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RE: mein Benjamin aus den USA

#61 von Scambaiter , 11.01.2009 00:29

@Schnuckel, die ausgefüllten Fragebögen können wir doch veröffentlichen?


MfG - Scambaiter
> Horas non numero nisi serenas <

Beiträge: 11.580
Registriert am: 01.01.2006

RE: mein Benjamin aus den USA

#62 von Schnuckel ( gelöscht ) , 11.01.2009 00:39

7.Januar 2009

Benjamin wartet auf die MCTNummer....Aber es gibt auch eine andere Mitteilung für ihn..

Betreff: Good Evening
Gesendet: Mi 07.01.09 19:59

Hello Darling

good evening ... how are you doing today? Hope you are okay and with Tracy is all right,too. I'm late after a stressy day. Yesterday after chatting I got a call from a hospital here... Tim has had an accident with his bicycle. Now the leg is broken. You know.. the weather here ... it is snowing and freezing all the time...the streets are very slippery. The doctors want to operate on the leg tomorrow so that, soon, Tim can be discharged from the hospital again. Not beautiful but no end of the world. You are waiting for the number....
814 78 28 912 and the code is : Döspaddel. ( this is dialect from the area were I was born and means I love you). My bank sent the money to Western Union in Frankfurt.
Okay Darling... I have to look for Tim, he is nervous about the operation tomorrow. I love you and Tracy.... hug and kiss you both. An extra kiss full of longing and love for you my darling.

I love you so much

von einem (versehentlichen) Zahlendreher abgesehen ist die Nummer echt, sie stammt von Williams WU Überweisung


RE: mein Benjamin aus den USA

#63 von Schnuckel ( gelöscht ) , 11.01.2009 00:44

@ Scambaiter

ja.. könnt ihr gerne machen, auch die von William und Stefano. Biete auch noch Bilder von meinen Liebhabern. Von Benjamin habe ich so einige. Wenn es sich lohnt auch die Story von Stefano, da ich denke, sie ist zu Ende


RE: mein Benjamin aus den USA

#64 von Scambaiter , 11.01.2009 00:47

Gerne alles vorstellen.

wir können hier gemeinsam entscheiden was wir verwenden...

MfG - Scambaiter
> Horas non numero nisi serenas <

Beiträge: 11.580
Registriert am: 01.01.2006

RE: mein Benjamin aus den USA

#65 von Schnuckel ( gelöscht ) , 11.01.2009 00:51

7. Januar 2009

Wie es sich für einen liebenden Vater gehört ist er über Tims Unfall entsetzt. Leider konnte ich mit ihm nicht chatten. Ich erhielt eine offline message von ihm...

07.01.2009 20:06:27 Benni: Hello my love
Benni: Ohh No... Baby, So how is my Son doing now.. take very good care of him for me and tell him i am so sorry to hear about his accident
Benni: ohh
Benni: So baby, when can i chat with you again and know how my Son is doing
Benni: how did they use your name in sending the money Baby..
Benni: i cant see the info well so when you come back write it to me well and tell me how my Son is doing ok..

Benjamin muss leider warten... nun hat mein Sohn vorrang...


RE: mein Benjamin aus den USA

#66 von Schnuckel ( gelöscht ) , 11.01.2009 01:02

8.Januar 2009

Benjamin hat mir ne SMS gesendet, dass Geld ist nicht angekommen, na so was aber auch... Mail an Ben:

Betreff: Benjamin ... my love
Gesendet: Do 08.01.09 20:28

Hello my Darling Benjamin

how are you doing today... hope all is well with you and my daughter. I'm sorry the money didn't arrive. In the morning I've forgotten my cell phone, so I was reading your text message after I'm back from work. I sent Mr. Ofori the copy from Western Union, I got them after a call with my bank. So I hope all is okay now.
At day I phoned with the hospital to ask for Tim . He was sleeping all the time after the operation. He has come through everything well. Now I will take a look to my baby, sorry please, for not being online. I'm missing you so much but you are always close to me, because you and Tracy are in my minds. Hope to see you soon now in person, can't wait to be in your arms.
I send all my love with this mail, a hug and a lot of kisses to you. I you Benjamin.

Love forever


RE: mein Benjamin aus den USA

#67 von Schnuckel ( gelöscht ) , 11.01.2009 01:12

8. Januar 2009

Mail an Mr. Ofori, dem Hotelier, der Benjamin nicht des Hotels verwiesen hat, obwohl er die Rechnung bislang nicht bezahlen kann

Betreff: Money Transfer
Anhang: WU vom 07.01....
Gesendet: Do 08.01.09 20:27

Good Evening Mr. Ofori

how are you doing today , hope you are well and all is going right.
I'm sorry for the problems with the money, I cannot understand. So I phoned with my bank and the bank manager sent the copy from the money transfer. I send this copy to you so that you are able to print itself. Now I hope all will be okay and i can see my husband soon.
Many thanks for your hospitality of my family opposite and for your patience.

Yours sincerely
Susann Hado

nun läuft er bereits das zweite Mal zur Bank

Aufgrund eingeschränkter Benutzerrechte werden nur die Namen und (falls vorhanden) Vorschau-Grafiken der Dateianhänge angezeigt Jetzt anmelden!
WU vom 07.01.09.pdf


RE: mein Benjamin aus den USA

#68 von Schnuckel ( gelöscht ) , 11.01.2009 01:21

9. Januar 2009

Mail von Benjamin. Das Geld ist nicht angekommen...

Von: Benjamin Bratt
Betreff: I love you Susann........
Gesendet: Fr 09.01.09 16:27

Hello My love,
How are you and my Son doing today??? i hope all of you are in good health and also my Son Tim recovery very quickly.. tell him i am very sorry for the accident and that he should be very careful with the way he rides his bike. I miss you both very much Susann and i cant wait to be there with the both of you.. My love, there has been a situation today also about the money you told me you have sent, Mr. Jacob told me he went to the Western Union again this morning just to find out that the money wasnt sent atall.. Now i was thinking your Bank or the Western Union at Frankfurt didnt send the Money after your payment. I want you to go to your Bank and find out why they did that.. they are only delaying my coming over, now i am here very worried about my Son and dont know what to do for both of you... I need this money as i told you to settle my bills here Susann.. Make sure you go see your Bank and ask them why they didnt send the Money? Ok i would like to meet with you in the evening your time in the hours of 8 to 9pm and i am hoping to meet with you ok... Take care and stay bless till we meet in the evening then and please tell my Son i am praying for him and nothing bad will happen.. he will recover soon.. Wishing him a speedy recovery, i love you both very much Susann.. Kisses to you I love you so much Susann


RE: mein Benjamin aus den USA

#69 von Schnuckel ( gelöscht ) , 11.01.2009 02:56

9. Januar 2009

Benjamin hat Fragen zu dem nicht angekommenden Geld. Also wieder chatten (Augen zu und durch)...

09.01.2009 20:15:06 [orange]Susann:[/font] I'm back in 5 minutes, sorry please
Benni: Ok Baby
Benni: How are you doing and my Son?
[orange]Susann:[/font] how are you doing Darling?
Benni: i am ok..
[orange]Susann:[/font] Tim is feeling better , but his leg pains after the operation
[orange]Susann:[/font] but this is normal the doctor told me
Benni: oh thank God
[orange]Susann:[/font] coming just from Tim
[orange]Susann:[/font] and was reading you mail
Benni: oh i see..
Benni: have you finish reading..
[orange]Susann:[/font] yes.. and in the last 5 min. I need something to eat, my last meal was breakfast
Benni: ok Baby, but why is the transfer of the money delaying like that?
Benni: didnt you send the money? [orange]hat meine Bank nicht??? Na so was aber auch... [/font]
[orange]Susann:[/font] I don't know what is going wrong... I sent the questionnaire to my bank via email
[orange]Susann:[/font] I paid the money to my bank and the bank people told me after sending back the questionnaire they will send it off
[orange]Susann:[/font] now I'm astonished to read the money didn't arrive
[orange]Susann:[/font]are y there?
Benni: yes i am here reading what you wrote Baby
[orange]Susann:[/font] ok
Benni: so why is the money not in
Benni: because Mr. Jacob went again to the Bank this morning just to find out that the Money wasnt sent atall
[orange]Susann:[/font] I don't know
[orange]Susann:[/font] the problem is... I cannot go to my bank tomorrow... the banks are closed in Ger Saturday * Sunday
[orange]Susann:[/font] such a Bullshit.. SORRY
[orange]Susann:[/font] my time is running so fast and now this...
[orange]Susann:[/font] Benjamin?
[orange]Susann:[/font] hello? are you there? It seemed it is a bad connection tonight [orange]Benjamin war ständig on und offline. Das macht er öfters wenn er eigentlich keine Lust hat mit mir zu chatten. Er hatte die Infos die er wollte: vorerst muss er warten da die Banken geschlossen haben[/font]
Benni: yes Baby
Benni: i am having problems with my internet connection here
[orange]Susann:[/font] yes.. I can see... you are online.. offline, on.. , off...
[orange]Susann:[/font] I know, the energie in Africa is not so good like in Europe or the States
Benni: yes that s very true Susann
Benni: i was saying.. were you able to contact your Bank today?
[orange]Susann:[/font] no... because I didn't know the money didn't arrive. I was reading your mail just before i go online to this messenger
Benni: ok.. so what do we do now Baby
Benni: i was suppose to come to Germany this Week but now it s another weekend
[orange]Susann:[/font] yes... and you can believe me I'm very sad about it. I'm missing you and like to see you and my daughter in Person
[orange]Susann:[/font] the problem is.. I cannot talk to the bank people, because the banks in Ger are closed Saturday and Sunday
[orange]Susann:[/font] Benjamin?
[orange]Susann:[/font] I try again to write: yes... and you can believe me I'm very sad about it. I'm missing you and like to see you and my daughter in Person .... the problem is.. I cannot talk to the bank people, because the banks in Ger are closed Saturday and Sunday
Benni: So now what am i to do Baby..
[orange]Susann:[/font] we can wait ,only. I have no possibilities before Monday
Benni: ok
[orange]Susann:[/font] I know... this is nothing what you like, but I have no chance to do anything others
Benni: ok
Benni: is my Son discharged from the Hospital?
[orange]Susann:[/font] no, he isn't. It need some days
[orange]Susann:[/font] I hope he will come home next weekend
Benni: next week? very long
Benni: my connection here today is very Bad and it s on and off Baby
[orange]Susann:[/font] thats normal in Germany
Benni: ok
Benni: i wish i will come earlier so that we could both go to the hospital to visit him
[orange]Susann:[/font] yes i see, you like to end now? I'm thinking it doesn't make sentence to go on with chatting by the bad connection
[orange]Susann:[/font] He will be at home for a long time, you can see him every day
Benni: ok Baby
Benni: then i will have to say bye for now and when can i chat with you again?
[orange]Susann:[/font] the same time tomorrow? 8 pm?
Benni: ok then
Benni: have a good evening and dream about me ok?
[orange]Susann:[/font] ok ... I love you .... take good care to you and Tracy
Benni: i love you and my Son very much
Benni: i love you too Babu
Benni: baby
[orange]Susann:[/font] I will do, I like to dream about you
Benni: ok bye Susann and take care of Tim
Benni: my hug to you
[orange]Susann:[/font] Darling, have a fine evening there and a fine day tomorrow
Benni: ok Baby
Benni: see you in the evening then
Benni: bye
[orange]Susann:[/font] I hug you too and I love you so much and Tracy too
Benni: bye love
[orange]Susann:[/font] bye my love
[orange]Susann: [/font] take care
Benni: you too
21:08:49 [orange]Susann:[/font] I will do... for you

[orange]zum Chatten bei Friendscout24 war die Verbindung offensichtlich gut genug. Er war ca. 2 Stunden dort online[/font]

zuletzt bearbeitet 07.10.2017 04:57 | Top

RE: mein Benjamin aus den USA

#70 von Schnuckel ( gelöscht ) , 11.01.2009 03:34

10. Januar 2009

wir wollten uns abends wieder im Messi treffen, Benjamin ließ auf sich warten. Ich dachte schon er käme gar nicht...

10.01.2009 20:04:13 [orange]Susann:[/font] are you there my love?

[orange]ich wußte genau dass er online ist, aber er schrieb nicht. Deshalb schrieb ich folgendes:[/font]

[orange]Susann:[/font] Benjamin... I'm waiting for you
[orange]Susann:[/font] Have you forgotten we will meet today
[orange]Susann:[/font] I'm missing you so much, because I love you

[orange]darauf hin eröffnete Benjamin das Gespräch:[/font]

20:34:32 Benni: hello Baby
Benni: i just signed in and i was about leaving sending you an email because i was thinking you signed out
Benni: how are you doing today Baby?
[orange]Susann:[/font] hello Love
[orange]Susann:[/font] I'm doing good today
Benni: yes Baby
[orange]Susann:[/font] how are you and how was your day
Benni: i am doing good and your Daughter is fine also but how is my son
Benni: i am worried about him you know?
[orange]Susann:[/font] Benni *smile... you are a good father
[orange]Susann:[/font] he is going better
Benni: he is all that i got and i dont want any bad thing happen to him
Benni: my only Son
[orange]Susann:[/font] and I shall say: hello dad , hope you are okay , I'm so happy Ihave a good father like you
[orange]Benni:[/font] the system is very Bad here today also Baby [orange]na klar... willst schnell wieder gehen...[/font]
[orange]Susann:[/font] yes Love . although I have problems with it [orange]das System lief wunderbar[/font]
Benni: oh ok
Benni: how was your day today Baby
[orange]Susann:[/font] it was okay.. made a bit housework, was buying foods on the market in the city, washing and a bit reading
[orange]Susann:[/font] it was really nice outside today, not so cold and sun was shining till the late afternoon
Benni: oh i see
Benni: that s good for the old man's health also
Benni: very god
[orange]Susann:[/font] ya, think he will like this weather more than the frosty days
Benni: yes
[orange]Susann:[/font] tomorrow I will phone with him, on Sunday i do it , mostly
Benni: oh i see
[orange]Susann:[/font] what have you done Love?
Benni: extend my greetings to him for me
[orange]Susann:[/font] thxs, i will do
Benni: yw
[orange]Susann:[/font] what have you done today?
Benni: have you missed me because i have really missed you alot
[orange]Susann:[/font] still I'm missing you
Benni: ohh.. you know i dont have much doing here any more so i have been in my room reading Baby
[orange]Susann:[/font] after buying I needed someone that the bags carry, it was heavy after I visited the market :)
Benni: Oops.. [orange]was heißt hier oops? Kennt man(n) so was nicht in Afrika?[/font]
Benni: and did you find anyone?
[orange]Susann:[/font] lol
[orange]Susann:[/font] no
[orange]Susann:[/font] was waiting for someone like you
Benni: hahahaha.. ohh that s nice
Benni: you know it will look good to go to the market with you
[orange]Susann[/font]: ya, I like to go to the market on Saturday, there are fresh vegetables etc
[orange]Susann:[/font] I try it every weekend
Benni: good market day right?
Benni: connection is still fuckin' up with me here
[orange]Susann:[/font] yes, we have market on Wednesday and Saturday here, but in the week I have to work, so it has to wait till the weekend
[orange]Susann:[/font] I'm sorry to hear this
Benni: oh that s ok my love
Susann: may be too much people are online at weekend
Benni: yes i guess so
[orange]Susann:[/font] how ever, it is like it is
Benni: yea Baby
[orange]Susann:[/font] what is Tracy doing today? Did she find some friends over there?
Benni: this night.. i am missing you very much.. i wish i was with you to keep me company
Benni: Tracy is asleep [orange]sie wird doch nicht krank? Malaria etwa?[/font]
Benni: she sleeps very early today
[orange]Susann:[/font] may be it comes from the heat, heat is making tired sometimes
Benni: you may be right you know...
[orange]Susann:[/font] this night I wish you would be here , cos today I'm still freezing.
Benni: i wish i was with you too Susann
[orange]Susann:[/font] then you could keep me warm...o would this be nice
Benni: here i am missing you but cant do nothing about it fuck'
Benni: stock here.. this bullshitting me Baby
Benni: i need you by my side Susann
Benni: sorry for using that language
[orange]Susann:[/font] the same here Darling, but we have to be patient
[orange]Susann:[/font] I have no problem with the language
Benni: sorry all the same Baby
Benni: i dont have to be using it..
[orange]Susann:[/font] Darling, don't worry... be happy, we find together
[orange]Susann:[/font] it doesn't make a matter to me... you shouldn't use it if Tracy can hear it
[orange]Susann:[/font] okay Darling... it seems the connection is too bad for you
[orange]Susann:[/font] was reading your email in that time I was waiting here for you
[orange]Susann:[/font] we can meet tomorrow, Sunday, 4 pm... thats okay
[orange]Susann:[/font] But I promised Tim to look for him at 5 pm, that means we cannot chat for such a long time. Is this ok for you?
[orange]Susann:[/font] Darling... I love you so much and also my Tracy
21:16:12 [orange]Susann:[/font] I love you Benjamin
21:32:21 [orange]Susann:[/font] ok Darling.... I sign out now
21:33:23 [orange]Susann:[/font] have a sound sleep and know this: you are always in ma minds and I love you
21:33:37 [orange]Susann:[/font] good night my love

[orange]keine Ahnung ob die Verbindung wirklich so schlecht war oder Benjamin einfach keine Lust mehr hatte, jedenfalls war er den ganzen Abend nicht online, zumindest im Messenger[/font]

zuletzt bearbeitet 07.10.2017 04:57 | Top

RE: mein Benjamin aus den USA

#71 von Schnuckel ( gelöscht ) , 11.01.2009 03:41

10.Januar 2009

hier die Mail von der Benjamin am Anfang des Chats sprach. Die Mail deutet darauf hin, dass er eigentlich nicht vor hatte mit mir zu chatten

Von: Benjamin Bratt
Betreff: take very good care of my Son Baby..
Gesendet: Sa 10.01.09 20:51

Hello Susannlove,
How are you doing today? Hope you kicking great Baby.. Were you able to go see my Son today at the Hospital? If you did how did the doctor say he was doing? please let me know because he is the only Son i have and i dont want any bad thing happen to him.. Tell him his Sister sends her regards and also wishing him speedy recovery.. i love you and i am hoping forward in chatting with you tomorrow 4pm your time ok? i love you and have a wonderful night..... Sweetdream Baby Kisses to you


RE: mein Benjamin aus den USA

#72 von Schnuckel ( gelöscht ) , 11.01.2009 19:17

11.Januar 2009

Benjamin war pünktlich online, ich hatte allerdings ein paar Kämpfe mit meinem Computer. So kam ich zu spät und fand diese offline message vor...

11.01.2009 16:03:23 Benni: Hello Sweetheart
Benni: i am on Baby
Benni: sorry for yesterday my love.. the area connection couldnt even allow me to say goodbye
Benni: i am so sorry my love
Benni: are you here now?
Benni: hello my love
Benni: ohh.. Baby, you not here and i am missing you:|
Benni: Have you heard from my Son?
Benni: try to email me when you get home alright?
Benni: i love you and have a wonderful day and i will be expecting your mail
Benni: i love you so much Susann and i cant stop thinking about you Baby
Benni: you all over on my mind
Benni: i love you and my Son very much and i hope we meet soon to start up a very great family
Benni: i love you, i love you, i love you Susann(L)(K)({)
Benni: i love you Baby(K)
Benni: i will signout now but will be expecting to read your mail


RE: mein Benjamin aus den USA

#73 von Schnuckel ( gelöscht ) , 11.01.2009 19:23

11.Januar 2009

habe die ganze Zeit meinen Messenger online gelassen, Benjamin kam nicht mehr. Hinterließ auch ihm eine offline Nachricht:

16:30:51 Susann: Hello Darling
are you still there?
today I had problems with my computer. I need some dokuments from my old computer and so I had to change from the new one to the old one.
I couldn't sign in in the old one and it needs time to find the mistake. I hate installate computer and I'm happy you could not hear the words I was using (like y yesterday)
After I was ready I try to go online with the new again and it wasn't going. And I was looking for the mistake and searching and searching.
Now you can lough about me: the mistake was sooo easy... I have forgotten to change the internet connection from the old to the new computer.
enni Darling, I need help for things like this, were are you??? I'm missing you
will send mail to you.. I phoned with the hospital i will come a bit later to Tim . Hope we can meet before I have to go , because in the evening I'm not at home.
I love you
I'm online, but you see me as busy. I'm here for you
okay Darling... I have to go now. Take care about yourself and also about Tracy.
18:03:12 Susann: I love you and a tenderly kiss for tonight.


RE: mein Benjamin aus den USA

#74 von Schnuckel ( gelöscht ) , 11.01.2009 19:28

11.Januar 2009

hier die Mail die ich gesendet habe..

an: Benjamin Bratt <>

Datum: 11. Januar 2009 16:53
Betreff: Darling...

Hello Darling,
sorry for waiting for me. I was hoping you are still online... now I send offline message to you. I'm at home till 6 pm , my time. After that I will go to the hospital and after them I have to meet a girlfriend. I phoned with the hospital, the nurse is informing Tim I'm a bit later to visit him . But he is well the nurse told me. I love you. Hug and kisses to you.

Love for ever


RE: mein Benjamin aus den USA

#75 von Schnuckel ( gelöscht ) , 12.01.2009 22:39

12.Januar 2009

Benjamin und ich haben uns gestern nicht mehr im Chat getroffen. Heute kam folgende Mail von ihm..

Von: Benjamin Bratt
An: **********@*********.com
Betreff: Sweetheart, Hope my Son is Ok... I love you Both very much
Gesendet: Mo 12.01.09 10:35

Hello Sweetheart,
How are you doing today??? i was happy to know that my Son is doing fine and that he is recovering quickly.. i thank God for that because i dont know what i would have done without my Son Tim. Tell him i love him very much and still praying for his recovery and also tell him his Sister Tracy extends her regards. Baby, i am sorry i wasnt able to catch up with you online yesterday at 6pm your time, i didnt receive your mail early due to this fuck'up connection here. My love i hope you have contacted your bank today because that s the only thing we need now for me to get to you and spend our lives together as one Big Happy Family. Susann, i cant wait to be in your arms,, i cant wait to be cuddled by you my love.. Email me when you get my message and tell me how it s going with the Bank Transfer ok.. I love you and i am hoping to hear from you soon because Baby i am sick and tired of been in another country whiles you and Tim are all alone alright? i love you both so much and i cant wait to meet you both in good health.. Love You and Million Kisses to You Take care Susann and also try to visit my Son from time to time to know how he is doing.. He is all i got... Love you more

Love you till my dieing day

nun... die connection zu Friendscout war jedenfalls besser .


RE: mein Benjamin aus den USA

#76 von Schnuckel ( gelöscht ) , 12.01.2009 22:47

In Antwort auf:
nun... die connection zu Friendscout war jedenfalls besser .

Benjamin ist seit etwa 2 Wochen täglich bei Friendscout24 unter verschiedenen Profilnamen gemeldet. Er benutzt meistens zwei Profile gleichzeitig, aber in verschiedenen Ländern (GB und USA). Freundlicherweise hat er sich meistens mit Bilder dort angemeldet. Er wird jeden Tag dort rausgeworfen, ist aber abends wieder drin. Der hat Nerven...scheint aber noch nicht bemerkt zu haben, dass ich sein Profil immer aufrufe... und anschließend fliegt er.


RE: mein Benjamin aus den USA

#77 von Schnuckel ( gelöscht ) , 14.01.2009 22:26

14. Januar 2009

Benjamin wartet immer noch auf Geld. Ich bin fies genug ihn noch ein wenig zappeln zu lassen. Heute kam eine kurze Mail von Benjamin...

von: Benjamin Bratt
Datum: 14. Januar 2009 10:33
Betreff: Thinking of you and my Son Susann...

Hello Sweetheart,
How are you doing? Hope you ok because its been a while since your last email.. How is my son doing and have you been visiting from time to time as i told you to? Baby i miss you and i dont know why you havent emailed me after my last mail.... I miss you very much Susann,very very mcuh and i am waiting forward to hearing from you soon.. Take care till then Baby and also my Son.. i love you Baby..


RE: mein Benjamin aus den USA

#78 von Schnuckel ( gelöscht ) , 14.01.2009 22:30

14.Januar 2009

okay.... will ich ihm mal 'ne Freude machen und 'ne Mail schreiben...

an: Benjamin Bratt <>

Datum: 14. Januar 2009 22:14
Betreff: Hello darling

Dear Benjamin
how are you doing my dearest? Hope you and Tracy, too, are okay. Thank you for your mail today and I'm sorry you had to wait for a mail of me. Let me tell what happened:
Sunday Tim got fever, not so much but he got fever. Monday morning the hospital called me if it would be possible to come... Tim didn't feel well. I couldn't simply leave my work, therefore I said to the staff I would come after work . In the early afternoon the hospital phoned again, please, I have to come soon.
My heart started to race, but the doctor didn't want to give me an information on the telephone. I went to the hospital... what was happened? The operation wound had become inflamed with Tim. Therefore he had a fever. He got antibiotic tablets. Tim reacted to these tablets with an allergy ... he got an anaphylactic shock.
Such a shock is life-threatening, therefore I was in the hospital on Monday until midnight. I was also Tuesday with Tim the whole day until midnight. I sat there and could do nothing, couldn't help him, it was terrible ... Since today he feels better. He gots another tablets, the fever declines. By this problems I had no time to go to the bank again. So I will do it tomorrow after working. I will try to find out what happened with the money. I know you are worry and you are waiting for the money, but Tim is all I have and I worried about Tim greatly. Okay darling, I like to close now, I'm sooo tired cos I couldn't sleep the last nights. Before I close this mail... I will say that I love you so much! Hug and kiss you. You are always in my minds and I hope we meet soon. I need you beside me.
In love and thousand kisses


RE: mein Benjamin aus den USA

#79 von Schnuckel ( gelöscht ) , 25.01.2009 01:27

16.Januar 2009

eine Mail von Benjamin...

Hello Sweetheart,
How are you doing? Have you heard from the doctors taken care of my Son?? if you have then what are they saying about my Son's condition? Susann, i am still in locked up im Africa and cannot do anything. What i need is the money now to settle my bills and also book the Flight.. Why havent you send the money as at this time, dont you want to be with me as i wish to be with you forever with my Son and Daughter making up a big and wonderful family? Baby, you told me in your last mail you were going to see your bankers but i havent heard from you until now.. why Baby? I miss you so much my Love and i wanna be in your arms.. i wanna feel the warmth of your body close to mine Susann. Its another weekend and nothing has been done about my coming, Or Baby, do you think i enjoy been here with my Daughter? No Susann, you have to do something real fast.. real fast Baby because i gotta be with you and Tim because i think Tim also needs me now more than ever. Ok.. i will end here with much Kisses and love and hope to hear from you soon Baby.. I love you very much Susann


RE: mein Benjamin aus den USA

#80 von Schnuckel ( gelöscht ) , 25.01.2009 01:33

17.Januar 2009

okay, mein Benjamin wartet auf Geld. Da will ich ihn mal nicht länger schmoren lassen und ihm die heiß ersehnte Nummer senden... frei nach dem Motto: jeder Gang zur Bank hält schlank

Hello Darling
how are you doing ... hope you are still okay. I'm sorry that I didn't sent message to you.. but I'm so busy last week, don't know what to do first.
Your son is feeling better, the fever declines and the inflamed wound is healing now. However, Tim still needs antibiotics, but his state of health gets better every day. He ask for you and Tracy and I shall send his regards to both of you. I hope he can be dismissed out of the hospital next week.
This week was hard, really. I had to visit Tim every day for some hours. There were two meetings at my work and I was talking with the bank manager. The money was frozen in Frankfurt because the detective force hadn't checked the sent questionnaire yet. The money returned from Frankfurt yesterday so that I had to send it once more. Really, the bank people may thinking I have nothing to do. I wasn't amused about it, no... I was even rather annoyed about it. So here is the new number I got today: 6672105777 and for the code i took the same word... Döspaddel.
Tomorrow I have to drive to my sister, she has birthday. She is living 300 km away, so I have to start very early in the morning and I'm back very late. You see ... I don't have boredom. I hope, next week, it doesn't go on just like the last week don't come to the quiet any more.
Darling, don't think bad about me... do not think, I don't love you... that is wrong. I love you... I'm missing you so much, I'm missing Tracy. It's hard to do all work alone, I need you, somebody who takes me into the arms this one protects me... I feel so lonely.
Okay Darling I have to send off this message now. I love you... I hug you and send very much kisses to you and my daughter.
All my love to you and Tracy



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