Nach sehr langer Zeit habe ich mal wieder meine Cousine besucht. Es geht ihr gesundheitlich aber leider gar nicht gut und sie ist in Geldsorgen. Aber sie hat auch einen Mann im Internet kennengelernt, der sich zur Zeit beruflich in Ghana aufhält. Ich habe ihr versprochen finanziell auszuhelfen, da ein paar hundert Euro bei meinem gut laufenden Fashion-Shop nur Kleingeld sind. Unglücklicherweise hat meine Cousine auf dem Weg zur Bank einen schweren Asthma-Anfall erlitten und musste mit Tatütata ins Krankenhaus und es war an mir, John zu informieren.
Dear Mr. Smith,
my name is Dana. I’m the cousin of xxxxx. I guess she told you about me.
First sorry for my bad english...and I'm totally confused...xxxxx told me that you are the man in her life and that she loves you.
Because of this I want to inform you that xxxxx is in hospital now. Today I visited my cousin, we didn't see each other for a very
long time....the last time we saw each other was years ago.
I arrived at midday and we wanted to go outside to bank and shopping but unfortunately she get's an asthma attack and I had to call
the emergency doc. Immediately she get's a was absolutly critical. The last word I heard from her was "John".
At the moment she is in intensive care and the doc says that the situation is really critical.
I found your email-address in her bag. I came back to her home from hospital just now to rest a little bit.
I'm so confused and shocked...I don't know what to do. I don't know anything about her...only that her daughter is in australien...
I need your help.
Kind regards
John ist komplett geschockt und weiß gar nicht, was er schreiben soll:
Hello Dana
I am shocked and I am just sharing tears at the moment..please take her phone and give me a call ok..I am shot of words...please call me..I am very sad...
Leider kann ich aber kein Englisch sprechen, daher möchte ich lieber mit ihm chatten:
Hello John,
sorry but my english is very bad....I can type but I have problems to talk on english.....could we chat? I use the yahoo-messenger.
John ist einverstanden:
ok..this is my yahoo
Und so sieht John aus. Ein Foto zeigt ihn auch mit seiner Tochter.
Illusionen regieren die Welt. Die jeweils größere Illusion gewinnt das Spiel.
Beiträge: | 4.410 |
Registriert am: | 29.05.2008 |
Dann habe ich John im Yahoo-Messenger getroffen. Ach ja, seine Email-Adresse ist übrigends
dana_wahr (26.03.2009 19:51:20): Hello
dana_wahr (26.03.2009 19:51:35): This is Dana
John Smith (26.03.2009 19:51:52): ok..
John Smith (26.03.2009 19:51:55): can I see you please?
dana_wahr (26.03.2009 19:52:05): now you can see my pic
John Smith (26.03.2009 19:52:24): oh ok..fine.can you see you in the cam?
Ach, auf Cam willst Du mich sehen? Soweit kommt das noch. Ich besitze sowas nicht.
dana_wahr (26.03.2009 19:52:38): sorry but I don't have cam at my laptop
dana_wahr (26.03.2009 19:52:44): do you have cam?
John Smith (26.03.2009 19:53:10): xxxxx has a cam with her laptop
John Smith (26.03.2009 19:53:12): use it
Was hat er denn für ein Ton am Leib?
dana_wahr (26.03.2009 19:53:49): hmmmm....there is a windows you know the password? I don't know it important?
John Smith (26.03.2009 19:54:09): it is ok..
John Smith (26.03.2009 19:54:17): please tell me..what happened??
dana_wahr (26.03.2009 19:54:22): yes....
dana_wahr (26.03.2009 19:55:13): we left her home and were on the way to bank....and she got an asthma attack
dana_wahr (26.03.2009 19:55:25): I never saw something like that before....
Ja, so ein Asthma-Anfall ist erschreckend....
John Smith (26.03.2009 19:55:38): oh my God
dana_wahr (26.03.2009 19:55:42): it was.....terrifiying
dana_wahr (26.03.2009 19:55:55): I called the emergency
John Smith (26.03.2009 19:56:00): and I hope nothing bad happened to her
dana_wahr (26.03.2009 19:56:13): and they vetilated her
dana_wahr (26.03.2009 19:56:22): she is at the intensive care now
dana_wahr (26.03.2009 19:56:31): I talked with the doctor there....
dana_wahr (26.03.2009 19:56:40): it is not good......
dana_wahr (26.03.2009 19:56:53): he can't say how it goes on now....
dana_wahr (26.03.2009 19:57:19): I want to drive to the hospital later again
dana_wahr (26.03.2009 19:57:36): we will see....
dana_wahr (26.03.2009 19:57:53): but I am really scared
dana_wahr (26.03.2009 19:58:14): John....are you there?
John Smith (26.03.2009 19:59:31): she is my all and only and please take good care of her for me since I am not there but I hope I will come there very soon
dana_wahr (26.03.2009 19:59:35): Her last word before they ventilated her was that she called you
John Smith (26.03.2009 19:59:58): oh
dana_wahr (26.03.2009 20:00:00): Can you come now? I long will it take?
Meine Cousine braucht ihn wirklich dringend!!! Am Besten ist, er kommt sofort nach Deutschland.
John Smith (26.03.2009 20:00:29): hmm
John Smith (26.03.2009 20:00:38): I hav a little problem here
John Smith (26.03.2009 20:00:46): so I think it will take a little time
dana_wahr (26.03.2009 20:00:51): okay...
dana_wahr (26.03.2009 20:01:12): *smile* she showed me your pictures....
John Smith (26.03.2009 20:01:31): oh
dana_wahr (26.03.2009 20:01:49): are very very handsome.....
dana_wahr (26.03.2009 20:02:00): and am lucky for her
John Smith (26.03.2009 20:02:00): Thanks you
dana_wahr (26.03.2009 20:02:49): and I was a little bit jealous .... but now....
Ja, bei den Bildern kann man wirklich neidisch werden...wenn die eigene Cousine so einen gutaussehenden Mann abgreift.
John Smith (26.03.2009 20:02:53): I am very sad
dana_wahr (26.03.2009 20:02:58): same here
John Smith (26.03.2009 20:03:14): and I hope she will get well very soon
dana_wahr (26.03.2009 20:03:54): I really hope so.....but the doc was concerned....
John Smith (26.03.2009 20:04:32): oh please..let me know what will happen ok
John Smith (26.03.2009 20:04:38): please..I need her so much
dana_wahr (26.03.2009 20:04:39): I don't know a lot about her....but it seems to me that something depress her
dana_wahr (26.03.2009 20:04:58): and I guess it was the reason for the asthma attack...
dana_wahr (26.03.2009 20:05:10): she asked me for money....
John Smith (26.03.2009 20:05:40): oh
John Smith (26.03.2009 20:05:42): god\
John Smith (26.03.2009 20:05:47): moment please
John Smith (26.03.2009 20:05:50): please wait ok
dana_wahr (26.03.2009 20:05:53): yes...ok
Dann habe ich 20 Minuten gewartet und hätte so gerne gewußt, was er nun treibt.
John Smith (26.03.2009 20:25:49): honey i am back ,sorry for the delay
Honey? Sind wir schon soweit?
dana_wahr (26.03.2009 20:26:02): Honey?
dana_wahr (26.03.2009 20:26:13): *smile*
dana_wahr (26.03.2009 20:26:22): it is okay
John Smith (26.03.2009 20:26:54): ok my love
John Smith (26.03.2009 20:27:11): now i am back and just for you and only you honey..kiss
Ohhh mei.... Der arme Kerl fängt an zu phantasieren.
dana_wahr (26.03.2009 20:27:19): John?????
dana_wahr (26.03.2009 20:27:32): everything okay with you?
dana_wahr (26.03.2009 20:27:46): THis is Dana
dana_wahr (26.03.2009 20:28:10): you don't know can you love me?
John Smith (26.03.2009 20:28:49): yes i know but i called you my love because love is great
John Smith (26.03.2009 20:28:59): ok so please dont be mistakened
dana_wahr (26.03.2009 20:29:40): is great, are right....and you are really handsome.....but you don't love love xxxxx....
dana_wahr (26.03.2009 20:30:49): Are you there, dear?
John Smith (26.03.2009 20:31:15): yes i am here
dana_wahr (26.03.2009 20:31:22): okay....
dana_wahr (26.03.2009 20:32:03): I really was jealous at that moment I saw your pics....but I love my cousin....
dana_wahr (26.03.2009 20:33:14): and you are her man or not? She said that
Ob ich was drehen kann, dass er sich in mich verliebt?
John Smith (26.03.2009 20:33:44): yes i love her soo much my dear
John Smith (26.03.2009 20:34:01): she is the best thing that has happened to me in my life
dana_wahr (26.03.2009 20:34:06): okay
dana_wahr (26.03.2009 20:34:32): that is very good
dana_wahr (26.03.2009 20:35:25): I wished I could say the same. Later I want to visit her....she can't speak....but I will be there for some hours
dana_wahr (26.03.2009 20:35:34): Tomorrow I have to drive to Frankfurt
dana_wahr (26.03.2009 20:36:04): After that I will visit her again and in the evening I will be here so that I can tell you what happen
John Smith (26.03.2009 20:37:38): ok
John Smith (26.03.2009 20:37:46): i want you to take good care of her ok
dana_wahr (26.03.2009 20:37:48): There was something about money.....
John Smith (26.03.2009 20:37:55): and tell her i love her soo much
dana_wahr (26.03.2009 20:38:09): I wanted to give her.....because she is my cousin....
dana_wahr (26.03.2009 20:38:46): I have know.....I love it to give to her if she is in trouble.....
John Smith (26.03.2009 20:39:33): ok..but please tell her that I love her nothing can change my love for her
dana_wahr (26.03.2009 20:39:51): okay....I will tell her dear
dana_wahr (26.03.2009 20:40:16): And how are you over there?
John Smith (26.03.2009 20:40:22): please..I am not your Dear
dana_wahr (26.03.2009 20:40:34): okay....sorry....
John Smith (26.03.2009 20:40:44): i am only john fro you
Uuuups...nun doch kein dear mehr? Wie schade...mir bricht das Herz.
dana_wahr (26.03.2009 20:40:58): okay John....
John Smith (26.03.2009 20:41:16): so please tell me..when will she get well
dana_wahr (26.03.2009 20:41:57): John....I wished I could say you. I don't can take weeks the doc said something like that
John Smith (26.03.2009 20:42:40): oh no
dana_wahr (26.03.2009 20:42:42): it is very critical at the moment he said....she could die
John Smith (26.03.2009 20:42:52): oh this is not true
John Smith (26.03.2009 20:43:02): this will never happen
dana_wahr (26.03.2009 20:43:23): It is true....unfortunately
John Smith (26.03.2009 20:43:52): please tell me something Else because it can not be True
John Smith (26.03.2009 20:43:56): that xxxxx will die
dana_wahr (26.03.2009 20:44:15): I don't say she will...but it could be
John Smith (26.03.2009 20:45:58): Dana..I think she will be well ver
dana_wahr (26.03.2009 20:46:13): I hope so
dana_wahr (26.03.2009 20:46:29): where are you now, John?
John Smith (26.03.2009 20:46:43): I am in my country
Wo ist er? In seinem Land? Ghana ist sein Land? hmmmmm....
John Smith (26.03.2009 20:46:45): why?
dana_wahr (26.03.2009 20:47:11): she never told me where you are....I only know that you are not in germany
John Smith (26.03.2009 20:47:39): ok..I am in London ok
Ach so....schnell mal nach London gebeamt....nee, is klar.
dana_wahr (26.03.2009 20:47:44): okay
John Smith (26.03.2009 20:48:07): I am very sad at the moment
dana_wahr (26.03.2009 20:48:19): yes John...and am very sorry....
John Smith (26.03.2009 20:48:26): and I can't sleep withot saying hello to xxxx my love
dana_wahr (26.03.2009 20:48:57): I cant help you at the really sorry and sad as well....
John Smith (26.03.2009 20:49:27): Dana..please call me when you go to the Hospital ok
John Smith (26.03.2009 20:49:33): I want to talk to xxxxx
John Smith (26.03.2009 20:49:35): please
Telefonieren mit meiner Cousine geht gar nicht. Auf Intensivstation ist sowas absolut nicht erlaubt. Was denkt er sich eigentlich?
dana_wahr (26.03.2009 20:51:09): she is at the intensive care....there is no cell phone allowed....the will throw me out of the hospital....because of the apparatus there....
John Smith (26.03.2009 20:51:47): oh ok
dana_wahr (26.03.2009 20:51:51): I have to go now.....
dana_wahr (26.03.2009 20:51:59): I will be here tomorrow evening
John Smith (26.03.2009 20:52:02): ok..bye for now
John Smith (26.03.2009 20:52:16): write me an E-mail tomorrow ok
John Smith (26.03.2009 20:52:17): bye
dana_wahr (26.03.2009 20:52:30): but 9:30pm my time...I write you an email tomorrow morning
dana_wahr (26.03.2009 20:52:35): okay...
Illusionen regieren die Welt. Die jeweils größere Illusion gewinnt das Spiel.
Beiträge: | 4.410 |
Registriert am: | 29.05.2008 |
Am nächsten Morgen hat er wie versprochen eine kurze Email mit dem Stand der Dinge bekommen. Es sieht aber gar nicht gut aus....
Good Morning John,
how was your night. I was at hospital this night. It was worst. They had to reanimate xxxxx cause her heart stopped to beat. I don't know how it will go on.....
I'm driving to my appointment soon and late in the afternoon I will go back to the hospital. In the night I will be online....round about 9:30pm.
Kind regards
Abends nachdem ich total abgehetzt vom Krankenhaus und war pünktlich um 21:30 Uhr am Rechner....aber ich fand nur Offline-Messenges von John vor:
John Smith (27.03.2009 11:45:59): Hello Danna
John Smith (27.03.2009 11:46:04): how is xxxxx?/
John Smith (27.03.2009 19:03:35): <ding>
John Smith (27.03.2009 19:03:45): Good evening madam
John Smith (27.03.2009 19:03:48): how is my xxxxx?
John Smith (27.03.2009 20:16:45): Dana..what is going on please?
John Smith (27.03.2009 20:58:06): Hello Dana
John Smith (27.03.2009 20:58:09): where are you
John Smith (27.03.2009 20:58:21): please come online and tell me something about my love ok
John Smith (27.03.2009 20:58:24): I miss her so much
John Smith (27.03.2009 20:58:37): I am waiting for you ok
Als ich online war, war weit und breit kein John zu sehen....
dana_wahr (27.03.2009 21:22:29): Hello John...
dana_wahr (27.03.2009 21:22:43): came back just now....
dana_wahr (27.03.2009 21:22:56): please buzz me....i need a little rest
dana_wahr (27.03.2009 21:52:47): John....I am here since is 9:50pm...where are you?
Nach 2 Stunden habe ich aufgegeben. Kennt John die Uhrzeit nicht?
dana_wahr (27.03.2009 22:56:53): Hello John...I have to go is a pity that you wasn't here...I said that I am online at 9:30pm....however...xxxxx's condition was better than last night...but she wasn't awake.
dana_wahr (27.03.2009 22:57:37): I will drive back home tomorrow. My son is waiting...but I will phone with the hospital every day and I will inform you.
Illusionen regieren die Welt. Die jeweils größere Illusion gewinnt das Spiel.
Beiträge: | 4.410 |
Registriert am: | 29.05.2008 |
Nun nächsten Morgen kommt eine Email...Wieso hätte ich ihn per Mail informieren sollen? Wir hatten uns doch im Chat verabredet.
Good morning Dana
why haven't you write me an E-mail since yesterday??what is going on..please let me know because I have much pains in my Hear and I don't know what to do now..please let me know what is going on with my love ok..bye for now ok.
Und es folgt Mittags ein Chat.
John Smith (28.03.2009 12:02:14): Good afternoon Dana
dana_wahr (28.03.2009 12:02:30): 1 minute please
John Smith (28.03.2009 12:02:40): ok
dana_wahr (28.03.2009 12:03:25): ok...hello John. How are you?
John Smith (28.03.2009 12:03:37): I am fine and you?
dana_wahr (28.03.2009 12:04:04): I'm doing good. thanks. I was waiting last night but you didn't come online
John Smith (28.03.2009 12:04:22): I came online but you were not here
Das Du die Uhr nicht lesen kannst, kann ich auch nix für...
John Smith (28.03.2009 12:04:39): please tell is xxxxx?
dana_wahr (28.03.2009 12:05:14): her condition is a little bit better but she is in artificial coma at the that I couldn't talk to her
dana_wahr (28.03.2009 12:05:21): and now am home in Hamburg
John Smith (28.03.2009 12:05:41): oh why did you leave her alone?
dana_wahr (28.03.2009 12:06:00): my son was waiting for me. He needs me as well
John Smith (28.03.2009 12:06:28): ok..and when do you think xxxxx will be well??
dana_wahr (28.03.2009 12:06:31): I want tophone with the hospital two time every day.
dana_wahr (28.03.2009 12:06:52): it can takes weeks said the doctor
John Smith (28.03.2009 12:06:55): I have been trying to call xxxxx's number you did not answer
Jaaa neee....sie liegt auf der Intensiv und Du versuchst sie anzurufen....
dana_wahr (28.03.2009 12:08:02): her landline or cell phone? I could not find any cell phone...don't know where it is. And at the landline I activated the anwering mashine
dana_wahr (28.03.2009 12:08:15): she activated it as we left her home
John Smith (28.03.2009 12:08:34): please tell me
John Smith (28.03.2009 12:08:50): do you think she can be well within this week?
Er kann nicht lesen...ich hatte ihm doch eben geschrieben, dass es Wochen dauert.
dana_wahr (28.03.2009 12:09:10): this week? no...never. John...she is in koma at the moment
dana_wahr (28.03.2009 12:09:20): maybe in 3 weeks
John Smith (28.03.2009 12:09:29): oh why??
dana_wahr (28.03.2009 12:10:04): she is in artifical coma....because in other way she would have to much pain.
John Smith (28.03.2009 12:10:32): then I have to come there
Sehr gute Idee. Komm endlich her und sei bei Deinem Schatz!!!
dana_wahr (28.03.2009 12:10:52): the lungs have been absolutly knotted
dana_wahr (28.03.2009 12:11:01): is the best you come here
dana_wahr (28.03.2009 12:11:15): the way from UK to Germany is not far away
John Smith (28.03.2009 12:11:23): Dana
dana_wahr (28.03.2009 12:11:25): the flight takes 1,5 hour
John Smith (28.03.2009 12:11:35): I want to tell the Truth
Ja klar, jetzt kommt die Wahrheit.
dana_wahr (28.03.2009 12:11:42): ok....
John Smith (28.03.2009 12:11:52): I am now in Ghana
John Smith (28.03.2009 12:11:59): and xxxxx knows that
dana_wahr (28.03.2009 12:12:11): and why did you lie to me?
John Smith (28.03.2009 12:12:12): I came here for a Business Trip..
John Smith (28.03.2009 12:12:27): I am very sorry about that ok..please forgive me
dana_wahr (28.03.2009 12:12:33): hmmm
dana_wahr (28.03.2009 12:12:44): okay
John Smith (28.03.2009 12:12:58): and I need help now
Sicher...Du hast noch nicht genug Geld ist nie genug....
dana_wahr (28.03.2009 12:13:29): really....
John Smith (28.03.2009 12:13:34): yes
dana_wahr (28.03.2009 12:13:37): what kind of help?
John Smith (28.03.2009 12:14:10): I need some money to pay for some case here
John Smith (28.03.2009 12:14:13): that is all
dana_wahr (28.03.2009 12:14:35): okay...and that is a problem for you?
John Smith (28.03.2009 12:14:42): yes
dana_wahr (28.03.2009 12:15:07): please tell me
John Smith (28.03.2009 12:15:13): can you help me some to Germany and see xxxxx??
dana_wahr (28.03.2009 12:16:00): please tell me more about your problem and then I promise to help
John Smith (28.03.2009 12:17:10): I came to Ghana for a business Trip and I faced a lot of problems..but xxxxx has helped me a lot and I don't know how to Thank her
John Smith (28.03.2009 12:17:17): I lost my only Daughter here
Oh...seine einzige Tochter ist in Ghana gestorben. Wie furchtbar traurig.
dana_wahr (28.03.2009 12:17:27): sad....
dana_wahr (28.03.2009 12:18:22): too bad....
John Smith (28.03.2009 12:18:40): but xxxxx tried all her best for me to come back home but I took a gold documents to the Airport so they took me back and they gave me some day
John Smith (28.03.2009 12:19:01): that I should pay for that amount the day will leave me to go
John Smith (28.03.2009 12:19:50): so all I need is that money and then come back home ok
dana_wahr (28.03.2009 12:20:00): I see.....
dana_wahr (28.03.2009 12:20:20): I am sorry for you that you lost your comes?
John Smith (28.03.2009 12:21:01): she had an Accident with my Driver
John Smith (28.03.2009 12:21:45): Dana
dana_wahr (28.03.2009 12:21:54): OMG
John Smith (28.03.2009 12:22:18): can you help me???I want to come there and see xxxxx..I don't to loose her
dana_wahr (28.03.2009 12:22:59): yes...I will help you, I promise. How long is that ago ... the accident?
dana_wahr (28.03.2009 12:24:35): I really want to help you and are my cousin too
John Smith (28.03.2009 12:24:40): I think 1 week and some days ago
Laut geheimer Informationen verstarb seine Tochter am 12.03.09. Das genauer Datum sollte er als Vater doch eigentlich kennen.
dana_wahr (28.03.2009 12:24:48): oh noooo
dana_wahr (28.03.2009 12:25:01): and when will the burial be?
John Smith (28.03.2009 12:25:17): we have already did it in Ghana
John Smith (28.03.2009 12:25:27): please tell me..
dana_wahr (28.03.2009 12:25:31): yes?
John Smith (28.03.2009 12:25:47): when can you help me?
dana_wahr (28.03.2009 12:26:11): yes dear.
John Smith (28.03.2009 12:26:31): I told you
dana_wahr (28.03.2009 12:26:36): Where in Ghana are you now?
John Smith (28.03.2009 12:26:37): I am john ok
John Smith (28.03.2009 12:26:43): not Dear
John Smith (28.03.2009 12:27:05): I am in Accra
Oh sorry, ich vergaß. Ich darf ja nicht Dear sagen.
dana_wahr (28.03.2009 12:27:08): yes.....but you are my relation to be....sorry....I think it is okay
dana_wahr (28.03.2009 12:27:17): to say dear
John Smith (28.03.2009 12:27:27): hmm
dana_wahr (28.03.2009 12:27:30): but if you don't want
John Smith (28.03.2009 12:27:46): so how will you help me please?
Ich habe Freunde und Geschäftspartner in Accra Da kann doch bestimmt einer aushelfen.
dana_wahr (28.03.2009 12:29:16): I have a friend over there nearby Legon. His name is Kwabena. We make business dealings. He will help you out and give you the money for the flight
John Smith (28.03.2009 12:29:56): oh ok
John Smith (28.03.2009 12:30:02): can you give me his number?
dana_wahr (28.03.2009 12:30:16): No. First I have to talk with him...
dana_wahr (28.03.2009 12:30:47): I will tell you later what he will say, okay?
John Smith (28.03.2009 12:31:10): ok
John Smith (28.03.2009 12:31:40): but I don't think this will work
John Smith (28.03.2009 12:31:52): so let us stop
Was denn nu?
dana_wahr (28.03.2009 12:31:54): why not? He is a very good partner
dana_wahr (28.03.2009 12:32:02): of me for business
John Smith (28.03.2009 12:32:24): no I don't think so
dana_wahr (28.03.2009 12:32:34): you can have the money today evening and tomorrow you can fly
dana_wahr (28.03.2009 12:32:48): xxxxx needs you
John Smith (28.03.2009 12:32:55): no
John Smith (28.03.2009 12:33:04): I don't think so
dana_wahr (28.03.2009 12:33:17): No? Why don't you think that she needs you....
John Smith (28.03.2009 12:33:40): I don't think you are real
John Smith (28.03.2009 12:33:53): and you are a Cusson of xxxxx
dana_wahr (28.03.2009 12:33:58): I don't don't want help....
John Smith (28.03.2009 12:34:01): I don't belive this
dana_wahr (28.03.2009 12:34:07): why not?
John Smith (28.03.2009 12:34:17): I don't need your help
Er braucht kein Geld mehr. Das ist ja ein Ding. Sehr lustig.
dana_wahr (28.03.2009 12:34:30): you are really funny.....
John Smith (28.03.2009 12:34:45): if you say so
dana_wahr (28.03.2009 12:34:48): You know that xxxxx is very sick
John Smith (28.03.2009 12:35:05): I need xxxxx but not you
So ein A...gesicht!!!! Ich bin sauer.
dana_wahr (28.03.2009 12:35:11): and the reason is YOU
John Smith (28.03.2009 12:35:24): I don't think so
John Smith (28.03.2009 12:35:30): let us stop here please
dana_wahr (28.03.2009 12:35:42): sure....she is your mugu....but you are my mugu
John Smith (28.03.2009 12:35:44): give me the Number of the Doctor and I will contact xxxxx
dana_wahr (28.03.2009 12:36:08): John, you are a foul
John Smith (28.03.2009 12:36:30): what do you mean by mugu?
dana_wahr (28.03.2009 12:36:32): you dey stink
dana_wahr (28.03.2009 12:37:13): choped lots of money
John Smith (28.03.2009 12:38:10): what do you mean???and who are you?
dana_wahr (28.03.2009 12:38:10): I will get you again and again......think about that! Don't scam german women again!
dana_wahr (28.03.2009 12:38:16): they all know me
John Smith (28.03.2009 12:38:29): so what??/
dana_wahr (28.03.2009 12:39:02): what's up? you dey scared? I ve lots friends in ghana...and I ve your IP
dana_wahr (28.03.2009 12:39:07): I will get u?
John Smith (28.03.2009 12:39:56): what do you mean by that???
John Smith (28.03.2009 12:40:11): I don't understand all what you are saying to me
John Smith (28.03.2009 12:40:24): Do you know whom am I?
dana_wahr (28.03.2009 12:40:31): don't u got enough from xxxxx? Why do all scammer chop more and more from their victims
dana_wahr (28.03.2009 12:40:42): she hasn't anything to give anymore
dana_wahr (28.03.2009 12:40:52): I know u are a ghanain
John Smith (28.03.2009 12:41:00): what???????????????
dana_wahr (28.03.2009 12:41:02): maybe a naija in ghana
John Smith (28.03.2009 12:41:33): Can't you see my picture??
dana_wahr (28.03.2009 12:41:46): *lol* yeah...fake pics
dana_wahr (28.03.2009 12:41:57): go on cam
dana_wahr (28.03.2009 12:42:15): prove that you are the man on the pics
John Smith (28.03.2009 12:42:16): what Ip are you talking about?
John Smith (28.03.2009 12:42:31): Can you show me the Ip you are talking about?
dana_wahr (28.03.2009 12:42:32): ur IP....I can locate you
John Smith (28.03.2009 12:43:07): Yes i am in Ghana now and i want to see the damn Ip you are talking about
dana_wahr (28.03.2009 12:43:55): wait
dana_wahr (28.03.2009 12:44:39): your provider is ghana telecom
dana_wahr (28.03.2009 12:44:43): however
John Smith (28.03.2009 12:44:59): i need the real ip address
dana_wahr (28.03.2009 12:45:33): we can talk later if you want....or never if you want....I have the meal in the oven.....and I don't want to burn it because of you
dana_wahr (28.03.2009 12:45:54): am online later in the afternoon. bye for now
John Smith (28.03.2009 12:46:07): bye and take care of yourself
Ich hatte wirklich einen Braten im Ofen und musste aufhören, sonst wäre der mir verbrannt. Nachdem der Braten verdrückt war, wollte John aber nicht mehr mit mir reden....sehr schade.
Illusionen regieren die Welt. Die jeweils größere Illusion gewinnt das Spiel.
Beiträge: | 4.410 |
Registriert am: | 29.05.2008 |
Johnny ist doch noch neugierig.
John Smith (28.03.2009 20:32:32): what were you talking about this afternoon please?
dana_wahr (28.03.2009 20:32:55): I don't understand....what do you mean?
John Smith (28.03.2009 20:33:10): you were talking about something this afternoon
John Smith (28.03.2009 20:33:39): and I was confused about it
John Smith (28.03.2009 20:33:46): are you there???????????
dana_wahr (28.03.2009 20:34:25): a little bit busy.....are you online in 1 hour? then I will be here for you
John Smith (28.03.2009 20:34:53): no bye
dana_wahr (28.03.2009 20:35:02): okay.....
John Smith (28.03.2009 20:35:05): never talk to me or sorry me an E-mai;
John Smith (28.03.2009 20:35:15): I don't you in my life
John Smith (28.03.2009 20:35:32): tell xxxxx I love her and not you
dana_wahr (28.03.2009 20:35:46): John...I was in Accra and in Lagos several times....I know how scammers act
dana_wahr (28.03.2009 20:35:55): and I know voodoo...I learned it
Jepp...der Voodoo-Mann hat mir das damals beigebracht...ganz ernsthaft. Der fand mich so toll, dasser mich gleich zur Voodoo-Frau gemacht hat.
dana_wahr (28.03.2009 20:36:11): and if you talk to xxxxx again I will send you
John Smith (28.03.2009 20:36:16): but you have to know that I am not 1 of them
dana_wahr (28.03.2009 20:36:26): *lol* sure
John Smith (28.03.2009 20:37:08): where is xxxxx??
John Smith (28.03.2009 20:37:18): I think it is a plan work
dana_wahr (28.03.2009 20:37:25): why don't you want to get the money from my friend?
John Smith (28.03.2009 20:37:29): and God knows how much I love xxxxx
dana_wahr (28.03.2009 20:38:16): maybe you have feelings...but it is not real love.....and you are not the man on the picture....
John Smith (28.03.2009 20:38:50): please..stop talking about this
John Smith (28.03.2009 20:38:53): good bye
John Smith (28.03.2009 20:38:55): never contact me
John Smith (28.03.2009 20:39:00): I want to know
John Smith (28.03.2009 20:39:07): where is xxxxx?
dana_wahr (28.03.2009 20:39:18): we will see each other again...if you chop the next german victim...
John Smith (28.03.2009 20:40:02): what means chop?
dana_wahr (28.03.2009 20:40:57): I have your typing is from your own fingers....that is all i need for voodoo...don't need your real pic *lol* expect it if you do that
dana_wahr (28.03.2009 20:42:00): I have a lot of friends over there....why do you tell me this shit? I met hundreds of scammers...I know how they think
John Smith (28.03.2009 20:42:25): ok..good bye
John Smith (28.03.2009 20:42:28): where is xxxxx?
dana_wahr (28.03.2009 20:42:45): why do you ask? She hasn't more money for you.
John Smith (28.03.2009 20:43:00): please tell me..where is she?
dana_wahr (28.03.2009 20:43:32): you want to contact her and tell her that I'm a liar.....*lol* and that she can trust you
dana_wahr (28.03.2009 20:44:04): she is sick because of YOU
John Smith (28.03.2009 20:44:22): good bye Dana
John Smith (28.03.2009 20:44:33): but tel xxxxx that I am not a Scammer ok
dana_wahr (28.03.2009 20:45:33): you don't have any conscience....I really love the people over there in put your country to shame
John Smith (28.03.2009 20:46:01): ok..bye then
dana_wahr (28.03.2009 20:46:16): bye John....we both met in hell
dana_wahr (28.03.2009 20:46:27): i mean we will meet in hell
John Smith (28.03.2009 20:46:40): oh really?
dana_wahr (28.03.2009 20:46:46): sure
John Smith (28.03.2009 20:46:53): ok.bye
John Smith (28.03.2009 20:47:06): you know something...
John Smith (28.03.2009 20:47:10): you are very funny
John Smith (28.03.2009 20:47:23): like a kid
dana_wahr (28.03.2009 20:47:32): *smile* I love to make fun with my mugus
John Smith (28.03.2009 20:47:43): ok
dana_wahr (28.03.2009 20:48:18): is kids stuff....sometimes...
John Smith (28.03.2009 20:48:30): byeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee
dana_wahr (28.03.2009 20:48:47): *lol* see ya broda
John Smith (28.03.2009 20:49:00): ok..byeeeeeeeeeee
Illusionen regieren die Welt. Die jeweils größere Illusion gewinnt das Spiel.
Beiträge: | 4.410 |
Registriert am: | 29.05.2008 |
... außer Voodooo gibt es auch Gu Gu (hoffe ich hab es richtig geschrieben) in Westafrika.... Gu Gu ist sehr geführchtet
vielleicht hast Du für viel Geld jemanden schwören lassen, ihn zu verfolgen...
Zitat von CharlyCharly...das muss falsch geschrieben sein....die Nigerianer kennen das nicht.... außer Voodooo gibt es auch Gu Gu (hoffe ich hab es richtig geschrieben) in Westafrika.... Gu Gu ist sehr geführchtet
vielleicht hast Du für viel Geld jemanden schwören lassen, ihn zu verfolgen...
Illusionen regieren die Welt. Die jeweils größere Illusion gewinnt das Spiel.
Beiträge: | 4.410 |
Registriert am: | 29.05.2008 |
..."Juju Priests" und "Witch Doctors....
( und Voodoo)
@ Dana
lachmichwech... ich würde zu gerne meinem Benjamin eine Mail schreiben, in der ich ihm sage, wiiieeee leid es mir tut dass seine Tochter verunglückt ist. Das arme Kind... erst der Überfall bei der Ankunft in Ghana, nun tot. Mein armer Benni .
Was mir immer wieder auffällt... das Wort "Scammer oder scammen" hören die Brüder nicht gern. Sie sagen nie, warum nennst du mich Scammer, sie fragen immer warum man sie so betitelt, aber das Wort selber kommt nie über deren Lippen, bzw Tastatur.
Dabei konnte Benjamin soo schöne Poems schreiben(klauen)....
oh guckt mal...da isser doch
und da war er mal...
Nach dem Scam und der Aufdeckung kommt das Betteln um Vergebung. Es wird versucht, über die Mitleidsschiene wieder an das geprellte Opfer ranzukommen und gut Freund zu sein. Es wird sich eingeschmeichelt, auf schlechte Bedingungen verwiesen und das man keine andere Wahl hat. Es wird hoch und heilig versprochen, dass man mit dem Scammen aufgehört hat....aber die Lügen gehen weiter. Wenn man drauf eingeht, dann wird man nach einiger Zeit um Gefälligkeiten und Freundschaftsdienste gebeten. Dabei muss es sich nicht unbedingt um Geld handeln. Ich kenne das inzwischen zu Genüge.
John Smith: and how is xxxxx
dana_wahr: she is doing better
John Smith: I want you to tell xxxxx to forgive me
dana_wahr: why should she do that?
John Smith: for all the lies..
John Smith: I want her to forgive me from her Heart
dana_wahr: John...or however your name want her forgiveness but you won't stop to scam.....
dana_wahr: that is what I don't understand
John Smith: Dana
John Smith: I have decided to stop ok
dana_wahr: I heard it so often that the scammer ask for forgiveness...but why?
John Smith: that is why I want xxxxx to forgive me and take me as a Friend ok
John Smith: but please I am asking for forgiveness from her because I don't want to hurt her ok
John Smith: please try
dana_wahr: John....I don't believe that you can stop that and that you never ask her again for favours
John Smith: I like her and I would like to be her Freind ok
John Smith: dana
John Smith: please give me a chance ok
John Smith: I am ready to stop it ok
John Smith: please
dana_wahr: which chance? To soften up her?
John Smith: Dana please forgive me for the lies
John Smith: and tell her to forgive me ok
dana_wahr: John...I forgive you all you want *lol* that is is not the point. The point is that you are not the first one who tells tostop scamming but doesn't do. You need money to hold your level of living...
John Smith: dana I am on my knees
John Smith: Dana
John Smith: I know I am not the First one but I promise to stop scamming ok
dana_wahr: *lol* yes, of course you have promised so much. *smile* why should you tell the true now?
John Smith: because I don't want to hurt xxxxx
dana_wahr: there is no reason. xxxxx is not your first vic....I guess you hurts many women....and you won't stop it.
John Smith: np Dana
John Smith: can I talk to xxxxx please?
dana_wahr: I don't have many contact to her at the moment
John Smith: I have her number but the don't pick my calls when I call her
John Smith: can you please tell her to forgive me?
dana_wahr: no surprise that the doesn't pick up *lol
dana_wahr: pay back the money, then she will forgive you
John Smith: Dana
John Smith: the money finished a long time ago and I have no where to find that money ok
John Smith: I just need her forgiveness ok
dana_wahr: you want a quiet conscience? *lol* How is your real name?
John Smith: Dana..please I got to go..
dana_wahr: ok
John Smith: can we chat by 3 hours time?
dana_wahr: I am not sure but it could be that I am here.
Ich habe noch nicht rausgefunden, was diese Vergeberei auf sich hat. Ich weiß nur, dass dies die Fortsetzung endloser Lügen ist....
Illusionen regieren die Welt. Die jeweils größere Illusion gewinnt das Spiel.
Beiträge: | 4.410 |
Registriert am: | 29.05.2008 |
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