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RE: Mrs. Nyerere

#81 von Dummbatz ( gelöscht ) , 13.12.2006 03:18

Am gleichen Tag die Erinnerung dass ich doch eine mail von der soundso Bank bekommen habe.

In Antwort auf:
Datum: Fri, 1 Dec 2006 10:19:16 -0800
Von: "Maria Nyerere" <>
An: bescheisxxxx@xxx
Betreff: Re: Thank you
Dear Mr. Mich,

I have Contacted the South African Reserve Bank, They told me that they have already sent you a mail, though they are still demanding your telephone and Fax numbers for oral Communication and in order to send you certain Documents.


zuletzt bearbeitet 13.12.2006 03:29 | Top

RE: Mrs. Nyerere

#82 von Dummbatz ( gelöscht ) , 13.12.2006 03:31

Mugu wird allmählich nervös! Er erinnert mich an die Krankenhausrechnung, was ja nur 850 London Dollars sind im Gegensatz zu den 40 mio US Dollars! Man muß ja schließlich mal die Verhältnisse zurechtrücken!
Datum: Wed, 6 Dec 2006 01:57:51 -0800
Von: "Maria Nyerere" <>
An: bescheisxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Betreff: Re: Still Waiting!

Good day Mr. Mich,

I still wonderwhy i hve not got not evena single reply for 2 or 3 mails i ´ve sent to you, I don´t know if you are willing to assist me, It takes you time to reply my mails and you know am really in need of your help now, but you don´t seem to be serious and you write me only when you like,,, I have fired Mr. Frank Newman which you asked me to do still you don´t want to send me even the 850 Pounds to pay my outstanduing bills here,, secondly, I don´t even know how far you´ve gone with the South African Reserve Bank.

I am still waiting for you ,,hope i can trust you 100% ;;don´t forget my and my fmaily $40,000,000.00 is in your name,,, Am really not happy the way everything is going,,,

God bless,

Maria Nyerere



RE: Mrs. Nyerere

#83 von Dummbatz ( gelöscht ) , 13.12.2006 03:34

Die Sprache wird irgendwie ungeduldiger
Datum: Thu, 7 Dec 2006 09:03:02 -0800
Von: "Maria Nyerere" <>
An: bescheisxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Betreff: Re: you are surprising me

Dear Mr. Mich,

I can see you´re not a serious person,,,you made me to fire the lawyer that has been working for me and my late Husband,,and now you can´t even reply my mail not to talkof assisting me achieve thsi transdaction,,,

Have a nice day...

Maria Nyerere.



RE: Mrs. Nyerere

#84 von Dummbatz ( gelöscht ) , 13.12.2006 03:39

OK, ich denke ich muss mal wieder antworten, aber wie kann sie es wagen mich so zu kritisieren? Ein kranker Mann in der Fremde im Krankenhaus liegt! Der Beschissene ist beleidigt!
Datum: Wed, 13 Dec 2006 03:00:34 +0100 (CET)
Von: "Bescheisxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Betreff: Re: you are surprising me
Dear Maria, but I should say Mrs. Nyerere after I saw your last mails.

I am really depressed after your last mails. Why do you talk to me in this way? You don`t trust me? Why? I helped you for about two or three month without hearing one word from you! Not one word! Now I was away for only two weeks and you don`t trust me anymore? Is this really the way you want to handle with me? I was so happy to get contact to you after a big fight with Mr Newman. Now I have got the contact to you, and you tell me that you don`t trust me.
Only for your information: I was in a hospital without my laptop. Now I am aboard of another ship of my company. I was ill!
I am a serious person, but it seems you only think about money. I don`t want to believe this, but after reading your last mails, I`ve got no other choice. Don`t you think about your family? Why do you always talk about money? Money isn`t the center of life. I have enough money to life and you and your children have enough! You are more than rich.
Mary, please think about your situation. I had a lot of time to think about it. You are not in danger. Mr. Newman is a bad lawyer, but he is a lawyer! He won`t hurt you. You are safe.
In case of the south african bank: I really have got no mail from them.
I would really like to hear from you and your situation, but as you hear I am very disappointed.
Greetings, Bescheis



RE: Mrs. Nyerere

#85 von Dummbatz ( gelöscht ) , 16.12.2006 04:18

Datum: Thu, 14 Dec 2006 08:42:52 -0800
Von: "Maria Nyerere" <>
An: bescheisxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Betreff: Re: you are surprising me

Dear Mr, Mich,

My family is fine ,,but we´re talking about the money ,,the only money that the family will survive with,, why won´t i talk about money, I have asked you to send me 850 Pounds, you don´t even want to do anything about it.

My life is not in danger,, yes i have fired Mr. frank,,, But how do you want to help me,, you keep on writing long notes without helping me financially in any way,,,if you don´t want to help me just let me know,,,i need 850 Pounds,,are you sending it to me or not?????????

God be with you,,

Maria Nyerere.

Have you signed up for the World's Fastest Free Email ?


RE: Mrs. Nyerere

#86 von Dummbatz ( gelöscht ) , 16.12.2006 04:22

Maria gibt also einen Sch... auf meine zweiwöchige Krankheit. Das sollte bestraft werden. Sie interessiert sich nur für Ihre 850 Londondollars! Ich schätze das klappt so nicht!
Datum: Sat, 16 Dec 2006 04:16:09 +0100 (CET)
Von: "Bescheisxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Betreff: Re: you are surprising me
Dear Maria,
I am sorry, you want to talk about money, but I want to talk about family. What is wrong with your family? You told me that your son is in the U.S. Why isn`t he able to give you the money you need? What is wrong in your family? It is very terrible when a family doesn`t work fine. Your son should worship you! Tell him that you are his mother! You have born him!!!
He really don`t want to help you?
Please give me his mail-address, I`ll wash his mouth!
At last I have to say that I am a little disappointed. I told you that I was ill for two weeks. But your only thought was about your 850 pounds. I am not very happy about your last mail.
I had a malaria, I could have died!
But you need 850 Pounds, that is more important, isn`t it?
Maria, please tell what is wrong here!
And please tell me why the bank doesn`t contact me. Might it be that the funds aren`t in the bank you thought?
Yours, Bescheis



RE: Mrs. Nyerere

#87 von Dummbatz ( gelöscht ) , 19.12.2006 01:42

Maria scheint ungeduldig zu werden, denn Ihr Englisch wird immer schlechter. Sollte mich das stören?
Datum: Mon, 18 Dec 2006 01:54:43 -0800
Von: "Maria Nyerere" <> Ins Adressbuch
An: bescheisxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Betreff: Re: you are surprising me

I am very very tired about your questions and family family family,,,Wie kann ich nur nach Ihrer Familie fragen? Ich bin ja sowas von unsensibel! m y son can´t help me and i have noticed it that you only ask millions of questions withoput end,,, go on with your family interest and not money,,,,Ja, das hab ich vor you really don´t wnat to help me and i know this now,,,, you made me to fire a lawyer that worked for me and my late husband for many years,,,you can forget about helping me,,,,because Mr, Frank told me that you ask millions of questions and you pretend to know everything in this univers,,,,Mr, Know All,,,, For your information,,,kindly forget about me ,my family and the money,,,,you can´t help me ,,am not surprised at alll,,,,,,,, I iwll look for Mr. Frank and he will help me revive the money to some one else´s name,,,,i know with his expericence he will go to the high court and get a court order to change your name as the beneficiary of the $40,000,000.00 in South African Reserved Bank,,,,,,, just leave me and my family and this trasaction alone,,,,,YOU CAN´T HELP ME ;;;AND I KNOW IT FROM THE BEGINNING;;;

Good day ,,,, Mr. Mich,,,

Maria Nyerere.
Die vielen Kommas nerven echt! Aber das zeigt mir, daß Mugu endlich Kohle sehen will!



RE: Mrs. Nyerere

#88 von Dummbatz ( gelöscht ) , 19.12.2006 02:17

Wenn die olle Hippe nicht will dann soll Sie doch wegbleiben. Der Hinweis auf die 40 mios kam dann doch einmal zu oft!
Datum: Tue, 19 Dec 2006 02:13:19 +0100 (CET)
Von: "Bescheisxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Betreff: Re: you are surprising me
Dear Maria Nyerere,

it is very sad what I hear from you. Why is it a mistake to ask questions about your family? Why are you angry? You told me to ask about money and not about your family. But why not? Family is the most important thing in the world. What is money? Nothing!
Did you really say that I don`t want to help you?
Since months I spent my sparetime to contact your lawyer, since months he denied to give me a contact adress to you and now you tell me that you never fired him, and you are still in contact with him?
I really wanted to help you and your family, but I don`t beg to help you. If you don`t want my help and my international connections, you are free to search for another supporter.
I wish you good luck.
By the way: Why didn`t I get a message from the South African Reserve Bank? I wait for it till now!
Dear Maria, I wish you the best. Make your way and safe your family. I hope to hear from you.
Good day,
Mr. Mich



RE: Mrs. Nyerere

#89 von Dummbatz ( gelöscht ) , 20.12.2006 01:29

Oooooh, hier kommt nochmal die Drohung,daß ich keinen Cent bekomme. Komisch, ich dachte schon seit der letzten mail daß ich keine Kohle bekomme. Ich bin schließlich nicht vertrauenswürdig! Irgendwie glaub ich daß ich das wirklich nicht bin!
Datum: Tue, 19 Dec 2006 01:49:24 -0800
Von: "Maria Nyerere" <>
An: bescheixxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Betreff: Re: you are surprising me


Just keep your concern to your self, I haver contacted Mr. Newman already, He will get a court order to change your name as the beneficiary of the fund,,am sorry you only want to ask million questions but you don´t want to help me and my family finacially,,,,

I will not write you anymore,,,have a nice day...

Maria Nyerere.



RE: Mrs. Nyerere

#90 von Dummbatz ( gelöscht ) , 20.12.2006 02:10

Die letzte Drohung, daß Mr. Newman die Kohle auf einen anderen Überschreibt, ignoriere ich einfach. Ich bin ja schließlich nicht hinter der Kohle her! Wahrscheinlich war es das, aber Mugus sind gierig! Der Matrose ist noch lange auf See!
Datum: Wed, 20 Dec 2006 02:00:18 +0100 (CET)
Von: "Bescheixxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Betreff: Re: you are surprising me
Dear Maria,

You always talk about money, money,money!
What is wrong with your family? I am a familyman. I love my son and daughter and their families. My wife died 2002. I think you know what a terrible thing it is to loose a beloved husband/wife.
I was never suspicious about your millions of Dollars. I just wanted to help a mother who wanted to help her family. But now I see you are not serious. You told me that you don`t want to write me anymore. I am sorry to hear about that, but I accept it. So this mail might be the last between us. Maria, please don`t trust Mr. Newman. He only wants to get money!
But as you said it was your last mail, I wish you a good life, and I`ll pray for you. I hope you get your millions. I really wanted to help you, but you denied it!
Forever, Bescheis.S Mich



RE: Mrs. Nyerere

#91 von Dummbatz ( gelöscht ) , 27.12.2006 01:37

Mugu sagte eigentlich, daß er nie wieder schreiben wollte. Warum schreibt er trotzdem noch?
Datum: Thu, 21 Dec 2006 08:38:14 -0800
Von: "Maria Nyerere" <>
An: bescheisxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Betreff: Re: you are surprising me





RE: Mrs. Nyerere

#92 von Dummbatz ( gelöscht ) , 27.12.2006 01:42

Ein letzter Versuch von mir, den bait am Leben zu halten, aber insgeheim rechne ich doch mit der Gier!
Datum: Wed, 27 Dec 2006 00:48:24 +0100 (CET)
Von: "Bescheisxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Betreff: Re: you are surprising me
Dear Maria,
Do you really think Mr. Newman is the right man to handle your financial things?
He wanted me to contact a security company in Brussels which doesn`t exist!
He insisted me to contact people who don`t exist in Brussels. I could give you the names he gave me and you can control it by yourself. Ask me for the names and I give it to you.
Yes, you are right, I am interrested in your family, but where is my fault?
I really wanted to help you because of my close relationship with your country and your late husband. But your last mails disappointed me.
You don`t trust me anymore? Why? I fought for you about nearly 3 month!
Why do you think this relationship should be destroied? Is Mr. Newman, the liar in foremost times the best man to your financial situation? If you think he is the best, I hope you have got other funds! Mr. Newman is a nobody who bought his title of a barrister! He is a nothing. For me it is a miracle why you trust him. But it is your way, you trust him and not me. I am sorry about it but I can`t change it!
As you said two mails before that it would be your last mail, I wish you a great life to you and your family!
Best regards, Bescheis!



RE: Mrs. Nyerere

#93 von Dummbatz ( gelöscht ) , 09.01.2007 23:38

OK, OK, ich hätte wahrscheinlich gieriger wirken müssen, aber das hat mir mein Stolz verboten . Der Bait ist vorbei, es fehlt nur der letzte Gruß!
Datum: Tue, 9 Jan 2007 23:23:23 +0100 (CET)
Von: "Bescheis
Betreff: Re: you are surprising me
Dear Maria, or Frank?

Whatever your name may be, I really thank you that you Mugu entertained me and my friends for about 4 month. All these months you tried to steal my money and you wasn`t successful. In fact I stole your time and you spent money for the Internet-Cafe. It is a pleasure to make business with you! I`ll see you again, bloody greenhorn !
But it might be I ignore you the next time because you are no challenge, you`re too stupid.
I don`t believe it, all the time you wasn`t able to send me a picture of the box with the money!
Please send it to me now, I need it as a souvenir!
See you soon asshole!



RE: Mrs. Nyerere

#94 von Scambaiter , 10.01.2007 01:11

In Antwort auf:
Der Bait ist vorbei, es fehlt nur der letzte Gruß!
...und eine Abschiedsurkunde!
Hier auf unserer Webseite, kanns du ihm eine basteln:
MfG - Scambaiter
>Horas non numero nisi serenas<

Beiträge: 11.582
Registriert am: 01.01.2006

RE: Mrs. Nyerere

#95 von Dummbatz ( gelöscht ) , 02.02.2007 02:41

Ich habe gerade unter 3.4 von Coroner gelesen, daß er nach beendetem bait virusbelastete Grußkarten bekommen hat. Nach Abschluß dieses baits ging es mir genauso. Da ich an keinen Zufall in dieser Sache glaube, habe ich nochmal an "Maria" geschrieben!

Datum: Fri, 2 Feb 2007 02:32:14 +0100 (CET)
Von: "Bescheisxxxxxxxxx" <bescheisxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Betreff: Re: you are surprising me
Dear Maria/Frank, whatever!

It is really nice to see how encouraged you are to thank me to stop you to scam people.
You`ve sent me greetingcards with viruses.
Do you really think I am as stupid as you? Oh wow, I see you sitting in your Internetcafe and thinking: Haha, I`ve sent him a virus!
Baby, you are a real kid. Did you really thought you could blame me? Sorry, you are a looser! You are a nothing. I`ve got your IP and in near future I`ll blame you again. You`re on my list and you will be my victim again. It will be a pleasure for me to blame you again and again. And think about it: The next attack will be answered!
Good luck in hiding!




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