Zitat von Dana
Hach, schreibt der schöne Sachen, Schnuckel.Den musst Du Dir warm halten.
Schade, dass es alles nur Textbausteine sind, einige davon kenne ich.
heute treffen wir uns wieder im Chat
07.12.2008 21:33:23 Susann: hello my Love ...... how are you my Love?
Ben: i am doing good love, what about you ..... how was your day?
Susann: was going outside in the afternoon, i need a bit fresh air and here is a chrismasmarket. I was looking thrére .... I'm fine and happy
Ben: oh that s good to hear
Susann: yes.. all days I'm inside, that's not good for health, so I was out going
Ben: so how is your son doing, have you been hearing about him and also what does he do for living
Susann: he was visiting me yesterday ..... and he is going to school for the last half year, after them he likes to study
Ben: oh thats good ..... how old is he now
Susann: 21, in May he will be 22 years
Ben: what s his name .... ok interesting, big boy
Susann: yes... very bid boy... a big baby *smile... his name is Tim
Ben: i will like to call him Tim
Susann: Tim is ok , all call him Tim
Ben: Tracy says hi
Susann: hi Tracy *smile... how are you? Is all right with you Darling?
Ben: Tracy sends back smile* to you Susann .... she want me to tell you that she loves you soo much and she cannot wait to meet you
Susann: this makes me happy to hear... yes.. i will be very happy to meet her too and her paps
Ben: hahaha .... good ..... Susann, do you have a landline phone which i can call on?
Susann: mostly i take my handy to phone
Ben: can i have the number
Susann: my cell number?
Ben: ya .... i want to hear your lovely and wonderful voice
Benni sendet Benjamin.jpg
Susann: to whom you are listening by this pic?
Ben: i was at the office thinking about you Love
Susann: o ... you should think about your work by working*smile... not about a woman
Ben: i wasnt working by then my love and you are not just a woman ...... but my wife to be and i have the right to be missing you and also think about you when i want to ...... i dont owe anybody anything, afterall it s my office
Susann: okay... okay...
Ben: I have liked many but loved very few.yet no-one has been as sweet as you.I would stand and wait in the worlds longest queue.just for the pleasure of a moment with you Susan
und es folgten noch ein paar ähnliche Sprüche....
Susann: what happened with your wife... you never told me. Will you like to tell me.. if not, it will be okay for me
Ben: my Wife had an accident on her was to visit a friend who lives in another state ähnliches dachte ich mir schon...
Susann: o... I'm sorry to hear this
Ben: that s ok ..... now that i am with you i am ok
Susann: yes... and i feel so happy you are single now... sorry to say this now
Ben: that s ok my love ..... i love you sooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo very much Susann with a big kiss
Susann: ohhhhhhhh...................
Ben: i am here to love you till my dieing day Baby ..... As I lie awake in my bed......All sorts of thought run through my head, Like why do I love you as much as I do.then I realise its because you are you!
Susann: you like to keep a smile on my face .... do you like poetry?
Ben: not much Dear ....... but i am only telling you now what i feel deep down in my heart for you na klar..... möchte nicht wissen was du wirklich denkst.....
Susann: if you feel something like this and you can write down... thats the different to other persons
Ben: you know what i believe now
Susann: no ???????????????
Ben: I believe that God above created you for me to love..... he picked you out from all the rest because he knew i would love you the best Susann!
Ben: I love so much Susann......... my heart is sure. As time goes on I love you more,Your happy smile. Your loving face No1 will ever take your place
>If love s a disease then im very ill.............. but i dont want medicine i wont take no pill. i will suffer this illness because it makes me see exactly how much you mean to me Susan
>and If i were a tear in your eye i will roll down onto ur lips...... But if you were a tear in my eye i woulg never cry as i would be afraid to lose you! ( speziell für Dana... :) )
> Wenn Wasser war ein Kuss Ich würde Ihnen das Meer ... wenn eine Umarmung war der 1. Blatt möchte ich Ihnen einen Baum wenn die Liebe waren immer möchte ich Ihnen die Ewigkeit
>Wenn ich geschrieben habe, Ihren Namen in den Himmel Wind wehen würde es weg ..... wenn ich schrieb Ihren Namen in das Meer Wellen waschen würde es weg. Aber Ihr Name eingraviert ist in meinem Herzen, wo nichts kann sie berühren! in deutsch hört es sich ein wenig holprig an.... aber er hat eine Übersetzungsmaschine... das wollte ich herausbekommen
und es folgten noch weitere Liebessprüche...
Susann: Darling, I love you so much... but I have to close now. Tomorrow I have to stand up at half past five am .. and it is very late in Germany
Ben: oh ok Sweetlove ....... i will also go to my bed now ..... As the day turns into night, keep your worries out of sight. Close your eyes and go to sleep, for all the good times are yours to keep. Sweetest dreams
Susann: thank you ... also I wish a sound sleep to you and a nice dream . May an Angel watch over you
Ben: i love you soo much but do not forget to leave your number tomorrow for me as offline so that i can get to call you ....... hoping we can meet tomorrow same time, what do you say about that Love
Susann: Darling... know this: I love you so much and you are in my thoughts at night and day ...... please not tomorrow... I have to go to school tomorrow evening.... over tomorrow, mean Tuesday
Ben: yes so when can i meet you again ....... and please dont forget to leave your number for me to call you alright?
Susann: yes, will look for it and we can meet Tuesday... okay? .... the same time? Anmerkung: da ich mein Handy fast nie benutze, mußte ich ihm gestehen, dass ich die Nummer nicht im Kopf habe
Ben: ok .....i love you ...... bye ...... dont forget to leave your number here for me ..... dont forget that
Susann: i hug ... kiss you and wisper in your ear... I Love you
Ben: ok bye bye then
Susann: bye my love
23:24:02 Ben: bye
ich versuche noch zwei Bilder mitzuliefern, weiß aber nicht ob es was wird. Mußte diese für mich auch kopieren, das mache ich mit open office
Der liebe Benni ist unermüdlich im mailen....
Von: Benjamin Bratt
Datum: 8. Dezember 2008 22:02
Betreff: hello my one and only........
Hello Sweetlove,
How are you doing today??? hope you kicking great and doing wonderful Susann.... i wish i was your blanket, i wish i was your bed, i wish i was your pillow underneath your head, i wanna be around you, i wanna hold you tight, and be the lucky person who kisses you goodnight................. i don't have the measels, i am not confined to bed, asperin wont help because it aint my head, i don't have back ache or the flu, it's more serious...i am missin you Susann! I love 3 things! The sun, the moon and YOU! The sun for the day, the moon for the night and you forever! if i died or travelled far, i would write your name on every star, so everyone could look up & see, that you mean the world to me. I love you soooooo very much Susann and i am missing you terribly, Here is my number# 0044-703-17408-54 You can call me since you don't know your number yet ok....
es war mir aus Zeitgründen nicht möglich online zu gehen. Leider mußte ich meinen Lover deshalb versetzen. Er hinterließ mir mehrere offline messages an diesem Abend....
09.12.2008 20:50:25 Ben: hello Sweetlove
how are you doing today?
i can see you are no at home yet..... i am still here waiting so when you sign just hit me up ok...
i love uuuuuuu
21:25:07 Ben: hello Baby, are you not back yet?
i am still here waiting love
22:23:55 Ben: Baby, i have waited for you about two hours now but you not showing up and i am very tired and i will be going on a business trip tonight to Ghana so i wil be willing to hear from you from Ghana tomorrow.. i hoep you are having a nice evening see you and take care.. i will call you when i get to Ghana and let you know how my trip was..
call me when ever you come online before i go.. i will leave here erile tomorrow morning 1:45am . so i hope to hear from you before i leave see you and take care+447031740854
o.. nun geht es nach Ghana??
ich war 2 Tage überfällig.... Zeit für eine Erklärung an meinen Schatz per e'mail. Die Mail hatte ich am Abend zuvor vorbereitet, so dass ich sie früh morgens nur noch senden mußte.
Datum: Mittwoch, 10. Dezember 2008 07:26
Betreff: Dearest Benjamin
My dearest Benjamin,
in the hope that you are all right I can finally write to you. I am sorry that we couldn't meet in the chat. I didn't have any internet connection Monday and Tuesday. I have tried it again and again but no connection took place. I then have rather annoyedly called with Telecom, we have tried over an hour by telephone to find the fault. The fault in the end then didn't lie with me but with Telecom. Any interconnecting cable was broken and the problem should be removed in the course of yesterday. Last night, I still didn't have any connection to the Internet, couldn't therefore also read or write mails. With the Telekom hotline makes a telephone call so again....Okay... the connection has been made again since this morning.
Now I must hurry ....the work calls after me however, really wanted to inform you briefly we couldn't meet for chatting. I was very sad yesterday because I miss you very much. Will be at 9:00pm online tonight, in the hope that you also have time. I miss you terribly ... I hug and kiss you tenderly.
Knowing a man,
this one completely understands you,
the one in distresses
always stands to you,
this one also loves your weaknesses
you are most bily because;
everything then may break
you are never alone.
Okay my love..... now I have to hurry......
Send my love to you
My cell number is 0049- 0171 ** ** ***
Das Gedicht ist von Renate Eggert-Schwarten, ich habe es ins englische übersetzt
Mein lieber Benjamin antwortet am gleichen Tag....
Von: Benjamin Bratt
Datum: Mittwoch, 10. Dezember 2008 11:45
Betreff: Susann, love of my life.........
Hello My Sweetqueen,
How are you doing??? Hope you goind ok my love... My love, you have made me very worried but i was happy again when i saw your mail this morning knowing that you are ok... It s ok about your internet connection, me knowing that you are ok and nothing happened to you is more than ok to me, i missed you too very much and i wanted to chat with you last night, Alright i hope to meet you here tonight 9pm your time because i cancelled my flight to Ghana due to the election going on there. Sweetlove, i will also end here and go on a meeting but i will surely meet you at 9pm your time. I have tried calling you on the number you gave me but i think my cell phone wont permit me that because i was told it cannot call on international basis. When i go to the meeting i will check and see if i can get a calling card to do that but if i couldnt please dont forget to call me on my number, i dont know if yours will work here but just try and call me on # 00447031740854..... ok i will end here with much greetings and much love to you......... i love you Susann and hope to hear from you soon i love you more than words can say Susann
ob er tatsächlich versucht hat mich zu erreichen bezweifele ich. Obwohl mein Handy ausgeschaltet war, erhalte ich eine Nachricht über entgangene Gespräche. "Liste leer", hieß es, nachdem ich nachgesehen hatte
Zitat von Schnuckel
and If i were a tear in your eye i will roll down onto ur lips...... But if you were a tear in my eye i woulg never cry as i would be afraid to lose you! ( speziell für Dana... :) )
Illusionen regieren die Welt. Die jeweils größere Illusion gewinnt das Spiel.
Beiträge: | 4.410 |
Registriert am: | 29.05.2008 |
abends trafen wir uns wieder zum chatten....
10.12.2008 21:23:04 Susann: hello Benjamin... how nice ti see you
Ben: oh Honey, it s nice to meet you here too ..... i am ok now that you are here my love ..... how are you also doing today??? ....... i have missed you soo much Susann ..... did you receive my mail today? ..... i was very worried about you yesterday
Susann: i told you... will be on tonight
Ben: but i was a little bit relief when i got your mail
Susann: sorry for not being online last two days .... it was bad, but i couldn't write mail to you
Ben: oh yes my love but i am happy to meet you here at last ..... i was very worried, i cannot deny that because i was thinking to myself what have had happened to you .... but i was happy when i saw your mail this morning
Susann: Darling , don't be worry about me, all is okay with me. But also i couldn't read email, so i read them today i the evening ...... were are you now? UK or Ghana?
Ben: still in UK ...... why didnt you call me .... i couldnt go to Ghana because of their election
Susann: which election? ..... I read your number with the mail this evening, so i was hoping to meet you here
Ben: dont you know Ghana is electing a new president to rule the country? ...... are you busy?
Susann: no , sorry I'm so busy last time that i didn't read any news ..... not really busy, but there is a girlfriend and i have some questions to her. Couldn't reach her by phone war mit einer anderen Chatterin ebenfalls im Gespräch
Ben: oh i see ...... then let me leave both of you now so that you can talk, after then you call me on my phone so that we can talk ok? nun fühlt er sich auf den Fuß getreten....
Susann: no , please... stay
Ben: ok... Sweetlove ..... i am here with you 24/7 ok? was soll das bedeuten/heißen?? .....because i have missed you very very much
Susann: yes... i miss you too .... It isn't nice to be alone all the time
Ben: that s why i want us to be together for the rest of our lives
Susann: that would be nice to live together the rest of my days with you
Ben: yes Sweetlove
Susann: how was your day my Love?
Ben: my day was ok but a little boring without you ..... i was thinking about you the whole of today
Susann: boring??? what is that? I have no time for boring *smile ... I'm still busy *smile
Ben: hahaha:)
Susann: i like to be busy... not too much, but i need something to do
Ben: yes that s good, it s a good thing to be busy doing something all the time
Susann: so do I ... hope we can meet soon. Tell me... what do you like to do in Ghana?
Ben: Honey, i have shipped some cars there and i need to go and negotiate with the custums board of directors over there .... so after there i will fly straight to Germany to see you ..... because i want to be in your arms you know
Susann: and now..? What do you like to do with the cars in Ghana?
Ben: Honey, the cars were suppose to go to South Africa .... but it s went to Ghana so that s why i have to go there to take it back because i have called and talked the directors over there but it s like they are not getting my point so i need to go there myself personally to negotiate everything again
Susann: it seemed, there will come trouble to you... for the cars genau.... und ich fürchte die Probleme sind nur mit meiner Hilfe zu lösen
Ben: yes Baby, but when i get there.... i beleive everything is going to be fine
Susann: will hope so... for you
Ben: because i have all the documents concerning it on my laptop
Susann: will press the thumbs for you that all is going well
Ben: thank you my love .... you are sooo sweet and lovely ...... i am going to marry you as soon as i get to Germany
Susann: you like to marry in Germany? or in States?
Ben: that will depend on you Sweetheart ..... where you want us to marry
Susann: hmmm..... would like in States... but my father is an old man... and I'm thinking he should be thereToo ...... will think about it...what will be the best ..... also I need informations what i need to marry in States
Ben: he can come to the states with us if you like ...... what kind of informations Baby..you mean what you going to wear.. ach , da mach ich mir erst mal keine Gedanken....
Susann: I'm thinking... I need special papers/ documents for the States ......
Ben: do you have a passport and a visa?
Susann: have only passport .... was traveling only in EU, there i need only passport
Ben: so how long will it take us to get a visa at Germany?
Susann: I don't know...
Ben: oh ok .... will you be needing a visa? ..... or you can travel with the passport only also für einen Ami weiß er aber nicht besonders gut bescheid......
Susann: will write to the American Ambassador in Frankfurt .... they can tell me what i need
Ben: ok good .... that s good ...... write to them tomorrow ok.. and let me know when you found out anything
Susann: yes, but i have to wait to the weekend, cos tomorrow I have to go to school in the evening. But Friday after working I've free weekend
Ben: you can do that through the weekend
Susann: yes, then there is a bit rest for this
Ben: ya .... Sweetlove, i have to leave you now.. Tracy and I have to start preparing our lugguages for tomorrow because we shall be leaving early in the morning or else we miss our flight
Susann: I'm thinking... I need a lot of Papers for America, also the Greencard. It's used for staying there for a longer time
Ben: no Baby, you dont need to worry about that now ..... i will take care of all that later when we get to the State
Susann: okay darling... have a good flight... take care for yourself and i hope you reach there in health
Ben: you are going to get the Greencard when we get to the state alrght?
Susann: yes... i need it for the States
Ben: can you call me now so that we talk a little on phone..... ok my love, and i love you too with a million kisses
Susann: wowww , a million kisses..
Ben: yes my love ..... i would love to be in your arms Susann
Susann: ok... I love you with all my heart
Ben: ok Susann, i love you with all my heart, mind and soul ..... have a goodnight .... can you call me now....
Susann: the same to you and Tracy ..... bye my love .... will try it.. hope it will go through....
Ben: it will go through so i am expecting your call now .... i love yoh and have goodnight slepp .....dream about me ...... i love you bye
Susann: you are in my minds... yes i will do ......
Ben: ok my love .... bye bye ...... call me now
22:15:59 Susann: bey , bye.......... ok
der Anruf ging natürlich nicht durch...
Zitat von DanaDu wirst es nicht glauben...aber ich bin fast grün vor Neid.
11.12.2008..... und das Unheil beginnt....
... mit einer Mail von Benjamin....
Von: Benjamin Bratt
Datum: Donnerstag, 11. Dezember 2008 23:11
Betreff: Baby, i am missing you and cant wait to be in your arms...............
Hello Sweetlove,
How are you doing??? Hope all is well with you my love... Susann love, i am very very sad as i am emailing you right now Honey.. Baby, i had a good flight to Ghana but something terrible happen on my way to the hotel, Sweetheart i was attacked by armed robbers and they took away my everything including my laptop which contains all the necessary documents i will need to for the business here and also a sum of $11,000 i was having in my briefcase.. infact they have taken away everything leaving Tracy and i on the middle of the road, Now i am left with my credit card and my travelling passport.. i would like to meet you online tomorrow 9pm your time..... Baby, i have never felt so embarrased in my life as i did today.. i think today is the unhappiest day of my life, Just try to meet me at 9pm your time tomorrow... i love you and see you soon
doch dazu mehr im nächsten Chatgespräch vom 12.12.2008
Benjamin muss mich unbedingt im Chat treffen um mir über sein Unglück in Ghana Bericht zu erstatten
Was tue ich nicht alles für meinen Benjamin.... also Mail an den Hotelmanager:
Datum: Samstag, 13. Dezember 2008 00:16
An: kpebahotel@gmail.com <kpebahotel@gmail.com>
Betreff: Your guest Mr. B. Bratt
Dear Mr. Jacob Ofori,
my future husband, Mr Benjamin Bratt and his daughter are guests in your hotel. How you for certain know were both attacked in Africa and robbed of her things after her arrival. I contact you to inform you, that I will take care of the outstanding invoices. Unfortunately, the banks are closed in Germany at the weekend. I can therefore take care of the financial matters only on Monday. Please share your banking connection for me, this means bank account, IBAN number etc. so that I can settle the outstanding invoice.
In addition, I intend to travel to Ghana in the near future to pick up my husband and my daughter there.
It is very kind you put your laptop to my husbands disposal.We therefore had opportunity to talk about the problems regarding the hotel stay .
Please send me the required bank data so that I can take care of it on Monday.
Yours sincerely
Susann F. H***
Immerhin dauert es fast 2 Tage bis sich der Hotelmanager bequemt zu antworten. Eilig hat er es mit dem Geld anscheinend nicht
Von: Jacob Ofori <kpebahotel@gmail.com>
Datum: Sonntag, 14. Dezember 2008 11:34
Betreff: Re: Your guest Mr. B. Bratt
Hi Madam,
Well i must say i got Your Mail but Due to my Work, i couldn't Email You as Early as i can, Forgive me for my Delay. My Name is JACOB OFORI,The Over all Manager Of the Kpeba Hotel.,Madam I have Giving Your Husband a few Days to stay Back But is the Policy Of the hotel That Payment must be made before stay.But Your husband have being very Kind and honest person To me so i decided To Give Him a few days...Well My advice is To make Him happy and spend the rest Of Your Life with Him because i have know Him being honest,Truthworthy and kind man..
Madam the name and the address Of the Hotel management For the payment is writing Below...
Name:Jacob Ofori
Address:195 Kpeba Hotel Rd
City: Accra
Telephone Number:00233242032538
super... noch eine Telefon-Nummer. Da Sonntag ist... gibt es erst eine Antwort am Montag
mir war es nicht möglich den Header des Hotelmanagers herauszufinden. Deshalb schrieb ich Benjamin eine Mail und sagte ihm, ich hätte noch keine Antwort vom Hotelmanager, gab ihm eine zweite Mail Adresse in der Hoffnung, der Manager würde sich nochmals melden.
Datum: 15. Dezember 2008 01:07
Betreff: Dearest Benjamin
Dear Benjamin,
how are you doing my Love? Still I am thinking about you.... I cannot sleep. So I will send a little mail to you. You are still in my minds, i miss you terribly and you shall know I love you very much.On the other hand I am in worry ...I still have heard nothing from the hotel manager. After our chat I have written a mail for him and still wait for a reply. His mail should have been lost? Sometimes something like that happens in the www. Therefore I beg you ...,please ask him about it once again.I offer him my second mail address perhaps it works thus better. Without his information I cannot get active, however.
Darling, I love you so much, hope we meet soon. In addition, I would like to get to know Tracy.The poor girl has gone through so much. I hope very much that she is also well. Okay... a little poem to the end:
Oh, how do I long for you,
small angel!Only in a dream,
only in a dream seems to me!
Whether I suffer much there
Be anxious about you with spirits argues
wakes up and hardly breathes
Oh, how do I long for you,
Oh, how expensive you are me,
Even in a difficult dream
In deep love I hug both of you
The other, 2nd adress is: ***********@*******.de (it is the same like my messenger ID)
dieses Gedicht stammt von Betty Paoli und wurde von mir nach besten Wissen ins englische übersetzt
Der Hotelmanager hat sich noch einmal gemeldet... mit der gleichen Mail wie die Erste. Leider sagt der Header nicht viel aus , jedenfalls so viel ich davon verstehe.
IP Address
Probable Country
United States (Mountain View)*
da es keine Bankverbindung gab, die Hotelsuche ergebnislos... , schickte ich eine Mail zurück an den Herrn Hotelier:
An: kpebahotel@gmail.com
Datum: 15. Dezember 2008 23:46
Betreff: Your Mail arrived
Hello Mister Jacob Ofori
how are you doing, hope you are well . Thank you for your mail it reaches me on the other mail address today.
Who is Western Union? As a businesswoman I should be known for Westerns Union... never heard of it. In addition, I am astonished, that I could find nothing over your hotel on the Internet. What kind of hotel is this? Is not there any Webside of you? I hope anyway not that my husband has landed in a dosshouse ! Why haven't you sent me any banking connection and no bank data? I don't have time to run to my bank every day , I am very busy. Please send me information about your hotel, I finally would like to pick up my husband in Accra and then I would like to know I check myself in in what kind of hotel.You can rely on it, that I send the money as fast as possible. Germans are very correct in financial matters! In addition, I also need certainty, that the money lands at the correct address. One reads so much negative about money transactions on the Internet. No fear ...you gets your money.
Please, greet my husband and my daughter and tell them that I miss both very much . Please tell my husband I have received his SMS.
Up to your answer I remain yours sincerely and thank you very much for the granted hospitality for my husband.
Be blessed by God
Susann F. H***
Benjamin antwortet auf meine Mail:
Datum: 15. Dezember 2008 13:37
Hello Sweetlove,
How are you doing Baby... My love, Mr. Jacob the Hotel Manager has been good to Tracy and I eversince we came to his Hotel, I got your mail this afternoon when i asked Mr. Jacob to lend me to use his Laptop which he did.... Baby i love the mail and thanks for the poem for Tracy, She was happy when reading it... Baby, Mr. Jacob said he emailed you but i guess internet connection did not deliver the message so i have given him the address you gave to me and he told me he will be emailing you once again... Sweetheart try to send as soon as you receive the mail so that my bills will be settled here, after sending go and email the information to Mr. Jacob, With that he wouldn't need to drive us out of the Hotel. Baby, i am missing you soo much and i just can't wait to be in your lovely arms, i love you so very much Susann and i am losing my head Baby, the feeling i have for you is soo strong Baby, One more thing Sweetheart kindly ask your Father if he will be willing to come to the States with us ok... Alright i love you and i hope to hear from you soon.. Millions of Kisses to you my love
Mr. Ofori antwortet, aber die von mir gewünschten Informationen erhalte ich nicht.... Statt dessen schreibt er:
From: Jacob Ofori <kpebahotel@gmail.com>
Date: 2008/12/16
Subject: Re: Your Mail arrived
Hi Madam,
Well The reason why i dont want To expose My personal information online is that is Not SAFE here in Africa to use their Network For There are alot Of hackers and i have expereince that before when i was trying To send info Online...SO you should understand me and moreover Westernunion money transfer is all over the world so i don't see the reason why you haven't send the money.. Madam, i am sorry to say this but.. 5 years ago... I exposed my personal information online...they hacked me and dupe my my bank account and my credit card..so i have learn Sence From this...Thats why i didnt want To... If you think you cannot send the money through Westernunion or Money Transfer Or MoneyGram,. Let me know latest by Tomorrow Morning, when i opened my mailbox and check to find out that the Money Info.. is not in, you will give me no option than to vacate your Husband and Daughter out of my Hotel. Your Husband and Daughter are in Africa and things are very bad here also.... All i am trying to do is Help you because of your Husband knowing he is a Good Business Man and also a kind person as that. And you need not to worry because your Husband and Daughter are both safe and secure in my Hotel.
I am Trying my Best so try as much as possible to coperate with Me.. thanks
Madam the name and the address Of the Hotel management For the payment is writing Below once again:
Name:Jacob Ofori
Address:195 Kpeba Hotel Rd
City: Accra
Telephone Number:00233242032538
Here is the Information you will need for the transfer Of the Fund...we accept Western Union Or Moneygram.
Hotel Name:Kpeba Hotel
Manager:Jacob Ofori
Street:195 Kpeba Hotel Rd
So geht das natürlich nicht Mr. Ofori.... Mail von mir:
An :kpebahotel@gmail.com
Datum: 16. Dezember 2008 18:09
Betreff: Your Answer Mr Ofori
Hello Mister Ofori
how are you doing today... hope all is okay with you.
I'm sorry to read you were scammed by hackers, that's a bad way, really. I do understand you won't give your bank data to me. But where shall i know you are the right person, mean Mr. Ofori? Also I was scammed , so I do work only with my bank. Remember... my husband and daughter were robbed, where shall i know you are not one of the armed persons they robbed my husband? They got his laptop with all informations, include informations about me. It's no problem to control my actions for this people. So what can I do? Also I have learned to be careful,in addition, I am a businesswoman. So I was thinking about a way to find out if you are the right one... Please send me a picture about you with my husband and daughter.
My husband shall hold a signpost or sheet of paper in his hand on which the following stands: KLEIMI ANT MORS BENJAMIN. Only I can understand this words, a special dialect is it only few people speak this one.
I'm thinking it will be possible to make this one picture, one of your friends has a camera if you haven't one. But I like to see you, Tracy and my husband. If the picture arrives, I will send money with one of this institutions or what ever it will be at the same day.
And send me informations about your hotel, please. I like to come before Chrismas to pic up my family, for this i like to know more about your hotel. I told before, I couldn't find anything in Internet about your hotel. Or send me a flyer of your house. I like to know where I check in .
The faster you send the picture, the faster I can send the money. Also I learned to be careful! Think about it... if I don't send money there are unnecessary expenses for you. You shall get the money as soon I'm be sure it comes into the right hands.
In hope all the problems will find an end very soon
I remain yours sincerely
Susann F. H***
You are a man or a woman? You like to be a model and to earn a lot of money?
auch von Benjamin kommt eine Mail in der er mir erklärt, warum Mr. Ofori seine Daten nicht senden will...
Von: Benjamin Bratt
Datum: 16. Dezember 2008 21:53
Betreff: Dearest Susann...
Hello Sweetlove,
How are you doing??? It s been while now my love since we chatted online so i came on this evening hoping to see you and chat with you but i found out that you were not online, Baby i am missing you... Susann, the Hotel Manager has told me everything ok.. you are right but Honey that man is a very busy man and he has been doing his best to help us here and now he thinks that you don't trust him or anything that s going on here... Baby, you don't have the slightest idea of how Tracy and i have been feeding here in his hotel, He has been an angel to me eversince i came down to Ghana and to his Hotel.. Baby, i even questioned him the very minute i entered the Hotel about the fact that nobody sees any details about his Hotel on the internet and he gave me a good reason for that... One was Due to high rate of Armed Robbery in the Country and you know i have been a victim to that too. My love, now he have to take the pain to send us out from the hotel because there are people who wants to book to stay and Tracy and i are occupying that space there, he now thinks i am trying to play some sort of tricks with him. He told us to leave the Hotel first thing tomorrow morning after receiving your mail this evening, as at now i am in a nearby Cafe and i am more than somebody who's infected with a dreaded disease, i am losing my mind my love because i don't know of what to do next, all i am worried about now is my Daughter Tracy because she is not used to this kind of things.. All the same thank you very much my love, i understand everything.. But remember one thing, i did not come into your life to give you problems you cannot handle, i am so ashamed of myself Susann.. I love you... Kisses
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