So, das hier war gestern auch noch in meinem Postfach…. Irre… das arme Mädchen, klar, dass ich ihr helfen werde…!
In Antwort auf:oh mein Gott, die ARME!!! Na da muss ich doch mal näher nachfragen, oder? Hier ist der Link mit dem Bild der Süssen, weiss leider noch nicht wie man hier im Forum diese Thumbs erstellen kann...
Von: Johnson Favor <>
Datum:Mon, 23. Feb 2009 01:17:32 -0800
My Dear,
How is your day.mine is fine over here in Dakar.Thanks for your mail.Like I said my name is Favor Johnson,I am 25years old single, tall and fair in complexion, Very good looking girl that is very sharing, giving, caring and loving girl, above all God fearing and trusted.I really want have a good relationship with you.A relationship of deep feeling that will construct a mutual understanding ,I'm from Sudan in East Africa and presently I am residing in the refugee camp here in Dakar senegal in West Africa as a result of the civil war going on in my country. My late father Dr.Stephen .D. Johnson was a very wealthy business man before the rebels attacked my house one early morning killing my mother and my father. It was only me that is alive now and i managed to make my way to nearby country Senegal where i am living now in a refugee camp. I would like to know more about you. Your likes and dislikes,your hobbies and what you are doing presently. Attached
here is my picture and i will like to see your own picture ok .
Hoping to hear from you soonest,.
Miss Favor.
In Antwort auf:
Von: <********>
An:Johnson Favor <>
Datum:Mon, 23. Feb 2009 20:41:53 +0100
Hello Miss Favor,
first I have to tell you, that my english isn´t very good, but I will try to write you in english. Some words I don´t know in english, I will write in german, I hope this will be ok for you.
Oh, Lovely, what a beautiful girl you are! I´m so sorry about the things happend to you and your familiy. Terrible what kind of people are there doing like that! How do you feel now? Oh I´m a single too! I´ve never been married, I have no childs, a good job a lot of money, Do you know Kassieren oder Blamieren by Stefan Raab? There I have won a big Blamierung, an now I am rich, so Elton told me to take my Money an I do now some trips all over the world. Maybe, we can live in southern Italy, there I have bought some Houses. Oh lovely, how sweet you are. Please send me more Pictures of you!!!
Please write back soon. I want a relationship too, i´m seraching for a girl like you for many years.
Love....... is..... ?
Mr. Schwanzus Longus
Ich glaub Sie kennt Stefan Raab, Mist, zu hoch gepokert, hör nix mehr von der Süssen
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