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Online Romance Scam King 419 Pastor Michael Chosen BUSTED

#1 von Scambaiter , 23.07.2014 01:06

Online Romance Scam King 419 Pastor Michael Chosen BUSTED

Veröffentlicht am 08.07.2014 published

Evangelist Michael Chosen acts in this 419 movie where the fraud star, a pastor, tries to deny his involvement when caught with a Lord Chosen prayer book full of 419 email, Facebook and social dating site account details and methods and plans for executing the romance scams on an industrial scale.

This movie has scams within scams within scams and once again the scammer has a shrewd plot to scam the police and make them believe that the scam evidence is not his but the confessions of all the wicked scammers in his church.

The Oscar-class actor in this movie is Michael Ogbonna Arukwu from Nigeria. In this part of the movie the 419 pastor is fleeing from Malaysia and crosses the border illegally into Thailand as he tries to return to Nigeria where he has funnelled all his revenues generated from his global scam operation based in the Malaysia capital. Please subscribe to this Youtube channel if you wish to see the full 419 movie revealing numerous scam levels and how they are meticulously masterminded as the full release will be for subscribers only. Michael is from the Lord's Chosen charismatic revival ministry which is notorious for 419.

For all those serious about stopping 419 scams please spread the link to this video and if there are enough comments and thumbs up then we will have the encouragement from you to hunt more of the "pastors" that lead these 419 factories - this video is a world first as most law enforcement such as Malaysian police are too weak and lack the necessary skill sets to be dealing with these silver-tongued demons.

MfG - Scambaiter
> Horas non numero nisi serenas <

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RE: Online Romance Scam King 419 Pastor Michael Chosen BUSTED

#2 von Herrmann † , 23.07.2014 03:45

"as Malaysian police are too weak and lack the necessary skill sets to be dealing with these silver-tongued demons." Stimmt leider wirklich; die Malaisia-Cyber-Police ist ein Haufen lahmer und korrupter Idioten, hab mich mit denen fast ein halbes Jahr herum gequält. Die Thai-Cyber-Police ist wesentlich effizienter und reagiert sofort, wenn sie nen Tip bekommen; deshalb arbeite ich auch lieber mit denen, als zu versuchen, die Malaien auf nen Lad anzusetzen.

Dennoch klappts auch ab und zu in Malaysia; hier wird ein Romance Lad verhaftet, nach recht langer Anbahnung von uns mit der RMCP.

Und hier noch ein Video, leider in Malaisisch.

Bait save

Herrmann the German

Due to the recent budget cuts, the cost of electricity, gas and oil as well as current economic conditions, 'The Light at the end of the tunnel' has been turned off. - I apologise for the inconvenience

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Herrmann †
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