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kenneth amadi........gefunden bei friendscout

#1 von Amparo , 07.03.2009 17:53

Ich hatte doch nur zehn Minuten mit ihm gechattet und dann kommt nach Tagen so eine Mail

Von: kenneth amadi (
Gesendet: Samstag, 7. März 2009 17:42:10
An: aisha
Thank you so much my Dearest Love. Thinking about you

i always keep thanking and praising God for giving such a wonderful and good woman like you,

i will always remember this wonderful time you are giving me, honestly i never thought i could find,

a good loving and understanding woman like you in my life again, but i have always believe and have faith'

that someday she will come my way, Now i have found you i won't let go, i will always be happy loving and be the only one for you?

i found me very comfortable and happy when i got this mail, thank you for been there wishing me good and successful. honey i wish you the same, and also thinking about you so deeply, i want to be closer to you soon, because i want to love and take good care of you, and always be the honest and understanding love to you, which will always bring pleasure and Happiness in our life's together, I came very late yesterday when i left online with you, i had a call from the Airport that i have to come and Join the moving flight, so i couldnt had the time to come and let you know, that was why i didnt reply to your text, sorry about that, is because i was in a hurry to get the plane, now i am at home and i wish you are with me now, honey i am missing you so much and want you as the only woman for me, which i believe we are together for ever now, and we will get there loving each other,

i showed Manuela your picture and she was so happy to see you, she said you are so pretty and would be a good mother for her, i tell her so much about you, how good you been to me, and how we wish to be together and live happly with her, She said if you would love to come and be with her in the state while she still in the school. Yes' i told her. that very soon we both will be coming down to Germany and see you, and also spend some time with you, Honestly she was so happy after i said that, because she has been missing someone like a mother in her life, and for past 4years now, i kept promising that i will get her a good loving woman, But you must promise me that you won't hurt her feelings, and you will do everything to see that, she is always happy and feel the Love of a mother,

About me coming. i have thought about it, and i dont want it taking so long meeting you, so i will see to that, and i believe that the Special Grace of our Lord God! after my Trip back from Africa, i will be right there with you in Germany..
i have a Cocoa Farm in Africa, but i want to develop it into a bigger company, which i also deal with Gold and Jewerry, as soon as i get to africa i will send you some gift and it might be Gold Ring for our engagement, aha aha

it would be wonderful, and makes me feel real great loving and respecting you for ever, but you must promise me that you wont let me down no matter what, you will need to give me your forever loving word, you will always stand as my woman to help and support me to raise our family together, i dont need much of you, just your good loving and honesty, truthful and loveable, always there advicing and bringin good thoughts and Idea's ok..

i missed you so much, please come and be with me now

Na mein lieber, dann werde ich dich mal nicht zu lange warten lassenein stueck gemeinsam werden wir schon gehen.........bis du die kohle willst
Das Profil ist mittlerweile dort gesperrt, son Pech aber auch.

Beiträge: 1.434
Registriert am: 24.09.2008

RE: kenneth amadi........gefunden bei friendscout

#2 von Dana , 07.03.2009 18:18

Na dann - ganz viel Spaß dabei, Aisha!

Illusionen regieren die Welt. Die jeweils größere Illusion gewinnt das Spiel.

Beiträge: 4.410
Registriert am: 29.05.2008

RE: kenneth amadi........gefunden bei friendscout

#3 von Amparo , 08.03.2009 19:15 hab ich erst mal geantwortet. mich wundert es nur das er mich in deutschland besuchen will wo ich doch eigentlich in aegypten wohne. naja, mit flieger ist man ja schnell dort.

RE: hi‏
Von: aisha mohamed (aisha
Gesendet: Sonntag, 8. März 2009 19:49:07
An: kenneth amadi (
dear kenneth,

i am very happy when i open my account and i find a mail from you.
I also was thinking about you. I never thougt i find someone can understand me and feel my inside.
I hope you and Manuela are doing well. I feel nice when you tell me that you and her will visit me in germany..........i am waiting to see you and her. Please send me some picture more that i can show this also my kids.

I am missing you and wish you where here


hab ich ein glueck das der sogar ne kakao farm in west afrika hat und einen goldring solls ja auch noch geben.

Beiträge: 1.434
Registriert am: 24.09.2008

RE: kenneth amadi........gefunden bei friendscout

#4 von Amparo , 09.03.2009 19:10

RE: hi‏
Von: kenneth amadi (
Gesendet: Montag, 9. März 2009 16:09:06
An: aisha
Honestly i felt so happy reading back from you, thank you for thinking about me and Manuela, that is much love of you, yes soon we will be in germany and spend some time with you there, but would like to know your position, if there is anything that need to be done before we arrive there, something like, do you have your own house, do you own a car, do you live comfortable lifestyle there,because manuela is a kind of person, you understand, she always want a best place to stay...yes i am needing someone like you so closer, because i know we can offer alot together,

How have you been, and is everything going well, tell me how is your day and weather today, will wait for your reply!! Thank you

aha, ich wusste es doch.....der fisch hat angebissen

Beiträge: 1.434
Registriert am: 24.09.2008

RE: kenneth amadi........gefunden bei friendscout

#5 von Amparo , 10.03.2009 12:42

also, langsam frage ich mich *ist der wirr* oder *irr*, hat seit tagen nix gehoert von mir

take good care of yourself ok‏
Von: kenneth amadi (
Gesendet: Dienstag, 10. März 2009 00:14:19
An: aisha
Hey Angel...

How are you doing today, i haven't had from you for few days now, sorry about that i wasnt feeling good, after my Journey back home!! i am very happy and thankful that i am at home now, taking good care of my daughter myself, how have you been i miss talking with you, and i hope everything is just fine, i wish to always spend quality time with you, it has always be hard doing that, but i know for sure very soon we will always be together, take good care of things, as they are surpose to be, i care so much about you, i am very concern about you and need you so much in my life, want to have everlasting relationship with you Okay

Beiträge: 1.434
Registriert am: 24.09.2008

RE: kenneth amadi........gefunden bei friendscout

#6 von Dana , 10.03.2009 13:10

Wahrscheinlich hat er die Mail an mehrere versendet. Mugu ist immer sehr verwirrt, wenn er sich mit mehr als einer Frau gleichzeitig auseinandersetzen muss.

Illusionen regieren die Welt. Die jeweils größere Illusion gewinnt das Spiel.

Beiträge: 4.410
Registriert am: 29.05.2008

RE: kenneth amadi........gefunden bei friendscout

#7 von Amparo , 10.03.2009 13:46

ja dana, du hast recht........luegen haben kurze beine, dafuer sind wir ja besonders aufmerksam.

Beiträge: 1.434
Registriert am: 24.09.2008

RE: kenneth amadi........gefunden bei friendscout

#8 von Amparo , 10.03.2009 13:59

so sweatheart........bekommst natuerlich eine antwort und den anreiz dich ein bisschen mehr mit mir zu beschaeftigen

RE: take good care of yourself ok‏
Von: aisha
Gesendet: Dienstag, 10. März 2009 14:37:07
An: kenneth amadi (
Hello Kenneth,

i am verry happy to hear from you, my day started with high-altitude flight. i am sorry that i dont answer yesterday but i am verry busy. i am sad when i read you aren t good, i hope now everything is ok. i think manuele now verry happy when you are at home again.
dont be worry ken, if you visit me, manuela will find any comfort. i have house and car and everything in the right way.
i realy miss talk with you. maybe we make a new time for meeting in messenger.

please, send me some picture from manuela and you that i can show this for my childs. thanks for care of me, i dont find someone in my life do this in a good way, same than you.

i wait longingly for your answer


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Beiträge: 1.434
Registriert am: 24.09.2008

RE: kenneth amadi........gefunden bei friendscout

#9 von Amparo , 10.03.2009 22:25

nun hat er aber gar keine aehnlichkeit mehr mit dem bild bei msn..........hat er mittlerweile auch gewechseltund dabei haette ich doch gerne mal was junges, tz, tz

can you handle this man‏
Von: kenneth amadi (
Gesendet: Dienstag, 10. März 2009 16:36:53
An: aisha

Anlagen: 4 Anlagen Antivirenüberprüfung durch Windows Live OneCare
manuela.bmp (175,4 KB), manuela2.bmp (175,4 KB), ken.jpg (34,5 KB), kenn.jpg (24,9 KB)

Such a wonderful mail again, find this morney..was so happy to hear from you, yes i am looking for your kind of woman for a wife, someone who has such understanding and Goog thoughts, and always wish to have a quality and life time relationship with a caring, honest, understanding, fauthfil, truthful, trueful, Godfearing man like me, and i know how wonderful and great time's it would be knowing all about you, i will attrach a picture of me and Manuela so that you can see how and me, i was thinking i sent you my pics before, but i never did only sent's you pics of my friend, i am sorry, will do that right now ok..

so tell me how was your day, i would like to know how big your house is, and what kind of car you are using, tell me what you do in a living, i want to know your position, dont mean any other thing, then knowing all about you, and to see how we can make it worthful in future, i am not looking for a Night stand, i want forever relationship that will lead to married and be with each other forever...can you also do the same send pics of you and your families if possible please, i like you to tell me what you are looking in a man, and how you wish on building that greater life time relationship with him, i mean me, aha i know we will be!! Answer all my Question, in an understanding way, would be so greatful to hear from you soon...always take good care of yourself. and cope with everything

thank you for your caring and concern, i am so much Interested in you, i Swear!!

Your good friend! And?

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Beiträge: 1.434
Registriert am: 24.09.2008

RE: kenneth amadi........gefunden bei friendscout

#10 von Amparo , 10.03.2009 22:38

das bild der tochter bekomme ich hier nicht rein, weiss jemand warum?

das bild von ihm wurde 2004 aufgenommen, dieser typ hat mehrere identitaeten bei friendscout und im;unter dieser adresse heisst er spoony, ich habe alle sperren lassen und weiss mittlerweile das er dort auch schon mehrere frauen angesprochen und nach geld gefragt hat

i will handle you verry well, sweatheart.

Beiträge: 1.434
Registriert am: 24.09.2008

RE: kenneth amadi........gefunden bei friendscout

#11 von Dana , 10.03.2009 22:42

Zitat von aisha
das bild der tochter bekomme ich hier nicht rein, weiss jemand warum?

Weil es bmp-Dateien sind....wenn Du die in jpg umwandeln kannst, dann könntest Du sie hochladen.

Illusionen regieren die Welt. Die jeweils größere Illusion gewinnt das Spiel.

Beiträge: 4.410
Registriert am: 29.05.2008

RE: kenneth amadi........gefunden bei friendscout

#12 von Scambaiter , 10.03.2009 22:43

Der "Sauhund"... wieder in Hawaii geklaute Fotos:

MfG - Scambaiter
> Horas non numero nisi serenas <

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RE: kenneth amadi........gefunden bei friendscout

#13 von Amparo , 10.03.2009 23:08

so da ist das toechterlein......auch aus hawai geklaut...ein boeser bube dieser ken.

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Registriert am: 24.09.2008

RE: kenneth amadi........gefunden bei friendscout

#14 von Amparo , 11.03.2009 13:56

ich denke die antwort wird nicht lange dauern.

can you handle this man‏
Von: aisha
Gesendet: Mittwoch, 11. März 2009 14:46:44

Anlagen: 1 Anlage Antivirenüberprüfung durch Windows Live OneCare
meinhaus.jpg (34,4 KB)
Dear ken,

i am happy to find some mail again. you are writing smoth and soft and lovely.

you dont send any picture from your friend.....dont worry......because of this i was ask again about some pictures from you and manuela. she is verry nice and my child like her when they see the photo. maybe we will have no trouble about any jealousy with the childs.

i think never we will have a one night this will go? you will visit me for one night with your and at all i am not a kind of this women.

darling, i have a big house, its to big for me and my childs alone, with four sleeping rooms, two bathrooms, kitchen and a big living room. i need some life in my house but without any partner the home is cold.

i am a manager in a big company and many times i work also outside from the country. please i need also to know some things about you, your position, and how you live with your daugther, and where you live exactly, because some times i visit my girl friends in texas and florida. maybe i can visit you in the same time, that we can know us better.

i wait longingly for your answer


mal sehen was ihm noch einfaellt und was der readnotify alles ausspuckt.

Beiträge: 1.434
Registriert am: 24.09.2008

RE: kenneth amadi........gefunden bei friendscout

#15 von Amparo , 11.03.2009 19:49

man der ist aber schnell mit der antwortich weiss ja auch wie man son altes maedchen wie mich schmackhaft machen kann........habe erst mal ein bild vom haus geschickt und die von mir und den kids vergessen.....sowas nennt man verkaufen

i want you alone‏
Von: kenneth amadi (
Gesendet: Mittwoch, 11. März 2009 19:34:58
An: aisha
Thank you so much Aisha,

i am so glad to get such a caring and understanding mail..
you have make my day, and i can't forget this, because this is all i have been looking to have so closer to me, i have been single over 4years since i lost my wife, but i know with God i will find the good woman i am looking for in you, so please dont get upset with me if i dont always get back to your mail, i haven't forget you just need some good time for us, and i always have you in my thought i dont have any other woman, you are the only one i have here now, and i will always try to connect with you, Sorry if i haven't been there online always is because i have a serious business i am trying to settle down with,

Now i will answer all you asked me...

First i will like you to know my made of person..Hope you will like me and my only Daughter..

I am an honest,loyal, passionate, generous, giving, affectionate, sexual, supportive, sensitive, and a good listener who is easy to get along with. I am outgoing and very spontaneous.

I am someone who is comfortable in a pair of jeans, I dont Drink Nor Smoke Nor Used Drugs . I like the outdoors as I like to just stay at home. Hang around the house getting my hands dirty in the yard. Love to entertain.. I am generally try to live somewhere healthy lifestyle, exercising and some sort of joggings, 3-4 days a week and eating healthy,

I want a woman Of faith who Has principles and values. i want a partner in life some one to care for someone I can respect. I want a Best friend someone I can share anything with and see what that can lead us too next.

I'm not one who cheats in a relationship; one woman is enough, I don't have the time or energy to judge 2, 3, or 4 at the same time - lol. But I also want to be in a relationship where I can totally trust you and not dwell on how the relationship is not working...
am here looking for some one honest,truthful,godfearing and a good listiner, and I realize that at times it's more convenient for me to do laundry, cook, clean, and I have no problem doing I consider myself to be a fairly honest and truthful person and expect the same in return; I'm not too wealthy and don't expect someone to attempt to deceive me or "play" me..

Well, I hope that this lets you know a little about me, and I hope I don't come across as being too cynical, harsh, or meansounding to you? i am a very serious and simple man, who has so much offer's and want to have a life time enjoying comfortable relationship, let me tell you, i want a wife, i am not here for fun, i want to have family, we might not have more kids, i am ok with my daughter and also would like to know your kids on picture, please i asked of your pics not the house ok?

Beiträge: 1.434
Registriert am: 24.09.2008

RE: kenneth amadi........gefunden bei friendscout

#16 von Amparo , 11.03.2009 20:00

na klar moechte ich nur fuer dich sein..........sonst waere ich ja in keiner partnerboerse und suchte den mann fuers leben

Von: kenneth amadi (
Gesendet: Mittwoch, 11. März 2009 19:44:13
An: aisha
i am a simple man like i said, i work on a contract Job's i am a pipeline welder by profession, i also own a company, its Cocoa Farm, i use to deal with Gold and Jewery, but now i only want to settle down with the Cocoa business because its alot of profit on...

i have a big house too, i only have Manuela with me, dont have any woman or father here, me alone and manuela lives here, i love her so much, she is all my life and everything i had, i live very comfortable and happly with her..

My position here is too big and open for us ok. she so simple and understanding, only like surprisess and laughing!!

I am in United state now, i was in Uk when we meet i went there for a business trip, i am Originally from Germany but was born here in Athens GA?

it would be nice visiting you, and will love for you to also come here sometimes for a visit because my house is ok for us, and i know you will like it so much?

Thank you, please dont forget to sent me your Picture's ok

your only man Kenneth

Beiträge: 1.434
Registriert am: 24.09.2008

RE: kenneth amadi........gefunden bei friendscout

#17 von Amparo , 11.03.2009 20:05

ich glaube den armen kerl hat es schwer erwischt....drei mails an einem abend, hoffentlich hat er keinen krampf in den fingern

i am a christian, hope you too‏
Von: kenneth amadi (
Gesendet: Mittwoch, 11. März 2009 19:50:56
An: aisha
I think love is caring about someone in spite of their faults not just desiring the Yes I have loved, I am not really sure that i have been loved in the way people talk about though, I have always felt something was missing. love to me Is putting someone before yourself. It is desiring their pleasure more than your own. The bible says a man is to love his wife as Christ loved the church, to me that means he should be willing to give his life for her.

As a friend used to say God said it, I believe it, and that settles it good. I think Love is trusting,I think Love is Kind,i think Love is listening and i think Love is giving. I think to be in love is to want to spend time with someone more than anything ....Are you willing for all this with me alone Aisha.

I'm seeking a serious long term relationship and more. Someone who is responsible, respectful, can take care of themselves, and who is employed.special to capture my heart, and knows how to handle it with care, one who will cherish me and be willing to share life's greatest joys and sorrows. Someone who's willing to spoil, pamper and love me unconditionally, whom is kind, sincere, honest, passionate, loyal, sense of humor, loving and wants a lifetime of passion.and also knows how to have fun but can be serious when needed. do you have this Value in you Aisha!!

i believe with this all you can imagine my kind of person, and always stand as the only woman in my life...i have been thinking about you, and i know for sure we can work it out and enjoy it forever...

hope to hear from you sooner

und ob du von mir hoeren wirst, sweatheart

Beiträge: 1.434
Registriert am: 24.09.2008

RE: kenneth amadi........gefunden bei friendscout

#18 von John Grisham ( gelöscht ) , 12.03.2009 08:56

Den hab ich schon bei TIL gesehen - und schon bin ich auf der Suche...schaun ma mal!

John Grisham

RE: kenneth amadi........gefunden bei friendscout

#19 von John Grisham ( gelöscht ) , 12.03.2009 09:00

Hab Ihn - werde ich gleich mal anschreiben , diesen Süssen.....

John Grisham

RE: kenneth amadi........gefunden bei friendscout

#20 von cilla ( gelöscht ) , 12.03.2009 09:35

Habe ein Profil von ihm auf myspace gefunden ist zwar schon älter, aber selbst mit der Zeit wird er wohl nicht ausgeblichen sein??

zuletzt bearbeitet 12.03.2009 09:38 | Top


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