[blau]Copyright © 2008 Computerbetrug
Betrüger warnen vor Betrügern
Eine relativ neue Art von SPAM-Mails geistert seit kurzem massenhaft durchs Netz,
in der Nigeria-Betrüger vor ihresgleichen warnen und Behebung des Schadens
in Aussicht stellen - um so noch mehr Opfer zu finden.
Die Masche ist nicht neu: irgendwo in Afrika - bevorzugt in Nigeria - ist jemand verstorben und der "Bankdirektor", der Ihnen die Mail geschickt hat, weiß nicht, wohin mit dem Geld, das eh niemand vermisst. Oder aber: Oppositionelle wollen Geld außer Landes schaffen, dürfen das aber nicht direkt. Deswegen sucht der "Bankdirektor" oder -angestellte für diese ehrenhaften Leute andere ehrenhafte Leute - also jeden, der die SPAM-Mail erhält - der ihm dabei helfen soll, das Geld wegzuschaffen. Oder an die rechtmäßigen Erben zu übergeben. Für die Mühe wird dem Empfänger der Mail ein satter Anteil an dem Millionenerbe versprochen.
Datensammler und Betrüger
Um die Transaktion seriös abzuwickeln, muß man zunächst die eigenen Kontaktdaten an den Absender schicken. Begründet wird dies in der Regel damit, dass sich ja auch die Bank absichern muß, mit wem sie zusammenarbeitet. Damit erfüllt man gleich zwei Zwecke: die Mailadresse wird für den Spammer als gültig erkennbar und man bekommt wertvolle Daten des Empfängers, die den Wert der Mailadresse noch deutlich aufwerten. So wird künftig für den Spammer zielgruppenorientierte Werbung möglich.
Nach einigen ausgetauschten Mails kommt der Banker schließlich zum Kern der Sache: da man ja bald im Besitz von sehr viel Geld sein wird ist es wohl einzusehen, dass man zur Deckung der Abwicklungs-, und Anwaltskosten einen Vorschuß leisten muß. Die absolut vertrauenswürdige Bank darf nämlich nach seiner Auskunft keinesfalls für die laufenden Kosten auf das Vermögen zugreifen. Die Kosten darf man sich dann später wieder holen, wenn man erst mal das Geld auf dem Konto hat.
Der Rest ist schnell dargestellt: wenn Sie jetzt das Geld überweisen, werden Sie keinen Cent davon wiedersehen. Irgendwann verläuft sich auch der Kontakt mit dem Herrn Direktor im Sande.
Neu an der aktuellen Masche ist, dass sich die SPAM-Mail an angebliche Opfer von Nigeria-Betrügern wendet. Man habe erkannt, dass Sie auf solche Betrüger hereingefallen sind und möchte Ihnen helfen, den Schaden auszugleichen. Deswegen hätten die Vereinten Nationen eine Londoner Bank beauftragt, den Schaden zu beheben.
Konkret sieht die Mail so aus:Zitat von [rot]Beispiel
I have been directed to contact you directly and personally regarding the horrible experience that you passed through in the hands of Nigerian´s in regards to your Inheritance/Contract payment which you have not received up till now.
I am the Director, Tested Computerization and Foreign Transfer Unit HSBC BANk London. We got instruction from the United Nations Organisations to conclude the transaction with you after a meeting that was held in African by the UN and the Economic Community Of West African States (ECOWAS) on the issue of Scam going on in there nation mostly Nigeria.
They all agreed that Nigerian´s will not handle any payment again until things are put in there normal shape. Your experience was so horrible but the United Nations Organisations London have brought the solution to this problem by moving your payment files to us here in London.
You are therefore advised to stop communication with the Nigerian´s to safe you from been swindled the more and comply with us for the immediate transfer of this funds into your account.
You are required to reconfirm the following information to us for verrification and proof puposes to make sure that we do not pay the wrong person:
1. Your Full Name and Address.
2. Phone And Fax Number.
3. Your Age And Current Occupation.
4. Make a chioce from the following modes of payment that you may wish to receive from our bank:
Wire transfer, ATM card mode and a certifiy bank draft
Upon the receipt of the above informations, We shall proceed with you for the release of the funds immdiately. You are further advised and encouraged to be very free with the HSBC Bank for transperent service and stop communication with the Nigerians as they can not help in this regard any more.
Cheerfully Yours,
Mr. Nicholas Burns
Director, Tested Computerization foreign Transfer Unit
Tel: +447031941592[blau]Copyright © 2008 Computerbetrug
MfG - Scambaiter
> Horas non numero nisi serenas <
HP: http://scambaiter.info
Beiträge: | 11.580 |
Registriert am: | 01.01.2006 |
Zitat von der FTD vom 04.09.2008 © 2008 Financial Times Deutschland
» Nigeria-Connection für Fortgeschrittene «
von Claus Hecking
Irgendwie hat sich die Mail doch ins Postfach gemogelt, vorbei am Spamfilter. Aber sie sei auch gar kein Spam, behauptet ihr Verfasser. Sondern das genaue Gegenteil.
Die "Notification from HSBC Bank London" warnt eindringlich vor Internet-Trickbetrügern aus Nigeria - und verspricht allen Opfern der "Nigeria-Connection" eine Rückzahlung ihres verlorenen Gelds. "Wir haben den Auftrag der Vereinten Nationen, die Überweisung an Sie zu tätigen", heißt es im steifsten Behördenenglisch. Der Empfänger müsse nur Name, Adresse und einige persönliche Daten zurückschicken. Zur Sicherheit: "Damit wir nicht die falsche Person auszahlen."
Doch der Absender ist gar nicht die Londoner Großbank. "Hier sind wieder die üblichen Gauner am Werk: Wer antwortet, wird um irgendeine Vorauszahlung gebeten - und das Geld ist weg", sagt Heiko Rittelmeier, Spamexperte des Portals Computerbetrug.de. "Aber Charme hat diese neue Masche schon: Die Nigeria-Connection warnt vor der Nigeria-Connection."
Das Prinzip ist seit dem 16. Jahrhundert bekannt. Mal will angeblich ein krebskranker Ex-Diktator sein Vermögen außer Landes schaffen, mal geht es um die Millionen eines im Sterben liegenden US-Soldaten im Irak - mit herzzerreißenden E-Mails locken die Betrüger ihre Opfer an. Das Versprechen: Wer beim Geldtransfer hilft, wird großzügig entschädigt. Antwortet ein Ahnungsloser, folgt bald die nächste Mail mit der Aufforderung, eine Gebühr zu zahlen - etwa für Anwaltskosten oder Bestechungsgelder.
Auch nach 15 Jahren Internet zieht die Masche offensichtlich. Noch 2007 überwies ein Australier 1,28 Mio. Euro an Cyberverbrecher. Der Bürgermeister der Stadt Ennigerloh im Münsterland musste 2001 gehen, nachdem er 145.000 Euro aus der Gemeindekasse versenkt hatte. Experten schätzen den Schaden auf mehrere Milliarden Euro pro Jahr. Meist kommen die Täter aus Nigeria; Tausende leben hier vom "Internet-Scam". 2005 komponierte der Sänger Osuofia für sie sogar eine Hymne: "I Go Chop Your Dollar" wurde zum landesweiten Hit.
Rittelmeier fürchtet, dass die Scammer auch mit dem neuen Trick Erfolg haben: "Es gibt viele Menschen, die ihr gutes Geld dem schlechten hinterherwerfen. Das ist wie an der Börse, wo Leute bei fallenden Kursen ihre Aktien noch mal nachkaufen." Spambetrug amortisiert sich schnell. Für einen niedrigen dreistelligen Dollar-Betrag können die Scammer Millionen Mails verschicken; da reicht schon ein "Kunde".
Selbst wenn niemand Geld überweist, bleibt den Betrügern noch eine zweite Einnahmequelle: die Daten derjenigen, die auf ihr erstes Schreiben geantwortet haben. Dafür zahlen andere Scammer ein Vielfaches des üblichen Preises einer E-Mail-Adresse. Denn wer einmal reinfällt, lässt sich vielleicht ein zweites Mal foppen. "Wir raten Ihnen, die Kommunikation mit den Nigerianern einzustellen und mit uns zu kooperieren", heißt es in der falschen HSBC-Mail, "zum sofortigen Transfer des Geldes auf Ihr Konto."
Aus der FTD vom 04.09.2008 © 2008 Financial Times Deutschland
MfG - Scambaiter
> Horas non numero nisi serenas <
HP: http://scambaiter.info
Beiträge: | 11.580 |
Registriert am: | 01.01.2006 |
In Antwort auf:
Donnerstag, 23. Oktober, 2008 16:24 Uhr
Von: "INTERNET CRIME3" ic3.org@hotmail.com
An: googlemail2008-0
Internet Crime Complaint Center (IC3)
1056N 10th Street Whitehall 950
Pennsylvania Avenue, N.W. Washington,
D.C. 20530-0001 United States of America.
23rd October,2008.
Based on our findings in this investigation department we wish to warn you against some Miscreants, Hoodlums, Fraudsters and Touts who go about scamming innocent people by claiming to be who they are not and thereby tarnishing the image of this wonderful country. We were informed that some Hoodlums are contacting you in respect to the collection of your fund which was long with Prof. Charles Sulodo and The Finance secretary Mr Kingsley .A. matter of fact we the Internet Crime Complaint Center (IC3) in conjunctions with the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) have been on this investigation assignments for some time privately known to no one but in our last seating with the Presidency and some top government officials of who are in support of this investigation team to help stop fraudulent activities in this country and some other countries of the world as well restore the image that has been tarnished by the below listed group of people.
Although we have been able to come up with some good result about -the people that have extorted money from you illegally and I wish to list them as it has being forwarded to us by the our corresponding investigation body in Nigeria the Economic and Financial Crime Commission (EFCC) so that you will personally indicate them by writing back to us with the name of whom scammed you among them as we want to make sure your payment is routed to you without any further delay and note that we will surely deal and bring to book the names of people below if only you will co-operate with us by co-indicating correctly any of them. The names of the scammers that have been arrested by the Economic and Financial Crime Commission (EFCC) in Nigeria are as follows:You should STOP any further communication with the above mention name and most wanted notorious fraudster if you have being dealing with them and also forward to us any email you receive from the above mention names.
- 1) Alhaji Tunde Badmus
- 2) Dr. Shamsudeem Usman
- 3) Dr. R. Rasheed
- 4) Barrister Awele Ugorji
- 6) Barrister Ucheuzo Williams
- 7) Mr. Ernest Chukwudi Obi
- Deputy Governor - Policy / Board Member
- 8) Mr. Tunde Lemo
- Deputy Governor - Financial Sector Surveillance / Board Member
- 9) Mrs. W. D. A. Mshelia
- Deputy Governor - Corporate Services / Board Members
- 10) Mrs. Okonjo Iweala
- 11) Mrs. Rita Ekwesili
- 12) Chief Joseph Sanusi
- 13) Hughs Oborone
The above listed names are been traced by we the Internet Crime Complaint Center (IC3), in conjunction with the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) and investigated by the Economic and Financial Crime Commission (EFCC) some of them have eloped the country and note that if any of them is caught and found guilty he/she we go to jailed for 25 years (twenty five years) as it is under the Degree 47 of the constitution of this bank under the section of criminal law, so we are waiting for you to write us back and inform us if any of the above mention names have Extorted Money from you or once contacted you so that we can start taking the necessary procedural steps prior to bringing them to book and having your fund wired into your Bank account or deliver to your doorstep as nominated accordingly. Should the name of the Hoodlum that scammed you is not listed above, we will advise that you forward to us his/her name and contact details so that we can trace them and as well bring them to book.
This is to inform you that you are to contact the central bank of nigeria with the below information and do well to contact them with immediate effect to claim your fund.THE CENTRAL BANK OF NIGERIA.
EMAIL: central.b.of.nigeria@live.com
Note that the only delivery office/paying bank that has the right to pay or contact you prior to the Transfer of your fund/delivery is our local NATWEST BANK UK OR THEIR AFFILIATED CORRESPONDENT BANK HERE IS CENTRAL BANK OF NIGERIA Which is currently been headed by the Bank Governor. You are further advised to deal directly with them and do what so ever you are asked to do because that is the only way you will achieve the success in the wire of your funds to you as designated/deliver to your doorstep in the states .
We apologies on behalf of the President George W. Bush and the people of United States of America for any delay and lost this must have coursed you in any way and promise that such thing will not occur again in the future and in case you are currently dealing with any one of them regarding your fund, we urge you to STOP ANY FURTHER contact with them as you are taking a very big risk and it might interest you to know that you will never get your fund from them as they have nothing to offer. The hoodlums will continue coming up with expenses and thereby requesting for more money from you until you go Bankrupt. Hence, your fund is currently with Prof. Charles Soludo with the above named company The Central Bank of Nigeria and in safe hands.
Finally, we are expecting to hear from you today unfailingly so as to enable us serve you better and wire your funds into your Bank account as nominated/deliver to you.
Thank you very much for your anticipated co-operation and understanding while we wait for your urgent response.
Email: feedback@ic3-gov.org
MfG - Scambaiter
> Horas non numero nisi serenas <
HP: http://scambaiter.info
Beiträge: | 11.580 |
Registriert am: | 01.01.2006 |
In Antwort auf:
Dienstag, 28. Oktober, 2008 10:48 Uhr
Von: "Charles Soludo B." admin4@unorgintky.com
An: Empfänger nicht bekannt
REF/PAYMENTS CODE:06654 $100,000 USD.
This is to bring to your notice that I am delegated from the United Nations to Central Bank to pay 48 scam victims $100,000 USD (One Hundred Thousand Dollars) each. You are listed and approved for this payment as one of the scammed victims to be paid this amount, get back to us as soon as possible for the immediate payments of your $100,000 USD compensations funds.
On this faithful recommendations, know that during the last U.N. meetings held at Abuja the Capital of this Country Nigeria, it was alarmed so much by the world in the meetings on the loss of funds by various individuals to the Nigerian scams artists operating in syndicates all over the world today. In other to compensate victims, the U.N Body in conjunction with the Nigerian Government is now paying 48 victims of this operators $100,000 USD each in accordance with the U.N. recommendations. Due to the corrupt and inefficient Banking Systems in Nigeria, the payments are to be supervised by the United Nations? Officials and the Central Bank Nigeria as the corresponding paying bank is ZENITH BANK PLC.
According to the number of applicants at hand, 21 Beneficiaries has been paid, half of the victims are from the United States, we still have more 27 left to be paid the compensations of $100,000 USD each. Your particulars was mentioned by one of the Syndicates who claimed to be the ATM Director CBN who was arrested as one of their victims of the operations, you are hereby warned not to communicate or duplicate this message to him for any reason what so ever as the U.S. secret service is already on trace of the other criminals. So keep it secret till they are ALL apprehended. Other victims who have not been contacted can submit their application as well for scrutiny and possible consideration.
The Economic and Financial Crimes Commission (EFCC) have combined effort with the United Nation Anti-crime Commission to alleviate and redeem the image and past wounds of foreigners and firms who were defrauded, scammed and abandoned by this syndicates to slight down our dignities to international communities.
Many banks have been in bankruptcy today, Universal firms, Companies and individuals due to the activity of these hoodlums. However, investigation have shown that these people have duped over 500,000 victims after collecting their money falsefully.
You can receive your compensations payments via any of this options you Choose, DRAFT/CHEQUE PAYMENTS or WIRE TRANSFERS.I shall feed you with further modalities as soon as I hear from you.
Send a copy of your response and payment code to the lawyer that was alleged to you.
Barr. Ukaogo Okechukwu attached to the British Embassy
Email: atmpaycarddirector@interia.eu
Waiting to hear from you as soon as possible.
Yours faithfully,
Mailto: atmpaycarddirector@interia.eu
MfG - Scambaiter
> Horas non numero nisi serenas <
HP: http://scambaiter.info
Beiträge: | 11.580 |
Registriert am: | 01.01.2006 |
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