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Den Knaben knöpfe ich mir vor...

#1 von Scambaiter , 12.04.2006 22:02

Teil 1

Da schreibt doch ein "unschuldiger Knabe" - 14 Jahre alt, sagt er - mit einem Erbe von: "£50Million (Fifty Million Pounds)". Der Papa des Knaben, ist bei einem Autounfall tödlich verunglückt. Und seine Rabenmutter (geschieden von verblichenen Dad) will ihm nicht helfen, die Millionen Pfund auszulösen.

Nun steht er da der Knabe, mit viel Geld und sucht EINE vertrauenswürdige Person, die ihm aus der Patsche hilft.
Ich - Casper Le Theater - entstamme einer alten Hugenottenfamilie, und helfe gern. Mein Urvater war Johannes Calvin Le Theater persönlich.

In Antwort auf:
Tony Fed Tue Apr 11 14:28:57 2006     
From: "Tony Fed" <> Add to Address Book
To: tonyfw2@mail.mdd
Subject: Hello please i need your help.

Good Day:

I am Tony Fred Williams I am 14 years old I live in Manchester(UK) before my father die, now I live with my mother in Scotland. my father is from Manchester (UK) and my mother is from Scotland. my late father Mr. Fred Williams was a Contractor in Manchester(UK) before he die in a car accident last years July 25th 2005. he left £50Million (Fifty Million Pounds) in his account before he die. The £50Million is in (First Union National Bank UK) I have been trying to collect the money from (First Union National Bank UK) but the MD CEO told me to go and look for some body that is honest and old enough to help me collect the money.

I could have tell my mother to assist me to collect the £50Million for me but my mother and father has devoured before my father die and my father told me to not have anything to do with my mother I don’t even want her to know because what my father told me before he die was true, now that I stay with my mother in Scotland she don’t even have time for me all she do is to take hard drugs and to bring men to the house and she also hit me all the time.

I don’t want to have anything to do with her, I just want some body that is old enough and honest to help me collect the £50Million from the bank as I am too young to take care of £50Million. Please I need your help if you can assist me to collect the £50Million from the bank I will give you 40% and take 60%. I have all documentation on my name you can confirm from the bank. i am the indeed benefited Next of Kin to my late father Mr. Fred Williams. The MD CEO (First Union National Bank UK) told me to look for some body that is honest and old enough so that he can send the £50Million to the person account immediately.

If you can help me i will contact the MD CEO (First Union National Bank UK) and tell him that i have found a honest person who want to help me collect the £50Million. so when you contact him he will know i sent you.

I will give you is contact so that you can contact him to enable him send the £50Million to your provided account immediately Please help me. I will be waiting for your urgent reply so i can give you the contact of the bank and send you the last statement of account of my late father and i will also send you my picture and my birth certificate. Please Help me reply back on my private email: so i can i desend you all information you need.

Best Regards
Tony Fred Williams
Und so antwortet Casper und verspricht dem Knaben - nach Kräften - zu helfen:
In Antwort auf:
Datum: Wed, 12 Apr 2006 21:24:05 +0200 (CEST) 
Von: ***@yahoo.***
Betreff: RE: Fwd: Hello please i need your help.

Hello dear boy,

thank you very much for your mail. I see your destiny
is a hard one.
Please can you explain me what's your given name and
what your family name. For me it's difficult to find
out. Well, I will try to help you out of this situation.

Some words about me: My name is Casper Le Theater. I
live in Berlin/Germany and I have my own business.
Import and Export of Computer Software & Hardware.

My family background is very old. My ancestors was
all huguenots and came in 17.century to Germany.
My remote ancestor was Johannes Calvin Le Theater.

In this time, our family was become rich in the last
100 years in Berlin.

Sorry, my little boy, if my english is not the best.
But normal my secretaries wirte all my correspondence.
But to you, I want to write myself.

OK, I hope to hear from you soon.
Have a nice Easter.

Casper Le Theater
MfG - Scambaiter

Beiträge: 11.579
Registriert am: 01.01.2006

zuletzt bearbeitet 28.08.2007 | Top

RE: Den Knaben knöpfe ich mir vor...

#2 von Orion , 12.04.2006 22:09

Das ist nett. Greif dem Kleinen mal etwas unter die Arme.
La prueba del pudín consiste en comer.

Beiträge: 2.972
Registriert am: 01.01.2006

Den Knaben knöpfe ich mir vor...

#3 von Scambaiter , 13.04.2006 00:19

Nachdem Casper geantwortet hatte, dauerte es - nur Minuten - und die Antwort des Knaben war da.

Der Knabe hat Casper sofort zum Vater erklärt. Und weiter mitgeteilt, er schwebt in Lebensgefahr. Schuld daran ist - wie in jedem guten Märchen...die böse Stiefmutter.

Und wie sich das für einen guten Sohn gehört, schickt er gleich ein Foto mit. Sowie seinen Kontoauszug im pdf Format.

In Antwort auf:
Von: "tony fred" <> Ins Adressbuch
An: *** [Bearbeiten - Löschen]
Datum: Wed, 12 Apr 2006 20:27:19 +0000
Betreff: Reply Tony
How are you Casper Le Theater ?

Thank you for your reply i am very happy that you want to assist me
from your heart because there is one of my relation that is a lawyer that
wanted to help me before but he wanted to run away with the funds, as i
find out i have to tell the banker Mr.James Orriss to stop the transfer
so he will not mad away with the funds.Please i have taking you as my
father i want you to help me from your heart. when the funds get to your
account i will like to come to were you are to come and stay with you
because if i stay here my step mother will get me and she will kill
me. Please i have taking you as my father i want you to help me from your
heart. when the funds get to your account i will like to come to were you
are to come and stay with you because if i stay here my step mother
will get me and she will kill me.Ever since my father died she is after me
she wanted to kill me as i am the next of kin to my late father so she
can put a claim to the £50Million I want us to act fast on this. it
will only take 2 or 3 days for the funds to get to you, all you have to do
now is to contact the banker Mr.James Orriss so he can tell you what to

This is the contact of the bank.
Name to contact: MR JAMES ORRISS MD CEO.
Tel: 44-790-859-3702
Fax :44-161-332-8219
Email: or

I will contact Mr.James Orriss and tell him that i have seen some body
that will help me collect the £50Million so that when you contact him
he will know that you are the person who wanted to help me collect the

When the fund get to your account i will come donw to were you are and
stay with you for some time until i finish my school. when i finish
schooling that is when i will collect my 60%. but i will like you to
invest my 60% in business why i am in school. what kind of business do you
do so i will know what to invest on.

I want the £50million to get to your account before the end of this
week. my picture and the last statement of account is on the attachment.
when you contact the banker and get back to me i will send you my birth
certificate. please send me your picture also so i will know you more
Please i need your trust.




MfG - Scambaiter
>Horas non numero nisi serenas<

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Beiträge: 11.579
Registriert am: 01.01.2006

zuletzt bearbeitet 10.08.2007 | Top

RE: Den Knaben knöpfe ich mir vor...

#4 von Scambaiter , 14.04.2006 03:16

Teil 2.
Und schon hat es es Knabe eilig...

In Antwort auf:
Von: "tony fred" <> Ins Adressbuch
An: *** [Bearbeiten - Löschen]
Datum: Thu, 13 Apr 2006 14:51:46 +0000
Betreff: Helloo

How are you? I have not heard from you have you contacted the banker?


MfG - Scambaiter
>Horas non numero nisi serenas<

Beiträge: 11.579
Registriert am: 01.01.2006

zuletzt bearbeitet 14.04.2006 | Top

RE: Den Knaben knöpfe ich mir vor...

#5 von Scambaiter , 14.04.2006 19:23

Teil 3.
Papa hat geantwortet. Er ermahnt natürlich den neuen Sohn, zu Ostern und überhaupt,
fleißig in die Kirche zu gehen. Der Knabe muss ja in die Familie passen. Mit oder ohne Millionen.

Und Papa Casper hat seinen Ausweis mitgeschickt. Damit sich der Sohn, eine Vorstellung machen kann.

Zitat von Casper
Datum: Fri, 14 Apr 2006 19:06:47 +0200 (CEST)
Von: *** Ins Adressbuch
Betreff: RE: Helloo
An: "tony fred" <>

Hello my dear boy,

quite thank you for your nice Mail.

Also thanks for inquire. I am well. We celebrate in our family Easter. And already were in the church. How is with you? Do you go also regularly into the church? To which church do you belong?

This afternoon our Reverend Mr. Horst Honigmund was invited to the coffee. He is very nice humans. No longer completely young, but always presented to good fun.

Please tell me still another little more of you.
Now over Easter we can undertake anyway nothing. Everything is closed. Except naturally the church, those is open.

I will once see then, next week, what I can do for you, my son.
Then I could give you also my bank account. Where we your money to transfer can.

Now I would like to wish you still beautiful Easter and please often go into the church, son. And do not forget to send to me your birth certificate. I send to you today my document of identification.

Your father,

Casper Le Theater

MfG - Scambaiter
>Horas non numero nisi serenas<

Beiträge: 11.579
Registriert am: 01.01.2006

zuletzt bearbeitet 15.04.2006 | Top

RE: Den Knaben knöpfe ich mir vor...

#6 von Orion , 15.04.2006 08:38

So, so. Karfreitag zum Kaffee. Nicht mehr der Jüngste. Immer zu Scherzen aufgelegt.

Ihr Pharisäer...
La prueba del pudín consiste en comer.

Beiträge: 2.972
Registriert am: 01.01.2006

zuletzt bearbeitet 15.04.2006 | Top

RE: Den Knaben knöpfe ich mir vor...

#7 von Scambaiter , 15.04.2006 12:44 ist er unser Reverend, so lieben wir ihn !
MfG - Scambaiter
>Horas non numero nisi serenas<

Beiträge: 11.579
Registriert am: 01.01.2006

RE: Den Knaben knöpfe ich mir vor...

#8 von Scambaiter , 15.04.2006 17:49

Teil 4.
Kaum ist man Vater geworden, wird der neue Filius schon ein wenig aufsässig. Dem Knaben müssen noch ein paar Manieren beigebracht werden. Und wieso sein Banker selbst über Ostern arbeitet, ist - zumindest - seltsam. Aber seine Geburtsurkunde hat er seinem neuen Vater überlassen.

Zitat von Casper
Von: "tony fred" <> Ins Adressbuch
An: *** [Bearbeiten - Löschen]
Datum: Sat, 15 Apr 2006 14:12:19 +0000
Betreff: Hello. Father

Hello. Father

How are you? I am a chritain and i do go to church Easter is very
nice i am with some friends. I am happy you are a christian you will have
a good heart.

Here is my birth certificate on the attachment. The banker told me you
have not contact them please contact them so there will tell you the
next to take.

I dont need your banking detials all you have to do is to contact the

Happt Easter Tony

This e-mail was sent using


MfG - Scambaiter
>Horas non numero nisi serenas<

Beiträge: 11.579
Registriert am: 01.01.2006

zuletzt bearbeitet 15.04.2006 | Top

RE: Den Knaben knöpfe ich mir vor...

#9 von Scambaiter , 18.04.2006 17:57

Teil 5.
So der Papa hat geantwortet. Wie man lesen kann, hat Papa Casper auch so seine Probleme. Da sind zwei geschiedene Frauen, die jedem Monat Alimente haben wollen. Ja, und da kommen natürlch ein paar Mill. Pfund zur richtigen Zeit.

Ach' ja, Casper hat noch ein Foto von seinem bescheidenen Zuhause mitgeschickt, sowie ein Foto vom Kinderzimmer

Zitat von Casper
Datum: Tue, 18 Apr 2006 17:48:22 +0200 (CEST)
Von: *** Ins Adressbuch
Betreff: RE: Hello. Father
An: "tony fred" <>
My dear son - Tony,

I thank you cordially for your friendly Mail. Thanks
also for the birth certificate. Now I can see, that
everything is correct, and I can completely trust to

Confidence is very important in the life. Confidence
in God and into its own its family. To which you
belong now also soon, Tony my dearest son. I am
already richly, thus with my company already a few
millions earned.

However I am two times divorced. And the two former
women want each month 200,000. --Euro maintenance. In
this way come your millions straight to correct time.
As you see need I you urgently. As you me also much
need, in order to come to the 50 million Pound. But we
take that together.

Well, my son I will take time to write to your banker.
Tell me please, why do the banker work over the
Easter time? Is this man not a good christian fellow?

Today I send you 2 photos. One from my small house and
one from the room you will (later) live in.

Best wishes from your father,


MfG - Scambaiter
>Horas non numero nisi serenas<

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Haus1.jpg   Kinderzimmer.jpg  

Beiträge: 11.579
Registriert am: 01.01.2006

RE: Den Knaben knöpfe ich mir vor...

#10 von Scambaiter , 19.04.2006 23:01

Teil 6.
Kein Repekt mehr, die heutige Jugend. Da will er mein Sohn werden, und ist so mürrisch.
Wenn nicht die 50 Mill. Pfund "Mitgift" wären, würde ich mir das mit der Adoption noch einmal überlegen...!

Zitat von Casper
Von: "tony fred" <> Ins Adressbuch
An: *** [Bearbeiten - Löschen]
Datum: Tue, 18 Apr 2006 22:44:55 +0000
Betreff: Hello

Hello. Father

How are you? I dont know much about the banker but i know he is a
bvery good man. Please contact him so we can get things moving we dont
have much time on this please.


This e-mail was sent using

MfG - Scambaiter
>Horas non numero nisi serenas<

Beiträge: 11.579
Registriert am: 01.01.2006

zuletzt bearbeitet 20.04.2006 | Top

RE: Den Knaben knöpfe ich mir vor...

#11 von Scambaiter , 20.04.2006 22:29

Teil 7.
Der Knabe hat eine Antwort bekommen. Seine Schwestern werden vorgestellt. Sowie Hund & Katze.
Die lieben Tiere, haben die Mail gefressen, auf der die Emailadresse von "Toni's banker" aufgeschrieben war... .
So ein Pech aber auch .

Zitat von Casper
Datum: Thu, 20 Apr 2006 22:20:02 +0200 (CEST)
Von: *** Ins Adressbuch
Betreff: RE: Hello
An: "tony fred" <>
Toni my son, thanks for your short mail.

I am fine, and you?
One word to you my son. Please be a bit more in repect
to your future father and family. I have two
daughters. Both love to have you as brother soon.

The girls are pretty, but a bit wild. So I hope you
will find a good relationship with your sisters too.

Before I forget, I send you a photos of your sisters
and the dog.

Best wishes to you, from your father -


Oh, my god - I have one question: Can you please send me again,
the e-mail address from the banker!

I was print out the mail for keep it save.
But unfortunately our dog "Bergtroll" and the cat
play with the paper. And now, nothing to
read on the paper.

MfG - Scambaiter
>Horas non numero nisi serenas<

Angefügte Bilder:
Aufgrund eingeschränkter Benutzerrechte werden nur die Namen und (falls vorhanden) Vorschau-Grafiken der Dateianhänge angezeigt Jetzt anmelden!
dog.jpg   sisters.jpg  

Beiträge: 11.579
Registriert am: 01.01.2006

zuletzt bearbeitet 20.04.2006 | Top

RE: Den Knaben knöpfe ich mir vor...

#12 von icewastl , 20.04.2006 23:17

In Antwort auf:
Die lieben Tiere, haben die Mail gefressen, auf der die Emailadresse von "Toni's banker" aufgeschrieben war...

du solltest die Adoption beschleunigen, oder das Gold in Benin abholen..
so dass deine "armen" Haustiere mal satt werden und nicht mit Mugumails gefüttert werden müssen.
Wie vertragen die Ärmsten das Zeug? Pass auf das niemand vom Tierschutz hier mitliest...

Beiträge: 2.385
Registriert am: 09.03.2006

RE: Den Knaben knöpfe ich mir vor...

#13 von Scambaiter , 21.04.2006 21:51

Teil 8.
Antwort vom Knaben. Ohne persönliche Worte, an den Papa. Da wird der Vati in spe, doch mal dem "banker" kontaktieren.
Und ihm - schonend - beibringen, dass ohne Adoption sich die ganze Angelegenheit, ins unendliche Verzögert.

Außerdem muss Casper erst einmal sehen, was der "banker" überhaupt will. Vorab, sollte der Geld wollen,
für das Übertragen der 50 Mill. Pfund, dann soll er das gefälligst gleich vom engl. Konto abziehen/abbuchen...

Zitat von Casper
Von: "tony fred" <> Ins Adressbuch
An: *** [Bearbeiten - Löschen]
Datum: Fri, 21 Apr 2006 00:17:26 +0000
Betreff: Hello

This is the contact of the bank.

Name to contact: MR JAMES ORRISS MD CEO.
Tel: 44-790-859-3702
Fax :44-161-332-8219
Email: or

This e-mail was sent using

MfG - Scambaiter
>Horas non numero nisi serenas<

Beiträge: 11.579
Registriert am: 01.01.2006

zuletzt bearbeitet 21.04.2006 | Top

RE: Den Knaben knöpfe ich mir vor...

#14 von Scambaiter , 22.04.2006 10:56

Teil 9.
Nun wird es etwas ernster für den Knaben . Er soll ein paar Fragen beatworten.
Und dann heißt es, beten, beten und nochmal beten....

Zitat von Casper
Datum: Sat, 22 Apr 2006 10:43:04 +0200 (CEST)
Von: *** Ins Adressbuch
Betreff: RE: Hello
An: "tony fred" < >

Good morning my son, Tony -

I thank you very much for your mail. And sent again the banker\'s mail address. In next days, I will contact the banker. I promise you.

By the way, there is a strange thing for me: You say the bankers name is: MR JAMES ORRISS MD CEO, and the Bank name is: FIRST UNION NATIONAL BANK UK - right?
Please tell me, why the bank use freemailer accounts? Is the bank so poor, can\'t buy own domains?

And why have Mr. Orriss so funny and Can you explain me this?

Next, you was tell me: "Please i have taking you as my father". I was accept this and so I send you soon the documents for the adoption! Then you have the forms fill in, and send back to me. I will talk with my family Attorney about the next steps.

At least, you was tell meal so: "i stay here my step mother will get me and she will kill me." I hope with your step mother is all OK now? If not, please my son go to the next police station! And tell me the name and address from your bad-mother. So I can do some things aginst her!

Answer when you can.
Note I am 4 days not at home: From 23.04. to 26.04. I am in a church seminar, far from home. It\'s in a small mountain village.

We pray 12 hours on the day for our soul welfare. For you too! And there, in this monastery, there is no telephone, InterNet etc.. The monks are very old fashionable and pious. After I come back, I hope we can finish all things very quick.

Regards from your strict father Casper

MfG - Scambaiter
>Horas non numero nisi serenas<

Beiträge: 11.579
Registriert am: 01.01.2006

zuletzt bearbeitet 22.04.2006 | Top

RE: Den Knaben knöpfe ich mir vor...

#15 von Orion , 22.04.2006 11:24

Der Mugu hätte den Admin-Account nicht nennen sollen: Den bekommen nur Domain-Inhaber. leitet weiter auf

"Under construction"

"James Orris 2" hat vermutlich noch andere Sachen vor...
La prueba del pudín consiste en comer.

Beiträge: 2.972
Registriert am: 01.01.2006

zuletzt bearbeitet 22.04.2006 | Top

RE: Den Knaben knöpfe ich mir vor...

#16 von Scambaiter , 22.04.2006 11:41

In Antwort auf:
"Under construction"

"James Orris 2" hat vermutlich noch andere Sachen vor...

...was sagt uns das, Orion? Immer mal ein Auge darauf werfen . Damit wir eventuell sehen, was da noch so kommen soll !
MfG - Scambaiter
>Horas non numero nisi serenas<

Beiträge: 11.579
Registriert am: 01.01.2006

RE: Den Knaben knöpfe ich mir vor...

#17 von Scambaiter , 23.04.2006 12:32

Teil 10.
Der Knabe ist scheint "saudumm" zu sein. Da habe ich mir ja was eingehandelt...

Zitat von Casper
Von: "tony fred" <> Ins Adressbuch
An: *** [Bearbeiten - Löschen]
Datum: Sat, 22 Apr 2006 12:38:16 +0000
Betreff: Re: Hello

How are you? I dont understand what you mean. i will tell the banker
to contact you.

This e-mail was sent using

Teil 10 a.

Also wird gleich eine Antwort verfasst, und gedroht: Keine Antworten = keine Hilfe! So einfach ist das.

Datum: Sat, 22 Apr 2006 23:21:14 +0200 (CEST)
Von: *** Ins Adressbuch
Betreff: Re: Hello
An: "tony fred" <>
Tony are you stupid or what?
I give you some questins, and you are unable to
answer this simple questions?

In what for school are you go?

Here again the questions: [...]
No answer = no help to you! NOT IN ANY WAY!

I am NOT interested to go in contact with the banker,
not before you answer the questions!

It's only in your hands, how it go on! You are a
clever boy and so you answer to me.

WEDNESDAY (23..04. to 26.04.)

MfG - Scambaiter
>Horas non numero nisi serenas<

Beiträge: 11.579
Registriert am: 01.01.2006

RE: Den Knaben knöpfe ich mir vor...

#18 von Scambaiter , 23.04.2006 12:37

Teil 11.
Etwa zur gleichen, Zeit meldet sich der Banker von selbst. Wie schön, aber der bekommt erst einmal keine Antwort.

Zitat von Casper
Datum: Sat, 22 Apr 2006 05:40:26 -0700 (PDT)
Von: "FUNBM" <> Ins Adressbuch
An: *** [Bearbeiten - Löschen]
First Union National Bank UK
Tel: 44-790-859-3702
Fax: 44-161-332-8219

Attn: Sir

We wish to inform you that young Tony Fred Williams has told us about you he said that you are the person who wanted to assist him in collecting his £50million with us and take good cafe of him.

Before we will be able to wire the £50million to your provided account you have to send to us all this information below.

1.YOUR FULL NAME.........
6. OCCUPATION...........
As soon as you send all this information&#8217;s we ask from you i will proceed with the transfer of the £50million immediately.

I hope you can take good care of young Tony when we send the £50million to your provided account because Tony step mother is after him. As soon as the £50million get to your account Tony will come to your location to come and stay with you for some time if it is ok with you send us all the information we ask from you so we can proceed with the transfer of the £50million. In UK down here once some one father or mother is died and he or she is the Next of Kin he most surely have access to the money know matter the age the person is. I could have advice Tony to wait until he is 18 or 20 years but his step mother is after him so i want him to get the money and travel out of UK that is why he contacted you.

James Orriss.

MfG - Scambaiter
>Horas non numero nisi serenas<

Beiträge: 11.579
Registriert am: 01.01.2006

RE: Den Knaben knöpfe ich mir vor...

#19 von Scambaiter , 28.04.2006 02:57

Teil 12.
Nach der "heiligen Reise" hat sich Papa Casper bei seinem Sohn, mal in Erinnerung gebracht. Wir willen doch nicht,
dass dem Kind noch was zustößt. Stichwort böse Stiefmutter .

Zitat von Casper
Datum: Fri, 28 Apr 2006 02:07:29 +0200 (CEST)
Von: *** Ins Adressbuch
Betreff: Re: Hello
An: "tony fred" <>

How are you my son Toni?

I am back from my holy journey. I would like to
continue our contact and fix your problem quick and successful.

So please answer soon and say hello to the banker!

In love your father



MfG - Scambaiter
>Horas non numero nisi serenas<

Beiträge: 11.579
Registriert am: 01.01.2006

RE: Den Knaben knöpfe ich mir vor...

#20 von Scambaiter , 28.04.2006 23:02

Teil 13.
Nun sind sie wieder da, Sohn Toni und der Banker. Nur seltsam ist, Mr. James Orriss seines Zeichens Bankmanager MD CEO,
hat plötzlich einen kostenlose Yahoo Emailadresse. Wird doch nichts passiert sein, in der kurzen Zeit .

In Antwort auf:
Von: "tony fred" <> Ins Adressbuch
An: *** [Bearbeiten - Löschen]
Datum: Fri, 28 Apr 2006 09:48:24 +0000
Betreff: Re: Hello
Hello. Father

How are you? I have been missing you. ok i will tell the banker to
contact you as soon as posisble.


Und von dem Banker hinterher.
In Antwort auf:
Datum: Fri, 28 Apr 2006 10:49:40 +0100 (BST)
Von: "FUNBM" <> Ins Adressbuch
Betreff: Treat as Urgent.
An: *** [Bearbeiten - Löschen]
First Union National Bank UK
Tel: 44-790-859-3702
Fax: 44-161-332-8219

Attn: Sir

We wish to inform you that young Tony Fred Williams has told us about you he said that you are the person who wanted to assist him in collecting his £50million with us and take good cafe of him.

Before we will be able to wire the £50million to your provided account you have to send to us all this information below.

1.YOUR FULL NAME.........
6. OCCUPATION...........

As soon as you send all this information’s we ask from you i will proceed with the transfer of the £50million immediately.

I hope you can take good care of young Tony when we send the £50million to your provided account because Tony step mother is after him. As soon as the £50million get to your account Tony will come to your location to come and stay with you for some time if it is ok with you send us all the information we ask from you so we can proceed with the transfer of the £50million. In UK down here once some one father or mother is died and he or she is the Next of Kin he most surely have access to the money know matter the age the person is. I could have advice Tony to wait until he is 18 or 20 years but his step mother is after him so i want him to get the money and travel out of UK that is why he contacted you.

Thanks. James Orriss.

MfG - Scambaiter
>Horas non numero nisi serenas<

Beiträge: 11.579
Registriert am: 01.01.2006


Wolle Gold kaufe....
Feddag, ein müder Sklave.....

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