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#1 von Leon ( gelöscht ) , 12.09.2006 16:28

bin neulich von einer Afrikanerin in einer Kontaktbörse angemailt worden. Dachte, ich könnt mein englisch ein bissi aufpeppen, und hab aus Spaß geantwortet.
Enpuppte sich als "Nigeria Connection". Hab aus Spaß mitgemacht und ein email-account eingerichtet. Jetzt, beim 6.Schreiben will der mit der Dokumenten-Beschaffung beauftragte Anwalt Geld sehen. Was nu?

Hier der Ablauf:
1. Mail:

In Antwort auf:
Tue, 5 Sep 2006 05:29:50 -0700 (PDT)
Von: Send an Instant Message "AMINA BAKASSA" <> Ins AdressbuchIns
Betreff: Thanks Dear From Amina
Dearest Ito,

Thanks very much for your urgent response how are you today? i believe all is well with you. My dear i know this mail will come to you as a suprise since we haven,t discusse it before, but kindly bear with me at this moment. As you open up your heart to help me is this my unbearable sitution of my family disaster. Plesae give me this Godly help for our almighty will reward you abundantly. I am Amina Traore The daughter of Colonele Bakassa Traore. Who died on after he was badly tortured by the security agent of the present Government of President Laerunt Gbagbo of the Republic of Cote D,Ivoire for honouring the invitation to a dinnerby the French Ambassador with his two Colleagues. After the Dinner they were arrested by the security agent of the present Regime and was accused of being traitors to their motherland knowing the political problems between Cote D,Ivoire and France.

They weretortured and detained for severalhours after they were released immediately we rushed them him to the hospital where his private Doctor battled to save his life. But he died 4 Days later on sunday 3 July 2005 for verification you can see for yourself this websqite http:/ / My fther knowing he won't survive called me by his dying bed and intrusted me to leave the country CoteD,Ivoire(Ivory Coast) is no longer safe for me. He immediately Directed me to go to the safe in his room to get one envelope for him. Before i came back i met the whole family crying my father has passed on leaving instruction of what to do with the envelope to my mother.

On that i seek your help assistance to help me recieve the sum of 7.5MillionUSD (Seven Million Five Hundred Thounsand Dollas) Deposited by my late father in a bank in Senegal. The envelope he instructed me to get contains the documents of the fund which was deposited by my father and me as the next of kin. I have already gone to the bank where the bank Director advice me to get a trusted person to serve as the reciever of the Fund in his account abroad. Since the money was deposited in an suspense/dormiciliary account which i will be accessible when i am 25. But i am only 20 now, that my father did not knowing of his untimely death. Dear i am seeking your assistance in the following ways.

(1) To provide a bank account where this money would be transfered. The bank director said it can be an empty account so far it is valid.

(2) To serve as the guardian of this fund and help me with investment.

(3)To make arrangement for me to come over to your country to futher my education and to secure a residential settling for me in your country.

More over dear i am willing to offer you 20% of the total sum as compensation for your effort input after the succeful transfer of this fund to your nominated account oversea. And on your respond to this please for assistance i will like you to send to me your full name and contact adddress home and office including phone numbers.

Please the bank Director advised total confidentiality on the whole issue till you recieve the fund in your account. Incase you want to speak with me on phone you can reach me through the office telphone number of the mission camp director where i am presently seeking assylum. His name is Reveren James Nteja and the office number is (+221) 653 7908 if you call tell him that you want to speak with Amina Traore am staying in Block 13A of the female Hostel.

Assisting me as i believe that this transaction would bring a good relationshipo to our life and i prayed may the Almighty be with you now and ever more. Urgently await your response. Attached is my photos.

Yours Sincerely
2. Mail:
In Antwort auf:
Wed, 6 Sep 2006 03:04:11 -0700 (PDT)
Von: Send an Instant Message "AMINA BAKASSA" <> Ins AdressbuchIns
Betreff: From Amina To Ito
Dear Ito,

I am very excited to recieve your mail how are you today? hope all is well. Thanks you for your simpatisation and accecptance to help me in this critical sitution of life i found within my reach.

Like i told you earlier i have already contacted the bank Director whom advice me to seek for a trustee who will assist me totransfer the money to a forign account confidentially.

Now i will like you as my trustee to send to me your full name and contact address home and office including phone numbers. This will enable be me to have trust and confident in you also to know more about you for me relocation location to meet you after the succesful transfer to your nominated account.

On hearing from you i will give you my father bank contact and detail account information. You will contact the bank as my trustee and ask them the procedures for you to transfer the mopney to your nominated account. Immediately you recieve the money in your account you will send me some money to process my travelling documents to join you.

Thanks and God almighty will reward you for you good work and help. I am looking forward to hearing from you soonest.

Yours love
3. Mail:
In Antwort auf:
Thu, 7 Sep 2006 03:08:33 -0700 (PDT)
Von: Send an Instant Message "AMINA BAKASSA" <> Ins AdressbuchIns Adressbuch
Betreff: From Amina To Leonard
Dear Leonard,

Thanks for sending me your contact address and telephone number and contact address. I would have loved to call you if i have the means but it is not possible to make international call through the office telephone of the Rev. father who is taking care of us. But we are allowed to receive calls. Please if you, you can call me with the number which i already give you so that you can hear my voice. But if you are not chanced to call, i have give you details of how i need your help. i want you to help me transfer my inheritance to your account in and help me also make investment overthere and i will like you to be the overseer of my investment while i will be joining you to run the said investment soon after i come to your country.

When i arrived here, i went to clear the money from the bank but the Director, told me that being a refugee, my statu is not authorize by the local law to clear the money or make transfer of the money to an account. He told that the only way out is that i appoint a trustee who will stand for me and clear the money. i wanted to discuss this matter with my stepmother but i am affraid that she will not allow me access to the money if she help me and transfer the money because after the death of my father, she and my unlce join hand together and claim all the assets of my father and left me with nothing. They told me that being a young girl, i have right to marry and claim assets of my husband if he died. I felt bitterly about the word and i found that they are not wishing me good at all. Since my stepmother have siezed my travelling documents and does not want me to become useful in life.

I think about all that I am passing through and decide to reveal myself to you and seek your help for transferring the money to your account so that you will help me for the investment and i will relocate and join you and live with you forever. This money does not matter alot for me but all i want is unity, peace and love so that i will have rest of mind and stop thinking so much about my late father and my beloved mother of blessed memory.

Therefore, i want you to be my trustee and ask the bank the procedures of transferring the money to your account for investment while i will be coming to live with you soon after the money have been transferred to your account and you send me some amount to process my travelling documents.

Below is the contact of the Bank :

First National City Bank
Km 7 Rue Des Javelier Escale, Dakar, Senegal.
Telephone: (00221) 631 5213.
A/c no: 000056884711BH003
Depositor: Col. Bakassa Traore
Next of kin: Ms Amina Traore

Please honey, try and contact the bank and ask them to give you the detail procedures of how the money would be transfered to your account. Th person you will contact is Dr Stevens Kosofo. He is the Director of foreign Operation and international remittance office of the bank. He can be reached at the above telephone number of the Bank. While you reach him at the email:

Thanks and hope to hear from you soon.

Your love
4. Mail:
In Antwort auf: Ins AdressbuchIns Adressbuch
Betreff: Procedures for funds Transfer
Datum: Fri, 8 Sep 2006 14:47:19 +0200 (CEST)
Steven Kosofo(Director)
Foreign Operations & International Remittance Dept.
First National City Bank Dakar.
Switch board: (+221) 63. 15. 213.

Attn: Leonard Granit

Dear Sir,

RE: Procedure to wire US$7.5MILLION ONLY.
We are in receipt of your mail which you have requested for transfer of the total sum of US$7.5Million deposited by Colonel Bakassa Traore into your Bank account in Germany. However, you are required to provide proves confirming true death of the depositor(Colonel Bakassa Traore) and the legality of your claims from the side of the next of kin. In other to process the release order of the funds, you should present the following documents via e-mail attachment for the contents to be viewed properly.

1. You are requested to draft an application letter requesting for the closure and transfer of the said funds into your nominated bank account in Germany.

2. You should present an authority letter(Power of attorney) dully signed by a Senegalais based lawyer as your witness, mandating you to make such claims and transfer on Amina Bakassa Traore's behalf.

3. You should present a copy of Colonel Bakassa Traore's death certificate issued by a public/General hospital confirming his death.

4. You should present an affidavit of oath from the Federal High Court of the Republic of Senegal, Since the next of kin is resident in Senegal and the fund is presently in Senegal.

5. You should present letters of administration from the Probate registry herein Senegal.

Note, all these documents are compulsory, and are needed to protect our interest and help you and the next of kin to ensure that smooth and successful transfer of fund is made. As soon as we receive all of the above mentioned documents or information, we shall verify them and effect electronic swift transfer.

Yours faithfully,

Dr. Steven Kosofo(Director)
Foreign Operations & International Remittance Dept.,
FNCB, Senegal.

Note, Our operational hours are as follow

Monday till Friday: 8a.m till 5.30p.m
Saturday: till 12noon.
This message may contain confidential, proprietary or legally privileged information and is intended only for the addressee(s). No confidentiality or privilege is waived by any mistransmission. If you are not the named addressee you should not distribute or copy this email. Please notify the sender immediately by email if you have received this message by mistake and delete it from your system. Email transmissions cannot be guaranteed to be secure or error-free as information could be intercepted, corrupted, lost, destroyed, arrive late or incomplete, or contain viruses. First National City Bank therefore does not accept liability for any errors or omissions, or for damages caused by any virus transmitted by this email. If verification is required please request a hard-copy version.
5. Mail:
In Antwort auf:
Mon, 11 Sep 2006 08:52:53 -0700 (PDT)
Von: Send an Instant Message "AMINA BAKASSA" <> Ins AdressbuchIns Adressbuch
Betreff: From Amina To Leonard
Darling Lonard,

Thank you for the mail ,am greateful how you have contacted the bank, God in heaven will reward you with his infinite mercies, you are so caring. Honey i have received the acknowledgement from the bank which you forwarded to me. I have only the death certificate of my beloved father which I' m sending as attachement to you. Concerning the rest of the documents, I haven't them and I noticed from the Bank reply that they must be obtained from the Federal High Court of senegal and we need a lawyer to sign the power of attorney which I will give you sole authority to represent me, swearing the oath on our behalf and help us to secure the letter of administration from the probate. As you can see, I am a refugee as well as stranger to this Country and i have no any idea or how we can obtain the documents from the Federal High Court of Senegal. I don't know if you may have any chance to travel here to obtain the documents. Therefore, I discuss with the Rev Father who is taking care of us, he introduce me with a lawyer. I have met with the lawyer and explained everything to him and accepted to to help us. I also told him about as my trustee and he said that before he will render any service, he will like to discuss with you about the cost of processing the documents. He therefore gave me his contact information to give you so that you can contact him for further discussion. Right now, I will like you to contact the lawyer.

Below is the lawyer's contact.

Rue 96 Sheikh Anta Sure
Dakar, Senegal..
Tel: +2214252775
The lawyer's name is Barrister Abdou Madou Amin
Dear please contact him so that he can get us the necessary documents for the transfer. I also told him about helping me for processing my travelling documents of which he told me that he will render any service to us.

God bless you.

Attached is the death certificate of my father and my photos.

I look forward of hearing from you soon,

love always,
6. Mail:
In Antwort auf:
"Mustapha abdou" <> Ins Adressbuch
Datum: Mon, 11 Sep 2006 14:49:43 -0500
Betreff: Abdou Madou Mustapha Amin Esq.,
Attn: Leonard Granit

Prior to your request for issuing to you an authorisation letter / power of attorney, procuring letters of administration from the probate registry as well as representing you to swear an affidavit of support from the Federal High Court of Senegal that will enable you represent Ms. Amina Bakassa and transfer her funds to your designated bank account. I am glad to be honoured and promised to assist and represent you in all assigns.

Due to the law conscientiously mandated by the Government of the Repbublic of Senegal on foreign investors in the Notary Republic of Senegal at the moment. Investors are hereby to fit the sum of Two thousand, eight hundred and fifty Euros (Euros2,850:00). This is for authentic authentication of the power of attorney/affidavit at the Federal High court and for notary stamping at the notary republic before it becomes valid. My legal fee is Five hundred Euros (Euros500.00). Because my noble law firm will be using influence for onward verification to cover up her refugee statues. This will bring the total sum of Three thousand, three hundred and fifty Euros (Euros3,350:00). To speedy the process as required by you, you are advised to make payment through the western union money transfer to enable my noble office prepare and validate the documents at the Federal High Court and notary republ ic respectively.

Given bellow is my particulars for making payment of the total sum of Four thousand, two hundred and fifty Euros. (Euros3,350:00). through the Western Union Money. Attached hereby is my Identity card.

SURNAME:................ Amin
GIVEN NAME:........... Abdou Madou
SCP Abou Madou Mustapha Amin & Associés
Rue 96 Sheikh Anta Sure, Dakar, Senegal.
Telephone: +221- 4- 252775
ANSWER:........ Purpose

Forward alone to my noble lawfirm your full name and address as may want it to appear in the documents. However, I need your Identity card nos., or driving license nos., or whatever documents recorgnised by your government for processing of the documents. The documents will be ready in three working days after receipt of payment. Call me immediately for confirming the transfer control numbers or altanatively send me a direct email as soon as you send the money to enable me start up the processing immediately.

Yours faithfully,

Abdou Madou Mustapha Amin Esq.,
PP: SCP Abou Madou Mustapha Amin & Associés.
In Antwort auf:
Tue, 12 Sep 2006 06:46:33 -0700 (PDT)
Von: Send an Instant Message "AMINA BAKASSA" <> Ins Adressbuch
Betreff: From Amina
Dear Leonard,

thanks for your mail and happy for your greate concerned towards my progress in life. Once again thanks so much and God Almighty in Heave shall reward you as you devote your precious time for me.

Darling, have you heard from the lawyer?

Well, I have not contacted the German Embassy because of the fact that we are not allowed to go out from the camp. However, this make it very difficult for me go to your embassey. But as told you erlier that the lawyer when I discussed with him, promised that he will help me obtain my travelling documents because I told him that i will like to relocate to live with you in Germany.

Darling please send me reply and let me know the stand of things.

Yours forever in love

Das war bis jetzt die letzte mail. Ich hatte sie gefragt, ob sie sich schon an die deutsche Botschaft gewendet hätte.
Wie sollte ich nun weiter reagieren?

Gruß, Leon

zuletzt bearbeitet 12.09.2006 18:59 | Top

RE: Mugu-Kontaktanzeige

#2 von Scambaiter , 12.09.2006 19:43

In Antwort auf:
Das war bis jetzt die letzte mail. Ich hatte sie gefragt, ob sie sich schon an die deutsche Botschaft gewendet hätte.
Wie sollte ich nun weiter reagieren?

Gruß, Leon
Erst einmal Willkommen im Forum!
Ich hoffe mal, dass du - außer der Kontakadresse (Emailad.) keine weiteren persönlichen Daten von dir,
an das "Mugumädchen" gegeben hast?!

Des weiteren würde es gut sein, wenn du hiermal die "Identity card" von "Abdou Madou Mustapha Amin" hier postest.
Damit wie uns den Knaben mal ansehen können. Eventuell haben wir ihn sogar schon in unserer Sammlung.
Das ist eine klassische Vorschussbetrugs-Masche! Typisch Nigeria-Connection.

Armes Mädchen - aber ein paar Millionen irgendwo - kann vom Camp aus chatten, emailen usw -
hat also alle Möglichkeiten - darf aber nicht das Camp verlassen. Man könnte fast zu Tränen gerühert sein..

Den "Anwalt" beschäftigst du erst eiman mit "sinnlos" Fragen. Nach dem Muster:

- ich habe es nicht verstanden
- es soll weiter Beweise schicken (Dokumente Fotos etc)
- dann ist seine Mail "nicht bei dir angekommen" - da muss er alles nocheinmal schicken
- dann soll er dir genau erklären, was denn eigentlich Western Union ist.
Union = übersetzt bedeutet auch Gewerkschaft. Du hast nur von östlichen Gewerkschaften gehört,
eventuell beschäftigen die sich ja mit Geld und Bankwesen.

Die Westlichen Gewerkschaften haben mit Banken und Geldübereisungen nichts zu tun.
Mit diesen "Argumenten" kannst du ihn eine Weile hinhalten.

Aber immer schön vorsichtig sein!
MfG - Scambaiter
>Horas non numero nisi serenas<

Beiträge: 11.582
Registriert am: 01.01.2006

RE: Mugu-Kontaktanzeige

#3 von Leon ( gelöscht ) , 13.09.2006 06:27

persönliche Daten hab ich nicht verwendet, nein. Was würde mit persönlichen Daten geschehen?
Würde jemand zu besuch kommen?
Wollte den Text noch editieren und meine Antworten einfügen, ging nicht mehr.
Hab versucht die Bilder und "Identity-card " einzukopieren, ging nicht.
Hab dann die Funktion Datei anhängen benutzt, hab aber die Fotos nicht in der Voransicht gesehen.
gibt es da einen sicheren Tipp?
Hier meine letzten Antworten an die Mugu-Maid und den Anwalt:

Antwort an die Mugu Maid:

In Antwort auf:
Tue, 12 Sep 2006 16:12:15 +0200 (CEST)
Betreff: RE: From Amina
An: Send an Instant Message "AMINA BAKASSA" <>

Dear Amina,
please tell me, where do you exactly living, in which town, in which camp from Cote d Ivoire. Is it a kind of prison? Its not allowed to go out from the camp? Who would forbidden it?
O.K. I have heard fronm the lawyer. There is some purifikation necessary.
And how can we be shure, that the money is realy in this bank?
We need a accounts current, a statement of account.
Maybe there are some others with access to the account, and they have stash it away?
Greetings, Leonard

Antwort an Anwalt:

Tue, 12 Sep 2006 21:37:10 +0200 (CEST)
Betreff: RE: Abdou Madou Mustapha Amin Esq.,
An: "Mustapha abdou" <>
Dear Mr. Abdou,

How shall I transfer the money to you? Do you working in a law office?
Than you must have an own bank account?. Please tell me by which bank is your account, with account -nr.
You have shown me a Identity-card. You have study in law? On which University?
How about your lawyer-certificat? Please, show me your lawyer-certificat.
As I am the trustee of Ms. Bakassa I must be shure, that the whole procedure is getting as safe as possible. We dont want any risk in such a big transaction.
I think you understand this.
Yours faithfully Leonard Granit

Ich dachte, wenn die Mugu-Maid nicht aus dem Camp kann, und alles per email macht, könnte sie sich ja auch so an die deutsche Botschaft wenden. Für Unterstützung in Ausreiseangelegenheiten z.B.
Die "Identity-Card" des Anwalts könnte man zur Senegal-Botschaft in Berlin schicken, damit die die Echtheit checken?

Gruß, Leon
Versuche mal deine beiden Anhänge hier - wie unten beschrieben - einzubauen.

Aufgrund eingeschränkter Benutzerrechte werden nur die Namen und (falls vorhanden) Vorschau-Grafiken der Dateianhänge angezeigt Jetzt anmelden!
Der Anwalt-1.doc Totenschein-1.doc

zuletzt bearbeitet 14.09.2006 04:13 | Top

RE: Mugu-Kontaktanzeige

#4 von Scambaiter , 14.09.2006 03:57

In Antwort auf:
Was würde mit persönlichen Daten geschehen?
Würde jemand zu besuch kommen?
Na ja, warscheinlich würde keiner zu Besuch kommen.
Persönliche Daten soll man aber grundsätzlich nicht weitergeben. Noch zumal an unbekannte Personen, auch um jede Art von Missbrauch zu vermeiden.

Denn nichts ist für Mugus wertvoller als echte Daten. Diese können sie für ihre Betrügerein wiederverwenden.
Ganz schlimm wird es, wenn eigene Dokumente weitergegeben werden (Passkopien, Ausweise, Führerschein usw.)
Die nutzen sie um "Legenden" zu basteln. Und mit den Daten arbeiten.

Falls ihnen original Dokumente in die Hände fallen wird es besonders heikel.(Visitenkarten, Biefe mit ofiziellen Brifköpfen and. original Daten.) Denn diese können sie verfälschen und/oder die Gewonnen Firmennamen, Anschriften usw. weiterverwenden.

Grafiken, Fotos und Dokument kanns du direkt in deine Postings einbauen, indem die diese Funktion nutzt:
[img ]hierhinein der Link zum Bild[/img] Aber bitte daruaf achten, dass das Bild nicht zu groß ist, sonst sprengt es den Rahmen.
MfG - Scambaiter
>Horas non numero nisi serenas<

Beiträge: 11.582
Registriert am: 01.01.2006

RE: Mugu-Kontaktanzeige

#5 von Leon ( gelöscht ) , 14.09.2006 11:14


In Antwort auf:
"Grafiken, Fotos und Dokument kanns du direkt in deine Postings einbauen, indem die diese Funktion nutzt:
[img ]hierhinein der Link zum Bild[/img] Aber bitte daruaf achten, dass das Bild nicht zu groß ist, sonst sprengt es den Rahmen."

Ja, O.K., wo finde ich diese Funktion? (meine Maus reagiert da nicht drauf).

Hier die letzte mail vom Anwalt:
In Antwort auf:
"Mustapha abdou" <> Ins AdressbuchIns Adressbuch
Datum: Wed, 13 Sep 2006 07:07:26 -0500
Betreff: Abdou Madou Mustapha Amin Esq.
Attn: Mr. Leonard Granit

I am in receipt of your mail.

I already advised you to transfer the fees through the Western Union Money transfer system which is the most efficient and secured means of transferring money. International transfer of funds takes about 4days minimum and 7days maximum to get the money cleared. Because of being delayed as your partner explained that she need the documents urgently, I suggested that Western Union will be more faster.

Secondly, I am the Principal of SCP Abdou Madou Mustapha Amin & Associates. I has already given you the address our Chambers. I am a lawyer by profession and not working in the law firm. Regarding the Bank which you will transfer the payment, I earlier advised you to transfer the money through Western Union since you want the documents urgently. The offices are located in the Post offices. So you can pick up the cash from your Bank and go to the Post office nearer to you and send the money. As soon as I receive the payment, I will send you confirmation.

You requested for my certificate as a lawyer and the University which I attended, well, the question sounds childish because no any learned gentlemen will no matter how much you want to pay him or your position show his certificate. Does this mean that you don't trust me as a lawyer before you consulted me to help you? If you don't trust me, you can visit Senegal and meet with me face to face. I am not ready to send any certificate to you rather if you are serious, send me the required fees to render my service. Rev James Nteja who introduced me to you knows me very well and if you don't trust me, you can find another lawyer.

There is no any risk involved and I assured you and your partner Amina Bakassa that I will represent you in all assigns till you confirm receipt of the funds in your Bank account. Therefore, go ahead and send me the fees throught the Western Union so that I will commence processing of the documents.

Yours faithfully,

Abdou Madou Mustapha Amin Esq.,

PP: SCP Abdou Madou Mustapha Amin & Associés."
Ganz schön frech, mein Frage nach einem Lawyer-certificat "childisch" zu nennen.
Aber ich kenn mich da tatsächlich nicht aus, ob das üblich ist, und ob es da certificate in welcher Form gibt.
Ich denke aber, man kann nicht einfach ein Schild an die Tür machen, wo draufsteht "Avocat" (so stehts in seiner Identity-card) und dann als Anwalt arbeiten. Hier in D gibts z.B. die Anwaltskammer. In welcher Form müßte man denn in Senegal seine Zulassung bescheinigen?
Gibts da nicht auch sowas wie eine Anwalts-Liste, auf der sein Name auftauchen müßte?
Könnte (sollte) man sich auch an die senegalesische Botschaft in Berlin wenden?

Gruß, Leon

zuletzt bearbeitet 14.09.2006 18:30 | Top

RE: Mugu-Kontaktanzeige

#6 von fridolin , 14.09.2006 12:12

Als lawywer sollte er doch die Gepflogenheiten kennen.
In seiner mail ist kein Briefkopf: Name Adresse usw.
Hast Du eine Telefonnummer von ihm? Wenn ja überprüf sie inder Tel.analyse unter number. Hat er nur ein Mobiltelefon frag ob seine Firma so arm ist, daß sie sich keine gescheite Telefonanlage leisten können. Für die WU Überweisung schick ihm doch erstmal die "valdationsform9sh mit Erkärung". Kannst du beides von mir haben. pn mit deiner e-mail. Als Zugabe dann noch die Snabelbank-Fragen. Hat er dir überhaupt eine Vollmacht vorgelegt, daß er berechtigt ist im Namen seines Mandanten zu verhandeln. generalvollmacht als pdf hab ich auch.


Grand Senior
Beiträge: 4.489
Registriert am: 22.01.2006

RE: Mugu-Kontaktanzeige

#7 von Scambaiter , 14.09.2006 18:27

In Antwort auf:
"Grafiken, Fotos und Dokument kanns du direkt in deine Postings einbauen, indem die diese Funktion nutzt:
[img ]hierhinein der Link zum Bild[/img] Aber bitte daruaf achten, dass das Bild nicht zu groß ist, sonst sprengt es den Rahmen."

Ja, O.K., wo finde ich diese Funktion? (meine Maus reagiert da nicht drauf).
Hier findest du es: rechts mit der Maus anklicken hier oben in der Taskleiste, dann erscheint [img ]<--->[/img]
MfG - Scambaiter
>Horas non numero nisi serenas<

Beiträge: 11.582
Registriert am: 01.01.2006

RE: Mugu-Kontaktanzeige

#8 von Leon ( gelöscht ) , 15.09.2006 13:28


wenn ich nun Fotos (waren 30-67 KB) kopiere, um diese hier: [...]

Edit Scambaiter:

Das Foto welches du hier einstellen willst braucht eine URL. Wie hier:

Dann zwischen ==> [img] <== und dann müsste es klappen. Bilder mit einer URL versehen kannst du z.B. über:

Außerdem kannst du Fotos von deiner (Fest)Platte hochladen, als Anhang zu deinem Post.
Alles das funktioniert mit jedem Browser.

einzufügen, so funktioniert dies nicht.
Auch mit dem Ausweis und dem Totenschein klappt es nicht.
Geht das nur mit IE?
Ich nutze Firefox.
Gruß, Leon

zuletzt bearbeitet 15.09.2006 20:16 | Top

RE: Mugu-Kontaktanzeige

#9 von Leon ( gelöscht ) , 16.09.2006 11:36


hab jetzt die Grafikadresse zwischen den [img] einkopiert.
Falls die Bilder/Dokumente trotzdem nicht sichtbar sind, hab ich sie außerdem in den Datei-Anhang gespeichert.
Normalerweise müßte jetzt was zu sehen sein?
Bin mal gespannt.

Bild-1: [img]http://[/img]

Mit Texten gibt es ja glücklicherweise keine Probleme.
Hier die letzte mail von Mugu-Maid:

In Antwort auf:
"Fri, 15 Sep 2006 07:21:29 -0700 (PDT)
Von: Send an Instant Message "AMINA BAKASSA" <> Ins AdressbuchIns Adressbuch
Betreff: From Amina

Dear Leonard,

Today i got the statement of account from the bank.

Attached hereby is the document.

As you asked where am exactly living, I am currently living in Senegal because of the ongoing political crisis in my Country. I am living in the city of Koulack where the camp is located. The name of the camp is Christ De King Mission camp. The camp is is a kind of Prison since we are not allowed to go out and being that we dont have our resident permit in Senegal.

Darling there is no anyone else who have access to that account accept me. Please try and help me. Also what did the lawyer say about helping us to secure the needed documents.
Have a nice and lovely weekend and I hope to hearing from you soon.

Yours forever in love,
Gibt es denn so eine Art "Lawyer-Certificat", das der Anwalt vorzeigen könnte?
Wie wärs, wenn ich ihn frage, ob es nicht besser wäre die "Gebühren" von dem Fund sich überweisen zu lassen?
Wie wärs, wenn ich ihm sage, daß hier auch trustee-Gebühren angefallen sind, die er mir überweisen soll?
Als Anwaltsbüro muß er doch ein normales Konto haben.
Warum will er unbedingt, daß ich mit Western-Union überweise?

Gruß, Leon

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zuletzt bearbeitet 16.09.2006 14:34 | Top

RE: Mugu-Kontaktanzeige

#10 von fridolin , 16.09.2006 11:48

Warum will er, daß ich mit WU überweise.?
Ganz einfach, es geht am schnellsten, und wenn er das Geld in den Fingern hat ist es für dich verloren. Bei jeder Bank kannst du die Überweisung rückbuchen, bei WU nicht.
Lad dir von meiner HP die Validationsform9sh und die Erklärung (sind in der Fotogalerie unter baitsachen nebeneinander) und schick sie ihm. Erklär ihm noch es ist wegen Irakkrieg und Israel vs. Jordanien und Drogen und Terror. Außerdem war gerade der 11.9.


Grand Senior
Beiträge: 4.489
Registriert am: 22.01.2006

RE: Mugu-Kontaktanzeige

#11 von Scambaiter , 16.09.2006 14:31

@Leon - gut gemeint, mit dem Yahoo-link. Aber so geht es auch nicht.
Du musst UNBEDINGT die Fotos & Dokumente auf deinen Rechner laden!

Bitte darauf achten, dass do ein Virenschutzprogramm laufen hast.

Nachdem du die Fotos usw. gespeichert hast, lädst du sie mit
vom Rechner in diesen Zwichenspeicher. Von dort bekommst du die URL.

Das dann ist der FERTIGE LINK --> Hotlink for forums (1) und ferig.

MfG - Scambaiter
>Horas non numero nisi serenas<

Beiträge: 11.582
Registriert am: 01.01.2006


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