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Jason Wood und seine Verwandlung

#1 von Bianka ( gelöscht ) , 19.03.2013 22:27

Vor einigen Wochen lernte ich auf der Internetseite Jaumo einen in Afghanistan stationierten amerikanischen Offizier kennen, der behauptete am 5. März 2013 in den Ruhestand entlassen zu werden.
Er nennt sich in dieser Flirtline jasonfresh. Er sagt er wäre ein 311A CID Special Agent (Army Garantie Officer). Wir haben unsere E-Mail Adressen ausgetauscht und gechattet. Er nannte sich dann Jason Wood, später erzählte er er hätte auch noch den Nachnamen Ruddock. Schon nach kurzer Zeit bekam ich Liebesbriefe und etwas später auch einen Heiratsantrag. Er sprach dann von einem Paket, was ich bekommen sollte, bevor er entlassen werden sollte. Dieses sollte ein Diplomat namens Aidan Lee Vincents aus Singapur mir überbringen. Ich bekam auch Mails von diesem Diplomaten und plötzlich sollte Geld bezahlt werden. Es ging um 4700€, die ich an den Diplomaten überweisen sollte. Ich informierte mich im Netz, fand heraus, das es sogenannte Romance Scammer gibt, die es auf Frauen und deren Geld abgesehen haben, Dabei fand ich mehrere Fotos, die auch Jason Wood mir geschickt hatte. Er gab mit einige neue Fakten, so zum Beispiel die Nummer seiner Schwester und seine Adresse. Er hat natürlich, wie ihr wisst noch viele andere Namen:
Hier einige Informationen:

Name: Jason Wood
2.03.1958 geb.
wohnhaft in
4949 Memorial Dr
Stone Mountain GA 30083

Telefonnummer seiner Schwester: 0013473848179

E-Mail Adressen:
Wir haben meist über die ersten beiden Adressen per Messanger gechattet und er hat mir Bilder über Yahoo gesendet.
Im Anhang ..einige Fotos und die Kopien der Papiere des Diplomaten

Das spannende ist, er hatte sich einige Wochen nicht gemeldet und nun am Sonntag wieder. Dabei erzählte er mir, er wäre jetzt eigentlich ein anderer..dann ging seine Cam auf und es sah mich etwas starr ein Mann an, der sich ab und zu bewegte..jaja Als ich ihn aufforderte, einen Zettel zu nehmen und meinen Namen darauf zu schreiben, war er plötzlich tauchte heute morgen wieder auf und ist auch jetzt gerade online auf Yahoo messemger.

Und das war er nach seiner Werwandlung am Sonntag:

ihr erkennt ihn bestimmt wieder.. :-)

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zuletzt bearbeitet 19.03.2013 22:33 | Top

RE: Jason Wood und seine Verwandlung

#2 von The_fast_learner , 19.03.2013 22:44

Ja, wem sagst du es. Welche Verwandlung? Aber beide Gesichter sind erfasst.

Niemand beging einen größeren Fehler als jener, der nichts tat, weil er nur wenig tun konnte.
Das Böse triumphiert allein dadurch, dass gute Menschen nichts unternehmen. (Edmund Burke)

Beiträge: 2.863
Registriert am: 28.02.2010

RE: Jason Wood und seine Verwandlung

#3 von Bianka ( gelöscht ) , 19.03.2013 23:10

ups, den Beitrag hatte ich zu schnell abgespeichert. es fehlen noch einige Mails...die hänge ich hier an:

Mails vom " Diplomaten"

Hello Mrs................

Its Sunday, February 24, 2013 (GST) Time in Dubai - United Arab Emirates. I got here few hours ago and had to make some deliveries here in Abu Dhabi. I want to get you inform that I have finally arrived in Dubai. I have made it here with no problems at Dubai International Airport . The only problem I had was to produce to them the United Nation Consignment Delclaration Certificate covering your package. I do not have this document covering your package so I have inquired with the help of an immigration officer here on how to get it done in Dubai and it cost me for 3700 dollars. But all the same am happy I was able to make it here. I got the said document obtain for 3700 dollars from the Bureau Of Internal Revenue here in Dubai with my money which will be refundable as soon as I effect delivery. I have done that just not to allow the security officers to inspect the content of the package as been instructed to me by the sender Sgt Jason Wood to treat it as a United Nation Diplomatic package. the package is safe. Its very difficult at custom security check points during inspection of baggage with this kind of packages as been treated like diplomatic package. That is why am happy I was able to make it here. I know I will also make it there soon to Berlin Tegel Airport.

Mrs ................., I just don't want to waste anytime since I have to be there asap.

I have a lot to do after the delivery of this package. I have checked on the nearest country where there is a low security and i was told London Heathrow Airport-England. I got the British Airways which is going through London Heathrow Airport to Berlin Tegel Airport-Germany. Its very affordable too. All the same I have learnt that custom and security checks are also low. I ask one of the custom officers here and he told me that custom duties are very low compared to the one here and Afghanistan. Is 6 hours and 45 minutes flight. I will also keep you updated as soon as I get to London Heathrow Airport-England.

Thanks for your understanding. God bless you.

Best Regards.

Dip Aidan Vincents Lee

Hello madam,i hope this email meets you in good i explained earlier,am still at he Heathrow Airport as at now because of insurance.the officials are demanding for insurance covering the insurance with a UN tag to proof that the package has nothing to do with terrorism and any illegal dangerous substance.i have amde my enquiries and it is very clear that we can get this important document done here.this will cost us 4,600 Pounds.i will advise tht you make this paymwnt via money to UK immediately for a pick so that the document can be done.Madam,i will like to inform you that i do not have much time ti spend here since i have other oackages that i must deliver to owners across the world.please make payment to the name i will provide below.thank you.
Dip Aidan Vincents Lee.

James Hechelley

Attention. Mrs .....................,
I happily wish to inform you that i am presently at the London Heathrow Airport and all necessary arrangements are perfectly in progress. Mrs Beatrix Branke, i have not much time as i have assignment from the UNICEF to take care of.
Mrs ................. , at the moment there is one problem am facing here with your consignment. The London Heathrow Airport Authorities along with The European Association of Airport and Seaport Police persisted that i produce to them all relevant documents covering your consignment. I have produced to them all the documents in my care but they still did not allow me. They are demanding to inspect the United Nation Insurance Certificate covering your package.
Moreover, I have contacted the Airport Controller here and he did explain it to me that because of the 25th December2009 attempted terrorist bombing of Detroit-Bound Flight attack in USA, The London Heathrow Airport Authorities along with the The European Association of Airport and Seaport Police have decided that all diplomatic non inspection packages to be insured and guaranteed with a United Nation Tag. This will prove to the Germany Customs in Germany that your package is a United Nation Assigned package to be delivered to you and also is a weapon and drug free package to be given the Laissez-Passer to enter into Germany.
Mrs ........., with the help of a custom officer here, I have inquire and i was told that the said document can be obtain from the Internal Revenue Service here in London-UK.
A deposit of 4,600 Euro needs to made at the Bureaus of Internal Revenue in London to get the document obtain as soon as possible.
I want you to understand that this requested document must be obtain immediately so that i can be given the Laissez-Passer together with your consignment to be on the next available flight to Berlin Tegel Airport to effect delivery to you.
As soon as this said document is obtained and attach to your package, i shall forward a copy to you for your record and documentation purposes. Therefore don't worry about that. I shall do all my best to render you an effective service. Your soonest and immediate co-operation in procuring this document is required and be restful assure of my total co-operation.
Thank you for your understanding. I am looking forward to hear from you as soon as possible. God Bless You.
Yours faithfully
Dip. Aidan Vincents Lee

Jetzt die romantisch bekannten Mails von Jason, ich will euch ja nix vorenthalten..lach

Hi darling,
There would have been the making of an accomplished flirt in me, because my lucidity shows me each move of the game - but that, in the same instant, a reaction of contempt makes me sweep all the counters off the board and cry out: - "Take them all - I don't want to win - I want to lose everything to you!If only I were a clever woman, I could describe to you my gorgeous bird, how you unite in yourself the beauties
of form, plumage, and song!
I would tell you that you are the greatest marvel of all ages, and I should only be speaking the simple truth. But to put all this into suitable words, my superb one, I should require a voice far more harmonious than that which is bestowed upon my species - for I am the humble owl that you mocked at only lately, therefore, it cannot be. I will not tell you to what degree you are dazzling and to the birds of sweet song who, as you know, are none the less beautiful and appreciative.
I am content to delegate to them the duty of watching, listening and admiring, while to myself I reserve the
right of loving; this may be less attractive to the ear, but it is sweeter far to the heart.
I love you, I love you. My Victor; I can not reiterate it too often; I can never express it as much as I feel it.
I recognize you in all the beauty that surrounds me in form, in color, in perfume, in harmonious sound: all of these mean you to me. You are superior to all. I see and admire - you are all! You are not only the solar spectrum with the seven luminous colors, but the sun himself, that illumines, warms, and revivifies! This is what you are, and I am the lonely man that adores you.

Your love,

Hello my dear........,

If today I could ask for something special to God – and to all the Saints who, from the highest clouds, keep their eyes upon love – I´d ask Him that you stay on my side forever and ever! You are a wonderful, careful and tender wife to be, you are beautiful in every sense... I´ve never seen you annoyed with the world or life itself, the only thing I constantly notice is your will to strive after a better tomorrow for us and everyone else around us.

You are a very special woman, for you always have time for me (however busy your life is and I know it is...); you support me in every way and always shower me with lots of attention! You are capable of realizing when something concerns me and you´re always ready to say a loving word and to put my head to rest upon your shoulders. You know you can turn my existence into a happier one and, better than anything else, what you say you really do!

That´s why I ask God to keep you always with me, because your presence seems a kind of warranty of happiness and peace to me... And I´d also like to have much time to try to reward you for all this attention and care and, with all my heart and soul, make you also the happiest woman of all.

Lots of love,i love you on spacial day like this my love.

Do you know what I would like to do on Valentine`s day? Guess it? If you answer anything else than to be with you, sorry, you flunked!

Because everything I want on this Febraury 14th,is to give you so much love, hugs and kisses; to massage you, give you lots of tea and cookies, make you lie down on the sofa and watch a cool movie on TV, staying that way very close to you. You liked it, didn`t you?

And, do you know what else I want, what I want in exchange? I want that you do the same with me, that you suddenly tell me something like: "honey, do you want me to go to the ice cream shop to buy you an ice cream with chocolate syrup?" or I want that you answer the door and receive those flowers which were sent to me by you, what about that?

So darling, I think you understood that Febraury 14th is our day, all right? I will do everything my miss tells me to do and you as a beautiful lady will do everything I ask you to do. And please, no bad mood, okay? Skipping the jokes, because this IS NOT A JOKE, everything I want is to give and receive attention. Forget the flowers, I am not asking for gifts, but don`t forget the rest, because the rest is ME: somebody that likes and takes better care of you than myself.

I love you with all my heart,body and my soul

Your love,


Und als ich mit meiner Weigerung, ihm Geld zu geben hartnäckig blieb, kam diese Mail:

Trust and Love

Von Jason Wood

my love,

You need trust to love, but first you need to love in order to trust.To love someone is to understand each other, to laugh together, to smile with your heart and to trust one another. One important thing is to let each other go if you can't do this. Love is like a wonderful feeling of compassion and satisfaction. It should be given respect and trust; and it should receive that love back.The best proof of love is trust.True love is the greatest thing that you can experience; it can weather any storm. Loving, trusting and respecting each other totally can bring you to true love and happiness.It's hard to love and hard to trust; but finding love and finding trust was a gift from you to me..Relationships should never be taken for granted. The choice of being with another life is an amazing thing. Trust, loyalty and respect are a must for eternal happiness. No matter how much you love someone if you don’t have these ingredients you will never succeed.To be in love means being patient but to be patient you must trust him first.You can never find love through the eye or ear, so you must trust the only thing that will never fade until you die, your heart.Love is like trust, when you find your special someone it is as if you're trusting them with your heart.Trust is what you put in someone's hands. Faith is what you hold on to.Trust is what makes everyone realize that you are always there for them. Faith is what makes everyone realize that you are always there to help them in case they need some help. Love makes not everyone, but the only one in your life who is special, think that you are always there for him, to be with him, to cherish him, to fulfill his dreams, to share with him and most of all, to make him realize how much you really love him. Distance doesn't matter if you really love the person, what matters most is your honesty and trust for that relationship to work out.Without romance, love gets dry. Without respect, love gets lost. Without caring, love gets boring. Without honesty, love gets unhappy, and without trust, love gets unstable. Love is a wonderful gift; trust in it, believe in it, give it, and it will be returned to you to give again and again.You can get advice from family, friends and strangers, but the best advice comes from your heart; it never lies - trust it.There may be many people that are trustworthy, but only a few are worth trusting with your heart; choose wisely. To be trusted is a greater compliment than to be loved. For you can love many, but without trust you have nothing. The heart already knows what the mind can only dream of. Trust your heart. Distance cannot, and will not hurt a bond between two people that is based on mutual respect, trust, commitment, and love. Jealousy is not a sign of true love; it's insecurities that comes in the way, because love has just one important ingredient: Trust.Do you trust me? Love means never doubting anything. It means trusting and being honest with each otherSomeone can be as beautiful on the outside as they are on the inside, but when he or she betrays your trust, they become the ugliest person in the world.Love is patient. Love is kind. It does not envy. It does not boast. It is not proud. It is not rude. It is not self-seeking. It is not easily angered. It keeps no record of wrong doing. It does not delight in evil, but rejoices in the truth. It always protects, trusts, hopes, perseveres. Love takes many things: trust, hope, wishes, dreams, and everything you've got, even when you know it's not going be enough. Love is not always fireworks and shooting stars; sometimes it's a simple understanding and trust between two people.

Ich habe auch eine ganz kurze Cam-Sequenz, weiss aber leider noch nicht, wie ich sie reinstelle..
Die Identitäten von Jason sind in meiner Vorstellung zu finden...Das wars erst mal für heute... An mir kleben noch weitere Scammer..irgendwie scheinen wir sie anzuziehen und Jaumo ist voll davon!!

zuletzt bearbeitet 20.03.2013 17:11 | Top

RE: Jason Wood und seine Verwandlung

#4 von Bianka ( gelöscht ) , 20.03.2013 02:00

So. Jetzt habe ich den Salat..nun will mich der feine Herr mit irgendwelchen Bildern erpressen, die er in alle sozialen Netzwerke stellen will.oder Geld .nun habe ich ihm gesagt, soll er doch tun...und bin für ihn von der Bildfläche verschwunden. Also werden vielleicht von mir auch gewisse gefakte Bilder super...


RE: Jason Wood und seine Verwandlung

#5 von Scambaiter , 20.03.2013 17:30

MfG - Scambaiter
> Horas non numero nisi serenas <

Beiträge: 11.579
Registriert am: 01.01.2006

zuletzt bearbeitet 20.03.2013 | Top

RE: Jason Wood und seine Verwandlung

#6 von Bianka ( gelöscht ) , 20.03.2013 21:42

Da ich auf Jaumo etliche romance scammer auf meinem Profil kleben hatte (die meisten habe ich vom Administrator der Seite entfernen lassen) verabschiede ich mich von dieser Kontaktboerse. Eine Bitte habe ich.Eben habe ich dort unseren Freund entdeckt. Da ich aber in seiner Schusslinie stehe? werde ich ihn nicht entfernen lassen. Bitte seht mal nach und lasst ihn in den nächsten Tagen hoch gehen. Er heisst hier Denniscaesey4 ist 55 Jahre alt und kommt aus New York. Das Bild ist das, wo er juenger ist und auf einer Terasse sitzt. Ich gehe nicht auf sein Profil, deshalb kann ich nicht mehr dazu sagen. DANKE


RE: Jason Wood und seine Verwandlung

#7 von Lioness- Fights , 23.03.2013 16:33

ach der liebe Chester Krantz, ja man findet sie immer wieder mit den gleichen Fotos

Nimm das Leben wie ein Stuhl... der muß auch mit jedem Arsch zurecht kommen!
Du kannst vor dem davonlaufen, was hinter dir her ist, aber was in dir ist, das holt dich ein {afrikanisches Sprichwort}
Wie leicht doch bildet man sich eine falsche Meinung, geblendet von dem Glanz der äußeren Erscheinung.{Jean Baptiste Molière}

Lioness- Fights
Beiträge: 199
Registriert am: 12.10.2012

RE: Jason Wood und seine Verwandlung

#8 von deutschinder ( gelöscht ) , 04.06.2013 15:39

tummelt sich inzwischen auch in GAYROYAL u. geht auf die schwule Community los. Gleiche Masche. heisst jetzt JAMES WOOD Georgia



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