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RE: Romance Scammer stellen sich vor!

#661 von Schreibmaus.Moni , 07.10.2012 20:44

ja, auf dem Bild ist ein äußerst attraktiver Mann, aber der Scammer dahinter war ein Trottel! Den habe ich ziemlich lange um die Nase herumgeführt.

Beiträge: 148
Registriert am: 09.05.2012

RE: Romance Scammer stellen sich vor!

#662 von MRW ( gelöscht ) , 07.10.2012 20:53

@schreibmaus.Moni: nochmal für dich: bitte nr. 645
beachten. Dieser Thread ist zur Auflistung von Romance Scammern gedacht. Nicht zur Diskussion!

Dabei ist auch zu bedenken, dass Bildersets von verschiedenen Scammern benutzt werden.

zuletzt bearbeitet 07.10.2012 21:13 | Top

RE: Romance Scammer stellen sich vor!

#663 von floh67 , 14.10.2012 22:32

Danny Bryan Curtis. Mail und yahoo Messenger

Bekannte Tel.-Nr.00447010059157, 00918375932353, 00919654096947

"Es ist leichter die Menschen zu täuschen, als sie zu überzeugen, dass sie getäuscht worden sind.'' (Mark Twain)

Beiträge: 2.044
Registriert am: 25.03.2011

zuletzt bearbeitet 15.10.2012 | Top

RE: Romance Scammer stellen sich vor!

#664 von Lioness- Fights , 16.10.2012 02:45

bei facebook noch ein weiteres Profil von ihm gefunden

Nimm das Leben wie ein Stuhl... der muß auch mit jedem Arsch zurecht kommen!
Du kannst vor dem davonlaufen, was hinter dir her ist, aber was in dir ist, das holt dich ein {afrikanisches Sprichwort}
Wie leicht doch bildet man sich eine falsche Meinung, geblendet von dem Glanz der äußeren Erscheinung.{Jean Baptiste Molière}

Lioness- Fights
Beiträge: 199
Registriert am: 12.10.2012

zuletzt bearbeitet 16.10.2012 | Top

RE: Romance Scammer stellen sich vor!

#665 von Soldierlover ( gelöscht ) , 16.10.2012 21:09

wow , was eine Sch.... auf dieser Welt getrieben wird !!! Facebook gut und schön aber wer von den Typen existiert denn überhaupt ?? Mein Herzensbrecher ist US Army Soldat ,Witwer , Vater eines 15 jäh. Sohnes , hat drei oder vier Soldaten Freunde die komischer Weise auch ALLE WSitwer sind tztztz !!! Kann ja wohl echt nicht wahr sein oder ???


RE: Romance Scammer stellen sich vor!

#666 von MRW ( gelöscht ) , 16.10.2012 21:14

Hallo Soldierlover,

du kannst die Daten deines Scammer in diesem Thread gerne posten.

Lieben Gruss


RE: Romance Scammer stellen sich vor!

#667 von Ghost from Germany ( gelöscht ) , 16.10.2012 23:10 in FB ist kein Profil mit dieser Emailadresse registriert. Mit Google-Bilder-Suche sollte man daher vorsichtig sein, weil der echte könnte dabei sein. Also immer schön auch die Profile lesen. Nur so ein kleiner Tip am Rande.

Ghost from Germany
zuletzt bearbeitet 16.10.2012 23:12 | Top

RE: Romance Scammer stellen sich vor!

#668 von Soldierlover ( gelöscht ) , 17.10.2012 15:30

.... ER versteht und beherrscht seinen Job als " ROMANCE SCAMMER " 1 A !!! Kennen gelernt vor 2 Monaten bei Facebook anschließend ständiger Schriftwechsel im Yahoo Messi und über E Mail !!! Telefonnummer kann ich leider nicht sagen , er rief immer an ( hab ich immerhin wegen des Kontakts nach Afghanistan mit schnell mal eben 320 € incl. Bearbeitungsgebühr der "" WESTERN UNION BANK "" bezahlt , ICH VOLLIDIOT !!! ) da ja die Geheimhaltung in AFGHANISTAN " lach " so streng ist !!!

Facebook : "" MATT ARMMEDIC ""
YAHOO MESSENGER "" MARMYSCOUT "" ( gerade online gekommen ) !!!
Yahoo E Mail - Matt Army Scout "" ""

Fotos von Facebook Bild 1- Profilbild , Bild - 2 der arme Witwer mit Freunden, Bild 3 - bester Freund in Afghanistan , Bild 4 - vor dem Kriegseinsatz ,
Bild 5 - Gruppenbild im Einsatz , Bild 6 - ER ( ganz rechts im Bild ) mit seinem Major und noch irgendwem ,
Bild 7 und 8 im abendlichen Chat aus Afghanistan gesendet :-( !!! Bild 7 - der arme im Krieg , Bild 8 - glückliche Zeiten ( wie die gemeinsame Zukunft ( ko.. )


Bohhh und ich krankes Hirn konnte nächtelang nicht schlafen vor Sorge um sein Leben :-( !!! Sch.....

Angefügte Bilder:
Aufgrund eingeschränkter Benutzerrechte werden nur die Namen und (falls vorhanden) Vorschau-Grafiken der Dateianhänge angezeigt Jetzt anmelden!

zuletzt bearbeitet 21.10.2012 14:46 | Top

RE: Romance Scammer stellen sich vor!

#669 von mikur ( gelöscht ) , 17.10.2012 19:38

My Dear

Wie geht es dir heute? Dies ist Williams Dominic aus Manchester .. wem Sie Ihre E-Mail-Adresse gab weitere Kommunikation, Vielen Dank für die mir Ihre E-Mail-Adresse und für die Annahme meiner Freundschaft. Ich bin so froh zu lesen, wieder von Ihnen, nachdem ich eine Notiz für euch droppen in Ihrem Profil und schreiben Sie zurück dieses Mal fühle ich mich so glücklich und es wird eine große Freude für mich, mehr von Ihnen zu lesen sein, wie ich es möchten weiterhin diese Mitteilung in anderen, um mehr über einander wissen und wissen, was die Zukunft für uns zu halten .. Ich kann nicht viel Worte über mich sagen, aber ich werde nur noch, Ihnen zu sagen, dass ich ein ruhiger und sehr easy-going Person bin . So viele Menschen, so dass es sehr einfach, mit mir zu kommunizieren. Ich bin ein Mann mit so viel Verständnis, ich bin offen Mensch und ich liebe eine Person, schätzt auch Verständnis, Ehrlichkeit, Liebe, Fürsorge, Wahrheit und schweren minded!, Honestly Ich bin nicht hier, um für eine hübsche Frau oder nur schauen ein hübsches Gesicht, sondern ich bin nur auf der Suche nach einer Frau, die ein gutes Herz, ehrlich, verständnisvoll und mature.Inner Schönheit hat, ist für mich wichtiger als die physicall Aussehen einer Frau, ich bin nicht auf der Suche nach einer perfekten Frau, denn niemand ist perfekt, sondern ich bin für diese Frau, die alles mit mir teilen und lass mir die Kraft in ihrer Schwäche und machen sie perfekt in allen imperfection.I wirklich freuen uns auf Sie mehr und noch besser kennen zu lernen suchen, bin ich wirklich ernst Sie und hier nicht für jeden Spaß oder play.I beten, dass Gott uns in dieser Sitzung zu leiten. Amen. Ich habe einige meiner Fotos für Sie verbunden und hoffe es gefällt euch. Ich freue mich sehr, von Ihnen so bald wie möglich zu lesen und einige Ihrer Bilder zu sehen, wie gut.

Achten Sie darauf, Genießen Sie Ihren Tag und sende meine Grüße an Ihre Familie.


How are you doing? Hope you are doing great..Thank you so much for your wonderful reply to my mail,I am so happy to read from you again and I am happy that you are interested in a serious relationship.i want you to know that Every positive journey is set out with a well defined destination in mind and it takes courage and conscious determination to arrive there. The only reason I am here and ready to devote all my time to make all the necessary communication with you is because I want a partner and desire to get closer to you and see if there’s chemistry to yoke our heart together because nothing works out well until someone work on it.Thank you so much for the lovely pictures you send to me, i love it, you look so beautiful and i like the wonderful smile on your face.You are truly an Angel.

It was nice knowing a lot about you and i would want to tell you more about me as well,,I was born in North Carolina USA, i lived in USA for 15 years after which my father migrated to England...Now i live and work in Manchester England but i am still a United States citizen. I am the only child of my parents.. I graduated from the University of Birmingham as a Petrochemical Engineer and now working here as an Engineer with A.P group of Company.Its an Oil Exploration firm here in the United Kingdom though still growing up.I was born on the 23th of June 1961 so my sign is Cancer...i am a widower for over 5 years now.I have a Son,he is 9years old. his name is Jimmy and i love him so much. my ex-wife died after a long battle with a breast Cancer over 5 years ago,i tried the best way i could to save her life but she couldn't make it,it was a very sad experience for me and since then i have been single and alone till now. I am 6ft 1 tall and i weigh 82kg... My hobbies are playing golf with friends,Playing the basket ball,Working out in the Gym,Biking,jungle trekking,Traveling and reading but mostly when i am less busy with my work or during my holidays.I don't smoke but i drink socially.I put God first in everything i do. I am not perfect but i try my best to do good...All i am looking for is a simple and understanding woman who will get to know me,who desires a sincere relationship, who is willing to love and be loved.who is honest and sincere in every way,who is ready to dedicate her time to make this relationship work well and flourish.who is willing to merge her soul with mine and her heart with mine to make a better and a lovely tomorrow. Someone to share and spend the rest of my life with.

Finally, I would like you to know that language, age, culture and distance cannot be a barrier between us as i am ready to come over to visit you in your country or invite you over here in Manchester when the right time comes. Please feel free to ask me anything you may like to know about me and i will be glad to answer you with all sincerity. Having said all ,that i think its now your turn to share with me your full personality.Tell me comprehensively all about you as i need to know.You can write me in German my dear and i want you to improve in English so i will be replying you with English,,is that ok for you my dear?,,Just let me know and i will do what will make you happy and confident to talk with me.

Please extend my warm regards to your family.

Have a lovely day full of sunshine.

Yours Sincerely,



zuletzt bearbeitet 17.10.2012 20:54 | Top

RE: Romance Scammer stellen sich vor!

#670 von mikur ( gelöscht ) , 17.10.2012 19:42

My Love,,,

How are you doing again today?,i hope you are doing good and i hope all is well with you and your family.It was so great to read from you again today,the joy of opening my computer everyday to read from you makes me feel good all the time.Thinking and knowing that i will be hearing a lovely words from you makes my life a very meaningful one.I have never stop thinking about you for once since i you came into my life,,i am consumed by the flame of your love.My love i am really wishing you the best in your interviews and i will like to know how it went.

My dear i am really doing fine and my day have been so great with the thought of you,it is so amazing to know that all day long,I thought about you.Even when I tried not to think about you,I thought about you.When I closed my eyes,I thought about you.When I opened my eyes,I thought about you.When I thought about the beauty of the season,I thought about you.When I thought about the warmth of the upcoming holidays,I thought about you.When I heard a love song on the radio,I thought about you.When I checked my email,I thought about you.Even when I said goodnight to the stars,I thought about you.And when I slipped beneath the softness of my blanket and gave in to the bliss of sweet dreams,I also thought about you.Honestly I just can't stop thinking about you.

Frankly it is so amazing how you came in and unlock the beauty of my heart again that has been locked all his years when i thought i would never love again,Before I met you,the sunset lost its beauty,then heaven sent you to give my life a new breath.With you beside me,I'm no longer a lonely soul,chasing the weary hours and missing the delicate beauty of the springtime flowers.Your light penetrated the darkness and touched my soul,making me feel alive,making me whole.Now each night,I gaze up at the stars above,and thank all the angels in heaven for this precious gift of love that you brought back to my soul and there is nothing more i want than to be the flock you tend,the dream your heart desires.I want to be your everything,far more than love requires.I want to lay all of my hopes at your feet,and turn all of the bitterness that ever touched you with sweetness.I want to fill your whole world with fragrant flowers,and shelter you from springtime showers.I want to occupy your heart,reside in all of your thoughts.I want to make something out of nothing with you,create a gem out of naught and the beauty of it all is that we are going to be together soon.

Finally i will like to let you know that my company will be sending me to Calgary in Canada to complete the building of our new exploration plant,we have been working on this for some time before now but we stopped due to the scarcity of some materials that we needed,But now i was informed that everything is ready and we need to complete the project.I am the senior engineer and i must be there to co-ordinate the project.The date and time has not been fixed but i will let you know as soon as we are ready to go.My love i think and i believe that this is the best opportunity for us to meet each other and plan out everything about our future,i will really make sure i use this chance to come over to your country and meet with you and I will make all the arrangement's to come over to your country as soon as i am done with my work over there in Canada,,i can't wait to set my eyes on you my love.

I drop here with anticipation to read from you soon.

God bless you

Yours In Love

My Love,,,

How are you doing again today?,i hope you are doing good and i hope all is well with you and your family.It was so great to read from you again today,the joy of opening my computer everyday to read from you makes me feel good all the time.Thinking and knowing that i will be hearing a lovely words from you makes my life a very meaningful one.I have never stop thinking about you for once since i you came into my life,,i am consumed by the flame of your love.My love i am really wishing you the best in your interviews and i will like to know how it went.

My dear i am really doing fine and my day have been so great with the thought of you,it is so amazing to know that all day long,I thought about you.Even when I tried not to think about you,I thought about you.When I closed my eyes,I thought about you.When I opened my eyes,I thought about you.When I thought about the beauty of the season,I thought about you.When I thought about the warmth of the upcoming holidays,I thought about you.When I heard a love song on the radio,I thought about you.When I checked my email,I thought about you.Even when I said goodnight to the stars,I thought about you.And when I slipped beneath the softness of my blanket and gave in to the bliss of sweet dreams,I also thought about you.Honestly I just can't stop thinking about you.

Frankly it is so amazing how you came in and unlock the beauty of my heart again that has been locked all his years when i thought i would never love again,Before I met you,the sunset lost its beauty,then heaven sent you to give my life a new breath.With you beside me,I'm no longer a lonely soul,chasing the weary hours and missing the delicate beauty of the springtime flowers.Your light penetrated the darkness and touched my soul,making me feel alive,making me whole.Now each night,I gaze up at the stars above,and thank all the angels in heaven for this precious gift of love that you brought back to my soul and there is nothing more i want than to be the flock you tend,the dream your heart desires.I want to be your everything,far more than love requires.I want to lay all of my hopes at your feet,and turn all of the bitterness that ever touched you with sweetness.I want to fill your whole world with fragrant flowers,and shelter you from springtime showers.I want to occupy your heart,reside in all of your thoughts.I want to make something out of nothing with you,create a gem out of naught and the beauty of it all is that we are going to be together soon.

Finally i will like to let you know that my company will be sending me to Calgary in Canada to complete the building of our new exploration plant,we have been working on this for some time before now but we stopped due to the scarcity of some materials that we needed,But now i was informed that everything is ready and we need to complete the project.I am the senior engineer and i must be there to co-ordinate the project.The date and time has not been fixed but i will let you know as soon as we are ready to go.My love i think and i believe that this is the best opportunity for us to meet each other and plan out everything about our future,i will really make sure i use this chance to come over to your country and meet with you and I will make all the arrangement's to come over to your country as soon as i am done with my work over there in Canada,,i can't wait to set my eyes on you my love.

I drop here with anticipation to read from you soon.

God bless you

Yours In Love

My lovely Queen,,,

How are you doing my beautiful queen?i hope you had a good time today and everything is alright with you?It was so nice to come on again here and read a lovely words that flows out from your heart.It really put a great smile on my face as always and i keep loving you more and more each minutes and baby you are the owner of my heart and you will be the owner till my last breath,,there is nothing that will stop me from loving you and i want to let you know that everything that makes my life meaningful is right within you..My love you know since you came into my life,,i have seen so much turn around in everything i do.I started to have the strength i never had before,the opportunities i never had before.So many Good things coming my way and right from the start i knew you are the right woman for me and ever since then i never hold back on my love for you.

My Love you know When I met you,the stars became mine.I could see the dreams I'd cast upon them long ago.And I realized,for the first time,that my dreams weren't as far-fetched and distant as I'd imagined.There was magic in the way you said my name that reached deep inside me and light up my world like a sky full of stars.I'd float through the days with the deep and overwhelming happiness of a six-year old on Christmas morning.I became a new person.I noticed that when I was in the company of others,I was suddenly talking a little louder and holding myself prouder,because I carried you with me.And all the while,I felt like I was harboring a wonderful secret,a rare and splendid find that brought the kind of bliss no other mortal had ever felt.You affected me like nothing else ever has or ever will and i tell you my love,To these eyes of mine,you shall never grow old;nor shall winter's clutch ever feel too bitter and cold,when you're here to warm my soul.Of all the things in this world I've seen--autumns of orange and red,winters gray and mean,and summers of hazy gold,you shall ever be,the springtime of my heart,a fragrant blossom as fresh as boughs of green.Neither these eyes nor this soul seeks to be deceived,but when your endless beauty is perceived,this heart shall beat gladly for you alone.You're my sunshine and my garden overgrown with soft white blossoms that never fail to inspire and enchant me.You've planted the seeds,for all that my happiness is and ever shall be.

Honey i will like to let you know that I will be leaving for Canada with the 11:30pm flight today and i only have few weeks to spend there,I have send the things for you to the Address you provided for me and i believe in few days according to the information on the tracking you will be able to receive it in your door step.Honey please know that i have made all the plans to come to your country after the completion of my project in Canada,so i will not be going back to Manchester after the project as i will be coming to your country straight from Canada.I will try my best to come on here to read from you and write you back frequently as that is the only thing that gives me strength when i seems to be weak..I love you so much and i can't wait to be with you baby.

My love bellow are the Tracking information and please make sure you track it every day to know the current locations and then get ready to wait for it on the day of its delivery as they will be delivering to the address you provided for me.

Company Name: United Worldwide Express Delivery


Tracking No: M4423K7257

My love the things i send you contains 1 Acer Aspire Laptop,1 Brown Leather bag,1 Samsung Galaxy,1 Gold Bulova Watch,2 pairs of jewelries,1 Set of Rose Flowers and some chocolate,,2 diamond Rings and A sealed brown envelop.I have also attached the air waybill for you my love and make sure you study the tracking number as they may ask you on the day of delivery.

I wait to read from you again as soon as i arrive in Canada.with heart full of love i say i am missing you so badly and i will love you all my life,,send my regards to your family.

Yours Forever Love

My Love,,

How are you doing today my pretty queen?,I hope you are doing good and healthy..I am really so happy to read from you today after i arrived in Canada.Its so cold here my love and all i do is to cover myself with a blanket with the warm thought of you and me, this really makes me feel so good.I have arrived In Calgary safely my love and our work have started already as we are trying our best to make sure we finish everything in time then i can be coming down to be with you the love of my life.I just can't wait any longer to be with you my love.I am really missing you and reading your mail here makes me feel so close to you.

My love i want to let you know that all my love is for you and there is nothing i want more than to be with you,you are my happiness and i will always love and adore you all my life because i know that everything we share is from deep down our hearts and i know that our future is for the best and we are working closely towards it my queen.My love i want you to know that the contract i have with my company now is my last one with them and as soon as i complete this project in Canada then i will be free to start up my own life and do any type of business that i want to do and i want you to know that in the parcel i send to you, there is a brown envelop that i put inside like i told you in my last email and inside that envelop i put in the money i want you to use in buying the house i told you about,,My love all i want is for you to make good use of that money and look for a nice house to buy for us,I know with the kind of a woman you are that you have a great taste and this gives me the confident that you will get the best for us.I really want the best for us and i want to be happy always with you my love.I have promised you that i will never disappoint you in any way and i beg you please my love never to disappoint me because My heart can never take any more heart break and that is why i am doing everything within my power to be with you so that i can set my eyes on you and be by your side always to show you how special you are to me.You are truly my jewel of inestimable value and When i say i love you i can feel the passion that is flowing all over me,,the passion to be with you forever,,the passion to love you forever and be all that you ever wanted all the days of your life because you are to me my endless love.

My love,please try and let me know as soon as you receive the items i send to you and you must make sure that you make everything ready before i come down to your country.I would want the house to be in a place that is nice and calm,,a place where we can be together on our own without any disturbances my love..And i want you to keep the ring i send to you as i want to be the one to put it in your finger.I want to kneel down in your front and put that ring in your finger as i kiss your hand and promise to be with you all my life,,for better and for worst,in poverty and richer,In sickness and in health till only death do us part.You can make use of every other things my love but i beg you to keep the ring very safe so i can take it and put to where it belongs,,,your finger.

I love you so much my angel and i will be waiting to read from you soon and don't forget to let me know as soon as the items gets to your destination and you collect it.Please my queen make sure you are tracking the parcel with the information i gave you so that you will know when it arrives to your country.

My Love please make sure you listen to this music that i make for you.

I am really missing you so badly and i can't wait to be with you and tell you how wonderful you have made my life be all this while.

yours Forever love


zuletzt bearbeitet 17.10.2012 20:52 | Top

RE: Romance Scammer stellen sich vor!

#671 von mikur ( gelöscht ) , 17.10.2012 19:55

[edit MW: die relevante Info habe ich hierher verschoben. Die Liebesgesäuselbriefe haben keinen Informationswert und wurden deshalb gespoilert]
Williams Dominic aus Manchester

Diese Bilder oben gehören zu den Briefen...

zuletzt bearbeitet 17.10.2012 20:57 | Top

RE: Romance Scammer stellen sich vor!

#672 von fridolin , 17.10.2012 20:22

Die Bilder zeigen den US Senator Scott Brown.
Herkunft der Bilder


Grand Senior
Beiträge: 4.489
Registriert am: 22.01.2006

RE: Romance Scammer stellen sich vor!

#673 von mikur ( gelöscht ) , 17.10.2012 20:26

danke für die info:) habs nicht gewusst...


RE: Romance Scammer stellen sich vor!

#674 von floh67 , 22.10.2012 22:34

George Moore, aktiv auf FB, geb. 7. Juli 1967, ein Sohn, verwitwet, wohnhaft derzeit in London
Selbstständiger Unternehmer arbeitet in Sdp Consulting Engineering Ltd., auch in den Verkauf und Vertrieb von elektrischen Material innerhalb und außerhalb Londons.
IP's aus Nigeria
george1georgemoore325 @
georgemoore325 @
Tel.Nr. 0044702408238

"Es ist leichter die Menschen zu täuschen, als sie zu überzeugen, dass sie getäuscht worden sind.'' (Mark Twain)

Beiträge: 2.044
Registriert am: 25.03.2011

RE: Romance Scammer stellen sich vor!

#675 von 1977sunshine ( gelöscht ) , 23.10.2012 09:18

So ich versuche es noch mal :)

Also Harry Dean gehört auch dazu .

Nennt sich Harry Dean aus Chicago.
Seine Frau ist weggelaufen als sein Sohn ein Jahr alt, und er sich im Irak Einsatz befunden hat .

Email :
Skype : haary_dean1975

IP Adresse :, alle samt aus Ghana Zain Communications Ldt.

Ich habe Bilder von ihm geschickt bekommen.
Weiß leider nicht wie ich sie heir einfügen :(

P.S. An HopSing, kann leider nicht auf meine PN antworten, es wird mir immer angezeigt ich bin nicht berechtig !!
Bin aus Beruflichen Gründen hier.


RE: Romance Scammer stellen sich vor!

#676 von MRW ( gelöscht ) , 23.10.2012 09:25

Wenn du auf antworten klickst, hast du ganz unten einen Link "Datei anhängen". Danach kannst du dein Foto aus deinem Verzeichnis, wo du es gespeichert hast, auswählen, hochladen und anschließend musst du auf einfügen klicken.


RE: Romance Scammer stellen sich vor!

#677 von Scambaiter , 23.10.2012 09:49

@ 1977sunshine, du kannst nun auf PMs antworten.

MfG - Scambaiter
> Horas non numero nisi serenas <

Beiträge: 11.580
Registriert am: 01.01.2006

RE: Romance Scammer stellen sich vor!

#678 von 1977sunshine ( gelöscht ) , 23.10.2012 10:06

Ergänzung zur meinem Beitrag !!

Fotos used by Scammer:



RE: Romance Scammer stellen sich vor!

#679 von fridolin , 23.10.2012 11:45

Das letzte bild ist bei myspace nochmal zu sehen.
Eric Youngstrom (ET SMASH) on Myspace - Diese Seite übersetzen
Eric Youngstrom (ET SMASH)'s profile on Myspace, the leading social entertainment destination powered by the passion of our fans.


Grand Senior
Beiträge: 4.489
Registriert am: 22.01.2006

RE: Romance Scammer stellen sich vor!

#680 von 1977sunshine ( gelöscht ) , 23.10.2012 12:29

Zitat von fridolin im Beitrag #682
Das letzte bild ist bei myspace nochmal zu sehen.
Eric Youngstrom (ET SMASH) on Myspace - Diese Seite übersetzen
Eric Youngstrom (ET SMASH)'s profile on Myspace, the leading social entertainment destination powered by the passion of our fans.

Ist diesem Mann eigentlich mal mitgeteilt worden das er auch Opfer des Scammers geworden ist ??



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