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Fake-Bank-Angebot: "Project Loans - Etihad Capital, MR. Paresh Khiara Operations Manager"

#1 von if6was9 , 11.08.2015 15:45

eMail vom 13. Juli 2015 von

From: "MR. Paresh Khiara" <>
Date: Mon, 13 Jul 2015 06:33:55 +0200

Greetings from Abu Dhabi

I have to start by introducing myself, My name is MR. Paresh Khiara, a licensed Financial Consultant, Adviser and Operations Manager at Etihad Capital, opened to freelance as well as in-house position within and outside the Emirates. I write you based on my mandate to Broker for Etihad capital.
Do you have projects that require funding? We have finance available for your projects with over 2 trillion private and corporate investment portfolios. We are privately looking for fiduciary agents, individuals, business men,women and companies who have great business plan/ideal and management experts who will be willing to act as investment portfolio holders and administrators. We also give a 2% commission to brokers.If interested in this offer please email me for more info.
For further details please contact me directly with your business plans or project summary on my e-mail:

MR. Paresh Khiara
Operations Manager
Etihad Capital
Millenium Tower Hamdan
Street Corniche Area 43469. UAE.
Floor: 17th Floor, Abu Dhabi, U.A.E.
TEL: +971 527 491 890

Etihad Capital gibt es tatsächlich, aber die angegebenen Kontaktdaten gehören NICHT zu Etihad Capital.

Ich habe Etihad Capital in Abu Dabi angeschrieben, mit Originaltext der eMail und kopiertem eMail-header. Das Kreditangebot ist- wie schon erwartet- ein fake.

Hier ist die Antwort von Etihad Capital, von heute, 11. August 2015

Dear Sir,

Actually we have noticed that some people are trying to use our company name to scam people by offering loans.

And we really appreciate the email header since we were trying to trace these people.

Please ignore all the emails and offers they have given you.


Chief Accountant


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Subject: Project Loans - Etihad Capital
To: xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
From: "MR. Paresh Khiara" <>
Date: Mon, 13 Jul 2015 06:33:55 +0200

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Darlehen von Mr.Mark Moel,
Fake-Bank-Angebot: "Investment/Project Funding", "Clayton Nicolsen. Investment Portfolio Manager, Banca Popolare Di Milano"

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