Zitat von American Express BankHeader
Datum: Mon, 16 Oct 2006 02:42:03 +0200
An: ***@yahoo.de [Bearbeiten - Löschen]
Betreff: Good Day.
Von: "TONY BROWN" <tonybrown@tonyworld.org> Ins Adressbuch
Good Day To You,
I am Mr.Tony Brown a Manager with American Express Bank here in
Buckingham Palace,United Kingdom ,I am also a former trustee to one of our
Late customer ,an American Business Man (MR.ERIC FROSTELL).
I have urgent and very confidential business proposition for you.I got
your contact from the London Chapter of the British Business/Chamber of
Commerce and Industry here in central London,United Kingdom.
In January 2003, an American Business man(MR.ERIC FROSTELL) made a
numbered-time (fixed) deposit for twelve calendar months valued at
US$50,000,000.00 (Fifty Million US Dollars)in a Domiciliary Account in my
branch. Upon maturity, I sent a routine notification of Account Status to
his forwarding address but got no reply.
After two months, we sent a reminder of same letter and finally we
discovered from his contact employees,Oil Alliance company,his Company 's
branch in London , that MR.ERIC FROSTELL died in a auto car crash along
an express way here in London-United Kingdom which involves all his
entire loving children with his wife on 14th July 2004, May his gentle
soul rest in perfect peace.
After further investigation, I found out that he did not leave a WILL
and all attempts to trace his Next-of-kin were fruitless. I therefore
made further investigation and discovered that MR.ERIC FROSTELL did not
declare any Next-of-Kin in all his official documents, including his
Bank Deposit Papers. This sum of US$50,000,000.00 is still floating in our
Bank and the interest is being rolled over with the principal sum at
the end of each year. No one would come forward to claim it.
According to the British Banking Law, at the expiration of 6 (six)
years, the money will revert to the ownership of the British Government if
nobody applies to claim the funds.
Consequent upon the above, my proposal is that I would like you as a
foreigner to stand in as the Next-of-kin to the Late MR.ERIC FROSTELL.I
will quickly work out the full documentation and transfer the US$50M
into your nominated account anywhere.You would be fully rewarded when the
money has been transferd to any of your nominated bank account of your
Send me your reply to this request by my email adress:
I shall give you more details promptly.
Best Regards,
Mr. Tony Brown ,
Manager American Express Bank .
Buckingham Palace,
London,United - Kingdom.
In Antwort auf:Der Mugu möchte die Antwort an eine dt.Yahoo Adresse: t.brown36@yahoo.de
From TONY BROWN Mon Oct 9 00:42:03 2006
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Betreff: Good Day.
Von: "TONY BROWN" <tonybrown@tonyworld.org> Ins Adressbuch
Antwortadresse: t.brown36@yahoo.de
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Beiträge: | 11.582 |
Registriert am: | 01.01.2006 |
Hallo zusammen,
nachdem Igwe Williams meinen imaginären Freunden Dagmar vom Berg und Ali Ömer nicht mehr schreiben möchte, werde ich mich mal an diese Mail mit dranhängen. Erlaubt die Queen eigentlich Banken in ihrem Wohnzimmer? Ich frage den guten Tony-Mugu später mal...
Beiträge: | 2.660 |
Registriert am: | 22.10.2006 |
Sorry für mein direktes deutsch, aber:
Ist das geil?
Wo ist die deutsche Filiale vom Buckingham Palace? Bad Godesberg oder Hohen Schwanstein?
Da kennt sich ja jemand richtig aus!
Scambaiter, Du gräbst ja richtig tief im Sumpf. Respekt!
Ich verrate euch ein Geheimnis, wo die Außenstelle dieser AMEX-Bank ist, in Berlin:
[Filiale vom Buckingham Palace]
BBP-Bank / Berliner Bank für Petrugswirtschaft-Finanztransferinstitut & Volksassekuranz
Am Spreebogen 14
D-1495 Berlin
Ich habe sogar ein Konto dort!
Name: Bekannt
BLZ: xxx20500
KONTO: xxx2481364
IBAN: DExxx01205001572481364
Beiträge: | 11.582 |
Registriert am: | 01.01.2006 |
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