Die internationale Dating-Website mingle2.com ist voll von Fake-Profilen. Die Mehrzahl der Fake-Profile ist allerdings entweder auf das Sammeln von Mobilfunk-Nummern und eMail-Adressen ausgelegt, oder bietet eindeutig Sex-Dienstleistungen an. Mingle2.com ist allerdings auch recht aktiv mit dem Löschen dieser Profile.
Ein Teil der Fake-Profile ist auch der übliche Romance-Scam. Die Besonderheit ist, daß die Kommunikation vor allem auf englisch geschieht was es den westafrikanischen Scammern erleichtert: Übersetzungsprogramme kommen hier offenbar nicht zum Einsatz, anders als bei den Romance-Scammern die im deutschsprachigen Raum aktiv sind.
In diesem Thread können Fake-Profile von mingle2.com gepostet werden, deren Ausrichtung der Vorschußbetrug durch Romance-Scam ist. Die anderen Fake-Profile bei mingle2.com mit Sex-Angeboten oder den Datensammlern gehören nicht in den Tätigkeitsbereich dieses Forums.
Wenn die hier gefundenen Informationen für dich hilfreich waren oder dich evtl sogar vor einem größeren finanziellen Schaden bewahrt haben, dann spende bitte einen Kleinbetrag an uns! Dazu gehst du bitte auf unsere Startseite scambaiter-forum.info und nutzt den Button "Spenden an Scambaiter" rechts oben.
Aktueller Spendenaufruf: Aufruf zu freiwilligen Spenden für unser Forum (3)
Beiträge: | 5.873 |
Registriert am: | 01.09.2014 |
Iris Scott, Golconda, Illinois
eMail-Adresse: Iris Scott , irisscott120@gmail.com
Kontakt über
Website: mingle2.com irisscott619
irisscott619, 30.Juli 2018
I'm sorry I don't have enough internet
if you can get me card I will send it for you
can you get me a card
for my internet so I can send more pic of me
amazon card
I mean if you can buy me amazon card to reactivate my internet so I could send you pictures and even videos if you want
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From: Iris Scott <irisscott120@gmail.com>
Date: Mon, 30 Jul 2018 04:10:46 -0700
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Subject: Re: hi
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Wenn die hier gefundenen Informationen für dich hilfreich waren oder dich evtl sogar vor einem größeren finanziellen Schaden bewahrt haben, dann spende bitte einen Kleinbetrag an uns! Dazu gehst du bitte auf unsere Startseite scambaiter-forum.info und nutzt den Button "Spenden an Scambaiter" rechts oben.
Aktueller Spendenaufruf: Aufruf zu freiwilligen Spenden für unser Forum (3)
Beiträge: | 5.873 |
Registriert am: | 01.09.2014 |
Margerat Donald, Ohio, Kosmetikerin
eMail-Adresse: Margerat Donald , margeratdonald018@gmail.com
Kontakt über
Website: mingle2.com
Profilangaben: Bellenica
"Where is that my soulmate, my furture partner and my everything"
26 year old woman from Amherst, Ohio
Bellenica 02. August 2018
Hi.. thanks for taking a look at my profile... I will like to know more about u and while we can also exchange of pictures together
My day was ok..and right now! Am just sitting on a bed and reading Novel... What about you?
And I will like to have ur hangout Gmail, for haven better communication and we can also exchange of pictures together as well
My name is bellenica Margerat... So what also ur name ?? And what type of messenger did u have and did u have email also
Am from Ohio and what u too
From: Margerat Donald margeratdonald018@gmail.com
To: ---
Subject: Hello
Date: Thu, 2 Aug 2018 07:02:44 +0100
Hi' here are my pictures and I will like to see ur pictures too and i will
want u to tell me more about you
From: Margerat Donald margeratdonald018@gmail.com
To: ---
Subject: Re: Hello
Date: Thu, 2 Aug 2018 07:33:32 +0100
Am glad to hear from you" I am also single looking for serious relationship with an honest and caring man whom I will spend and share the rest of my life with***
I'm from Ohio but am presently in California right and while am working as an beautician...
...and I will like to have ur mobile number, maybe texting of each other will be more convenience for us..
So while am expecting to hear and read back from you soon.
Yours Friendly,
From: Margerat Donald margeratdonald018@gmail.com
To: ---
Subject: Re: Hello
Date: Sat, 4 Aug 2018 14:47:14 -0700
Hi Dear,
That will be very nice to meet you .. yes" u can got ur vacation and spend with u dear; while here is my mobile #: 3109123837
Which I will really like to have urs too... So that! We can have much better communication.. which am expecting to read from u soon
Yours Lovely,
Wenn die hier gefundenen Informationen für dich hilfreich waren oder dich evtl sogar vor einem größeren finanziellen Schaden bewahrt haben, dann spende bitte einen Kleinbetrag an uns! Dazu gehst du bitte auf unsere Startseite scambaiter-forum.info und nutzt den Button "Spenden an Scambaiter" rechts oben.
Aktueller Spendenaufruf: Aufruf zu freiwilligen Spenden für unser Forum (3)
Beiträge: | 5.873 |
Registriert am: | 01.09.2014 |
Lindsey Williams, lindseyw090@gmail.com
"back in the school for Masters degree in business admin and management "
lindsey williams, lindseyw090@gmail.com,
bellamy moore, bellamymoore@yahoo.com
Telefonnummer: +16019621732
Kontakt über
Website: mingle2.com https://mingle2.com/user/view/26649203
Profilangaben: Lindsey00020
27 year old woman from Saint Paul, Minnesota
Lindsey00020, 03. August 2018
..and I don’t take age as a barrier. I’m looking for a good man that will love me for whom I am
I think you’re a great man and knows how to treat women with the little conversation I think you’re a good and soft man
Presently back in the school for Masters degree in business admin and management
My uncle helps me with the bills
Message me on Hangout: Lindseyw090@gmail.com
Okay I’ll give you my number so you can text me 601-962-1732
But for now I’ll use my uncle mail to send you a message and some pictures ok
His name is Bellamy
From: bellamy moore bellamymoore@yahoo.com
To: ----
Subject: Hello
Date: Fri, 3 Aug 2018 13:57:44 +0100
X-Mailer: iPhone Mail (15G77)
Hello how re you doing
It’s Lindsey
From: lindsey williams lindseyw090@gmail.com
To: ----
Subject: Hi
Date: Fri, 3 Aug 2018 14:02:44 +0100
Hey it’s Lindsey
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Date: Fri, 3 Aug 2018 13:57:44 +0100
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Date: Fri, 3 Aug 2018 14:02:44 +0100
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Aktueller Spendenaufruf: Aufruf zu freiwilligen Spenden für unser Forum (3)
Beiträge: | 5.873 |
Registriert am: | 01.09.2014 |
Vera Flanagan
eMail-Adresse: lizzandersson@gmail.com
Kontakt über
Website: mingle2.com
Profilangaben: Vera-Bae https://mingle2.com/user/view/26678396
41 year old woman from Peoria, Illinois
From: lizz andersson lizzandersson@gmail.com
To: ---
Subject: Re: Hi
Date: Sat, 4 Aug 2018 06:33:19 -0700
My Name is Vera Flanagan. I have attached couple of pics of me.. And I will be very happy id you
can send me some of yours too.
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From: lizz andersson <lizzandersson@gmail.com>
Date: Sat, 4 Aug 2018 06:33:19 -0700
Message-ID: <CACDyZF3pt-+6bWz4tjyx6wNtydXrg_2AFOp+7JuRw8hRtxZvAg@mail.gmail.com>
Subject: Re: Hi
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Aktueller Spendenaufruf: Aufruf zu freiwilligen Spenden für unser Forum (3)
Beiträge: | 5.873 |
Registriert am: | 01.09.2014 |
Diana Jacobs, 34, fashion analyst, Missouri
eMail-Adresse: Diana Jacobs dianajac442@gmail.com
Kontakt über
Website: mingle2.com https://mingle2.com/user/view/24532010
Profilangaben: cutebaby2234
34 year old woman from Saint Louis, Missouri
cutebaby2234, 05. August 2018
Can you drop your phone number so we can talk more and exchange pics
are you on google hangout?
I'm in Missouri and I'm a fashion analyst, what about you?
From: Diana Jacobs dianajac442@gmail.com
To: ---
Subject: Diana from Mingle2
Date: Sun, 5 Aug 2018 08:04:52 -0500
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From: Diana Jacobs <dianajac442@gmail.com>
Date: Sun, 5 Aug 2018 08:04:52 -0500
Message-ID: <CAPpBDtJ5Jy69DN2dQv6BhMUbaoSNkiyDGMBn6kMDiJGO4vzThg@mail.gmail.com>
Subject: Diana from Mingle2
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Aktueller Spendenaufruf: Aufruf zu freiwilligen Spenden für unser Forum (3)
Beiträge: | 5.873 |
Registriert am: | 01.09.2014 |
Helina Smith
eMail-Adresse: lovelyhelina1148@gmail.com
Telefonnummer: +18042565742
(804) 256-5742
Type: Non-Fixed VoIP
(e.g. Skype or Google Voice)
Original carrier: Bandwidth.com Clec, Llc - Va
Kontakt über
Website: mingle2.com
Profilangaben: Helina95465 https://mingle2.com/user/view/26763444
57 year old woman from Peabody, Kansas Looking for man for marriage
Hello a Helina Smith new here and if i may ask do you care for a chat?
pls i would like to talk much and share pics with you to get to know more about each other very well and see were it gonna end us okay. so i would like you to give out your google hangout ID for me to add you up for now so we talk much there and share pics as i said to get to know about each other very well or your number to text okay
okay you ca do text me on 8042565742 now okay
okay send me an email on lovelyhelina1148@gmail.com now okay am waiting
okay you email me on lovelyhelina1148@gmail.com for now okay
ermittelte Bildherkunft:
Bilder geklaut von Janessa Brazil
Wenn die hier gefundenen Informationen für dich hilfreich waren oder dich evtl sogar vor einem größeren finanziellen Schaden bewahrt haben, dann spende bitte einen Kleinbetrag an uns! Dazu gehst du bitte auf unsere Startseite scambaiter-forum.info und nutzt den Button "Spenden an Scambaiter" rechts oben.
Aktueller Spendenaufruf: Aufruf zu freiwilligen Spenden für unser Forum (3)
Beiträge: | 5.873 |
Registriert am: | 01.09.2014 |
eMail-Adresse: Lovely Love loyaltrue123@gmail.com
(815) 310-0028
Type: Non-Fixed VoIP
(e.g. Skype or Google Voice)
Original carrier: Broadwing Communications, Llc - Il
(815) is a Illinois (IL) area code
Major cities: Joliet, Dekalb, Crystal Lake, Kankakee, Freeport, Belvidere, Bourbonnais, Dixon, Bradley, Frankfort
Kontakt über
Website: mingle2.com
Profilangaben: Monet578
Story: Monet möchte mich besuchen kommen, hat aber nur 100$ und braucht deshalb etwas Geld.
Originaltext :
Oh okay kindly send me your number to know more about each other
kindly send me your number to know more okay
Yes loyaltrue123@gmail.com
From: Lovely Love loyaltrue123@gmail.com
Subject: Re: Hi Monet
Date: Wed, 8 Aug 2018 20:25:40 +0100
8153100028 that's my number
From: Lovely Love loyaltrue123@gmail.com
To: ---
Subject: Re: Hi Monet
Date: Thu, 9 Aug 2018 10:05:47 -0700
If you want me to come and be with you send me some money to come because i have only $100
ermittelte Bildherkunft:
Bilder sind gestohlen von Angie Varona https://www.instagram.com/angievarona/?hl=en
Wenn die hier gefundenen Informationen für dich hilfreich waren oder dich evtl sogar vor einem größeren finanziellen Schaden bewahrt haben, dann spende bitte einen Kleinbetrag an uns! Dazu gehst du bitte auf unsere Startseite scambaiter-forum.info und nutzt den Button "Spenden an Scambaiter" rechts oben.
Aktueller Spendenaufruf: Aufruf zu freiwilligen Spenden für unser Forum (3)
Beiträge: | 5.873 |
Registriert am: | 01.09.2014 |
Sarah Bless, 33, Fashion designer / Dog rescuer, Bolivien, blesssarah700@gmail.com
eMail-Adresse: Sarah Bless blesssarah700@gmail.com
Kontakt über
Website: mingle2.com
Profilangaben: ovaheartlov777
37 year old woman from Sun City, California Looking for man for relationship
From: Sarah Bless blesssarah700@gmail.com
To: ---
Subject: Let Me Know What You Think
Date: Wed, 8 Aug 2018 13:31:28 -0400
How are you doing.?...A little about myself am a young Bolivia lady. I
would love to thank you for your lovely and wonderful time having your
South America lady I really appreciate your effort and hope things might
work for us to be good friends and more actually I just joined the site and
you being the first to receive my mail tells me we can go further. Trust me
and thank you for the lovely introductions made seriously looking for my
soul mate and that why I joined this dating site and I hope you would be
the one I'm a Bolivian A registered Fashion designer ( Dog rescuer ).
I am single no kid never married and am 33 years of age and hope my age does
not piss you off because age has nothing to do with love
am 5.7tall am fair in complexion have long hair brown eyes with soft lips my hobbies includes
reading mags,comic books and some romantic novels, I like surfing on the
net, swimming at the beach side, I like watching adventurous movies, and I
also like listening and dance hall from Jamaican artists and some other
artists from Bolivia and I love rnb tunes. I have a younger brother Alex 19
years. .. My father was American but got marriage to a Bolivian So (Bolivia
Is where I was born and raise up.. Lets chat and I will tell you more. well
I think with this little introduction you can now know little about me too
and do feel free to ask me anything you wish to ask me. I would be waiting
to chat with you and see how the music goes till then stay blessed with
peace and love from our lovely Father in Heaven. Sarah
ermittelte Bildherkunft:
Bilder gestohlen von Carlotta Champagne, art & pinup model. https://www.instagram.com/carlottachampagne/?hl=en
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Jennifer Smith jennyforlove30@gmail.com
eMail-Adresse: Jennifer Smith jennyforlove30@gmail.com
Kontakt über
Website: mingle2.com
Profilangaben: candyberryjay44
From: Jennifer Smith jennyforlove30@gmail.com
To: ---
Subject: Hello
Date: Sun, 29 Jul 2018 09:50:09 -0500
ermittelte Bildherkunft:
Bilder wurden bereits 2014 auf google+ mit den eMail-Addressen
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Aktueller Spendenaufruf: Aufruf zu freiwilligen Spenden für unser Forum (3)
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eMail-Adresse: Ann Sturgill annsturgill10@gmail.com
Telefonnummer: +16614730092
Kontakt über
Website: mingle2.com https://mingle2.com/user/view/26152875
"Hi..my name is Ann, am a student of RN nurse, am on here for a long term relationship, being my final year at college. I like everything outdoor, cooking camping travelling and jet skiing. Annsturgill10@gmail"
27 year old woman from Belleville, Illinois
From: ann sturgill annsturgill10@gmail.com
To: --
Subject: Re: Hi Ann
Date: Wed, 19 Sep 2018 01:21:05 -0700
What's your name and where are you from, I slept very early. Up to study.
I am 27 year old, single never married and with no kids. I like you to
attach a picture of you as well
From: ann sturgill annsturgill10@gmail.com
To: ---
Subject: Re: Hi Ann
Date: Wed, 19 Sep 2018 13:12:16 -0700
Alright, I hope you have been good
ermittelte Bildherkunft:
Bilder sind gestohlen vom instagram-Account von Daliella Souza
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Aktueller Spendenaufruf: Aufruf zu freiwilligen Spenden für unser Forum (3)
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Name, Vorname:
Betty / Caryth345
Alter, Wohnort, Beruf:
33, Omaha/ Nebraska
+1-681-256-0602, +16812560602
Info: https://www.whitepages.com/phone/1-681-256-0602
(681) 256-0602
Type: Non-Fixed VoIP
(e.g. Skype or Google Voice)
Original carrier: Bandwidth.com Clec, Llc - Wv
(681) is a West Virginia (WV) area code
Kontakt über:
mingle2.com, https://mingle2.com/user/view/29287470
About Caryth345
Interests: I will tell you later
Hi...I believe in LOVE! I am a woman with my eyes wide open to the world and to the love in it! I am not afraid to tell and show what I really want and I think that the Mother Nature created us who we are for making our lives full of love, passion and pleasure! With this I am of course not flying in the clouds and I do understand that to achieve all out goals we have to work hard. I believe that my cheerfulness and optimism make my life more interesting and will help me to make my partner happy!I have wide sphere of interests - fitness, aerobics, gym, I like to keep myself in good shape. Also I am very good cooker!.I am searching for a confident outgoing man who knows what he wants from this life. I want him to be easygoing, trustworthy, with good sense of humor. It is important for me in the man to be able to take charge in the situations that occur
Physical Appearance
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Registriert am: | 01.09.2014 |
Name, Vorname:
Sandra, "mary"
Alter, Wohnort, Beruf:
38 year old female from Phoenix , Arizona
Kontakt über:
mary, 38 year old female from Phoenix , Arizona
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Aktueller Spendenaufruf: Aufruf zu freiwilligen Spenden für unser Forum (3)
Beiträge: | 5.873 |
Registriert am: | 01.09.2014 |
Name, Vorname:
Davis, Marilyn
Alter, Wohnort, Beruf:
37, Dayton / Ohio
(937) 770-4819 , +19377704819
Kontakt über:
mingle2.com , https://mingle2.com/user/view/29694789
Marilyncares1981 "I Am Seeking For An Honest Relationship"
37 year old woman from Dayton, Ohio
Looking for man for dating
About Marilyncares1981
Marilyncares1981 , 27.12.2018
Your profile caught my eyes and decided to say hi to you and want to get to know you better..I believe age means nothing in a relationship..its just a counting numbers..if there is honesty,trust and understanding with those qualities thing will surely work out so i am interested in knowing you better and see where it leads to Hun? send me a text to my cell phone (937) 770-4819 and i will also do the same thing in return Okay?
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