Seit kurzem ist Stefano online, aber es ist mir zu spät zu chatten. Er hat versucht mich anzuschreiben, habe das aber ignoriert. Er bekam schließlich eine Mitteilung, dass ich ab 21 Uhr online sein werde. Wer zu spät kommt... den bestraft das Leben... Nun ist er invisible... Da ich schon nicht mehr mit ihm chatten will, so soll er wenigstens eine Mail von mir bekommen...
Datum: 16. November 2008 23:37
Betreff: I'm missing you
My Darling Stefano
how are you doing today... hope you are fine and all is okay with you. Feel so sad, we didn't meet since days. Was waiting for you, but it seemed, you won't talk to me. It's late now here, but before I get my rest, I will send this message to you.
Today, you are so far away and I'm not being able to hold you, kiss you, or even able to tell you I love you every day .For the first time in my life I felt like a real person, knew my life was about to change, to become normal with no more pain, and then the worst agony that I could ever imagine replaced that joy that was to be. Yes, I miss you and can't wait till you come ... to be able to wrap my arms around you and hold you close to my heart.I just want you here with me.Deep in my heart I feel that you are the only man I can love, the one with true love.Promise you a lifetime of happiness and love. Come dance on the moon with me. You are all there is, I neither need nor want anything else at all. You are my heaven on earth and I need to live there.One thing I want you to know is ….I love you and you will forever be in my heart.I love you; there it's simple but so true. I miss you so much that it hurts.I love you more than anything. You are my world, my life, my reason to live. I miss you my love, and want nothing more than to be in your arms.
Love you forever,
Kann hier irgend jemand italienisch? Würde Stefano gerne mal ein oder zwei Sätze in italienisch schreiben, um zu testen, ob er die Sprache wirklich versteht. Irgendetwas nettes... aber dann bitte auch in deutsch für mich. Wer mir helfen kann.... bitte über PM.
Mein heißgeliebter Italomann schrieb mir heute folgende Mail....
Datum: Montag, 17. November 2008 15:49
Betreff: Love
As I'm listening to this love song it reminds me of you
So let me express my love to you that's so ever true
You're like a star in the sky that's so ever bright
And you are the one that can make both our lives right
Your comforting words, grasp a hold of my heart
And there's nothing my darling' that can keep us apart
Just love me today in your most specialty way
Cause I'll always, love u is what i wanted to say
Tolerating both happiness and sorrow
Life remains always silence
No one has yet to know
What life is saying
Life is not a spectacle
or a feast
It is a predicament
of challenges that people face
Life comes and goes
Just as season changes.
However, unlike life,
love is a fragrant of realization
Not a matter of visualization
It is an instant happiness
we ought to grab it, because
love is not love at
all without delight
Love is an imagination of purity
or simply a reality
love is beautiful if we have beauty of soul
because charms strike the sight but merit wins the soul.
They are not appreciated by all
though both has its ups and down
where every one person wants the crown.
Love is a journey
which people travel pass
love is all about you
enjoy it with this strongest clue
'don't add years to your life
rather add life to your years'
Love, life, life love...........
One cant exist without the other..
I truly love you so much...
Love always,
von welchem Lied spricht er?.... grübel..
Das Gedicht wurde hier geklaut:
Sorry, der Link war falsch...
Zitat von Futschibride
Das Gedicht wurde hier geklaut:
wie bereits berichtet, war Stefano am 16.11. spät abends online. Mir war es zu spät... deshalb versuchte ich am nächsten Abend mein Glück. In der Hoffnung er würde darauf reagieren, wenn er online geht, hinterließ ich ihm folgende offline message:
19:15 Susann: Hello my Darling...
I miss you sooo much... hope we can meet tonight.
Will be there for you at 9:00pm... my time
und da mir Amor für Stefano etwas italienisch ins Ohr geflüstert hat, noch ein paar italienische Worte für meinen Schatz:
>Caro amore, Mi manci molto, come le necessità della luna il per il´sole di lucidare, diecimila baci sulle tue guancie molli.<
I love only Stefano
abends kam mein kleiner Italiano wieder so spät... .... ich mußte den Chat leider ignorieren, da Stefano es ausgezeichnet versteht mich lange auf den Beinen ... ach nee... am PC ...zu halten
22:42 Stefano: Darling... were are you??? I'm missing you so much
da ich mich nicht meldete war er anschließend wieder "invisible"
.... ich bedanke mich bei Amor!
mein kleiner Italiener hat mir nichts geschrieben ... Da ich ihn so liebe gab es eine Mail von mir:
Gesendet: Di 18.11.08 22:27
Betreff: You are my everything
Stefano my Love,
hope you are okay and your days are fine in China. What is with your business... does everything run to your satisfaction? I'm not sure you like to talk with me, cause you are never online. For this I feel so sad..... I miss you so much. May be you are coming online later, but I have to close the messenger after 11:00 pm... I need my rest for being fit for the next day.
Yesterday I had a long discussion with my boss... he is very sick and he likes to sell his shop sooner than the end of next year. You know... I like to buy the shop... Tomorrow I've a date with my bank, cause I need a lot of money for the shop and I've not such a lot of money so fast. I hope, the bank can help me with the money. Darling... I miss you so much, I need you beside me. And I miss my son Ricardo... hope he is well, too. I'm thinking, it is an adventure for him to be in China. Sunday I met a friend, she is talking italien very well . So I asked for a bit help.... to translate some lovely words to you. With this words I will close now, hoping to see you online soon. Every evening I'm waiting for you by 9:00 pm my time. Send a lot of kisses to you, give my regards to Ricardo please. I love you so much, you are always in my minds. Susann loves Stefano and Ricco...
Hope my italien words are right and i didn't change the words.
auch hier war mir Amor behilflich..
For my only love Stefano :
Ti amo perché non so qualcosa di altro,
Ti amo per mezzo di un imbroglio.
Ti amo come il sole ama il suo chiaro,
Ti amo perché tu sei il mio spirito vitale,
Ti amo perché è il mio destino di amarti.
I love you so much Darling
Dieses Gedicht ist aus dem Deutschen von F. Rückert, ich habe es allerdings gekürzt. Die Worte in deutsch:
Ich liebe dich weil ich nicht anders kann,
ich liebe dich durch einen Zauberbann.
Dich lieb ich wie die Sonne ihren Schein.
Dich lieb ich, weil du bist mein Lebenshauch,
dich lieb ich , weil dich lieben ist mein Sein.
Ich möchte testen ob Stefano wirklich italienisch spricht/versteht. Es ist eine kleine Falle eingebaut , mal sehen wie viel Italiener in ihm steckt
nochmals Dank an Amor!
ach der Liebe... gestern kein Chat... seufz..., heute eine Mail ( mal wieder abgeschrieben vermutlich)... mit Gedicht. Keine Reaktion auf meine italienischen Worte... menno...
Gesendet: Mi 19.11.08 10:32
Betreff: I Love You
I want to start off by telling you how madly, truly and deeply I am in love with you. I love you so very much, with all my heart and soul, always, forever and ever! Having you in my life is truly a blessing. You bring so much happiness into my life and so much love into my heart! I do not know if I tell you this enough but I want you to know it each and every day. And with every moment, my love for you grows stronger and deeper.
Angel, I never knew I would be this happy. But you know what... it is the greatest feeling in the world to be content and might I say, I am very, very content with you and only you. No one else can make me feel the way you make me feel. Your caress, your kiss online, your mails, your words, your understanding ways, your everything means the world to me and it can not and will not be replaced.
Fill my heart
With your love
A love with the aroma
Of honeysuckle.
Fill my eyes
With visions of you
A person whose every movement
Speaks of love
Fill my heart
With your joy
A joy unsurpassed
By anyone else
Fill me
With you.
You are my partner for life, my best friend, my lover, my soulmate, and I will love you forever and ever! warten wir es ab....
Love Forever,
Schnuckel, schicke ihm doch mal ne mail komplett in italienisch, allerdings füge jedem Wort einen unnötigen Buchstaben zu. Babelfish wird aufgrund des überzähligen Buchstaben keine Übersetzung hinkriegen, aber ein echter Italiener wird es dennoch verstehen.
Laut Header-Analyse kam die erste Mail aus USA, aber Stefano ist nun ja in China... Header der letzten Mail:
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Wed, 19 Nov 2008 01:32:42 -0800
Return-Path: stefanomaurizio50@hotmail.com
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From: Stefano Maurizio
Subject: I Love You
Date: Wed, 19 Nov 2008 09:32:42 +0000
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wie machen die Brüder das bloß , bin ja gespannt ob ich auch noch seine Handynummer mit chinesischer Vorwahl bekomme
Zitat von Schnuckel
Keine Reaktion auf meine italienischen Worte...
Mugu vult decipi. Ergo decipiatur! (frei nach Titio)
Beiträge: | 3.351 |
Registriert am: | 21.11.2007 |
würde ich gerne machen Coroner, aber ich kann kein italienisch.... Wie schon gesagt... Amor hat geholfen... und Babel-Fish habe ich versucht...das Kauderwelsch verstehe nicht mal ich...weder in englisch noch italienisch ...noch anschließend in deutsch. Schade... aber Amor sollte man auch nicht überbeanspruchen.
Mal sehen ob er was zu meinem angedeuteten, verfrühten Kauf der Apotheke was schreibt...(meine letzte Mail an ihn)
Zitat von schmuboZitat von Schnuckel
Keine Reaktion auf meine italienischen Worte...
Wozu auch? Ist es nicht ganz normal, dass eine Frau ihren Geliebten in dessen Landessprache anspricht?
Ich schlage vor: In Englisch wird jetzt nur noch gechattet. Mails gehen grundsätzlich auf Italienisch raus, um Stefano eine kleine Freude zu machen.Der Google-Übersetzer reicht allemal aus, weil Dein kleiner Italiener aus UK ja sowieso nur Bahnhof versteht.
[edit] Coroner war schneller. Und irgendwie ist sein Vorschlag auch ausgefeilter... [/edit]
Schnuckel, ichmeinte folgendes: Du schreibst erstmal in deutsch, dann übersetzt du das mittels Babelfish ins Italienische, dann fügst du jedem itealienischen Wort einen Buchstaben zu, an irgendeiner Stelle und schickst das Ganze ab.
Wenn er kein Italiener ist, kriegt er das nicht auf die Reihe/zurückübersetzt in seine Sprache. Wenn er doch Italiener ist, dann kann er den störenden Buchstaben überlesen, zumindest wird er das Babelfish-Gblubbere irgendwie verstehen.
Ein Beispiel: Die erste Zeile im gedicht lautet:
Ti amo perchè non so qualcosa di altro.
Google macht daraus:
Ich liebe dich, weil ich weiß nicht, alles andere.
Modifizierst Du Deine Eingabe ganz leicht, so dass da etwa steht:
Tiamo perchè nonso qual cosa di alto.
So wird daraus bei der Übersetzung:
TIAM nonso, weil die hohen.
Und daran wird Stefano doch ganz schön zu knacken haben.
Fehlende und überzählige Leerzeichen können so sinnentstellend sein...
Mugu vult decipi. Ergo decipiatur! (frei nach Titio)
Beiträge: | 3.351 |
Registriert am: | 21.11.2007 |
@ Coroner und schmubo
Danke ihr Lieben... ich habe es verstanden und euer Vorschlag ist super. Leider erst gerade gelesen, sorry.. Bin aber auch noch anderweitig beschäftigt, so dass ich es z.Zt. nicht immer schaffe täglich hier zu lesen .
Habe mit Stefano wieder gechattet (... wird noch gepostet), er ist bestimmt kein Italiener. Aber um ihn zu ärgern werde ich in Zukunft immer mal wieder ein paar meiner mails in italienisch schreiben
am späten Abend trafen wir uns im Messanger, ..... endlich mal wieder
20.11.2008 22:39:29 Stefano: Hi Sweetie
Susann: hello Darling
Stefano: How are you doing Darling? I miss you so much...how are you Dear .... I'm so happy am talking to you
I'm doing fine now but things has been so hard for me here in China
Susann:: o... why?
Stefano: Work is keeping me so busy and also I miss you so much .... I did ask for your number to try to call you or text you when ever I'm about to come online but you didn't email it to me .... why weil ich nicht wollte
Susann: cause I know the connection is very bad mostly
Stefano: Yes I know but Still can try
Susann: it doesn't make sence if the connection is so bad ....yes.. thats right
Stefano: I don't think is going to be bad Angel..So cos of that you don't want to give it to me? I can text right
Susann: yes...you can do .... did you got my mails?
Stefano: Ok Can I have it now? der Mann ist wie Darling... läßt nicht locker...
Stefano: Yes I did get your mails yesterday and did you send one today? ist das alles???... und deine einzige Sorge, ob du heute 'ne Mail erhalten hast? ..... Well I can see you don't want to give me your number right..No problem about it Darling
Susann: wait... I have to look... cause i don't know my number... never I phone myself ich weiß sie wirklich nicht...benutze mein Handy fast nie
Stefano: lol
Susann: 0049017110*****
Stefano: Thank you Angel... How is work going on and you mail me that you will be getting the shop very soon from your boss?
Susann: yes, cause he is cancer.... so he will sell it before the end of 2009
Stefano: Oh Ok and are you ready for that or you will need a help? Let me know when ever you need a help so that as soon as I'm done with my business deal here in China I will try to help you out with part payment ok
Susann: o... you are very kind....
Stefano: Thank you Angel
Susann: there is much to run... but I need time to think about this, mean to buy it and I'm not ready with my training... I've to think aboout hoe shall it go
Stefano: Oh Ok.. Thats so nice of you... Long term plan and thinking is good so you have to do that first ok ... Thats good and I wish am there to help you a lot with how to run a shop...lol ...I can't wait to be doing that for you wir werden sehen...
Susann: *smile... but I think, it has time til the beginning of next year
Stefano: Ok good.. By then I'm with you right
Susann: yes darling... I hope so
Stefano: Good... Today I really had a long day and busy day... I went around to get a cell phone for my self but you know all are inferior phones and is really not good at all .... I really don't know what to do Sweetheart nun wird es langsam interessant.... ... Do you mind checking on a cell phone at a nearest shop in your area for me?
Susann: but you gave your number to me .... were is your cell?
Stefano: Yes thats what I was using whiles I was in UK and I can't use it here in China .... I left it in UK before coming China Darling.. Blöd-mann
Susann: thats bad
Stefano: Yes Angel
Susann: but if you have no cell... how do you like to text me?
Stefano: I want to have your number so that as soon as I get a phone I will be texting you letting you know how much you really mean to me ...... Can you get that for me?
Susann: can look for one not before Saturday, sorry...
Stefano: Ok No problem Angel.... Do you need the type that I want?
Susann: yes sure. it will make it easier for me
Stefano: Ok.. I want... Iphone 3G or Sony Ericsson K850i ... I hope you understand it and can tell them that as soon as you get to the shop?
Susann: moment please... will notice it
Stefano: ok Angel
Susann: Darling.. will look for it Saturday, tomorrow there is no time
Stefano: Ok Angel.. No problem my darling one... I will be looking forward to hear from you and just let me know as soon as you get it ok Darling...
Susann: no problem, but how will you gtet it... you are not in German
Stefano: Yes I will get you my address here in China and you will send it through DHL/Fedex or Post Office
Susann: what is fedex..never heard it
Stefano: Yes is also a shipping carrier
Susann: okay, if i get one... you send your adress ...okay?
Stefano: Ok Darling... I Miss you so much.. Did you miss me? .... Did you get all my emails that I sent you? alle?? wohin hast du sie gesendet... nicht zu mir...
Susann: yes... and yes... but you didn't wrote today... I'm right?
Stefano: Yes I didn't you one today cos I was a little busy and also I was waiting to see one from you but you didn't right als Entschuldigung folgten Herzchen, Küsschen, Rose
Susann: Darling... hope my italien was right, so that you could understand what i ment
Stefano: Yes It was right and thanks so much.. You are really doing well with your italian words Darling..
Susann: thank you :) ......
Stefano: You are welcome Darling.. You know the time here.. nö...weiß ich nicht... 6am and I have not had enough sleep Sweetie.. so, so...warst wohl die ganze chatten....??? I really feel bad coming online late
Susann: you mean... you need your rest now? aha... Auftrag bekannt gegeben, danach kommt dann die Müdigkeit... mir ist es recht....
Stefano: Yes but if you still want to talk to me..I'm all yours Angel.. wie nett er doch ist...
I also miss you so terribly but my eyes are closing now and is realy bad China leads Germany like 8hrs different and is 6am here
Susann: okay... may be there is a possiblity by the weekend ...? then we both havent to work
Stefano: Yes and we will talk much tomorrow as I will be coming on early and also in the weekend too right ..... Yes Angel..I really miss you so much and I will be looking forward to more mails from you
Susann: the same here ...... I miss you so much
Stefano: You are really a darling
I miss you so much too..I will let you go now as you too have a busy day tomorrow with your boss .... Take good care of yourself Darling...Have a sound sleep....
Susann: ok... sleep well ... take care and don't forget me
Stefano: I will never forget you Darling
Susann: my regards to Ricardo
Stefano: You are always with me and I'm all yours Küsschen, Herzchen, Küsschen
Stefano: Ok Darling I will tell him..he will be celebrating his birthday on Saturday ... So we will talk about that ok .... I love you ....
Susann: o... then he is 12....I'm right?
Stefano: Yes and he said I should ask you what will u be having for me er meint wohl eher für seinen Sohn.... ..Thats what he told me today in the afternoon here ...... I will talk to you tomorrow Darling..
Later.... nicht schon wieder so spät
Susann: what time you are thinking?
Stefano: I said Ricardo told me in the afternoon that I should tell you about his bithday ..... We will talk much about it maybe tomorrow ok aha...may be..... Take care ... Love you .... Bye...
23:29:01 Susann: the same here... I love you... good night Dear ... und um welche Zeit treffen wir uns nun?
es wurde nach 22 Uhr... Italo-Mann immer noch nicht da.... , also gab es von mir eine offline message:
22:26:37 Susann: Hi Darling... I'm sorry, but my son phoned some minutes ago. He doesn't feel well, has fever and ask for my help. So I will look for him, think, he catch a cold. Don't know when I am back. Thinking it will be late... so it will be too late for chatting . Hope you are okay. Please, tell me what Ricardo needs for his birthday... will look for it tomorrow, also for your cell. Take care for yourself. I love you ... you are in my minds
nachts schrieb dann Stefano eine offline message zurück:
01:21:01 Ricardo: Hi Angel.... I Miss you so much Darling..I love you more than anything else in this world with all my heart and soul
ist das etwa alles???
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