Eigentlich sollte die Werbeunterbrechung bis morgen früh dauern, weil ich hundemüde bin. Aber ich habe es mir überlegt. Dafür lasse ich aber alles unkommentiert.
David Franklin (28.01.2009 23:09:12): I am not man you think that i am honey and i'm not the pics you're seeing on your display image..I am different person entirely.
dana_wahr (28.01.2009 23:09:33): I know dear.....
dana_wahr (28.01.2009 23:10:22): but I didn't feel in love to the man of the pic....
dana_wahr (28.01.2009 23:10:33): at the pic
dana_wahr (28.01.2009 23:10:46): on the pic
dana_wahr (28.01.2009 23:10:56): sorry...my bad english
David Franklin (28.01.2009 23:11:10): okay..
David Franklin (28.01.2009 23:11:38): I am not an American neither.
dana_wahr (28.01.2009 23:12:02): yes...I guess you are a black nigerian
David Franklin (28.01.2009 23:12:29): Yes Dana.
dana_wahr (28.01.2009 23:14:34): yes....sorry, but I felt in love for your soul not in the pic or the citizenship or the skin color....i felt for your soul....and later for your voice
David Franklin (28.01.2009 23:15:10): I am really sorry for lieing to you
dana_wahr (28.01.2009 23:15:49): It doesn't matter because I knew it before I contacted you....
dana_wahr (28.01.2009 23:16:17): But I wanted to know how it is to write with you and to chat with you
dana_wahr (28.01.2009 23:18:00): and it was wonderful *smile* thank you for that
dana_wahr (28.01.2009 23:22:12): It is the true that I never will forget you
dana_wahr (28.01.2009 23:25:24): are you there?
dana_wahr (28.01.2009 23:25:51): David? Are you there?
David Franklin (28.01.2009 23:26:03): Yes,i am here.
David Franklin (28.01.2009 23:26:35): My real name is not David..My name is Michael
dana_wahr (28.01.2009 23:26:58): oh....*smile*
dana_wahr (28.01.2009 23:27:09): Michael.....
David Franklin (28.01.2009 23:27:19): yes..
dana_wahr (28.01.2009 23:27:25):
dana_wahr (28.01.2009 23:27:53): that is not a nigerian first name...
dana_wahr (28.01.2009 23:28:13): it is a nice name....
David Franklin (28.01.2009 23:28:23): That's my real name.
dana_wahr (28.01.2009 23:28:39): yes, I believe that
David Franklin (28.01.2009 23:29:31): How old are you really?
dana_wahr (28.01.2009 23:29:47): I am really 40 years old. That was true....
dana_wahr (28.01.2009 23:30:25): Michael....I found the same story you told and the scammers name was Michael Smith....
David Franklin (28.01.2009 23:31:06): ok
David Franklin (28.01.2009 23:31:32): how do you found out that?
dana_wahr (28.01.2009 23:31:54): I researched one year in the internet....
David Franklin (28.01.2009 23:33:18): so what makes you to searched that,and what basically pushed you to chat with me,since you know that i'm not the real person?
dana_wahr (28.01.2009 23:35:35): one year ago I surfed through the internet. I found a story of a woman who has been scammed. I read her story....and the more I read I was .... I don't know how to explain in english.....I was electrifies of you
dana_wahr (28.01.2009 23:36:09): That didn't let me go
dana_wahr (28.01.2009 23:36:21): I wanted to know you better
dana_wahr (28.01.2009 23:36:35): I wanted to be nearby you....
dana_wahr (28.01.2009 23:36:46): yes and I know it is crazy
David Franklin (28.01.2009 23:37:12): I don't believe you Dana,i feel within my heart that you are trying to set me up..
David Franklin (28.01.2009 23:37:45): and that's the truth.
dana_wahr (28.01.2009 23:37:51): hmmmmm. yes, I understand that
dana_wahr (28.01.2009 23:40:09): and I don't know how to prove what I said.
dana_wahr (28.01.2009 23:42:05): David....I have to go to bed. And I don't know if you will ever talk with me again
David Franklin (28.01.2009 23:42:06): Yes..
David Franklin (28.01.2009 23:42:28): i just need to believe you.
David Franklin (28.01.2009 23:42:52): To be sincere with you,i am just a young man..
dana_wahr (28.01.2009 23:43:12): how young?
David Franklin (28.01.2009 23:43:49): I'm just 25 and i'll be clocking 26 during the year.
David Franklin (28.01.2009 23:44:09): I think it won't be possible for you.
dana_wahr (28.01.2009 23:45:00): very young.....I guess it is not possible for YOU. *smile* For you I am an oldie *lol
David Franklin (28.01.2009 23:45:29): lol
dana_wahr (28.01.2009 23:45:42):
dana_wahr (28.01.2009 23:46:13): I really need to go now.....it is late for me. And I mustn't tired tomorrow
dana_wahr (28.01.2009 23:46:30): *be
David Franklin (28.01.2009 23:46:50): Gute Nacht
David Franklin (28.01.2009 23:46:56): sweet dreams
dana_wahr (28.01.2009 23:47:27): Gute Nacht David. Dir auch gute und suesse Traeume...ich mag dich.
dana_wahr (28.01.2009 23:48:11): Hope to see you online again, dear
Illusionen regieren die Welt. Die jeweils größere Illusion gewinnt das Spiel.
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Registriert am: | 29.05.2008 |
Danke Dana,
schade dass du ihn nicht auf cam bannen konntest..
und du warst ja richtig lieb zu ihm vielleicht gibts ja eine Fortsetzung????
Ja, mal sehen, noch geb ich nicht auf. Er ist ziemlich vorsichtig. Wenn ich mit der Tür ins Haus falle, dann macht er dicht.
Mit dem Namen Michael Smith ist er wesentlich bekannter und hat schon früher ordentlich geräubert und wohl auch als Shawn Coles.
Illusionen regieren die Welt. Die jeweils größere Illusion gewinnt das Spiel.
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Registriert am: | 29.05.2008 |
Es scheint eine Fortsetzung zu geben. Aber es ist nicht nennenswert im Moment. Wir haben uns heute übers Wetter, über Kindererziehung, über meinen Job in meinem Laden, etc. unterhalten. Er wollte unbedingt ein echtes Bild von mir haben und er wollte mir seins schicken. Aber ich habe abgelehnt. Er war leicht irritiert. Aber das macht nix. Ich denke, das Bild von ihm wäre sowieso nicht echt gewesen. Ich werde mich ein paar Tage mit ihm über Nichtigkeiten unterhalten. Mal sehen, ob ich ihn einlullen kann.
Vielleicht krieg ich ihn ja noch auf Cam... Hat jemand 'ne Perücke für mich? Aber nicht eine von Oma mit Dauerwelle, sondern etwas Vernünftiges. Er wird sicher nur auf Cam gehen, wenn auch ich auf Cam gehe.
Illusionen regieren die Welt. Die jeweils größere Illusion gewinnt das Spiel.
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Registriert am: | 29.05.2008 |
Ich könnte mich selbst - aber nun läßt es sich nicht mehr ändern. Ich hatte beim Chatten an meiner Cam-Software rumgespielt, mit verschiedenen Verzerrungen und imaginären Masken etc. Dabei muss ich ihn versehentlich eingeladen haben. Er hat mich gesehen, zwar nicht lange, aber für ein paar Screenshots könnte es gereicht haben bis ich es bemerkt hatte und sofort die Übertragung abbrach.
dana_wahr (30.01.2009 22:08:33): I don't know what to tell now *lol* I am not sure if you are interested in that what I tell you
David Franklin (30.01.2009 22:09:52): I am definitely interested in what you have told me.
David Franklin (30.01.2009 22:10:05): so what makes you think that i wasn't interested?
dana_wahr (30.01.2009 22:11:35): I don't know....maybe because you are not sure about me
David Franklin (30.01.2009 22:13:11): Maybe that's what you think and feels with your mind.Am i right?
David Franklin (30.01.2009 22:14:38): It's your conscience that's bothering you,if you understand what i'm referring to
dana_wahr (30.01.2009 22:15:23): no dear. Why should my conscience bothering me?
David Franklin (30.01.2009 22:15:43): i don't know Dana.
dana_wahr (30.01.2009 22:16:16): my conscience is pure
David Franklin (30.01.2009 22:16:37): okay Dana
dana_wahr (30.01.2009 22:17:08): I have nothing to hide
Ich musste wirklich meinen Ärger unterdrücken, als mir das Malheur passiert ist. Er sparte aber nicht an Komplimenten.
David Franklin (30.01.2009 22:28:16): you look really beautiful..
dana_wahr (30.01.2009 22:28:23): thank you
David Franklin (30.01.2009 22:28:30): to be sincere with you.
David Franklin (30.01.2009 22:28:47): it's not a compliment,but a real fact..
dana_wahr (30.01.2009 22:28:54): thanks....
David Franklin (30.01.2009 22:29:05): you are welcome Dana.
dana_wahr (30.01.2009 22:31:54): I hope to see you on cam too
David Franklin (30.01.2009 22:32:05): sure,i promise you. But to be honest and truthful with you,i don't have one here now
Na, ob das wohl noch was wird?
David Franklin (30.01.2009 22:32:49): You said something about that you weren't sure about me?
David Franklin (30.01.2009 22:33:02): Is it because,of you haven't seen me on cam?
dana_wahr (30.01.2009 22:33:54): I am not sure how all will going on. I am sure that I like you very much. But I am not sure if you are honest with me
David Franklin (30.01.2009 22:34:52): I know Dana..
David Franklin (30.01.2009 22:35:29): Can you please tell me what you want from me,in other for me to be honest with you?
dana_wahr (30.01.2009 22:37:35): the whole last year I felt enamored to you....*smile* and now I am here with you and now I don't know anymore what I want....
David Franklin (30.01.2009 22:38:55): what do you mean by been enamored with me?
dana_wahr (30.01.2009 22:39:48): hmm...don't know the word...my dictionary tells me it is the right word *lol
dana_wahr (30.01.2009 22:40:25): I was fascinated
David Franklin (30.01.2009 22:40:32): so what do you want from me?Since i have told you who i am and again,i'm quite younger..
David Franklin (30.01.2009 22:41:13): Soon,you will get to know me more,my life and my family..
dana_wahr (30.01.2009 22:41:22): yes, you told me that....
dana_wahr (30.01.2009 22:41:47): but everyone tells me the age is not important....
David Franklin (30.01.2009 22:43:49): Yes,you are right about that Dana
dana_wahr (30.01.2009 22:43:54): But I guess the problem is not if someone is very young related to the other one....the problem is if someone is older realted to the other one....sorry, I cannot explain it better in english. I guess you will have the problem that I am so old *lol
David Franklin (30.01.2009 22:44:47): Age doesn't matter in falling in love with someone,i have heard alot..
David Franklin (30.01.2009 22:45:24): You are not that old Dana..
David Franklin (30.01.2009 22:45:47): you look pretty beautiful,sexy and younger in spirit.
dana_wahr (30.01.2009 22:45:57): thanks dear...
David Franklin (30.01.2009 22:46:40): that's the truth...
Und so weiter. Und zuletzt kam noch ein "Ich liebe Dich" auf deutsch von ihm. Hat jemand mitgezählt? Wie oft bin ich schon verlobt? Ich glaube, die nächste folgt bald. Irgendwann muss ich ihm erzählen, dass das, was er auf Cam gesehen hat nur Fake und eingespielt war. Ich sehen nämlich aus wie Cindy! Und das stimmt wirklich.
Illusionen regieren die Welt. Die jeweils größere Illusion gewinnt das Spiel.
Beiträge: | 4.410 |
Registriert am: | 29.05.2008 |
MfG - Scambaiter
> Horas non numero nisi serenas <
HP: http://scambaiter.info
Beiträge: | 11.564 |
Registriert am: | 01.01.2006 |
Scambaiter! Warum lachst Du? Du wirst Dich doch etwa nicht über mein Äußeres lustig machen????
Ich bin eine Schönheit und mein Puschen sind Designer-Puschen! Echte Dana Wahr Kollektion.
Illusionen regieren die Welt. Die jeweils größere Illusion gewinnt das Spiel.
Beiträge: | 4.410 |
Registriert am: | 29.05.2008 |
Es geht definitiv weiter . Ich war gestern nicht online für David/Michael. Heute habe ich eine SMS erhalten:
I'm here thinking about you Dana. I love you.
Ich glaub ihm kein Wort. Der ist zu abgebrüht. Mal sehen, wie er jetzt versucht, mich auf die Schippe zu nehmen.
Illusionen regieren die Welt. Die jeweils größere Illusion gewinnt das Spiel.
Beiträge: | 4.410 |
Registriert am: | 29.05.2008 |
Ein sehr merkwürdiger Chat heute.
dana_wahr (01.02.2009 20:28:54): Hello dear
David Franklin (01.02.2009 20:29:33): Hello Dana,are you there?
dana_wahr (01.02.2009 20:29:38): I am here
dana_wahr (01.02.2009 20:29:50): Michael?
David Franklin (01.02.2009 20:30:26): Hi Honey..
dana_wahr (01.02.2009 20:31:15): are you there?
dana_wahr (01.02.2009 20:31:34): How are you doing?
David Franklin (01.02.2009 20:49:12): Are you there Dana?
dana_wahr (01.02.2009 20:49:19): I am here
dana_wahr (01.02.2009 20:49:34): Michael?
David Franklin (01.02.2009 20:49:59): Good..
David Franklin (01.02.2009 20:50:03): How are you doing?
David Franklin (01.02.2009 20:50:26): Dana..
dana_wahr (01.02.2009 20:50:38): I am doing good today....sorry for yesterday. I wasn't online at 9pm....I was stressed out
dana_wahr (01.02.2009 20:50:43): and how are you?
David Franklin (01.02.2009 20:50:45): Are you getting my messages?
David Franklin (01.02.2009 20:50:58): How are you doing?
dana_wahr (01.02.2009 20:51:06): yes.....I have got them *smile
dana_wahr (01.02.2009 20:51:18): do you have problems with your connection?
David Franklin (01.02.2009 20:51:44): Yes,i'm having a problems with my internet connection.
David Franklin (01.02.2009 20:52:09): Well,i am doing great..Thanks..
dana_wahr (01.02.2009 20:52:18): okay
dana_wahr (01.02.2009 20:53:05): are you busy, dear?
David Franklin (01.02.2009 20:53:30): That's alright..I was really online last night at 9pm waiting for you,but you didn't show up...I knew maybe you were really tired.
Das ist gelogen. Er war definitiv erst kurz vor 10 Uhr invisible online.
dana_wahr (01.02.2009 20:54:00): yes....
David Franklin (01.02.2009 20:54:01): so how was your day?
dana_wahr (01.02.2009 20:54:09): my day today was good
David Franklin (01.02.2009 20:54:21): No,i am not busy...
dana_wahr (01.02.2009 20:54:23): very relaxed day
David Franklin (01.02.2009 20:54:35): Are you sure you're getting my messages?
dana_wahr (01.02.2009 20:55:25): I have got 2 sms
dana_wahr (01.02.2009 20:55:33): or what do you mean?
David Franklin (01.02.2009 20:56:25): That's really cool.
dana_wahr (01.02.2009 20:56:57): I send you a sms too and you replied it....so you know that I have got them....
dana_wahr (01.02.2009 20:57:42): *smile* are you one or two men?
dana_wahr (01.02.2009 21:00:57): Michael, are you there?
dana_wahr (01.02.2009 21:07:58): Hmmmm....you are busy.... *smile*
dana_wahr (01.02.2009 21:15:17): miss you
dana_wahr (01.02.2009 21:15:20): love you
Hmmmmm, also wenn er nicht mehr weiß, dass ich auf seine SMS geantwortet habe und dass er sich bei der darauffolgenden SMS auf meine bezogen hat....dann muss der David/Michael-Mugu am Telefon ein anderer sein als der, der mir schreibt. Und die beiden sind etwas durcheinandergekommen.
Illusionen regieren die Welt. Die jeweils größere Illusion gewinnt das Spiel.
Beiträge: | 4.410 |
Registriert am: | 29.05.2008 |
Ach du lieber Himmel, ausgerechnet ich muss mich über Mode unterhalten. Dabei bin ich ein totaler Modemuffel. Wie bin ich nur darauf gekommen, Besitzerin eines Fashion Shop zu sein?
David Franklin (02.02.2009 21:20:47): Hello Dana
David Franklin (02.02.2009 21:20:56): How are you doing?
dana_wahr (02.02.2009 21:21:09): Hello Michael. Missed you today. I am doing cool
dana_wahr (02.02.2009 21:21:14): and you?
David Franklin (02.02.2009 21:21:39): Miss you too..
David Franklin (02.02.2009 21:21:47): I am cool,always cool
David Franklin (02.02.2009 21:22:00): and how was your day?
dana_wahr (02.02.2009 21:22:20): you didn't reply yesterday anymore....I guess you were busy. My day was good but I am going to get a flu
David Franklin (02.02.2009 21:23:50): I wasn't busy last night,it was my internet connection that was really acting crazy,it just keeps kicking me out always...
dana_wahr (02.02.2009 21:23:57): okay
dana_wahr (02.02.2009 21:23:59): dear
David Franklin (02.02.2009 21:24:14): I am really sorry,i didn't meant to ignore you..
dana_wahr (02.02.2009 21:24:29): okay....no problem. it is okay
David Franklin (02.02.2009 21:24:36): Thanks...
David Franklin (02.02.2009 21:24:36): How is your son doing?
dana_wahr (02.02.2009 21:24:55): martin is doing good
dana_wahr (02.02.2009 21:25:02): how is your family doing?
David Franklin (02.02.2009 21:26:09): They are all doing great...Thanks
dana_wahr (02.02.2009 21:26:16): okay
David Franklin (02.02.2009 21:26:26): I am going to try to get a webcam tomorrow..
Morgen geht er auf Cam? Ich bin gespannt wie ein Flitzbogen, ob es was wird.
dana_wahr (02.02.2009 21:26:37): that would be nice dear
David Franklin (02.02.2009 21:26:43): so we can always see each other...
Ich soll auch auf Cam?
dana_wahr (02.02.2009 21:26:51): *smile* wonderful
David Franklin (02.02.2009 21:27:40): smiles..
David Franklin (02.02.2009 21:28:10): Have you taken your medication to stop the flu?
dana_wahr (02.02.2009 21:29:06): no....I am okay....I need more vitamins *smile
dana_wahr (02.02.2009 21:29:40): I only have a sniffle
David Franklin (02.02.2009 21:29:43): smiles.
dana_wahr (02.02.2009 21:30:04): it is because of the weather here....tooooo cold *lol
dana_wahr (02.02.2009 21:31:10): but in summer you would like it in germany.....but winter is bad
David Franklin (02.02.2009 21:31:21): wow,the weather here is really sunny and i like it so much..
dana_wahr (02.02.2009 21:31:36): you like it hot?
David Franklin (02.02.2009 21:32:20): I like when it's a little bit hot..
David Franklin (02.02.2009 21:32:29): and not so hot...
David Franklin (02.02.2009 21:32:29): lol
dana_wahr (02.02.2009 21:32:55): I never was in africa before.....but I guess I like it
David Franklin (02.02.2009 21:33:41): sure,you gonna like it down here.
dana_wahr (02.02.2009 21:33:58): yes....i think so
David Franklin (02.02.2009 21:34:28): So how was your day at work?
David Franklin (02.02.2009 21:35:46): Are you there?
dana_wahr (02.02.2009 21:35:57): sorry...was in the kitchen
dana_wahr (02.02.2009 21:36:36): my day at work was good. soon we will have winter clearance sales
Genau, der Winterschlussverkauf steht vor der Tür. Viel Arbeit...
David Franklin (02.02.2009 21:36:58): That's cool indeed
dana_wahr (02.02.2009 21:37:33): yes dear
dana_wahr (02.02.2009 21:37:51): need my stock for new clothes
David Franklin (02.02.2009 21:38:06): and i hope it wasn't that so busy...
David Franklin (02.02.2009 21:38:49): do you only sells clothes for ladies or both unisex?
dana_wahr (02.02.2009 21:39:12): it wasn't too busy.....the people don't buy so much at the moment....but in 2 weeks we will have the clearance sales and the winterwear will be cheaper
dana_wahr (02.02.2009 21:40:27): mostly for woman....we have a little section for men. But I am thinking about to make it bigger for unisex and men
David Franklin (02.02.2009 21:42:04): That'll be a great business to do,most especially combining both men and women will be a great advantages for you.
dana_wahr (02.02.2009 21:43:06): yes *smile* but I need more area for that and area is expensive in Hamburg.
dana_wahr (02.02.2009 21:43:36): it must be profitable
dana_wahr (02.02.2009 21:44:23): women buy more clothes than men
David Franklin (02.02.2009 21:45:52): Yes,i knew about that,it's just a competitive styles of fashion,cos some men loves looking good with any set of designers clothes.
dana_wahr (02.02.2009 21:47:16): yes you are right. Hey, you will be a connoisseur of my bussiness soon
dana_wahr (02.02.2009 21:47:30): *smile
David Franklin (02.02.2009 21:49:24): Honey,we are really living in a world of classic fashion for the past decades..
Boah ey, können wir nicht das Thema wechseln? Davon bekomme ich Kopfschmerzen.
dana_wahr (02.02.2009 21:50:57): Do you know that I really thought about a fashion label David and Dana? *lol* It should be unisex. But there is no David anymore *lol* Yes...a lot of men like the classic fashion line
dana_wahr (02.02.2009 21:51:54): but I guess the taste of fashion in germany is another than in the states and another than in west africa
dana_wahr (02.02.2009 21:52:53): the people want trendy wearable clothes
David Franklin (02.02.2009 21:55:35): Mostly people down here in Nigeria are really lovers of fashion..yes,you are absolutely right about that.Trendy wearable clothes are what men and women loves so much.
dana_wahr (02.02.2009 21:55:57): do you know at home I like to wear jeans and sweater *lol
David Franklin (02.02.2009 21:56:18): lol...
David Franklin (02.02.2009 21:56:24): Really..
dana_wahr (02.02.2009 21:56:34): yes....
dana_wahr (02.02.2009 21:57:20): and in summer t-shirt....that is convenient
dana_wahr (02.02.2009 21:57:51): at work mostly I wear lady's suet
dana_wahr (02.02.2009 21:57:57): suit
Eher erschlag ich mich, als mich in ein Kostüm zu kleiden.
David Franklin (02.02.2009 21:58:41): that's really classic putting on ladies suit at work...It brings out the smartness in someone.
dana_wahr (02.02.2009 21:59:16): yes.....
David Franklin (02.02.2009 22:00:01): smiles..
dana_wahr (02.02.2009 22:00:17): *smile* But I love my jeans hahaha
dana_wahr (02.02.2009 22:00:28): at home
dana_wahr (02.02.2009 22:00:38): and in garden
David Franklin (02.02.2009 22:01:43): I have always loved wearing jeans,shirts or maybe a round neck shirts..
dana_wahr (02.02.2009 22:02:11): yes....
dana_wahr (02.02.2009 22:02:16): that is okay
David Franklin (02.02.2009 22:02:33): and also putting on suits
David Franklin (02.02.2009 22:02:51): with ties..
Das kann er gerne zur Hochzeit tragen...aber sonst?
dana_wahr (02.02.2009 22:03:54): yes....that is great to be stylish to every opportunity
dana_wahr (02.02.2009 22:04:53): but my english is not stylish *lol* You know I have problems to talk at phone
dana_wahr (02.02.2009 22:05:21): that is a problem for my business too.....
dana_wahr (02.02.2009 22:06:10): but I haven't time for english lessons
Jetzt habe ich die Kurve gekriegt und das Thema gewechselt.
David Franklin (02.02.2009 22:06:40): I understand Honey..
David Franklin (02.02.2009 22:07:42): Learning is a part of expanding our intelligent and minds and i believed you are going to be good in it in the nearest future..
David Franklin (02.02.2009 22:08:37): We all humans learn each and everyday..
dana_wahr (02.02.2009 22:08:51): I hope so because I want to learn it. I will make time for learn english
dana_wahr (02.02.2009 22:08:55): you are right
dana_wahr (02.02.2009 22:10:12): Michael......Martin needs me now....and I want to go to bed early tonight.
David Franklin (02.02.2009 22:10:59): and there's one thing again that you need to know as well,you need to be confidence in whatever we learn...
David Franklin (02.02.2009 22:11:13): Yes,i understand...
David Franklin (02.02.2009 22:11:18): you can go to bed..
David Franklin (02.02.2009 22:11:29): I will be here missing you.
dana_wahr (02.02.2009 22:11:39): I have the confidence in everything I really want to do....
dana_wahr (02.02.2009 22:11:53): I will be missing you too, dear
dana_wahr (02.02.2009 22:12:13): I love chatting with you.....it is.....like holidays for me
David Franklin (02.02.2009 22:13:48): same here too Dana
dana_wahr (02.02.2009 22:14:15): good night my dear Michael
David Franklin (02.02.2009 22:15:33): Gute Nacht Dana
dana_wahr (02.02.2009 22:15:42): Schlaf gut
David Franklin (02.02.2009 22:15:48): make sure you dream about me..
dana_wahr (02.02.2009 22:16:00): yes, I will dream about you.
dana_wahr (02.02.2009 22:16:10): bye for now.
David Franklin (02.02.2009 22:16:23): Danke
David Franklin (02.02.2009 22:16:30): bye
Illusionen regieren die Welt. Die jeweils größere Illusion gewinnt das Spiel.
Beiträge: | 4.410 |
Registriert am: | 29.05.2008 |
Dana, schreibe ihm doch, dass die Deutschen am liebsten in Uniform und mit Schirmmütze herumlaufen
Zitat von Coroner
Dana, schreibe ihm doch, dass die Deutschen am liebsten in Uniform und mit Schirmmütze herumlaufen
Illusionen regieren die Welt. Die jeweils größere Illusion gewinnt das Spiel.
Beiträge: | 4.410 |
Registriert am: | 29.05.2008 |
David/Michael muss echt noch üben, sich mit dem Anrufbeantworter zu unterhalten.
Illusionen regieren die Welt. Die jeweils größere Illusion gewinnt das Spiel.
Beiträge: | 4.410 |
Registriert am: | 29.05.2008 |
Entweder gab es heute wirklich Schwierigkeiten mit der Yahoo-Verbindung oder der Michael am PC und der Michael am Telefon stimmen sich nicht richtig ab. However, ich saß bis zur Unkenntlichkeit geschminkt am PC, aber es wurde nichts mit dem Cam-Date. Sollte ich ihn auf Cam haben, dann mache ich mir den Spaß und rufe ihn an. Wäre lustig, wenn ich mit ihm telefoniere, ihn aber nicht telefonieren sehe.
Illusionen regieren die Welt. Die jeweils größere Illusion gewinnt das Spiel.
Beiträge: | 4.410 |
Registriert am: | 29.05.2008 |
Zitat von Dana
...ich saß bis zur Unkenntlichkeit geschminkt am PC...
Mugu vult decipi. Ergo decipiatur! (frei nach Titio)
Beiträge: | 3.351 |
Registriert am: | 21.11.2007 |
Ich glaube eins davon...
MfG - Scambaiter
> Horas non numero nisi serenas <
HP: http://scambaiter.info
Beiträge: | 11.564 |
Registriert am: | 01.01.2006 |
David war auf Cam. Aber es ist nicht zu gebrauchen, da absolut unscharf. Das geht noch viel besser.
dana_wahr (04.02.2009 20:36:14): I like your voice.....and I wonder why your voice doesn't sound african....
David Franklin (04.02.2009 20:36:39): LAUGH
dana_wahr (04.02.2009 20:36:48): I mean I cannot hear an african accent
dana_wahr (04.02.2009 20:36:59): *smile*
David Franklin (04.02.2009 20:37:12): Yes,that's the way i talk...
dana_wahr (04.02.2009 20:37:24): yes...that's right
David Franklin (04.02.2009 20:37:44): do you want to see me?
dana_wahr (04.02.2009 20:37:59): yes, if it is okay for you....
David Franklin (04.02.2009 20:38:22): ok,i trust you..
dana_wahr (04.02.2009 20:38:30): thank you, dear
David Franklin (04.02.2009 20:39:23): Can you see me?
dana_wahr (04.02.2009 20:39:25): hmm....it is not clear
dana_wahr (04.02.2009 20:39:38): and the cam is froozen
David Franklin (04.02.2009 20:40:10): I am trying to make it work..
dana_wahr (04.02.2009 20:40:16): okay thanks
dana_wahr (04.02.2009 20:40:57): brb
dana_wahr (04.02.2009 20:42:33): not very clear, dear
dana_wahr (04.02.2009 20:42:50): and froozen *lol
David Franklin (04.02.2009 20:42:53): I don't know why it
David Franklin (04.02.2009 20:42:57): ?
Ja nee, is klar. Dass das Absicht ist, dass man Dich nicht erkennen kann, das ist ja wohl klar.
dana_wahr (04.02.2009 20:43:23): hmmmm
David Franklin (04.02.2009 20:43:46): What about now?
dana_wahr (04.02.2009 20:44:10): *smile* I really would like to see you clearly
dana_wahr (04.02.2009 20:44:46): but doesn't matter....we can talk without cam
David Franklin (04.02.2009 20:47:20): I am still here darling....
David Franklin (04.02.2009 20:47:34): just trying to get it fixed..
dana_wahr (04.02.2009 20:48:40): It is so blurred.....you looked like Yoda *lol
dana_wahr (04.02.2009 20:49:32): Michael, it isn't important. We can talk without cam.
David Franklin (04.02.2009 20:49:34): lol
David Franklin (04.02.2009 20:49:52): Okay..
dana_wahr (04.02.2009 20:50:10): we can try it another day, dear.
dana_wahr (04.02.2009 20:50:27): maybe you need more light and another cam-software
dana_wahr (04.02.2009 20:53:38): I know. I promise I will come on cam for long time if I can see you really on cam as well
dana_wahr (04.02.2009 20:54:09): I don't like it to go on cam and cannot see the other
David Franklin (04.02.2009 20:55:02): Trust me,i have cam here,cos i just bought it yesterday...
dana_wahr (04.02.2009 20:56:04): yes dear. I know. And I promise that I will go on cam for you again if I see in your eyes....*smile*
dana_wahr (04.02.2009 21:09:32): Michael. The next time I really don't come on cam until I see you clearly. And that is not because I want to insult you
David Franklin (04.02.2009 21:10:44): Are you really sure?
dana_wahr (04.02.2009 21:10:56): sure about what?
David Franklin (04.02.2009 21:11:11): about you not insulting me...
dana_wahr (04.02.2009 21:11:43): yes. I am really sure. I know you are not sure.
David Franklin (04.02.2009 21:12:18): Yes,i am sure..
dana_wahr (04.02.2009 21:12:32): no, you are not sure
David Franklin (04.02.2009 21:12:47): yes,i am sure Dana
dana_wahr (04.02.2009 21:13:22): sure that I don't insult you or sure that I insult you?
David Franklin (04.02.2009 21:13:50): Sure,that you are not going to insult me..
David Franklin (04.02.2009 21:13:54): Can i ask you one honest question?
dana_wahr (04.02.2009 21:14:04): yes of course
David Franklin (04.02.2009 21:14:27): and i want you to answer me with sincerity and honesty..
David Franklin (04.02.2009 21:14:33): Do you trust me?
dana_wahr (04.02.2009 21:15:16): not yet. But I hope I can trust you someday in the future
David Franklin (04.02.2009 21:16:12): Thanks so much for your honest answer and God bless you.
dana_wahr (04.02.2009 21:16:31): you are welcome....and thank you.
David Franklin (04.02.2009 21:24:54): I guess i really need to learn the German language..
Sicher, sicher. Wenn Du Deutsch kannst, dann kannst Du besser deutsche Frauen scammen.
dana_wahr (04.02.2009 21:25:21): you know so much about me....and I know nothing about you.....*smile* yes, that would be good if you learn german.
dana_wahr (04.02.2009 21:26:26): is there a possibility to learn german in Lagos?
David Franklin (04.02.2009 21:27:56): There is no possiblity for me to learn it here,but i am really desperate to learn it.It's a sweet and sexy language..
dana_wahr (04.02.2009 21:28:37): german is sexy? you are the first who says that
dana_wahr (04.02.2009 21:28:44): sorry.....
dana_wahr (04.02.2009 21:28:51): that I am laughing
David Franklin (04.02.2009 21:29:22): Yes,i have always watch the german people speaks on television and i like it..
dana_wahr (04.02.2009 21:29:59): *smile* so you have to visit germany....we have many languages schools here where you can learn it.
Genau, mein Lieber. Komme mich mal besuchen. Vorher brauchst Du aber eine schriftliche Einladung, sonst bekommst Du kein Visa. Und für die Einladung benötige ich Deinen richtigen Namen und Deine volle Anschrift.
David Franklin (04.02.2009 21:31:30): That's really cool..
dana_wahr (04.02.2009 21:31:37): yes it is....
David Franklin (04.02.2009 21:32:58): I am just a man that loves learning different languages.
dana_wahr (04.02.2009 21:33:25): cool. Do you speak other languages?
David Franklin (04.02.2009 21:34:33): I speak a little bit of Hindi Language and that's Indian.
dana_wahr (04.02.2009 21:34:50): really? wow.
dana_wahr (04.02.2009 21:35:02): And which local languages do you speak?
David Franklin (04.02.2009 21:35:03): yes..
David Franklin (04.02.2009 21:35:45): Local languages are Nigeria languages,which are Yoruba,Ibo and Hausa..
dana_wahr (04.02.2009 21:36:00): yes.....
David Franklin (04.02.2009 21:36:22): Can you pronounce that?
David Franklin (04.02.2009 21:36:25): Yoruba
David Franklin (04.02.2009 21:36:27): Ibo
David Franklin (04.02.2009 21:36:29): Hausa
dana_wahr (04.02.2009 21:36:44): I can.....I would love it to learn it, dear
dana_wahr (04.02.2009 21:41:12): Which tribe do you belong to? Hausa, Ibo or Yoruba?
David Franklin (04.02.2009 21:42:26): Have you done any researches about the Nigerian Tribe?
David Franklin (04.02.2009 21:42:43): I belong to the ibo tribe..
dana_wahr (04.02.2009 21:43:02): the last weeks I tried to research about Nigeria....yes.....
dana_wahr (04.02.2009 21:43:30): We don't have tribes in germany....
dana_wahr (04.02.2009 21:43:49): 1000 years ago we had *lol
dana_wahr (04.02.2009 21:44:04): but now we are only germans
David Franklin (04.02.2009 21:44:08): smiles...
David Franklin (04.02.2009 21:44:23): I know that Germany doesn't any tribes..
David Franklin (04.02.2009 21:44:49): and i have heard stories about the past German dictator Hilter.
dana_wahr (04.02.2009 21:45:00): Hitler....yes
dana_wahr (04.02.2009 21:45:23): very very bad time....
David Franklin (04.02.2009 21:46:14): Yes,i know about him.
dana_wahr (04.02.2009 21:46:33): did you learn about it in school or wherefrom do you know it?
David Franklin (04.02.2009 21:48:40): Yes,i learn it from the history class and also on discovery channel.
dana_wahr (04.02.2009 21:49:06): yes.....I love discovery channel....
David Franklin (04.02.2009 21:49:26): same here too..
David Franklin (04.02.2009 21:52:42): My parents gave birth to six children...
David Franklin (04.02.2009 21:52:56): and that's five boys and a girl..
dana_wahr (04.02.2009 21:53:13): *smile* you have a lot of brothers....
dana_wahr (04.02.2009 21:53:30): I am the only child of my parents
dana_wahr (04.02.2009 21:53:46): that is normal here....the people don't have so many children
dana_wahr (04.02.2009 21:54:27): but I like big families.....
David Franklin (04.02.2009 21:54:45): I am the 3rd born of my parents children
dana_wahr (04.02.2009 21:55:18): so you have younger sis and brothers....
dana_wahr (04.02.2009 21:56:09): I like big families cause they can take good care for each others
David Franklin (04.02.2009 21:56:25): The first child is a male while the second is a female
dana_wahr (04.02.2009 21:56:33): okay
David Franklin (04.02.2009 21:56:45): while i am the third male..
David Franklin (04.02.2009 21:57:13): so i have three younger brother.
dana_wahr (04.02.2009 21:57:23): okay dear
dana_wahr (04.02.2009 21:57:49): How old are your parents?
David Franklin (04.02.2009 21:58:45): My parents are 65 years of age..
dana_wahr (04.02.2009 22:00:52): so your mother was 45 year old when she gave you life. And after you she gave 3 other children life....hmmm
dana_wahr (04.02.2009 22:01:00): 40 not 45
dana_wahr (04.02.2009 22:01:02): sorry
David Franklin (04.02.2009 22:01:20): smiles..
David Franklin (04.02.2009 22:01:25): yeah..
dana_wahr (04.02.2009 22:02:16): it is too late for me for arithmetic tonight *lol
Ich denke, es wird eine lange und innige Freundschaft.....bis ich ihn klar auf Cam habe. Aber das kann wohl noch dauern. Mir scheint, der Mugu ist unglaublich vorsichtig.
Illusionen regieren die Welt. Die jeweils größere Illusion gewinnt das Spiel.
Beiträge: | 4.410 |
Registriert am: | 29.05.2008 |
Der Mugu ist sowas von jung. Mich hat das völlig aus dem Konzept gebracht. Die Cam war immer wieder eingefroren. Ich denke, dies war nicht gestellt.
David Franklin (05.02.2009 21:08:10): and how is your son doing?
dana_wahr (05.02.2009 21:08:17): he is doing good too
dana_wahr (05.02.2009 21:08:44): and your family?
David Franklin (05.02.2009 21:09:04): Well my family is doing great..
dana_wahr (05.02.2009 21:09:15): that is nice
David Franklin (05.02.2009 21:09:19): is just my father is really ill
dana_wahr (05.02.2009 21:09:29): oh...why?
David Franklin (05.02.2009 21:09:33): but he is going to be alright soon..
dana_wahr (05.02.2009 21:10:03): what kind of illness?
David Franklin (05.02.2009 21:10:07): He went to the hospital to be diagnosed and the doc.told him he has diabetes
dana_wahr (05.02.2009 21:10:43): hmmmm....diabetes is not good....he needs medicaments
David Franklin (05.02.2009 21:11:43): Yeah,but he is going to be alright soon..
David Franklin (05.02.2009 21:11:58): he has been taking his medication..
dana_wahr (05.02.2009 21:13:15): yes, that is good. The main is that they have found it timely
David Franklin (05.02.2009 21:13:35): yes..
David Franklin (05.02.2009 21:13:48): We have been praying for him..
David Franklin (05.02.2009 21:27:02): Can you see me?
dana_wahr (05.02.2009 21:27:11): yes dear.....
dana_wahr (05.02.2009 21:27:24): but it was frozen and now you are away...
David Franklin (05.02.2009 21:27:32): hold on..
David Franklin (05.02.2009 21:30:29): it seems the cam is freezing...right?
dana_wahr (05.02.2009 21:30:44): at the moment I see nothing...only black
dana_wahr (05.02.2009 21:31:11): you stoped it...
David Franklin (05.02.2009 21:31:36): I know,i'm trying to get it done..
dana_wahr (05.02.2009 21:31:45): okay....thank you very much
Sie haben die Einladung zu Webcam angenommen.
David Franklin (05.02.2009 21:32:47): I guess it's still freezing.
dana_wahr (05.02.2009 21:33:06): yes dear....but I see you *smile
David Franklin (05.02.2009 21:33:18): smiles..
dana_wahr (05.02.2009 21:34:04): *smile*
dana_wahr (05.02.2009 21:34:43): you are really very young.....
David Franklin (05.02.2009 21:34:45): It's the internet connection that's making it to get freezed/
David Franklin (05.02.2009 21:34:48): smiles.
David Franklin (05.02.2009 21:35:01): Yes,young at heart..
dana_wahr (05.02.2009 21:37:10): hmmmm....very bad connection
David Franklin (05.02.2009 21:37:27): yes,it's really driving me crazy.
David Franklin (05.02.2009 21:37:50): I have been working on the connection for the past four hours..
David Franklin (05.02.2009 21:38:01): just because i wanted to use the webcam tonight..
David Franklin (05.02.2009 21:39:28): I guess you have seen me now...
dana_wahr (05.02.2009 21:39:36): yes....I have
David Franklin (05.02.2009 21:39:39): Dana,there's nothing to hide.
David Franklin (05.02.2009 21:39:52): I have really opened my heart to you..
dana_wahr (05.02.2009 21:40:30): okay.....I really hope that you are the one the cam. But I trust you.
David Franklin (05.02.2009 21:40:43): Yes,that's me..
David Franklin (05.02.2009 21:43:57): I told my mother about you this morning..
dana_wahr (05.02.2009 21:44:08): really? and what does she say?
David Franklin (05.02.2009 21:46:08): I told her about how we met each other on the internet and how i tried to scammed you and she told me that what i tried to do to you,is totally unfair..She asked me to tell you that you should have find a space in your heart to forgive me..
David Franklin (05.02.2009 21:46:26): and i am right here begging you in God name to forgive me Dana.
David Franklin (05.02.2009 21:46:38): I am really sorry Dana
dana_wahr (05.02.2009 21:46:45): do your family know that you scam?
dana_wahr (05.02.2009 21:47:19): you know that I forgive you, Michael...
David Franklin (05.02.2009 21:47:23): No,they don't know..
dana_wahr (05.02.2009 21:47:57): what do you tell them....wherefrom you have the money....
David Franklin (05.02.2009 21:47:58): it was later today that i opened up my heart to them..
dana_wahr (05.02.2009 21:48:17): yes....
David Franklin (05.02.2009 21:48:38): I have always been someone that likes keeping things to myself.
dana_wahr (05.02.2009 21:48:51): I see, dear
David Franklin (05.02.2009 21:49:30): but you camed and you changed my life totally..
David Franklin (05.02.2009 21:49:42): Thanks so much Dana..
dana_wahr (05.02.2009 21:49:46): hmmmmmmmmmmmmm
David Franklin (05.02.2009 21:50:15): I really wished i could just turn back the hands of time..please forgive me.
dana_wahr (05.02.2009 21:50:54): There is nothing to forgive cause I knew it. It is okay, dear.
dana_wahr (05.02.2009 21:52:19): I really really like you so much.
David Franklin (05.02.2009 21:52:26): Okay honey
dana_wahr (05.02.2009 22:00:20): Don't you think that I am too old for you?
David Franklin (05.02.2009 22:01:11): Hmmmm,you are not.
David Franklin (05.02.2009 22:01:11): and what do you think?
dana_wahr (05.02.2009 22:01:23): I think the same....
dana_wahr (05.02.2009 22:02:47): I think we have to know each other better the next time.....
David Franklin (05.02.2009 22:03:24): Yes,you are right..
David Franklin (05.02.2009 22:06:49): I am trying to show you my younger brother..
dana_wahr (05.02.2009 22:06:54): okay
Sie haben die Einladung zu Webcam angenommen.
David Franklin (05.02.2009 22:07:52): His name is Jonathan
dana_wahr (05.02.2009 22:08:14): okay...but I see nothing
Sie haben die Einladung zu Webcam angenommen.
dana_wahr (05.02.2009 22:08:50): nothing....only black....
dana_wahr (05.02.2009 22:09:29): doesn't matter dear
David Franklin (05.02.2009 22:09:34): can you see him right behind my back..
Sie haben die Einladung zu Webcam angenommen.
dana_wahr (05.02.2009 22:09:59): no dear
dana_wahr (05.02.2009 22:10:47): We can try it another time
Sie haben die Einladung zu Webcam angenommen.
dana_wahr (05.02.2009 22:12:52): hey I see
David Franklin (05.02.2009 22:13:15): can you see him?
dana_wahr (05.02.2009 22:13:20): yeah
dana_wahr (05.02.2009 22:13:51): but it is froozen again...
Ich weiß im Moment echt nicht, wie die Geschichte weitergehen soll. Das ist ja noch ein halbes Kind! Wie unangenehm, dass ich auf ein Baby-Mugu reingefallen bin.
Illusionen regieren die Welt. Die jeweils größere Illusion gewinnt das Spiel.
Beiträge: | 4.410 |
Registriert am: | 29.05.2008 |
Hier geht es auch weiter. Allerdings bin ich mir sehr sicher, dass der Mugu auf den Bildern niemals 25 Jahre alt ist.
Michael Osagiede (06.02.2009 22:47:55): I guess you must be so scared,when i sent you a message with these new chat..
dana_wahr (06.02.2009 22:48:23): *smile* I don't talk with people I don't know....but I am never scared
dana_wahr (06.02.2009 22:49:10): Michael....may I ask you something?
Michael Osagiede (06.02.2009 22:49:58): sure,go ahead..
dana_wahr (06.02.2009 22:51:43): Are you sure that you are the one I saw on cam? Because when you are the boy on cam then I cannot love you anylonger. Because of sedction of minors.....
Michael Osagiede (06.02.2009 22:52:28): Dana,to be honest with you..I am the one on the cam.
Michael Osagiede (06.02.2009 22:52:59): Do you want to see me again?
dana_wahr (06.02.2009 22:53:05): okay....but I didn't see a man. I saw a boy in the age of 15 or 16
Der Mugu auf den Bildern ist allerhöchstens 18.
Michael Osagiede (06.02.2009 22:53:37): Jesus Christ,i am not a boy..
dana_wahr (06.02.2009 22:54:07): you are never 25 years old
Michael Osagiede (06.02.2009 22:54:36): Yes,i am 25 years old Dana.
dana_wahr (06.02.2009 22:54:48): I know what I saw, Michael
Michael Osagiede (06.02.2009 22:55:16): Do you really want me to show my Nigerian National Identification Card?
Michael Osagiede (06.02.2009 22:55:39): if you want me to send that to you,i will never mind..
Michael Osagiede (06.02.2009 22:55:49): I just really want to prove who i am to you..
Michael Osagiede (06.02.2009 22:56:12): Like i said yesterday,i have opened up my heart to you.
Na sicher will ich Deinen Ausweis sehen.
dana_wahr (06.02.2009 22:56:35): if it is okay for you....please send me your ID Card....hope you don't mind me....
Michael Osagiede (06.02.2009 22:57:36): sure,just to prove who i am.
dana_wahr (06.02.2009 22:57:44): thank you very much
Michael Osagiede (06.02.2009 22:58:01): You are always welcome Dana.
Michael Osagiede (06.02.2009 22:58:17): I want to tell you something
dana_wahr (06.02.2009 22:58:22): okay
Michael Osagiede (06.02.2009 22:58:44): I have never send my identification to anyone on the internet..
dana_wahr (06.02.2009 22:58:53): oh....
Michael Osagiede (06.02.2009 22:58:53): but since you said you want it..
Michael Osagiede (06.02.2009 22:59:12): That won't be no problem..
Michael Osagiede (06.02.2009 22:59:26): because i trust you.
dana_wahr (06.02.2009 22:59:36): Thanks so much....
Michael Osagiede (06.02.2009 23:01:52): I will get it scanned and sent to you tomorrow afternoon.
dana_wahr (06.02.2009 23:02:05): okay.....
Michael Osagiede (06.02.2009 23:02:25): Can i trust you?
dana_wahr (06.02.2009 23:02:44): yes. I know it.
dana_wahr (06.02.2009 23:03:27): you can trust me.....but i say, if you are not sure about me, then don't send me your ID Card
Michael Osagiede (06.02.2009 23:04:18): I am having a double mind right here
dana_wahr (06.02.2009 23:04:43): yes....same here *smile* I don't know if I can trust you
Michael Osagiede (06.02.2009 23:05:22): Okay..
Michael Osagiede (06.02.2009 23:05:37): Can you send me yours too,if you don't mind?
Michael Osagiede (06.02.2009 23:05:49): but i promise you that i am going to send it to you tomorrow.
Wenn es denn sein muss, dann bekommst Du meinen Ausweis....von der Bunten Republik.
dana_wahr (06.02.2009 23:06:34): yes, I can but I don't have a scanner here at home...only a printer. I have to scan it in a shop
dana_wahr (06.02.2009 23:07:15): tomorrow
dana_wahr (06.02.2009 23:07:23): okay?
dana_wahr (06.02.2009 23:07:40): I send it tomorrow evening
Michael Osagiede (06.02.2009 23:07:53): Thanks so much..
dana_wahr (06.02.2009 23:07:58): okay
Michael Osagiede (06.02.2009 23:08:21): do you really think that i'm 15 years of age?
dana_wahr (06.02.2009 23:08:34): you look like that....
Michael Osagiede (06.02.2009 23:08:57): Yes,that's what people says about me.
Michael Osagiede (06.02.2009 23:09:20): that i look pretty younger than my age.
dana_wahr (06.02.2009 23:09:24): yes.....
Illusionen regieren die Welt. Die jeweils größere Illusion gewinnt das Spiel.
Beiträge: | 4.410 |
Registriert am: | 29.05.2008 |
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