Ein schönes Händler Angebot!
Mit einen gesamt Volumen von sage und schreibe: $211 Millionen US Dollar!
In Antwort auf:
Betreff: Attention:
Dienstag, 12. August, 2008 13:28 Uhr
Von: "almat group" almatgroup200@gmail.com
An: almatgroup200@gmail.com
Attention Dear:
This is (AHRRPC) Agent from Accra-Ghana west Africa.We are a general Merchandise company and government appointed contract sourcing agents and commission brokers. we got your company contact from your country's business directories.
My company Almat Groups Ghana has been mandated to look for a company capable of supplying food Stuffs by the AFRICAN HUMAN RIGHT AND REFUGEES PROTECTON COUNCIL (AHRRPC) for feeding of the refugee as to sustain the war affected countries like Somalia, Chad, Liberia and Sudan, which after going through your company's profile,I have confidence that your company is capable of handling this project.
Bellow is the list of food Stuffs and the targeted value needed by (AHRRPC))
1. Rice $25 Million USD
2. Beans $17.5 Million USD
3. Milk powder $14.5 Million USD
4. Sugar $12 Million USD
5. Vegetable Oil $ 12.5 Million USD
6. Used Cloths $10 Million USD
7. Wheat Flour $ 10 Million USD
8. White corn meal $ 6 Million USD
9.corn oil $ 14.5 Million USD
10.Cumin seed oil $ 17 Million USD
11.Gound nut Oil $ 14.5 Million USD
12.Sage Oil $ 12.3 Million USD
13.Soya bean oil $21 Million USD
14 palm oil $ 10 million USD
15 fresh Vegetables $ 7 million
16 fresh fruits $ 4 million
17 cocoa powder $ 3.2 Million
I will like to be informed of your products quality/services line for which we will be interested in. Mind you that your company will be dealing direct with the contract awarding board through the legal process of securing inter-state projects while we will be here to make sure that the project is approved to your company's favour. When I hear from you,I will furnish you with the full details of the project.
We will be happy to work with you and will be waiting for a positive response.
Mr Kwame Ousu (CEO)
Almat Groups.
Accra-Ghana in West Africa.
MfG - Scambaiter
> Horas non numero nisi serenas <
HP: http://scambaiter.info
Beiträge: | 11.582 |
Registriert am: | 01.01.2006 |
....das sind ja wahre Schnäppchen.......
Sehr geehrte Damen und Herren,
ich bin an Ihrem Angebot von Palmöl und Sojaöl interessiert.
Ich bin ein größerer Kaufmann aus Deutschland und könnte Ihnen auch noch 278 Tonnen Hydrauliköl, 400 Tonnen Streusalz und eine Chemiefabrik zur Gewinnung von Biokraftstoff aus Naturweizen anbieten.
Bitte fordern Sie unser Komplettangebot an.
Mit freundlichen Grüßen
Felix Hugo von Hutschenreuter
Mail: xy H@web.de
Rattenfänger Geschäftspartner von Usman Bello
Ich habe einen ganz einfachen Geschmack. Ich bin stets mit dem Besten zufrieden.
Beiträge: | 1.873 |
Registriert am: | 27.05.2006 |
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