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Mr. Angelov

#1 von fridolin , 16.05.2006 21:45


Mails der Nigeria Connection sind im Moment bei mir ganz dünn gesät. Viagara, dear home owner oder pennystocks zahlreich. Endlich wieder mal einer der meine beiden Schlitzohren B.Trueger & G.Auner reich machen will.

In Antwort auf:

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Received: from [] by
(SMTPD32-8.15) id A9AC132600F8; Mon, 15 May 2006 14:53:00 +0200
From: Mr.Angelov <>
To: meine
Subject: [Oleco: Achtung diese E-Mail hat Merkmale die auf SPAM hindeuten]Applying as an Investor
Date: Mon, 15 May 2006 16:47:28 +0400
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In Antwort auf:

Von: Mr.Angelov <> Adresse speichern | Dateiköpfe
Datum: Mon, 15 May 2006 16:47:28 +0400
Betreff: [Oleco: Achtung diese E-Mail hat Merkmale die auf SPAM hindeuten]Applying as an Investor


Dear Sir/Madam,

I am applying to become an investor in your private/company business. I am contacting you with the believe that we would be able to go into any good business venture that you may deem fit.

We shall be placing an investment capital of $35Million Dollars under your person/company's direct control for a period of 15years investment plan. After that we would revalidate the investment and see if it will be good to continue with your project or request change of business.

The purpose of investing through you or your company is because the investor can no longer invest in any business openly due to some corruption charges and political problems he has now in his country, which has made it impossible for him to come out openly in the public and invest in any viable business, because he is under house arrest in the hands of his government in his country. You will handle all his financial investment in your company until the
problems are over.

I shall send further details about the investor. I was his personal assistance who is also in hiding for the safety of my life, after an assassination attempt on my life by the government agent, believing that I know where some of his funds are kept. My duty is to make sure this fund get into the right place for investment before anything happens to me also. The investor was the former Finance Minister of Brunei.

I will need you to send the following details to me, if you are willing to handle this investment on our behalf.
1. Your full names and address, including telephone numbers.
2. A brief profile about yourself and the work you do for a living including age and which country of origin you come from.

On the receipt of the above details I will send you the full information required by mail on how to get this fund transferred to your bank account.

Best Regards,

Mr.Angelov Anas.

Von Icewastl haben die beiden aus "12MIO von Caroline" die Forderung nach einer Vollmacht und sonstigem übernommen.

In Antwort auf:

Von: "Trueger ; Auner" <> Adresse speichern | Dateiköpfe
An: <>
Datum: Tue, 16 May 2006 21:24:39 +0200
Betreff: Investition


B.Trueger & G.Auner
Breite Gasse 3

60313 Frankfurt

Sehr geehrter Herr Angelov,

Wir sind sehr daran interessiert, mit Ihnen die 35 Millionen hier in Deutschland anzulegen.
Da sie das Geld bestimmt nicht im Diplomatenkoffer mit sich herumtragen, benötigen wir einige Unterlagen für die Investition.

Für uns um mit Ihrer Bank verhandeln zu dürfen:
Eine VOLLMACHT mit folgenden Angaben:
vollständige Anschrift

des weiteren:
eine Passkopie
Herkunftsbescheinigung des Geldes, wegen des Geldwäschegesetzes in Deutschland
den Depotschein Ihrer Bank oder Sicherheitsfirma in Kopie.

Unsere Anschrift entnehmen Sie bitte dem Briefkopf. Als Anlage erhalten Sie unsere Passkopien.

Wir verbleiben mit
freundlichen Grüßen


Grand Senior
Beiträge: 4.489
Registriert am: 22.01.2006

RE: Mr. Angelov

#2 von icewastl , 16.05.2006 22:10

@ Fridolin

hm..., deinen Partner Krüger, so vom Pass her...
kann es sein ... das der in seinem früheren Leben einmal einen
verantwortungsvollen Posten als "Staatsratsverwalter" inne hatte?
Oder entfernter Verwandter von Ihm...

was Deine momentane Muguflaute betrifft, kann Dir gerne aushelfen
Lotterie oder 5 - 50 Millionen Angebote, wie hättest du es gerne?

Beiträge: 2.385
Registriert am: 09.03.2006

RE: Mr. Angelov

#3 von fridolin , 16.05.2006 23:36

@ icewastl

Schau mal in einen anderen thread." we proudly present Prof.Charles Soludo" Graf Koks und er waren bei Schalk in der KOKO.Soludo will aber nicht mehr dran erinnert werden. Als alte Seilschaft werden jetzt die Devisen vom Schalk für einen geruhsamen Lebensabend genommen. Häng es aber nicht so an die große Glocke, wir
ehemaligen "Landesverweser" wollen hier die Früchte unserer "ARBEIT" genießen.

Grand Senior
Beiträge: 4.489
Registriert am: 22.01.2006

RE: Mr. Angelov

#4 von fridolin , 18.05.2006 23:20


Doppelpost von Angelov. Aber leider außer einem bulgarischen Pass keines der angeforderten Dokumente. Dafüraber ein Prinz im Hintergrund und ein Gefasel vom Islam. Das wird die Verhandlungen sehr erschweren. Der BND liest mit.

In Antwort auf:

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In Antwort auf:

Von: "INVESTOR" <> Adresse speichern | Dateiköpfe
Datum: Thu, 18 May 2006 11:32:56 -0400 (EDT)
Betreff: RE: Investition Plan


Lieb B.Trueger, G.Auner,

Es ist mit dem großen Vergnügen, das Ihnen diese Post schickt. Zuerst muß ich Entschuldigungen für auf Ihre Post spät reagieren, lag diese an der Tatsache, daß meine Gesundheit Situation sehr schlechtes dieses wenige Tage gewesen ist und ich vom Doktor erklärt wurde, um im Krankenhaus für einige Tage zu bleiben. Ich muß sagen, daß ich in den sehr fähigen Händen bin, die auf Ihren Positionen in Deutschland basieren.

Ihre Post wurde sehr gut verstanden, aber die Situation im Augenblick würde mich nicht um die Namen unserer Firma und aller weiteren Sonderkommandos völlig vorstellen lassen, die Sie für in Ihre Post baten, aber unser Firmennamen ist AMENDEO DEVELOPMENT COMPANY. Was wir gegenwärtig wünschen, ist jemand, zum mit dem Anlagekapital während der Periode zu vertrauen, die früh auf meine erste Post zu Ihnen angegeben wird, gegründet auf einer gegenseitigen Vereinbarung zwischen uns.Diese Investition muß gehalten als Geheimnis durch Sie, weil wir keinen Körper wissen wünschen, daß solche Kapital für investiert durch Sie vom PRINZEN JEFRI BOLKIAH, der der ehemalige Finanzminister von Brunei war, gelegen im Nordwesten der Insel von Borneo umgeleitet worden sind. Brunei Darussalam ist ein kleines Land, das entsprechend islamischen Werten geregelt wird und Traditionen durch sein Majestät-Sultanznszhajj Hassanal Bolkiah Mu izzaddin Waddaulah.At der Moment Prinz Jefri Bolkiah wird unter Hausanhalten, seine Bankkonten gehalten und private Eigenschaften, einschließlich eine Rohölexportraffinerie wurden durch die Sultanregierung konfisziert.

Ich muß Ihnen mehr Details schicken, bevor ich den vollen Prozeß des Erhaltens dieses Geldes überwiesen auf Ihr Konto beginne, oder, Sie noch zu verbessern kann auf der besten Weise raten, die Sie diese Investitionkapital empfangen wünschen. Wegen meiner Gesundheit Situation, die ich merken kann,SEIEN Sie in der Lage, mit dieser Diskussion für langes an zu tragen, besonders wenn es zur Zeit kommt wir uns aus diesem Grund treffen müssen, ich jemand anderes vorstellen werde, das die ganze zukünftige Korrespondenz mit Ihnen tun und mit Ihnen am Telefon sprechen wird. Er ist eine verläßliche Hand und was auch immer er erklärt, Sie in unserem eigenen Interesse ist.
Ich werde Ihre Antwort warten auf, wie gut Sie die Investitionkapital auf Sie gebracht werden wünschen, sobald ich Ihre Post empfange, stelle ich die Vertrauen Investitionvereinbarung für Sie zur Studie zur Verfügung und bilde jede mögliche Änderung, bevor ich sie zurück zu für dem Unterzeichnen sende, nachdem Sie Ihre Seite der Vereinbarung unterzeichnet haben. Nachdem dieses der volle Prozeß der Übertragung der Kapitals immeidately durch den Herrn mich beginnt, haben in dieser Post erwähnt. Er basiert momentan in London, das meine instructions.The Kapital wartet, wird gebracht von den Dubai-Vereinigten arabischen Emirates.All Dokumenten, die auf die Übertragung releating sind, wird getan in Dubai und gesendet zu you.Just informieren Sie mich die Arten der Dokumente, die Ihre Bank reqire von uns betreffend die Übertragung dieser Kapitals auf Ihr account.On die angebrachte Seite kann, Sie meine Paßkopie finden.

Bester Respekt,

Angelov Anasta.

Dear B.Trueger, G.Auner,

It is with great pleasure sending you this mail. First I have to apologies for responding late to your mail, this was due to the fact that my health situation has been very bad this few days and I was told by the doctor to stay in the hospital for some days. I must say that I am in very capable hands based on your positions in Germany.

Your mail was very well understood but the situation right now would not make me to fully introduce the names of our company and all other details that you requested for in your mail, but our company's name is AMENDEO DEVELOPMENT COMPANY. What we want at this stage is someone to trust with the investment capital for the period earlier stated in my first mail to you, based on a mutual agreement between us. This investment has to kept as a secret by you because we do not want any body to know that such funds have been diverted for invested through you by PRINCE JEFRI BOLKIAH, who was the former Finance Minister of Brunei, located in the northwest of the island of Borneo. Brunei Darussalam is a small country governed according to Islamic values and traditions by His Majesty Sultan Hajj Hassanal Bolkiah Mu izzaddin Waddaulah.At the moment Prince Jefri Bolkiah is kept under house arrest, his bank accounts and private properties, including a crude oil export refinery were confiscated by the sultan government.

I have to send you more details before starting the full process of getting this money transferred to your account or better still you can advise on the best way you will want to receive this investment fund. Due to my health situation I may note be able to carry on with this discussion for long especially when it comes to the time we need to meet ourselves for that reason I will be introducing someone else who will be doing all the future correspondence with you and talking to you on the phone. He is a trusted hand and whatever he tell you is in our own interest.

I will be waiting for your reply on how best you want the investment fund to be transferred to you, once I receive your mail I will provide the trust investment agreement for you to study and make any amendment before sending it back to for signing after you have signed your side of the agreement. After this the full process of transfer of the fund will commence immeidately by the gentleman I have mentioned in this mail. He is presently based in London waiting for my instructions.The funds shall be transferred from Dubai-United Arab Emirates.All documents releating to the transfer will be done in dubai and sent to you.Just let me know the types of documents your bank may reqire from us regarding the transfer of this fund to your account.On the attached page you will find my passport copy.

Best Regards,

Angelov Anasta.

In Antwort auf:

Von: "INVESTOR" <> Adresse speichern | Dateiköpfe
Datum: Thu, 18 May 2006 11:37:56 -0400 (EDT)


Please find my passport attached.


[Edit by Scambaiter, Fotogröße angepasst]

Grand Senior
Beiträge: 4.489
Registriert am: 22.01.2006

zuletzt bearbeitet 19.05.2006 | Top

RE: Mr. Angelov

#5 von fridolin , 29.05.2006 15:37


Die Generalvollmacht von icewastl war wohl starker Tobak, Also bekommt er sie ein zweitesmal

In Antwort auf:

Von: "INVESTOR" <> Adresse speichern | Dateiköpfe
Datum: Mon, 22 May 2006 17:09:23 -0400 (EDT)
Betreff: RE: Investition Plan


Lieb B.Trueger & G.Auner,

Ich danke Ihnen für das Annehmen, zum unserer Investition zu halten, die eine Oberseite secret.i nicht das pdf öffnen könnte sollte die Zeit der Befestigung Form senden again.this, Sie es richtig anbringen müssen. Ich werde warten.

Dank und Gott segnen,

In Antwort auf:

Von: "INVESTOR" <> Adresse speichern | Dateiköpfe
Datum: Wed, 24 May 2006 06:25:33 -0400 (EDT)
Betreff: RE: Received form


Dear Trueger&Auner,

Thanks for the mail. I have received the attached form and it is very good. I will fill it and send it to you later today.



< > wrote:

From: Trueger ; Auner [mailto:]
Date: Wed, 24 May 2006 10:17:02 +0200
Subject: RE: Investition Plan

Mitglied im Verband der Kredithaie Deutschland e.V.

---------- Original Message ----------------------------------
Date: Mon, 22 May 2006 17:09:23 -0400 (EDT)


>Lieb B.Trueger & G.Auner,Ich danke Ihnen für das Annehmen, zum unserer Investition zu halten, die eine Oberseite secret.i nicht das pdf öffnen könnte sollte die Zeit der Befestigung Form senden again.this, Sie es richtig anbringen müssen. Ich werde warten. Dank und Gott segnen,Angelov.--- On Sun 05/21, Trueger ; Auner < > wrote:

>From: Trueger ; Auner [mailto:]To: angelovtrust@myway.comDate: Sun, 21 May 2006 23:34:31 +0200Subject: RE: Investition PlanB.Trueger & G.AunerFinanzdienstleisterBreite Gasse 360313 Frankfurt / MainLieber Herr Angelov,seien Sie unserer Diskretion versichert. Wir haben einige weltbekannte Firmen in unserer Klientel, die auch bereit sind Ihr Kapital für sie gewinnbringend in ihrem Unternehmen zu investieren.Sie werden verstehen, daß wir zum jetzigen Zeitpunkt noch keine Angaben darüber machen können.Wir haben ein pdf dokument, welches von unserer Bank und den Behörden anerkannt wird. Wir übersenden es als Anhang. bitte füllen sie es sorgfältig freundlichen GrüßenB.TruegerG.AunerMitglied im Verband der Kredithaie Deutschland e.V._________________________________________________________________versendet mit Mail - Anmeldung und Nutzung kostenlos!Oleco jetzt auch mit SPAMSCHUTZ.Attachment: Generalvollmacht.pdf (32.29KB)

Grand Senior
Beiträge: 4.489
Registriert am: 22.01.2006

RE: Mr. Angelov

#6 von fridolin , 29.05.2006 15:46

Statt der ausgefülltwen Generalvollmacht schickt er einen Vertrag, ein word dokument

In Antwort auf:

Von: "INVESTOR" <> Adresse speichern | Dateiköpfe
Datum: Fri, 26 May 2006 13:12:46 -0400 (EDT)
Betreff: RE: Angelov Invesment Agreement


Dear Trueger & Auner,

How are you and your family including your business,I hope you are all doing just fine.On the attached page you will find the draft copy of the investment agreement.Please study it carefully and get back to me with any amendment.

Mr.Richard Douglas will be in Dubai on monday to commence the process of transfer.Please make sure you send me your phone contact details.Because he will need to speak with you when he arrive Dubai-United Arab Emirate.

Thanks and God bless as I look forward to your urgent reply.


Mr.Angelov Anasta.

No banners. No pop-ups. No kidding.
Make My Way your home on the Web -

Grand Senior
Beiträge: 4.489
Registriert am: 22.01.2006

RE: Mr. Angelov

#7 von fridolin , 29.05.2006 15:49

5 a

das dokument

In Antwort auf:





1. Mr. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

(The “Investor Party”)

2. Mr.-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ (country)

(The “Investment Manager”)

Hereby agree as follows:


The Investor Party hereby confers upon the Investment Manager a mandate to manage the Assets of the Investor Party deposited or to be deposited in the asset account(s) at the Bank(s) selected by the Investment Manager. The said mandate, hereby accepted by the Investment Manager will be executed in accordance with the stipulated norms and conditions of this Agreement.


The Investor Party is an individual, he hereby declares that the mandate conferred will not be terminated in the event of his death, but will remain in force until instructions to the contrary are received by the Investment Manager from his legally authorized next of kin.


All funds to be managed by the Investment Manager shall be deposited at the Bank(s) in the respective account(s). The account(s) at the Bank(s) shall also be used to receive all cash proceeds from sales, reimbursement, dividends or interest as well as any other proceeds of whatever nature.


By executing the mandate, The Investment Manager acts on behalf of the Investor Party on a best efforts basis.


Every year, the Investment Manager will provide the Investor Party with a valuation of his Assets. More frequent valuations can be obtained against payment of appropriate charges.


The Investment Manager will keep the Assets under constant review, paying special attention to the political, social, financial and economic situation prevailing in the countries selected and of the specific request from the Investor Party as to management of the Assets specified in the appendix to this Agreement.


By virtue of Article 6 above, the Investment Manager shall initiate and carry out any transaction that he/she considers appropriate according to his/her own professional judgment. Such transactions however shall be bordering on the purchase of either, real estate or land properties, manufacturing industries, shares, stocks, bonds, company franchise and in any other financial investment opportunities in the territories the Investment Manager has established business activities.

The power of the Investment Manager is validly established by means of a Power of Attorney, dated of today, issued by the Investor Party in favor of the Investment Manager.


Notwithstanding the mandate herein conferred, if the Investor Party wishes to initiate other transactions with respect to his Assets, such transaction shall be entirely his responsibility. In such circumstances, the Investor Party will instruct the Investment Manager of such transactions that he wishes to undertake.


The Investment Manager shall be required to exercise due care and diligence in selecting investment opportunities and to avoid capital losses to the Assets, fluctuating returns and negative consequences arising from faulty or inordinate investment assumptions.

Provided the Investment Manager shall not be held responsible for any consequences out of force majeure namely warfare, riots, measures adopted by authorities or changes in legislation in Host Countries or Abroad.


The present Agreement is provided for a period of 15 (Fifteen) years and will be subject of automatic prolongation on a yearly base if either party does agree. Nevertheless either party may at any time decide to terminate it. Any such decision must be communicated to the other Party by means of facsimile and confirmed by registered mail and will become effective three month after the dispatch of the letter, provided that all the outstanding transaction can be wound up within that period.


Written communications from the Investment Manager shall be handled in line with the instructions given by the Investor Party for the handling of his mail.


For the purpose of implementation of this Agreement and all commitments arising therefore, the Investor Party elects domicile at the address the Investment Manager is establishing the seat of administration to manage the assets.


This Agreement is governed by the Laws of the ………………………………….. And the Parties to it agree to submit any disputes that may arise there from to a Law Courts in the Country.

Executed in three exemplars on

1. The “Investor Party" 2. The” Investment Manager”

............................................................................... ..................................................................

Following attachments are subject of integral content of the agreement



1. Mr. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
(The “First Party”)


2. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- (Country)
(The “Second Party”)

Hereby agree as follows:

1. Neither the Second Party nor his corporations, divisions, subsidiaries, employees, agents or consultants will make any contract with, deal with or otherwise involve in any transactions with any lending institutions, trust funds, corporations or individuals, weather lenders, borrowers, clients or others introduced by the First Party. This Agreement is effective for the signers, heirs, assignees and designees as well.

2. Any corporations, organizations, firms, company or individual, of which the signer is Party to, member of, principal agent for, employee or otherwise, that would benefit financially from association is bound by this Agreement and has the right, authority, power and ability to enter into this Agreement and further agrees to provide any necessary documentation required.

3. This Agreement is a perpetuating guarantee and is to be applied to any and all transactions between the Parties regardless of the success of the project(s).

4. The identities of the lending institutions, corporations, individuals, and/or trust, weather lenders, borrowers, clients or otherwise, are currently the property of both Parties and shall remain so for the term of this Agreement binding on the Investment Manager and the Instructing Party.

5. The First Party will keep confidential, names of any lending institutions, corporations, organizations, individuals or groups of individuals. Such identity shall remain confidential during the transaction(s) and during the term of this Agreement and shall include any information such as telephone numbers, telex numbers, facsimile numbers, e-mail address and domicile addresses, etc., which could lead to any Party involved. Such information is considered the property of both First and Second Party and is not to be disclosed to any person without the written and expressed consent of both Parties.

6. This Agreement is reciprocal in nature. The First Party hereby agrees to guarantee the same protection of Non-Disclosure and Non-Circumvention for the Second Party. This reciprocal Agreement is valid during the term of this Agreement.


1. The “First Party" 2. The “Second Party”

.................................................................. ................................................................


1. Mr.----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

(The “Investor Party”)

Hereby confer(s) upon

2. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- (Country)
(The “Investment Manager”)

A Power of Attorney

For the management on a discretionary basis all Assets held or to be held under the Account (the “Assets”) This Power of Attorney relates to the Discretionary Asset Management Agreement signed on

...........................................Between the Investor Party and Investment Manager

ë To carry out any transaction, which the Investment Manager considers, necessary or relevant in order to manage the Assets.

ë To take all decisions relating to pricing, currency, date duration and other conditions regarding such transactions.

ë To request from the bank any information regarding the Assets and all transactions of whatever nature passed through the account, including transactions, which the Investor Party will have carried out directly with the bank. The bank is hereby authorized to provide such information to the Investment Manager.

ë To withdraw Assets from the account in order to obtain the corresponding counter value in securities, cash or precious metals.

ë To withdraw Assets from the account or to debit the account for settlement of the fee and or expenses to which the Investment Manager is entitled under this agreement.

The Investor Party further confirms that:

ë All transactions carried out and all commitments entered into by the Investment Manager by virtue of this Power of Attorney shall be considered as initiated by the Investor Party himself.

He hereby approves all transactions carried out by the Investment Manager under the present Power of Attorney.

The Power of Attorney will remain in force until a decisions to terminate this Discretionary Assets Management Agreement is communicated to the bank by registered mail by one or the other Party or in the event of the death of the Investor Party by the heir(s) of the later (post mortem proxy) such termination taking effect three month after the date the letter has been received provided that all the outstanding transactions can be wound up within such period.

Executed in Duplicate in

Agreed upon by:

1. The “Investor Party" 2. The "Investment Manager”

.................................................................................... ................................................................


1. Mr.--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

(The “Investor Party”)


2. -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- (Country)

(The “Investment Manager”)

Hereby agree as follows:

Pursuant to the Discretionary Asset Management Agreement entered into by the above Parties on

.............................................., The Investor Party opts for a:


As specified by him in the following terms:

ë The initial value of the Asset will be an amount of US$35Million (Thirty-Five Million United States Dollars Only).

ë This Agreement and all information related to it shall be kept strictly confidential and in no case be disclosed and if either Party violates this clause, after arbitration, the guilty Party shall pay a sum not less than 3 % (three percent) of the value of the Asset.

ë The Investment Manager shall have 5% (Five percent) of the total initial value of the Asset as commission for consultation and management of the Asset. The commission shall be due at the date he/she receive the investment capital.

ë The Investment Manager shall have 30% (Thirty percent) of the resulting benefit value of the Asset as commission for the management of the Asset.

By virtue of the Discretionary Power of Attorney granted by the Investor Party, The Investment Manager shall exercise unfettered discretion as to the nature and value of every transaction and as to the terms and conditions of same, provided such discretionary power are judicious and to the best interest of the Asset.

The CURRENCY OF REFERENCE for the Asset under management is in US $ (United States Dollar)

Executed in three exemplars in on

1. The "Investor Party" 2. The "Investment Manager"

...................................................................................... ...............................................................

Grand Senior
Beiträge: 4.489
Registriert am: 22.01.2006

RE: Mr. Angelov

#8 von fridolin , 29.05.2006 15:55


Bevor wir überhaupt antworten können bringt er den nächsten Mugu aus dubai ins Spiel. Bei soviel schlechtigkeit muß er ja Herzkrank werden.

In Antwort auf:

Von: "INVESTOR" <> Adresse speichern | Dateiköpfe
Datum: Mon, 29 May 2006 07:57:39 -0400 (EDT)
Betreff: Angelov going for Heart Sugery


Dear Trueger & Auner,

How are you today? I need to know if you have reviewed the agreement draft I sent to you over the weekend.You have to get back to me with your suggestion or amendment if any.
I am very worried over my health the doctor says I will be going for a major sugery this night. They said I need this final heart sugery to get fully ready for a better life.But the doctors are saying my heart is getting weaker everday so they need to do it on time to get me going.You should pray for me to get out of this doctors knife alive.Mr.Richard Douglas will be in Dubai today Monday and I will advise that both of you should work with full understanding to be able to get the funds out of Dubai on time.He will send you an email because I do not have your phone number to give to him.This is his email address:

Thanks and God bless,

Angelov Anasta.

Grand Senior
Beiträge: 4.489
Registriert am: 22.01.2006

RE: Mr. Angelov

#9 von fridolin , 29.05.2006 16:08

Kann man an dem Vertrag noch rummeckern,weil wichtige Sachen fehlen? EU-Recht oder so?

Grand Senior
Beiträge: 4.489
Registriert am: 22.01.2006

RE: Mr. Angelov

#10 von Scambaiter , 29.05.2006 18:34

...fridolin, meckern und mäkeln kann man immer - soll man immer.

Falls es mal nichts zu mäkeln gibt, "muss" man halt etwas erfinden,
an dem man sich dann auslassen kann .
MfG - Scambaiter
>Horas non numero nisi serenas<

Beiträge: 11.582
Registriert am: 01.01.2006

RE: Mr. Angelov

#11 von icewastl , 29.05.2006 20:20

schreib Ihm doch dein Anwalt Verdrehalles ist der Meinung das der Vertrag einer beglaubigten Übersetzung bedarf
(am besten beglaubigt vom örtlichen Konsulat ) und möglichst nach Deutschem Recht gehändelt werden, muss mit Gerichtsstand in HH-Reeperbahn

Beiträge: 2.385
Registriert am: 09.03.2006

RE: Mr. Angelov

#12 von fridolin , 29.05.2006 22:30

erst mal eine mail für sein krankes Herz und um in Ruhe icewastls Vorschlag umzusetzen.

In Antwort auf:

Von: "Trueger ; Auner" <> Adresse speichern | Dateiköpfe
An: <>
CC: <>
Datum: Mon, 29 May 2006 16:09:52 +0200
Betreff: agreement draft


sehr geehrter Herr Angelov,
Wir haben das agreement draft erhalten, wollen es aber noch unserem anwalt zur Prüfung vorlegen. bitte haben sie einige Tage Geduld. wir melden uns wieder.


Mitglied im Verband der Kredithaie Deutschland e.V.

Grand Senior
Beiträge: 4.489
Registriert am: 22.01.2006

RE: Mr. Angelov

#13 von fridolin , 30.05.2006 08:59

Der Dubaimugu hat es aber eilig. Ohne Vollmacht von Angelov oder noch besser vom Prinzen läuft garnichts.
der header von dubai

In Antwort auf:

Dateikopf [ verstecken ]

Received: from [] by with ESMTP
(SMTPD32-8.15) id A4E9CD9014E; Tue, 30 May 2006 00:25:45 +0200
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for <>; Mon, 29 May 2006 15:19:40 -0700 (PDT)
X-Eon-Dm: dm24
MIME-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: text/html; charset="UTF-8"
Message-Id: <>
Date: Mon, 29 May 2006 15:19:39 -0700
From: "Richard Douglas" <>
Reply-To: <>
To: <>
Subject: Mr.Richard Douglas in Dubai
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In Antwort auf:

Von: "Richard Douglas" <> Adresse speichern | Dateiköpfe
An: <>
Datum: Mon, 29 May 2006 15:19:39 -0700
Betreff: Mr.Richard Douglas in Dubai


Hello Trueger ; Auner,

I am writing this mail from Dubai to inform both of you that I have just arrived in the country this evening 9pm local time. I will be getting a new phone number tomorrow morning, after that I will visit the vault where the funds are deposited and also visit the bank that is going to transfer the fund out of this country to your account. On getting the phone number I will send it across to you so that you will know the number before calling you. I will be able to round up all details from the bank and the safe deposit vault company the custodian of the fund before evening here in Dubai.

You are expected to send to me attached international passport of yours and your bank full details. Any documents that are required to be signed by you will be sent to your email accordingly to allow you append your signature on it and send back to me. I know you have some papers to sign from the Safe deposit vault company and the bank before the transfer will be effected to your account.

On a last note information reaching me from the hospital of where Mr.Angelov is undergoing his heart surgery is not favorable at all, but we still have to continue to pray for him to get out of the surgery room alive.

I will contact you again tomorrow you can reply me through this mailbox with any questions that you may have in mind. If you concluded reviewing the investment agreement you can write your names and address on the first pages and sign the last pages and then send them to me by email attachment. I will canter sign and send back to you for keeps.I was told by Mr.Angelov that you can only write in German Language.If you can speak english please make sure you send me your phone number. I want to speak with both of you on phone.

Stay Bless,

Mr. Richard Douglas.

Grand Senior
Beiträge: 4.489
Registriert am: 22.01.2006

RE: Mr. Angelov

#14 von fridolin , 11.06.2006 16:39


Die geforderten Sachen werden Douglas erstmal in Schwierigkeiten bringen. Vor allem der Paß und die Vollmacht des Prinzen.

In Antwort auf:

Von: "Trueger ; Auner" <> Adresse speichern | Dateiköpfe
An: <>
Datum: Tue, 30 May 2006 22:07:13 +0200
Betreff: Re: Mr.Richard Douglas in Dubai


B.Trueger & G.Auner
Breite Gasse 3
60313 Frankfurt/Main

Geehrter Douglas,

Bitte weisen Sie uns Ihre Berechtigung nach mit uns verhandeln zu dürfen.
Im Folgenden:
eine Generalvollmacht unterzeichnet vom Prinzen und beglaubigt von der deutschen Botschaft oder Konsulat.
Passkopie des Prinzen; Beglaubigung wie oben,
Passkopie von Ihnen; Beglaubigung wie oben,
Herkunftsbescheinigung des Kapitals nach EU Geldwäschegesetz; Beglaubigung wie oben,
Lückenloser Transportweg.

Falls Sie nicht in der Lage sind sich derart zu legitimieren, sind sie kein Verhandlungspartner für uns.


Mitglied im Verband der Kredithaie Deutschland e.V.

Hab schon gedacht, der bait wäre vorüber. Wahrscheinlich gab es erstmal ein großes Mugupalaver wie man nun weiter vorgeht. Ergebnis: die letzte mail ignorieren und Angelov sterben lassen.

In Antwort auf:

Von: "Richard Douglas" <> Adresse speichern | Dateiköpfe
An: <>
Datum: Thu, 8 Jun 2006 09:47:01 -0700
Betreff: Re: Death of Mr.Angelov


Hello Trueger,Auner:

I have collected the form you need to sign from the safe deposit vault
company and the bank.But before I send it to you I will want to inform you that
Mr.Angelov Anasta is dead. I gou this information today at about 2pm
Dubai time. He was expected pick up all the bills needed to complete
this process.Now that he is no more I want to know if you can carry on
with the plans as regards the bills that need to paid to get the
documents in your names,including legal documents required to backup the
transfer from the bank as the beneficairy to the fund?

I need to get your reponse to be able to send you all documents needed
to processed with the transfer.You should call me on my number:


Richards Douglas.

--- wrote:

From: "Trueger ; Auner" <>
To: <>
CC: <>
Subject: agreement draft
Date: Mon, 29 May 2006 16:09:52 +0200

sehr geehrter Herr Angelov,
Wir haben das agreement draft erhalten, wollen es aber noch unserem anwalt zur Prüfung vorlegen. bitte haben sie einige Tage Geduld. wir melden uns wieder.


Mitglied im Verband der Kredithaie Deutschland e.V.

Grand Senior
Beiträge: 4.489
Registriert am: 22.01.2006

RE: Mr. Angelov

#15 von fridolin , 12.06.2006 12:36

Von Dubai nach London, fehlt nur noch die HSBC und Dr.Kelvin Johnson. Die beiden werden ihm erstmal auf die Füße treten wegen fehlender Vollmachten und so weiter.

In Antwort auf:
Dateikopf [ verstecken ]

Received: from [] by with ESMTP
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X-Eon-Dm: dm25
MIME-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="UTF-8"
Message-Id: <>
Date: Mon, 12 Jun 2006 02:46:32 -0700
From: "Richard Douglas" <>
Reply-To: <>
To: <>
Subject: Re:Mail from Mr.Douglas in London
X-Eon-Sig: AQKshTlEjTf4Sb9ZWAEAAAAB,93c416f9c210fb09cb9f4e4fd1c87c2e
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Status: R
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In Antwort auf:

Von: "Richard Douglas" <> Adresse speichern | Dateiköpfe
An: <>
Datum: Mon, 12 Jun 2006 02:46:32 -0700
Betreff: Re:Mail from Mr.Douglas in London


Hello Trueger & Auner,

Your contact details were sent to me by my client Mr.Angelov Anasta. My name is Mr. Richard Douglas I am his financial adviser based in London. I hope you will not receive this mail as a surprise because Mr. Angelov told me he contacted you sometime ago with his investment plans in your country. You responded to his mail but after he replied you and sent you the investment agreement, he has not received any mail from you. He told me he has mentioned my name to you in the second mail he sent to you. Please go through your mail and confirm my details.

I will want to inform you that Mr. Angelov is dead and before his death he instructed me to get across to you and conclude the investment plans with you. He said you have been accepted as the beneficiary to the sum of 35Million dollars for the investment plans in your country and now that he is dead he wants you to continue with the project. I am now contacting you to notify you of the situation before us all. Kindly let me know if you are still interested in carrying out this investment in your country so that I can start the process of transferring the fund to your account.

When I receive your reply I will immediately commence the process of transfer and I will give you the full details of how best we can get the fund to your account. It will interest you to know that I have copy of your mails sent to Mr.Angelov by you. If you want to see it I can forward it to you as it was sent to me by Mr.Angelov.

Please note that I am waiting for your immediate response to my mail. We do not have much time on our side as we need to get the fund transferred now that Mr. Angelov is dead. Your corporation will be highly appreciated.

Yours truly,

Richard Douglas

Grand Senior
Beiträge: 4.489
Registriert am: 22.01.2006

RE: Mr. Angelov

#16 von fridolin , 29.06.2006 17:05


sind die Mugus auch im WM-Fieber? Bei keinem meiner baits ka, bisher eine Antwort.

In Antwort auf:

Von: "Trueger ; Auner" <> Adresse speichern | Dateiköpfe
An: <>
Datum: Thu, 22 Jun 2006 20:23:51 +0200
Betreff: Re: Death of Mr.Angelov


B.Trueger & G.Auner
Breite Gasse 3
60313 Frankfurt / Main

Lieber Mr. Douglas,

Den Vertrag von Mr. angelov können wir nach aussage unseres anwalts so nicht unterschreiben.
Es fehlt die beglaubigte Übersetzung, der Hinweis auf 100 % risk free fehlt. Das Geldwäschegesetz ist auch mit keiner Silbe erwähnt.
Des weiteren brauchen wir eine Passkopie von Ihnen und dem Prinzen. Außerdem die Todesurkunde von Mr.Angelov.


Mitglied im Verband der Kredithaie Deutschland e.V

oder ist dies der Grund?

Grand Senior
Beiträge: 4.489
Registriert am: 22.01.2006

RE: Mr. Angelov

#17 von fridolin , 16.07.2006 12:44


Nach der WM bei Mr douglas nochmal in Erinnerung gerufen mit BC an angelov. Vorbei oder nicht vorbei, das ist die frage: frei nach Shakespeare.

In Antwort auf:

Von: "Trueger ; Auner" <> Adresse speichern | Dateiköpfe
An: <>
Datum: Sun, 16 Jul 2006 12:46:49 +0200
Betreff: Re:Mail from Mr.Douglas in London


He douglas,
Warum antworten sie nicht ich habe Ihnen schon 3 mails geschrieben. wollen Sie mich betrügen??.
außerdem warte ich immer noch auf die beglaubigten Dokumente.

Sie haben nur die adresse von Mr. angelov sonst nichts.


Mitglied im Verband der Kredithaie Deutschland e.V.

---------- Original Message ----------------------------------
From: "Richard Douglas" <>
Reply-To: <>
Date: Mon, 12 Jun 2006 02:46:32 -0700

>Hello Trueger & Auner,
>Your contact details were sent to me by my client Mr.Angelov Anasta. My name is Mr. Richard Douglas I am his financial adviser based in London. I hope you will not receive this mail as a surprise because Mr. Angelov told me he contacted you sometime ago with his investment plans in your country. You responded to his mail but after he replied you and sent you the investment agreement, he has not received any mail from you. He told me he has mentioned my name to you in the second mail he sent to you. Please go through your mail and confirm my details.
>I will want to inform you that Mr. Angelov is dead and before his death he instructed me to get across to you and conclude the investment plans with you. He said you have been accepted as the beneficiary to the sum of 35Million dollars for the investment plans in your country and now that he is dead he wants you to continue with the project. I am now contacting you to notify you of the situation before us all. Kindly let me know if you are still interested in carrying out this investment in your country so that I can start the process of transferring the fund to your account.
>When I receive your reply I will immediately commence the process of transfer and I will give you the full details of how best we can get the fund to your account. It will interest you to know that I have copy of your mails sent to Mr.Angelov by you. If you want to see it I can forward it to you as it was sent to me by Mr.Angelov.
>Please note that I am waiting for your immediate response to my mail. We do not have much time on our side as we need to get the fund transferred now that Mr. Angelov is dead. Your corporation will be highly appreciated.
>Yours truly,
>Richard Douglas
>Get Free Games and Wallpapers --->

Grand Senior
Beiträge: 4.489
Registriert am: 22.01.2006

RE: Mr. Angelov

#18 von fridolin , 16.07.2006 12:52

Oder hat Mr. Douglas sein Kamel in Dubai nicht mehr gefunden? Vielleicht sollte er mal in der Karawanserei vorbeischauen.

Grand Senior
Beiträge: 4.489
Registriert am: 22.01.2006

RE: Mr. Angelov

#19 von fridolin , 16.07.2006 14:13

Scheint das Ende des baits zu sein.

In Antwort auf:

Von: Adresse speichern | Dateiköpfe
Datum: 16 Jul 2006 03:39:41 -0700
Betreff: failure notice


Hi. This is the qmail-send program at
I'm afraid I wasn't able to deliver your message to the following addresses.
This is a permanent error; I've given up. Sorry it didn't work out.

This address no longer accepts mail.

Grand Senior
Beiträge: 4.489
Registriert am: 22.01.2006

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