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Ofen aus !!

#1 von merino , 29.12.2009 16:58

Wieder ein Mal Post aus dem winterlichen Russland - nein, keine Elena, die sich waschend sofort in mein Profil verliebt hat, sondern eine e-mail mit Empfänger Adresse, die so gar nichts mit meiner normalen e-mail addy zu tun hat. Wunder der Netzverknüpfung warum diese mail bei mir gelandet ist - wer will, kann ja mal zu Hause ausmisten, ob nicht noch ein Ofen so rumsteht.

"Elena" <> schrieb:

My name is Elena, I have 32 year and I writing you from Russian province. I work on in town library and I can use computer after work when possible. Our situation is very hard and I decided to write to you this letter in despair.

I having daughter - 8 years old, her father leaved us and we live with my mother.

As outcome of deep financial crisis recently my mother losed job (market at she worked is now bankruptcy) and our situation became frightful.

Gas and electricity is very expensive in our city and we unable use it to heat our home anylonger.

It is very cold already in our region and weather becomes colder each day. We are very worried and we havenot experience how to do.

Only possible way for us to heating our home is to use portable wood burning oven which supply with heating from burning wood. We have a lot of wood in our province and this oven will provide heat for our house all winter for minimal charges.

Unluckily we can not to purchase this oven in our local market since it price 8106 ruble (equival. of 191 Euro) and we cannot afford it.

If you possess any old portable wood burning oven and if you discontinued to use it, we will be very happiness if you could present it to us and organize delivery this oven to our home (165 km from Moscow). That oven can be different , they can be constructed from cast iron and weight 100 - 150kg.

Please let me know if you can help and I will write you our exact address

From all my heart I wish you a Merry Christmas and a Happy NEW YEAR!! I wish that the New 2010 Year will bring you hapiness and all your dreams come true!

Elena with family.

munter bleiben - (wer Schreibfehler findet, darf sie behalten)

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Beiträge: 1.198
Registriert am: 24.02.2009


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Hallo ich bin Ruhm

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