Hallo Isi, wie wärs hiermit: (bitte selbst ins englische übersetzen)
Hallo mein Liebster, ich kann leider heute abend nicht mit dir chatten. Ich bin untröstlich. Ich bin etwas verschnupft. Ich glaube, ich habe mich bei einem Patienten angesteckt. Ich werde gleich sofort schlafen gehen. Schlafen ist ja die beste Medizin. Ich hoffe, es geht mir morgen dann wieder besser.
und morgen...
My Darling, my love, es hat mich wohl doch richtig erwischt. Ich habe hohes Fieber und meine Stimme ist ganz weg. Ich bekomme keinen Ton mehr heraus.
Ich muß mir eine Vertretuung für die Praxis besorgen. Hoffentlich klappt das so schnell. Ich werde mir mal aus der Praxis Antibiotika bringen lassen.
für ein paar Tage ausbaufähig
Zitat von Cyberline
Hallo Isi, wie wärs hiermit: (bitte selbst ins englische übersetzen)
Falls die Kerle mal Nachgrichten hören oder sehen. Dei Schweinegrippe hat Europa schon errreicht. Quarantäne und alles was dazugehört.
Beiträge: | 4.489 |
Registriert am: | 22.01.2006 |
Zitat von fridolin
Falls die Kerle mal Nachgrichten hören oder sehen. Dei Schweinegrippe hat Europa schon errreicht. Quarantäne und alles was dazugehört.
Die Schweinegrippe wollte ich dir auch gerade vorschlagen. In deinem Zustand kannst du unmöglich fliegen. Die stecken dich sofort in Quarantäne.
Ich werde Aisha auch mitteilen, dass ich aus Ägypten nicht mehr wegkomme. Ich sitze am Flughafen fest. Sie sagen einem nichtmal wie lange das noch dauert. Und Ken kann sie sagen, dass ich auf keinen Fall nach Amerika komme, solange es dort die Schweinepest gibt. Ich habe große Angst und dazu noch meine Flugangst. Ich sterbe ja schon im Flugzeug!
gloria sagte (21:24): hey my darling - where are you???
we dated at 9 pm...
am waiting since half an hour
gloria sagte (21:25): i really feel bad this evening... i worry i´ll come down with a cold...
and suffer from headache
gloria sagte (21:26): i want to go to bed darling.. please hurry up
gloria sagte (21:43): i wrote you an email darling
i´ll leave now - i need to rest...
gloria sagte (21:44): good night my love hope to meet you tomorrow..ich glaub im iraq hat sich des mit der deutschen sommerzeit noch net rumgesprochen...
my darling
am waiting here in chat since more than half an hour... we dated at 9 pm and now it is 9.40...
i don´t feel very good this evening... i left you some off-line messages in chat.
where are you ? i thought it might be really important for you to meet me this evening ???
hope everything is ok with you my darling...
more and more i hate this distance between us - why can´t you leave everything in this iraq and come over soon...
i miss you so much and today i would need you more than ever... feel so bad and sick... suffer from headache i think i´ll come down with a cold... wish you could be with me now and prepare some hot tea and keep me warm.... i feel frozen without you....
darling i will leave now - i need to rest. please write me an email - if there is something really important i could do or you need from me - please write it down and pray for me feeling much better tomorrow than today...
missed you so much this evening- wished i could have heard some lovely words from you my love
always yours
... tapfer bleibt er dran ...
Frank sagte (10:53):
honey how are you doing today
are you there
Frank sagte (10:57):
hello are you there now
am here waiting for you
i was very sorry i couldn't come online yesterday
i hope yu understand me please talk to me if you are here
Frank sagte (11:31):
am living now honey
i will be here soon
wait for me when you are in
see you soon honey
Frank sagte (13:05):
hello honey
=am here
are you there .... ich war wirklich net da......
... upps ... was soll das denn ?
diese email von ihm ist von heut mittag - hab ich auch grad noch gefunden ...
er schickt die letzten 2 emails zurück ohne weiteren kommentar....???.
________________________________Date: Mon, 27 Apr 2009 11:04:03 +0000From: gloriaxxx@yahoo.deSubject: AW: AW: Good MorningTo: orgoci801@live.commy sweet darlinghow you doing my love...just saw you tried to meet me in chat again...darling i don´t have any time during this mad monday... just have a little work-break and came to my privat computer to look for you.i worry you forgot what i told you about this mondays... they are really hard to manage... you knowa lot sick people come after weekend without a date for needing help and i can´t talk to you during the patients are around me in my practice...am so sorry for not having enough time to care on you by now my darling but please be patient and hold on... i´ll try my best to get online tonight..okyou said you know i love you for you as you are and i really wish you do the same...i would never hurt you my darling and i wish you by my side... everthing would be going easier...have to go now.....i love you and can´t wait to meet yousee you later my lovealways yoursgloria________________________________Von: kenneth petrause An: xxxx@yahoo.de[Edit Dana]Gesendet: Sonntag, den 26. April 2009, 13:43:24 UhrBetreff: RE: AW: Good Morninghello honeyI wanted to send you this letter because, I think that you need to know what I am feeling.. And I thought this may be a way to tell you and that you can look back at this letter when you are feeling down and think of what you mean to me, and how special you are to me..I miss you.. I'm just here thinking about you, like I always do.. I hope you're as happy as me.. The week is almost here again.. The thought of you in my arms right now sounds so good to me.. I just want you to know how much I love you.. Ever since the first time I meet you ...I miss you every second of my life.. I knew I found someone special.. I will always remember how sweet you are..I just wanted to do something simple to say I love you and to put that smile I love so much back on your face.. I want everyone to know how much you mean to me.. Ever since you have entered my life, I've been flying on Cloud 9 and I have not come down yet and I don't think I want to.. LOL..I tell you this everyday, but you are the most beautiful person I know, inside and out and I see that more clearly with each passing day.. I love everything about you, about us.. You have made me so happy, the happiest I've ever been.. You give me the most amazing feelings inside, the feeling of being in love with you..I still don't know what I did to be so lucky to have you in my life, my dream come true... I am so thankful though.. In this short time that we've been together, we have grown so much and I can't wait tosee what the future holds for us.. I love you, with all my heart and soul, always and forever..I know now that we can do anything together and I know that you will be there to save me and to help us fly.. I've never experienced the kind of love that we both share and I never thought that I could find someone who can put up with my family.. I truly believe that God Himself brought you down from the glorious heavens above to be forever my angel.. There is nothing in this world that I wouldn't do for you.. And, I will love you and only you as long as God will let me..We have both gone through so much in our lives.. We've both been hurt before and have lost trust.. But I ask you to give me a chance as I give you one.. I don't ask for much, only for you to love me as I am and not to hurt me as I would not hurt you.. Ionly wish to be by your side and with no one else..You are my everything.. Thank you for loving me the way no one can.. You understand me and you know just how to make things right.. You will never know just how much I love you, but I will spend the rest of my days trying to show you.. You saved me from the worst, and you are always there for me..It feels so good to know that you accept me for who I am and that I can always count on you and trust you.. There is a magic about you that attracts me to you like no other.. You are so fun to be with, so interesting and irresistible.. Whenever we are together, I feel so at ease and comfortable talking to you about everything and anything.. I really enjoy being with you and sharing myself with you.. The memories that I have of our relationship is everlasting, I wouldn't tradethem for anything in the world..I want you to know how important you are to me and that I treasure every moment with you.. Having you in my life has taught me the true meaning of love and I have only you to thank for that.. Our kind of love only happens once in a lifetime and I know that I will never love anyone else the way that I love you..Sometimes I feel lost and out of touch, but when I read a mail from you, I feel safe.. I could sit here and try to tell you just how I feel, only I can't find the words other than I am happy we met and have stayed together after all we gone through before.. From this moment on, we have each other and all the time to be in each other's arms.. I can't wait to meet you.. I want to see your smile.. I want you alsoto know that you have become someone very special in my life and I thank you for welcoming me into yours.. Thank you for filling my life with love and making each day so wonderful.. I will leave you for now.. Hope to hear from you my love..I love you, Baby[http://gfx2.hotmail.com/mail/w3/ltr/emoticons/kiss.gif]________________________________Windows Live™ SkyDrive™: Get 25 GB of free online storage. Check it out.
...ein wenig verschnupft bin ich jetzt doch in der tat...
keinerlei mitleidsbekundungen von meinem liebsten...
ich drück nochmal bisle auf die tränendrüse...
gloria sagte (22:10) :
hey darling how you doing
gloria sagte (22:11):
just got up from my bed to look for you
i got a plan email from you today... what do you wanted to write???
gloria sagte (22:12):
am very ill - came down with a cold and fever... feeling really bad
will go back to bed because am really suffer from headache
please send me that email again with what you wanted to say ok
gloria sagte (22:13):
i missed you today and i need you
bye my love
...die idee war echt gut cyberline...
... der arme kerl hat´s schon wieder versucht..
Frank sagte: Hello
Frank sagte (10:37) : Hello ma love
Frank sagte (10:38): am here now ,are you there?
er blieb dann die ganze zeit online, also wollt ich doch mal sehen mit wem er sich zwischenzeitlich vergnügt...
aber ich glaub der hat echt gelauert - er war sofort da und hat immer blitzschnell geantwortet..
und mich details, bildern seiner reichtümer und dokumenten beworfen...
gloria sagt (12:46)
gloria sagt: are you there?..
Frank sagt: yes my love
can you apear online now?
gloria sagt: oh hello am glad
am ill my love...
Frank sagt: what is wrong with you my love .
gloria sagt: feel so queasy
i wrote you this... came down with a cold an fever
am miserable....
Frank sagt: Oh ,am so sorry , i wish to be there to take good care of yourslef
...der hat eindeutig keinen plan - verpeilt dauernd während des chats das ich ja krank bin...
gloria sagt: just got up again from my bed to look for a message from you i worry about you ..
i wished you could be here my love
i need you more than ever
Frank sagt: me to my love .
Can yu please be online now
gloria sagt: yes
i am...only for you ...
..endlich... die gelegenheit für ihn - und bingo er hat mich gleich am schopf gepackt..
Frank sagt: and also give me the informations ,about where the diplomat will be bringing the package to ..
gloria sagt: ok
Frank sagt: Am also yours to my love ...
gloria sagt: what informations do you need?
Frank sagt: i mean your address and your phone number inculding the nearest airport where you in Germany ..
gloria sagt: ok... but i gave you the phone number in our chat on sunday... you lost it?
Frank sagt: yes my love ..
gloria sagt: 049 xxxxxxxxxxxxx
my adress is up de högte 55 48455 BadBentheim northgermany .
the next airport is hamburg
Frank sagt: please appear online ,because i need to give you every informations about the diplomat as well
gloria sagt: ok my love
Frank sagte (12:54): am waiting
Yu are still not online to show you the documentations
gloria sagt: hmmmm
Frank sagt: wait a moment please
gloria sagt: ok
Frank sendet:Öffnen(ALT+P)
Frank sagt: This is the passport of the diplomat and his name is Mohammed Ali Hassan .
Sie haben "C:\Dokumente und Einstellungen\a\Eigene Dateien\Meine empfangenen Dateien\mohammed.jpg" von Frank erfolgreich erhalten.
gloria sagt: ok ...i got it
this is the man you know well right?
Frank sagt: yes my love ...I will send his diplomat passport to you as well ..
gloria sagt: ok... you trust him ..
Frank sagt: Yes i do and i really know ,everything will go on well with us
gloria sagt: ok darling... i fear a little about this
but darling i won´t meet him at home .. why do you need my adress
i won´t have a foreigner in my house ...
Frank sendet:
Frank sagt: Ok ,i think you should meet him at the airport
gloria sagt: yes good idea...!! ..
Sie haben "C:\Dokumente und Einstellungen\a\Eigene Dateien\Meine empfangenen Dateien\610x.jpg" von Frank erfolgreich erhalten.
Frank sagt: This is one of his passports as well ..
gloria sagt: i will go there to meet him
i got it
Frank sendet:
gloria sagt: but am still ill... when will he come over#
Frank sagt: This was how the money was shared to us my love
gloria sagt: wow... you must be a happy man... .
Sie haben "C:\Dokumente und Einstellungen\a\Eigene Dateien\Meine empfangenen Dateien\money.jpg" von Frank erfolgreich erhalten.
gloria sagt: your future is saved ...und dein schicksal auch
Frank sagt: Am sure ,he going to take his flight today ...
gloria sagt: darling that´s impossible for me to go to the airport today a have high fever
can´t walk never could drive a car today
Frank sagt: well ,am not sure though ,but i will ask him of what to do ok
I promise to make yu the happiest woman on earth ,if you also keep the package well safe for me ..
gloria sagt: sure i will do everthing for you as you want it my love... ..
am really sorry but i worry it needs two more day for me to get better
or should i send somebody else to the airport to pick that package up .
i think that´s not a good idea
Frank sagt: why can't yu meet him somewhere around where you live ,so he deliver the package to you there ...such as the resturant or snack bar ?
... der kerl hört mir überhaupt net zuuuuuu - ich bin schwach und gebrechlich hallo!!!..
gloria sagt: darling... i can´t walk - my fever is about 40° .. i feel faint ...
Frank sagt: Oh sorry .... .....
gloria sagt: perhaps tomorrow but can´t promise
Frank sagt: ok ...
gloria sagt: why are you not here with me
you could prepare some tea and keep me warm
i feel frozen without you
Frank sagt: yes my love ....me to ...i long to hold you tight and never let you go baby
gloria sagt: i missed you yesterday... looked for some lovely words..but nothing to find...
you don´t know how much i long for you
Frank sagt: me to ...i really love you and wants to be with you
gloria sagt: so how will this work now? talk top you friend the diplomat if there is an other way to meet him some days later please... i have to feel better before meet him
Frank sagt: [b]He is not my friend ,he is just a Diplomat here in Iraq ...and am sending him because he is a real qulified diploma here ..But then am going ask him ,if he can make his arrangement within this week ,,ok
is that ok for you [/b]?
gloria sagt: this would be great.. darling... ok
than am able to do everthing for you
Frank sendet:
Sie haben "C:\Dokumente und Einstellungen\a\Eigene Dateien\Meine empfangenen Dateien\CERTIFICATE.jpg" von Frank erfolgreich erhalten.
Frank sagt: This is his Certificate
gloria sagt: ok i got it also...
so please talk to him make an other arrangement ok ... i want to help you in any way but it needs am well before
Frank sendet:
Sie haben "C:\Dokumente und Einstellungen\a\Eigene Dateien\Meine empfangenen Dateien\package.jpg" von Frank erfolgreich erhalten.
Frank sagt: This is the package ,he will be bring along also ,ok
gloria sagt: smile... is it heavy????
am i able to carry it?? ......
Frank sagt: every about the package is legal and ther is nothing wrong with it ..,trust me
gloria sagt: i would never have asked for this i trust you with all my heart
Frank sagt: yes ,But the diplomat ,dont know what is inside and please dont tell him ,when he asks ok
gloria sagt: sure... am not stupid ... würd ich nie weitererzählen - niiiiiemals
Frank sagt: good ..i really trust and wish everything will go on well with us my love
gloria sagt: am sure everything wil work great... i love it to be there for you my love... when will you come hold me tight i long for this so much
Frank sagt: yes ,i also long for that ,....am completly devoted to you and really wants to spend the rest of my life with you ...i really want you forever
Frank sendet:
Sie haben "C:\Dokumente und Einstellungen\a\Eigene Dateien\Meine empfangenen Dateien\regis__package.jpg" von Frank erfolgreich erhalten.
Frank sagt: Is registered and nothing bad is wrong with it ..ok
gloria sagt: darling i believe in you and i trust you with all i have... i am sure you would never so anything to hurt me or cheat on me ..
i love you so much canßt wait for you
Frank sagt: me to ,i really love you with all my heart and i promise to love you till death do us apart .
Honey ,is there anything ,you dont understand about the package?
wieso denken imma alle ich sei blond ??..
gloria sagt: don´t think so... the diplomat take it with him and we will meet for me to pick it up and bring it to my bank put it in a lock box right?..
Frank sagt: yes my love ...Please make sure it will be well safe ok ..
gloria sagt: sure - my bank is really ok with caring things ..deutsche deppenbank
Frank sagt: I am sure you can see on his Certificate he is a well Diplomat ,right?
gloria sagt: yes i can see everthing... i will print it out to recognize this man on the airport
Frank sagt: yes my love ...
Honey ,i need to go to him now and inform him about this ....I will get back to you in 30min ok
gloria sagt: ok... but i need to rest again i will try to come online again this evening ok
feel bad now ..
and so tired
Frank sagt: Ok my love ...
gloria sagt: so let´s meet in the later evening...
Frank sagt: Am sure the diplomat is gonna send you an email ...Please respect and reply to any of his email ,he sends to you ok
gloria sagt: oh...ok... i will
but makesure he send it to my yahoo addi - you know the hotmail is open for my girls
Frank sagt: i love you ....???
gloria sagt: frank did you get this i wrote?
pnly send messages to my private account
Frank sagt: Give me the Yahoo Id again?
gloria sagt: you sent me a lot emails - you still have it
Sie haben gerade einen "Rrring!" von Frank erhalten!
gloria sagt: what´s up with you darling... you lost my phone number
you don´t remember my private addi
am here
you got my yahoo addi now?
Frank sagt: please give it to me here again
... wer is hier bitte blond ??
gloria sagt: verpeilt ..ok gloria5@yahoo.de ..
you got it darling?
Frank sagt: yes i do my love
gloria sagt: ok then now i go back to bed ok
Frank sagt: ok my love ..i love you so much and can't stop loving you ...kisses and hugs from me to keep you warm
gloria sagt: oh...frank... i need this so much... you don´t know - how much.....
want you beside me soon
Frank sagt: me to
am so devoted to you and wants to spend the rest of my life with you
gloria sagt: bla my love i leave you now... don´t forget me ok bye for now..
..leider schlaf ich heute nacht durch... mal sehen wie geduldig der diplomat sein wird...
Will der Dich wirklich zum Flughafen jagen? Und dann? Da kommt doch eh sicher keiner an. Außerdem brauchst Du Flugnummer und Ankunftszeit des Diplomaten und ein Erkennungszeichen. Er muss ein großes Schild hochhalten wo drausteht: Ährlich blond....oder so.
Illusionen regieren die Welt. Die jeweils größere Illusion gewinnt das Spiel.
Beiträge: | 4.410 |
Registriert am: | 29.05.2008 |
@ Dana ... gott - du hast recht - heutzutage ist man wirklich nirgends mehr sicher ... ...der arme diplomat.. aber mit DEM schild in der hand kann er sich ja dann
notfalls zur wehr setzen ... erstmal muß ich mich dringend auskurieren ...das kann dauern..
hier noch die bilder...
..mein armer frank - er muß bald vor sehnsucht zerspringen... ich hab einfach durchgeschlafen...
Frank sagte 29.04.´09 (22:37):
am here now
Hello my love
gloria sagte 30.04.´09 (07:57):
good morning darling...
gloria sagte (07:57):
am sorry -couldn´t come online again last night - slept the whole time without waking up
am still with fever but i will try later to meet you right here - you could leave me a message when you are online...ok
gloria sagte (07:58):
miss you babe
... soso... er schätzt es also wertgeschätzt zu werden ...
Frank sagte (13:19):
Hi darling...I also miss you as well ,and will be willing to talk to you tonight
i miss you so much and has been thinking of you all the time ...i love you and can't stop loving you
Frank sagte (13:20):
I cherish you and in you i feel loved and appericiated my love
i love you
...endlich bin ich aus meinem drogenrausch erwacht und natürlich sofort an den pc gewankt - ich konnte doch meinen frank-schatz nicht mehr länger der dinge harren lassen die er da loswerden wollte....
erst das übliche kleine spielchen... wer hat die besseren nerven - aber dann ging´s los und es wurde luschdig....
Frank sagte (21:38): am here now ,are you there?
Hello my love
...ok - mal sehen ob er beschäfftigt ist...
gloria sagt: hey
Frank sagt: Hi my love
... uiiiii er ist NICHT ...
gloria sagt: hey are you still there?
Frank sagt: How are you ?
am here my love
gloria sagt: a little better thank you
you just waited for me??...
Frank sagt: yes my love ..am so happy ,you are here now
I miss you and i have been thinking of you all the time
gloria sagt: me tooo am glad to find you here
slept the whole day again
but now the fever is down
Frank sagt: I am so happy for that
gloria sagt: thank you for caring my love
..jaaaa - so wie man se sich zieht so werden se....
Frank sagt: But then ,How was your day today?
gloria sagt: sleepy???smile
couldn´t work anything - just sleeping all times
Frank sagt: I wish ,i were to be there with you my love ...to really take good care of yourself
Honey why is your picture not here
gloria sagt: that would be all i need
i have a picture on i draw it myself... it´s my talisman - two angels
Frank sagt: Oh i see
what are your plans tomorrow?
gloria sagt: oh.. don´t know yet - will depend on how i feel tomorrow and my health
could you hold on a minute? want to fetch something to drink ok
Frank sagt: Ok ,am waiting ,let me know when you are back ..ok
gloria sagt: thank you 2 minutes please
Frank sagt: ok baby
er ist echt zum schatz mutiert soooo geduldig - immer höflich ...
gloria sagt: ok am back
darling i didn´t get a email from the diplomat
gehn wir die sache doch gleich mal an...
Frank sagt: yes ,he me to tell you something before he moves ..
gloria sagt: ok?
Frank sagt: But then ,If i may ask ,will you be willing to meet him at the airport tomorrow if he intends to come?
gloria sagt: tomorrow ? i can´t promise this
Frank sagt: I told him about your condition and he told me to tell you he has a mission to be held next week and the only day for him to bring the package to you ,could be tomorrow ,so honey ,Please manage and do me the favor by meeting him tomorrow at the airport for the package ok
gloria sagt: ok i will try - but only for you darling
then i need the flight-number and how could i find him there with all these people around???
Frank sagt: yes my love ...I know is for my seek and i really appreciate it alot,cos you are such a darling..
well,I think you have his picture ....he will just call you by telephone ,when he arrives my love
gloria sagt: ok - when would that be ?
do you know the take-off?
and how long this flight takes?
Frank sagt: well ,he is going to send you an email about when he is going leave Iraq for Germany to bring the package to you ...
... hey Dana - this is only for you now .....
gloria sagt: please darling - could you beg him to take a sign-board with him with Ährlich-blond written on it ???
just to make sure i ´ll find the right person
hold on please
Frank sagt:Ok my love
...es tut mir ehrlich sooooo arg leid - aber da war wirklich ein knall und ich mußte schnell unterbrechen um nach dem rechten zu schauen....
gloria sagt: sorry am back
you should know today night it joking night over here in germany
..und dann hab ich den faden verloren - den schilder-faden mein ich...
Frank sagt: really
gloria sagt: the night before first of may
all kids going around and make some not really funny jokes everywhere...
an just this moment there was a big noise outside - i had to have a look if everthing is alright
don´t you have those traditions in the states?
Frank sagt: Oh i see....well Honey ,I think i need to see the Diplomat now ,to let him am ready about the mission
of bring the package to you ok ..so please hold on a while ,let me send him a message to his office .ok
gloria sagt: you think he is still in his office???
at this time ??
Frank sagt: or should i give you his email adress so you can send him the message yourself ?
gloria sagt: oh darling... wouldn´t know what to write - or could you tell me ?
he should write me when he has time for it - think that works better..
Frank sagt: Then ,I think i should do that my self ...He is going to send you a message as soon as he gets mine ..so please check your email very ofen incase he sends you one ok
gloria sagt: ok sweetheart for you i will do this
Frank sagt: Thank you my love ..am so much inlove with you and promise to be there for you ,forever.
gloria sagt: hope this comes true really soon..
Frank sagt: I love you so much and wish will never hurt or disapoint me ,cos i really trust you so much and that is why am sending you this package to be kept safe for me till am back to be with you
gloria sagt: i know my love
and i promise you i wil do everything am able to...just for you my love
Frank sagt: I need to send him the message now ,please hold on a while
gloria sagt: ok
Frank sagt: Honey ,what is your full name?
gloria sagt: Gloria Ährlich
Frank sagt: ok
und dann war er kurz verschwunden...
am here now my love
I just sent him the email
Sie haben gerade einen "Rrring!" von Frank erhalten!
gloria sagt: am here darling..
Frank sagt: Ok sweetie...But then,is there any questions to ask before he makes his arrange of bring the package down to you ..cos i want this to be a clear understanding ,before he lives ,cos he is well quelified diplomat and he needs much respect given to him ..
...lol.. da konnt ich net mehr anders - ich weiß ich bin albern ...
gloria sagt: darling - am adult and educated very well
Frank sagt: yes i know ..and am really proud of you my love ....I love you and am willing to do everything for you
to make you happy
gloria sagt: and i will do everthing for you want to make you always feel special.. my dearest
Frank sagt: me to my love ...
i think you have every informations as well ..
gloria sagt: how can i comunicate with you tomorrow darling
if there will be a question
can i reach you in chat
...bin kurz abgestürzt...aber er blieb schön artig da..
sorry my computer shot himslef down
are you still there
Frank sagt: yes my love ...did you saw what i wrote?
gloria sagt: no - got nothing i can see only what i wrote to you
Frank sagt: what source of questions do you need from me ,can you ask now?
gloria sagt: don´t know yet.... but am tooo excited right now
do you have a phone number forme to give you a call tomorrow?
hmmmm - mal sehen ob er telefon hat...
Frank sagt: yes meet online ...exactly 10:30am in the morning ok ...
No ,is not advicable for phone here ,so i can only get you by chat
gloria sagt: your time or mine
Frank sagt: Your time 10:30am exactly
gloria sagt: ok... hope i´ll wake up betimes...
Frank sagt: ok my love ...havent you got any email from the diplomat yet?
gloria sagt: hmmm...don´t know - hold on i´ll have a look ok
Frank sagt: ok
gloria sagt: hey - there is nothing to find in my box till yet darling
war noch nix da....
Frank sagt: ok ...But then ,am sure he is going to send it to you soon....
gloria sagt: hope so - i really need to rest again
to be ok for tomorrow
Frank sagt: Please take your time talking to him ok ...cos he is not good in his English accent okay.
.... häääääää ????? prima na dann ...
gloria sagt: you mean on phone or face to face at the airport
my spoken english is funny ... i don´t had any lessons for years
or the chance to talk in english
but i will love to meet and talk to him
Frank sagt: he is also not good in his english accent ,so please take your time when he talks you to ,neither by phone or face to face when he comes my love
gloria sagt: sure darling - just told you - i will love this... always like to meet new interessting people
Frank sagt: Oh i see ....
but then honey ,I will give a sum of $2000usd as his expenses on his way to you ok ..
gloria sagt: ok darling ...do whatever you think it´s alright.. you are so ..incredible
oh - wait
Frank sagt: ok
gloria sagt: i think the email just arrived i´ll gonna have a look at it ok... hold on ok
Frank sagt: ok
fortsetzung folgt.....................
... und die email .... beeindruckend ...
Von: mohammed ali <mohammed_diplomat@usa.com>
An: xxxloria5@yahoo.de
Gesendet: Donnerstag, den 30. April 2009, 23:07:44 Uhr
Betreff: Hello Mrs. Willton !..
De högte 55 48455 BadBentheim
+49 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
N.B: I promise to make you sure your package will be well delivered as it was given to me by your husband Mr. Frank willton ..Trust me ()
... und weiter geht´s im chat ... wird wohl nix mit tanz in den mai heut...
gloria sagt: hi
yes i got it..
frank do you know we are already married???
Frank sagt: what did he say then?
gloria sagt: he just wrote mrs.willton
Frank sagt: oh really .
gloria sagt: i really like this thought
Frank sagt: Yes , i told him we will be getting married soon
... das war es, was mit heute noch gefehlt hat ... mein traum wird war ...
gloria sagt: makes me smile
i long for this so much darling
too be always with you in future
in good times and in bad times till eternity...
Frank sagt: yes my love ...i wanna love you till death do us apart,cos i really wants to grow old with you ..i love you so much
gloria sagt: and i do love you with all my heart... but now i have a question...he didn´t tell me the flight number or time of arrival darling
should i answer him
and ask
Frank sagt: well ,am sure he is going do that as soon as he is done with his transit in via China or Africa as he told me ...You just reply him of what he asked you to do .did he say you should confirm your address?
gloria sagt: yes he did
well then i´ll answer to him now ok
Frank sagt: ok my love ..am waiting
gloria sagt: hold on and don´t forget me in the meantime... *smile
Frank sagt: But then ,please remember not to let him know of what the package contains ok
gloria sagt: sure love...
hold on - ok and trust me also... wenn die noch ein paarmal blonde andeutungen machen werd ich noch zum tier... ich geh mal briefle beantworten....
Frank sagt: ok ,am waiting
gloria sagt: ok am back
he made a mistake with the adress
Frank sagt: did you correct him? ...haja
gloria sagt: sure
it was the streetname
Frank sagt: Oh i see ..i think he is going to change everything all together then
gloria sagt: it´s not a big thing - he forgot the first word of the street name that´s all
Frank sagt: ok ....
well honey ,am also tired and would be online in the morning i say ok
janeee- moooment - so schnell kommst du mir net davon...
gloria sagt: but now i have a question darling....
Frank sagt: what my love
gloria sagt: does he need any id-card from me
Frank sagt: no .but you can still send it to hm if possible
will you ?
gloria sagt: impossible - i told you i just submitted a new one i could only show him my driver license
Frank sagt: ok
gloria sagt: ok babe - then i´ll go back to bed now if you are ok with all... be sure - everthing will gonna be alright and i will do all i can for you my love
Frank sagt: I love you and i promise to love you forever ....meet you online tomorrow
gloria sagt: ok... good night my beloved dödi...
Frank sagt: Good night mylove
sweetdreams about us
gloria sagt: i will dream about you and i will love it.
Frank sagt: bye for now
gloria sagt: bye ... so ein augekochter rucksack....
....natürlich hab ich heute nacht noch schnell meine reifen bei pitstop wechslen lassen...
hoffentlich gibt es auf dem hamburger flughafen vernünftig starken kaffee - ach ja - und sekt...
... und selbstverständlich habe ich mr. hassan höflich geantwortet...
Von: Gloria xxxxxxxxgloria5@yahoo.de>
An: mohammed ali <mohammed_diplomat@usa.com>
Gesendet: Donnerstag, den 30. April 2009, 23:34:40 Uhr
Betreff: AW: Hello Mrs. Willton !
Dear Mr. Hassan
thank you very much for your email.
with this reply i´ll confirm the informations about my person
there is just one mistake - the streets name needs to be corrected:
it´s "Up de Högte 55"
everthing else is correct.
thank you very much Mr. Hassan, i really appreciate the favour you will do to us.
hope you will enjoy your jouney
looking forward to our meeting at the airport
kindly regards
gloria ährlich
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