Aus aktuellen Anlässen: Die wichtigsten Regeln für ein sicheres Passwort.Länge: Das Passwort ist mindestens 8 Zeichen lang.
Kombinationen: Das Passwort kombiniert Buchstaben, Ziffern und Sonderzeichen.
Weitere Informationen unter: Passwörter und Onlinekonten schützen
MfG - Scambaiter
> Horas non numero nisi serenas <
Beiträge: | 11.580 |
Registriert am: | 01.01.2006 |
Siehe auch hier im Forum: zu: Pressemitteilung Hasso-Plattner-Institut: Passwortsicherheit
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Beiträge: | 5.874 |
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Ihr Recht auf Schutz vor Hackern beginnt hier.
Firefox Monitor versorgt Sie mit Werkzeugen, mit denen Sie Ihre persönlichen Daten schützen können.
Finden Sie heraus, was Hacker bereits über Sie wissen, und lernen Sie, ihnen einen Schritt voraus zu sein.
Teile dieses Inhalts stehen unter einem Ⓒ 1998-2018 von einzelnen Mitwirkenden an
Der Inhalt steht unter einer Creative-Commons-Lizenz.
MfG - Scambaiter
> Horas non numero nisi serenas <
Beiträge: | 11.580 |
Registriert am: | 01.01.2006 |
Abonnieren Sie Firefox Monitor
Mit dem Abonnement erhalten Sie Ihren vollständigen Bericht, Warnmeldungen bei Datenlecks und Sicherheitstipps von Firefox Monitor.
The data that powers Firefox Monitor is provided by Have I Been Pwned?
Firefox Monitor Terms & Privacy
Version 1.0, effective September 25, 2018
1. Introduction
Firefox Monitor is a service provided by Mozilla to promote online safety. We strongly encourage people not to reuse passwords because—if any of those accounts are compromised—then hackers can access other accounts using the same account credentials. Because account credentials are often reused when registering for services, we think it’s important to know which accounts have been compromised in a publicly disclosed data breach.
2. Features
Using your email address, you can do a Basic Scan on our website or sign up to receive a Full Report, Breach Alerts, and Safety Tips.
Basic Scan: These results display most publicly known breaches. They exclude “Sensitive Breaches” (those including minors’ data or participants of adult and dating sites) in order to protect the privacy of those account holders.
Full Report: This includes a complete list of publicly known hacks, including Sensitive Breaches. Breach Alerts: This notifies you if your email address appears in a new data breach. Safety Tips: This sends you occasional online safety tips from Mozilla.
3. Your Responsibilities
If you become aware that your account credentials have been compromised, you should immediately update your passwords and any other credentials for those accounts, as well as other services using the same or similar account information. It is your responsibility to protect your online accounts using strong and different passwords, security questions, two-factor authentication, password managers, and other safety measures.
4. Privacy
When Mozilla receives information from you, our Mozilla Privacy Policy describes how we handle that information. Here are things you should know about Firefox Monitor:
If you sign up, we (and our email providers SalesForce and Amazon) receive your email address to contact you in connection with the Firefox Monitor Service, which includes Full Reports, Breach Alerts, and Safety Tips. You can unsubscribe at any time.
The data that powers Firefox Monitor is provided by Have I Been Pwned?
Learn more about our cookies and analytics, and how to opt-out.
Learn more about the measures we take to protect the privacy of your email address.
5. Your and Our Rights
The Websites and Communications Terms of Use governs Mozilla websites and emails we send, including those of Firefox Monitor. It includes an indemnification, disclaimer, and limitation on liability. Although Firefox Monitor and Have I Been Pwned?, strive to have current data, there is no guarantee that either will have complete or timely records of all public data breaches.
Wenn die hier gefundenen Informationen für dich hilfreich waren oder dich evtl sogar vor einem größeren finanziellen Schaden bewahrt haben, dann spende bitte einen Kleinbetrag an uns! Dazu gehst du bitte auf unsere Startseite und nutzt den Button "Spenden an Scambaiter" rechts oben.
Aktueller Spendenaufruf: Aufruf zu freiwilligen Spenden für unser Forum (3)
Beiträge: | 5.874 |
Registriert am: | 01.09.2014 |
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