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RE: Meine Oma !

#21 von Scambaiter , 29.08.2006 04:01

@fridolin , Oma wird natürlich eine Passkopie anfordern. Die lausige SA ID-card ist inakzeptabel .

== 18 ==

Oma hat ihrem "Sonnenschein" Richard geantwortet. Das mit MoneyGram könnte klappen.
Aber Oma ist manchmal ein wenig "schusselig"...das Alter eben .

Warscheinlich wird das Geld in Ghana "ankommen".
Aber nicht in Accra, sondern in ... ja wo, schaun' wir mal.
Denn Richard hat Oma noch keine eigene Anschrift gegeben .
In Antwort auf:
Datum: Tue, 29 Aug 2006 03:46:44 +0200 (CEST)
Von: *** Ins Adressbuch
An: "Richard Yengeni" <>
My dear Richard,

it was so nice to hear from you again.
I was call my bank today. And they tell me, MoneyGram
is possible. But I have to pay a fee. So I think, I
will do that for you. The bank was tell me by phone
also, I need your passport copy! NO ID card or so!

Please be so kind, and send me quick your passport by
attachment. And Robert, send me too one personal
photo. I want to have a nice picture from you. And I will
put it on my desk, close to the computer. When I write
to you, my little boy, I can always see you and can
talk with you.

I am an old lady, and you are my sunshine in my life.
After I got your passport and photo, I will quick go
to the bank and send you the money.

Have a nice day, my sunshine -


MfG - Scambaiter
>Horas non numero nisi serenas<

Beiträge: 11.579
Registriert am: 01.01.2006

zuletzt bearbeitet 31.08.2006 | Top

RE: Meine Oma !

#22 von Scambaiter , 31.08.2006 03:27

== 19 ==

Richard will nicht "rann an den Speck". Aber Oma ist so was von stur...

In Antwort auf:
Datum: Wed, 30 Aug 2006 02:49:29 -0700 (PDT)
Von: "Richard Yengeni" <> Ins Adressbuch
An: *** [Bearbeiten - Löschen]
Dear Mrs.Rosa,

I am also happy to hear from you. The reason you have not heard from me is because i have not check my mail recently. I do not have any money again. The hotal manager was threating to throw me out so i told them that i will give them my passport as colletaral so that when i pat them they will give me back. Things are very hard for me now because i do not know many people In Ghana. I wonder how i can send you the passport now because i know you realy need it as proof . I will beg the manager to give me so that i can scan it to you as soon as possible. I even forget to tell you that i cannot even collect the money by myself because i am also a foreigner in the country unless my friend will accompany me to the bank where Money gram is then i will collect it .
Mrs Rosa please try and understand that i am reaaly going through hard times at the moment. I Promise to send you MY photo as oon as i ahve access to Money. Nothing is free in GHana. The only person that has been helping me is EMMANUEL QUANSAH . that is why i want you to ask your bank to sned the money through his name. The both of us will go to MONEYGARM to collect the money. Please Mrs Rosa try and understand your bot Richard(smiles) .
Do well to call your bank and give them the name of My friend Emmanuel Quansah so that they can pay the money through money gram. Thank you very Much for you understanding. God Bless you.
Richard Yengeni

MfG - Scambaiter
>Horas non numero nisi serenas<

Beiträge: 11.579
Registriert am: 01.01.2006

zuletzt bearbeitet 31.08.2006 | Top

RE: Meine Oma !

#23 von Scambaiter , 31.08.2006 04:32

== 20 ==

Die Antwort fällt schroff aus. Und beigefügt ist ein Formularausschnitt.
In DE ist einene ID und Sicherheitsfrage zwingend vorgeschrieben! Pasta.

In Antwort auf:
Datum: Thu, 31 Aug 2006 04:22:53 +0200 (CEST)
Von: *** Ins Adressbuch
An: "Richard Yengeni" <>
Derar Richard,

thank you for your mail.

I was on my bank and in the MoneGram agency Berlin.
They tell me, german rules are strong to send money
out of Germany. They give me a look on this site:

It's a MUST in Germany to register follow:
- Receiver Government Issued indentification ID an type.
- A test question
- Test answer

I send you a part of the MoneGram form, you will see
it. So the hotel manager must give you your passport,
for sure! In you have not money in present so ask your
frind for a loan. Soon you can give him back the money
form your 15 million US$$!

In brief: No passport copy I am nor able to send you
the money. And I send it only to you! So rush to the
hotel management and send the passport plus photo.
I am in not good mood.


MfG - Scambaiter
>Horas non numero nisi serenas<

Beiträge: 11.579
Registriert am: 01.01.2006

zuletzt bearbeitet 31.08.2006 | Top

RE: Meine Oma !

#24 von Scambaiter , 02.09.2006 03:35

== 21 ==

Oma's Freund Richard windet sich förmlich, wegeg der Passdaten. Richard "had no luck".

Oma kennt kein Hotel der Welt (und sie kennt viele Hotels) in dem der Hotelmanager dem Gast
die Einsichtnahme - in seinen eigenen Pass - nicht erlaubt. Ja, nicht mal den Pass heraus gibt.
Dabei sitzt doch Richard förmlich auf Millionen von Dollar...sagt er jedenfalls .

In Antwort auf:
Datum: Thu, 31 Aug 2006 03:06:46 -0700 (PDT)
Von: "Richard Yengeni" <> Ins Adressbuch
An: *** [Bearbeiten - Löschen]
Dear Mrs Rosa,

I got your message today so I will go and explain to the manger why he needs to give me my passport. I will send it to you as soon as he gives it to me. I read the MONEY gram message and I agree with them. I can copy my PASSPPORT NUMBER WITH THE NAMES on it and send it to you so that you can give it to them, that is if I am not able to collect it from the hotel Manager but I know he will give it to me. Thank you for your patience.

Und weil es so schön ist, gleich noch eine Mail hinterher.
In Antwort auf:
Datum: Thu, 31 Aug 2006 09:17:11 -0700 (PDT)
Von: "Richard Yengeni" <> Ins Adressbuch
An: *** [Bearbeiten - Löschen]
Dear Mrs. Rosa,

How are you doing? I have to tell you that I had no luck in getting my passport released to me. The hotel manager is very strict, I am still trying to find someone that cann loan me some money so that I settle my bills and collect my passport. Mrs. Rosa I cannot go around telling people I have that kind of money cause my life will be in danger. This is Africa , people are not too nice over here. They are ready to do anything to get money. They only way that this can be possible is if I can take my Passport number and then send it to you because the MONEY GRAM documents needs to get my passport number just incase of any reference purpose.

When filling the Form at Money gram, all you have to do is indicate that the receiver will be using an International passport. You can then send it to me directly RICHARD YENGENI, This is the only way that we can move ahead at this point. Mrs. Rosa. If you remember I told you something the first time I wrote to you, “NOTHING WORKS WITHOUT TRUST” you have to trust me Mrs. Rosa. I really need your help. Please try and understand me and send the money to me. I will go along with the manger to MONEY GRAM office in Ghana to collect the money by myself.

I wish you would trust me and do as I have said Mrs. Rosa. Things are hard for me. Should I send the Passport Number so that you have my passport number at least. I will wait to hear from you later. Thank you very much and God bless you

Richard Yengeni

MfG - Scambaiter
>Horas non numero nisi serenas<

Beiträge: 11.579
Registriert am: 01.01.2006

RE: Meine Oma !

#25 von Scambaiter , 02.09.2006 04:34

== 22 ==

Oma's Antwort ist eindeutig. Nichtbefolgen der Regeln, führt dazu, dass kein Geld überwiesen wird.
So einfach ist das. Nun sollte sich Richard was einfallen lassen.

In Antwort auf:
Datum: Sat, 2 Sep 2006 04:13:11 +0200 (CEST)
Von: *** Ins Adressbuch
An: "Richard Yengeni" <>
My dear Richard,

thanks for your mail. I understand your words, Richard. But I don't understand what's meaning it. The meaning will not in my mind come.
You are the owner of Millions of Dollar and nobody will help you, with a small loan, with some 100-300 Cedi or SA Rand? Very lousy!

What for rights have this stupid hotelmanager, to give you not YOUR passport?
So you just have to look for an other hotel (quick)!

You have millions $ and you have all rights as guest! Please, give me all the hotel data! Name, address, phone & faxnumber! I will contact this stupid crazy hotel.

It's a pity the money (1000,00 Dollar) are here ready for transfer to you. But always you are the reason, why not start with the money transfer.

MoneyGram Deutschland/Germany accept NOT the money transfer, without the German rules!

They give me the folder for you. You have to read it careful Richard:

MoneyGram Consumer Fraud Prevention [hier folgt einen Warninfo von MoneyGram schön lang.]

Best wishes your grandma,


MfG - Scambaiter
>Horas non numero nisi serenas<

Beiträge: 11.579
Registriert am: 01.01.2006

zuletzt bearbeitet 02.09.2006 | Top

RE: Meine Oma !

#26 von Scambaiter , 05.09.2006 22:59

== 23 ==

Richard gibt sich Mühe Oma mit den nötigen Daten zu versorgen.
Das hört Oma gern.

In Antwort auf:
Datum: Mon, 4 Sep 2006 13:08:26 -0700 (PDT)
Von: "Richard Yengeni" < Ins Adressbuch
An: *** [Bearbeiten - Löschen]
Dear Mrs. Rosa,

How are you doing? Sorry for not hearing from me over the weekend, I was trying to raise money to pay for my hotel bills so that the hotel manger can give me my Passport back, I know you need to see the passport so that you can be able to send me the money to get my funds released to me. Its not easy to get people who are willing to help in GHANA because I am a foreigner. It is also not safe for me to tell anyone in Ghana that I have such money, its because you are a foreigner that is why I can confide in you, I know you are trust-worthy and honest that is why I can tell you all this Africa is very different from Europe, I hope that by tomorrow I will have some luck so that I can send you my passport . Sorry for the delay Mrs. Rosa. I will write you tomorrow. Have a nice day and stay blessed.

Richard Yengeni

----------------<a href="].</a>
MfG - Scambaiter
>Horas non numero nisi serenas<

Beiträge: 11.579
Registriert am: 01.01.2006

zuletzt bearbeitet 06.09.2006 | Top

RE: Meine Oma !

#27 von Sven Udo , 08.09.2006 04:12

Da Scambaiter verhindert ist, poste ich heute mal selbst. Scambaiter, wird dann die Story fortführen.

== 24 ==

Oh... endlich schickt Richard seinen Pass und zwei Fotos. Auf den ersten Blick ist Oma glücklich.

Abeeeerrrr, nach genauerem ansehen der Fotos und des Passes, kommen Oma Zweifel,
mächtige Zweifel ...
Die Fotos sind in dermaßen schlechter Qualität,
dass sie die Fotos ganz bestimmt nicht auf ihren Schreibtisch stellt.

Und dann der Pass erst. Da bemerkt Oma, dass Richart 2x geboren ist:

> Im oberen Passteil am: 27.02.1972
> Im maschinenlesbaren Teil am: 12.04.1975 (750412)

Und wenn nun Oma noch das Foto von Richards Ausweis,
mit dem Passfoto vergleicht, ist sie noch mehr verwirrt.
Nun hat sie erst mal ihre Herztropfen genommen, doppelte Dosis...
In Antwort auf:
Datum: Thu, 7 Sep 2006 10:45:12 -0700 (PDT)
Von: "Richard Yengeni" <> Ins Adressbuch
An: *** [Bearbeiten - Löschen]
Dear Mrs.Rosa,

How are you doing today? I hope you are in good health! I have not heard from you so i decided to write you to know if you are ok. Please have you sent the money to me? I Will be expecting the information which you used in sending the money so that i can pick it up and then pay for the release of my funds immediately. Kindly let me know what the situation is over there. Have a nice day and stay blessed.

Richard Yengeni

PS: HEre is my ID (MY identification) and photo

"Der Pass von Richard"

"Die Fotos von Richard" *

Zum Vergleich, ein Fotoausschnitt, von Richards SA ID
* Die Qualität der Fotos hat Oma nicht verändert!
Sven Udo.

Sven Udo
Forum Guru
Beiträge: 1.678
Registriert am: 01.01.2006

zuletzt bearbeitet 08.09.2006 | Top

RE: Meine Oma !

#28 von Scambaiter , 09.09.2006 04:52

== 25 ==

Um es kurz zu machen, granny Rosa hat Richard in die "Wüste geschickt".
Kumasi Stadt ist ca. 150 km von Accra entfernt. Und dort kann er sein - nicht vorhandenes Geld - abholen.
Mal sehen, wie freundlich er reagiert...

In Antwort auf:
Datum: Sat, 9 Sep 2006 04:28:10 +0200 (CEST)
Von: *** Ins Adressbuch
An: "Richard Yengeni" <>
My dear Richard,

You will not believe how happy I was, got your mail
and your photos plus passport. Only your photos have
not such a good acceptable quality I would like.

Anyway, when you are here, we will take a lot of nice
photos of yourself and me.

Yesterday I was rush to the MoneyGram office to send
you the money.
Unfortunately I was forget to take your data with me.
So I was give all informations from memory.

But you will have the money next week I am sure.
Have a nice weekend your granny,

Rosa Schluepfer

MfG - Scambaiter
>Horas non numero nisi serenas<

Fotos unten: MoneyGram Formular und Granny Rosa

Angefügte Bilder:
Aufgrund eingeschränkter Benutzerrechte werden nur die Namen und (falls vorhanden) Vorschau-Grafiken der Dateianhänge angezeigt Jetzt anmelden!
Forum Version MoneyGram.JPG   granny Rosa.JPG  

Beiträge: 11.579
Registriert am: 01.01.2006

zuletzt bearbeitet 11.09.2006 | Top

RE: Meine Oma !

#29 von Miss Marple ( gelöscht ) , 10.09.2006 21:36

Wie geht es Oma?
Das ist ja wirklich der HAMMER die Geschichte
...bin gespannt wie es weiter geht

Miss Marple

RE: Meine Oma !

#30 von Scambaiter , 12.09.2006 14:49

== 26 ==

Irgendwie scheint Robert Omas letzte Mail nur halb zur Kentniss genommen zu haben.
Er regiert btr. der schlechte Qualität der Fotos.
Erwähnt aber mit keinem Wort, den Transfer-lip von MoneyGram.

Daher wird Oma diese Mail ignirieren, und noch mal den Tanga-Slip...äh Tansfer-slip schicken.

In Antwort auf:
Datum: Sun, 10 Sep 2006 11:27:25 -0700 (PDT)
Von: "Richard Yengeni" <> Ins Adressbuch
An: *** [Bearbeiten - Löschen]
Dear Mrs.Rosa,

I am happy to hear from you. How are you enjoying your weekend? i hope that you are having a nice time. Sorry about the picture quality of my picture but i know that you will see me face to face very soon. I am gla to know that you will be sending me the money by next week so that i can put everything in order. My full name is RICHARD YENGENI and the name of the City i am is ACCRA, the country is GHANA . My telephone number is 00 233 276 815 366 . I hope the data are enough for you Mrs Rosa. Thank you very much for all your efforts to help me get my funds released. I gaurantee you that everything will be put in place once i receive the money. I also want to thank you for the trust you have for me. I have to tell you that i am very grateful for your Kindness towards me. May the long grant you long life and prosperity. I hope to recieve the information from you by next week. Take good care of yourself and God Bless you.

Your Boy

Richard Yengeni

MfG - Scambaiter
>Horas non numero nisi serenas<

Beiträge: 11.579
Registriert am: 01.01.2006

zuletzt bearbeitet 13.09.2006 | Top

RE: Meine Oma !

#31 von Scambaiter , 13.09.2006 01:59

== 27 ==

Omi hat nun nochmal den MoneyGram Beleg geschickt und ihr Foto (siehe oben).
Und um schnelle Antwort gebeten.
Außerdem gleich noch Richards nettes kleines Zimmer vorgestellt, welches er bald beziehen kann.

Ach ja und Oma hat noch ein paar alte Kleidungssück von ihren verstorbenen Mann gefunden, die kann Richard abtragen.

In Antwort auf:
Datum: Wed, 13 Sep 2006 01:30:14 +0200 (CEST)
Von: *** Ins Adressbuch
An: "Richard Yengeni" <>
Richard my dear,

I am very worried that I hear not from you! Last week I sent you the money.
I hope all go well, and you have it already? Please tell me quick.

Today I send you the transfer slip again and my photo.
Please, please Richard my little boy answer quick, when you have the money.

By the way, I have already prepare your room in my
house. And I have some clothes from my deceased
husband. You can wear it all!

Write soon your

granny Rosa

MfG - Scambaiter
>Horas non numero nisi serenas<

Beiträge: 11.579
Registriert am: 01.01.2006

zuletzt bearbeitet 13.09.2006 | Top

RE: Meine Oma !

#32 von Miss Marple ( gelöscht ) , 13.09.2006 15:18

... wow tolles Zimmer, das ist ja der pure Luxus für "Richard".

Miss Marple

RE: Meine Oma !

#33 von Scambaiter , 16.09.2006 02:20 na Miss Marple, wer wird denn da lästern? Oma hat die Räumlichkeiten bewusst schlicht gehalten.
Damit sich Robert das Zimmer nach seinem Geschmack einrichten kann. Geld hat er ja genug...

== 28 ==

Nun hat er auf das überwiesene Geld, durch MoneyGram, regiert.
Irgendwie hat es mit der Geldübergabe nicht geklappt.

Ach, und so ist das, Robertchen hat es nicht nötig am Wochenende ins Internetcafe zu gehen.
Oma hat ihr Internet zu Hause. Aber wenig Zeit. Die Enkel haben Ihren Besuch angezeigt.
Und die bleiben gleich ein paaar Tage...

Da wird Robert wohl ein wenig warten müssen.
In Antwort auf:
Datum: Wed, 13 Sep 2006 07:09:23 -0700 (PDT)
Von: "Richard Yengeni" <> Ins Adressbuch
An: *** [Bearbeiten - Löschen]
Dear :Mrs. Rosa

I hope you received the mail that I sent to you this morning !! I took the information you gave to me to the nearest Money gram office at SSB bank, To my greatest surprise I was informed that the money was not sent through Money gram, The man in charge told me that you had sent the money through the bank not MONEYGRAM. I had to go back to the computer to Scan the information which you gave to me and took it back to them. Mrs. Rosa Your bank sent the money to KUMASI BRANCH , I am staying in ACCRA . ACCRA is about 6 hours journey from KUMASI and there is no way that I can travel to KUMASI to pick the money. I had a very busy day today and I know you will also be worried because you have not heard from me. Mrs. Rosa Please I want you to instruct that the money be sent to me through MONEY GRAM not SSB bank, I do not have an account with them . I explained to you earlier on that as I foreigner in this country, I do not have a NON RESIDENTAIL BANK ACCOUNT that is why I insisted that you send the money through MONEYGRAM .

MRS. You can contact them to inform them that they money has not being collected , I am very sure you bank will confirm that the money is still in their system . Mrs.Rosa Please the problem did not come from me this time, it came from you bank. Kindly contact them and let them know all that I have explained to you. If the money is not sent through MONEY GRAM IN GERMANY TO MONEY GRAM in Ghana , I cannot be able to collect the money.

This is the information you should give to them

Receiver’s name : RICHARD YENGENI



TELEPHONE NUMBER: 00 233 276 815 366


I will be glad to hear that you have contacted your bank to do it this way. I will send you another mail before the end of today because I am very tired at the moment. What is very important now is for you to confirm from you bank if the money is still there in the system. I can guarantee you that it will be there cause I could not pick it up. Thank you very much Mrs. Rosa . I really appreciate your efforts.
Die zweite Mail kommt am Donnerstag.
In Antwort auf:
Datum: Thu, 14 Sep 2006 03:27:37 -0700 (PDT)
Von: "Richard Yengeni" <> Ins Adressbuch
An: *** [Bearbeiten - Löschen]
Dear Mrs.

I hope you receive the mail that I sent to you yesterday!! I just checked my mail and I am surprise that you have not written any mail to me. I guess you are trying to rectify the problem over there, I remember that you said in one of your mail that you forgot to take my data with you so you will use your memory. Everybody makes mistake at times so that is not a problem. Kindly tell your bank that the money you sent was not receive due to a little mistake. The city that I am residing is called ACCRA so please Mrs. Rosa tell them to correct it as soon as possible. The money should be sent to Money gram ACCRA. This way I can pick the money.

I am very anxious to meet you Mrs. Rosa, there are not too many people who are as king and caring as you are. I will accept you as a mother because you have shown to me that you are kind and trust worthy. I will be very glad to hear from you today. I wish a very nice day ahead . Stay blessed.

Your boy

Richard Yengeni
Und am Freitag? Richtig da kommt die Freitagsmail von Richard.
In Antwort auf:
Datum: Fri, 15 Sep 2006 08:15:33 -0700 (PDT)
Von: "Richard Yengeni" <> Ins Adressbuch
An: *** [Bearbeiten - Löschen]
Dear Mrs. Rosa ,

I have been very worried cause I have not heard from you regarding the money which you sent to me . I told you that I was unable to pick the money because you sent it to another City in Ghana . I hope you have confirmed that the money was not collected down here. It will be a thing of Joy for me if you can write me back and let me know the situation of things over there so that I do not worry a lot about you. Today is Friday and the week has been a very busy one for me so I need to rest for now. I will check my email later to see if you have information for me. Take care Mrs. Rosa and have a nice weekend. Thank you.

Richard Yengeni

MfG - Scambaiter
>Horas non numero nisi serenas<

Beiträge: 11.579
Registriert am: 01.01.2006

RE: Meine Oma !

#34 von Scambaiter , 16.09.2006 16:16

== 29 ==

Hmmm... wollte sich Robert nicht am Wochenende ausruhen?
Nach so einer stressigen Woche, ohne dem Geld näher gekommen zu sein?

Aber nein, es treibt ihn ins Inerenetcafe, um nachzusehen...ob Oma vielleicht doch...
Nein hat sie nicht. Sie ist auch in einem Cafe, aber mit den Enkeln, bei Kaffee und Kuchen.

In Antwort auf:
Datum: Sat, 16 Sep 2006 04:12:58 -0700 (PDT)
Von: "Richard Yengeni" <> Ins Adressbuch
An: *** [Bearbeiten - Löschen]
Dear Mrs. Rosa,

It is very worrying not to hear from you. I hope you are ok, I know you told me that you health was not too Good but I pray that nothing has gone bad. I am still waiting to hear from you in respect of the money you sent to me. I believe you have confirmed that the money was not collected. Kindly let me know is happening. Take care and stay blessed

Richard Yengeni

MfG - Scambaiter
>Horas non numero nisi serenas<

Beiträge: 11.579
Registriert am: 01.01.2006

zuletzt bearbeitet 19.09.2006 | Top

RE: Meine Oma !

#35 von Miss Marple ( gelöscht ) , 18.09.2006 01:38

Vielleicht schickt Oma ihr aktuelles Pic "Familientreff"
(Oma ist die von hinten) - achja Oma hat sich die Haare gefärbt weil sie sich nun durch Richard wieder so jung fühlt - *lach*
Bedenke: Nicht zu bekommen, was man will, ist manchmal ein großer Glücksfall.
(Dalai Lama)

Angefügte Bilder:
Aufgrund eingeschränkter Benutzerrechte werden nur die Namen und (falls vorhanden) Vorschau-Grafiken der Dateianhänge angezeigt Jetzt anmelden!
Oma schlüpfer bei Kaffee und Kuchen.jpg  

Miss Marple
zuletzt bearbeitet 18.09.2006 01:40 | Top

RE: Meine Oma !

#36 von Scambaiter , 19.09.2006 04:17

@Miss Marple, danke für die Idee und Foto. Oma hat's Richard mitgeschickt .

== 30 ==

Nachdem Oma mit den Enkeln ein tolles Wochenende in Wien verbracht hat,
begibt sie sich wieder in die Niederungen des Alltags.

Und ach - da war ja noch was - richtig Richard und das Geld in Kumasi.
Omas Vorschlag (u.a.) - er Richard - solle doch mal schnell mit der Straßenbahn hinfahren, und das Geld abholen.

Das kann doch nicht weit weg sein, auf Omas Weltkarte ist Ghana so klein...

In Antwort auf:
Datum: Tue, 19 Sep 2006 03:02:21 +0200 (CEST)
Von: *** Ins Adressbuch
An: "Richard Yengeni" <>
My dear Richard,

thank you for your mails.
What can I say to you, I had a great weekend.

My grandchildren were in Berlin and me to a short visit to Vienna persuaded.
Sorry it's hard to translat this for you, but I try it:

Vienna the Austria capital, was for many centuries the
political center of Europe, and offers today to it's
visitors a multiplicity of art collections and cultural meetings.

The Walzerstadt at the "beautiful blue Danube", that
is the locks Belvedere and Schoenbrunn, the step Hans
cathedral, the castle theatre, the state State of, the
scientific and art-historical museum, the yard castle,
the vault, which dock-suppl.-calls, Grinzing.

Der Kahlenberg, der Wienerwald aber auch der Wiener
Schmäh, die fröhlich-bunten Kreationen von
Hundertwasser: Sorry again it's hard to translat this for you.

(The bald mountain, the Viennese forest in addition,
the Viennese defames, the merry-multicolored creations
of hundred-one hundred and more than a breath of
Mozart and Strauss.)

We had the following travel process: Driven off on
Friday evening. Arrival in Vienna after a night travel
(with the Mercedes Benz/Maybach 57S) of my grandchild
on the early morning approx 6,30 o'clock (Saturday).

On the day in Vienna until in the evening approx 21,30
o'clock. Overnight accomodation in the five star hotel
"In der Sacher Torte". Then drive on to the Danube
lake, there we also some photos made. About which I send one to you.
Return trip then at night again, with arrival in Berlin on the early morning.

Naturally you can understand that I was little tired, and only once slept.

Oh, there was still something nearly it I would
forgotten. You remember - your money - I was sent to
you. My grandchild was go to the bank, because of de
MoneyGram affair.

Her bring me bad news:

The change of the place of destination (if the money Germany left)
is not so simple. I could withdraw at the most the money and transfer it
afterwards again after Accra.

However MoneyGram for it requires the impudent amount of
EURO 249,00 to fetch back (in order the money from Kumasi)
plus EURO 120,00 fee renewed in order to transfer it after Accra!

Richard, I spent straight in Vienna much money. And my
remaining money is into shares, jewelry and houses. I
would ask you that you send me quick the EURO 369,00
with MoneyGram to me. So that I can fetch your money back.

On the other side, it would be best, if you drive fast
times into this city (as again the name was Kusisi or so?).
And the money fetches there.

I was had a look on the map of the world.
Ghana is nevertheless a completely small country on the map.
May you can take a tramway, or bus maybe a taxi,
and in some hours you have the money.

Please try your best.

Your granny in love,


MfG - Scambaiter
>Horas non numero nisi serenas<

Beiträge: 11.579
Registriert am: 01.01.2006

RE: Meine Oma !

#37 von Scambaiter , 21.09.2006 04:47

== 31 ==

Antwort von Richard. Er scheint Oma zu mögen. Jedenfalls gewährt er ihr schon mal einen "Preisnachlass".
Siehe Rechnung:

> 800,-- $ will Richard von Oma
> 200,-- $ legt Oma drauf
> 1.000,-- $
> - 369,-- $
> = 631,--$

Er will also "nur noch" ~ 630,--$ von Oma, und den Rest von 178,-- $ will er selbst beisteuern,
zu den 800 Dollar.
Mooommment mal, Richard kann nicht mal richig ausrechnen: 630 + 178 = 808!

In Antwort auf:
Datum: Tue, 19 Sep 2006 04:16:25 -0700 (PDT)
Von: "Richard Yengeni" <> Ins Adressbuch
An: *** [Bearbeiten - Löschen]
Dear Mrs. Rosa,

I am happy to know that you had a nice time with your Grandchildren. I wish I had arrived before then so that I can join you. I have heard about Vienna and I was told that it is a very Beautiful in Austria . Europe is a very lovely continent. When I arrive in Germany I hope we will be able to travel to different places cause I like traveling so long as the money to spend will be available. Things will get better as soon as I am able to join you in Germany .

Regarding the money you sent to me, I was so worried when I did not hear from you. I feel much better that you have told me all that has been happening. Mrs. Rosa I cannot be able to send you the 369 Euro because I don’t have that amount at the moment. I know you spent a lot on your trip and I will not want to bother you too much because I understand your condition.

Please I ask you this favor Mrs. Rosa, you remember that I told you that I need $800 to get the funds released to me, you then told me that you will send me $1,000 so that I can have money to keep for myself. Please instruct Money Gram to send the money to ACCRA . If the can deduct the 369 Euro from the $1,000 then they can send $630 to me in Accra, I can then try and raise $178 to complete $800 which is all I need to get the funds released. As soon as that is done I can solve everything when I collect my funds. I know this is too much to ask you but please try and help me so that I don’t have to travel that far. The money will not be wasted cause I will surely do what is right when I get my funds released to me.

I will be very grateful if you can help me just this last time so that I can collect the money in Accra . I should be able to arrive in Germany before the end of this Month. I just need to get the funds released and all problems are solved. Please understand your boy. Thank you and God bless you

I hope to hear from you soon.

Your Boy

Richard Yengeni

MfG - Scambaiter
>Horas non numero nisi serenas<

Beiträge: 11.579
Registriert am: 01.01.2006

zuletzt bearbeitet 21.09.2006 | Top

RE: Meine Oma !

#38 von Scambaiter , 23.09.2006 02:13

== 32 ==

Erst einmal nervt der gute Boy mächtig. Auch wenn er der "Lieben Gott" bemüht.
Ach, und eine Grippe hat ihn erwischt...

In Antwort auf:
Datum: Fri, 22 Sep 2006 06:04:53 -0700 (PDT)
Von: "Richard Yengeni" <> Ins Adressbuch
An: *** [Bearbeiten - Löschen]
Dear Mrs. Rosa,

How are you doing? i have been down with a little cold so that explains why you did not hear from me. I hope that you are having a nice time in Germany!! I just wanted to find out if you have been able to get money gram to send the money to Accra. I did not hear from you since i sent you the last mail and that makes me very worried cause i want to know if MONEYGRAM as confirmed to you that the money was not picked in Ghana., Please try and send me a mail to inform me of what the position opf things are over there. Today is friday and the week has ended, I was hoping that i will be able to get my funds released to me before the end of this week but now from all indications, i know that everything will have to be shifted till next week.

I will be happy if you can write back and let me know what is happening. I wish you happy weeked ahead.Thank you and God bless you.

Richard Yengeni

MfG - Scambaiter
>Horas non numero nisi serenas<

Beiträge: 11.579
Registriert am: 01.01.2006

RE: Meine Oma !

#39 von Scambaiter , 26.09.2006 06:04

== 33 ==

Oma hat herausgefunden, dass sie warscheinlich Verwante in Ghana hat.
Ein Onkel ihrer Mama, war als Corporal bei der dt. kaiserlichen Schutztruppe in Ghana.

Und mit einer afrikanischen Prinzessin verheiratet. Da muss es doch Nachkommen geben.
Richard soll da mal Informationen sammeln.

Ach, MoneyGram, die schicken das Geld zurück, aber das kann dauern...

In Antwort auf:
Datum: Tue, 26 Sep 2006 05:45:03 +0200 (CEST)
Von: *** Ins Adressbuch
An: "Richard Yengeni" <>
My dear Richard, my little boy & sunshine.

Thank you so much for your mails. I hope you are well
now? I feel you was sick and down.
You tell me: "I have a cold" but in Africa you can
become cold? I think only hot.

I was just read in my book about Africa. I was become
this book to my confirmation, when I was 14 yeras old.
This book is not new but beautiful.

I was read follow:
Prior to 1470
The history of Ghana before the last quarter of the
15th century is derived primarily from oral tradition
that refers to migrations from the ancient kingdoms of
the western Sahel which is now the area of present-day
Mauritania and Mali. Also, much of the history is
derived from myths told by various tribes in the
outlying areas.

Contact with Foreigners

The first contact with Europeans was made by the Fante
nation of the Gold Coast in 1470, when a party of
Portuguese landed and met with the King of Elmina. In
1482, the Portuguese built Elmina Castle, known in
Portuguese as Castelo da Mina, as a permanent trading
base. The first recorded English trading voyage to the
coast was made by Thomas Windham in 1553. During the
next three centuries, the English, Portuguese,
Swedish, Danes, Dutch and Germans controlled various
parts of the coastal areas.

I remember my moms uncle Wilibald Erdman Krummerhund
war in the German imperial troops in Ghana and Togo.
I have old photos, where he is in "fort Gold Coast" a
German one. He was first class corporal.

I know her was married to one african princess.
They was had 8 children. And I am sure there are
descendants (descendents). So please be a good boy,
and look in your telephone directories for the name
Krummerhund (Mr. or Mrs.)

At least, I was call the MoneyGram office. The money
is call back now. But I have to pay a lot of money.
I was in a pawnshop (pawnbroking) and give a golden
ring from my late husband to trade in! I got 300,00
Euro. So I will try to collect the other money from my
friends. Unbelievably I have stocks for 2,38 Million
Euro and 8 houses. But now I must see how I become
some hunderd Euro. Be sure I do myn best.

I send you 2 pictures from Ghana.

Belive me I do my best, only for you.
I am considering to come to you to Ghana and bring you
the money. I return you can come with me to Berlin.

Best wishes granny


Corp. Wilibald Erdman Krummerhund

MfG - Scambaiter
>Horas non numero nisi serenas<

Beiträge: 11.579
Registriert am: 01.01.2006

zuletzt bearbeitet 26.09.2006 | Top

RE: Meine Oma !

#40 von Scambaiter , 14.10.2006 03:03

== 34 ==

Oma hat sich bei Richard mal in Erinnerung gebracht.
Ach' ja und das Geld ist auch wieder zurück, von seiner MoneyGram Reise nach Afrika.

In Antwort auf:
Datum: Sat, 14 Oct 2006 02:51:15 +0200 (CEST)
Von: *** Ins Adressbuch
An: "Richard Yengeni" <>
Dear Richard,

How are you? What's happen? I hear long time not from
you. How are your health? You was tell me, you was a
little bit sick (cold). go it better now? I hope so.

Please answer soon when you can. I am worried and
this is not good in my age, you know.

Regards, your granny Rosa

PS: Richard , I was forget to tell you, the money is back here in Berlin again.
So we can start to send it to you again!

MfG - Scambaiter
>Horas non numero nisi serenas<

Beiträge: 11.579
Registriert am: 01.01.2006


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