er ist ja sooo bescheiden, ein i-phone würde ihm ja genügen
frag´ ihn doch mal warum sein Handy in China nicht geht, du sorgst dich, dass auch ein europäisches i-phone dort nicht geht.
...und frag´ ihn mal welcher GSM-Standard in China zur Verfügung steht, denn es könnte ja sein, dass die den amerikanischen GSM-Standard dort verwenden und ein european GSM-phone in China garnicht funzt.
Warum übrigens sollte ein Handy aus Deutschland dort funzen, wenn sein eigenes auch nicht funzt?
ausserdem sind die Chinesen Weltmeister im Clonen, ein geclontes i-phone kostet in Chine nur einen Bruchteil dessen was es hier kostet
am Vormittag versuchte er es noch einmal mit einer offline message. Aber zu der Zeit war ich in der Stadt, mußte mich doch um sein Handy kümmern
11:48:51 Stefano: Hello Darling
11:51:38 Stefano: Are you there my Darling one?
wie schon gesagt... ich war in der Stadt
@ Coroner
er hat es doch in UK gelassen.. er ist Italo-Engländer . Die gleiche Story hatte ich mit Darling William... es war ein Kampf ohne Ende. Die Handys in China sind soo schlechter Qualität, das weiß sogar ein Mugu
Damit mein Schatz ein schönes beginnendes Wochenende hat, schreib ich ihm mal ein paar liebe Worte...
sonst jammert er wieder
Datum : 22. November 2008 14:10
Betreff : I miss you
My Love
I miss you so much, feel so sad cause you don't send me mails. Hope you are okay and your business precedes, also Ricardo is well... I hope so. My son catch a cold with fever... he feel really sick, but next days he will be better so I'm thinking.
Will send poem to you, was reading this some time ago. I love you so much and I'm missing you more than I can find words for that.
Together you and I
can reach stars in the sky
Together you and I
can touch rainbows if we try
Together you and I
can make the moon smile
together you and I
make heaven seem like a mile
Together you and I
can make the rain fall
Because our love is special
and together we have it all
Hope we can meeet us today, cause it is Saturday and so I can be online a bit longer than in the week. All my love to you
Bevor nun alle suchen woher das Liebesgedicht stammt... ich habe es von einer e'card kopiert
Ich hatte Sehnsucht nach meinem Stefano, aber es sollte wohl nicht sein , deshalb eine offline message:
23.11.2008 00:37:36 Susann: Hi Darling it seemed... we shall not meet here ..... now i come online so late, but you are not there , the distance is a problem for us, really..... please... give me a time we can meet... I am missing you so much ...... but if it possible... not so late in the evening, cause I have to work and it is a lot to do ....... or in the afternoon on Sunday... I will check the messenger in the morning again ..... Darling... were are you????? ........ I love you so much....
ich war noch ein wenig auf Abwegen und hatte vergessen mich bei meinem Messi abzumelden. Und siehe da.... mein Stefano erschien
01:14:16 Stefano: I'm here Anel ... Sorry I was asleep and left the messenger on
Susann: okay Darling, I'm so happy to see you
Stefano: I love you so much Angel ....... Me too and I just woke up from my sleep and I was dreaming about you and it was like making love to you
Susann: don't tell lies in the early morning
Stefano: I'm serious Darling ..... I love you so much... How was your day my Darling
Susann: I'm happy ... it is weekend, and now you are there
Stefano: Yes and I can't wait the day that we are going to joing out lifes together and is going to be soon right
How did you spend your saturday?
Susann: I hope so .... made housework, was shopping .... was learning
Stefano: Oh...I see
Susann: you see... what? .... and wrote a letter to a friend
Stefano: Did you find the cell phone and also I came on in the afternoon your time to see if you are online to tell you what Ricardo wants for his birthday .... Well were you able to find the phone?
Susann: able.. yes and no
Stefano: Darling I'm little bit confuse as there is yes and no dass meine Männer immer so schnell "confuse" werden....
Susann: but they have to order the cell .... and do you know... they told me you can't use it in China
Stefano: How? I can use it in China and can use it where ever I'm ok das fand er aber gar nicht lustig..
Susann: that's what the people told me ..... and I have to make contract
Stefano: You shouldn't have listen to them ok..I can use it every where ok... du musst es selber wissen.... .... What contract Darling?
Susann: a contract to get this cell
which of them you want... Iphone the other one? welche Marke war das gleich???
Stefano: I want the Iphone Darling
Susann: okay... Monday i will go again and tell them they shall order it
Stefano: Ok Darling.. I hope if they order it is not going to take long right
Susann: I don't think so... some days it will need
Stefano: Ok and you should let them know you need it urgent right klar... Bestellung per Eilboten
Do you want to know what your lovely Ricardo wants? seufz... ich ahne es schon
Susann: yes Sir... ... yes.. please .....
Stefano: He said he wants a video game system.. Do you know where you can get Xbox 360 or Sony Playstation video game system?
Susann: no... not really... have to ask for this .... my son is to old for such things,, so I don't know such a lot about this
Stefano: lol.. You can find that any electronics shop or toys shop
Susann: there is nothing to laugh... I will look for it .... it's long time ago my son was so little
Stefano: Ok Darling.. You just out a big smike on my face and your sexy smile in your picture is so lovely
Susann: thank you... you are charming
Stefano: You are welcome Angel
Susann: how did you celebrate his birthday?
Stefano: I took him out for dinner here in China and it was so lovely but he said it will be so wonderful and lovely to have a gift from you .....Cos he loves and always talk about you
Susann: o... that is really nice to read something like this
Stefano: Yes and he every seconds of the day talks about you cos he loves you and can't wait to meet you
Susann: hope we meet soon... all together
Stefano: Yes very soon in the christmas to spend it together and explore the world... You are all that I want and need in this world ...... I want you more than anything and I love you so much with all my heart and soul...
Susann: Darling... hope you are ready with work in China at Christmas dass mir da bloß nichts zwischen kommt!!!!
Stefano: Yes I will get done with my work fast so that I will come spend the Christmas with you and also spend the rest of my life with you ..... I love you so much Darling and I wish am there now kissing the whole part of your sexy body
Susann: cant wait for this
Stefano: Holding you so tight,kissing your neck,making hot passionate love with you and I will let you cum
Susann: and Ricardo... what shall we make with him.. if we make love?
Stefano: He will be in his room playing his game and reading whiles we busy making love ok ....
Susann: and in his ears we take a bone? dann hat er Bohnen in die Ohrn, Bohnen in die Ohrn....
Stefano: Yes Darling.. He will even fall asleep Darlinf ..Darling
Susann: *smile....
Stefano: Love you..I want you and I want to taste you Darling
Susann: then come here
Stefano: I have a strong desire for you..I'm even naked on my bed as I just woke up and I need you..
I will come for you ok.. You are so sweet and sexy..
Susann: Darling... what do you tell me now? I'm happy nobody can read it and can see it
Stefano: Good... Yes you are right and I agree with you Darling ..... I want you so much in my life and want to feel you to show you the love I have for you in this world...
Susann: it's not easy to wait for you
Stefano: I know but I'm all yours and you will soon have me for the rest of your life ok Darling
... und es folgte noch eine längere Zeit erotisches Geplaudere.... wegen Jugendschutz nicht gepostet
Stefano: So what are you doing now?
Susann: I'm a bit tired and in my heart i feel a bit lonely, but I know there is someone that loves me
Stefano: Yes I loves you more than anything in this world and loves you more than life itself
Stefano: I want you next to me feeling your warm arms in the cold weather
Susann: now in the moment I need your warm arms here, cause I'm freezing a bit.. it's 2:22 am here
Stefano: Oh my God..I wish am there with you holding you so tight in my arms and I love you more than anything in this world and going to make you the happiest woman in bed ok ..... I'm going to make you feel good Darling
Susann: a cool woman and a hot man... is this good?
Stefano: Yes and you are cool,good and hot too
I love your smiles... and can't wait to kiss your sexy lips...
..... und weitere 20 Minuten Erotik
Susann: please darling... let me dream about you now..... I'm really tired by this time. Thank you my love... will find out what you like... my body is yours
Stefano: Ok Angel...I will let you go now get some sleep ok..Dream about me and I will look forward talking to you later in the day ok ..... And will send you an email too ok..I love you ..... Take good care of yourself for me and have a sound sleep.. ..... Sleep tight..Good night .... You have really made my day Sweetie
Susann: all my love to you now... take care about youself, cause i need your love
and now... I will dream about you and your love
Stefano: I need yours too and my love is all yours ok
Susann: okay... bye for now... I love you Stefano ....... I embrace you ..... you are in my minds... take care... bye noe my love
Stefano: I love you too Susanne ...... I'm with you taking care of you ok..No worries my Angel..I love you so much..
Susann: thank you my love
Stefano: Go now to get some sleep ok..Dream about me .... I love you more
02:55:03 Susann: i will do... good night my love
@ Coroner....
I hope their is no "a pain in the arse" ... nach dem Lesen
Stefano hatte mit eine Mail zugesagt....
Darum: Sonntag, 23. November 2008 09:04
Betreff: I Love You,Susanne
I truly, truly love you, my Susanne.
Come to think of it, I found in you that very soul who would tip me off my balance and fill my world with so much love, passion, eagerness and longing that no one else could ever give.
You made my life beautiful, Susanne. You brighten my everyday. You're my very sunshine. You definitely captured my heart and I want the entire world to know that I am yours.
You mean the world to me, my baby. I love you oh so much.
With all my heart,
Wieso eigentlich SusannE ??? Hat er auch noch eine SusannE? Oder benutzt er eine Lovemachine, wo der englische Name Susann in deutsche Susanne getauscht wird?
wir zwei Verliebten trafen uns heute Nachmittag nochmals im Chat... jedoch hat mein Stefano vorher schon drei mal versucht mit mir Kontakt aufzunehmen.
11:26:14 Stefano: Honey...I miss you
12:38:49 Stefano: I'm here Angel...
13:14:39 Stefano: Are you there Angel?
ich wußte er war online... aber erst tat sich nichts...
14:08:56 Susann: Darling... are you there?
Stefano: Yes I'm here Angel....
Susann: How are you my Love?
Stefano: I'm doing great Angel... and how about you too.. I came on long waiting for you and you just came on late nun... wir hatten 14 Uhr gesagt... wenn du vorher da warst, sicher nicht wegen mir
Susann: the same here... slept so wonderful... with a dream about you
Stefano: Really..Tell me about the dreams Angel.... I love you so much Angel....
Susann: first we were walking along a beach .... looking the sunrise
Stefano: Wow..Thats a wonderful dreams... I can't wait to do that with you and is going to come to past right
Susann: were talking and kissing..... yes ... it was very nice to dream about you
Stefano: Wow and also making hot passionate love right ...... I love you so much Angel
okay.. ich erzählte noch ein wenig von meinem heißen Traum....
Susann: okay... what is Ricardo doing... he is well? Versuch Thema zu wechseln..
Stefano: A kiss on your sweet lips and neck
Susann: you can't stop loving me...*smile
Stefano: Ricardo is siting there quiet alone having nothing to play with thats why I will be very happy if you get him the game system to keep him busy all the time ach der Arme... so langweilig für den Jungen....
und ich versprach abermals mich schnellstens um das gewünschte Geburtstagsgeschenk zu kümmern
Susann: tell me a bit about China... about the people ..... do you like this country? neuer Versuch das Thema zu wechseln...
Stefano: China is really an historical country with a lot of history around the country... I like the country because the system of living is very cheap .... Everything is cheap here ach... und warum soll ich dann das teure Zeug besorgen ??? But the people find it so hard to understand you cos they do not speak english much only few understand english ...... They are friendly but some of them are fast heart tempared
Susann: about language... you like to learn it, you told me ..... have you seen anything about history?
Stefano: Yes I do understand some of their language schlaues Kerlchen mein Stefano Not yet..I will be going to The Great Wall of China in beijing as soon as am done with my business ok .... I'm busy now Angel...
Susann: ok , than i won't disturb you ...... I love you with all of my heart ...... take care and thank you for the lovely Mail offensichtlich hatte ich ihn falsch verstanden...
Stefano: I'm mean I'm busy now days so I can't go to see historic places in China ...... Until I'm done with everything ok ..... lol..I'm here now for you...It seems you didn't understand lol .....
Susann: yes, I missunderstood
Stefano: lol...Ok Angel.. You know understand right Angel... I love you so much Darling..
Susann: and your business... is it going on forward?
Stefano: Oh small small Darling..I'm managing and it will go on well...
Susann: that is the main thing
.... und wir unterhielten uns noch über China... Kulturmöglichkeiten, usw., und dass wir zusammen China besuchen wollen
Susann: what is your plan for today?
Stefano: The day is almost over as is in the evening here... My plan is I will be sleeping,do a lot thinking about you and dream about us making love together
Susann: you need a lot of love , .... you like it every day? na ja..... was ein richtiger Italo-Mann ist....
Stefano: Yes and I will give you love every seconds of everyday and I will never get tired of that ok
Susann: you are the best ..... tell me... what do you dislike? nur nicht schon wieder über Liebe reden....
Stefano: What I dislike in my life is disappointment,lies and anger.... klaro... vor allem disapointment..... , wenn das nur gut geht mit uns...o, o...
Susann: but sometimes disapointments happened... lies are very bad and nobody likes anger
Stefano: Yes you are right and I agree with you
Susann: but in life.. all these things happened schon mal eine kleine Vorwarnung von mir
Stefano: Yes and if disappointment happens should have a way to make the person happy again Angel...
Susann: ok, lies shouldn't be .....ganz genau!... yes... the way to come out of disapiontment is talk about it
Stefano: Yes no lies and I have never lied before but if am going to lie is going to be in a ja... ich finde es auch lustig mit dir zu chatten
Susann: Can you do?
Stefano: I will joke for you in person But there will be a lot of lies in my wer zuletzt lacht lacht am Besten heißt es....
Susann: hmmm.... what shall i think about it now ... but what I ment is...can you talk about problems
Stefano: Yes I can talk about problems and I'm good at solving peoples problem but not good at doing
Susann: o... but i will listen to your problems... and I'm sure we find a way to come out
..of the problems
Stefano: Yes of course as there is a solution to any problem in this world right..
ich fragte weiter über seine Vorlieben, oder auch nicht. Wir kamen auf das Thema Essen zu sprechen und unterhielten uns über Süßkartoffeln
Stefano: What are your plans for today angel?
Susann: looking to the watch.... I promised Tim to look for him... you know, he is sick
Stefano: When are you going for the shopping? I have found a phone too that has the same function with Iphone incase you find it hard getting the Iphone.. U can get this for me... HP iPaq 200 Series noch nie was von gehört... ach... ich kenn mich eh nicht mit den Dingern aus Yes pls send my regards to him and wish him speedily recovery for me ok ...... I love him so much and can't wait to meet him too gewiss doch... wenn ich dein Kind liebe hast du gefälligst auch mein Kind zu mögen
Susann: thank you... will tell him about your regards
Stefano: Ok Darling..Thank you so much ..... I hope you can find that one too right..Tomorrow right? soll das heißen er will zwei von den Dingern?? Nix da... lieber nicht nachfragen...
Susann: Yes... hope to find a bit time to go into the city ..... may be i take my lunch time
Stefano: Ok Angel.. Try your best for me ok
Susann: ever Darling
Stefano: And also remember Ricardo's game system ok NERVENSÄGE
Susann: okay... thinking... we should find an end...cause tim is waiting for me
Promised to bring a bit to eat for my baby ...... yes... I will look for this
Stefano: Ok Angel ..... I will let you go now and I will expect a mail from you ist er nicht nett... und so bescheiden...
Susann: will think about some words by the way coming home
Stefano: Ok Angel.. You are so sweetie.. ...... I love you so much
Susann: ok my love ... I embrace you, kiss you , and will not let you out of my minds
Stefano: Take good care of yourself for me.. Have a wonderful day with Tim... A lot of kisses to u ..... A big hug
Susann: Susann hat das Animoticon "Kuss" gesendet
Stefano: Later...Bye irgendwie hat er es auf einmal sehr eilig... ... I'm going to sleep
Susann: sleep sound my love ...... dream about me and my regards to Ricco
Stefano: Ok I will
15:17:28 Susann: bye my Love
Schnuckel, wie ist es weitergegangen? Das Liebesgeflüster hat was . Meine Mugus sind immer so zurückhaltend. Sind die Geschenke für Ricardo schon unterwegs?
Illusionen regieren die Welt. Die jeweils größere Illusion gewinnt das Spiel.
Beiträge: | 4.410 |
Registriert am: | 29.05.2008 |
@ Dana
nun ja, ich versuche meine Liebhaber etwas auf Mails umzustimmen, da sie immer erst zu Mitternacht im Messi erscheinen. Bin zur Zeit arbeitsmäßig etwas unter Stress, da kann ich nicht die halbe Nacht chatten. Aber mit Mails schreiben tun sie sich etwas schwer...Trotzdem versuche ich Kontakt zu halten... (Tuschel: ich habe da nämlich noch einen Ami, chaaaarrrmant.. )
Stefano versucht weiterhin mich im Messi zu erreichen. Leider kommt er zu Zeiten wo ich entweder arbeite oder so spät dass es mir zum chatten zu spät wird...
24.11.2008 17:20:56 Stefano: I Miss u so much Angel
24.11.2008 23:23:02 Stefano: darling
25.11.2008 22:46:04 Stefano: Hi There
Stefano: Are u thee
Stefano: there
26.11.2008 19:55:43 Stefano: Hi Darling
da habe ich ihn wirklich verpasst am 26.11.....
am 27.11.2008 war Stefano nicht anwesend....
am 28.11.2008 versuchte mein kleiner Italiener es erneut im Messi:
28.11.2008 22:39:29 Stefano: Where have you been Darling
Stefano: No mail no offline messages da hat er leider recht... werde ihm schreiben...
Stefano: I miss u so much
menno... warum kommst du auch immer so spät... und unsere Chats dauern immer 2-3 Stunden...
okay... hab' ein schlechtes Gewissen, also....
Datum: Samstag, 29. November 2008 23:31
An: My Love
Betreff: My Love
Stefano my Love
sorry for no sending a message to you. Hope you are well and all is okay. Last days I was very busy so I wasn't online... only for checking my mails. I nevertheless take care of you and I still more miss you.
I have tried in several shops to get your desired things immediately, but in pre- Chrismas time it isn't easy. I live in a little town, it is the same every year if a little special you need it must be ordered. The stuff for Ricardo I can get Monday or Tuesday, your Iphone is there. Had a lot trouble with the seller... he told me I can get it only with a contract. The Iphone I can buy only by telecom, but only with a contract. Also he told me you cannot use it in another country than Germany. The free wiring is connected with the contract and is only valid in Germany for Iphone. He told me that this is preferred by Apple. I told him the Iphone is needed very soon, but the end of the story is the same. The seller told me it would be better you try to get one in China. What is so special by this Iphone that it makes such a lot of problems? Another problem is the free wiring... it does go only by telecom. All mobile phones need Telecom for the free wiring at long last. Telecom has the monopole for this in Germany.. This are only half good news... I know.
You are still in my minds and I'm still thinking about you... I permanently think to you as you are ... what make your deals whether everything goes after your performances. I'm missing you so much.... that one i love is so far away...
Tomorrow, Sunday, I will be online in the afternoon....may be 3:00pm , my time. Hope it isn't to late for you to spend time to me by chatting.. I love you so much ....I love you so much even if you don't like to believe this.
I hug you, kiss you tenderly and whisper into your ear: I LOVE YOU
Please say hello to Ricardo from me and I look forward .... knowing you are with me soon.
I send all my love to you with this mail
leider keine Reaktion von meinem Stefano, also nochmals eine Mail von mir....
Datum: Sonntag, 30. November 2008 23:19
Betreff: My Love
My Love Stefano
how are you my love? Hope all is alright with you Darling. Was online in the afternoon and waiting for you, but it seemed it was the wrong time... you are sleeping... or you didn't read my mail. How ever... will be online tomorrow (Monday) for a while at 8:00 pm my time. I'm missing you although you don't believe, you are still in my minds. Was reading this words some time ago:
Sending you my love
with words spoken true
From the depths of my heart
I send them to you
Like petals of a rose
is the touch of your face
I can feel it every time
we're wrapped in embrace
The taste of your lips
is like sweet dripping honey
Feels like butterflies swirl in'
inside of my tummy
The warmth of your touch
is like a torch of fire
The tingling inside
makes me burn with desire
So I just wanna say
my love for you is true
Along with these words
I wanna say "I Love You"
All my love to you by this way
okay... das Gedicht habe ich von meinem neuen Liebhaber kopiert. Wollte aber auch nicht stundenlang nach was passendem suchen
1.Dezember 2008
Stefano hat entweder eine andere Geliebte gefunden oder er stellt sich stur. Habe erneut auf ihn gewartet im Messi, er kam aber nicht... . Deshalb hinterließ ich ihm eine offline message...
01.12.2008 22:54:57 Susann : hello Darling... was waiting again.... but you're not on. If you wo'nt ... da hatte ich die angefangene Nachricht zu schnell abgeschickt...
Susann: o
Susann : If you don't like chatting with me... okay, I can't change.
Susann: Feel sad.... cos tomorrow I'm not there. Wednesday I'm back. Hope you are okay.... Love greetings by this way
... nun ... da wäre ich schon..., aber ich hätte da eine Verabredung zum chatten.
Mein kleiner Italomann meldet sich per offline message
03.12.2008 09:00:49 Stefano: Hi Sweetheart... I miss you so much and you are all that I want and need in this world..
I will be on later today ok... How are you doing and I hope you got my txt message nein... bekam keine txt message
21:46:46 Stefano: Hello Darling... Are you there Angel.. war da aber leider anderweitig beschäftigt
Stefano wartet auf mich im Messi, aber ich war an diesem Abend auf einer Weihnachtsfeier. Pech für ihn.... Zu Mitternacht vom 3. auf den 4. 12. versuchte er schon einmal mich zu erreichen
04.12.2008 00:05:27 Stefano: Where are you Honey.......
04.12.2008 18:40:49 Stefano: Hi Darling..I miss you so much
I will be back online ok.... Do wait for me when ever you come ok klaro...
04.12.2008 21:09:02 Stefano: Hi Angel.. Are you there leider heute wieder nicht
auch am nächsten Tag versuchte er sein Glück .....
05.12.2008 20:59:05 Stefano: Hi Sweetheart.......
so langsam muss ich aufpassen dass ich es mit meinem Stefano nicht verderbe... Er wartet schließlich auf sein Handy und die Video-Spiele für seinen Sohn. Deshalb schicke ich ihm eine Mail
Von: Susann
Betreff: My Dear
Gesendet: Fr 05.12.08 23:17
Hello Stefano
how are you... hope you and Ricardo are in good health. Was reading your mail yesterday very late, cos I wasn't at home in the evening. I'm sorry you were waiting for me, but i cannot remember i gave the information I'm online Wednesday. If iI did... I beg you pardon, but I knew I'm not on that evening. I told you I'm online Monday and that evening I was waiting. How ever... we didn't meet. Also I'm astonished you send mail ? The last mails I got this one from you was on November 19th and currently on December 3rd. Between this time no mail arrived here. Okay... your stuffs are there. Please, I need the adress to send them to you.. Also I'm thinking about a way we can meet online, a way it will be okay for both of us. Last time I'm very very busy, I'm working between 10 and 12 hours a day, also I've to learn. Feel so tired, but also I'm missing you. Therefore I have considered whether we can meet every two or three evenings at 8:00pm or 9:00 pm . Please, think about it. It's not possible to be online every evening, my time is running so fast and I need time for learning. Perhaps you think I would have forgotten you, this, however, isn't correct. How I can somebody this one has got my heart forgotten? Every day , night, second I'm thinking about you. I miss you a lot, I'm waiting for you, your kisses, your arms around my waist, somebody with whom I can speak. Not one second you are out of my mind...
Tomorrow my sister is here, so I'm not on, but Sunday she is going home. Is it possible to chat a while Sunday .. 3:00 pm my time, this is 9:00 pm your time if I am not mistaken. Please my Love... send a mail and answer me. Or give another time to me. Also I need the adress to send the stuffs. Darling... I need you, miss you so much. Hope you will be here very soon, can't wait to be in your arms.
I love you so much. Please, give my regards to Ricardo, tell him, he is in my minds too.
My Love now I will end this mail. Take care about yourself and know this.... I LOVE YOU SO MUCH !!!!
Antwort kam zu Nikolaus... mit Adresse wohin ich ihm seine Sachen schicken soll....
Von: Stefano>
Datum: Samstag, 6. Dezember 2008 18:28
Betreff: I Miss You....
Dearest Sussan,
Just as a poet needs inspiration to write a masterpiece...
I need you
Just as an artist needs a subject for his work of art...
I need you
Just as a teacher needs a pupil to mold into greatness...
I need you
Just as a composer needs a theme to create a timeless melody...
I need you kann er nicht schön (ab)schreiben?
For without you Sussan, my life would be empty of all inspiration. There will be no work of art for me to gaze at - no person of greatness before me - no timeless melody to listen to. My life will exist in shades of gray instead of vibrant colors, and I will be less than whole.
In the past, the proper words have escaped me, and my innermost feelings have been kept locked away in the depths of my heart. No more - for through this letter, I proclaim to you, Sussan, my undying love and eternal devotion.Sweet do let me know your schedules the time to be meeting you online and I will be on ok.. I will be on tomorrow evening 9pm my time ok..
Sweetheart here is the address... I will be putting my Agent's name on it ok but my phone number on it so that when it arrives here they will call me and my Agent will go for it ok.. Do send it via Express Mail services at the post office or DHL ok.. Tell them you want the fastest delivery ok. das könnte dir so passen.... der schnellste Weg kostet über 300 €uro für ein Paket bis 1kg
Name: A Bari Yakubi.....
ADDRESS: 1802, Jiang Dong Zhong Lu 1#
Gulou District,Nanjing,210036
Phone number. +8615150500821
I love you forever
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