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Mrs Sarah Welsh is suffering from suffering

#1 von Rilla ( gelöscht ) , 16.12.2006 09:58

Tina Ranseier aus Buxtehude hatte
auch schon mal Krebs am Fuss (der Krebs hing
an ihrem grossen Zeh links).
Deshalb fühlt sie mit Mrs Welsh und ist bereit,
sich um deren Angelegenheiten zu kümmern.

In Antwort auf:
Dear Friend,

I am Mrs. Sarah Welsh, an English woman who is suffering from suffering
from long time cancer of the breast. I am married to Sir Jim Welsh
who also is an English man though dead now. My husband worked with the
Nigeria Railways for over two decade before the cold hand of death took
him away on the 23rd of July 2003 at about 2:00 AM. Our marriage lasted
for over a decade without any fruit of the Womb. My husband died after a
protracted illness. My husband and I made a vow to uplift the down-trodden
and the Less-privileged individuals within the United Kingdom, Europe, North
and South America, Africa and the rest of the globe as he had passion for
persons who cannot help themselves due to physical disability or financial
predicament. I can adduce this to the fact that he needed a child from this
relationship, which never came.

When my late husband was alive he deposited the sum of US$10,000,000.00
(Ten Million US Dollars) with a bank in Nigeria. Presently, this money is
still with the bank. Recently, my doctor told me that I have a limited or
numbered days on earth and that my life Span will not exceed 150 days due
to the cancerous problems I am suffering from. Though what bothers me most
is the stroke that I have in addition to the cancer. With this hard reality
that has befallen my family, and me I have decided to donate this fund to a
non-governmental, or a non-religious, and or a non-profit organization or
better still an Individual that will utilize this money the way I am going to instruct here in.

This gift, which comes from my husbands sweat to fund the upkeep of widows,
widowers, orphans, destitute, the downtrodden, physically challenged children,
barren-women and persons who prove to be genuinely handicapped financially.
It is often said that blessed is the hand that giveth. I took this decision
because I do not have any child that will inherit this money and my husband
relatives are bourgeois and very wealthy persons and I do not want my husband
Jim Welsh hard earned money to be misused or invested into ill perceived ventures.
I do not want a situation where this money will be used in an ungodly manner,
hence the reason for taking this bold decision. I am not afraid of death hence
I know where I am going.

I know that I am going to be with the Almighty when I eventually pass on.
The Almighty will fight my case and I shall hold my peace. I do not need
any telephone communication in this regard due to my deteriorating health
and because of the presence of my husband relatives around me. I do not
want them to know about this development. With God all things are possible.
As soon as I receive your reply I shall give you the contact of the bank
in Nigeria. I will also issue you a Letter of Authority that will empower
you as the original beneficiary of this fund. My happiness is that I lived
a life worthy of emulation.

Please always be prayerful all through your life. Any delay in your reply
will give me room in sourcing for a non-governmental, or a non-religious,
and or a non-profit organization or better still an individual for this same
purpose. Please assure me that you will act just as I have stated herein.

Hope to hear from you soon and God bless you and members of your family.


Best Regards,
Mrs. Sarah Welsh. (Benefactor)

Tina hat Mitleid mit der Witwe Welsh und antwortet.

In Antwort auf:
Liebe Mrs. Welsh,

ich bin zutiefst erschüttert, von ihrem Schicksal zu erfahren.
Sie sind eine so tapfere Frau.
Kämpfen sie, ich hatte auch einmal Krebs am Fuss, da war
ich an der Nordsee im Urlaub. Ich hatte höllische Schmerzen
und es hat gedauert, bis man mir den Krebs entfernen konnte.

Ich heisse Tina Ranseier, wohne in der
Grothe-Marie Strasse 1 in
21614 Buxtehude / Deutschland.

Telefonisch bin ich unter der
Nummer des Tauben-Verbands :206-202-8578 zu erreichen.
Ich bin leider seit meiner Geburt taub und kann mich
nur über die Gebärdensprache verständigen.
Der Tauben-Verband übersetzt mir das Telefonat
in Text, den ich am Computer lesen kann. Ich antworte
Ihnen dann in einer normalen Email.

Viele Grüsse
Tina Ranseier



Contact the attorney

#2 von Rilla ( gelöscht ) , 18.12.2006 10:31

In Antwort auf:
Beloved In Christ Tina Ranseier,

Love and Greetings to you in the Name of our Lord Jesus Christ.
Thank you very much for your mail, which I received with thanks and
sorry over your condition. Thank you also for your sincerity in this
matter. I want you to devote yourself for this mission, to the Glory
of our God in heaven. There is no special process on this matter,
as much as you can co-operate with me. I will be very interested
for this fund to be released to you for Gods work as much as you
keep to your sincerity in this matter. I am rest assured that
through you on this fund, God will save many souls and build Kingdom
for himself to his own Glory (Amen). There is no specific church for
this money to be used in. Motherless Homes and also the less priviledged
ones. I have no doubt that you will handle this mission effectively.
As soon as you receive this money in your bank account, I will want
you to withdraw money from it to take care of my traveling expense to
your country to see or monitor the use of this fund by His Grace.
May God help you in Jesus Name?

May you never run short of the glory of GOD. As you should be aware,
it is very important that i visit your country at the completion of
the transfer of the fund to your nominated account. This is very
important to note please, as that will give us more opportunity
to discuss and meet you face to face to congratulate you for the
work well done.
As a Christian the first thing I did before contacting you was
to deny the devil, despair my condition I went into fasting and
praying, After that, it occurred to me to write you after all the
contacts before me. I hope that you will not betray this confidence
I am about building on you. I therefore want your maximum co-operation
in this regard so that we can work hand in hand to make this objective a success.

Again I will want you to always remember me in your daily prayers over
my condition. I know that doctors have proposed but my faith tells me
that God surely will intervene. But even if death should come now nobody
will lay claim over this money, automatically the financial institution
will claim it. Therefore, I will appreciate your effort in this matter
to be a little bit faster. As for death, I will have nothing to regret
for I have accepted Christ and He knows every thing about my life.
Please, I do not expect any delay from my deteriorating health.
As regards to my last mail, this fund ($10 Million Dollars) is
secured in the Bank in Nigeria by my husband before his death.
I have visited the Bank before i left Nigeria and confirm the
deposit of this money by my late husband. Meanwhile, the
Bank Officials after my proper introduction have presented
to me all relevant documents, covering the deposit of this money by my Late Husband.

Presently the fund is in Suspense Fixed Account of the bank awaiting
my Authority for the transfer of the fund to the new beneficiary which
i have chosen to inherit the fund, so i told the bank before i left
Nigeria that new beneficiary will be contacting them soonest for the
release of this fund. I have released this to you due to my confidence
in you. Please do contact and work with my lawyer as he has been in
direct communication with the bank.
Find below my lawyers information’s so that you call him immediately
to commence with this transaction.

#105 Isolo Road Victoria Island,
Lagos Nigeria.
Tel: +234-806-284-9688
Fax: +234-4809149

I expect you to act urgently and get back to me. I have equally notified
my lawyer to this effect and he expects to hear from you soonest.

Let me hear good news from you.
Thank you very much and may God bless you abundantly.

Sincerely yours,

Mrs. Sarah Welsh,

Attached is my picture with priest and sister praying for me and
the X-ray photo of my breast cancer.

Neu: Die weibliche Version der Krebsbilder. Sehr

Die Mail ging über folgende IP :

Angefügte Bilder:
Aufgrund eingeschränkter Benutzerrechte werden nur die Namen und (falls vorhanden) Vorschau-Grafiken der Dateianhänge angezeigt Jetzt anmelden!
Breast CancerX-Ray Photo.jpg   My picture.jpg  

zuletzt bearbeitet 18.12.2006 10:34 | Top

Tina Ranseier schreibt an die Attorneys

#3 von Rilla ( gelöscht ) , 18.12.2006 11:13

In Antwort auf:
Lieber Herr Barrister,

Frau Welsh hat mich beauftragt, mit Ihnen Kontakt aufzunehmen.
Es tut mir wirklich sehr leid, dass sie so schwer krank ist.
Hoffentlich wird sie bald wieder gesund.

Viele Grüsse
Tina Ranseier

Tina Ranseier
Grothe-Marie Strasse 1
21614 Buxtehude / Germany
Tel: Organsation of the Deaf Buxtehude (Tauben-Verband): 206-202-8578




#4 von Rilla ( gelöscht ) , 18.12.2006 11:16

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Mail Delivery Subsystem
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Date: Mon, 18 Dec 2006 11:14:17 +0100
From: "Tina Ranseier" <>
Subject: Mrs Sarah Welsh
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Ist Sarah Welsh zu dämlich und weiss noch nicht mal
die Adressen ihrer "Anwälte".


John Kalu hat sich gemeldet

#5 von Rilla ( gelöscht ) , 19.12.2006 09:25

eine email Adresse war noch gültig.
Aber dieser Barrister-Mugu verdient
eins auf den Deckel !

Attn: Mrs Tina Ranseier.

Dear Ma Tina Ranseier heisst Tina Ranseier und nicht Ma !,

I hope this message meets you and your family in splendid health.
However, I have been brief by my client of all your correspondence
with her and your intention to be of assistance, I most commend
your efforts and I am willing to work with you believing that
you will comply to all modalities of this transaction that will
lead us to its logical conclusion. My impression is that you are
well informed and this will give me a better understanding to work
with you to achieve this common goal. Your message was explicit
enough considering the fact that this transaction is not a child’s
play and the intent is real, i know you can be trusted to take
receivership of this fund on behalf of my client.

My name is Barrister. John Kalu and I am advocate to Late
Sir Jim Welsh i acting on instructions of Mrs. Sarah Welsh
has briefed me about the funds totaling 10,000.000.00 in
millions of US Dollars and her decision to make this money
available to you for charitable organization, for the less
privilege. I am also aware that a % of the funds will be for
your expense. I trust that I have every conviction that you
are determined to live for humanity and posterity. Trust
and respect is very important for me and I want you to
promise me that you will not fail my client’s expectation.

I wish to plead with you to join my client to accomplish her
wish, but to also benefit in the process. My only advice is
that you do not help an organization you do not know or get
involved in projects you do not see when this fund finally
gets to your account. This process could be strange but its
reality will definitely dawn on you, if you pay adequate
attention to it. I have to say here that my client does
not intend to cause you any personal pains or discomfort
but thought for good and mutual benefits. If this is
agreed by us we can eventually proceed to discuss the
process of the transfer of receivership to you which
will enable you adequately carry out the job that you are called to do.

We will take it a step at a time.

Firstly, what I must do is visit Liberty Bank Plc to
seek the availability of these funds. This I will do tomorrow and revert back to you.

Secondly, once the availability is confirmed by me, I
will request you provide me an undertaking with proof of your personal identity.

Thirdly, once I receive your undertaking and ID, I will
perfect its enforceability at the bank (Liberty Bank Plc)
where the fund is deposited. Once this is done, the bank
will recognized you as the new beneficiary and make the funds available to you.

Finally, we will now move to the final stage in setting up
a charitable organization which will aid the humanity that
will be beneficial to people from all work of life irrespective
of colour lines or boundaries.

Meanwhile, I want you to give a little background information about yourself,
I require also to have your
Full Name and full address,
Telephone and fax numbers. Hat im Mrs Welsh die Daten denn
nicht gegeben, das nervt, wenn man immer wieder seine "Daten"
copien und pasten muss , bloss weil die Mugus zu doof
sind, sie an den nächsten weiterzugeben.

May God grant you the strength and divine knowledge
to carry out this assignment? If you have any queries,
do not hesitate to contact me on Tel:+ 234-8036-284-9688,
Fax: +234-14809149.

Yours faithfully,
Tel:+ 234-8036-284-9688,


Tina ist etwas erbost und ihre Antwort ist
dementsprechend kurz:

In Antwort auf:
Sehr geehrter Herr Barsister John Kalu,

ich habe doch Mrs. Welsh bereits meine
ganzen Daten gegeben. Bitte fragen Sie
sie doch danach.
Ich heisse auch nicht Ma, sondern
Tina Ranseier, bitte.

Viele Grüsse
Tina Ranseier


zuletzt bearbeitet 19.12.2006 09:26 | Top

Bar Sisters Antwort

#6 von Rilla ( gelöscht ) , 19.12.2006 17:40

In Antwort auf:

Dear Mrs. Tina.
Kindly confirm if the data is correct to avoid mistake in the documentations.

Name: Mrs. Tina Ranseier

Address: Grothe-Marie Strasse 1 21614 Buxtehude / Germany

Tel: Organsation of the Deaf Buxtehude (Tauben-Verband): 206-202-8578

This it will lead us in signing the mutual agreement
between you and my client, this will be done when
I must have return back from the bank tomorrow.

Less I forget send me your scan international passport
or driving license vie email.
Best regards,
Barrister John Kalu

Tina hat ihm geantwortet und eine
Kopie ihres Ausweises angehängt.
Oh Schreck, was wird Bar Sister sagen,
wenn er sieht, dass in Tinas Adern
scheinbar schwarzes Blut fliesst.

In Antwort auf:
Sehr geehrter Herr Barrister:

hier ist eine Kopie meines

Viele Grüsse
Tina Ranseier


Angefügte Bilder:
Aufgrund eingeschränkter Benutzerrechte werden nur die Namen und (falls vorhanden) Vorschau-Grafiken der Dateianhänge angezeigt Jetzt anmelden!
Tina.jpg   meinAusweis.jpeg  

zuletzt bearbeitet 19.12.2006 17:43 | Top

Bar Sister hat sich gemeldet

#7 von Rilla ( gelöscht ) , 22.12.2006 17:21

und hat nichts dagegen, dass Tina
ihn so nennt, dafür nennt er sie
auch weiter Ma:

In Antwort auf:
Attn: Mrs. Tina Ranseier

Dear Ma,

I am in receipt of positive message from the bank, which is highly appreciated.
I know God will bless this relationship and will make it grow abundantly beyond
measures. I am willing now to stake everything I have to accomplish
Mrs Sarah Welsh wishes and be a good steward to God in ensuring that
I complete the remaining processes of documentation with the bank in
the transfer of receivership of the funds to you. I want to assure you
that the transfer of receivership will be handled in a professional,
legal and honest manner. In pursuant of same, I am attaching 1 page
document of the agreement, also annexed is a memo from the bank to me
as regards this transaction.

I will advise that you peruse the agreement and if there is any ommission
or addition you will want to make, do so, otherwise sign your column and
email only the signature page back to me. I will start the processing of
other legal documents and include other paperwork to be summit to the bank,
as soon as you sign and return the Agreement document.

Less i forget, i will like me and you to have some conversations
as regards the progress made so far.
Wie schön, dass er sich selbst gern haben will. Früher glaubte
man, vom sich selbst gern haben bekommt man Gehirnerweichung .
Und das scheint bei ihm wirklich der Fall zu sein, wenn man sich die
beiden Dokumente betrachtet, die er seiner Mail angeklammert hat.
Ich habe schon viele schlechte Mugu-Dokumente gesehen,
aber die von Messer John Kalu übertreffen alles.


Barrister John kalu
Tel: +234-806-284-9688


Angefügte Bilder:
Aufgrund eingeschränkter Benutzerrechte werden nur die Namen und (falls vorhanden) Vorschau-Grafiken der Dateianhänge angezeigt Jetzt anmelden!

zuletzt bearbeitet 22.12.2006 17:25 | Top

John Kalu bekommt messerscharfe Fotos

#8 von Rilla ( gelöscht ) , 22.12.2006 21:45

In Antwort auf:
Sehr geehrter Herr Kalu,

Hier sind Ihre Dokumente.
Ich habe Ihr Agreement unterzeichnet.

Viele Grüsse und Gott schütze Sie
Tina Ranseier

Kurzer Brief aber vielsagende Dokumente.
Ob die Bilder von A.Kiesbauer echt sind
weiss ich nicht, ich habe sie beim
googeln gefunden. Barrister hat in einem
Anhang um zwei Bilder gebeten, welcher
Art die sein sollen, hat er nicht gesagt .
Den Reisepass, den ich schon bei Polly Zey
verwendet habe, habe ich hier mit Bild und
Namen von Tina Ranseier recycelt.

Angefügte Bilder:
Aufgrund eingeschränkter Benutzerrechte werden nur die Namen und (falls vorhanden) Vorschau-Grafiken der Dateianhänge angezeigt Jetzt anmelden!
AgreementWelsh.jpg   ReisepassTR.jpg   me.jpg   sauna.jpg  

zuletzt bearbeitet 22.12.2006 21:49 | Top

and the pictures you sent so lovely

#9 von Rilla ( gelöscht ) , 23.12.2006 13:51

In Antwort auf:
Dear Mrs, Tina Ranseier.

Thank you for the urgent response to the signing of the mutual
agreement document er hat gar nicht gemerkt, wie in
diesem Dokument rumgepfuscht wurde

and the pictures you sent so lovely,
I will advice you contact the Liberty Bank Plc because they have been
informed to transfer the fund to you as the new beneficiary of
the fund, now you have to contact the bank and instruct the
transfer of this Fund without any delay. I have the strong believe
that everything will be completed without any delay as soon as you
contact them for the transfer. Please always inform me on the
progress made with the bank while i will check back with the bank.

Below are the information of this account in case of any question
from the bank.

My Late Husband: Sir Jim Welsh
Sir Jim Welsh & John Kalu
Nationality British
Date of deposit is 12 Jan 2003
Account number: LB-DP-018942819
Type of account: Deposit Account
Amount: US$10m

The contact details of the Director In charge of the transfer call him:
Dr Humphrey O. Ugochukwu
International Remittance Director
Liberty Bank Plc
Bishop Oluwole Street. City Victoria Island. Lagos State,
The Nigeria.
Tel: 234-1-4732816

Please, go ahead and contact the bank immediately and instruct
them for the transfer of this Fund.

Best Regards,
Barrister John kalu


zuletzt bearbeitet 23.12.2006 13:59 | Top

zieh den Kopf aus der Schlinge Bruder John

#10 von Rilla ( gelöscht ) , 23.12.2006 14:15

In Antwort auf:
Lieber John,

ich bin froh, dass dir meine Bilder so
gefallen haben.
Ich werde mit der Bank so schnell wie
möglich Kontakt aufnehmen.

Weisst du, meine Mutter kam aus
Somalia. Ich bin so froh, jemand
aus Afrika kennengelernt zu haben.
Können wir nicht Freunde werden.

Ach, kannst du nicht ein Bild von
dir schicken.
Die schönen Bilder hat mein
Ex-Freund gemacht, mit dem ich
jetzt leider nicht mehr zusammen bin.

Alles Liebe
Deine Tina




#11 von Rilla ( gelöscht ) , 23.12.2006 21:05

In Antwort auf:
My Dear Tina,
Attach is my picture so you can see me and know whom you are dealing with.
I must say this; you are a very good lady to be very proud of your
color and the place you come from (Africa Lady). Am happy to be a
friend of yours simple because you respect your color.

As regards the transfer, I will advice you act quickly to contact
the bank so that they can start the transfer of the fund to your
account immediately while I start all the necessary documentations.

Once again I thank you for the effort you have made so far, God
will give you the strength and the encouragement to complete
Mrs. Sarah Welsh wish to mankind.

Waiting to hear the outcome with you and the bank.

Wishing you the best of Marry Christmas and Happy New year in Advance.

Best Regards,
Barrister John Kalu


Angefügte Bilder:
Aufgrund eingeschränkter Benutzerrechte werden nur die Namen und (falls vorhanden) Vorschau-Grafiken der Dateianhänge angezeigt Jetzt anmelden!
Barrister John Kalu.jpg  


und wir baggern weiter

#12 von Rilla ( gelöscht ) , 23.12.2006 21:18

In Antwort auf:
Lieber John,

danke für die lieben Komplimente. Ich werde mich nächste
Woche mit der Bank in Verbindung setzen (über die
Feiertage ist dort bestimmt niemand zu erreichen).

Vielen Dank für das schöne Bild. Du bist ein sehr gutaussehender
Mann. Als Anwalt hast du bestimmt grossen Erfolg, weil du
so vertrauenserweckend wirkst.

Ich selber habe bis zur Trennung von meinem Freund
als Model gearbeitet. Nachdem ich mich von ihm getrennt habe,
arbeite ich nur noch in einem Friseursalon.

Ich wünsche Dir frohe Weihnachten und wie
man bei uns sagt - einen guten Rutsch ins neue Jahr.
Wie lebst du in Afrika ? Ich hatte vor ein paar Jahren mal
den Wunsch nach Somalia zu ziehen, aber dann war
dort Krieg und es ging nicht.
Erzähl mir mehr von Dir.

Gott schütze dich.

Liebe Grüsse
Deine Tina

Es gibt im Internet noch schönere Bilder von "Tina".
Die werde ich dem Barrister so nach und nach zuspielen.
Aber erst, wenn er mir weitere Informationen von sich


RE: und wir baggern weiter

#13 von Scambaiter , 23.12.2006 21:28

...gut Rilla!

In Antwort auf:
Vielen Dank für das schöne Bild. Du bist ein sehr gutaussehender
Mann. Als Anwalt hast du bestimmt grossen Erfolg, weil du
so vertrauenserweckend wirkst. <----

MfG - Scambaiter
>Horas non numero nisi serenas<

Beiträge: 11.581
Registriert am: 01.01.2006

zuviel Allehol oder was

#14 von Rilla ( gelöscht ) , 25.12.2006 01:06

... ich war wirklich baff, als ich dies heute in meinem Briefkasten fand:

In Antwort auf:
Dear Friend,

I am Mrs. Sarah Welsh, an English woman who is suffering from
suffering from long time cancer of the breast. I am married
to Sir Jim Welsh who also is an English man though dead now.
My husband worked with the Nigeria Railways for over two decade
before the cold hand of death took him away on the 23rd of July 2003
at about 2:00 AM. Our marriage lasted for over a decade without any
fruit of the Womb. My husband died after a protracted illness. My husband
and I made a vow to uplift the down-trodden and the Less-privileged
individuals within the United Kingdom, Europe, North and South America,
Africa and the rest of the globe as he had passion for persons who cannot
help themselves due to physical disability or financial predicament.
I can adduce this to the fact that he needed a child from this relationship, which never came.

When my late husband was alive he deposited the sum of US$10,000,000.00
(Ten Million US Dollars) with a bank in Nigeria. Presently, this money
is still with the bank. Recently, my doctor told me that I have a limited
or numbered days on earth and that my life Span will not exceed 150 days
due to the cancerous problems I am suffering from. Though what bothers
me most is the stroke that I have in addition to the cancer. With this
hard reality that has befallen my family, and me I have decided to donate
this fund to a non-governmental, or a non-religious, and or a non-profit
organization or better still an Individual that will utilize this money
the way I am going to instruct here in.

This gift, which comes from my husbands sweat to fund the upkeep of widows,
widowers, orphans, destitute, the downtrodden, physically challenged children,
barren-women and persons who prove to be genuinely handicapped financially.
It is often said that blessed is the hand that giveth. I took this decision
because I do not have any child that will inherit this money and my husband
relatives are bourgeois and very wealthy persons and I do not want my husband
Jim Welsh hard earned money to be misused or invested into ill perceived ventures.
I do not want a situation where this money will be used in an ungodly manner,
hence the reason for taking this bold decision. I am not afraid of death hence
I know where I am going.

I know that I am going to be with the Almighty when I eventually pass on.
The Almighty will fight my case and I shall hold my peace. I do not need
any telephone communication in this regard due to my deteriorating health
and because of the presence of my husband relatives around me. I do not
want them to know about this development. With God all things are possible.
As soon as I receive your reply I shall give you the contact of the bank in
Nigeria. I will also issue you a Letter of Authority that will empower you as
the original beneficiary of this fund. My happiness is that I lived a life
worthy of emulation.

Please always be prayerful all through your life. Any delay in your reply will
give me room in sourcing for a non-governmental, or a non-religious, and or a
non-profit organization or better still an individual for this same purpose.
Please assure me that you will act just as I have stated herein.

Hope to hear from you soon and God bless you and members of your family.


Best Regards,

Mrs. Sarah Welsh. (Benefactor)
Sarah Welsh hat nicht nur Krebs, sie hat
anscheinend auch noch Alzheimer und zwar im Endstadium.
Wie sonst könnte diese Mail in Tina Ranseieres Briefkasten
kommen ?
Oder war es vielleicht ein bisschen Weihnachtspunsch zuviel ?

Cheerio Miss Welsh, by the way, same procedure as every year ?

Euch anderen Frohe Weihnachten

zuletzt bearbeitet 25.12.2006 01:18 | Top

merry XMas

#15 von Rilla ( gelöscht ) , 26.12.2006 15:39

In Antwort auf:
Dear Mrs. Tina.
Marry Xmas and Happy New Year in Advance.
How was your celebration with your friend and family for the Xmas?
I believe it was successful and interesting.
I write, to inquire if you have contact the bank and what was their response.
Kindly update me so I can know how far you have gone with them.
Once again I wish you the best of the seasons.
Barrister John Kalu
Hat er den Brief nicht gelesen ?
Das ist nicht Tinas Freund, sondern Tinas Ex-Freund.
Da muss sie den lieben John Kalu wohl aufklären.

Wollen wir Weihnachten heiraten ?
Oder wollen wir nicht lieber einen Engel durchs Zimmer
gehen lassen ?

zuletzt bearbeitet 27.12.2006 16:59 | Top

Marry XMas (wir heiraten das Weihnachtsfest)

#16 von Rilla ( gelöscht ) , 26.12.2006 15:46

In Antwort auf:
Lieber John,

Danke für deine liebe Mail. Leider muss ich dir
sagen, dass ich seit 2 Jahren von meinem Freund
getrennt bin. Deshalb nannte ich ihn ja auch meinen
Ich hatte jede Menge Ärger mit ihm und wir
haben uns sehr gestritten.
Meine Eltern sind leider schon verstorben.Deshalb
war ich dieses Weihnachten alleine.
Aber ich habe die ganze Zeit an dich gedacht,
mein Liebster.

Ich hoffe bald wieder von dir zu hören.
In Liebe
Deine Tina
Seit 2 Jahren macht Tinas Ex-Freund eine Kur
auf Staatskosten wegen diverser kleiner
Reibereien auf dem Kiez.
Bald kommt Albaner-Kalle wieder raus.


zuletzt bearbeitet 27.12.2006 17:00 | Top

face pleasure

#17 von Rilla ( gelöscht ) , 27.12.2006 12:07

In Antwort auf:
Dear Mrs Tina,
Let settle one aspect of the transaction then later we can
face pleasure because my client is worry over the delay of the
transfer even I have gone and back from the bank still you have
not reach the bank.

Sorry over your parent death, May their gentle soul rest in peace.

Kindly do that now and get back to me so I can report the progress
made to her.

Best Regards
Barrister john Kalu.

zuletzt bearbeitet 27.12.2006 16:59 | Top

Humphrey oder wie

#18 von Rilla ( gelöscht ) , 27.12.2006 12:10

In Antwort auf:
Tina Ranseier
an drhumpherylbplc
Weitere Optionen 12:08 (Vor 2 Minuten)
Sehr geehrter Dr. Humphrey,

Mr. John Barrister und Sarah Welsh haben
mir gesagt, ich soll mich wegen der
Transaktion bei Ihnen melden.

Viele Grüsse
Tina Ranseier
Endlich hat Tina die Zeit, sich bei Dr Humpherylbplc zu melden.
Mal sehen, was dieser Barrister vorhat.

zuletzt bearbeitet 27.12.2006 17:00 | Top

Humphrey hat geantwortet

#19 von Rilla ( gelöscht ) , 29.12.2006 22:39

In Antwort auf:
Dr Humphrey u an mich

FROM: International Remittance Dept.
TEL: +234-14732816..
ATTN: Mrs Tina Ranseier.

Dear Sir/Madam,


We write to acknowledge the receipt of a payment instruction
in your favour valued at US$10,000,000.00 (Ten Million Dollars Only).

However, you are hereby referred to the above subject matter
with reference code as stated below.

PAYMENT CODE:FDA/LB/QIX69603-010-004-06.
PAYMENT VALUE:US$10,000,000.00

You are on this payment notification required to send to us
via e-mail (scan) a valid identification (INTERNATIONAL PASSPORT
OR DRIVING LICENCE) attached with your full banking information
I.E (Account name/Swift Code/Routing No/Iban Code, Bank Address,
Phone/Fax Nos) etc for verification and to enable us process and
effect your payment to your designated bank account. Please confirm
the receipt of this message to the undersigned.

Call me for confirmation of this message
Thanks for your anticipated understanding and co-operation

Yours Faithfully,
Dr Humphrey O. Ugochukwu
International Remittance Director

Und wieder brauchen die Mugus die Pass- und Adressangaben.

zuletzt bearbeitet 29.12.2006 22:49 | Top

Happy new year

#20 von Rilla ( gelöscht ) , 03.01.2007 18:51

In Antwort auf:
Dear Mrs. Tina.
Happy New Year to you and your friends.
How far have you gone with the bank because
I have not held from you for quiet some time.
Kindly get back to me ASAP
Barrister John kalu.

Wir lassen die Korken knallen und trinken
einen auf unsere Mugus.
Wenn der Kater wieder weg ist, sehn wir weiter.



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