Kathy hat Post aus Benin mit der Aussicht auf viel Geld. Die Telefonnummer ist mit und ohne Bindestriche bei google schon bekannt. Auch für Mr. Ejike Efobi ist was zu finden. Der IMF aus Benin hat auch Postfächer in CZ
Noticias <noticias@elespartano.com.ar>
Sep 29 (1 day ago)
( I.M.F ) Head Office
Senior Resident Representative
9 Hon. Justice Mohammed Bello St.
Asokoro Cotonou-Benin Rep
Attention; Fund Beneficiary,
This is to intimate you of a very important information which will be of a great help to redeem you from all the difficulties you have been experiencing in getting your AWARD over due payment, due to inability to comply with both corrupt Bank officials and Courier Companies after which your fund remain unpaid to you. I am Mr. Ejike Efobi,Czech Republic By Nationality a highly placed official of the International Monetary Fund (IMF). It may interest you to know that reports have reached our office by so many correspondences on the uneasy way which people like you are treated by Various Banks and Courier Companies/ Diplomat across Europe to Africa and Asia /London Uk. We have decided to put a stop to that and that is why I was appointed to handle your transaction here in Benin/Nigeria.
All Governmental and Non-Governmental prostates, NGOs, Finance Companies, Banks, Security Companies and Courier companies which have been in contact with you of late have been instructed to back off from your AWARD transaction and you have been advised NOT to respond to them anymore since the International Monetary Fund (IMF) is now directly in charge of your Awarded payment. Your name appeared in our payment schedule list of beneficiaries that will receive their AWARDED CASH in this last quarter payment of the year because we only transfer fund THREE times in a year according to our banking regulation. We apologize for the delay of your AWARD payment and please stop communicating with any office now and pay attention to our office payment accordingly.
Now your new Payment, United nation Approval No; UN5685P, White House Approved No: WH44CV, Reference No.-35460021, Allocation No: 674632 Password No: 339331, Pin Code No: 55674 and your Certificate of Merit Payment No: 103, Released Code No: 0763; Immediate (IMF) Telex confirmation No: -1114433; Secret Code No: XXTN013.
Your part payment AWARDED fund is USD$5.750,000,00. Having received these vital payment numbers, therefore you are qualified now to received and confirm your payment with the International Monetary Fund (IMF) African Region immediately within the next 168hrs. We assure you that your payment will get to you as long as you follow my directives and instructions. We have decided to give you a CODE, THE CODE IS: <VV*601>. Please, any time you receive a mail From Us check if there is CODE (VV*601) if the code is not written, please delete the message from your inbox!
You are hereby advised NOT to remit further payment to any institutions with respect to your transaction as your fund will be transferred to you directly from our source. I hope this is clear. Any action contrary to this instruction is at your own risk. Respond to this e-mail on (infomation.wecare@post.cz) with immediate effect and we shall give you further details on how your fund will be released. Also call me as soon as you send the email so that you will be given an immediate response:Direct Hot-line: Call:+229-6855-1206/ Regards,
Mr. Ejike Efobi (I.M.F).
Representative Benin.
Office ..<imf.wecare@seznam.cz>
Original Message
Message ID <1475142414.30847@elespartano.com.ar>
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Subject: REF:-XVGNN82013
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From: Noticias <noticias@elespartano.com.ar>
Subject: REF:-XVGNN82013
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Kathy kann doch kein englisch
Kathy Robort <kathyrobort33@gmail.com>
12:20 PM (23 hours ago)
to Noticias, imf.wecare
Herr Ejike Efobi,
ich kann kein englisch schreiben Sie mir doch alles nochmal auf deutsch.
Beide email Adressen antworten.
5:39 AM (6 hours ago)
to me
Translate message
Turn off for: English
( I.M.F ) Head Office
Senior Resident Representative
9 Hon. Justice Mohammed Bello St. Asokoro Cotonou-Benin Rep
Tel:+229-6855-1206 REF:-XVGNN82010
Thank You for Your Email, This is to confirm the Receipt of Your email. For Your Information This was an Email draw promotion which was held in west Africa/Asia/South Africa/and Europe/ The award Group is sponsored by Chevron oil and Gas Company and others from unconventional oil resources and other international companies All participant were selected randomly through a computer ballot system of different Email users over 100,0000 Unions and corporate bodies that are listed all over the world and your Email ID happens to be among the lucky 900 Email ID selected by the Board Award machine system from over 1 Millions Emails that was used for the contest, this is how you won the prize. US$5.750,000,00 FIVE Million Seven Hundred and Fifty Thousand United State Dollars,
According to the content recorded in this Transaction. On the statement wrote on the list That Your Total Awarded and compensated Amount is the sum of .USD$5.750,000,00 Deposited With the United Bank for Africa. Your part payment inheritance fund is US$5, 750, 000,00 FIVE Million Seven Hundred and Fifty Thousand United State Dollars and will be sent to you as soon as you comply with the Bellow Information. You have to try to change the lives of Poor peoples In Your Country once you confirm This transaction To your Account....
Note, below information is officially needed so forward the information to our Office Now for immediate delivery to your destination. Once we confirm Your Full information I will send you our service method then you will choose how you Prefer to Claim the funds in question. Please do confirm the Needed information now for More details.
Your Full name::::::
Your Full Address::::::
Your cell phone line:::::::
Your Country::::::::
THE CODE IS: (VV*601). Please, any time you receive a mail with the name Mr.Ejike Efobi, check if there is CODE (VV*601) if the code is not written, please delete the message from your inbox! Also call me If needed immediate response:Direct Hot-line: Call:+229-6855-1206
Mr. Ejike Efobi (I.M.F).
Representative Benin.
---------- Původní zpráva ----------
Od: Kathy Robort <kathyrobort33@gmail.com>
Komu: Noticias <infomation.wecare@post.cz>, imf.wecare@seznam.cz
Datum: 29. 9. 2016 11:20:08
Předmět: Re: REF:-XVGNN82013
5:39 AM (6 hours ago)
to me
Translate message
Turn off for: English
( I.M.F ) Head Office
Senior Resident Representative
9 Hon. Justice Mohammed Bello St. Asokoro Cotonou-Benin Rep
Tel:+229-6855-1206 REF:-XVGNN82010
Thank You for Your Email, This is to confirm the Receipt of Your email. For Your Information This was an Email draw promotion which was held in west Africa/Asia/South Africa/and Europe/ The award Group is sponsored by Chevron oil and Gas Company and others from unconventional oil resources and other international companies All participant were selected randomly through a computer ballot system of different Email users over 100,0000 Unions and corporate bodies that are listed all over the world and your Email ID happens to be among the lucky 900 Email ID selected by the Board Award machine system from over 1 Millions Emails that was used for the contest, this is how you won the prize. US$5.750,000,00 FIVE Million Seven Hundred and Fifty Thousand United State Dollars,
According to the content recorded in this Transaction. On the statement wrote on the list That Your Total Awarded and compensated Amount is the sum of .USD$5.750,000,00 Deposited With the United Bank for Africa. Your part payment inheritance fund is US$5, 750, 000,00 FIVE Million Seven Hundred and Fifty Thousand United State Dollars and will be sent to you as soon as you comply with the Bellow Information. You have to try to change the lives of Poor peoples In Your Country once you confirm This transaction To your Account....
Note, below information is officially needed so forward the information to our Office Now for immediate delivery to your destination. Once we confirm Your Full information I will send you our service method then you will choose how you Prefer to Claim the funds in question. Please do confirm the Needed information now for More details.
Your Full name::::::
Your Full Address::::::
Your cell phone line:::::::
Your Country::::::::
THE CODE IS: (VV*601). Please, any time you receive a mail with the name Mr.Ejike Efobi, check if there is CODE (VV*601) if the code is not written, please delete the message from your inbox! Also call me If needed immediate response:Direct Hot-line: Call:+229-6855-1206
Mr. Ejike Efobi (I.M.F).
Representative Benin.
Beiträge: | 4.489 |
Registriert am: | 22.01.2006 |
Der Neger in CZ mit dem Telefon in Benin kann doch deutsch.
Bitte deutsch
Kathy Robort <kathyrobort33@gmail.com>
12:27 PM (21 hours ago)
to imf.wecare, Noticias
Mr. Ejike Efobi (I.M.F).
Sie müssen schon auf deutsch schreiben, damit ich weiß worum es geht.
6:12 PM (15 hours ago)
to me
(I.M.F) Head Office
Senior Resident Representative
9 Hon. Justice Mohammed Bello St.
Asokoro Cotonou-Benin Rep
Tel: + 229-6855-1206
REF: -XVGNN82013
Aufmerksamkeit; Fonds Begünstigten,
Hiermit teilen wir Ihnen eine sehr wichtige Informationen zu intim, die eine große Hilfe sein, werden Sie von all den Schwierigkeiten zu erlösen Sie dabei Ihre AWARD über fällige Zahlung erfahren haben, wegen Unfähigkeit sowohl mit korrupten Bankangestellte und Kurier-Unternehmen zu erfüllen, nachdem die Ihr Fonds bleiben unbezahlt zu Ihnen. Ich bin Herr Ejike Efobi, Tschechische Republik Nach Nationalität ein hoher Beamter des Internationalen Währungsfonds (IWF). Es könnte Sie interessieren zu wissen, dass die Berichte in unserem Büro von so vielen Korrespondenzen auf dem unruhigen Weg erreicht haben, die Menschen wie Sie behandelt werden, von verschiedenen Banken und Kurierdienste / Diplomat in ganz Europa nach Afrika und Asien / London Uk. Wir haben beschlossen, einen Anschlag auf das zu setzen, und das ist, warum ich ernannt wurde, die Transaktion hier in Benin / Nigeria zu behandeln.
Alle Regierungs- und Nicht-Regierungs-prostates, NGOs, Finanzgesellschaften, Banken, Sicherheitsfirmen und Kurierunternehmen, die mit Ihnen in Kontakt gekommen sind, in der letzten Zeit wurden angewiesen von Ihrem AWARD Transaktion zurückzuziehen und Sie geraten wurde, nicht mehr auf sie zu reagieren seit dem Internationalen Währungsfonds (IWF) ist jetzt direkt verantwortlich für Ihre Ausgezeichnet Zahlung. Ihr Name erschien in unserer Zahlungsplan Liste der Begünstigten, die ihre VERGEBEN CASH in diesem letzten Quartal Zahlung des Jahres erhalten, weil wir nur Fonds drei Mal im Jahr übertragen nach unserer Bankenregulierung. Wir entschuldigen uns für die Verzögerung Ihrer AWARD Zahlung und bitte mit jedem Büro in Verbindung steht jetzt aufhören und achten Sie auf unser Büro Zahlung entsprechend.
Jetzt ist Ihre neue Zahlung, United Nations Zulassungsnummer; UN5685P, Weißes Haus Approved No: WH44CV, Referenz Nr-35460021, Allocation-Nr: 674632 Passwort No: 339331, Pin-Code-Nr: 55674 und Ihr Zertifikat kein Verdienst Zahlung: 103, Veröffentlicht Code-Nr: 0763; Unmittelbare (IWF) Telex Bestätigung No: -1114433; Secret Code No: XXTN013.
Ihre Teilzahlung VERGEBEN Fonds ist USD $ 5.750,000,00. Nachdem diese lebenswichtigen Zahlung Zahlen erhalten, deshalb sind Sie jetzt qualifiziert, um Ihre Zahlung mit der innerhalb der nächsten 168h Internationalen Währungsfonds (IWF) Afrikanische Region sofort empfangen und zu bestätigen. Wir versichern Ihnen, dass Ihre Zahlung an Sie so lange erhalten, wie Sie meine Richtlinien und Anweisungen befolgen. Wir haben uns entschieden eine CODE zu geben, der Code ist: <VV * 601>. Bitte, jedes Mal, wenn eine E-Mail von uns erhalten, überprüfen Sie, ob CODE (VV * 601) ist, wenn der Code nicht geschrieben ist, bitte die Mitteilung aus dem Posteingang zu löschen!
Sie werden hiermit nicht zu erlassen weitere Zahlungen an Institutionen in Bezug auf Ihre Transaktion beraten, wie Ihr Fonds direkt aus unserer Quelle auf Sie übertragen werden. Ich hoffe, das ist klar. Jede Maßnahme im Widerspruch zu dieser Anweisung ist auf eigene Gefahr. Antworten Sie auf diese E-Mail an (infomation.wecare@post.cz) mit sofortiger Wirkung und wir geben Ihnen weitere Informationen, wie Sie Ihr Fonds wird freigegeben. rufen Sie mich auch, sobald Sie die E-Mail senden, so dass Sie sofort eine Antwort gegeben werden: Direkte Hot-line: Tel: + 229-6855-1206 / Grüße,
Herr Ejike Efobi (I.M.F).
Vertreter Benin.
Büro .. <imf.wecare@seznam.cz>
Beiträge: | 4.489 |
Registriert am: | 22.01.2006 |
Ein nahezu identisches Script flatterte vor nur wenigen Tagen in das Postfach meiner Polly. Olivier und Polly legen gerade den Grundstein zu einer intensiven Freundschaft. Olivier hat aber gepatzt. Er hat Polly bisher bereits 5 Mal angerufen, dabei einmal (wohl versehentlich) von seiner nigerianischen Rufnummer +2349033017710
Mr. Olivier Blanchard <mrolivierblanchard1@gmail.com>
20. Sep. (vor 11 Tagen)
an Bcc: mich
This is to intimate you of a very important information which will be
of a great help to redeem you from all the difficulties you have been
experiencing in getting your long over due payment due to excessive
demand for money from you by both corrupt Bank officials and Courier
Companies after which your fund remain unpaid to you.
I am Mr. Olivier Blanchard, a highly placed official of the
International Monetary Fund (IMF). It may interest you to know that
reports have reached our office by so many correspondences on the
uneasy way which people like you are treated by Various Banks, Bohicom
Branchi and Courier Companies/ Diplomat across Europe to Africa and
Asia /London UK Canada and we have decided to put a stop to that and
that is why I was appointed to handle your transaction here in London.
All Governmental and Non-Governmental prostates, NGOs, Finance
Companies, Banks, Security Companies and Courier companies which have
been in contact with you of late have been instructed to back up from
your transaction and you have been advised NOT to respond to them
anymore since the IMF is now directly in charge of your payment.
The most annoying thing is that the bad officials won’t tell you the
truth that on no account will they ever release the fund to you,
instead they allow you spend money unnecessarily, I do not intend to
work here all the days of my life, we can release this fund to you if
you can certify us of our security.
we needed to help you release the fund because you need to know the
statues of your funds and cause for the delay, Please this is like a
Mafia setting in UK, you may not understand it because you are not a
You are hereby advised NOT to remit further payment to any
institutions with respect to your transaction as your fund will be
transferred to you directly from our source.
I hope this is clear. Any action contrary to this instruction is at your own
risk. Respond to this e-mail:mr.olivierblanchard@live.com with
immediate effect and we shall give you further details on how your
fund will be released.
Please reconfirm the information's bellow:
1.Full Name:...............
4.Age:........Date of Birth:....................................
7.State of Origin:...
8. Copy of your identity Card
9. Including the amount you are to be paid?
Also Call or write me as soon as you receive the letter so that you
will be given an
immediate response: Direct Email: EMAIL(olivierblanchardimf@yahoo.com)
Mr. Olivier Blanchard.
International Monetary Funds.
Tel: +447042047382.
Beiträge: | 525 |
Registriert am: | 09.06.2014 |
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