Ich habe hier eine ganz interessant Mail.
Die Mischung ist international. Absender angeblich ein US Soldat aus dem Irak.
Die Ursprungsmail stammt von web.de aber mir Abs. in Afrika.
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Der eigentliche Absender sitzt aber in Cote D'Ivoire ( Elfenbeinküste.
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Klein Charlotte hat ihm geantwortet.
Zitat von HeaderFrom pittman Pittman Tue Feb 24 17:02:04 2009
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Zitat von SSG Dewayne PittmanUnd Charlotte hat ihm folgendes geantwortet:
Betreff: Hi,
Dienstag, 24. Februar, 2009 17:02 Uhr
Von: "pittman Pittman" d_pittman0@hotmail.com
An: d_pittman0@hotmail.com
I am SSG Dewayne Pittman, an active American soldier serving in Iraq, I am serving in the military of the 1st Armored Division in Iraq, as our mission here is highly exclusive due to insurgents everyday and car bombs are attacking our peaceful mission here.
We managed to secure funds from the war zone. The total amount is US$ 12 Million dollars in cash. We want to move this money out of this place,this place is a war zone, so that you may keep our share for us till when we will come over to meet you.We will take 70%, my partner and I.You take 30%. No strings attached, just help us move it out of Iraq, Iraq is a war zone. We plan on using diplomatic courier and shipping the money out in a large box, using diplomatic immunity.
If you are interested I wil l send you the full details, my job is to find a good partner that we can trust and that will assist us. Can I trust you? When you receive this letter, kindly send me an e-mail signifying your interest including your
most confidential telephone/fax numbers for quick communication also your contact details. This business is risk free. The box can be shipped out in 48hrs if you want to handle the deal with us as brothers.
SSG Dewayne Pittman
MfG - Scambaiter
> Horas non numero nisi serenas <
HP: http://scambaiter.info
Beiträge: | 11.582 |
Registriert am: | 01.01.2006 |
Jetzt gibt es hier auch noch Kinderarbeit! Wenn das mal gut geht:-)
Klein Charlotte hat Antwort bekommen. Eine lange Mail, mit der C. nicht viel anfangen kann.
Mir Foto, Führerschein und Genever Konvention ID Karte.
In Antwort auf:Anmerkung: Der wackere möchtegern Kriegsheld mit dem Geld,
Thanks for your honest response.
Donnerstag, 26. Februar, 2009 15:31 Uhr
Von: "Dewayne Pittman"
An: "googlemail2008-07"
Die Nachricht enthält Anhänge
Thank you very much for your honest response, I wish to advise you that we don't have much time to get this deal done. I’m a soldier and I’m giving you this total blind trust because I’m used to risks and I wish that you send me a scanned copy of your ID card to guarantee my blind trust in you.
You have to know that I have so much exclusive duties here to handle and I need to ship this fund out of this country as soon as possible so that I can concentrate on my duty post. This money was secretly secured in the war zone if you check the news you will identify that this particular fund was not declared among the monies we found at the war zone and I have kept it for a long time to be sure that it’s not in the news and no one knows about this particular money.
Check the news: http:/*/news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/middle_east/2988455.stm
We can not go for bank to bank transfer because of the origin of the money and as American soldier on war duty. Our activities are highly limited based on the military code of conduct of the US Army, soldiers are not permitted to any personal transaction while on out side assignment.
I have been into the American war force for many years. I wish to inform you that this is not my first experience in diplomatic shipment. Many times we have secured valuable items in the war zone and the only safe way of securing such item is through diplomatic shipment.
I'm happy with the message you sent to me. I’m very happy that you are interested in helping and ready to handle the receiving of the shipment. We are going to use the right sea shipment because diplomatic immunities do not work through air shipment any more due to recent scams all over the world, again because of recent terrorist activities all over the world. Immigrations and customs have established new policies to handle any parcel, vessel and consignment of all classes diplomatic and non diplomatic consignments.
We are going to control a complete shipment by a sea shipping company so that the box will come to you through sea and you will have no problem for the clearance because it shall be combined with the US army shipment Order. We have some exclusive reports documents and items for shipment in our division. Every arrangement has been made with my partners to join the box with the US military vessel ready to be shipped back to the STATES.
The shipping company has their biggest operational unit in UK London the name of the shipping company is OTAFRICALINE. http://WWW.otal.com.
We have one of their men in UK who controls all transit records and audit. His name is Mr Larry Clough. As soon as the ship departs next tomorrow, I will send you a copy of the bill lading receipt which you shall forward to him to separate our box from the US army vessel during transit in the United Kingdom coast. Then you will send him fresh fees to prepare a separate bill of lading, get a fresh proforma invoice, freight. A new Declaration will be made to get the final invoice which their despatch agent will use to clear the box from the final destination sea port and then finalise delivery to your house.
I do not know if you know how dangerous it will be for us to trust any body with this secret. No body should know the secret of our wealth. This should be our top secret. No body should know how we made our money. This is to keep our future investment safe out of thrait from any body who may know this secret. Remember I have friends and relatives but I never wish any body close to me to ever know the secret of my wealth because of my profession and future investment. If I contact any body well known to me and he rejects this offer I’m sure the person must be jealous of my investments in the future and wish to use my secret to destroy me and my investment out of envy and jealousness.
This is why I have taking my time to contact you for this deal. I picked your email contact honestly out of blind trust through my research for an unknown partner to secure this money out from this bloody fucking war zone.
There is no time for delay we have the vessel ready for deposit and the vessel shall be forwarded to their UK regional office to be combined with their Big ship that is going to the states. Their unit is very small here in Iraq so they only collect few deposit and forward it to their UK regional office for departure and that is where our man Mr Larry Clough will separate our box from the US army luggage and channel it to your address as the certified receiver of the official item and you will be the consignee. We have stamped all the US army security codes on the box with all the US consignments in the vessel so there is no way any security agent or custom will ever open the box for any inspection because of the diplomatic and millitary authorization Tags placed on the box. We have also marked a sign on the box which Mr Larry Clough will use to identify the box from the US vessel.
Mr Larry Clough will award their despatch agent who will receive your original Bill of lading and FRI certificate for the shipment and he will simply get the box to your house freely. The sea shipment diplomatic clearing is not the same with air courier delivery service so there is no reason for this to cause you more thousand dollars and there is no document required for sea shipment because you will have a fresh Bill of lading and final invoice including the FRI certificates issued in your name. Their despatch agent shall be awarded to clear the box from the sea customs of the destination country and he will have the BSC certificate to get the box out and finalise delivery to your house.
You need to send me a scanned copy of your ID card to guarantee my trust in you because the vessel will depart next tomorrow. And you will have some money with you to control the deal with Mr Larry in London. I can not be directly involved in the control in London because all we can do now is to join this box with the US vessel we can not handle this money or spend it here or conduct any personal shipment because the global world is watching on us and our assignment here has lost its national support since the victory of the new President Obama.
Get back to me this moment with a scanned copy of your ID card the shipment has been commanded and the vessel will depart Iraq next tomorrow.
I have attached my official ID card for your perusal and I need your ID card for my guarantee.
SSG Dewayne Pittman
MfG - Scambaiter
> Horas non numero nisi serenas <
HP: http://scambaiter.info
Beiträge: | 11.582 |
Registriert am: | 01.01.2006 |
Driver Licence: wann ist denn da das renew Datum? Die gelten doch nur eine bestimmte Zeit. Oder hat er das MHD schon überschritten.
Beiträge: | 4.489 |
Registriert am: | 22.01.2006 |
@fridolin, genau bei den Amis is der Führerschein quasi auch Ausweis.
Und gilt nur für eine bestimmte Zeit. Da kann man später mal nachfragen.
Charlotte ist "verknallt" in den Sergeanten. Mal sehen ob ihm das gefällt...
In Antwort auf:Sven Udo macht für mich weiter!
AW: Thanks for your honest response.
Freitag, 27. Februar, 2009 21:16 Uhr
Von: "googlemail2008-07"
An: "Dewayne Pittman"
Die Nachricht enthält Anhänge
National ID Charlotte.jpg (69KB), Charlotte.jpg (22KB)
My dear soldier Dewayne Pittman![]()
Thank you for your mail. I read all what you wrote.
Also thanks for your photo and ID. Oh oh you are so strong and handsome one.
And this uniform is really great! It's a pity I am a girl.
I would love to be like you, one iron man so strong!
I idolize YOU I kiss you!
I try to understand all well. Only can you write me this in a short succinct form?
Then I can do step by step what you need and want.
Be sure I do all all all only for you my strong soldier!
I send you my national ID and my simple photo, and hope you love it?!
Be strong in your fight for freedom!
Yours Charlotte
Sven Udo
HP: http://www.scambaiter.info
Forum: http://www.scambaiter.info/forum
Beiträge: | 1.678 |
Registriert am: | 01.01.2006 |
Zitat von fridolin
Driver Licence: wann ist denn da das renew Datum? Die gelten doch nur eine bestimmte Zeit. Oder hat er das MHD schon überschritten.
Ich mache für Scambaiter weiter!
Charlotte hat Antwort bekommen. Aber so glücklich ist sie nicht darüber.
Er redet sie im Brief mit "Hello my good friend" an.
Und auch der Text besagt, der "Soldat" schreibt nach Script. Nur am Ende fragt er, ob Charlotte Single ist.
Und alles so Geheim, dass mit der UNO und dem US Diplomaten Kriegsschiff, usw.
In Antwort auf:
I will update you tomorrow on the shipment status.
Samstag, 28. Februar, 2009 13:21 Uhr
Von: "Dewayne Pittman"
An: googlemail2008-07
Hello my good friend,
Thanks for your message. I wish to inform you that I’m doing every thing possible to conclude with the shipment.
I received your message and I have seen that you are ready to help. I have no doubt that you will keep your words. I have taking note of your personal details and have guaranteed that you will not let us down. I’m very happy that you are capable to handle this shipment and have honestly explained your interest.
In this situation , there is no reason for us to lose in this deal because as a soldier I understand when it said the Battle is over. That means the deal is safe. Hope you know as we say in the military PRIVATE. This money and this deal have been a top secret. I have not even trusted any one close to me or related to me with it. We have to handle this as we are trained to be perfect in operations. I will never get any one closer to me involved in this deal to avoid any trace because this is our agreement with my colleague here. We have seen your profile and experience and we are guaranteed that you can handle the receiving of the shipment. Like we say in the military, ‘’ when something stronger than you is facing you in the battlefield, do what you have never done before to take his life first.’’ You will try to put in the finances required to control the shipment with Mr Larry Clough you really understand the protocol, we can not be directly or indirectly active in the shipment control in London to avoid creating a link that will destroy us in the future. This deal will be only safe when we all handle it as soldiers. It’s only safe when it’s well done. There is no way you will spend a lot of money on the freight. It’s not what you think. The shipping company is a small sea line that work diplomatically in Iraq, they don’t have a wide link. They only collect vessels and combine it with their mother sea line to any where in the world. The US military vessel is a diplomatic vessel so it has no trace on board and no identification to any authorities for any examination it shall have no tracking for any un-authorized personnel. And no details of its port of departure shall be available for tracking. This is the military diplomatic protocol to keep weapons and military items safe to sail against sea pirates and hijackers. The US vessel is a high diplomatic vessel and we have also placed all the security stamps and Tags on the Box. It is in London that the vessels shall be combined to the mother sea line to sail to the US and Canada including other countries within our region. Our box shall be identified by Mr Larry Clough and a fresh shipment shall be covered for single delivery of the box diplomatically to your choice of port and Mr Larry will give us his man in their despatch unit who has a BSC certificate to pick up the box from your sea port and finalise delivery to your house.
The ship will leave tomorrow and will last for 12 days to get to London but you will contact Mr Larry immediately so that he will start to do the documents before the ship gets to London within 12 days. He needs to do the Insurance and FRI. Before the ship gets to London because that will take him about 7 days to get because he will go to the British offices to process the document legally and each of them has official days. If he gets the whole export documents ready, as soon as the ship arrives in 12 days, he will do the declaration and final invoice which shall be used for the preparation of the Bill of Lading. So that the box will depart from London the same day the US vessel is departing. The US vessel is highly diplomatic so will not last more than 48 hours on transit. I will give you the details you will use to contact My Larry as soon as the Bill of Lading is out tomorrow so that you contact him to save the deal.
The ship will not last more than two weeks to get to the US and Canada because it shall use the fastest UN WARSHIP. As soldiers, it’s said that we don’t fail to plan and we don’t plan to fail. You will try what you have not done before to make this a success because this deal is for your benefit and I and I can not directly or indirectly link my self into the shipment from here to London because the global world is watching our activities here and every thing we are doing has to be done as intelligent US troops. As we say PRIVATE. To save this deal and our future freedom including our future investments, we most not allow any trace for this deal. That is why we are more confident in you that you can handle it because of your interest.
I will contact you with the shipment details and the shipment information you will use to contact Mr Larry Clough in UK tomorrow as soon as the Bill of Lading is out.
I love your picture, you are very beautifull are you currently single or married.
SSG Dewayne Pittman
Sven Udo
HP: http://www.scambaiter.info
Forum: http://www.scambaiter.info/forum
Beiträge: | 1.678 |
Registriert am: | 01.01.2006 |
Charlotte ist - fast - bis über beide Ohren verliebt.
Dabei vergisst sie das Geschäftliche, Stück für Stück. Ob das "Dewayne Pittman" auch gefällt?
In Antwort auf:
AW: I will update you tomorrow on the shipment status.
Montag, 2. März, 2009 22:22 Uhr
Von: "googlemail2008-07"
An: "Dewayne Pittman"
Die Nachricht enthält Anhänge
To my soldier from Charlotte.JPG (268KB)
My dear soldier Dewayne,
Thanks for your lovely mail. You are so sweet, I idolize you.
So strong and lovely in the same time.
I would it love you are here...
I am still single, never been married.
And all German boys are so fleet-footed!
You are hard, in any way...
I send you one photo from me to you.
You must promise me you put it in your wallet!
And please, please you must send me also more pics!
With handwritten signature! I will tell you what to write OK?
Well and tell me more about your daily life.
And how go this business, you tell about me.
I hug you and send one kiss,
Sven Udo
HP: http://www.scambaiter.info
Forum: http://www.scambaiter.info/forum
Beiträge: | 1.678 |
Registriert am: | 01.01.2006 |
Ach wie ist das schön, wenn man so tolle Dokumente bekommt.
Aber der Reihe nach, Charlottes Herzblatt soldier Dewayne, schreibt keine Anrede.
Er geht mit keinem Wort auf die schmachtende Lotte ein. Das kann nicht gut gehen!
OK, sie haben eine Straße in London nach ihr benannt, aber das ist nicht genug!
Das Dokument strotzt nur so vor Allgemeinheit!
Iraq Main Port = wo ist denn das? London = Geheime Mission und warum nach London?
Und was die Amis alles so um die halbe Welt schippern.
Gaskocher, Radios, Doppeltüren, CD Spieler usw. Aber von dem geh. Auftrag steht nichts da.
Habe ich was überlesen? Aber wahrscheinlich ist das so Geheim, dass man es nicht lesen kann.
In Antwort auf:Und warum ausgerechnet eine afrikanische OT Africa Line für die US Army Transporte unternimmt,
Good news.
Mittwoch, 4. März, 2009 12:22 Uhr
Von: "Dewayne Pittman"
An: "googlemail2008-07"
Die Nachricht enthält Anhänge
BILL OF LADING[02).jpg (251KB)
My friend every thing is going well the Bill of Lading is out and we have tried every thing possible to secure the information you need to take up the deal from where we could not control. You have to understand that we have done our part very well and the money departed legally and secretly. We have carefully secured the money out from here and we have also carefully trusted you and believed that you will not let us down after receiving the money. We have so much trust in you and we urge you never to let us down.
You will have to contact Mr Larry today with the shipment information because he needs this information to start getting a new shipment order separately from the US vessel. There is no need for any delay because the ship is on board and has only few days to arrive in London. This is where you save the deal. Call him and send him an email with the below shipment details so that he will tell you how much it will cost you to order the shipment. We have informed him that we have a deal on board but we never told him the content of the box. He is only our man all we do is give him returns when items are sold but this time we have liquid cash which is very dangerous to trust him with. He has every right to take the money and seat on it and there is nothing we can do to get him pay.
You will not discuss what is not required with him. You will only give him the shipment order and send him the required fess to make an official shipment to save this deal. He knows what to do and whom to award for the clearance in final delivery to your house through their despatch unit agent, he will award any of his men who has the BSC certificate to pick up the box from the sea port and finalise delivery to your house. He will also inform you how long it will take the ship to get to your choice of port.
You need to have some money with you so that we shall obtain an official service to give every thing a diplomatic influence so that the box will depart London the same day the US vessel is departing with the same ship.
Name: Mr Larry Clough
Email: larryclou@mail2world.com
Phone: +447035912039
You will give him all this information and he will inform you how much it will cost you to control the shipment. You will also give him your full name, contact address and cell phone.
Reference No DA 1001 AMERICA
ACBMS95124814 150504& 62041925
Thank you very much for your co-operation and waiting for good news.
SSG D. Pittman.
Sven Udo
HP: http://www.scambaiter.info
Forum: http://www.scambaiter.info/forum
Beiträge: | 1.678 |
Registriert am: | 01.01.2006 |
Charlotte ist ein nettes Mädchen, aber blond.
(Keine Sorge liebe Leserinnen, nur in meiner Story hier)
Und als Mädchen hat sie keine Ahnung was Dewayne Pittman wirklich will.
Dafür hat sie ihren Helden schon mal zum platoon sergeant (Oberfeldwebel) befördert.
...sie hat ihm auch ein Schild gemalt, um ihre Liebe zu bezeugen.
(Ich habe Ansatasias Foto umgewidmte und an den Mugu weitergeschickt )
In Antwort auf:
AW: Good news.
Samstag, 7. März, 2009 03:12 Uhr
Von: "googlemail2008-07"
An: "Dewayne Pittman"
Die Nachricht enthält Anhänge
From Charlotte I love you Dewayne.jpg (83KB)
Oh my god my lover boy Dewayne, man of iron and the war!
I cant stop to look at your pics! Again and again!
I send you today my new photo and I sigh it for you!
I hope you love it?
Why why you don't address you mail with Charlotte?
I am not your "good friend" I am your lovely girl!
I hope you understand this well now!
I wish you send me other photos from you pls!
And send me not again one such strange and impersonally mail.
I will start to hate you so much!
OK, you tell me so much strange things, about you business.
I help you for sure I do any for you.
Only you must have patience with me.
Depending on how you explain me this in short details,
OK platoon sergeant Dewayne Pittman???
With love and hot kisses yours forever,
Sven Udo
HP: http://www.scambaiter.info
Forum: http://www.scambaiter.info/forum
Beiträge: | 1.678 |
Registriert am: | 01.01.2006 |
Ich fall' vom Hocker...
Die Mugus glauben den ganzen Quatsch! "Dewayne Pittman" schreibt einen "vernünftigen Brief".
Und gleichzeitig hat der Mugu Soldat, Charlottes Email addy weitergeben.
An einen Chameur aus Nigeria. Der will nun mit klein Lottchen anbändeln.
Die Strategie ist klar und durchschaubar.
Sie hoffen, dass Charlotte so blöd ist, 2 x abgezockt zu werden.
Ein mal "Dewayne Pittman" mit seiner US military vessel. Und der neue Shalom Ifeanyi als Lover hinterher.
...das kann noch lustig werden.
Ich kann die Mail von Shalom Ifeanyi eindeutig zuordnen.
Weil ich immer eine bestimmte wegwerfbare Adresse zu einem Vorgang verwende.
Außerdem besteht schon der erste Fehler der Mugus darin, ohne erkennbaren Zusammenhang, mich erneut anzuschreiben.
Denn Charlotte kann sich nun gar nicht erklären, woher "Shalom" sie kennt.
In Antwort auf:Shalom Ifeanyi - der möchtegern Lover - schreibt:
Thanks I truely love your pictures
Samstag, 7. März, 2009 10:58 Uhr
Von: "Dewayne Pittman"
An: "googlemail2008-07"
Hi Charlotte
I have seen your pics and I love you the way you are. I will give you the Love your soul seeks but we have to make this deal a success to secure the kind of financial stability that we need in life.
The ship has departed with the fund box. i combined the box with the US military vessel and you have to contact Mr Larry in London to tell you what to do so that the fund box shall be separated from the US military vessel and be shipped direct to you. The ship will transit in London and Mr Larry works at the British port he will bring the fund box out from the US military vessel then command a fresh shipment with your name and you will receive the box legally sent in his name. You will keep all the money I will be deployed in three months time then I will be coming to met you for the money.
It will not cost you much to control the shipment and pay the shipment freight because the box is only one and not too heavy so the freight fees will not be too much for you to pay.
Contact Mr Larry today the ship is already on board and will be in London after next week. There are so many things to be done for the shipment so you will contact MR Larry in London for him to start preparing the shipment documents before the ship arrive London.
You will tell him the sea port that closer to you city and he will award their despatch agent who will pick up the box from the sea port and finalise delivery to your house.
If you really want to Love me please you must help me out in this deal and we shall be happy together after my duty here in Iraq .
I have sent you a scanned copy of the Bill of loading and you will send it to Mr Larry in London he needs the information therein for his service.
Get back to me as soon as you are in contact with him.
Contact details
Name: Mr Larry Clough
Email: larrycloughll@mail2world.com
Phone: +44703591239
Thanks for your co-operations and waiting for your immediate response.
SSG D. Pittman.
In Antwort auf:
Could this be love?
Samstag, 7. März, 2009 10:43 Uhr
Von: "shalom ifeanyi"
An: "googlemail2008-07"
Hi Charlotte
My name is SHALOM IFEANYI, 29yr's I'm a busines man, while doing music for fun. I was born and i grew up in Nigeria and i am number 5 of six children.
I went to school in Nigeria were i got my A'Level and O'Level certificate, after my A & O'Level certificate i got in NIGERIA, I decided to further me more or me to archive something beautiful in life so i studied German language to get somethinbg different.
Then decided to go into business and i traveled COTE D' IVOIRE still in the West Africa to do some good business.
I'm average in hight dark skinned and handsome and i am very nice, caring and loving person. People who are close to me kow that i can be very nice but when you push me to the wall, i still give you a chance to change.
I'm type of guy that is patient, loyal, honest and understanding and i think i got that from my parent cos they are caring to me. I just got out of relationship and waiting for my true love to come and heal my soul and heart break into happiness and joy, could you be my everything in life? Would you like a black strong African like me who is ready to give you all that come from true love I'm ready for this since i can not find true Love around me then i think God has something some where for me could it be you?
I lived in COTE D' IVOIRE with my ex before we broke up and lived in different residential, im kinda looking for a serious partner i'll go into a serious relationship with you right away if you the lady for me. Hit me up if you are the one for me.
Sven Udo
HP: http://www.scambaiter.info
Forum: http://www.scambaiter.info/forum
Beiträge: | 1.678 |
Registriert am: | 01.01.2006 |
Lotte hat an beide Mugus geantwortet. Da wird wohl bald Geld fällig werden.
In Antwort auf:Und an dem Liebhaber in spe, hatte Charlotte geschrieben:
AW: Thanks I truely love your pictures & business
Mittwoch, 11. März, 2009 00:40 Uhr
Von: "googlemail2008-07"
An: "Larry Clough"
CC: "Dewayne Pittman"
Dear Mr. Larry Clough,
My lover Dewayne Pittman give me some data and advice me to send to you:
Name: Mr Larry Clough
Email: larryclou@world.com
Phone: +4470359120xxx
Reference No DA 1001 AMERICA
ACBMS95124814 150504& 62041925
My data are:
Charlotte von Mahlsdorf
Seelower Str. 14
D-01419 Berlin
I do understand nothing so I hope you will have all you need.
Regards Charlotte
My lover boy Dewayne how are you? I miss you and want to be in your arms.
I will send you one separate mail. This guy Clough must not know our erotic intimacies.
Love you kiss you,
In Antwort auf:Und heute kam die Antwort.
AW: Could this be love?
Sonntag, 8. März, 2009 21:24 Uhr
Von: "googlemail2008-07"
An: "Shalom Ifeanyi"
Die Nachricht enthält Anhänge
Charlotte.jpg (22KB)
Dear friend,
hi how are you?
I wondering where do you know my name and my address??
Please tell me and send me your photos!
In Antwort auf:
I love your photo.
Dienstag, 10. März, 2009 14:30 Uhr
Von: "shalom ifeanyi"
An: "googlemail2008-07"[lin]Thank you very much my friend. I got your name and email from my research through the yahoo.de. I believe you are from Germany . Because yahoo.de is for Germans. I studded German language and have so much love in German ladies and their way of life and I’m already in love with you for that reason. Please confirm this to me. Are you a German? I would like to communicate with you in your language to see if I have forgotten my Grammatik.
I’m not used to internet I will try to scan my photos as soon as I can. Your picture is very, very and very beautiful just exactly how I thought you will look like. Please let me know are you married and how old are you could you please tell me a little about you. I’m a kinder looking for some one to give out my love. I have been out of love painfully and wish to give my love to some one far away to enable me see every reason to trust you. If you the one for me please confirm this and just know that what so ever that keeps going is a goal.
**Jeremiah 29 vs. 11...For I know the thoughts that I think toward you,
saith the Lord, thoughts of peace, and not of evil,
to give you an expected end..*** I AM SHALOM THE KING OF BOYS****
You'll never know God is all you need, until he's all you got. God's Will won't ever take you, where his Grace won't cover you.
Sven Udo
HP: http://www.scambaiter.info
Forum: http://www.scambaiter.info/forum
Beiträge: | 1.678 |
Registriert am: | 01.01.2006 |
...darf's auch ein bisschen mehr sein?
Knallhart kommt heute die Geldforderung. Lottchen ist zwar blond, aber so blöd nun auch wieder nicht.
Also 1000,--€ soll der Spaß kosten. Und wen die überwiesen sind, kommt die nächste Forderung.
Ich werde wohl auch hier ELVIS einschalten, aber erst mal noch ein paar einfältige Fragen stellen...
In Antwort auf:
Betreff: Send me the sum of 1000.00 euros for your shipment.
Mittwoch, 11. März, 2009 18:19 Uhr
Von: "Dr Larry Clough"
An: "googlemail2008-07"
In receipt of your massage, this is to inform you that your information has been noted. Following the information I received from SSG Dewayne, the ship is confirmed on board. SSG Pittman has also contacted me with a similar notice of deal on board. I know what to do to certify what SSG Pittman want for your deal on board.
The ship will be here as early as after next week. He wants me to pick command a shipment of a particular box from their military vessel and divert it to your country and unto your house.. I have to secure exportation code which I will use to divert your item for your shipment.
I will have to validate the code for export at the British port authorities because single shipment is not included in my memorandum of association export certificate declaration. This you will send me an immediate 1000.00 One thousand Euros for validation custom official duty stamp fees. I must secure this first thing tomorrow morning so that by tomorrow I will be able to submit for customs declaration to secure the shipment order before the ship gets to this country.
I wish to inform you that your item must follow the same ship that will convey the US vessel to the States. After the ship discharges the US vessel, it shall sail to your local choice of port to discharge your consignment I shall command for your single shipment legally Hope that is what you guys want? If your deal could not be cleared on time to join the same ship, it shall be abandoned at the port here as a US confiscated item for investigations and verifications.
You will have to select your local port of discharge that will be convenient for you because the next ship that will convey the US military vessel is the United Nations express war ship which has been scheduled to discharge in the US port 10 days after departure from here and. For a highly diplomatic express shipment it shall sail to your country to discharge your consignment.
Send the money through western union money transfer to make the process faster because I have to validate the export code today to meet up with the giving days.
I have tried below to provide information for a western union money transfer.
My name: Larry Clough
Amount: 1000.00 One thousand Euros
Phone: +447035912xxx
Test question: When
Answer: Today
MTCN Number:
Send me an email as soon as the money is here.
Kin regards
Mr Larry B. Clough.
Sven Udo
HP: http://www.scambaiter.info
Forum: http://www.scambaiter.info/forum
Beiträge: | 1.678 |
Registriert am: | 01.01.2006 |
Nach Empfang deiner Massage ???? Und wo liegt Bimingham ?
alter Schwede
Beiträge: | 3.733 |
Registriert am: | 23.01.2009 |
Zitat von Sven Udo
Die "Shalom Ifeanyi" Geschichte scheint sich parallel zu entwickeln.
Noch poste ich es hier mit. Sollte sich die Sache weiter entwickeln, kann man es immer noch abtrennen.
Jedenfalls habe ich Antwort von Shalom. Und er schreibt in Deutsch, dass scheint mir kein Babelfish zu sein.
Könnte stimmen, dass er Deutsch versteht. Und es sogar im Goethe Institut gelernt hat.
Also Lesegemeinde, lest und sagt eure Meinung betr. Deutsch Babelfish oder Deutschkenntnisse?
In Antwort auf:
Am Montag wurde ich dir das foto schicken bitte.
Freitag, 13. März, 2009 18:47 Uhr
Von: "shalom ifeanyi"
An: "googlemail2008-07"
Viellen Dank fur dein email. Entschuldige bitte, dass Ich nicht mehr sehr gut Deuctsch schreiben kann. Ich habe sehr lange nicht auf Deutsch gesprochen order geschrieben. Ich hatte Deutsch im Goethe institut im Nigeria gelernt aber es war sehr lange. Ich zuche eine liebe und es passt mir sehr mit eine Deutsche um Deutsch noch sprechen zu konnen. Ich spreche gern Deutsch aber hier im Afrik gibt es nie Mann der Deutsch versteht und ich bitte dir um Liebe. Ich habe keine. Wenn du willst bitte geben sie mir ein chance.
Wie ist mein Deutsch? ich glaube nichT mehr gut, weil ich viel worter und grammatik vergesen habe? entschuldige bitte darauf.
Ich habe deine Fotos gesehen, du bist sehr schon und ich liebe dich schon und viel ich glaube, du bist die Liebe, die Ich zuche. aber ich muss mein Fotos am Montag schicken. Ich habe fotos aber noch nicht gescannen. Ich muss dir am Montag mein fotos schicken.
Was noch hmm. Du bist sehr schon und ich liebe dich schon sehr und wurder immer von dir horren.
Schreib mir oder ruf mich immer an, viel gluck. Uber diene Antwort wurde ich mich sehr freuen.
Dein Liebe
**Jeremiah 29 vs. 11...For I know the thoughts that I think toward you,
saith the Lord, thoughts of peace, and not of evil,
to give you an expected end..*** I AM SHALOM THE KING OF BOYS****
You'll never know God is all you need, until he's all you got. God's Will won't ever take you, where his Grace won't cover you.
Sven Udo
HP: http://www.scambaiter.info
Forum: http://www.scambaiter.info/forum
Beiträge: | 1.678 |
Registriert am: | 01.01.2006 |
das ist definitiv nicht durch ein Übersetzungsprogramm gegangen. Die verdrehten Buchstaben und anderen Rechtschreibfehler kommen bei ner Übersetzung nicht raus.
Da scheint sich einer Mühe gegeben zu haben und wil beeindrucken
Zitat von cilla
Das sehe ich genauso. Das ist kein Babbelfish oder ähnliches. Wie schön!!!
das ist definitiv nicht durch ein Übersetzungsprogramm gegangen. Die verdrehten Buchstaben und anderen Rechtschreibfehler kommen bei ner Übersetzung nicht raus.
Da scheint sich einer Mühe gegeben zu haben und wil beeindrucken
Illusionen regieren die Welt. Die jeweils größere Illusion gewinnt das Spiel.
Beiträge: | 4.410 |
Registriert am: | 29.05.2008 |
Und der junge ist schwer verliebt..wo soll das noch hinführen?
In Antwort auf:
This is all my haert for you
Freitag, 13. März, 2009 19:58 Uhr
Von: "shalom ifeanyi"
An: "googlemail2008-07"just for you my baby...
Sven Udo
HP: http://www.scambaiter.info
Forum: http://www.scambaiter.info/forum
Beiträge: | 1.678 |
Registriert am: | 01.01.2006 |
Teil I. der heutigen Story.
Unser wackerer Krieger mahnt Charlotte, sie soll alles für "bare Münze" nehmen.
Das mit der - seltsamen - Adresse und - falschen - PLZ hat seine Richtigkeit.
Na gut, da werden wir wohl "King ELVIS" bemühen.
Denn der Teil II. scheint sich zum interessanteren Part zu entwickeln.
Charlotte hat da einen richtigen "black lover" an Land gezogen.
Der wird doch auch bereit sein, ein paar Liebesbeweise zu liefern, oder?
Da fallen mir bemahlte Schilder ein, oder andere Dinge..wir werde sehen...was herauskommt.
Hier erst mal Teil I. SSG Dewayne Pittman:
In Antwort auf:
Try as much as you can to save our deal.
Montag, 16. März, 2009 13:44 Uhr
Von: "Dewayne Pittman"
An: "googlemail2008-07"
I have received your message and I’m very sorry for not have been able to get back to you the same day, as duty calls I have to be on my duty post.
Please do not make any mistake that will destroy our deal. Mr Larry is not mistaking. The city is England and the address is correct.
Please send the money to him so that he controls the shipment order for us from London to your country.
Please my dear do what ever it takes to save our deal we need this deal to enable us secure the kind of financial stability we need in this life.
I have contacted him and he need the fund to control the shipment process. There is nothing wrong with his contact please send him the amount he requested for our own deal.
I wish to finish this deal with you successfully and I shall be coming over to meet you for my share of the money as soon as I’m deployed from this assignment.
SSG. D.Pittman.
In Antwort auf:Auto Kennzeichen: CI/ci Elfenbeinküste (Côte d'Ivoire) Yamoussoukro Afrika
Love Shalom.
Montag, 16. März, 2009 15:12 Uhr
Von:"shalom ifeanyi"
An: "googlemail2008-07"
Die Nachricht enthält Anhänge
my pic i.jpg (248KB), my pic2.jpg (71KB), my pic3.jpg (168KB), my pic4.jpg (247KB)
Hello Love
I always try my best to keep my words. Like I told you that I will try to scan my pictures for you today, I have attached some of my pictures for you. I don’t know if you will like my look but my soul and mind is ready to give you honest Love. Have a look at me and tell me what you think about me.
Love Shalom.
**Jeremiah 29 vs. 11...For I know the thoughts that I think toward you,
saith the Lord, thoughts of peace, and not of evil,
to give you an expected end.. *** I AM SHALOM THE KING OF BOYS****
You'll never know God is all you need, until he's all you got. God's Will won't ever take you, where his Grace won't cover you.![]()
Sven Udo
HP: http://www.scambaiter.info
Forum: http://www.scambaiter.info/forum
Beiträge: | 1.678 |
Registriert am: | 01.01.2006 |
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