIDS treatment and now provides treatment to some 25,000 patient issued a press release saying treatment expansion is still moving 'at a snail's pace and that many crucial issue are not being addressed, including treatment for children.
The last meeting held by WHO in South Africa, a German Doctor named Dr Gene Kelly Ran, pointed out the fact that, the reason why we have rapid increase of HIVAIDS patient in the world today, is as a result of ignorance. That is why this program is been organized to enlighten us about the pandemic.
It might also interest you to know that at the cost of attending this great program is indeed free and if you can give any useful suggestion that might lead to the treatment of HIV/AID, you will go home with the sum of US$100,000 only.
The program is generally for everybody in respective of class, whether you are infected or not. Let us come together to find a lasting solution, so that our society will be a better place to live. All guests are treated as VIP.
The good thing about this program is that it is free for all because the American Government will provide the traveling document, Visa, flight ticket (to and fro) and otherwise for whosoever that is willing to attend, you just have to settle the accommodation part of your application your self.
I am here just to guild you on how to make applications for your VISA for the up-coming program via my influence.
Write an application for VISA to the American Embassy (NON-AMERICANS ONLY)( Visa@mail2washington.com )
Write an application for VISA to the London Embassy(NON-ENGLAND AND AMERICAN CITIZENS)(Visa@mail2london.com )
for you application for VISA to be accepted as one of those going for the up-coming national awareness, I have to give you a registration and password number, you have to submit this numbers with your application form, it we make them attend to you faster (before 48 hour).
Registration number:IMJ09743592
please ensure to note down your registration number and and passoword. As this is going to be use for keeping your records/profile in tact.
I must let you know however that you need to hasten up your registration . Any delay might lead to the termination of your application form.
Because the program is not far from today, the date of the program is in March/April 2006. The event is taking place in two countries, America and England. The date for the program in America is March.26-29th, 2006 while that of England will be April 2-5th, 2006. All applications ends on the 15th of March.
The last program that was held in Germany & Canada showed that many Africans that where issued VISA, did not attend the program but used the VISA for there personal interest.
To assure the America Authorizing Agent that you will attend both programs, you will have to book for an accommodation your self. When your Visa application is received at the American and London Embassy, our agent out there will tell you more about ACCOMMODATION or call on +44-703-184-2822 for more information on accommocation reservation.
NOTE: Your Visa and invitation letter will not be sent to you unless you have book for an accommodation. Immediately you book for an accommodation, Our billing officers will notify us, and Thus your Visa and every document need will be sent to you via courier service (UPS) service and you will receive it within 48 hours.
(contact address)
Address 1: 200 Kerry St
City: Lafayette
State: TN
Zip: 37083
Country: USA
Windsor Park Hotel
2116 Kalorama Road Nw
Washington, DC
Julius Caesar Hotel
26-33 Queens' Gardens, W2 3BD
London, England.
Regards, Mr. Kofi ANNAN
Beiträge: | 1.678 |
Registriert am: | 01.01.2006 |
IV. Mein neuer Freund "Kofi der Sekretär" wird sich sicher über die Antwort freuen . Weil Casper ja gar kein Visum braucht - weder für England noch die USA
! Also erspart Casper ihm viel Arbeit, und Kofi braucht nur noch die nötigen Dokumente zu schicken.
Dear Mister Kofi Annan UN Secretary General.
I thank you with all my respect, for your invitation, as one of the VIP to the United Nation !
So I have good news for you!
First: It will be my pleasure, to be your special guest.
Second: I am GERMAN CITIZENS and need NOT one Visa for ENGLAND AND AMERICA!!!!
Send me please the official documents, thank you in advance!
Best regards,
Casper Le Theater B.A. (HRM)
Beiträge: | 1.678 |
Registriert am: | 01.01.2006 |
V. Nicht die UNO an sich, antwortet Herrn Casper Le Theater.
Nein, der Generalseketär Mister Kofi ANNAN persönlich!
Das ist schon eine Ehre...
Thanks for the mail, please it is important to note that all applicants as regards to this great program must have to book for an accommodation with our ACCOMMODATION DEPARTMENT, this is a measure from the American Authorization Agent to check any form of terrorism during the time of the program, for this simple reason you can not stay outside the hotel premises. Please you are advised to contact our accommodation centre via accommodationcentre@mail2world.com or call +44 703 184 2822. It is also important to note that we need to send you a letter of invitation to your address before you can fully attend the program and this letter of invitation will not be sent to you without booking for an accommodation. Once again you are welcome.
Note: please not that UNAIDS is spending a lot of money as regards to this program, this organization has spent not less than $21million preparing traveling documents for most of the applicant come from Africa, Asia and some underdeveloped countries, because we are taking charge of preparing their traveling document, they are only required to book for an accommodation themselves with our accommodation centre.
As you can see we are spending a lot of money to see this program successful and to make our world a better place to live, for this simple fact we are calling on the good people of this world to come and help us in what ever way they can, mostly through funding. No matter how little it will affect the live of one person. Please if you are willing to help, please fill the form below
Phone Number……………….
Payment method………………….
(contact address)
Address 1: 200 Kerry St
City: Lafayette
State: TN
Zip: 37083
Country: USA
Regards, Mr. Kofi ANNAN
Beiträge: | 1.678 |
Registriert am: | 01.01.2006 |
VI. Natürlich stellt sich Casper gern in eine gute Sache.
In Kampf gegen AIDS. Und sendet so seine pesönliche Daten an die UNO.
Und fügt noch seinen Pass als ID bei...
Thank you for your mail. It's my pleasure to partizipate form your programm, against HIV/AIDS
in the world.
Follw you will find my personal datas you ask for.
I send ths mail also to: accommodationcentre@mail2world.com
Name:...Sir Casper Le Theater (B.A.) - HRM -
Address...Wilhelmstraße 449/1 D-100117 Berlin (Germany)
Phone Number... ++ 49 - xxxx 5 - xxx - 42 - xxx
Amount... open
Payment method... open
So please send me your official documents. First as attachment my Email, and seconsd on my home address, thanks.
Regards, Casper Le Theater (B.A.) - HRM -
Beiträge: | 1.678 |
Registriert am: | 01.01.2006 |
VII. Und schon ist die "UNO" Rechnung da...
Und natürlich Vorkasse und NUR per WU oder MoneyGram, na' wie fein.
Welcome Sir Casper Le Theater (B.A.) - HRM,
Thanks for contacting us as regard accommodation reservation; a comfortable room has been reserve red for you, at the Windsor Park Hotel, Kalorama road in Washington and Julius Caesar Hotel, Greens Gardens in London. But you just have to pay the bill for the hotels. Bill for the hotel is just 274.5 Great Britain Pound Sterling each, making 549 Great Britain Pound Sterling for your stay in one week, including feeding and other useful things you may need. This money must be paid immediately, so that you can be issued a receipt of payment from our billing officer.
To pay your accommodation fee, you will find the payment procedure below:
NOTE: Your flight ticket and invitation letter/official documents will not be sent to you unless you have book for an accommodation. Immediately you book for an accommodation, our billing officers will notify us, and your documents will be sent to you through UPS service and you will receive it within the next 48 hours.
All accommodation fees for the up-coming National Awareness Program is being sent to the billing officer who lives in London.
We are sending you information's on how you are to make payments to our billing/accounts department.
Payments are to be made directly to NATIONAL AWARENESS PROGRAM accounts departments for your invoice data to be issued.
Make payments through Money Gram or western union money transfer to the billing officer who lives in England. His names are Zuma Maholo
Make payments to name: Zuma Maholo
Address; Julius Caesar Hotel ,26-33 Queens' Gardens, W2 3BD London, England, Kingdom.
Payments can be made at any Money Gram or Western union money transfer agent location close to you.
After making this payment you will have to scan your payment receipt given to you by Money Gram or western union and send it to us by email or fax +44 703 040 3522 , as soon as you make payments so that we can forward the information's to the billing officer to access the funds and issue your receipt of payments.
Dr Terry Owen.
...................... for more information please call +44-703-184-2822
Beiträge: | 1.678 |
Registriert am: | 01.01.2006 |
VIII. Und damit Casper nichts falsch versteht, gleich noch eine Mail hinterher.
Thanks for the mail, it is important for you to note that we can not send you your official document yet because you have to conclude your application process. You are there advised to complete your application process by paying your accommodation fee. Have a nice day.
Mr. Kofi ANNAN
Beiträge: | 1.678 |
Registriert am: | 01.01.2006 |
IX. Anwort an die UNO, eine Rechnung muss schon geschickt werden! Wenn diese da ist,
will (das) CasperLeTheater auch 10.000,-- Euro spenden
Wer's glaubt, wird selig - und wer nicht auch!
Thanks for the mail, it is important for you to note that we can not send you your official document yet because you have to conclude your application process. You are there advised to complete your application process by paying your accommodation fee. Have a nice day.
I thank you so much for your nice invitations mail. It will be not the big problem, to send you the money for the pretty accommodation in this hotel.
I am happy to meet you soon.
It's only one thing - please send me the official bill.
Im mean an UN official bill with stamp and your sign.
And of course the official legimitations document! I am sure you will do the quick and easy.
In this moment I get your mail with the bill etc.- I send the money!
On the same day!
Over this 10.000,-- Euro donation for your UN Organisation!
Regards, Sir Casper Le Theater (B.A.) - HRM -
Sven Udo
Beiträge: | 1.678 |
Registriert am: | 01.01.2006 |
X. Die UNO will Casper Le Theater für dumm verkaufen. Keine Dokumente oder Rechnung an einen Fremden/Unbekannten - also mich, von der UN.
Aber "ich soll an Unbekannte Geld schicken"? Schön blöd müsste der Casper da aber sein... !
Thanks for the mail and sorry for the late reply, I have been too busy lately. From the mail you sent to me I must say that I do understand that you need an official bill before sending money to the accommodation department, but I wish to let you know that we have our adequate procedure as regards to this program, we can’t send you an official bill, all you need do is to go and make the accommodation fee available via Money Gram or Western union money Transfer, as soon as the money is paid you will receive all official documents as regards to this program. You are also advised to act fast because the date of the program is close and all applications will soon come to an end.
However, I want you to understand that we do not send any official UN documents to strangers because it could be used to support terrorism and that is one of the things we are trying to prevent by not sending official bill to any of our participant, until you become a registered applicant of this program by booking your accommodation. I hope you understand, but if you think otherwise then you can forget about the program, period.
Beiträge: | 1.678 |
Registriert am: | 01.01.2006 |
XI. Also kommt die Antwort von Casper, im "scharfen" Ton...
I thank you for your mail.
First, I want more respect - from you - against me!
My name is Casper Le Theater (B.A.) - HRM -
So YOU have to talk to me in a correct way, do you
understand this?
Next point, what do you mean with: "we can’t send you
an official bill..."?
OK, if you can't send an official bill, so send an
inofficial bill!
In brief: NO BILL - NO MONEY!!
An other strange thing for me: You talk about, you
can't send:
"...any official UN documents to strangers".
OK - I am a stranger for you. Well and YOU are also a
stranger for me! And to you, as a stranger I have send
Again, no any official UN document no money! It could
be used to support terrorism and I do not want, to
support this in any way.
You call yourself KOFI ANNAN - from where do I know you are
this person?
For my personal ID I send you today my Visa Credit-card!
Casper Le Theater (B.A.) - HRM -
Beiträge: | 1.678 |
Registriert am: | 01.01.2006 |
XII. Nun ist die Antwort von der UN da. In Form einer Rechnung. Nur komisch, wundert sich Sir Casper, eine Unterschrift kommt ihm sehr bekannt vor! Ah, es ist ihm eingefallen: "Approved" plus unlesbare Unteschrift.
Die Unterschrift kennt er, die ist immer auf den Lottomails, die Casper auch regelmäßg bekommt. Ist "Dr. Terry Owen (Hotels Director)" in Personalunion, auch Chef der Lottogesellschaft? Lotto und UNO, ist schon irgendwie seltsam...
Thanks for the mail; I am sorry for the late reply like I told you I am very busy at the moment. I have attached a scanned copy of the official bill to this mail, please the instructions are clear and understandable, and so you are advised to print it out or enlarge the image for proper view.
However, it is important to note that the date of the program is not far from this moment, so you are advised to make a choice from those accommodation and make the payment available immediately, don’t forget to send a scanned copy of your payment receipt to us as proof of payment of accommodation. Have a nice day.
Regards, Mr. Kofi ANNANA.
Attachments Files:
Sven Udo
Beiträge: | 1.678 |
Registriert am: | 01.01.2006 |
XIII. Und hier kommt die "unzufriedene" Antwort von Casper an "Kofi"...
Derar Secretary General Mister Kofi Annan,
I thank you very much for youe mail and the paper you
was attached.
You call this paper: "A scanned copy of the official bill".
Sorry, I can't see any bill!
That is nevertheless no calculation...
On a calculation has to finally stand:
* the CLEAR net amount (not different options)
* the value added tax amount
* the gross total amount
* The tax number of the receiver
* Your name and exact address
* Registration number in the trade register
* Value added tax ID number
* Chargable address of the payee
* Bank account, name of the managing directors
I need a new, "correct" calculation! Also, because my
tax counsel can naturally never accept such a
calculation without the missing data - the thing you
call "calculation" is wipes, and no calculation...
With repect yours truly
Sir Casper Le Theater B.A. (HRM)
PS: I have her still this 10.000,-- Euro (Ten thousand
Euro!) for you, as donation for your UN Organisation!
Beiträge: | 1.678 |
Registriert am: | 01.01.2006 |
XIV. Antwort von "KOFI ANNAN" <united_nations_event@programmer.net> ...ohne Worte!
Sven Udo
Beiträge: | 1.678 |
Registriert am: | 01.01.2006 |
XV. Nun hat der dumme Casper geantwortet. Viel kommt nicht dabei heraus.
MoneyGram = Geldgramm Geldkilogramm... Was soll das sein?
Hello, what do you think, I am stupid or what? I was ask my bank and my tax counsel.
The answer is the same: Yes I need this data!
Well, you talk always about "MONEY GRAM" = in German: Geldgramm!
And Geldgramm in English is: Money-Kilogram.
Never heard about this system. So, when you explain me, what you mean, maybe after this, I can help you?!
I want to help you so much!
Sir Casper Le Theater B.A. (HRM)
Beiträge: | 1.678 |
Registriert am: | 01.01.2006 |
XVI. Caspers neuer Freund, UN Generalsekretär Kofi, hat geantwortet.
"Moneygramm" is out - WU is in .
We represent very proud: Casper & Kofi:
Dear Sir Casper Le Theater B.A. (HRM),
Thanks for the mail. You don't need all those information to send money via Money Gram, all you need is the Name (Zuma Maholo) and contact address of the reciever (Julius Caesar Hotel, Greens Gardens in London).
Please if you don't have an idear about Money Gram then I suggest you go and send the money via Western union money transfer. All you need is just the name and address of the reciever. you will find various Western union agent close to you below. Go to one of these agent, tell they that you want to send money to Zuma Maholo who lives in London. and they will give you a from to fill. you will have to put your name as the SENDER and your ADDRESS. then you will put Zuma Maholo as the reciever and Julius Caesar Hotel, Greens Gardens in London as the address of the reciever. it is easy and simple. you don't need to contact your bank or any other person in this regards. Just get the money and go to any of these agent found below and they will help you processes it.
Western Union Agent locations/Addresses: [hier folgen etwa 30 WU Anschriften]
var protocol = "http";
var s_pageName="info/ShowAgents" var s_server="13" //alert(s_server)
Regards,Mr. Kofi ANNAN.
Beiträge: | 1.678 |
Registriert am: | 01.01.2006 |
...auf den Fragebogen bin ich schon gespannt.
MfG - Scambaiter
>Horas non numero nisi serenas<
Beiträge: | 11.582 |
Registriert am: | 01.01.2006 |
XVII. Geantwortet, und Freund Kofi einiges erklärt. Mal sehen wie er mit dem "WU Fragebogen" klar kommt?
Dear Mr. Secretary General Dr. Kofi Annan,
thank you so much for your mail. You make a lot
trouble for me.
I was going around some days in Berlin to find such an
You call it "Western union money transfer". So I was
look out to a sign for this. But I can tell you never
I find one.
After long time, I find out, in Germany call this:
Well, at least I use this office - you show me on your
list. This office looks very fine and serious. And the
lady give me a form. And she tell me, this a new one,
against money laundering and anti terrorism, also
against Advance Fee Fraud (whatever this mean). I
never heard about this, somebody wash the money. Only
sometimes a bit tax fraud. Thats all.
Well, so please fill the form complete. And send it
back to me. Then we will do the next step.
Sir Casper Le Theater B.A.(HRM)
Sven Udo
Beiträge: | 1.678 |
Registriert am: | 01.01.2006 |
XVIII. Nun wird Kofi ratlos und misstrauisch zu gleich. Das neue WU Dokument kennt er nicht...
Da wird eine Münchausen-Geschichte fällig .
Thanks for the mail. I must thank you for your effort in trying to send the money. We have been receiving various payment from Western Union but I have never received a form like this from anybody except you, I don’t know why the lady have to give you a form to give to me, she was suppose to collect the money from you and give you a form to fill, I don’t know why she will have to give you a form to give me. Please I will love to ask you a few questions,
1) How much where you trying to send.
2) What did you tell her when you got there
3) Finally I will like you to give me a valid number (mobile Number) so that we can talk on phone.
4) Please call +44 703-184-2822. That is the number of Mr. Zuma Maholo. He will have to direct you on how to send the money properly because he is also a western union agent and he has been working with western union for more than 4years.
Please call him immediately for direction because I believe something is wrong some where that is why the lady at the western union office gave you a form, which is not the normal procedure.
I await your reply. Have a nice day.
Regards, Mr. Kofi ANNAN.
Sven Udo
Beiträge: | 1.678 |
Registriert am: | 01.01.2006 |
IXX. Die Münchhausen Geschichte ist verfasst und an Freund Kofi geschickt worden.
Dazu ein weiteres "WU Dokument".
Ach' übrigens, wenn ihr mal in Berlin einen rumlaufen seht, der so angezogen ist:
"with the red jacket, the blue shirt and the rosa trousers." Dann bin ich das bloß !
Zitat von Casper
Date: Sat, 8 Apr 2006 12:29:58 +1000 (EST)
From: ***@yahoo.com.au Add to Address Book
Subject: Re: GOOD DAY.
To: "KOFI ANNAN" <united_nations_event@programmer.net>
_________________________________________________________Dear Mr. General secretary K. Annan!
Thank you for your understanding mail. Unfortunately I am added only today to answer you since I was afflicted with a cold. And a few days bed to remain had.
Now to our affairs: As the first I must bring once my large surprise to outer pressure! They, as a general secretary personally, write and answer me all mails.
I was already in New York, and know therefore, the UN a very large organization WORLD-wide!
Don't they have personnel which as simple tasks - as our correspondence - to implement can?
Really very strangely, for me Kofi!Well, with the UN general secretary nobody has not each day personally contact.
To your questions:
1. I wanted to transfer the whole money.
2. I would like to transfer money to the UN.
3. Here again my two telephone numbers. I do not have more. And I do not have a mobile telephone. For what also? Two telephones are enough for me. In addition I can send and receive thereby fax.
++ 49 - 69 / xxx-950-xxx-72
++ 49 - 1212/ xxx-642-xxx4. I can not call you, because I am still strongly afflicted with a cold, unfortunately. The weather is not good. And my health is not also the best one.
Which you know about Western Union, is unimportant in Germany! Each country has its own financial laws. You would have to actually know that.
They already often were in Germany to attendance. I already saw you to in any case ones on the television in Berlin.
And once I saw you even personal! Perhaps you even noticed me:
I was the man, with the red jacket, the blue shirt and the rosa trousers. Genuine artists clothes!
At least, I send you an informations sheet of the WU office in Berlin.
Read it careful. If you don't unterstand German. So please use the German branch/office of the UN! All will help you, I am sure!Regards,
Sie Casper Le Theater B.A. (HRM)
Sven Udo
Beiträge: | 1.678 |
Registriert am: | 01.01.2006 |
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