FTC Alerts Consumers:
If Scammers Had You Pay Them Via Western U.nion, You Can Now File a Claim to Get Money Back
Company paid $586 million to settle charges
November 13, 2017
The Federal Trade Commission is alerting consumers who lost money to scammers who told them to pay via Western U.nion’s money transfer system between January 1, 2004 and January 19, 2017, that they can now file a claim to get their money back by goingInfo graphic describing the process for filing a claim to get a refund in the Western Onion matter. Click to download a larger version to FTC.gov/WU before February 12, 2018.
“American consumers lost money while Western U.nion looked the other way,” said FTC Acting Chairman Maureen K. Ohlhausen. “We’re pleased to start the process that will get that money back into consumers’ rightful hands.”
“Knowing that its agents were involved in fraudulent schemes – and knowing that it had a legal obligation to detect and report this criminal conduct to the authorities – Western U.nion failed to act, leading to massive victim losses,” said Acting Assistant Attorney General Blanco. “Returning forfeited funds to these victims and other victims of crime is one of the Department’s highest priorities. I want to commend our prosecutors, the FTC, and our law enforcement agent partners for their hard work that led to vindicating the rights of these victims.”
The refund program follows a settlement with the Western U.nion Company, which in January 2017 agreed to pay $586 million to resolve charges brought by the FTC and the U. S. Department of Justice. The FTC alleged that fraudsters were able to use Western U.nion’s money transfer system to get payments from their victims, even though the company was aware of the problem and received hundreds of thousands of complaints about fraud-induced money transfers made for fraudulent lottery and prizes, family emergencies, advance-fee loans, online dating and other scams. The company also allegedly failed to promptly discipline problem Western U.nion agents, and failed to have effective anti-fraud policies and procedures.
Affected consumers should go to FTC.gov/WU to file claims, learn more, or get updates on the claims process – this infographic describes the process for filing a claim.
Some people who have already reported their losses to Western U.nion, the FTC, or another government agency will receive a form in the mail from the claims administrator, Gilardi & Co. The form will have a Claim ID and a PIN number to use when filing a claim online via FTC.gov/WU. Gilardi was hired by Justice Department, which is responsible for returning victims’ money as part of its settlement with Western U.nion.
Filing a claim is free, so consumers should not pay anyone to file a claim on their behalf. No one associated with the claims process will call to ask for consumers’ bank account or credit card number.
The FTC’s case was investigated with the assistance of the U. S. Department of Justice, the U.S. Postal Inspection Service, the Federal Bureau of Investigation, the Toronto Police Service Financial Crimes Unit, the Canadian Anti-Fraud Centre, the Royal Canadian Mounted Police, the Spanish National Police, and the Offices of the Attorney General for Arizona, Minnesota, and Vermont.
The Federal Trade Commission works to promote competition, and protect and educate consumers. You can learn more about consumer topics and file a consumer complaint online or by calling 1-877-FTC-HELP (382-4357). Like the FTC on Facebook (link is external), follow us on Twitter (link is external), read our blogs and subscribe to press releases for the latest FTC news and resources.
Press Release Reference:
Western U.nion Admits Anti-Money Laundering Violations and Settles Consumer Fraud Charges, Forfeits $586 Million in Settlement with FTC and Justice Department1
Frank Dorman fdorman@ftc.gov
Office of Public Affairs
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Wie mich unser Mitglied Babs heute informierte, gilt die oben gepostete Meldung auch für Geschädigte in Deutschland.
Deshalb der wichtige Aufruf:
Falls jemand im Zeitraum 01.01.2004 bis zum 19.01.2017 Geld an einen Vorschußbetrüger per Western U.nion gesendet hat. dann soll er bitte dringend bis 12.02.2018 seinen Anspruch geltend machen!!
Hier ist der link zu der Meldung bei polizei-praevention.de:
Bitte den link per copy and paste übernehmen und im browser öffnen!
Vollständiger Text:
Western U.nion entschädigt Betrugsopfer vom 19.01.2018
Rückwirkend bis 2004. Meldefrist endet am 12.02.2018
© H.-J. Henschel/LKA NI
Die Firma Western U.nion entschädigt Kunden, die als Opfer von Betrugsdelikten Zahlungen via Western U.nion geleistet haben. Nach Ermittlungen der US Federal Trade Commission, dem Department of Justice und des US Postal Service stimmte Western U.nion zu, Entschädigungszahlungen in Höhe von insgesamt 586 Millionen Dollar zu leisten.
Dies gilt für Delikte, welche im Zeitraum vom 01.01.2004 bis zum 19.01.2017 begangen wurden.
Die Ansprüche können bis zum 12.02.2018 geltend gemacht werden!
Geschädigte werden durch die mit der Verwaltung beauftragte Kanzlei Gilardi&Co, LLC postalisch angeschrieben. Ihnen wird ein teilausgefülltes Formular zur Anspruchsgeltendmachung zugesendet. Auch Geschädigte, die ihre Ansprüche bislang nicht geltend gemacht haben, können dies bis zum 12.02.2018 online tun.
Link zur Meldung des Entschädigunganspruches
Die anschließende Prüfung durch das Department of Justice kann bis zu einem Jahr dauern.
Hier die Webseite zum Antrag:1
(Zeitweise war diese Seite nicht erreichbar)
Western U.nion verweist im eigenen Blog auf die Seiten des US Justiz-Ministerums.
Das hessische LKA hat diese Informationen ebenfalls geprüft und in einer Pressemitteilung herausgegeben. Das hessische LKA bekam von Geschädigten, die sich damals mit Western U.nion nach einem Betrugsfall in Verbindung gesetzt und nun eine automatische Meldung bekommen hatten, entsprechende Anfragen, ob es sich um Phishing oder Spam handeln könnte.
Typische Betrugsfälle, bei denen die Täter Western U.nion als Zahlungsweg missbraucht haben sind:
- Romance Scamming (Betrug über Dating-Plattformen)
- KFZ- und Immobilienkauf/-verkauf
- Geldwäsche (unseriöse Jobangebote)
- gefälschte Microsoft-Support-Anrufe
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Ich finde, auf diesen Thread sollte noch deutlicher bereits auf unserer Startseite verwiesen werden, das ist eine enorm wichtige Information!
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Die Frist für das Melden ist am 31. Mai 2018 abgelaufen.
Das FTC warnt vor Scam-eMails, die vorgaukeln auch weiterhin Ansprüche geltend machen zu können.
Dazu hier im Forum ein Beispiel so einer Scam-eMail vom März 2018:
Hier eine Meldung vom FTC, und FAQ zum Thema:
Home » Enforcement » Cases and Proceedings » Refunds » Western U.nion Refunds
Western U.nion Refunds
June 2018
ALERT: People have reported scam emails about the Western U.nion refund program. Do not reply to any emails telling you to apply for a refund. The deadline has passed.
The deadline to apply for a refund was May 31, 2018. We are not accepting any new claims.
The refund administrator, Gilardi & Co., is working to verify claims now. This process could take up to a year. When the verification process is complete, we will post an update here.
What is this case about?
For years, many people who lost money to scams sent their payment through a Western Onion wire transfer. Scammers contacted people and promised prizes, loans, jobs, discounted products or other financial rewards in exchange for money upfront. They also pretended to be family members in need of cash or law enforcement officers demanding payment. The scammers told people to send money through Western Onion. No one received the cash, prizes or services they were promised.
Because of joint investigations by the FTC, the Department of Justice (DOJ), and the U. S. Postal Inspection Service, Western Onion agreed to pay $586 million and admitted to aiding and abetting wire fraud. DOJ is now using that money to provide refunds to people who were tricked into using Western Onion to pay scammers.
What was the deadline to file a claim?
The deadline to file a claim was May 31, 2018. We are not accepting any new claims.
Who was eligible to submit a claim?
People who sent money to a scammer through Western Onion between January 1, 2004 and January 19, 2017 were eligible to submit a claim.
Will I definitely get my money back?
Each person’s claim must be verified by DOJ. If your claim is verified, the amount you get will depend on how much you lost and the number of people who submit valid claims.
Only the amount you transferred via Western Onion is eligible for a refund. Other expenses like Western Onion fees, other losses, or transfers sent through other businesses are not eligible for a refund.
When will I get a payment?
It may take up to a year to process and verify people’s claims and determine who is eligible to get a payment. We will update this page when we have more information.
What kinds of scams are covered by these refunds?
A wide variety of scams may be covered by this settlement, including:
Online or internet scams – you did not receive the items you tried to buy online
Lottery or prize promotion scams – you were told you won a lottery or sweepstakes, but never got the prize
Emergency or grandparent scams – you sent money to someone pretending to be a relative or friend in urgent need of money
Advance-fee loan scams – you paid upfront fees, but did not get the promised loans
Online dating or romance scams – you sent money to someone who created a fake profile on a dating or social networking website.
Where can I get more information?
For the latest information about remission process:
Bookmark this page or westernonionremission.com (link is external) and check back regularly.
Email the administrator at info@westernonionremission.com (link sends e-mail).
Call the administrator at 1-844-319-2124.
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