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Weiblich, ledig, wohlhabend sucht... (und findet!)

#1 von schmubo , 03.04.2009 00:35

Manchmal hat man einfach Glück: Schon nach den ersten Mails stellt sich heraus, dass es sich
lohnt, sich weiter mit dem Mugu zu beschäftigen. Momentan habe ich einen Mugu an der Angel, der
sein Geld wert ist. Er liest die eingehende Post aufmerksam und hat beim Antworten kein Problem
damit, von seinem Skript abzuweichen. Es geht zwar nur um die kaum nennenswerte Summe von
7 Megadollar, aber wenn die Rahmenbedingungen stimmen, kann auch ein Bait für Kleingeld viel
Freude machen.

Anna Johnson ist nicht nur ein armes Waisenkind ohne Zugriff auf seine geerbten Millionen,
sondern auch eine überaus attraktive Frau. Schade, dass sie sich für den Transfer des Geldes
nach Deutschland ausgerechnet den windigen Immobilienmakler Krösus Piepengeber ausgesucht
hat. Der meint es nämlich gar nicht gut mit ihr. Aber das weiß Anna nicht. Piepengeber spielt
nicht nur mit Annas Geld, sondern auch mit ihren Gefühlen.

Das Drama beginnt mit dem Header von Annas Spam-Mail:

Zitat von Mail-Header
From: anna johnson <>
X-Apparently-To: schmubo via; Fri, 13 Mar 2009 05:16:14 -0700
X-Originating-IP: []
Received: from (EHLO (
by with SMTP; Fri, 13 Mar 2009 05:16:14 -0700
Received: by ewy27 with SMTP id 27so652858ewy.3
for <schmubo>; Fri, 13 Mar 2009 05:16:14 -0700 (PDT)
Received: by with HTTP; Fri, 13 Mar 2009 05:15:52 -0700 (PDT)
Date: Fri, 13 Mar 2009 13:15:52 +0100
Subject: Hello

Und das ist Annas Angebot, das Krösus natürlich nicht ablehnen kann:
Zitat von Anna Johnson

Permit me to solicit for your assistance to invest in your Country. I have
been searching for a addvanced/developing country with economic and
political stability to invest in. I wish you will be of a great assistance
to me considering your position and statues in Business. However, I will
keep further detail personal till when I read from you. I wish my dream to
invest in your Country will be a successful one.I do expect to read from you
as soon as possible
Miss Anna.

Krösus antwortet:
Zitat von Krösus Piepengeber
Re: Hello

Dear Ms. Anna,

thanks for your mail.
I think I will be able to help you. My profession is the real estate business.
Your investment will be proof against the worldwide economic crisis.
Please let me know more about your plan.

Best regards
Krösus Piepengeber

Annas Reaktion liegt 36 Stunden später vor:
Zitat von Anna Johnson
More Detail

Dearest Krösus Piepengeber,
Thanks for your urgent response to my proposal and for your concern and kind gesture in assisting me.
I am trying to trust you and confide in you in good faith because there is one philosophy that says ``trust once for there may never be a chance for a second time??. I believe we have every opportunity of knowing each other. I plan to travel to meet with you for the investment once the fund has been transferred to your nominated account.
I contacted you for help in re-directing the deposit to your country for investment. The fund is being securely kept in a finance holding firm.I therefore want to know what percentage will be your renumeration for your assistance so that we can proceed in having an agreement to protect our respective individual interest and in giving each a sense of belonging.
Meanwhile i will be satisfied with the suggestion from you concering where and how this money can be brought to you in your country to avoid problem and the area of which this money can be invested on one or two lucrative business, when I come to meet you . A  reputable lawyer will help  make the change of ownership to your name, and I will also send you a power of attorney which will enable you to retrieve and claim this money on my behalf, followed with an agreement which you will sign for me as regards this transaction.You can draft the agreement and send me a copy for review or I can draft one and send to you for review.
When that is done, i will send to you the whole documents required for this transaction and give you the contact of the Finance Firm where this money is kept for you to contact them on the possible means to transfer the fund to your account. Thereafter, we can start transferring the fund to your nominated account.

My late father deposited this money  $7 million USD in a finance holding firm deposite belonging to my late  father's affiliate abroad. Being the first and the only daugther in the family, he used my name as next of kin since then I have been thinking on how to contact someone that is trustworthy who will handle this money and invest it into a profitable business that will be yielding enough profit to sustain the money.So my contacting you is not a concident as i have so long prayed over this matter before making up my mind to conatct you for this purpose and i have faith in  myself that you will be able to do that for me through your experience.I want you to know that as i am talking to you now i am currently residing in Dakar Senegal since the death of my parents.
This was a  result of inadequate security in my country and the fact  that my late father's brothers in my country have been looking for a way to get my late father's account so as to claim this fund and leave me with nothing because i am female child since my parents died.This money is the only money i have in this world again to start up a new life with you in your country because of the peaceful way human and economic activities are going on well.
When my late father was alive he told me not to invest this money here  when i will be making used of this money due to the frequent economic and politcal crisis.
Moreover as i am writing you now it is only you and me that knows about this money and i will like you to maintain it very secret to avoid raising eyes bow  from individuals most expecially govenment and my so call Uncles that took advantage of my late father's death to take all that my father had and left me with nothing except this one that they did not know about it
Meeting with you face to face would have been ideal before the start of this deal but I wouldn't want to travel out while the money have not been transfered to your account. My name is Miss.Anna Johnson, 23 years. I'm originally from Republic Of Liberia but due to my family plight and predicament, I am currently living in a country called Senegal in Africa.I'm 5 fit 9 inches tall (178 cm) single (never married)Both Republic of Liberia and Senegal are in African continent

Please forward to me your full data for more trust and co-operation.I will like to know your capability of safeguarding this money when it gets to you, without any breach of trust, because I really want to be sure of whom I'm dealing with.

Thanks as I look forward to hearing from you to enable me facilitate the  proceedings.

Looking forward to hear from you urgently.
Yours in love,

Das übliche Geschwafel... Aber hinter Annas Foto und ihren technischen Daten verbrigt sich
ein gewisses Potenzial, das Krösus weitermachen lässt. Außerdem wittert er ein gutes Geschäft,
das ihm einen fetten Reibach bescheren könnte.
Zitat von Krösus Piepengeber
Re: More Detail

Dear Anna,

thanks for your mail - and for the exciting photograph! Please let
me say that you are a very goodlooking woman. Of course... you
will know that and it won't be the subject of our deal. Back to the

You want to invest the sum of $7,000,000 in Germany. I can
probably help you to find a lucrative area for an investment at my
city. For example the "Muellhalde am Puff" (an industrial area rising
up very quickly in the outskirts of Berlin-Schwabing) is a fascinating
piece of land in development. Let me express this fact in my mother
tongue: Am Puff geht echt die Post ab!

You should invest only app. $5,000,000 to the Muellhalde project.
Three years later your investment will be worth app. $11,000,000.
That is a great deal, isn't it?

The resting $2,000,000 could be a donation to the orphanage at
Rosenthal-Brömmelsen. The children living there need some new
toys and there are too little baby-sitters. So I would be glad to give
these children some new hope. O.K., you won't see any profit, but
it would be an investment for the future of injured children. And the
Muellhalde project is very very profitable.

So let me know what you think about my proposal.

Best regards

Und schon kommen die ersten gefälschten Dokumente, die Krösus gar nicht angefordert hat. Dazu
ellenlange Erklärungen - aber kein weiteres Foto von Anna.
Zitat von Anna Johnson
Full detail of the transaction

My Dearest Krosus,
Thanks a lots for your response, hopefully, this mail will find you and the rest of your family members in a perfect state, physically and spiritually...I am very happy for your reply which i have gone through now and decided to reply immediately in order to give you more detail information about me and what i needed from you.
I would like you to understand my modesty in imploring  for your help which is categorically due to my lack of  business experience and exposure. Actually the thing i  want from you is to assist me transfer the money to your account and invest it properly for the benefit of both parties.I want the money to be invested wisely under your name and you are to handle the business for me.I feel great that your experience  will be a very good tools in making this project a huge success.The suggestion you made are very ok for me.
I feel i will be more happier in life to have you around me because i have been dreaming of that day i will have someone trusted and honest like you as my own husband or guardian due to my inability to feel that parenthood in my life because of what happened to my late father.If you can accept me, it will be better that we will be thinking on how best to retrieve and re-locate this this fund to your care and then invest it as family fund for benefit of the whole family and other low privilege people around us.I will like other poor people to benefit from this fund because if God can use you to raise hope  and life in me now i would like to share the joy with some other people that are suffering from one problem or the other.WITH GOD  ALL THINGS ARE POSSIBLE.
I inherited this money from my late father but i have poor experience to manage such amount of money and moreover am still a little girl,really i have never go into investment/
business since i was born,am still a student when the incident that took away all my family members happen.
Now that am no longer in our country Liberia but here in Senegal where i seek asylum, not working to earn any income, i decide that i should look for a trustworthy person outside whom will handle this money in investment for me and to stand on my behalf and retrive the money from the Holding Firm where my late father deposited it, i am happy enough to come across your contact, i thought that i have come to the end of the world when i enter this country, because of the bad condition i found myself here.But thank be to God who sustain my life until now.
I made up my mind to give you 25% of the total money so that you will help me from your heart, another 10% has been set aside for any expenses that may arise at the execution of this project.And again you will have in mind that you are the one to handle and manage the investment of the money for me.
I need your help in these areas. (1) Since i don't have a foreign account in your country,I will like the fund to transfer into your position with your help and you will hold the money in your account until when i come over there to meet you for our investment arrangement and to live under you, (2) Since you understand your society and its economy much better and your knowledge, i will like you to be the one to manage the investment for me. (We will discuss this in details later). (3) After the claim of the fund into your position, you will send a enough money for me to arrange my coming over to meet you and to settle down with you in your country,(4) you will stand as my late father's business partner to claim the money $7 million US dollars from the Holding Firm where my late father's deposited it and transfer it to your account in your country where our investment will take place, (5)you will help me to re-locate to your country after the transfer of
the money to your account,
Nevertheless, i want you to note that the bank will need your data as follows;
1 Yours full name
2 Yours full contact home or office address
3 Yours account information where you will like the fund to be transfer to you in your country or another place as you may wish for safety.
4 This account detail will include the account number, the beneficiary name,the bank name/telephone and fax numbers, the Swift code.
Upon receiving this data, i will forward it to them so that they will contact you for further arrangement on the fund transfer.
I enclose WILL my late father wrote before his death,proof of the deposit of the fund and the letter of recognition and identification for you to know me .I would like  you to do the same to me in your next mail
Please I wouldn't mind if you can just give me a call at least to hear your voice on phone once you received this mail. you can call me on this number +221-765260 677 it is a Rev.Paul's phone number who is one of the co-ordinator of the camp where i am staying now.So when you call tell him that you want to speak to Miss.Anna Johnson, he will surely send someone to come and call me so that i can come and answer your call.  I will be very happy to hear your voice on phone as soon as possible.Please send me your photos also.
May God almighty richly bless you and your family for helping an ORPHAN CHILD like me.GOD will never let you down for your care and help to me.
I wait to hear from you
Thanks and God bless you..
Yours in love,

Anna möchte also demnächst nach Deutschland kommen und hier leben. Dazu braucht sie ein Haus
oder eine Wohnung. Krösus hat da etwas auf Lager:
Zitat von Krösus Piepengeber
Re: Full detail of the transaction

Dear Anna,

sorry that you had to wait for my reply - I have been abroad and I couldn't
check my mailbox last week. Now I am at home and I saw your mail.

What a deeply moving story. Be sure that I am willing to help you.
Because of your intention to settle down in Germany you will need a
home. So I think that a part of your funds should be invested in a real
estate for yourself. There is a nice house for sale at Castrop-Rauxel:
8 rooms, 2 garages, conservatory, nice garden, new roof, new insulation,
new windows... I think, you will like it. It is in my neighbourhood. Please
take a look at the photograph attached to this mail.

Are you sure that you want to pay 25% of your funds for my service?
My usual commission is 3.48%. Unbelievable. 25%... You can get
what you want - I will make it possible! I am glad that you contacted
me, and not one of these criminal real estate brokers living here. Your
investment will be secure and I would like to be your personal
counsellor - respecting all matters of living in Germany.

And now I wait for your reply.

Best regards
Krösus Piepengeber

Smalltalk scheint nicht Annas Sache zu sein. Obstinat weist sie darauf hin, dass Krösus ein paar
Fragen noch nicht beantwortet hat. Telefonieren will sie. Und ein Foto von Krösus hätte sie auch
gern. Kann sie alles haben. Hier erstmal Annas Mail:
Zitat von Anna Johnson
Please send your full data to me

My dearest Krösus Piepengeber,

Good morning to you and how was your night?Hope ok.I am very glad to read your mail this morning.Really i have been waiting for it for sometimes now but i can understand why you was not able to send mail to me.How was your trip abroad?Hope it was nice.

I have read all you wrote and i am very satisfied that i have someone like you that knew how to handle this kind of project and i want to assure you that God will help us as we pursue this great transaction.

I view the photo you sent to me and the house is very ok.How much can one get that kind of apartment there? Should we be building those kind of houses and be saling them  and make our profit?Or you have other areas in mind?Well the most important thing now is how to get this fund transfer to your account so that we can settle down and discuss more on how best to invest it.Yes the 25% i offered to you came from my mind once you are able to assist me in all the areas to get this fund transfer to your account.

I have told you in my last email the next step now is for you to send your bank data so that i can forward to the bank to enable them proceed the transfer without further delay.

Also i asked you some question which you did not answered me.Please can you tell me more about yourself, something like your present job, your position, your age, married, divorced or single, your age, yout contact telephone number and home or aoffice address, your photograph.Please i need to get all these things to build more trust.

Nevertheless, i want you to note that the bank will need your data as follows;
1 Yours full name
2 Yours full contact home or office address
Yours account information where you will like the fund to be transfer
to you in your country or another place as you may wish for safety.
This account detail will include the account number, the beneficiary
name,the bank name/telephone and fax numbers, the Swift code.
Upon receiving this data, i will forward it to them so that they will contact you for further arrangement on the fund transfer.
I wouldn't mind if you can just give me a call at least to hear your
voice on phone once you received this mail. you can call me on this
number +221-765260 677 it is a Rev.Paul's phone number who is one of
the co-ordinator of the camp where i am staying now.So when you call
tell him that you want to speak to Miss.Anna Johnson, he will surely
send someone to come and call me so that i can come and answer your
call.  I will be very happy to hear your voice on phone as soon as
possible.Please send me your photos also.

I wait to hear from you
Thanks and God bless you..
Yours in love,

Please send me your photos also.
Ein Foto von Krösus? Kann sie haben. Und in Erwartung der 7 Millionen gibt Piepengeber auch
seine Bankdaten preis.
Zitat von Krösus Piepengeber
Re: Please send your full data to me

Dear Anna,

thanks for your request:
> Good morning to you and how was your night?
Lying in my bed I felt lonely, like all nights before. But I am used to it. Never mind...

Some words about me: I am 32 years old, divorced and I have a son of 6 years.
I am a real estate broker by trade. By the way: The house (remember the photograph)
is for sale. It is my job to find a client. The actual economic crisis has caused a lack
of interest on the inverstor's part. The price of the house was 945,000 EUR - quite
unsaleable. Now you can buy it for 715,000 EUR. I think you can guess the absolute

But first of all we have to transfer your money to Germany. Here is all data you will need:

Krösus Piepengeber
Grünberger Str. 1
D-44581 Castrop-Rauxel
Phone & Fax: +49-3222-1620974

Bank account data:
Herstatts Deutsche Deppenbank (HDDB)
BLZ: 10120500
Account number: 0812973031
IBAN: DE91101205000812973031

Please answer as soon as possible. I really love to read your mails.

Best regards

Ja, darüber freut sich die kleine Anna! Dieses unscheinbare Schreiben hat bewirkt, dass Anna
sich in Krösus verliebt hat und ihn heiraten will. Aber lest doch selbst:
Zitat von Anna Johnson
Thanks for sending your data to me

My darling Krösus Piepengeber,
Good morning to you and how is life with you over there in Germany?Hope you are doing great.Honey i am very excited reading your lovely mail and i thank you so much for your more explanation of yourself to me and for sending me your photo which i found so intresting.You are very handsome youngman.I love that.
Thanks also for sending your data that i had requested from you and for telling me more about the price of the house in the photo you sent to me before.I thank God that you are into this business and your exprience will count so much on this project.
Also it is nice to know that you was once married before but divorced now.How is your is your son?Do you live with him or he live with your ex wife?What is his name.Do you see us marrying each other when this fund arrive to your account?I feel i will be more than happy to get married with you because you are so handsome and i believe you will be able to take care of me and we can invest this fund as our own family money instead of talking about percentage? I will be glad to hear your opinion on that.
Meanwhile, i have forwarded your bank data to the bank and hope to haer from them soon and you will be expecting their message soon because they promised to get intouch with you for further arrangment to transfer the money to your account.
Take care of yourself for me until i hear from you again.Honey i will like you to call me on phone once you get this mail.
I love you.
Yours in love,

Krösus ist glücklich geschieden. Schon wieder heiraten? Das muss ja nicht sein. Aber wenn er Anna
in seiner Nachbarschaft ansiedelt, kann man ja von Zeit zu Zeit das Ehesimulationsspiel spielen.
Und überhaupt: Erst das Geschäft, dann die Liebe.
Anna kommt so schnell zur Sache, dass sich der Verdacht aufdrängt, sie könnte eventuell scharf
auf eine Aufenthaltsgenehmigung in good old Germany sein. Krösus bremst das Mädel etwas ab:
Zitat von Krösus Piepengeber
Re: Thanks for sending your data to me

My dear Anna,

thanks for your mail. You'd like to marry me - I feel flattered! Wow...
you are a very sexy girl and it would be a special pleasure to hug
and squeeze you. But I think, first we should come to know each
other better.

After transferring your funds to my bank account you want to come
to Germany. Then let us invest your money and look for a house
or a domicile in my neighbourhood. So we can spend our free time
together. I'm looking forward to meet you face to face. I'd be glad if
you'd get along with me!

Look at my "Sohnemann" Ulf-Wunibald. The photograph was taken
after a gymnastics match. He is very sportive. Ulf-Wunibald lives
with his mummy. Every couple of weeks he spends the weekend
with me. Ulf-Wunibald calls it "men's weekend"! I'm sure, you will
love my kid. Should I tell him about my new girlfriend?

Now it is time to go to bed. Perhaps I will dream a sweet dream
about you...

But we mustn't forget the money transfer.

Kind regards
Your Krösus

Fortsetzung folgt. Ganz bestimmt!

Mugu vult decipi. Ergo decipiatur!   (frei nach Titio)

baiting by software
Beiträge: 3.351
Registriert am: 21.11.2007

RE: Weiblich, ledig, wohlhabend sucht... (und findet!)

#2 von schmubo , 06.04.2009 00:35

Es gibt keinen Zweifel mehr: Anna & Krösus sind ein Paar.
Erstaunlich, wie schnell so etwas geht.

Zitat von Anna Johnson

My darling love Krösus,
Good morning to you my love and how was your nite?Hope you enjoy it.I am happy to write this mail to you now. and i want you to know that God will help us so that we can enjoy this project to our fullness.
I feel very glad to read your lovely mail and to see your son "Sohnemann" Ulf-Wunibald. whom i have taken as my own son also because we are one now.He is wonderful child.He will grow to become great man in life.I love hearing that he is a sportive boy.What kind of sport is he doing?I learnt that the Germans are good in sports like football and many others.
Thanks for your feeling towards me.Yes what you said is true, we must work hard to see that the fund arrive to your account in time first so that when i will be coming to join you it will be a great and wonderful moment.I know what you can do to keep this going.i am feeling you so much here and i pray that you will be that first man that will make love with me since i was born.I have not had sex in ly life.
Honey i want to inform you that your datas has been received by the firm as i told you before and i want you to note that this is the contact information of the Bank's ``La Caixa´´ financial consultant that will be making contact with you.Please you should be keeping me inform as things progresses.

Echarri & Brindle (Asesoria Financiero)
TelFax:+34-940463449, +34-940463110
Contact Person: Fredrik Leimecke
May God bless you for me and stay well.Kisssssssssssss and lots of love.

Yours darling love,

Na schön. Aber was ist so eine Fern-Beziehung ohne Fotos? Da müssen ganz
schnell weitere Bilder von der dunkelhäutigen Schönheit her. Vorerst noch
ohne Deppen-Schild.
Zitat von Krösus Piepengeber
Re: Consultant

My dearly beloved Anna,

you're driving me wild! I'm totally jittery and I wish you were here.
It is unbelievable - I'm so thrilled because you want to come to me.
I have shown your photograph to Ulf-Wunibald. He said: "What a
pretty woman! Your new girlfriend? Völlig verschärft - you won't be
lonely anymore." Please imagine: These are the words of a six
years old boy! And I agree with Ulf-Wunibald: Völlig verschärft!

I would like to get some more pictures of you. You are such a
ravishing beauty. A few more pics would delight my heart.

Today I got an e-mail from Echarri & Brindle. Mr. Fredrik Leimecke
sent a form to me. I will fill it and send it back to him. So I hope
that the transfer will go on. After writing a mail to Leimecke I will
go to bed. The night will be finished at 6 o'clock!

Have a good night, my dear. I am thinking about you and I
impatiently look forward to your reply.

With all my love
your Krösus

Auch der Finanz-Fuzzy hat eine E-Mail geschickt:
Zitat von Fredrik Leimecke

Estimado Señor Krösus Piepengeber,

We write to notify you on the transfer instruction we received from Miss Anna Johnson on your behalf.
Firstly, please fill the enclosed form, sign it and send it back to us for the processing of the transfer
together with copy of your Id (passport copy or driving license) for identification. On receipt of the form,
we will start processing the transfer.

Fredrik Leimecke
Echarri & Brindle (Asesoria Financiero)
Fax: +34-911881430, +34-911881318

Auch der soll eine Antwort kriegen. Und das ausgefüllte Formular dazu.
Zitat von Krösus Piepengeber
Re: Notification

Dear Mr. Leimecke,

respecting the money transfer of Miss Anna Johnson
you will find the following documents attached to this mail:

1. the filled form
2. a copy of my id card.

Best regards
Krösus Piepengeber

Mugu vult decipi. Ergo decipiatur!   (frei nach Titio)

baiting by software
Beiträge: 3.351
Registriert am: 21.11.2007

RE: Weiblich, ledig, wohlhabend sucht... (und findet!)

#3 von schmubo , 06.04.2009 23:56

Nachdem Krösus seine allererste Mail an Anna geschickt hatte, wechselte die Muga das Postfach und verwendet
nun einen Yahoo-Account. Die IP führt nach Senegal. Der Finanzfuzzy hingegen, Fredrik Leimecke, betreibt
sein Geschäft in Madrid. Zwar schreibt er in Englisch, doch das Dokument, in dem er so ganz nebenbei den für
Annas Zuneigung zu zahlenden Preis angegeben hat, ist in Spanisch abgefasst.

Zitat von Fredrik Leimecke
Re: Notification

Estimado Señor Krösus Piepengeber,

We acknowledge the receipt of your mail.

Please find enclosed here is the transfer instruction order ``solicitud´´. Verify the information there-in
so as to avoid any error on the transfer, sign at the place I marked and return it back to us for the

Fredrik Leimecke
Echarri & Brindle (Asesoria Financiero)
Fax: +34-911881430, +34-911881318

So geht das ja nun nicht. Piepengeber lässt Leimecke wissen, dass er mindestens eine englische (besser: eine
deutsche) Übersetzung des Dokuments braucht, um zu verstehen, was der spanische Finanzfuzzy von ihm will.
Jetzt kann Leimecke zunächst mal den Brabbelfisch bemühen. Später wird eine notariell beglaubigte Übersetzung
unumgänglich sein, aber im Moment ist Piepengeber noch einigermaßen kooperativ.
Zitat von Krösus Piepengeber
Re: Notification

Dear Mr. Leimecke,

thanks for your mail. I'm very sorry, but I can't read the attached document.
It seems to be written in the spanish language, which I don't understand.
Please send a translation to me and let me know, how the transfer can go on.

Best regards
Krösus Piepengeber

Auch Anna meldet sich. Mit Liebesgeflüster und einer ergreifenden Geschichte. Bei genauerer Betrachtung
lässt des Texts sich erkennen, dass sie mit einem Allround-Universal-Skript arbeitet, das die
unproblematische Einfügung individueller Passagen ermöglicht.
Zitat von Anna Johnson
My darling good morning

My Lovely darling,
Good morning to you my love.
you very much for the mail you sent me.It gave me joy that i have never received within me all this
while that i have been faced with this problem,you will have all in
return,my love,body and soul. I was touched at the fact that you could
care for me that much letting me into your life even at this
difficulty, i promise you that as we are going to bear this burden
together so shall we enjoy it in the end.
I am very happy today
because of the content of your mail.How is life with you over there in
your country?How also is my great son Ulf-Wunibald and your work over there
today?Hope that God is guiding you.Really you are a great man that every
woman will love to have as a lover and possibly a husband.I pray that our dream come through soon.I feel the word from
 Ulf-Wunibald and i believe he was not the one that spoke those word, it is God that directed him to say so and i believe he will never disappoint us.I love you my darling and wish to be with you soon.

I want someone who can make me happy in life as i
have gone through horrible times during the past years in our country
in Liberia.I know you are the one.I need someone i could trust, someone who would never hurt
me.I want to be loved and i will like to meet you in person soon.I need intimacy in relationship.I am ready to give you anything
that i can be able to do in order to make you happy. At present i am
not working,i am only surviving through the little help i am receiving
from some good people here because i used to involve myself in the
youth voluntary works.Someone promised to give me work later wanted to
turn me into bad thing which i did not like. I never want to disclose to anyone here about this fund until i contacted you.

The person  wanted to get me into prostitution
business but i refused.I do not want to get into prostitution,i want a
man who will love me and care for me.In fact life is not easy for me but
i thank God in everything.My dream is someone who would hold me close,
someone i could be myself with.I pray for you to made my dreams come
true.  really that is why i have much trust in you and want you to do all you can to make sure that this fund arrive to your account soon because i am on safe hands with you by me.

Honey i can't wait to meet you there.Nice to hear that you got form from the consultant and will be sending it to him.I believe you have done that now...Honey that is great and i am praying very much so that everything will move well and this fund transfer to your account soon so that i can come over there.

I tried to call your phone with Rev.Paul's phone but it was not connecting.Honey don't you have mobile cell phone to send to me so that it will be easy for me to talk to you because i really want to hear your lovely sweet voice or you call me please.

I saw your nice photo.Thanks for sending more to me.I have attached another one for you here my love.

Have a great day and God be with you.Hope to hear from you soon.

Yours in love,

So so... ein fieser Neger-Häuptling wollte meine african virgin in die Prostitution treiben.
Zum Glück konnte mein Schätzchen entkommen. In Deutschland braucht sich Anna diesbezüglich nicht
zu sorgen: Prostitution ist in good old Germanyverboten, hier herrschen Zucht & Ordnung! Hoffentlich glaubt Anna das auch.
Zitat von Krösus Piepengeber
Re: My darling good morning

Dear Anna,

a new photograph - thank you very much! You are so beautiful.

> Really you are a great man that every woman will love
> to have as a lover and possibly a husband.

My ex-wife has a differnt view. ;-)

Sweetheart, I read really confused what happened to you in the past.
Someone wanted you to work as a prostitute. That is very horrible!
I am glad that you could escape. In Germany prostitution is forbidden.
We keep strict discipline. I think, Germany will be the right place
for you. We are a christian-democratic republic. In God we trust and
everyone who tries to cow you into prostitution, will be punished hardly.

No, I don't have a mobile phone. I don't like these small devices and
I am proud of this kind of privateness I can afford. My answering
machine registered a call, but no one spoke a word.

Mr. Leim-Ecke sent me a document, but I can't read it because it is
spanish. I asked him for a translation.

Baby, it's late now. I think about you and me and our life together.
Please come to me quickly. I started to prepare your home.

Always yours

Mal schauen, wie es weitergeht...

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baiting by software
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zuletzt bearbeitet 07.04.2009 | Top

RE: Weiblich, ledig, wohlhabend sucht... (und findet!)

#4 von schmubo , 08.04.2009 23:20

Neue Lebenszeichen aus Afrika und aus Spanien!
Es geht los mit Annas Mail:

Zitat von Anna Johnson
Thanks for your care to me

My darling,
Good morning to you my love and how was your night over there in Germany?Hope you wake up fine today.Honey i am very happy to read your lovemy mail and i thank you for your care and love.Thanks for the good thought and good encouragement.I know that our love is divin love from God and nothing will stop us from living together.I love you mu darling.
Really i believe that soon all those life will become past things.I thank you for the full assuarnce that you will do all it take to make me happy in life.God will help us and once this money is transfer to your account, you will send me enough money here to get my travelling document to come over to meet you for our project.You should bear in mind that the money have became our family fund as i don't see the reason why we shaould be sharing it again since i will become your wife.Everything i have belongs to you and yours belongs to me, so we are one.
Nice to hear that you got form from Mr. Leimecke  but that you could not understood it well and asked him to translate it for you so that you can understand it well.Hope he will be able to do it so that they can go ahead to make the transfer as soon as possible.
Honey i will miss you so much this easter, i wish i will be with you then.How are you going to celebrate it?Hope you will send me something here for my easter.I will be glad if you will do it for me so that i won't feel lonely and like forgetting person.
I love you my darling.Kisssssssssssssss and send my greetings to my son.
Hope to hear from you on the update of things.
Yours in love,

Irgendwie trägt sie doch ein bisschen zu dick auf. Die Antwort von Krösus beschränkt sich auf eine Beschreibung des Osterfestes, wie es in Deutschland gefeiert wird:
Zitat von Krösus Piepengeber
Re: Thanks for your care to me

Dear Anna, my love,

tomorrow will be the last workday this week - then we will celebrate Easter.
I guess that you are a christian too? In Germany Easter begins at
Maundy Thursday in the evening. We go to church, pray for the jews and
the mussulman and after church our priest invites the parish to eat some
easter eggs and drink of the sacramental wine. That is a calm ceremony
which ends at Good Friday at 2:30 p.m. Half an hour later the next liturgy
starts. The parishioners are asked to give themselves a whipping - very
painful. Due to the fact that we don't eat anything until Easter Sunday
(the only foodstuff is sacred red wine) we will endure our pain in a kind of
trance. Easter vigil is the highlight of the festivity: During the Easter mass
we bless the Lord and give away a lot of easter eggs to unknown people.
All children get chocolate and sweets, the adults smoke bavarian easter
cigars. It has always been a tradition that sunday and monday are reserved
for the family - eating roast rabbit and drinking a lot.

So this is Easter in Germany. Do you have any similar manners in Senegal?

What time will you come to me? Do you need an invitation, a visa or some
travelling documents? Please let me know the facts. I want to prepare all
for your arrival.

Now I wish you a happy Easter.

1000 hugs & kisses

Auch Leimecke meldet sich. Erstaunlicherweise braucht Krösus keine spanischen Sprachkenntnisse,
um das o.g. Dokument zu unterzeichnen und zurückzuschicken:
Zitat von Fredrik Leimecke
Re: Notification

Estimado Señor Krösus Piepengeber,

We acknowledge the receipt of your mail.

The ``formato´´ (format) is not in english, you are only required to check your account information on the document and
ensure that all the account information is correct, then sign and return the copy back to us for the transfer.

Fredrik Leimecke
Echarri & Brindle (Asesoria Financiero)
Fax: +34-911881430, +34-911881318

Nö, mein Freund, so nicht! Was Krösus nicht kennt, unterschreibt er auch nicht.
Das weiß Leimecke zwar schon, aber eine Wiederholung kann nicht schaden:
Zitat von Krösus Piepengeber
Re: Notification

Dear Mr. Leimecke,

my personal data and the account information are correct. Please take note
of the fact that I won't sign any document which I don't understand.

Best regards
Krösus Piepengeber

Mugu vult decipi. Ergo decipiatur!   (frei nach Titio)

baiting by software
Beiträge: 3.351
Registriert am: 21.11.2007

RE: Weiblich, ledig, wohlhabend sucht... (und findet!)

#5 von Scambaiter , 09.04.2009 00:33

Zitat von schmubo
Die Antwort von Krösus beschränkt sich auf eine Beschreibung des Osterfestes, wie es in Deutschland gefeiert wird: [...], ich habe bisher Ostern ganz anders in Erinnerung.
Da muss ich was falsch gemacht haben. Ich schließe mich aber ab sofort den Osterbräuchen des Herrn Krösus Piepengeber an!

MfG - Scambaiter
> Horas non numero nisi serenas <

Beiträge: 11.580
Registriert am: 01.01.2006

RE: Weiblich, ledig, wohlhabend sucht... (und findet!)

#6 von schmubo , 09.04.2009 21:00

Zitat von Scambaiter
ich habe bisher Ostern ganz anders in Erinnerung.

Ja, die Osterbräuche unterscheiden sich regional etwas. In Castrop-Rauxel wird Ostern jedenfalls
so gefeiert, wie Krösus das beschrieben hat. Vielleicht aber auch nicht... Wichtig ist nur, dass
Anna den Blödsinn für bare Münze nimmt. Und das scheint sie zu tun:
Zitat von Anna Johnson
I am happy my darling

My darling honey,

Good afternoon to you my love and how are you doing today,Hope you are doing fine.Honey i am very very excited with your kind mail.Oh it pain me that i am not there with you this easter but i hope that soon we will be together.

Really the way you explained the celebration of Easter in Germany really impressed me so much.Honey it is celebrated here but now as much as what you have told me.You may have known that Senegal is an Islamic country so christian activities are not so much here as it would have been if it is christian country.These are the reason why i am not happy staying here anymore.I want to come to a place i will worship our Lord Jesus Christ in truth and in spirit.It is nice to know that you are a real part of this great feast.I wish you all the best of luck as we celebrate the death  and resurrection of our lord Jesus Christ.

Honey i don't mind coming to Germany even before this transfer is done but i don't have a valid passport now and i don't have any money here with me to apply for one.If you can help me with the money to apply it, i will be more than happy.Also i feel that i will need an invitation letter also so that it will make it faster.But the major one is my passport and my resident permit that will allow me to move out freely.

Honey i miss you so much.I though you would have send me some Easter gift.You know my condition here and i am feeling it much.Do you know that i do not even have any money to buy little food that day.These are the reason why i want you to put more effort so that the transfer can be done without much delay.

Have you got any message from the consultant concerning the form you told me that you asked him to translate to you in English?If so have you filled it and send back to him?I will be glad to know the update of things concerning the transfer.

I love you my darling and can't wait to meet you.

Happy Easter and God be with you and my son over there.

Yours in love,

Sechs Minuten später schiebt Anna eine weitere Mail hinterher:
In Antwort auf:
I miss you so much

My darling

If You
Were Here or i am there with you during this Easter my love, i will feel

I'm sending you this
and a wish for Easter cheer.
Though I have much
to be thankful
Easter would be
so much better
if you were here.
Every day, I
wish you
weren't so far away,
and I want you to know
that I'll be
thinking of you
and sending you my love
on Easter

Wishing you a wonderful
Yours darling

(Zeilenumbrüche unverändert)

Krösus geht jetzt erstmal zur Kirche. Ihr wisst, dass der Zeitplan keine
Pause bis Ostersonntag vorsieht. Bis Anna eine Antwort erhält, wird es
also noch ein bisschen dauern.

Mugu vult decipi. Ergo decipiatur!   (frei nach Titio)

baiting by software
Beiträge: 3.351
Registriert am: 21.11.2007

RE: Weiblich, ledig, wohlhabend sucht... (und findet!)

#7 von schmubo , 12.04.2009 00:36

Aufgrund der anstrengenden Osterfeierlichkeiten schweigt Krösus. Aber Anna lässt nicht locker:

Zitat von Anna Johnson
Lets keep the prayer going this Easter

My darling husband,

Happy Easter to you once again.

Hope you are doing well there.I am very saddened that we cannot be together this Easter.Really i have been going through turf time here but keep faith in God who have been
keeping me alive even without any help from any one here.

I trust God will make things happen for us in the near future. Let's keep those strong prayers going through the Easter. As I spend these holidays, I will think about you deeper than
ever before. I will think about our love and future, our future family as well.

I believe that whatever i am going through, God is going to save me soon. That is why He sent Jesus to die for us on the cross. As we commemorate His death, we should
remember God's love. As we remember His love, we should remember and think deeply about our love. Love can move mountains, love can shorten distances. Love we cannot
touch. I't like wind, only realized in action. Let's us pray that God strengthens our love for ever so that when we meet (which we hope it's soon), we can grow stronger in love and
start creating future memories.

I wish you a very happy Easter, nice Good Friday and God bless you for me.

Yours wife,

Obwohl sich Krösus von Gründonnerstag bis Ostermontag eigentlich nur in der Kirche und im Pfarrheim aufhält, findet er Zeit für eine kurze Antwort:
In Antwort auf:
Re: Lets keep the prayer going this Easter

My dear beloved Anna,

thanks for your Easter greetings. During the holy saturday mass an old
man was feeling of faintness - he suffered of a qualm which was caused by
fasting. The man was taken to hospital by the ambulance. Celebrating
Easter seems to be dangerous! We prayed for the old man and we hope
that he will be better very soon.

At four o'clock we will celebrate the resurrection of our Lord Jesus. So I
want to sleep two hours and go to church once again.

Good night, my love! I'll write to you at Easter Monday.

Allways yours

Und der Finanzfuzzy lässt nichts von sich hören resp. lesen.
Wahrscheinlich ist auch ihm das Osterfest heilig.

Mugu vult decipi. Ergo decipiatur!   (frei nach Titio)

baiting by software
Beiträge: 3.351
Registriert am: 21.11.2007

RE: Weiblich, ledig, wohlhabend sucht... (und findet!)

#8 von schmubo , 14.04.2009 22:15

Ostern ist vorbei und Anna schwört noch immer ewige Liebe. Die Anrede "my darling husband"
scheint sich zur Standardfloskel zu entwickeln - Krösus sieht das mit einiger Skepsis. Was
geht da vor?

Zitat von Anna Johnson
happy Easter my darling

My darling husband,

Happy Easter to you my love and how are you doing today?Hope you are doing very fine.Honey i am very sorry that i did not write you in time because i was involved in church
activities during this holy week.Honey i miss you so much.I have came back from church but nothing much to celebrate as a result of lack of finance to buy like some soft drink and
fruit.But i thank God because Christ Jesus has brought us a new life.

Christ has given us victory and divine favor of everlasting life, peace and joy.What a great love.

Honestly this country is very expensive to live in and what used to make me unhappy is that they do not have good jobs here that one can get good salaries from.Government is not
doing good to solve this.

Everything here is costly and i have to take thing as i see them believing that God through his mercy will help us soon.Honey i really want you to do something concerning the fund
transfer so that all these problem will be over in our life.

Honey take care of yourself for me.Some people here have gone to some carnival areas to celebrate their Easter but i cannot go because i have no nice dresses nor shoes and not
only that one have to eat first before going out.

Please tell me how the church service was done today and what did you eat today.

Kissssssssssssssssssss and love,

Yours in love,

Ja, es ist wirklich erschreckend, wie teuer sich das Leben in Senegal gestaltet. Krösus ist
versucht, ein paar hundert Euronen ungefragt in Richtung Anna zu schicken, aber er kann dieses
Bedürfnis so gerade eben noch unterdrücken - Anna wird früh genug Forderungen stellen.

Auch Leimecke meldet sich zu Wort, aber nur ganz knapp:
Zitat von Fredrik Leimecke
Re: Notification

Estimado Señor Krösus Piepengeber,

We acknowledge the receipt of your mail.

Without signing it means that you do not authorise the transfer. as such it cannot be remitted to you.

Der Finanzfuzzy kriegt keine Antwort. Wer nicht übersetzt, braucht auch nicht mit einer
Unterschrift zu rechnen. Aber Anna wird mit einer freundlichen E-Mail beglückt.
Krösus schreibt:
Zitat von Krösus Piepengeber
Re: happy Easter my darling

My dear Anna,

ist seems to me that you are very interested in getting more information
about your new social and ecclesial environments here at Castrop-Rauxel
in Germany. That is good. I think, you will be integrated to our church (it
is called "Deppenkirche Jesu Christi in Blödistan") very quickly. Our faith
is the holy bible (the Father Murx translation). You know its subject matters.
So don't be afraid. The parish will love you and after your introduction to
our priest, you will be asked many question about christian life in Senegal
and Liberia. Our church has a Ghanaian and three Nigerian members. You
will find a ready welcome.

It is really unbelievable that the cost of living in Senegal is so great... You
have got seven millions and you can't buy anything. So it will be needed to
increase the speed of the transaction. Unfortunately Mr. Leimecke seems
to be a little bit crazy: He wants me to sign a document which I don't
understand. I won't do that. Let me quote the last e-mail he wrote to me:

>Without signing it means that you do not authorise the transfer.

I don't know what to do. Are you sure that Leimecke is an respectable man?
I'm worried about that. Please let me know some details regarding

Good night, my dear.
With all my love

Mugu vult decipi. Ergo decipiatur!   (frei nach Titio)

baiting by software
Beiträge: 3.351
Registriert am: 21.11.2007

zuletzt bearbeitet 14.04.2009 | Top

RE: Weiblich, ledig, wohlhabend sucht... (und findet!)

#9 von schmubo , 18.04.2009 02:08

Kritik an Leimecke scheint Anna überhaupt nicht zu vertragen:

Zitat von Anna Johnson
I am not happy with your mail

My darling,

Good evening to you and how are you doing today?Hope you are doing fine.Honey thanks God that Easter has come and gone and we spent it well despite all the obstacle here and there.

I am not happy with your statement concerning the money i to you that i would have been happy if you can help me with.Why should you be talking that way.I have told you my life story here and how this fund was deposited and you are there telling me why you i ask for money when i have 7Million USD?That is very bad statement from you.The fund was deposited in Spain and for that reason i don't have acess to it until it has been transfer to you.So if you are really willing to assist me you have to understand this and work for the transfer.

How can you said that Mr. Leimecke seems to be little bit crazy?What makes him little bit crazy?I remember you told me last week that he sent you some document to sign abd it was in spanish and that you asked him to translate it for you.I will like to see this form and why did you resufed to sign it?I feel you have something in mind that you did not want to tell me and i don't like that kind of mind.If you are not serious to assist me please tell me so that we cannot be wasting our time.

I will be waiting to hear from you soon.

Yours in love,

Die Antwort kommt nicht soon, sondern mit zweitägiger Verzögerung.
Krösus muss über diesen Text nachdenken. Und endlich bequemt er sich
dazu, eine Antwort zu verfassen:
Zitat von Krösus Piepengeber
Re: I am not happy with your mail

My dear Anna,

sorry... I am a bit confused. What would you do, if a strange person wants you to sign a document,
which can't be read by you? Mr. Leimecke acts in an impolite and ignoring manner. The document
he sent to me contains the line:

COMISIÓN DE EMISIÓN *****************3,850.00 EURO

What does it mean? No, darling. I won't sign it. Leimecke doesn't explain anything and he doesn't
want to translate the document. And there is another questions: Your funds is in Spain. It would be
a trifle to bring the money from Spain to Germany. Why do you make such huge efforts? Could it
be possible that the transfer is illegal?

I am seriously interested in assisting you and I wish you to live here close to me. But I can't help
suspecting that Leimicke is hiding some important information.

Please let me know ALL respecting the transfer.

In love

Auf Annas Erklärungen dürfen wir gespannt sein.

Mugu vult decipi. Ergo decipiatur!   (frei nach Titio)

baiting by software
Beiträge: 3.351
Registriert am: 21.11.2007

RE: Weiblich, ledig, wohlhabend sucht... (und findet!)

#10 von schmubo , 13.06.2009 00:44

Doch doch... es geht noch weiter! Auch wenn lange Zeit Funkstille war, erinnert sich
Anna wieder an ihren Freund Krösus. Aber mal schön alles der Reihe nach: Die vorerst
letzte Mail von Anna trudelte am 18. April ein:

Zitat von Anna Johnson
My darling,

Good afternoon to you my love and how are you doing today.Hope you are doing fine.Honey i have read your mail and everything you said is very understanable but i have one question here.Why did you called Mr. Leimecke a strange person? I think you have all the contact information to reach him with, both phone number why can't you call him on phone and talk to him to know him better?It sound that you did not have any trust in me and the transfer,That is how i took it because if you could call Mr. Leimecke a strange person what then will you call me?Maybe i am another strange person and you are not believing my words.

Honey if you know very well that you really want to assist me and that you care for me and love me, you should as matter of urgency contact him and talk to him so that he can direct you on what to do.

Once more thing have  you try to make any contact with Mr. Fredrik and asked him what ( COMISIÓN DE EMISIÓN *****************3,850.00 EURO) means?
Secondly, how is it trifle to transfer the fund from to Spain to Germany when you are in Germany and i wants to be with you and invest the money there?

I will be happy to hear from you soon.


Yours in love,

Anscheinend darf man nichts gegen Mr. Leimecke sagen, auch wenn er nicht bereit ist,
millionenschwere Dokumente in eine Krösus verständliche Sprache zu übersetzen.
Piepengeber erläutert nochmal seine Vorbehalte gegen den Spanier, erklärt sich dann
aber doch bereit, ihn zu kontaktieren:
Zitat von Krösus Piepengeber
My dear Anna,

sorry for my late reply. I had to think about your mail and the transfer and my
fascinating girlfriend in Senegal. It all seems so unreal, unbelievable... I try to
trust you, my darling, but I'm worried about Mr. Leimecke.

Please explain: You are a refugee from Liberia which has come to Senegal. I
suppose that the funds you inherited from your late father wasn't an element
of your personal baggage. So let me know how you got the money to Mr.
Leimecke in Spain? Why doesn't Leimecke invest your funds? I think I will
write an email to him and ask him the same questions. And yes, you are
right: He should explain the COMISIÓN DE EMISIÓN to me.

Now I will contact Leimecke.
Good night, my love!
Your Krösus

Und dann beginnt Anna zu zicken:
Zitat von Anna Johnson
My dearest Krösus,

Good morning to you and how was your night over there in your country today?Hope fine.

Well i have noted the content of your mail.It is a good thing as you
made known your biased mind,i contacted you in good faith and will
prefer whoever is helping me to do that in good faith. As i earlier
mentioned to you, the inheritance was deposited by late father and
conveyed by me.
Again, now you are asking me why didn't i ask Leimecke to help me,
which means that it is an error to have contacted you. Anyway,i
believe that everybody does his things as his/her spirit directs

If your really want to assist me i will like you to be straight forward to me or tell me if you are not willing to conclude the transaction with me so that i can't be wasting my time and your time please.

I will be waiting for your mail soon.And send to me the mail you told me that you will send to Mr.Leimecke  and if he responded send copy of his mail to me also.

Yours in love,

Aha - vielleicht ist Krösus doch nicht der Richtige für Anna. Na, das kann sie sich
ja nochmal überlegen. Und die Bedenkzeit dauert verdammt lange. So schien die
Angelegenheit bereits erledigt, als Anna vorgestern völlig unverhofft mitteilte,
dass sie einen neuen Partner in Paraguay gefunden hat, der ihr Geld an Krösus
weiterleiten wird. Na bitte - es geht doch! Auch ohne Leimecke.
Zitat von Anna Johnson
Dearest Krösus,
I'm happy to inform you about my success in getting the fund transferred under the cooperation of a new partner from Paraguay .
Presently I in Paraguay for investment projects with my own share of the total sum.
Meanwhile, I didn't forget your past efforts and attempts to assist me in transferring the fund despite that it failed us some how.Now you will need to contact former personal secretary to the Rev.Father whom used to be a God-father to me when i was in Dakar, his name isRev.David mike and his email address is as follows
Ask him to send you a certified bank draft of $300.000.00 (Cashier's cheque) which I prepared and kept for your compensation for all the past efforts and attempts to assist me in this matter. I appreciated your efforts at that time very much. so feel free and get in touched with Rev.David and instruct him where to send you the money.
Please do let me know immediately you receive it so that we can share the our joy after all the sufferings at that time. In the moment.
I am very busy here because of the investment projects which me and the new partner are having at hand, finally, remember that I had forwarded instruction to Rev.David mike on your behalf to receive that money.
Therefore feel free to get in touch with him and he will send the amount to you without delay.
Take care and bye for now.
Yours Anna,

Also nimmt Piepengeber die Sache wieder auf. Nach seinem Selbsterfahrungs-Workshop
in einem Kloster kann er sich wieder ganz gelassen und konzentriert seinem schwarzen
Weibchen widmen.
Zitat von Krösus Piepengeber
My dear Anna,

thanks for your mail. I am glad that you contacted me again. I couldn,t
forget you! This Mr. Leimecke looked very suspicious to me. It is good
that you could find a new partner. I hope that Rev. Mike is a reliable
man. So I will write him a letter introducing myself and my plans to
invest your funds.

Three weeks ago I joined an encounter group. We lived at a monastery.
Deep prayers and serious discussions were the settings of our daily
routine. I gained a lot of meditation and contemplation. Now I feel fine
again. These weeks have changed my life.

Please write me again. I still want to know more abaout you and your
decision to live in Germany.

Yours in love

Mugu vult decipi. Ergo decipiatur!   (frei nach Titio)

baiting by software
Beiträge: 3.351
Registriert am: 21.11.2007


Oma Stein und Enkel Leo.. aus Paris....oder..
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