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Kellie M - mein erster weiblicher Scammer aus dem Irak

#1 von Cyberline ( gelöscht ) , 31.05.2011 11:10

(oder ist das nur Tarnung eines mir bekannten Scammers?)

Das Häschen haben die Amis samt ihres Geldkoffers bei ihrem Rückzug aus dem Irak vergessen!
Sie hat Gundula auf Ihrem Profil angeschrieben und da ich dachte, sie wollte mich vor einem Scammer warnen, habe ich sie als Freundin geaddet und ihr geantwortet.

Profile auf

Kellie M
Mitglied seit:May 10, 2011
Adresse:Dayton, OH

Kellie M
Mitglied seit: Jul 22, 2010
Allgemeine Infos: 39, Weiblich,
Tehran, Iran
Beziehungsstatus: Single
Interessiert an: Serious Relationship

Angefügte Bilder:
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Kellie M - Profilfoto 2.jpg   Kellie M - Profilfoto.jpg  

zuletzt bearbeitet 31.05.2011 16:25 | Top

RE: Kellie M - mein erster weiblicher Scammer aus dem Irak

#2 von Cyberline ( gelöscht ) , 31.05.2011 11:27

Nachrichten im Profil von Gundula auf

An: Gundula
Datum: Mai 28, 2011 um 5:32 nachmittags
Betreff: Hello there my friend. ...
Nachricht: Hello there my friend.

Antwort von Gundula

Hallo Kelly,
Danke für dein Freundschaftsangebot. Gerne erwidere ich deine Freundschaft. Wie geht es dir? Wie ist deine Arbeit im Irak?
Ich frage mich, warum du mich zur Freundin gewählt hast? Wir haben keine gemeinsamen Freunde auf Tagged und ich suche eher nach männlichen Partnern.
Lass mich wissen, was du von mir erwartest. .

Ihre erste Email ist in Gundulas Spamordner gelandet und ich wußte so fort, das etwas mit ihr nicht stimmt.

Montag, den 30. Mai 2011, 8:11:09 Uhr
Von: Mccoy Kellie
An: Gundula
Dear ,

Just as I have promised that I will send to you an email when get off from duty...I am Miss Kellie McCoy.and i am captain and company commander unit here in Iraq,i have 3.8 million Euro that i have moved out of the country.I need a good partner someone i can trust.
I have made arrangements with a Diplomatic courier service that moved the funds out of Iraq as personal properties. The most important thing is can i trust you? Once the funds get to you, If you are interested I will furnish you with more details But the whole process is simple and we must keep a low profile at all times. I look forward to your reply and co-operation, I thank you in advance as I anticipate your co-operation waiting for your urgent response.
Kellie McCoy
Baghdad Iraq.

Meine Antwort am 31.5.2011

Liebe Kelie,
Ich habe deine Mail erhalten und antworte dir gerne. Natürlich kannst du mir vertrauen.
Ich werde gerne dein Partner sein, um das Geld für dich aus dem Irak zu bringen. Es ist
ja schließlich dein Geld. Was kann ich für dich tun?
Liebe Grüße
Gundula Hagen

zuletzt bearbeitet 31.05.2011 20:01 | Top

RE: Kellie M - mein erster weiblicher Scammer aus dem Irak

#3 von fridolin , 31.05.2011 16:31


Grand Senior
Beiträge: 4.489
Registriert am: 22.01.2006

zuletzt bearbeitet 31.05.2011 | Top

RE: Kellie M - mein erster weiblicher Scammer aus dem Irak

#4 von Scambaiter , 31.05.2011 20:37

...ich habe die Braut nochmal hier Tagged Fake Profile (9) vorgestellt.

MfG - Scambaiter
> Horas non numero nisi serenas <

Beiträge: 11.582
Registriert am: 01.01.2006

RE: Kellie M - mein erster weiblicher Scammer aus dem Irak

#5 von Cyberline ( gelöscht ) , 31.05.2011 21:31

Dienstag, den 31. Mai 2011, 12:34:41 Uhr
Von: Mccoy Kellie <>
An: Gundula
Dear ,

My name is Miss KELLIE MC COY 39 years, I hail from AKRON in OHIO United States of America. I was actually waiting to know you more and to see your level of commitment before giving you full introduction. I am fully comfortable to transact the business with you now from what I have seen and studied from your message .Dear friend, this fund could not be in any way send to my country in the STATES due to the source of the fund and the high security measure in my home country. I am indeed highly impressed to read your few lines of your message to me. First, I will like to greatly acknowledge your effort to write me this message as a response to my personal and confidential proposal. It is obvious that we do not know each other before now, transactions or businesses are never limited to those you know alone. Technology advancement and innovation has made it perfectly possible to go on with business with people you have not met any time in your life. Friendship and business partners are built with a one day start of conversation. The world today is a global network village.

You can stay at one end of the world and transact your business with another man in another part of the world. It is not very necessary that we must be brothers, sisters or from the same country before we can start doing business. All that matters as far as I am personally concerned is to build TRUST, COURAGE, and be HONEST in all your doings. These are just major subjects in doing and creating good business partners. I will like to draw your humble attention to one specific subject. This money can never and will never be transferred through banks because of the amount involved and the source of the money. I am a current and serving military officer, I do not want to jeopardize my efforts. The same way in which the money was moved out of IRAQ, in the same way it will be delivered to your agreed location without involving any other party, other than myself , the delivery agent, and your self. The whole transfer process is simple and very unique.
Sir, I am taking my time to write you the full details to avoid repetition of questions as I am in need of a quick and urgent transfer. I will also monitor the delivery from the start to the end from my base here
in IRAQ. If all these details explanation is understood by you. Then I will gladly need the following information about your humble self.

1 –Your full names:
2-Your full address /telephone number:
3-Your place of work:
4-Your position in the place of work:
5-Your passport copy:
6-Marrital status:

Sir all these will enable me to prepare for AN AUTHORIZATION LETTER and A DEPOSIT CERTIFICATE which will give full right to stand and receive the luggage on my behalf. The opening code of this electronic box is with me ..I will offer to you 10%, and no one else have access to open it. I have a strong agreement with the delivery agent which protect this box from the beginning to the end.
As soon as I receive all the above details you will be quickly notified on the day of delivery .

Best Regards,
Kellie Mc Coy
Baghdad Iraq.

zuletzt bearbeitet 31.05.2011 22:20 | Top


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