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RE: Wer hat Lust ein scammer zu übernehmen ...

#41 von isihonest ( gelöscht ) , 21.04.2009 10:23

....franky hat sich heute nacht um 1.15 uhr auf msn angemeldet - ich war angemeldet aber auf off gestell - auf meiner kontaktliste stand er dann auf off...
ich kann aber immer sehen wenn sich einer anmeldet, selbst wenn er sich unsichtbar gestellt hat.
habe keinerlei nachricht gekriegt - weder offline-message noch email.... hmmmm...
was geht ?? er war doch erst im galopp feuer und flamme...?? der scheint ja ganz schön beschäfftigt zu sein...

... soll ich noch abwarten oder zutraulicher werden?...


RE: Wer hat Lust ein scammer zu übernehmen ...

#42 von Dana , 21.04.2009 10:48

Er ist wohl wirklich einfach nur zu sehr beschäftigt und kommt dann irgendwann wieder zu Dir zurück. Ich würde sagen, Du bringst Dich alle zwei bis drei Tage bei ihm in Erinnerung mit einer kurzen Nachricht oder Nachfrage, wie es ihm geht...damit er Dich nicht vergisst.

Illusionen regieren die Welt. Die jeweils größere Illusion gewinnt das Spiel.

Beiträge: 4.410
Registriert am: 29.05.2008

RE: Wer hat Lust ein scammer zu übernehmen ...

#43 von isihonest ( gelöscht ) , 21.04.2009 11:15

... vielleicht hilft er ja grad shawn bei der suche nach seinem geldbeutel....


RE: Wer hat Lust ein scammer zu übernehmen ...

#44 von isihonest ( gelöscht ) , 21.04.2009 12:09

....uiii... Dana - ich hab grad gemerkt hier herrscht bisle durcheinander mit meinen franks !!!
der major frankKenneth ist der aus "kanadier sucht frau" und hatte dich über fs24 angeschrieben und hat dann von mir die "süßliche" response-email gekriegt - deshalb auch die verschiedenen addis !! der frankyscott hat mich auf myflirt am 11.4.angeschrieben, auf msn geaddet und zum chat bestellt - is aber damals doch net erschienen... der major gehört garnet hier rein...


RE: Wer hat Lust ein scammer zu übernehmen ...

#45 von isihonest ( gelöscht ) , 22.04.2009 09:32

... so - der major ging heut nacht um 1 uhr on und blieb auf online gestellt für eine stunde -
aber ich war zu müde um in anzuklicken - blieb auf off...
heute morgen hat er dann ne off-line nachricht geschickt sagte (08:51):
hello how are you doing today
well i have been busssy with my work sagte (08:52):
and i think i will be coming online this evening to talk to you
i really missed you soo much
i hope to see you soon
kisiss and hugsss


RE: Wer hat Lust ein scammer zu übernehmen ...

#46 von isihonest ( gelöscht ) , 22.04.2009 10:04

.... haa! er war hier grad on.... aber offensichtlich kann er nicht sehen wenn ich mich anmelde...wie günstig ...
er hat mir eine email geschickt - wieder auf den hotmail-account... der checkt´s net...also hab ich ihn halt kurz angechattet...
mal bisle pflegen meinen schatz... aber mit zeitvorgabe...

gloria sagt: hello frank...
Frank sagt: how are you doing today
gloria sagt: am fine really glad
how are you doing

Frank sagt: am doing good
have you read the mail i send you
gloria sagt: unfortunately i don´t have time to talk to you now
Frank sagt: okay
gloria sagt: no - but i just saw it
i will read it after talking to you
the next pytient will arrive soon
in aboout 10 minutes
....gott - sorry for mistakes....finger sin heut schneller als hirn ...hatte noch net genug kaffee...
Frank sagt: then we can in the evening
gloria sagt: just wanted to say hello to you
yes - i would like this dear
Frank sagt: okay
gloria sagt: you have to pytrol today?

Frank sagt: yes
gloria sagt: ok
when will you be back

Frank sagt: but i will be online before i go for patrol
gloria sagt: oh i see
what time dear

Frank sagt: well i thimk 8pm your time
gloria sagt: oh - ok that´s good time for me too....
frank - would you do me a little favour?
please don´t sen your emails to this addi again

Frank sagt: okay
gloria sagt: you should know -
i have a snoopy receptionist
and she uses the compoter as well

Frank sagt: okay
gloria sagt: therefore i wrote you emails from my privat yahoo-account
so that she can´t see it

Frank sagt: yes i saw that
i will send it on that okay ....hehehe...
gloria sagt: you got my emails from that account, dear?
i mean from the yahoo-account

Frank sagt: OKAY
then talk to you soon
see you
gloria sagt: ok...have a nice day
thanks for the heart

Frank sagt: i love you soo much ...... frühen morgen...
gloria sagt: oh frank.... you make my day
Frank sagt: really
gloria sagt: sure... you make me walking with a smile on
Frank sagt: me too
you have bright my day too
gloria sagt: please take good care of you - will you
oh... the doorbell rings ..have to go my dear

Frank sagt: okay
gloria sagt: bye
Frank sagt: see you soon
gloria sagt: so sorry
Frank sagt: kisiss and hugss from me
gloria sagt: see you
Frank sagt: please
gloria sagt: kisses and a big hug back dear
bye for now

Frank sagt: kisss for you


RE: Wer hat Lust ein scammer zu übernehmen ...

#47 von isihonest ( gelöscht ) , 22.04.2009 11:55 gibt sich jetzt doch schön mühe mein major...
neben üblichem blabla hat er wohl geschnallt, daß ich net soo leicht zu haben bin
und weicht sogar vom brechreiz-auslöse-textbaustein-gelaber ab....

und des alles in rot!!! seine farbwahl für die email erspar ich euch hier - mir tun schon die augen weh

Good Morning‏
Von: kenneth petrause (
Gesendet: Mittwoch, 22. April 2009 08:46:57
An: Gloria Ährlich (

Good morning,I'm just dropping in to say, I hope you have a wonderful day! May your morning be sunny side up,your afternoon bright too.May the whole day bring good news to you! Thanks so much for your wonderful emails and was so much intrigued with your great personalities and your good sense of humor...hää?? was war an denen witzig ??

Well,am a man who offers Lifetime friendship, lots of fun, a Love you probably has never felt before, and mad passionate love because it has meaning so deep inside of you. Do you want to meet someone who you can't get enough of and you can't get off your mind... ...jaaaaaaa!!!! That's what I am looking for. If you want to walk beside me in my journey to find these things in life , that spending the rest of my happiness with and share ideas as well...

I am looking for a woman who is mature but fun. Someone who is honest and knows how to communicate. Someone who is sports minded and likes to go or watch sporting events. Someone who likes to have fun doing every day things but with a dash of me thrown in...

Well, I also want someone who REALLY wants to settle down and just wants to be happy with ONE person and build a great lasting friendship. A confident woman, Loving, Romantic and passionate would be a big plus. Maybe someone who understands the occasional ups & downs associated with a my love. No liars or cheaters, please!! ..... angst vorm schwarzen mann?

I am an Attractive, Confident, Loving, Romantic, Sensitive man with a great smile, sexy eyes, ...uiiii...des is mir entgangen... Incredible Personality, a bigger built man but I have curves. I have been described as an “Italian Oprah Winfrey”. autsch. Friends tell me I have class and style. Judge for yourself when we meet. Definitely aware of who I am. Looking for a really great woman for friendship, good conversation, fun, love, travel etc.

I am a man who knows who he is, has a real zest for fun and I give and expect total honesty & dependability. I have a strong desire to grow and enrich the lives of those I meet and embrace. I am a man immerhin - er weiß jetzt was er ist... with old fashioned values, contemporary vision and traditional beliefs.

The one trait that I have noticed in couples that have maintained a successful relationship for many years would have to be acceptance. They accept each other for who they are. They are not trying to mold the other person into someone they want them to be. They accept each other just the way they are. A few other traits that I have noticed as well, are patience, flexibility, dedicated and desire and would be glad to share everything in my life with you...

I'm looking forward to reading back from you once again and you telling me more about yourself, and that's schedule a time to meet each other online and that's have a chat since communication on here is quite slow,and hope that we can meet on msn and that's have a chat,,,I will be waiting for you at the time you said Darling ..I really like you and do not want to loose you from me than ...jooo - aber des wird schon noch bisle dauern.. I care alot about you as will than and need you more and more ....[ davon bin ich jetzt schon felsenfest überzeugt..
Well, I really have to go now and hope to hear from you soon...I
take care and have a blessed day...
Best Of Regards,

hat net unterschrieben der plö weiß ich imma nochnet wie der wirklich heißt... muß ihn fragen heut abend...


RE: Wer hat Lust ein scammer zu übernehmen ...

#48 von isihonest ( gelöscht ) , 23.04.2009 00:08

....gröhl... ich lach mich immanochschlapp... des war der entspannteste chat meines lebens...
der arme frank - männer sind eindeutig nicht nur nicht sondern garnicht multitaskingfähig.....
pünktlich war er ja - aber dann - dauernd weg - hat ewig gebraucht mit antworten - zum teil neben der spur...
schade, daß in meinen online-chats keine zeiten mit eingeblendet sind...
auf jeden fall - fingernägel sind manikürt und lackiert, honeymill hat zig emails und auf myflirt
hab ich mir noch rockamaldin geangelt nebenher...
man muß das hier net lesen - nicht wirklich viel passiert...aber ich stell´s ganz ein... sagte (20:00) : hello n
am in
but you are not there sagte (20:01): i hope to talk to you soon

gloria sagt: hello frank
are you there?
hurried up to be here with you in time....
Frank sagt: am here my love
gloria sagt: hey darling how you doing
am 3 minutes late ..sorry
Frank sagt: am doing goo d
i really missed you soo much

gloria sagt: same here
Frank sagt: i have been thinking about you all day
gloria sagt: oh...i hope so
i did as well 3 minuten stille
Frank sagt: do you know that i really love you soo much
gloria sagt: i wrote you email again and again... thank so much
i read i mean
Frank sagt: ok
do you like it

gloria sagt: if not i wouldn´t have read it again darling
sure i do
you are very kind and honest wieder 3 minuten nix
Frank sagt: thanks
thanks for the compliment

i really misssed you soooooo much
gloria sagt: it seems you thought a lot over your life and living
i missed you too
how was your day doing
Frank sagt: okay day was really great
gloria sagt: please tell me a bit what you are doing the whole day und wieder sendepause..
Frank sendet: "rrring" ... janee - der klingelt mich an - dabei is er dran zu schreiben..
Frank sagt: and am really happy you have come to my life
gloria sagt: am here dear ..may i ask something
Frank sagt: yes
gloria sagt: it´s because of your email-addi
there is a different name as yours
Frank sagt: yes kenneth
gloria sagt: is he a friend of yours?
Frank sagt: is the name of my uncle
do you know that i inherit the soldier from my uncle
gloria sagt: yes - sure i remember
Frank sagt: so my friends in the army call my kenneth beacase of my uncle
gloria sagt: lol...this is nice ... and for to think for him you use his name in addi
Frank sagt: but my real name is frank willton

gloria sagt: yes´s ok darling... i was a little confused about it
because you didn´t sign your emails with a name
Frank sagt: brb muß er guckst du machen...
gloria sagt: ok
Frank sagt: i will back in 10minut time please wait for me i will be back soon
gloria sagt: is ok darling i will wait
er bleib die ganze zeit online - ich hab 25 minuten gewartet und dann geschrieben...
frank am doing some invoice at the moment - just give me a ring when you are back - ok
...nix...nochmal ne halbe stunde später...
lol.... not realy easy to find time to share together...
Sie haben gerade einen "Rrring!" von Frank erhalten! um 21.16 uhr...
Frank sagt: hellom.. ..und ganz konfus der arme..
hellom ..
am here

gloria sagt: hi there
Frank sagt: sorry i kept you waiting
gloria sagt: long 10 minutes
Frank sagt: am very sorryb ..

gloria sagt: normaly this is the ladies privilege
Frank sagt: okay
gloria sagt: what happend?
Frank sagt: well i went to the camp
So what are your plans today?

gloria sagt: what did you do at the camp my dear
was there any trouble?..
Frank sagt: yes
.. und nun viel es mir wie schuppen aus den haaren - der is shawn bei e.l.v.i.s. zu hilfe geeilt....
gloria sagt: oh...that´s bad
Frank sagt: well i went to the camp - weiß ich doch
So what are your plans today

gloria sagt: this evening you mean?
am just doing invoice for my patients
Frank sagt: okay
gloria sagt: i hate this doing... don´t like office work
Frank sagt: really
gloria sagt: and what´s about you darling
when do you have to go ...konnte net mehr ernst bleiben...
Frank sagt: well i will be going to patrol soon
gloria sagt: for patrol i mean
Frank sagt: yes
gloria sagt: lol
Frank sagt: i think in 30mminut time
gloria sagt: too bad you had to leave me before
Frank sagt: yes ...3 minuten für diese antwort..
gloria sagt: so we lost so much time to talk today
Frank sagt: yes ...und nochmal 3 minuten für diese..
gloria sagt: could you come online again tomorrow?
Frank sagt: and i think we are going to spend much time tomorrow when am online
gloria sagt: i will love it ..also so geht´s net weiter - mal bisle einseifen den major...
but today i want you to know somthing
Frank sagt: what do you want to know
gloria sagt: since i know somebody over there in iraq it´s not more the same when i listen to the daily news
imediatelly i have to think of you and i worry about you...
please promise´ll always take good care of you for me all right
Frank sagt: i will my dearv

... so und nu war er hellwach... alles antworten kamen zackzack...aber ihm is nix gescheites eingefallen..
gloria sagt: ok that´s good to know
Frank sagt: and you know i rally love you and i have no one apart from you
gloria sagt: you are so far away from me
i can´t take care of you ...only think about you
Frank sagt: me too ..but we can be together when your mind is always about me
gloria sagt: it is darling...really it is..
during the day... while working, cooking and so on
Frank sagt: okay
you are always in my mind and i love you with all my soul honey are you soo special to me

...bitte mit welcher seele ???.
gloria sagt: oh frank... can´t tell you how much i love your words
thank you for being you are really special to me too..
think you have to go now... am i right? ...bitte geh endlich patrollieren
Frank sagt: okay
i love you soo much and am going to spend the reat of mylife with you until death take as apart

gloria sagt: deep feelings ... but how you can be sure for that darling - you don´t know me really
i know what i feel but am really surprised that this could happen in such a short time...
Frank sagt: yes ...
gloria sagt: yes ??
Frank sagt: and i think you love me as i doo ...jupp
gloria sagt: oh yes honey - you don´t know how right you are with this..
really as much as you do...
Frank sagt: but i love you more and more
gloria sagt: same here
Frank sagt: really ..ha klar...
Frank sendet Animoticon: "Kiss" abspielen
Frank sendet Animoticon: "Kiss" abspielen
Frank sendet Animoticon: "Heart" abspielen

mein pc wär fast abgeschmiert wegen den plöden dingern...
gloria sagt: thanks so much are so lovely
please take care tonight... ok?
Frank sagt: okay i will
and i always pray for the day should come so that i can be with you

gloria sagt: oh frank ... can´t wait for this day
see you first time in real ..touch you and hug you.. in a special way ..
Frank sagt: me too ...give you 1000 kissss all over your body
gloria sagt: wooow... i really can feel it.....
Frank sagt: 100 stück..
gloria sagt: oh my god... so many hearts...
you are so nice... you made my day
Frank sagt: my heart is always yours
von da an war´s aus - ein emotion nach dem andern...konnt net mehr
Frank sendet Animoticon: "Dancing Pig" abspielen
gloria sagt: lol
your funny... *smile
from where did you get this emotions
Frank sagt: and am going to love you for the rest of my life
gloria sagt: i pray to god you will ..
Frank sagt: if you are always with me i will be glad
gloria sagt: thank you... yes frank i will .. from now on i´ll never leave you again..
Frank sagt: me too
i love you with all my soul
...welche nochmal??
gloria sagt: same here
Frank sagt: and i think you will never leave me lonely
gloria sagt: you should not feel lonely anymore because i am with you
day by night ...und wie...
Frank sagt: thanks
gloria sagt: welcome
what time do you have to go back to camp
Frank sagt: but i have to leave now
gloria sagt: i thought so
Frank sagt: am going to ptrol now

gloria sagt: feel a little sad about that...
take care darling ok?
Frank sagt: okay i will
see u soon ...bye

Frank sendet Animoticon: "Kiss" abspielen
Frank sendet Animoticon: "Heart" abspielen
Frank sagt:

gloria sagt: yes hope i´ll see you soon again darling my one...
Frank sagt: byee
gloria sagt: byeee...
Frank sagt: kiss and hugss from me
gloria sagt: can´t wait meet you again ...
kisses back how much you ever want.. hihi..
Frank sagt: byee '
ich sag nur ...spielkind...
Frank sendet Animoticon: "Kiss" abspielen
Frank sendet Animoticon: "Kiss" abspielen
Frank sendet Animoticon: "Heart" abspielen
Frank sendet Animoticon: "Dancing Pig" abspielen
Sie haben gerade einen "Rrring!" von Frank erhalten!
Frank sendet Animoticon: "Kiss" abspielen
gloria sagt: still laughing about the pig
bye my dear
Frank sagt: do you really like it ..
Frank sendet Animoticon: "Crying" abspielen

gloria sagt: sure... it´s so funny to watch this dancing...
Frank sendet Animoticon: "Frog" abspielen
Frank sagt: byee

gloria sagt: am sure now frank...
a part of you is still a child
Frank sagt: hahahahaha
gloria sagt: *smile
Frank sagt: am really happy today des freut mi..
gloria sagt: me too... you made me smile a lot this evening
Frank sagt: byee
Frank sendet Animoticon: "Laugh" abspielen

gloria sagte (22:11) : lol......



RE: Wer hat Lust ein scammer zu übernehmen ...

#49 von isihonest ( gelöscht ) , 23.04.2009 10:12

..der major ging um 8.30 on - um 8.40 schlug seine mail hier auf - der mann ist ein genie...
kein wunder ist der in den chats so ausgepowert und blutleer im hirn....

Good Morning
kenneth petrause <>

Hello honey

Hello honey how are you doing this morning ..ich hab noch bauchweh vor lachen...i really miss you and i hope you are doing great i feel lonely without you You are a blessing that my entire being is very thankful for.. I feel that we were made to love, listen, understand, and work through all times in our lives together and individually.. I feel that we have shared more time together than we ever will and I know there are many more special occassions and moments in our lives that will surprise and bring us closer.. You are my soul mate and nothing, ..hä...? and no one else feels more right than you!!..immanoch verwirrt der arme... I love you eternally and unconditionally..
God's love has answered this prayer I've wanted and been almost too anxious for so long.. I miss you more than words can say and my love will reach any distance and fly to be in your dreams and heart each evening that we can not be together.. I physically ..i sach nix..long for you each night and will see you in my dreams until we find ourselves wrapped in the love that grows stronger and deeper each day, into our future together.. I believe and have faith in you..joo...mach mal...
Never did I imagine that I would ever meet you, especially not in the form of a chat friend.. God has got his own reasons for us to meet and come this far.. But I hope our love will flourish beyond what it is right now..

Distance maybe just a part of the reason why sometimes we think we can't handle this whole relationship, but I am sure our love for each other is way far stronger then any oceans can come across.. I am writting you this letter to tell you that my love for you is so real..... that I can't find any words to describe my feelings for you.. At the same time I would like to thank you for all your patience while our relationship had to go through high waves and hard rocks..
My love for you has grown so strong that I can never imagine a life without you now.. I will always be yours no matter what the world turns out to be.. My heart will always yearning for your love and care forever.. I love you always Sweetheart..
Having your love, has been the best thing that has ever happened to me.. I have never loved anyone as much as I love you.. Everyday, when I awake from a dream of us together, I thank God I found you.. What have I ever done to deserve such a loving, caring, wonderful woman?.. ..diese frage - mein schatz wird du dir noch ein paar mal stellen...höhö.. Everything about you is just so perfect.. I know you are not without imperfections,...frechheit .. but in my eyes, everything you do just seems so flawless.. The way you express your love to me is so awesome.. I feel so loved! I need only to think of you to have all my troubles melt away.. I want to spend my whole life with you,..sorry des halt i auf dauer net aus.. loving you and receiving your love in return.. XOXOXOXOXO I long to hold you and feel your sweet caress..
You had no idea what you did sweetheart,.doch doch - ich bin herr meiner sinne.. You brought love and laughter to my empty, sad and boring kann mich erinnern - und du in meines liebling.. My heart had known only emptiness until the day you came and filled my heart to overflowing with your jovial ways.. Your sense of humor has turned my frown into a smile.. You taught me how to love again, you taught me to give and receive love by trusting in you and believing..
You taught me to go the extra mile.. ..du bist zu weit im script... das mit der extra-meile kommt erst noch... zu e.l.v.i.s... ... And though there are miles between us, I never stop thinking of you, you have brought a change into my life and my heart is forever yours.. I can never forget you, or keep thoughts of you out of my mind..
When two souls, which have sought each other for, however long in the throng, have finally found each other.. A union, fiery and pure as they themselves are begins on earth and continues forever in heaven.. This union is love, true love,.. a religion, which deifies the loved one, whose life comes from devotion and passion, and for which the greatest sacrifices are the sweetest delights. .This is the love which you inspire in me.. Your soul is made to love with the purity and passion of angels but perhaps it can only love another angel, in which case I must tremble with apprehension..
Since you came into my life, I've been so happy.. The fact that we're a miles apart is not a matter at all because you are always in my heart.. . You told me that I'm the right one..echt? kann mich garnet erinnern.. I cannot tell you how good that made me feel.. I am waiting for the days to make our dreams come true.. I'll wait for you for a lifetime if you want me to... Do you know why?, Because you are the only one who sees me while I am invisible to others...uii...wie recht er hat...ich seh ihn - auf msn - auch wenn er unsichtbar is .... I hope you never quit seeing how much my love for you is true..i seh garnix...
I have been so happy by your side that my biggest desire this new year is that this remains.. Of course it depends on someone up above, so we can have health and force to find prosperity.. What can i wish to someone I love at new year, other than strengh to continue loving, wishing and serving? Because that's what I want sweet: continue happy and healthy to offer you, the best of me, this enormous love I feel.. I want you at all times.. Sometimes I wish I could have you glued to me, well kept in my body like a tattoo or a piercing... I would like to feel you very close to my skin.. Loving you give me such a feeling of fulfillment that I feel close to Heaven.. ..sorry - in den himmel kommst DU net... And that is why I feel this huge emptiness when you are far away, which is reflected in the adsence of your body.. Since I left to church this morning,.und der weihnachstmann war heut auch da..... I started thinking about you and how much I miss you.. I felt this urge to meet you and to be able to kiss you slowly..
All of a sudden I felt this urge to kiss you.. and touch you with the tip of my tongue, starting with your feet and moving all the way up to the soft strands of hair right in the back of your neck, that you love me to kiss..ich hab kein hunger mehr.... The single thought of you, gives me this sudden urge to be with you and to enjoy the sweetness of your soft skin and your exhilarating odors.. I mean, the smell of your breath.. odol med 3..Nothing compares to loving someone as I love you.. You are my harbor and my shelter, and to rediscover the joy of life with each kiss we exchange and every caress you give me is the biggest motif of joy a man can have.. Whenever you want me, I'll be with you.. Next to you, under the covers, glued to your soft body, and willing to satisfy your most secret wishes, and also those your shinny, naughty little eyes can't hide, mnuch as your try to disguise it..
I thought about you a lot last night... But not in the same way I normally do everday though, when I think how good it feels to have you next to me, what a friend are partner you are.. dem sein großvater heißt mit sicherheit vlad (imir)..repeat repeat repeat..
I want you to know that, in all my life, I've never felt as happy and pleased as I feel now.. And you know why?, Because no one has ever given me so much affection as now, my body as never been so well looked after as it is today.. If you were just affectionate woman, I would be able to say that I was in love with you.. But you're far more than that, you drive me crazy, because you're not only caring and thoughtful.. What could be the dreadful motives that keeps us apart?, You know, I was so aroused this morning when I woke up.. The first ray of light that made it's way through my bedroom window brought very lively memories of that gorgeous body of yours..
You're beautiful, the most wonderful surprise I've ever had..ich werd dich noch viel mehr überraschen darling.... I could never imagine that you angel face could hide such an intense woman..
deratige verpeilt der mugu... haben wir hier irgendwo textbausteine für die antwort - bin sprachlos...


RE: Wer hat Lust ein scammer zu übernehmen ...

#50 von Dana , 23.04.2009 10:29

Mein lieber Herr Gesangsverein.

Illusionen regieren die Welt. Die jeweils größere Illusion gewinnt das Spiel.

Beiträge: 4.410
Registriert am: 29.05.2008

zuletzt bearbeitet 23.04.2009 | Top

RE: Wer hat Lust ein scammer zu übernehmen ...

#51 von isihonest ( gelöscht ) , 23.04.2009 10:45

...der geht jetzt auf nummer sicher....
hat noch ne off-line message hinter seiner email hergejagt... sagte (09:07):
hello sagte (09:08):
how are you doing today
have a nice day
kisiss and hugss from frank
i hope to talk to you in the evening
see you soon sagte (09:09):
but try to reply my email i send to your yahooo mail

...O M G .... bitte... hat jemand textbausteine für mich....


RE: Wer hat Lust ein scammer zu übernehmen ...

#52 von Dana , 23.04.2009 11:14

Ich werde mal eine Textbausteinliste fertig machen...

Illusionen regieren die Welt. Die jeweils größere Illusion gewinnt das Spiel.

Beiträge: 4.410
Registriert am: 29.05.2008

RE: Wer hat Lust ein scammer zu übernehmen ...

#53 von isihonest ( gelöscht ) , 23.04.2009 19:46

... so - den major hab ich erstmal auf später verschoben...

gloria sagte (19:33):
hi dear...just want you to know i´ll go out watch movie at cinema
this evening with my girlfriend - forgot this date because only you were on my mind...*smile

gloria sagte (19:34):
will be back at 11 pm.. don´t know if you will be to patrol again?
...if we don´t meet today i´ll write you an email...
.dana...die textbausteine...pleeeeease
gloria sagte (19:36):
take good care of you as always ok...darling am so sorry...bye for now..


RE: Wer hat Lust ein scammer zu übernehmen ...

#54 von isihonest ( gelöscht ) , 24.04.2009 11:03

..major ging heut nacht um 1.00 uhr wieder online - was treibt der mann? ich leider off...
dafür hat er mich heut morgen im chat erwischt .. ich hatte keine lust...
- es leben die daily news...

Sie haben gerade einen "Rrring!" von Frank erhalten!

Frank sagt: hello
how are you doing today
gloria sagt: hello frank my dear
am so sorry for not being there for you

Frank sagt: don't worry
gloria sagt: am doing good with you
Frank sagt: am really happy you are here now
..nicht mehr lange ...

gloria sagt: hjow do you doing
Frank sagt: i really missed you soo much honey
am doing good
gloria sagt: me as well
missed you
there is so much to do in the moment and can´t find time to meet you

Frank sagt: okay
so are you living now
gloria sagt: wanted to write you yesterday but i was so so tired
yes. - dear you are right
what happend in iraq yesterday..
are you and your boys ok?????

Frank sagt: yes ..2 minuten für diese antwort...
we are doing
gloria sagt: thank god
Frank sagt: i have to go..
gloria sagt: was this happend fare away from you?
Frank sagt: i will talk to you later in the evening
lach mich wech - jetzt isser mit googlen beshäfftigt
gloria sagt: ok my dear
promise you take very good care of you please

Frank sagt: okay
see you later
gloria sagt: when ?
Frank sagt: in the evening
kiss ...warum so eilig??
gloria sagt: darling evening is long
Frank sagt: please
gloria sagt: i´ll try to be there at 9 pm ok
Frank sagt: okay
see you
gloria sagt: see you bye my darling


RE: Wer hat Lust ein scammer zu übernehmen ...

#55 von Dana , 24.04.2009 12:07

Na, da war er eine Weile beschäftigt.

Illusionen regieren die Welt. Die jeweils größere Illusion gewinnt das Spiel.

Beiträge: 4.410
Registriert am: 29.05.2008

RE: Wer hat Lust ein scammer zu übernehmen ...

#56 von isihonest ( gelöscht ) , 24.04.2009 13:50

ich werd überprüfen ob er seine hausis brav gemacht hat hehe...


RE: Wer hat Lust ein scammer zu übernehmen ...

#57 von isihonest ( gelöscht ) , 25.04.2009 11:55

der hat seine hausaufgaben gemacht.. und wie...
hab ihn grad im chat - er will die paketnummer durchziehen...
wer kann mir helfen?? ich versuch ihn hinzuhalten

Frank sagte (10:53):
hello honey
how are you doing today
gloria sagt:
hey darling
am fine with you
how was your night
Frank sagt:
very good
i really missed you soo much honey
gloria sagt:
where have you been last night? i was waiting for you onine
Frank sagt:
well i went to patrol and i was very tired when i was back
so how was your night as well
gloria sagt:
wa missing you
waited till 12 pm that night
Frank sagt:
i have been thinking about you all night
you have been in my thought last night
gloria sagt:
*smile... while sleeping?
Frank sagt:
And i wish i was with you know honey
gloria sagt:
oh frank i would love to have you here right now
Frank sagt:
me too honey
i have been wishing that too
gloria sagt:
it´s hard awake in the night and you are not here
Frank sagt:
so that i can hold you tight beside me
i want to feel yuo sweet embrace
gloria sagt:
darling...this should be
why are you so far away from meeeee
Frank sagt:
yes that what am thinkingn too honey
you are a special woman for me
gloria sagt:
i will drea m about that... and hope this soon becomes true
Frank sagt:
you are my soul mate
gloria sagt:
and you are all i can think
oh frank
Frank sagt:
me too honey
i wish am with you now baby
gloria sagt:
body close to body
Frank sagt:
gloria sagt:
i can´t wait to have you here with me
Frank sagt:
me too honey you are all mine
gloria sagt:
oh frank
you think this is possible to come visit me soon?
Frank sagt:
yes honey
it is
and am going to give you a very big kiss
gloria sagt:
and put your arms around me never leave me again...
Frank sagt:
Without caring, love gets boring. Without honesty, love gets unhappy, and without trust, love gets unstable.Love is a wonderful gift; trust in it, believe in it, give it, and it will be returned to you to give again and again.You can get advice from family, friends and strangers, but the best advice comes from your heart; it never lies - trust it.
gloria sagt:
i wanted to wright you an email today because i didn´t know if i would meet you in chat or not
would like to have a message and some more pictures?
write i meant
Frank sagt:
There may be many people that are trustworthy, but only a few are worth trusting with your heart; choose wisely.To be trusted is a greater compliment than to be loved. For you can love many, but without trust you have nothing.
gloria sagt:
i trust you frank and i believe in you... i feel so secure since met you
Frank sagt:
The heart already knows what the mind can only dream of. Trust your heart.Distance cannot, and will not hurt a bond between two people that is based on mutual respect, trust, commitment, and love.Jealousy is not a sign of true love; it's insecurities that comes in the way, 'cause love has just one important ingredient:
gloria sagt:
oh my frank... i love your words............
Frank sagt:
Trust.Do you trust me?Love means never doubting anything. It means trusting and being honest with each other Someone can be as beautiful on the outside as they are on the inside, but when he or she betrays your trust, they become the ugliest person in the world.Love is patient.
gloria sagt:
i trust you darling...with all my hard... i know what i´ve seen in you
Frank sagt:
Love is kind. It does not envy. It does not boast. It is not proud. It is not rude. It is not self-seeking. It is not easily angered.
gloria sagt:
you are so sensible and beautiful darling
Frank sagt:
Well there is something i will like to tell you,which really makes me uncomfortable and even insecure here now in Iraq .. You already know Iraq is a very difficult dangerous and hard to be,so i don't want to lose my life, because i need you so much and can't do without you .
gloria sagt:
yes i know... it´s reaaly dagerous... i fear for your life
Frank sagt:
I really love you and just i can't afford to lose you as well .
gloria sagt:
i believe you you do that
Frank sagt:
Well,why i feel unsafe and insecure here is that,there was package given to me here in Iraq by the IRAQI (President)sometime ago ..And it was Due to my hard work and as well my years Military staying here in (Baghdad -Iraq)so i was rewarded with the package...
gloria sagt:
wish you could leave that horrible country as soon as possible...
Frank sagt:
It was given to me on this date( 18 April 2006),I told my self not to tell you this,But i don't feel unsafe and insecure anymore ,because of the Iraqi's ..I have had enough keeping it my self ,but no more feel safe with it..
gloria sagt:
ok darling
and now
Frank sagt:
Not all the soldier's were given this packages, It was just given to Majors , Generals and the Army Chief of Staff's as a reward..The last members of the Awareness were the family of the late Military troops who lost theirs life's over here during the peace keeping event .
The package is contained inside (A Sum of Money ,Medals,Precious stones such as ,<Gold and Diamond>),which has all been packed in the package ..whiles receiving this package i thought of sending it to my son ,Because all my colleague here in Iraq sent theirs to Family and be lovers else where ..
gloria sagt:
can´t you bring this to a bank darling
Frank sagt:
Because i have no Family or Friend to keep mine safe for me ,it was left behind by myself to be kept here in my tent,just to be safe with it ,But no more feels comfortable with it..The Iraqis kept suspecting such package is been kept by myself ,because they got to know am single and has no family to keep mine for me.They now know i have kept mine in the tent so they wanted to do everything they
gloria sagt:
i understand... what´s about a bank lockbox
Frank sagt:
can possibly to take it from me ..I don't want to be killed because of the package with me ,I wish i could send it down to my son back in the states ,but my son is too young to keep such item for me safe ...
gloria sagt:
so you sould send it to the care taker...
Frank sagt:
she can run away with it
gloria sagt:
but she don´t know want this package contains
Frank sagt:
To be in love means being patient but to be patient you must trust him/her first.You can never find love through the eye or ear, so you must trust the only thing that will never fade until you die, your heart.Love is like trust, when you find your special someone it is as if you're trusting them with your heart.
gloria sagt:
you could tell her it´s just a present for your son for christmas
what do you mean with that ... i love you really
Frank sagt:
Trust is what you put in someone's hands. Faith is what you hold on to.Trust is what makes everyone realize that you are always there for them. Faith is what makes everyone realize that you are always there to help them in case they need some help. .
Honey because of the LOVE and the TRUST that i have for you ,I will like you to do me a favor by keeping on you the package for sometime until i will be back to be with you after this late mission.
gloria sagt:
but frank... you never met me... how can you be sure i won´t run away with this packages too
Frank sagt:
honey i have all my trust and hope in you '
gloria sagt:
i´ll asure you i would everthing for you and you can trust me but am really surpprised
Frank sagt:
and i trust you with my soul
gloria sagt:
ok my love
Frank sagt:
I don't want to lose the Package ,because all what i have worked for ,is in the package and is going to be aimless when i go back to US empty handed without the package..Everything about the package is Legal and Alright without any term of drugs or any bad thing to cost you harm over there ..
gloria sagt:
i see...
do you have any ides how this could work?
Frank sagt:
gloria sagt:
war klar
Frank sagt:
I Need a Few information about you concerning where the package will be heading towards ,such as your Address ,Phone number,Originated number on your Passport and as well the nearest Airport ,to enable the diplomat of his destination .
gloria sagt:
ok... and than
Frank sagt:
The Diplomat bringing the package down to you is named ,Mohamed Ali ,He has been in the Diplomatic State service for 18years with much more experience..
gloria sagt:
ok ... from where do you know this man? can you trust him as well
Frank sagt:
He is very Honest ,trusting and humble,He was introduce to me by one Commander Roy ,who also sent him to deliver his package to his wife in (Paris - France).So am sure he is going to deliver mine to you safely as well ..
do you understand me
gloria sagt:
couldn´t he put this package ifor you nto a bank lockbox
Frank sagt:
he will bring it to you so that you can save it in the bank lockbox for me
accept it
gloria sagt:
ok... perhaps this is a way
Frank sagt:
have you seen what i have just send to you
gloria sagt:
what do you mean
Frank sagt:
here in msn
gloria sagt:
you mean all what you wrote before
i don´t understand
Frank sagt:
i have send you a picture
gloria sagt:
here in chatbox on the top you mean?
Frank sagt:
gloria sagt:
yes i saw your picture
2 horses
Frank sagt:
gloria sagt:
i love it thank you darling
you are so nice and lovely
Frank sagt:
so do you really understand all what i told you
gloria sagt:
yes i got it darling and i´ll think about it... ok
there is a problem with the passport and id card
Frank sagt:
please why not now
gloria sagt:
because somebody stole my handbag last week and i now need to get a new one
Frank sendet:

Frank sagt:
don;t i need your phone number and address to give it to the diplomat so that he can bring you the package
gloria sagt:
i mean id card and passport - i went to the office where i can get a ne and brought them the pictures to make a new one
Frank sagt:
i need*
gloria sagt:
oh.. ok
Frank sagt:
gloria sagt:
is this the package and the things containing in
Frank sagt:
i need your phone number and address to give it to the diplomat so that he can bring you the package

Sie haben "C:\Dokumente und Einstellungen\Daniela\Eigene Dateien\Meine empfangenen Dateien\my Gold.jpg" von Frank erfolgreich erhalten.

Frank sagt:
well i will send you the picture when we were given the pacakge
and the honey i had
gloria sagt:
ok frank i have to think over that... i think it would be better to meet this guy at the airport and show him my passport... i don´t want a foreigner like him know my adress
Frank sagt:
gloria sagt:
or i will fly to iraq an meet you there
Frank sendet:

Frank sagt:
well can you give him your number then so that he can call you when he reach the airport
gloria sagt:
and take that package
Frank sagt:
oh it can be possible honeu ]
gloria sagt:
yes i will but in the afternoon because i i got a new one and don´t know the number right know... i tell you in 2 hours when am back from the shop where i have to pick it up ok
the new number i mean
Frank sagt:
okay i see
gloria sagt:
could you come online again
Frank sagt:
gloria sagt:
in two hours?
Frank sagt:
yes i think i will be online to take the number
gloria sagt:
because i have to hurry up now that shop will close at 12.30
Frank sagt:

Sie konnten die Datei "the monei i had.jpg" von Frank nicht empfangen.

gloria sagte (11:44):
i couldn´t that i will need this number this weekend ...i just wanted to pick it up next week
but for you i will hurry up now
i couldn´t get this picture darling will you send it again
gloria sagte (11:45):
the second one
gloria sagt:
Frank sagt:
are you there
gloria sagt:
yes i am
i couldn´t get taht second picture would you send it again darling
Frank sagt:

hab ihn noch im chat


RE: Wer hat Lust ein scammer zu übernehmen ...

#58 von isihonest ( gelöscht ) , 25.04.2009 12:18

wie geht´s jetzt weiter ? ich hab kein mugu-phone
soll ich kurz eins besorgen oder macht einer von euch profis jetzt lieber weiter hier ??

Sie konnten die Datei "the monei i had.jpg" von Frank nicht empfangen.

gloria sagte (11:44):
i couldn´t that i will need this number this weekend ...i just wanted to pick it up next week
but for you i will hurry up now
i couldn´t get this picture darling will you send it again
gloria sagte (11:45):
the second one
gloria sagt:
Frank sagt:
are you there
gloria sagt:
yes i am
i couldn´t get taht second picture would you send it again darling
Frank sagt:
can you see it i have send it

Sie haben gerade einen "Rrring!" von Frank erhalten!

gloria sagt:
i didn´t get anything
am here with you darling
Frank sendet:

gloria sagt:
ok now
it´s still working... needs a lot time...
Frank sagt:
they are three i will send you the other one too okay
gloria sagt:
you could send it later my love i need to hurry up to go to that shop for my handy
the one you sent is still working
Frank sagt:
gloria sagt:
after that i should go otherwise i don´t have any telefon
Frank sagt:
well i will send to your email okay
Frank sendet:

gloria sagt:
good idea send me an email with all details so i can read it again and the informations about this guy you trust in... are you really sure that he is ok with you darling?
Frank sagt:

Sie haben "C:\Dokumente und Einstellungen\Daniela\Eigene Dateien\Meine empfangenen Dateien\the monei i had.jpg" von Frank erfolgreich erhalten.

gloria sagt:
how long do you know this man... i think he knows what this package contains
Frank sagt:
he had been sending my friends and the other soldier own to their family
gloria sagt:
he did
Frank sagt:
he don't
i told him i want to send a pressent to my wife in german
gloria sagt:
oh...ok i see
oh frank i feel a bit excited now... would love to help you but am not sure that this will work...
Frank sagt:
honey please promise me you are going to keep this package well for me okay
it will honey
gloria sagt:
perhaps it would be better to come over there and meet you directly to take this package
Frank sagt:
please trust me with your heart
gloria sagt:
i truast you darling and i want to help you ok
i would do enverything for you
Frank sagt:
me too
gloria sagt:
ok... now i have cold hands
i have to go now
Frank sagt:
i have the passport of the diplomat here with me i can send it to you okay
i will send my passport to you as well okay
gloria sagt:
ok darling - please send it in this email because i have to go for the phone
Frank sagt:
see you soon
gloria sagt:
i need 15 minutes to go there and thea will close at 12.30
Frank sagt:
i love you
be safe
gloria sagt:
take good care of you my love
Frank sagt:
gloria sagt:
i will help you
with all am able to do
Frank sagt:
okay i will
gloria sagt:
ok my love see you later
bye for now
Frank sagt:
byee see you soon
Frank sendet Animoticon:

"Heart" abspielen
Frank sagt:

gloria sagt:
i love you so much

Sie haben "C:\Dokumente und Einstellungen\Daniela\Eigene Dateien\Meine empfangenen Dateien\when we were sharing the money.jpg" von Frank erfolgreich erhalten.

Frank sagt:
i love you too
see you soon
have you seen the picture where we were sharing the money
gloria sagt:
no it still works
Frank sagt:
gloria sagt:
oh now i got it
lol... yes i can see it... it´s a lot i think
you are a rich man
Frank sagt:
gloria sagt:
not only lovely and beautiful...also rich... really nice
Frank sagt:
thank you
please if you help me am going to be very glad
gloria sagt:
lol but i love you for what you are not for what you have
yes i will help you my love
Frank sagt:
and i know for really that am going to spend the rest of my life with you
gloria sagt:
can´t wait for this
to have you close to mee
Frank sagt:
see youu later honey
kis and hugss from me to keep you warm
see you soon
gloria sagt:
bye my love
Frank sagt:
but honey please let this be a secret between as and don't tell any body about the package and what is in the package
see you son


RE: Wer hat Lust ein scammer zu übernehmen ...

#59 von Dana , 25.04.2009 12:23

Deine ID Card und Passport sind verlorengegangen...Du brauchst ein paar Tage um die wiederzufinden. Du brauchst ein bisschen Zeit um Dir einen Fantasie-Spass-Pass herzustellen. Hast Du ein Mugu-Phone? Wenn nicht, dann kannst Du meine Nummer angeben. Ich sende sie Dir per PM. Ich verstehe sowieso kaum was am Telefon und die Connection is bad.

Illusionen regieren die Welt. Die jeweils größere Illusion gewinnt das Spiel.

Beiträge: 4.410
Registriert am: 29.05.2008

RE: Wer hat Lust ein scammer zu übernehmen ...

#60 von isihonest ( gelöscht ) , 25.04.2009 12:28

hier die bilder seiner reichtümer

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