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Mr. Karis: "...important affair which involves an estate of the deceased who happens to be of your origin..."

#1 von if6was9 , 29.01.2017 10:01

Name, Vorname:
Mr. Karis


Kontakt über:


From: Mr.Karis xxxxx
To: xxxxxxxxx
Subject: From Mr.Karis.
Date: Sat, 28 Jan 2017 13:39:40 -0700

Attention: Sir/Madam.

My Dear friend,

Hello I send my greetings to you, I have been trying to reach you for quite some time on an important affair which involves an estate of the deceased who happens to be of your origin so you can be presented as his relative as far as i am concern, that is if all arrangement is put in place. Please understand that this is not a game, hoax or joke, the deceased is a client of mine, who had the same last name as you. I happen to have come across your information and made my research which is how I got your email, so i will need your consent towards this affair. However i want to be sure about this, so i need you to confirm your last name to me in your response. Meanwhile i want you to understand that I have the opportunity of making you the beneficiary to his entire estate & funds which is currently in a dormant account on my bank of which I happen to be the manager of. I have all the details and required information to make you the beneficiary to the entire deposit and I only need your co-operation. Please, I expect your response to this message so i can furnish you more details if you are really interested. Please i keenly want us to seize this opportunity to possess this fund which is simply lying at the bank system and will definitely be so till end of time. I look forward to your urgent mail response. Thank you.

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From: Mr.Karis xxxxxxx
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Subject: From Mr.Karis.
Date: Sat, 28 Jan 2017 13:39:40 -0700
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