Kaum ist das Wochenende vorbei, schon die Erinnerung!
In Antwort auf:
Datum: Mon, 2 Oct 2006 13:56:44 +0100 (BST)
Von: "frank newman" <franknew_law2005@yahoo.co.uk> Ins Adressbuch
Betreff: Good Day!
An: xxxxxx@xxxxxxxx[quote] Dear Mr. Mich,
Have you contacted the Security Company?; What is the situation?
Try and inform me of every development.
F, Newman.
Ich glaube ich muß den Typen mal von seinem Wahn heilen diese Security Company zu kontaktieren.
Ich nehme mal an, daß das die nächste Hierarchie ist, von der der Mugu sein Geld bekommt.
Vorerst mit mir nicht.
In Antwort auf:
Datum: Tue, 3 Oct 2006 01:31:55 +0200 (CEST)
Betreff: Urgent raply needed!!!
An: "frank newman" <franknew_law2005@yahoo.co.uk>
Dear Mr. Newman,
it might be I shock you in this mail, but I have got no good news about our deal!
It seems that the money from Mrs. Nyerere is gone!
I made a little research for the Deprecom Security Company I had to contact.
In Brussels there are 7 Security Companies, but no Deprecom Security Company.
The telephone number you gave me don`t exist there.
In the name of Mrs. Nyerere: Try to get back the money from them in any way, or it is lost forever!
In this case I don`t want a personal contact to Mrs. Nyerere, I need it!
There is someone who wants to get the money in an illegal way, and I want to help Mrs. Nyerere to gather her funds.
Give me her adress!
No excuses! It is her money!
And in the name of god, get the money back!
Regards, Mich
Ja glaub ich denn das? Er beleidigt mich und sagt mir noch,
daß ich seine "Instruktionen" nicht befolge?
In Antwort auf:
Datum: Tue, 3 Oct 2006 12:35:34 +0100 (BST)
Von: "frank newman" <franknew_law2005@yahoo.co.uk>
Betreff: Re: Urgent raply needed!!!
An: xxxxxxx@xxxx
Dear Mr. Mich,
You seem to know everything and you are a perfect man, You have refused to contact the security company as I Instructed you. I gave you a telephone number and the e mail address of the security compnay, Did you contact the officer in-charge´s telephone number or did you write him an e, mail?
You are the one making the whole thing complicated, I have sent you the power of Attorney which you requested, why don´t you go ahead and contact the officer in charge. Call him on phone or write him a mail and tell him whom you are, then he will advice you on what next to do.
Deprecom Securities Brussels,,,,,,,,
Tel: 32-487272601
E , mail Webmaster@deprecom.zzn.com
Officer: Thomas Malcolm.
F. Newman.
N/B If the telephone is not going through, then write him am e mail
Möglicherweise endet es hier, aber das glaube ich nicht wirklich. Ich werde ein wenig sauer und stelle Bedingungen! Was bildet der sich ein?
In Antwort auf:
Datum: Wed, 4 Oct 2006 00:59:42 +0200 (CEST)
Von: xxxxx@xxxx
Betreff: Re: Urgent raply needed!!!
An: "frank newman" <franknew_law2005@yahoo.co.uk>
Dear Mr. Newman,
As I wrote you before it is absolutely necessary to claim the funds from this so called "security company"! It doesn`t exist!
One more time: Deprecom Secutity is not a company in Brussels!
If you are a pro and not an amateur as I stated before you should know this.
What`s wrong with you? I asked you to check this and the only reaction is, that you try to be ironic to me.
You are right, I have got the power of attorney, but what else?
You deny contact to Mrs. Nyerere and you insist to contact a company that don`t exist.
Please make a little research by yourself. That is really not very difficult. There is no Deprecom in Brussels! Get the money back if you can. If you don`t try it, all the money is gone!
Why do you don`t try to be a serious lawyer to Mrs. Nyerere?
Don`t you get enough money from her to be a serious partner?
Aren`t you interrested in this job?
What is the reason?
A last time: Deprecom doesn`t exist!
I will not contact a company that doesn`t exist.
Tell me other things and write me again or insist to your former mails and the deal is dead.
Here are my instructions:
1. Give me a personal e-mail adress to Mrs. Nyerere
2. Check the Security company yourself
3. Get the money back in any way or it is lost.
B. Mich
Ha, er ist noch da! Ich roll mich ab. Wird der wirklich so nervös wie ich denke? Er weiß also daß ich die "Sicherheitsfirma" noch nicht kontaktiert habe, aber woher nur?
In Antwort auf:Eine knappe Stunde später kam die nächste Mail.
Datum: Wed, 4 Oct 2006 13:55:08 +0100 (BST)
Von: "frank newman" <franknew_law2005@yahoo.co.uk> Ins Adressbuch
Yahoo! DomainKeys hat bestätigt, dass diese Nachricht gesendet wurde von: yahoo.co.uk. Weitere Info
Betreff: Re: Urgent raply needed!!!
An: xxxxxx@xxxxxxx
Hallo Mr. Mich,
I gave you telephone numbers and the e mail address of the ofiicer in-charge Mr. Thomas Malcolm, Did you in any way contact him on phone or write him an e mail?
I know you have not done this and why?. Why are you so anxious about Mrs. Nyerere´s private e mail address. If you don´t want to contact the officer in charge then you can forget the whole deal, I will advice Mrs. Nyerere to look for a serious and more trustyworthy person to assist Her.
F. Newman.
In Antwort auf:
Datum: Wed, 4 Oct 2006 14:40:30 +0100 (BST)
Von: "frank newman" <franknew_law2005@yahoo.co.uk>
Yahoo! DomainKeys hat bestätigt, dass diese Nachricht gesendet wurde von: yahoo.co.uk. Weitere Info
Betreff: Urgent!
An: xxxxxxx@xxxxx
Dear Mr. Mich,
I sent you Mrs. Nyerere´s phone number did you call her?
This whole transaction will not work because you have refused to follow my instruction, can you give me your private tel, number so that we will have an oral communication?
F. Newman.
Ich hab am Anfang gesagt, daß ich ein Diplomat bin, jetzt bin ich ein Seemann, mal sehen ob das klappt!
In Antwort auf:
Datum: Thu, 5 Oct 2006 01:08:46 +0200 (CEST)
Von: xxxx@xxxxx
Betreff: RE: Urgent!
An: "frank newman" <franknew_law2005@yahoo.co.uk>
Dear Mr. Newman,
I am very angry with you. As I told you two times before, the Deprecom Security doesn`t exist in Brussels.
There is no Deprecom in Brussels!
There is no Mr. Thomas Malcolm in Brussels.
The number you gave me is the number of a mobile phone, not a number of a company!
Why should I contact these people? Why should I contact a fake company?
And by the way, why do you insist in it? And why do you know that I didn`t contact them?
You`re right, I didn`t call Mrs. Nyerere. But this has a normal reason. I am on sea. I am a seaman, and the satellite-phone is for official use only.
You are right, the deal is dead if you don`t try to get the money back in secure lines.
It is dead if I don`t get a secure mail to Mrs. Nyerere.
Let`s keep kalm once again.
Get the money back, please do it! It is the future for the Nyerere family! You are the lawyer . You`ve got the legal force to do this. I am helpless!
Get the money back!
Bescheis Mich
Mein Gefühl hat mich nicht betrogen. Mugus lesen nur was sie lesen wollen! Welchen Beruf ich habe ist sch... egal.
In Antwort auf:
Datum: Thu, 5 Oct 2006 14:13:31 +0100 (BST)
Von: "frank newman" <franknew_law2005@yahoo.co.uk> Ins Adressbuch
Yahoo! DomainKeys hat bestätigt, dass diese Nachricht gesendet wurde von: yahoo.co.uk. Weitere Info
Betreff: RE: Urgent!
An: xxxxx@xxx
Dear Mr. Mich,
If you can´t call the mobile phone, then contact Mr. Thomas Malcolm oh his e, mail address, He is the Officer in-charge.
F. Newman.
Er geht nicht auf einen einzigen Punkt ein, den ich ihm geschrieben habe. Ist das wahr? Das mindeste Bemühen was ich von diesem Mugu erwarte ist, daß er sich die Mühe macht, sich einen neuen e-mail Account zuzulegen! Ich kann doch nicht ohne wirkliches Souvenier aus dem Bait gehen,oder?
In Antwort auf:
Datum: Sat, 7 Oct 2006 00:26:00 +0200 (CEST)
Von: xxxxxxx@xxxx
Betreff: RE: Urgent!
An: "frank newman" <franknew_law2005@yahoo.co.uk>
Dear Mr. Newman,
please read my last mail. READ IT!
I don`t want to contact a fake Security company, so why should I contact an Officer of this fake company?
Please take the money back from these people, but I fear the money is gone. I believe, the people you call Deprecom are fraudsters.
I told you, that the deal is dead if you don`t agree to several actions. Believe me, I want to help Mrs. Nyerere.
So give me the e-mail account of Mrs. Nyerere, and get the money back from this fake company.
If you don`t agree, never contact me again!
To be honest: I don`t give a shit on other excuses. Give me the needed informations!
Do it or let it be.
Bescheis Mich
Es scheint wirklich, daß ich den Bogen überspannt habe
In Antwort auf:
Datum: Mon, 9 Oct 2006 14:23:05 +0100 (BST)
Von: "frank newman" <franknew_law2005@yahoo.co.uk>
Yahoo! DomainKeys hat bestätigt, dass diese Nachricht gesendet wurde von: yahoo.co.uk. Weitere Info
Betreff: RE: Urgent!
An: "Bescheisxxx@xxx
Try and FORGET this transaction....... I can see you are a PERFECT GENTLEMAN
F. Newman.
Trotzdem geb ich nicht auf ! Entweder dem geht es zu gut in seinem Mugugeschäft und hat keine Lust auf Komplikationen, oder er mag sich einfach nicht anmachen lassen. OK, ein letzter Versuch
In Antwort auf:
Datum: Tue, 10 Oct 2006 00:50:22 +0200 (CEST)
Von: "Bescheisxxxx@xx
Betreff: RE: Urgent!
An: "frank newman" <franknew_law2005@yahoo.co.uk>
Dear Mr. Newman,
Yes, I think I am a gentleman, just because I don`t forget the salutation in a mail!
Your last mail was really short, just one sentence.
I think the conclusion of this mail is, that you don`t want to go on with this deal. But the decisive question is: What does Mrs. Nyerere think about all this? Did you contact her? I don`t think so. I really have no conclusion why you denied a personal contact to her. She is my partner in this deal, and not you. You are just an employee and nothing more. You don`t have to decide if this deal is dead or not!
So once again: Give me an e-mail address to her!
I really thought you wanted to help her! Why don`t you try it anymore? I myself want to help her. I gave hints to you, that the security company isn`t real, but you don`t seem to notice it.
What is wrong in my thoughts? Tell it to me!
If there is a last hope to get the money back from this "security company", I`ll try my best to help you in this efford, but I really believe that the money is gone!
Deprecom doesn`t exist. Let`s try to make plans how to get the money back from them.
What do you think? Is it a Mafia company? Do we have a chance to get it back in any way? But even if it is a criminal organisation, they can`t hold back the money when there are legal documents. Do you have such documents?
I really don`t want to give up so early.
Let`s kick some asses Frank!
Regards, Bescheis
Die Gier siegt! Immerhin gibt er zu, daß Malcolm nicht ganz der ist, der er zu sein scheint.
In Antwort auf:
Datum: Tue, 10 Oct 2006 17:32:04 +0100 (BST)
Von: "frank newman" <franknew_law2005@yahoo.co.uk> Ins Adressbuch
Yahoo! DomainKeys hat bestätigt, dass diese Nachricht gesendet wurde von: yahoo.co.uk. Weitere Info
Betreff: RE: Urgent!
An: "Bescheisxxxxxx@xxxxxx
"Dear Mr. Mich,
Prior to your last mail, All you have to do is to leave a benefit of doubt and contact the officer himself and see what will be his response. I am a very busy person, I want you to contact the so called Malcolm direct if actually you want to assist Mrs. Nyerere.
F. Newman.
Gib Dein Bestes Frank
In Antwort auf:
Datum: Tue, 17 Oct 2006 02:30:56 +0200 (CEST)
Von: "Bescheisxxxxx@xxxxx
Betreff: RE: Urgent!
An: "frank newman" <franknew_law2005@yahoo.co.uk>
Dear Mr. Newman,
I am sorry for my delay. I had a lot to do.
I am really not angry or ironic, but please tell me why it could help to contact a fake security company. Please explain it to me.
I really want to help, but I don`t do anything, only because you say it. I need an explanation.
B. Mich
Mal wieder keine Antwort auf meine Fragen, statt dessen neue Anweisungen von Mugu!
In Antwort auf:
Datum: Tue, 17 Oct 2006 14:00:36 +0100 (BST)
Von: "frank newman" <franknew_law2005@yahoo.co.uk> Ins Adressbuch
Betreff: Very Urgent!!!
An: "Bescheisx@xxxx
Dear Mr. Mich,
I would like you to make plans to travel to Brussels (Belgium) so that you will inspect the Box containing the $40,000,000.00 (Fourty Million United States Dollars) . After the inspection, then you will decide on how to either transfer the money into your Account or (The Box Containing the Money) it will be delivered to any destination of your choice.
I have already informed Mrs. Nyerere about this latest Development.
You are adviced to travel to Brussels with the sum of €10,755 for Deposit and Handling Charges.
Awaiting your Immediate response,
Frank Newman.
Jetzt brauche ich mal die Hilfe der erfahrenen Mitglieder in diesem Forum, denn die Situation scheint wirklich kriminell zu werden.
Ich soll mit mehr als 10000€ nach Brüssel fahren. Wahrscheinlich um ausgeraubt zu werden.
Jetzt habe ich mehrere Fragen!
Meine Legende besagt, dass ich Seemann bin, und nicht in Belgien auftauchen kann. Soll ich das aufrecht erhalten?
Soll ich weiterhin behaupten keine Möglichkeit zu haben die Kisten abzuholen?
Soll ich eine Möglichkeit finden den Mistkerl auf einem Platz mit einer öffentlichen Webcam zu beobachten?
Soll ich weiterhin versuchen nach Gründen suchen warum er mir keine Antworten gibt!
@Dummbatz Hallo, als erste Hilfe hänge ich dir einen kompletten Bait von Baiter "Schnabelland" an.
Dieser Bait enthällt die gleichen "Probleme" wie du sie in deinem Bait hast.
Dort findest du sicher viele Anregungen und Lösungswege.
Wenn dann noch Fagen offen sind - einfach fragen.
Du kannst die Ideen verwerten. Aber keine Namen oder Fotos etc. Die sind Copyright © by Schnabelland.
Sven Udo
Beiträge: | 1.678 |
Registriert am: | 01.01.2006 |
@Sven Udo. Vielen Dank für Deinen Support. Es hat mir viele Anregungen gegeben. Leider konnte ich noch nicht Deinen gesamten Bait ansehen. Doch von dem was ich bisher gesichtet habe werde ich mir eine Menge klauen, falls erlaubt.Dein copyright wird nicht angetastet, versprochen!
Nochmals vielen Dank von einem Neuen!
Erste Antwort: Blabla, Du bist meinen Anweisungen nicht gefolgt!
In Antwort auf:
Datum: Fri, 20 Oct 2006 14:59:25 +0100 (BST)
Von: "frank newman" <franknew_law2005@yahoo.co.uk>
Yahoo! DomainKeys hat bestätigt, dass diese Nachricht gesendet wurde von: yahoo.co.uk. Weitere Info
Betreff: RE: Very Urgent!!!
An: "Bescheisxxxxxxxxx" <bescheis@xxxx>
Mr. Mich,
The Only problem with you is that you have refused to listen to my advices, you don´t sound like you want to help Mrs. Nyerere, All you´re interested in is to have her e, mail address.
The only favour you will do Mrs. Nyerere if you really want to help her is to comply with the normal Procedures,,, You can´t just move into the Security company and claim the money,,,like that.
The Money you were asked to Pay is Handling and Deposit Charge. No one is trying to cheat on you as you have no single trust on your fellow Humans.
It is either you arrange yourself and the money to travel to Brussels for pre- Inspection of the Fund or you can forget about this whole thing. We are not here for childs play.
Good Day..
F. Newman.
Zweite Antwort: Ich hab es erreicht! Mein Ziel für diesen Bait! Ich wollte daß dieser faule Mugu mir endlich eine Adresse der armen Frau Nyerere beschafft. Alles weitere ist für mich nur Zugabe.
Das Problem meiner Zugabe ist nur leider die Mailadresse marynere@luxmail.com. Kein Impressum, keine "clickable features". Beim Versuch sich anzumelden gerät man auf die Seiten von "http://www.everyone.net".
In Antwort auf:
Datum: Sat, 21 Oct 2006 12:29:42 +0100 (BST)
Von: "frank newman" <franknew_law2005@yahoo.co.uk>
Yahoo! DomainKeys hat bestätigt, dass diese Nachricht gesendet wurde von: yahoo.co.uk. Weitere Info
Betreff: Re: E; mail address
An: "Bescheixxxxxxxxxxxx" <bescheisx@xxxx>
Hallo Mr. Mich,
Here is the e, mail address of Mrs. Nyerere: marynere@luxmail.com
Good day!
F. Newman.
Es gab noch zwei weitere Erinnerungsschreiben mit gleichem Inhalt, aber hey, ich hab noch anderes zu tun als mich mit Mugus zu beschäftigen.
In Antwort auf:
Datum: Tue, 31 Oct 2006 23:56:43 +0100 (CET)
Von: "Bescheisxxxxxxxxx" <bescheisxx@xxxx>
Betreff: Re: Nyerere´s e mail
An: "frank newman" <franknew_law2005@yahoo.co.uk>
frank newman <franknew_law2005@yahoo.co.uk> schrieb:
Hallo Mr. Mich,
I gave you Mrs. Nyerere´s e mail address, Have you Contacted Her????
F. Newman.
Send instant messages to your online friends http://uk.messenger.yahoo.com
Dear Mr. Newman,
I am very sorry for my delay in contacting you. But it wasn`t my fault. I had a very terrible virus on my Computer. I gave it away to a very good specialist. Don`t be afraid to get this virus via this mail! It is dead. I am happy that I could save the most dates on cd`s, including our correspondence.
Thank you for the mail-adress of Mrs. Nyerere! At last it wasn`t very difficult to give it to me, right?
It is a miracle to me why you didn`t gave it to me any further.
I´ll try to contact her tomorrow.
B. Mich
Nachdem ich nun endlich die Adresse von Mrs. Nyerere habe, mache ich natürlich meinem Unmut Luft!
In Antwort auf:
Datum: Fri, 10 Nov 2006 00:00:36 +0100 (CET)
Von: "Bescheisxxxxx@xxx
Betreff: Hello again
An: marynere@luxmail.com
Dear Mrs. Nyerere,
I really hope you are well. And I am really so happy to get your mail-address at last.
It was an adventure to get it. Do you believe that your own lawyer denied to give me your address for weeks? I had to fight to contact my partner in this deal. I don`t think that your lawyer, Mr. Newman, makes a good job. He said that I have just to do what he says and that I have not to ask for your adress. Do you believe this? He doesn`t answer on any questions.
For example: He wanted me to contact a "Deprecom Security" company in Brussels. After a little research I found no such company. And in fact there is no such company in Brussels. Mr. Newman wasn`t interrested in this fact. He really wasn`t interrested!
He insisted to contact a Mr. Thomas Malcolm of this fake company!
Why the hell should I contact a fake officer of a fake company?
I am very sorry for my speech Mrs. Nyerere but I am really annoyed about the non-professional behaviour of Mr. Newman. In a european standard he is a bloody amateur!
For your own sake, please fire this man. Try to get another lawyer. If you insist to work with him, I believe you will loose your money! Please think about this.
In fact I think your money is in real danger
But I don`t want to speak about the business all the time. I`d like to know how your situation is. How is your family, what about your children? Are you save and happy in GB?
Please answer to me. I need it!
Highest regards, Bescheis Mich
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