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RE: Prince Fayad H Bolkiah aus dem Sultanat von Brunei Darussalam ist wieder da!

#41 von Sven Udo , 12.07.2007 22:27

II. Akt/36

...Hilfe meine Batterien sind leer.
Der Prinz hat ja keine Ahnung, wie es in Afrika zugeht .

In Antwort auf:
Datum: Thu, 12 Jul 2007 21:48:41 +0200 (CEST)
An: "Prince Fayad H Bolkiah"
Hey Prince,

thanks for your mail.
Hey man was you ever been in Africa?
I guess NOT! This is one big jungle, with a lot of
wild animals and humans!

The real jungle is in contrast, one garden Eden!
And you ask me for one TRACER!

I never use one tracer, and I do not know what you
mean. If you want - so send me one example of this
tracer, OK?

............I must stop here quick, my notebook have
soon discharged batteries! And no electric current
around me.
I can also not use my satelite phone, shit!


Sven Udo


Sven Udo
Forum Guru
Beiträge: 1.678
Registriert am: 01.01.2006

RE: Prince Fayad H Bolkiah aus dem Sultanat von Brunei Darussalam ist wieder da!

#42 von Sven Udo , 13.07.2007 19:31

II. Akt/37

Der Prinz merkt nichts, ich bin im Busch!
Und kann nicht mal schnell, bei meiner Bank vorbei gehen!

In Antwort auf:
Datum: Thu, 12 Jul 2007 15:56:15 -0700 (PDT)
Von: "Prince Fayad H Bolkiah"
Betreff: Reply
Dear Sven,

Go to your bank and inform your bank that the wire transfer of Euro 3,800 which you transfered was not received at the beneficiary bank account. Your bank will issue a Tracer to find out the location of the money Euro 3,800 immediately.

Once done, there is a document which your bank will issue to you called TRACER, have it scanned in clear copy and send to me via email attachment ASAP.

I await your reply.



Sven Udo


Sven Udo
Forum Guru
Beiträge: 1.678
Registriert am: 01.01.2006

RE: Prince Fayad H Bolkiah aus dem Sultanat von Brunei Darussalam ist wieder da!

#43 von Sven Udo , 19.07.2007 02:35

II. Akt/38

So, dass hat er nun davon, der Wicht. Eine obszöne Antwort, von S.U::

In Antwort auf:
Datum: Thu, 19 Jul 2007 02:26:49 +0200 (CEST)
Betreff: RE: Reply
An: "Prince Fayad H Bolkiah"
Hey Prince,

Are you slow on the uptake or even daffy? Or one silly-billy?

I am yet in the african jungle! How I can go to my
bank, and look for that paper you ask for? In Germany
nobody see (never) one Tracher! And nobody knows whats
this! I was asking friends and family with satellite
phone! Nobody knows something.

Send me one exampel of this tracer.
If you send not, so forget the deal complete!
Simple no tracer from you, no money from me!
Easy or?

Sven to time in Ouagadougou.

S.U. im Dschungel...

Sven Udo


Sven Udo
Forum Guru
Beiträge: 1.678
Registriert am: 01.01.2006

RE: Prince Fayad H Bolkiah aus dem Sultanat von Brunei Darussalam ist wieder da!

#44 von Sven Udo , 04.08.2007 02:06

II. Akt/38 kleine Erinnerungsmail von S.U.
Der ist inzwischen in Jamhuri ya Muungano wa Tanzania, Dar Es Salaam eingetroffen.
Der Prinz kann ja dorthin auch einen ganz normalen Brief schreiben .

In Antwort auf:
Datum: Sat, 4 Aug 2007 01:54:40 +0200 (CEST)
Betreff: RE: Reply
An: "Prince Fayad H Bolkiah"
Hello prince,

Whats happen overthere? Are you alive and kicking?
I move now to the United Republic of Tanzania (Jamhuri
ya Muungano wa Tanzania) for short time.

I need your answer to bring progress in our deal!
You can getting me via Email. Or in Daressalam, only
till 08.08.2007:

Mr. Sven Udo
P.O.BOX 35091, Dar Es Salaam

Hope to hear from you soon.

Your friend Sven

Sven Udo


Sven Udo
Forum Guru
Beiträge: 1.678
Registriert am: 01.01.2006

RE: Prince Fayad H Bolkiah aus dem Sultanat von Brunei Darussalam ist wieder da!

#45 von Sven Udo , 09.08.2008 00:42

III. Akt/1-08

Mein Gott diese Familie gibt es ja auch noch...

In Antwort auf:
Freitag, 8. August, 2008 10:44 Uhr
Von: "Prince Jefri Bolkiah"
An: ***@***

I beleive i can call you friend. I am Prince Jefri Bolkiah of Brunei.I am
the youngest of the Sultan's three brothers.But its like a joke being
called a prince. The Bruneian royal family have turned me into an out
cast. I am presently on exile in London.

My Brother the Sultan of Brunei masterminded and initiated much evil
against me.He envied me as a person,he envied my life style,he was
intimidated by my way of life,and thus plotted with his infidel advisers
to get me arrested for noting. He leveled all forms of corruption
allegations against me. He accused me of taking US$40 billion of the royal
treasury's money. He labelled me a criminal and ordered for my arrest. My
Brother the Sultan of Brunei did this to me his younger brother.

Yes i agree that I spent Money, but I am bewildered by the accusation that
i misspent $40 billion. It's not that easy to hide, I keep asking the
lawyers, Where did it go?. I have already turned over billions of dollars
worth of property, including the Plaza Athénée hotel in Paris,The New York
Palace Hotel, the giant yacht, the car collection, and more than 100
paintings by Picasso, Renoir, Modigliani and others. Late last year, I
surrendered five rare diamonds, secured in a London vault, valued at
roughly $200 million.

My Brother the Sultan, Hassanal Bolkiah, has ruled since 1967.He is the
world's wealthiest ruler, with an estimated fortune of $22 billion.
DESPITE HIS WEALTH, he still feels intimidated by my little Money.
I have turned over the various assets, but my brother the Sultan will not
let me keep enough money to maintain a more modest version of my prior
lifestyle. Now the Sultan's advisers have started legal proceedings to
evict me from my London mansion. We don't know where we are going to live.
They want me to give it all back, now i am worried that i may soon be
homeless and forced into bankruptcy.

While in Brunei,my favorite car to drive was a Ferrari 550, a sleek sports
coupe that i used to take for a spin late at night when the roads were
quiet. Now, I like the Mini. I drive a black small mini around London. I
am been watched by private detectives employed by my Brother the Sultan.He
wants to ruin me,but he cannot.

My friend, i dont know you, but from my little snooping into your profile,
i strongly feel you can be of help to me.I want you to take me as a friend
in need and do something for me that will also benefit you. Right now i
cannot trust any body close to me.I have been betrayed by my friends and
family and I am tired of talking to lawyers. I prefer to take the Risk of
solicitng the assistance of a stranger. You may think i am going crazy,but
i am very sane.

I still have billions of dollars safe and secure in safe countries, but i
cannot touch these funds hence they are discovered by my King Brother
watching my every move like a Hawk. I need you to assist me in these
financial steps of securing my entitlements. You will benefit immensely
from these finanacial exercise.

I am an easy going gentleman, so please be rest assured that my business
relationship with you will be very sincere and the friendship will extend
to our childrens.

Yours Sincerely,
Prince Jefri Bolkiah

Mailto: "Prince Jefri Bolkiah"

Sven Udo


Sven Udo
Forum Guru
Beiträge: 1.678
Registriert am: 01.01.2006

zuletzt bearbeitet 09.08.2008 | Top

RE: Prince Fayad H Bolkiah aus dem Sultanat von Brunei Darussalam ist wieder da!

#46 von Scambaiter , 17.10.2008 03:38

Und wieder ein Bolkiah...

In Antwort auf:
Pity a dying woman
Donnerstag, 16. Oktober, 2008 18:59 Uhr
Von: "Almira Bolkiah"
An: googlemail2008

It is with tears that I am writing this message to you from a hospital bed far away from my home where I have no mother, father, sister , brother or any relative, in the mist of strangers with a diffrent language that I don't understand, imaging how painful it is being a cancer patient, Firstly let me introduce myself to you, I am Mrs. Almira Ahmed Hassanal Bolkiah, a widow to Late Sheik Ahmed Hassanal Bolkiah of Brunei Darussalam, I am 38years old and I have a son of 11years of age who is at the moment in Benin Republic and I am suffering from cancer of the lungs which I will soon undergo the operation, I want to also let you know that I am writing you this mail from a private hospital here where I am taking my part-time treatments, what will you do if your doctor come up and tell you that you have only few weeks to live? you can imagine the kind of pains I am going through.My husband is the first Son to the last wife of King Haji Omar Ali Saifuddien Sadul Khairi Waddien, the former Prime minister of Brunei Darussalam, the tiny oil-rich country on the Island in South-Eastern Asia, let me save your time by not amplifying my extended royal family history which has already been disseminated by the international media during the controversial dispute that erupted between my Husband and his step-brother, the sultan of Brunei H.M. Sultan Haji Hassanal Bolkiah who is the present King/prime minister of Brunei. As you may know from the international media, the sultan of Brunei accused my husband who is his step-brother for financial mismanagement and impropriety of US$14.8 billion dollars and this was as a result of the Asian Financial crisis that made my husband's company Amedeo Development Company that was inherited by my husband and government owned Brunei investment company to be declared bankrupt during his tenure in the office.However my my husband was kept under house arrest by his own step brother, our bank accounts and private properties including a crude oil export refinery were later confiscated by the sultan and to worsen the whole thing, he has to assassinate my my beloved husband and I was placed under house arrest by the sultan so that I will not tell the international community what has happened and that is where I developed this cancer of the lungs which is killing me now but I still believe that it is the will of God that life treat me this way.

To avoid further prosecution and sufferings from the sultan and his security operatives since I have lost my husband and I have my only child to keep me happy, I decided to leave my country Brunei to Benin Republic where my husband has deposited the sum of ( US$21 Million Dollars) in a reputable bank but unfortunately for me this my illness has became worst and I have been placed at the hospital for medical attention here, so I am planing to fly to abroad for good medication and a perfect surgical operation because according to what my doctor told me that I may not live for more than a month without this operation, I am so scared about this because she has made me understand that I have only 20% chance to survive this surgery and for that reason, I want to make a future for my only son before undergoing this surgery so that even if I die on the process of this surgery, my son will be taken care of by you.The reason why I am contacting you is to know if you can arrange for a better hospital over there so that I can come there for a better surgery and aslo to know if you can take care of my son when I will be undergoing this surgery, I have decided to give you this sum of (US$ 21Milion) that I inherited from my late husband so that you can invest it in a very lucrative business in your country, we never can tell what will happen during the surgery, so that in case if anything happen to me during this operation, my son will have someone to take care of him and a business/funds to inherit for a good future or if this surgery go well, I will have a business that I can use to take care of my only son.

Please note that this fund is lying with a reputable Bank here in Benin Republic of West Africa and as I am writing this message to you from a hospital Bed, I am not sure that I will survive this operation but even if I have to die, first I want to secure a future for my only son.You may ask yourself why am I saying all this but I believe you never experience this kind of problem either have you meet anyone in this kind of situation, have you ever use a lap-top in the hospital to write a letter to a stranger for help? from a foreign land where you have no father, mother or anyone who can help you? In the mist of people that speak entirely different language? when all the people you trust become the people after your life? well, you may not understand but I want you to take this more serious and urgently important.

All I WANT FROM YOU IS TO TAKE THE MONEY WITH MY SON AND INVEST IT SO THAT YOU CAN TAKE CARE OF MY SON IF I DID NOT SURVIVE THIS. please get back to me very fast so that I can tell you what to do because my days now is being numberred.Reply me through my private email: ( May the peace of God be with you " Amen"

Mrs. Almira Ahmed Hassanal Bolkiah
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MfG - Scambaiter
> Horas non numero nisi serenas <

Beiträge: 11.582
Registriert am: 01.01.2006


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