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Kurze - aber interessante Erkenntnisse!

#1 von Scambaiter , 02.01.2013 18:46

Kurz - aber interessante Erkenntnisse!

"Miss Kate Ghazal" hatte ich via Tagged kennengelernt. Die üblichen Floskeln, und Adressentausch.

Hier geht es zur 1.Mail:

To: ***
Date: Fri, 21 Dec 2012 18:30:55 +0000

Compliments of the day to you, how are you doing over there? I am very happy that after all our conversations via "TAGGED", you finally dropped your email address to enable me reach/contact you. Well, it is nice and joyful to found you as a friend in need in my life. I want to let you know that you have made my world so joyous for a living. I find it most beautiful having you in my life to make you a friend in this regard. It shows how much you value this friendship. I do not know who you are very well for now or how you are at this moment but I just want you to know that i hold unto life and look forward to the day you will meet me after i will be discharge from the hospital. You are a special friend to me and i valued your well being.

My names are Miss Kate Ghazal, a citizen of Philippines. My friends tell me that i am a quiet person with a good sense of humor. I'm 28 years old of age, i'm a single girl. I have no child yet but love to have in the near future. I’m the only daughter of my parents.
I am always fair, straightforward, honest and easy going and i seek trust worthy friendship. I believe in giving and taking on both sides and i value faithfulness. I like people for what they are and not for really for what they are not. I want to be your friend in life, and let share whatever we have in friendship. I love Songs, to be precise singing is my best gift. My hobbies are watching musical video at my best and i like being happy always, it is my life style.

Oh my dear, there is need for we to completely understand who i am and what i can give. It may not compare to other persons or past friendship but that doesn't matter we can make up the best of relationship from us.
I live in a moderate quiet area in Philippines Manila. It is a lovely residential area, and I belief in destiny to bring us together and meet our selves in your home town residence.
Keep our new found friendship intact for better in life! My dear, i will tell you more biography details about my life and my entire family in our next communication. Have a blissful day with joy and take good care of yourself and stay out of troubles as i await your urgent response soon.
Thank you and have a lovely day.

Yours Lovely Friend,
Miss Kate Ghazal.

In dieser Mail, noch kein Wort, was sie eigentlich will. Also noch alles offen.
Die Neugier siegte und ich antwortete ihr, von einer eigens angelegten Unteradresse:
Hier die Mail:
From: ***
Date: Sat, 22 Dec 2012 16:52:37 +0100
Hi sweet sexy Kate,

thanks for your message via website.
My real name is, Moshe Moses Aaron from Israel.

I life in Jerusalem, and so sorry my English is not so good.
I hope you understand all? I send you my photo.
Please send yours too.

Love and kisses my hot babe,


Foto Titel: Schin Bet Moshe Moses Aaron

Die Antwort kommt in klassischer Version.
Von den Philippinen geht es nach Südafrika. Natürlich plötzlich steinreich aber hilflos.

Nun passt alles schon nicht mehr zusammen. Im Urlaub auf den Philippinen verunglücken die Eltern.
Wieso hat der Vater in Südafrika nun einen Familienschatz "a total sum of U.S.$9 MILLION" in einer Kiste.
Selbst in Zeiten von Niedrigzinsen, würden die Millionen $$ ordentlich Zinsen einbringen.
Hier geht es zur 2.Mail:
To: ***
Date: Sat, 22 Dec 2012 19:16:34 +0000
Dear Beloved Moshe,

How are you doing over there? This is a personal email directed to you and I request that it be treated as such. I must solicit your confidentiality and assure you that I am contacting you in good faith and this proposal will be of mutual benefit. I am Miss Kate Ghazal, a citizen of Philippines, the only daughter to late Mr. Arfan Ghazal, from Philippines who worked as an Independent Oil Magnate in South Africa, before his untimely death in a car crash with his immediate wife and some of his families on 5Th of December 2011, when he came to visit his family in Philippines during holidays.

Before my fathers death i inherited a total sum of (U.S.$9 MILLION) from my late fathers after the incident when he was hospitalized. This money was concealed in a metallic trunk box and deposited with a SECURITY AND FINANCE COMPANY'S in Cape Town, South Africa, under a secret arrangement as a FAMILY TREASURE. This means that the security and finance company does not know the content of this box that was shipped from the Philippines to their office in South Africa under diplomatic coverage. My main purpose of writing you is to help me achieve my only wish before the appointed time that i shall die as i am mailing from my hospital room/bed with tears on my face.

Haven known my condition, I decided to contact you and reveal to you in person regarding my heritage from my late father. I want to seek your help or any organization that will help me secure the release of this fund from were it was deposited and use the money to help Orphanages Home and Widows and also help me to your country for best medical treatment.

I took this decision because my late father’s relatives have kept me under duress just to know the whereabouts of this said fund, After they have took all my late fathers properties and his bank accounts because I am the only surviving heir of my father. I don't need any telephone communication in this regards because of my health and because of the presence of my late father’s relatives around me sometimes, I don't want them to know about this development, but i know that with God all things are possible.

I await your urgent response in this regard.

Miss Kate Ghazal.
Post aus den Krankenhaus !
Weiterhin, wofür nimmt man den Familienschatz mit in den Urlaub?
Verunglückt dort, und muss den Schatz heimlich zurück nach Südafrika bringen lassen.

Also, ich habe schon bessere Scripte gesehen. Trotzdem stellt "man(n) mich ordentlich vor."
Wenn auch in einer Sprache, die ihr Probleme bereitet:
From: ***
Date: Sat, 22 Dec 2012 22:37:37 +0100

שוב שלום, מה שלומך? Gosh שאתה כל כך חם על את התמונות שלך.
שוב תודה לך על ההודעה.
וזה שלי תענוג לענות לך היום.

עכשיו אני רוצה להגיד לך יותר somethings עליי:
איך אתה יודע, הוא שמי משה משה אהרון.
נולדתי 24.Dec.1970, יש לי אחת בדרך כלל דמות,
5'9 "גבוה, יש מלא שיער שחור, רווק.
אני אוהבת טוב כוס יין עם גברת נחמדה כמוך!

אני גר משלי - מודרנית - דירה.
אני עובד עבור Tzwa haHagana leJisra'el.

יש לי הרבה תחביבים ואת תחומי העניין. ואני מאוד
גבר רומנטי - אני חושב. אני אוהב רומנטי פעמים עם ...
אור נרות, מוזיקה מכרז ארוחה טובה ... וכו '...

אני רוצה לנסוע לבקר והיה הרבה מדינות,
ברחבי העולם. אני אוהבת לקרוא ספרים.
אני אוהב לקחת תמונות (תמונות עירום) סרטי וידאו ועוד.

אני גם נאמן, אחראי, פעיל, אוהב, אכפתיות, טוב לב,
סקסי, רחום, סובלני, רגוע סוג.
אני רוצה לנשק לגעת ולהיות קרובה במיטה.

אהבה נשיקות חם מותק שלי,


נ.ב.: הייתי רוצה את זה החלפת כמה תמונות סקסי אחד את השני.

hi again, how are you? Gosh you are so hot on your pics.
Thanks again you for your message.
And it's my pleasure to answer you today.
Now I want to tell you somethings more about me:
How you know, is my name Moshe Moses Aaron.
I was born 24.Dec.1970, I have one normal figure,
5'9" tall, have full black hair, single.
I love a good glass of wine with a nice lady like you!

I live in my own - modern - apartment.
I work for the Tzwa haHagana leJisra'el.
I have a lot of hobbies and interests. And I am very
romantic man - I think. I love romantic times...with
candlelight, tender music...good dinner...etc.
I like to travel and was visit a lot of countries,
around the world. I love books and reading.
I love to take photos (nude pictures) videos, and much more.
I am also loyal, responsible, active, loving, caring, kindhearted,
sexy,compassionate,tolerant, laid back type.
I like to kiss touch and be close in bed.

Love and kisses my hot babe, Moshe
PS: I would it like to exchange some sexy photos each other.

Da dies eine abgeschlossene "Akte" ist, geht es weiter...

MfG - Scambaiter
> Horas non numero nisi serenas <

Beiträge: 11.582
Registriert am: 01.01.2006

zuletzt bearbeitet 02.01.2013 | Top

RE: Kurz - aber interessante Erkenntnisse!

#2 von Scambaiter , 02.01.2013 20:52

...diese Mail an sie, in einer Sprache, die ihr Probleme bereitet, hat ihr nicht zugesagt.
Jedenfalls auch inhaltlich nicht.

Hier geht es zur 3.Mail:

To: ***
Date: Sun, 23 Dec 2012 07:25:15 +0000
Dear Beloved Moshe,

Compliments of the day to you, how are you doing over there? Hope all is well with you and your entire family. Thanks once again for further explanations about yourself to me but you didn't talk about how you'll help me to claim my only inheritage(Trunk Box/Funds) from the Security Company's, as i have explained to you in my previous email? Why?
Please, kindly let me know how you'll help me out urgently.

Miss Kate Ghazal.

WHY? Weil man(n) sie nicht verstanden hat.
From: ***
Date: Sun, 23 Dec 2012 13:36:12 +0100
מחמאות היום לך
, מה שלומך שם? מקווה הכל היטב עם עבורך ועבור משפחתך כולה. תודה שוב לקבלת הסברים נוספים על עצמך אותי, אבל אתה לא מדבר על כיצד תסייע לי
לתבוע את שלי בלבד (עורק תיבת/קרנות) על פי האבטחה של החברה, כפי הסברתי לך בדוא ל הקודם שלי? מדוע?
אנא, באדיבות תן לי לדעת איך אתה לעזור לי בדחיפות.

I helpe youe.
what ise drunk boy? for qwater whine or so?
Sercure Kompanie? pls explainee to mi.

Daraufhin hat sie "die Katze aus dem Sack" gelassen.
Zunächst dieser Mail beigefügten Dokumente und Foto.
Kommentare und Erklärungen dazu später.

Zitat von [...] Kernaussage der Mail
To: ***
Date: Mon, 24 Dec 2012 04:45:19 +0000

But if the details and deposit documents that we shall submit to the security company corresponds with the details in their digital file the security company will agree to process the consignment liftment to you, so it is only on this note that the security company will require you to pay the "official airway bill shipment and processing fee" which will be about ($750:00) and this is definitely the only fee required all through the transaction and till you receive the trunk box in your country/address that you shall send to them.

I await your urgent response so that we can proceed.

Yours Truly,
Miss Kate Ghazal.

(Wer diese Mail im ganzen lesen möchte, findet sie hier:)

Dear Beloved Moshe,

thanks once again for your endeavours to help me reach out my only need in life, may God continue to bless and multiply your endeavours. I am very sorry for my delayed response to your mail which is due to my present health condition at the moment.
However, in regards to your questions? I wish to let you know that the "MATTALIC TRUNK BOX" was where the funds/money(U.S.$9 MILLION), that i inherited from my late father was concealed into before it was deposited with the SECURITY AND FINANCE COMPANY'S in Cape Town, South Africa, under a secret arrangement as a "FAMILY TREASURE" offcourse which the Security and Finance Company's does not know the content of the Trunk Box that was shipped from Philippines to their office in South Africa under diplomatic coverage.
Perhaps, please understand that the Security Company's is where my late father deposited the "MATTALIC TRUNK BOX/FUNDS" before his untimely death.
I want to assure you that i will provide you with all the details and documents that will be required by the Security Company to process the trunk box liftment to you in my next mail as far as you promise to be honest to me and if you are financially capable to process the consignment liftment.

Besides my trust for you i will insist that we must exchange pictures and international passports before we will proceed so that if anybody goes contrary to agreement the person can be reported to his or her embassy with the international passport. If you do not have a passport you can send me your working identity card, driving license or any personal identity. I wish to let you know that i do not have any need for material things now or need to lie for any worldly things or money because i am trying to reconcile with my God incase i finally did not survive, all that i seek now is salvation and God's intervention.

Please i want you to always put me into prayer and beg God to forgive and accept my soul if this cancer decides to take my life though i believe that even if all my tests and medical reports proof that i may not survive i am sure that God makes a way only with impossible things because if it is very possible it can not be called Miracles, so Miracles come after hard times and impossible times.

I want you to understand that it is the will of the lord that this consignment is still existing till date because after the death of my late father his relatives took possession of all his bank notes and documents and his other investments just because i am a girl, even his company in South Africa was sold, but they never knew about the consignment and the content because it was not deposited in a bank which this was all that i inherited from my late father.

I have made adequate enquiry about this transaction both in financial aspect because before i do anything with anybody i must be very plain and transparent with that person. From the explanations of the security company i was meant to understand that when you submit the application to the company, the security company will acknowledge receipt and commence verification to find out if you are the real owner of the consignment or if you are duly authorized to apply for the consignment release and liftment by the original "next of kin"(me) which will be done before they will give you the details of the consignment.

Then after the security company have completed their verification they will also cross-check the deposit documents and details that we shall submit to them to see if it corresponds with the deposit details of the depositor(My late father) in their digital file to finally confirm that we are his real next of kin and if it corresponds they will proceed to the consignment liftment to you through the designated address that you shall submit to them.

Note that if the details and deposit documents that we shall submit to the security company does not correspond with the details on their digital file our application will be disqualified by the security company and they will not accept to collect the airway bill shipment and processing fee from us because they will state that we are not the original next of kin to the deposit and for that reason the consignment will not be lifted to you which there will not collect any fee from you for any processes or liftment since it will not be released to you.

But if the details and deposit documents that we shall submit to the security company corresponds with the details in their digital file the security company will agree to process the consignment liftment to you, so it is only on this note that the security company will require you to pay the "official airway bill shipment and processing fee" which will be about ($750:00) and this is definitely the only fee required all through the transaction and till you receive the trunk box in your country/address that you shall send to them.

The other need for the airway bill shipment and processing fee as explained my the security company is that it will cover the expenses for the preparation of all the shipment documents needed for a hitch-free delivery and the liftment charges too besides all necessary certifications that will be done to ensure that the consignment will not be searched or scanned till it is received by you in your country.

So the task ahead of me is to ensure that i will be able to get all the correct information’s and data that will be required by the security company to approve the consignment liftment while the only task ahead of you which you must accept before we proceed is to help raise the fee for the airway bill shipment and processing if the security company agrees to process the consignment liftment to you.

So haven explained this to you in details i want you to acknowledge the understanding and acceptance completely before i will send all the necessary documents of the deposit and the security company contact details to you so that you can send your application for the consignment release to the security company immediately. For your re-affirmation i have attached my Medical Certificate, International Passport, pictures for your view so that you will have the confident to help me at any cost.

I await your urgent mail after your final consideration so that i will send all the necessary documents and the security company's contact details to you if you are ready to comply with the terms explained in details to you regarding the funding of the airway bill shipment and processing fee if we pass the "Test Of Consignment Ownership" and if the security company approves the liftment in your favour.

I await your urgent response so that we can proceed.

Yours Truly,
Miss Kate Ghazal.

Wer sich die Fotos ansieht, vermutet keine Schwerkranke dahinter.
Zumal "heart and throat cancer" selten zusammen vorkommen.
Genauer gesagt, wenn sie "Herzkrebs" angibt, bei drei Erkrankungen pro eine Millionen Menschen.

Dementsprechend fiel die Antwort aus:

...daraufhin, kam keine weiter Antwort.
Das ist gut so, denn weitere Mailverkehr wäre sinnlos. Da das Ende schon hinlänglich vorhersehbar ist.

MfG - Scambaiter
> Horas non numero nisi serenas <

Beiträge: 11.582
Registriert am: 01.01.2006

Miss Kate Ghazal

#3 von Scambaiter , 02.01.2013 21:15

Miss Kate Ghazal: Kurze - aber interessante Erkenntnisse!
Dazu einige Hinweise und Dokumente, die nicht öffentlich zugänglich sein sollen.

Da ist eine "laienhafte" Truppe am Werk. Oder sie habe nur einen begrenzten "Fundus".
Der Pass ist dermaßen primitiv hergestellt, dass es auch normale User das sehen sollten.
Das ist der Pass, so wie er bei mir ankam.
Schon mit dem roten Vermerk, PASSPORT.

In der Vergrößerung, sind mühelos die Verfälschungen zu sehen.

Sie haben nicht einmal ein vernünftiges Foto für den Pass besessen!
Daher der weiße streifen im Pass. Ich habe hier den Ausschnitt nachgestellt.

Da "Dokument" ist auch sehenswert. Besonders seine weiteren Fälschungen.
Das ist sicher Mehrfachverwendung eingeschlossen.

Im Gegenzug habe ich nachfolgendes zurückgeschickt:

MfG - Scambaiter
> Horas non numero nisi serenas <

Beiträge: 11.582
Registriert am: 01.01.2006

zuletzt bearbeitet 03.01.2013 | Top


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