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Prince Fayad H. Bolkiah aus dem Sultanat Brunei Darussalam ist wieder da!

#1 von Sven Udo , 04.03.2007 02:47 ist wie in einem orientalischem Märchen.
Plötzlich, wie aus dem nichts, taucht ein Prinz auf.

In diesem Fall, Prince Fayad H. Bolkiah aus dem Sultanat von Brunei Darussalam.
Die Geschicht war eigentlich im Februar 2006 zu Ende.
Da ich die Story noch nicht öffentlich, publiziert habe, noch eine kurze Einführung.

Siehe auch unsere Homepage: Prinz Fayad Bolkiah aus Brunei.
Sowie allgemein

Es begann am 06.11.2005 - Die handelten Personen:

(vormals Finanzminister des Sultanats von Brunei Darussalam)
2. Der bekannte Journalist & Kolumnist der Zeitung "Bald" aus Berlin, Sven Udo


Da bekommt doch der bekannte Berliner Journalist S.U. Post aus
BRUNEI vom Prinzen PRINCE FAYAD H. BOLKIAH! Wie interessant, denkt der Journalist.
"Dort warst du doch vor nicht so langer Zeit".
Und somit nimmt er Kontakt zum Prinzen auf.
Nur leider, der Journalist hat immer wenig Zeit...
[so begann alles]
In Antwort auf:
An: *** [Bearbeiten - Löschen]
Betreff: Re-profiling my funds for Investment in your Country
Datum: Tue, 25 Oct 2005 15:20:54 -0400

I need you to read this email message carefully because it is very
imperative. I am contacting you for an Urgent Business Project and further
explicit investment assistance in your country.

who was the former Finance Minister of Brunei. Brunei Darussalam is a
small country located in the northwest of the island of Borneo and

I will save your time by not amplifying my extended Royal Family
history which has already been disseminated by the international media during
the controversial dispute that erupted between my father and his
stepbrother, the sultan of Brunei SHEIK HAJI HASSANAL BOLKIAH.
You can visit the websites below for a better understanding of the
http:/ /
http:/ /

As you may know from the international media, the Sultan had accused my
father of financial mismanagement and impropriety of US$14.8 Billion.
This was as a result of the Asian financial crisis which made my father
company Amedeo development Corporation(ADC) and government owned Brunei
Investment Agency(BIA) to be declared
bankrupt during his tenure in office.

PRINCE JEFRI BOLKIAH was relieved of his post as Finance Minister of
Brunei and was stripped of his chairmanship post as head of the nation's
international investment arm, the Brunei Investment Agency in February
1998. The Agency controls 13 companies & Brunei's overseas assets. In
July 1998, SHEIK HAJI HASSANAL BOLKIAH barred trading by Amedeo
Development Corporation when the world's biggest corporate debt of US$14.8
Billion came to light. In September the 1998, the Sultan ordered an
investigation of the BIA by accountants KPMG after the Brunei government
alleged that"large sums of money" had been misappropriated to companies
controlled by PRINCE JEFRI BOLKIAH. The Sultan then asked the Bank of
England to help track down an alleged 28 Billion British Pounds of state and
family funds said to be "missing".

On the 02/10/1998 PRINCE JEFRI BOLKIAH flew from London in a private
jet and was going to settle matters directly with SHEIK HAJI HASSANAL
BOLKIAH. PRINCE JEFRI drove straight to his seaside palace at Jerudong,
about 10 miles south of the capital, Bandar Seri Begawan. He was due to
meet with officials of the Amedeo Development Corporation and visit the
sultan. After series of meetings relations between the Royals appeared
to deteriorate quickly. However,my father was arrested, his Bank
Accounts and private properties including a crude oil export refinery & three
large oil wells which were later confiscated by the sultanate.

During this unfortunate period i was advised to evacuate my immediate
family outside the sultanate to avoid further prosecution from the
sultan and his security operatives. Before I could do that I was placed
under house arrest by SHEIK HAJI HASSANAL BOLKIAH. I and my children have
being confined only to our country home and all our calls and movements
are monitored, as a result, it’s absolutely impossible for me to do
anything as regards retrieving the money.

Before my arrest, I went ahead to dispatch the sum of US$1 Billion in
cash under special arrangement into the custody of different Offshore
Banks and Private security and Trustee companies for safe keeping abroad.
The amount accrued from the crude oil sales over this period of six
years and these funds are fully free of any liens, or encumbrances and are
clean, clear and has no criminal origin. The funds have nothing to do
with any form of illegality and all documentations needed to prove the
source of the funds were submitted when the funds were being deposited
and these documents would prove the source of the funds and authenticate
the fact that the funds are clean and has no links whatsoever with
either drugs or terrorism.

The money where split and kept in the following countries in this
proportion: US$500 Million is in different offshore Bank accounts while the
rest are with Private Deposit & Trustee companies with:- US$50 Million
is in England, US$100 Million is in Spain, US$100 Million is in Arabia,
US$80 Million is in United Arab Emirate and the balance US$170 Millions
in Malaysia.

I am unable to reach my friends & associates whom would have provided
all the much needed moral and financial assistance i require to release
the funds because my private/personal diary was seized by my uncle
SHEIK HAJI HASSANAL BOLKIAH who also happens to be the Sultan of Brunei. My
only means of communication is via internet and you are being contacted
because your assistance is needed in claiming the funds on my behalf.

I seek your good will & assistance to receive and invest these funds
into profitable business investment in your country to facilitate future
survival for me and my family abroad. I am counting on your absolute
transparency, honesty and confidentiality which this transaction deserves
while looking forward to your prompt reply.

You are requested to communicate your acceptance or otherwise of this
proposal through my email address below: ***
after which we shall discuss in details the modalities for seeing this
transaction through.
If however, you are not disposed to assist, kindly destroy this letter
in view of the confidentiality of the proposed project and interest of
my personality involved.
Thank you in anticipation of your co-operation.

I await your Urgent Reply. Best Regards,


Und nun kommt der große Sprung, in den März 2007!

Unglaublich aber wahr. Mein Prinz ist wieder da.
"Prince Fayad H Bolkiah" war (angeblich) ein Jahr im Knast.
Warum eigentlich?

Ich, Sven Udo der Journalist, saß doch in der Klemme.
Ich wurde doch verdächtigt, der Geldwäsche, Terrorismus und sonst noch einiges.

Ich wurde meine Job los, bei der Zeitung "Bald", meine Ehe ging kaputt usw.
Wenn ich mich richtig erinnere, glaue ich sogar ich war in Guantanamo, für ein paar Monate...

Auf jeden Fall, reichlich Stoff, für neue Irrungen und Wirrungen.
In Antwort auf:
Datum: Sat, 3 Mar 2007 15:41:25 -0800 (PST)
Von: "Prince Fayad H Bolkiah" <prince-fayad***> Ins Adressbuch
Betreff: Just came back
An: *** [Bearbeiten - Löschen]
Dear Sven Udo,

How are you? I hope you are Ok. I am sorry i did not
email you since due to the fact that i was sentenced
to One (1) year prison term and i just came back home
yet they place me under house arrest.

Please reply back my brother so we can get this thing
completed ASAP.

I await to hear from you.



Und hier noch einmal der Prinz in voller Pracht, zur Erinnerung:

Nachtrag: Auch Rilla hatte kurz mit dem Prinzen zu tun: Wa-alaikum Salaam Warahmatullahi Wabatkatahu

Sven Udo


Sven Udo
Forum Guru
Beiträge: 1.678
Registriert am: 01.01.2006

zuletzt bearbeitet 24.12.2008 | Top

RE: Prince Fayad H Bolkiah aus dem Sultanat von Brunei Darussalam ist wieder da!

#2 von Sven Udo , 10.03.2007 00:33

II. Akt/1

Auf zur zweiten Runde. Mal sehen wohin uns das diesmal bringt...
Neues Spiel - neues Glück

In Antwort auf:
Datum: Sat, 10 Mar 2007 00:23:57 +0100 (CET)
Betreff: RE: Just came back
An: "Prince Fayad H Bolkiah"
Dear Fayad,

Hi prince how are you? I was think you are died.
So I am happy you live.
What is with the millons of Dollar?
Was not take this the police?

I was arrests also for a while. This was not funny.
I was lost my job and my wife!

Now I have a new job but not so good well-paid.
I hope we can make the deal again, I need some money!

Tell me what is your present situation?


Sven Udo

Sven Udo


Sven Udo
Forum Guru
Beiträge: 1.678
Registriert am: 01.01.2006

RE: Prince Fayad H Bolkiah aus dem Sultanat von Brunei Darussalam ist wieder da!

#3 von Sven Udo , 13.03.2007 01:52

II. Akt/2

Oh je, der arme Prinz, hat alles vergessen . Ein Jahr Knast hat ihn gezeichnet.
Und er hat das ganze Geld von damals verloren.

Aber die Welt ist voller Wunder . Und so hat Fayad etwas neues gefunden:
"There is another of my Box which is in United Kingdom
containing US$4.3 Million and i am making arrangement
for the Box to be delivered to your address inGermany."

In Antwort auf:
Datum: Mon, 12 Mar 2007 09:00:19 -0700 (PDT)
Von: "Prince Fayad H Bolkiah"
Betreff: Require your details for the shipment
Dear Sven Udo

I am sorry for all the problems you went through
because of the project. I was sent to jail and i lost
all that money to the government security but be
assured that i have learnt my lesson.

There is another of my Box which is in United Kingdom
containing US$4.3 Million and i am making arrangement
for the Box to be delivered to your address in Germany.

I need to send Embassy Freight Service your contact
details as stated below:-






Upon sending the above to Embassy Freight Service then
they will issue to us a flight & shipment schedule for
the delivery of the Box to your address.

Then when you send the shipment cost of 3,840 Euros to
their cashier officer in London United Kingdom via
Western Union Money Transfer. After Embassy Freight
Service receive the shipment cost of 3,840 Euros then
they can proceed with the delivery of the Box to your
address in Germany.

I await your reply.



Sven Udo


Sven Udo
Forum Guru
Beiträge: 1.678
Registriert am: 01.01.2006

RE: Prince Fayad H Bolkiah aus dem Sultanat von Brunei Darussalam ist wieder da!

#4 von Sven Udo , 16.03.2007 04:19

II. Akt/3

Und schon geht die Drängelei wieder los.
Da aber S.U. die ganzen Daten schon mal geschickt hat,
bekommt das Fayad unter die Nase gerieben.

In Antwort auf:
Datum: Wed, 14 Mar 2007 02:31:30 -0700 (PDT)
Von: "Prince Fayad H Bolkiah"
Betreff: waiting your reply
Dear Sven,

Reference to my initail email, i am still waiting for
your reply along with the required details necessary
for the Embassy Freight Service to prepare the
shipment schedule for the delivery of the Box to your
address in Germany.

Please attend as urgent ASAP.


Demzufolge sieht die Antwort folgender maßen aus:
In Antwort auf:
Datum: Fri, 16 Mar 2007 03:51:00 +0100 (CET)
Betreff: RE: waiting your reply
An: "Prince Fayad H Bolkiah"
Dear Prince Fayad,

hi how are you? Thank you for your mail.
You tell me you are waiting, why? For what?
All data you request, I was tell you in my mail to you early.

I mean in this mail: --------------------------->

Datum: Sat, 29 Oct 2005 00:53:43 +0200 (CEST)
Von: *** Zum Adressbuch hinzufügen
Betreff: Ant: My funds
An: ***

Your sovereignty Prince Fayad H. Bolkiah Sir,

It's my pleasure and distinction to become your answer, Sir!
At the moment I am a bit busy, I wrote a newspaper column for my
"Bald" magazine. The title is: "The phenomenon of Internet crime".
A very interesting topic. I have to make investigations ( a lot) for that!
So I will send you my personal datas, like you ask me:

------------------------------------------------> and so on!

Please have a look, and you will find all what you need!

Your friend


Sven Udo


Sven Udo
Forum Guru
Beiträge: 1.678
Registriert am: 01.01.2006

RE: Prince Fayad H Bolkiah aus dem Sultanat von Brunei Darussalam ist wieder da!

#5 von Sven Udo , 18.03.2007 04:37

II. Akt/4, so, alles weg. Was machen wir denn da ?

In Antwort auf:
Datum: Sat, 17 Mar 2007 14:12:37 -0700 (PDT)
Von: "Prince Fayad H Bolkiah"
Betreff: Reply 17/03/2007
Dear Sven,

Reference to your mail, I do not use the email address
( ) anymore because my
account has expired and i cannot access the
informations contained there.

Here is what i require from you to start the delivery

1. Your full names
2. Your contact & delivery address
3. International passport copy
4. Your contact phone numbers.

Send the above information to my email address
(prince_faya*** I will need to send
your details to the Freight Service in London United
Kingdom for the isseance of the shipment schedule and
conclude the delivery of the Box to your address.

I await your reply.



Sven Udo


Sven Udo
Forum Guru
Beiträge: 1.678
Registriert am: 01.01.2006

RE: Prince Fayad H Bolkiah aus dem Sultanat von Brunei Darussalam ist wieder da!

#6 von fridolin , 18.03.2007 07:48

Online Theater Wiederholung erster Teil
Magnus Horatio hat die gleiche mail erhalten, nur die Beträge und Staaten sind anders verteilt. Magnus hat ihn eingeladen in einem seiner kleinen Schlößchen zu wohnen.

In Antwort auf:

An: Prince Fayad Musa H . Bolkiah
Magnus Horatio von Schaum und Schlaeger

Mein lieber Prinz!

Wir Adlige sollten doch zusammenhalten. wo kämen wir denn dahinm wenn wir gemeinsame Sache mit dem Plebs machen.

Also mein lieber Prinz Fayad Musa: du hast jede Menge Geld auf verschiedene Staaten verteilt, willst es jetzt aber wieder zusammen bekommen um ein standesgemäßes Leben zu führen.
Kein Problem. Als Herzog von Asbach und Goldbrand (das ist mein Adelstitel mütterlicherseits) hab ich noch ein Lustschlößchen in Darmstadt-Weiterstadt und noch ein etwas kleines verschwiegenes in Stuttgart-Stammheim.

du kannst dir aussuchen ob du darin wohnen willst.
sag mir aber vorher wie wir das Geld an der Steuer und am Zoll vorbei bekommen.

mit besten Grüßen von Adel zu Adel

Magnus Horatio von Schaum und Schläger (Baron)/Herzog von Asbach und Goldbrand
Ich wollte keinen neuen Thread mit gleichem Thema aufmachen, deshalb hab ich die erste Antwort mal hierhinein gestellt. Ob er anbeißt ist ja noch die Frage.


Grand Senior
Beiträge: 4.489
Registriert am: 22.01.2006

zuletzt bearbeitet 18.03.2007 | Top

RE: Prince Fayad H Bolkiah aus dem Sultanat von Brunei Darussalam ist wieder da!

#7 von Sven Udo , 20.03.2007 00:34

II. Akt/5

...siehe da, der Prinz hat ein wenig gegraben. Und doch "meine "Daten von 2005 gefunden.
Aber Pech gehabt, nun bin ich gerde umgezogen...

In Antwort auf:
Datum: Mon, 19 Mar 2007 07:04:51 -0700 (PDT)
Von: "Prince Fayad H Bolkiah"
Betreff: shipment schedule received
Dear Sven Udo,

I was able to find your details as stated below:-

Sven Udo
Seelower Straße 7
10439 Berlin
with passport number:B IV 06 0053210160
Phone: ++49-69-xxxx 5038 872

I have forwarded your detail above to the Freight Service in London United Kingdom to prepare for the delivery of the Box to you in Berlin. I also received the shipment schedule stipluated for the delivery of the Box to you through Lufthansa which is the best choice for the shipment.

Therefore, you are expected to send the shipment fee of Euro 3,840 via Western Union Money Transfer to the cashier officer below:-

NAME: James M. Smith
ADDRESS: 13, Charles Street,
London United Kingdom

Forward the Western Union Transfer slip to me via email attachment so i can send to the Freight Service to make the collection and proceed with the shipment to your above address in Germany.

I await your prompt reply.


Total Price
(per person) Taxes, fees and charges
(per person) Passengers

Total 650.00 + 113.90 x 1 Adult = GBP 763.90

Passenger information
Name Mr. Brad Anderson (Adult)
Phone daytime 07031912120
email brad***
Seat preference Window
Meal Low fat, Low cholesterol

Ticket Type E-Ticket
Selected ticket type E-Ticket with confirmation send to:
email brad***

* Marked fields are mandatory.

Your payment details.
You have paid with Mastercard (Secure Code)
First name* BRAD
Last name * ANDERSON
Card number* 5************

Payment accepted and Your seat is reserved.

Collection date & Time:

Monday 26 March 2007
Opening hours: 0900 - 1730 = GBP 763.90

Fare rules for Business Basic Changes
The "Basic" ticket is changeable against a fee , as long as the originally booked class is still available. Otherwise, the difference to the next higher available "Basic" fare will be charged additionally.

Changes must be made before the departure of the flight being changed.

Cancellation is not permitted. Unused fees and charges can be refunded.

Card number* 5************ Gemein, die Kartennummer wäre gerade interessant gewesen.
Dann wäre ich mal schön einkaufen gegangen, im Internet.

Sven Udo


Sven Udo
Forum Guru
Beiträge: 1.678
Registriert am: 01.01.2006

RE: Prince Fayad H Bolkiah aus dem Sultanat von Brunei Darussalam ist wieder da!

#8 von Sven Udo , 22.03.2007 03:00

II. Akt/6

...wie gesagt, der Prinz wird vom Pech verfolgt.
S.U.'s Umzug und die Mail vom Prinzen haben sich gekreuzt.

Und nun muss sich S.U, erst eimal einrichten, das kann dauern.
Und dann hat er noch ein paar Tausend USD von einem Onkel in Amerika,
Mr. Dunnuld Entee geerbt.

In Antwort auf:
Datum: Thu, 22 Mar 2007 02:51:28 +0100 (CET)
Betreff: RE: shipment schedule received
An: "Prince Fayad H Bolkiah"
Dear Prince,

Thank you for your message.
I must tell you it come to late.
Just this week I mo to an other place.

The relocation was necessary, because I could get a
better dwelling. My uncle Dunnuld Entee is in America
died. I was his favourite nephew. And in such a way it
left to me few ten thousands of dollar.

You can send thus nothing to this old address. As soon
as I know more, I write you immediately the new data.

I beg your pardon, Fayad!

Regards Sven

In dem Haus befindet sich die neue Wohnung.

Sven Udo


Sven Udo
Forum Guru
Beiträge: 1.678
Registriert am: 01.01.2006

RE: Prince Fayad H Bolkiah aus dem Sultanat von Brunei Darussalam ist wieder da!

#9 von Sven Udo , 24.03.2007 21:04

II. Akt/7

"Betreff: My condolence"...das könnte auch bedeuten, da wird mehr Geld fällig.
Aber der wird sich wundern.

In Antwort auf:
Datum: Sat, 24 Mar 2007 11:29:17 -0700 (PDT)
Von: "Prince Fayad H Bolkiah"
Betreff: My condolence
Dear Sven,

Thanks for your mail.

I have notified the Exec Services UK with the contents of your message requesting for a change of delivery address. Therefore, the shipment would be delayed until you are able to send the new delivery address and also send the shipment fee of Euro Euro 3,840 via Western Union Money Transfer to the cashier officer.

Accept my condolence on the death of your uncle and i pray God to grant your uncles soul eternal rest.

I await your reply.



Sven Udo


Sven Udo
Forum Guru
Beiträge: 1.678
Registriert am: 01.01.2006

RE: Prince Fayad H Bolkiah aus dem Sultanat von Brunei Darussalam ist wieder da!

#10 von fridolin , 27.03.2007 21:05

Online Theater Wiederholung
erster Akt; erste Szene

Magnus Horatio von Schaum und Schläger
Herzog von Asbach und Goldbrand

Seine Hochwohlgeboren der Prinz hat angebissen.

In Antwort auf:

Kann der bait im Doppelpack weiterlaufen?
Von: 'Prince Fayad Musa H. Bolkiah Prince Fayad Musa H. Bolkiah' <>
Priorität: normale
Betreff: May God Bless You
Datum: Die Mar 27 10:28
Dear Magnus ,

May God bless you for your acceptance to help me get my money from the security companies, you will be saving my life and my family if you help us get the money out from the security company and keep it in a safer bank under you care, i can now understand that you are a good person, i am a very honest prince and i have tested all the good things of this life and i can not do evil because of money, you should know me very well by my royal back ground i am not moved by any thing no matter what is involved.

You can not be disappointed i promise you my friend, because i have considered you as my good friend, you know that a friend in need is realy a friend indeed. You will be very happy at the end of our business.

I have just sent an e-mail to the security company in Spain now for the transffer of ownership of the deposited consignments to you as the beneficiary, and i have forwarded your names to them, i hope that they are preparing all the relevant documents that will authenticate your ownership of the consignment as i directed them in my e-mail message of today, they will get back to me to as soon as they conclude all their paper work, and then i will give you their information to contact them for the collection of the consignment from them which contains our money.

Please my friend i want you to know that i received an empressive recommendation about you from a very good friend of mine, and that is why i choose to do this great project with you hoping that you will keep to your promises as i was told my my friend. Please my friend i am counting on you to keep the brotherly agreement at the end of this project.

Please acknowledge the receipt of this e-mail and make your comments about the contents, you should also send your full names, residential address, and your telephone number to me as soon as possible, to enable me forward it to the security company for their record update.

I await your urgent response.

May God bless you

Prince Fayad Bolkiah
Zum Spaß die google Übersetzung von mir

Lieber Magnus,

Mai Gott segnen dich, damit deine Annahme mir hilft, mein Geld von den Sicherheit Firmen zu erhalten, wirst du mein Leben speichern und meine Familie, wenn du uns das, Geld heraus von der Sicherheit Firma zu erhalten hilfst und es in einer sichereren Bank unter dir zu halten Obacht, kann ich jetzt verstehen, daß du eine gute Person bist, ich bin ein sehr ehrlicher Prinz und ich habe alle guten Sachen dieses Lebens geprüft und ich kann nicht übel wegen des Geldes, du tun sollte mich durch meinen königlichen rückseitigen Boden sehr gut kennen, den ich nicht durch irgendeine Sache verschoben werde, egal was beteiligt ist.
Du kannst nicht enttäuscht ich sein versprichst dir meinen Freund, weil ich dich für meinen guten Freund gehalten habe, du weißt, daß ein Freund in der Notwendigkeit realy ein Freund in der Tat ist. Du bist am Ende unseres Geschäfts sehr glücklich.
Ich habe dir der Sicherheit Firma in Spanien jetzt für das transffer des Besitzes der niedergelegten Lieferungen gerade eine E-mail als der Begünstigte geschickt, und ich habe deine Namen an sie weitergeleitet, hoffe ich, daß sie alle relevanten Dokumente vorbereiten, die deinen Besitz der Lieferung, wie ich sie in meiner E-mail Anzeige des heutigen Tages verwies, sie erhalten zurück zu mir beglaubigen, sobald sie ihre ganze Schreibarbeit folgern, und dann gebe ich dir ihre Informationen, um mit ihnen für die Ansammlung der Lieferung von ihnen in Verbindung zu treten, welches unser Geld enthält.
Bitte mein Freund wünsche ich dich wissen, daß ich eine empressive Empfehlung über dich von einem sehr guten Freund von mir empfing, und der ist, warum ich beschließe, dieses große Projekt mit dir zu tun hoffend, daß du zu deinen Versprechungen hältst, wie mir mein mein Freund erklärt wurde. Bitte mein Freund, den ich auf dir zähle, um die Vereinbarung am Ende dieses Projektes brotherly zu halten.
Den Empfang dieser E-mail bitte bestätigen und deine Anmerkungen über den Inhalt, dich bilden sollte deine vollen Namen, Wohnadresse und deine Telefonnummer auch so bald wie möglich schicken mir, um mir es zur Sicherheit Firma für ihr Rekordupdate vorwärts zu ermöglichen.
Ich erwarte deine dringende Antwort.

Mai Gott segnen dich

Prinz Fayad Bolkiah


Grand Senior
Beiträge: 4.489
Registriert am: 22.01.2006

zuletzt bearbeitet 27.03.2007 | Top

RE: Prince Fayad H Bolkiah aus dem Sultanat von Brunei Darussalam ist wieder da!

#11 von Sven Udo , 29.03.2007 06:03

II. Akt/8

...der übereifrige Fayad hat schon wieder gemahnt.
Und nun er hat eine Antwort bekommen.
Mal sehen wie er reagiert.

In Antwort auf:
Datum: Tue, 27 Mar 2007 04:50:39 -0700 (PDT)
Von: "Prince Fayad H Bolkiah"
Betreff: Waiting your delivery address
Dear Sven,

How are you. I hope and pray this email finds you in good health.

You need to contact the Execs Services UK on email: *** and send them your new delivery address along with the Western Union Information for the shipment fee of Euro Euro 3,840

You will send to the cashier officer below:-

NAME: James M. Smith
ADDRESS: 13, Charles Street, London United Kingdom

Forward the Western Union Transfer slip to EXecs Services UK and also a copy to me via email attachment.

Waiting your reply.


In Antwort auf:
Datum: Thu, 29 Mar 2007 05:42:47 +0200 (CEST)
Betreff: RE: Waiting your delivery address
An: "Prince Fayad H Bolkiah"
Dear Fayad,

thank you for your mail. Sorry for my late answer.
But I was busy to established in my new home.

Here the address:

Sven Udo
Dümmlichemugus Allee 417-419
D-2390 Bedrüger-Depp über Holzweg

I send you one new Western Union form.
From 01.02.2007 Grmany have new rules of procedure,
for send money out of Germany.
Germany is now member of the "Anti terror war" fight togther with the USA.

So you must fill the form for assistance this fight.
Make it careful, there is a black lists, if the secure number is wrong.

Regards Sven

Sven Udo


Sven Udo
Forum Guru
Beiträge: 1.678
Registriert am: 01.01.2006

RE: Prince Fayad H Bolkiah aus dem Sultanat von Brunei Darussalam ist wieder da!

#12 von Sven Udo , 31.03.2007 00:23

II. Akt/9

Ja, was hatt' er denn plötzlich, der Prinz?
Er war doch in WU regelrecht vernarrt. Und nun auf einmal MonyGram .

Warscheinlich ist er zu dumm und faul, das schöne Formular auszufüllen .
Da lassen wir uns erst einmal Zeit...

In Antwort auf:
Datum: Fri, 30 Mar 2007 07:26:22 -0700 (PDT)
Von: "Prince Fayad H Bolkiah"
Betreff: MoneyGram International Money Transfer to send the shipment fee
Dear Sven,

Thanks for your mail.

I received your new address and i send your address to the freight service in United Kingdom so they can prepare a new shipment schedule for the delivery of the Box to you. The airline to be used is still Lufthansa and i hope you agree with me.

Forget about Western Union. You can go to the MoneyGram International Money Transfer office in Germany to send the shipment fee of Euro 3,840 using this cashier officer below:-

NAME: Mrs. Sylvia Walter
ADDRESS: 13, Charles Street,
London United Kingdom

Please visit the website below of MoneyGram:

See to it that the shipment fee of Euro 3,840 is sent ASAP via MoneyGram so that the freight service can proceed immediately with the delivery of the Box to your new address.

Finally, if you succeed to send the Shipment fee from MoneyGram office, forward to me a clear copy of the transfer slip via email attachment and also send a copy of the freight service at their email address: shi*** but if you do not succeed then i will ask the freight service to forward a Bank account immediately to receive the shipment fee, OK.

I await your reply ASAP.



Sven Udo


Sven Udo
Forum Guru
Beiträge: 1.678
Registriert am: 01.01.2006

RE: Prince Fayad H Bolkiah aus dem Sultanat von Brunei Darussalam ist wieder da!

#13 von Sven Udo , 02.04.2007 01:52

II. Akt/10

Gestern, zum 1.April, hat der Mugu die schon 2 mal geschickte Mail - vom 30.03.07 - nochmal geschickt.
Datum: Sun, 1 Apr 2007 10:54:02 -0700 (PDT)
Von: "Prince Fayad H Bolkiah"
Betreff: Waiting the shipment fee of Euro 3,840 via MoneyGram Transfer

Dafür hat er folgende - nicht jugendfreie - Antwort erhalten.

In Antwort auf:
Datum: Mon, 2 Apr 2007 01:25:17 +0200 (CEST)
Betreff: RE: Waiting the shipment fee of Euro 3,840 via MoneyGram Transfer
An: "Prince Fayad H Bolkiah"
Date: Sun, 1 Apr 2007 10:54:02 -0700 (PDT)
It is April fools' day so you make April fool hoaxes?
To take the piss out of today?
Who do they think I am?

Over this, on weekends is all closed in Germany!
Fuck off and die!


Sven Udo


Sven Udo
Forum Guru
Beiträge: 1.678
Registriert am: 01.01.2006

RE: Prince Fayad H Bolkiah aus dem Sultanat von Brunei Darussalam ist wieder da!

#14 von Sven Udo , 11.04.2007 05:00

II. Akt/11

Die vulgäre, boheme Ausdrucksweise, hat den Prinzen nicht gestört.
Hier seine Antwort.

In Antwort auf:
Datum: Tue, 10 Apr 2007 01:22:29 -0700 (PDT)
Von: "Prince Fayad H Bolkiah"
Betreff: Euro 3,840 via MoneyGram Transfer
You can send the shipment fee of Euro 3,840 via MoneyGram International Money Transfer office in Germany to the cashier officer below:-

NAME: Mrs. Sylvia Walter
ADDRESS: 13 Charlse Street
London United Kingdom

I await your reply.



Sven Udo


Sven Udo
Forum Guru
Beiträge: 1.678
Registriert am: 01.01.2006

RE: Prince Fayad H Bolkiah aus dem Sultanat von Brunei Darussalam ist wieder da!

#15 von Sven Udo , 12.04.2007 01:37

II. Akt/12

Der Prinz wird glücklich sein, endlich kommt das Geld.
S.U. hat es jedenfalls ordungsgemäß eingezahlt.
Für eventuelle Zwischenfälle ist er natürlich nicht verantwortlich.

Ups, der Transferslip ist irgendwie misslungen... beim scannen.

In Antwort auf:
Datum: Thu, 12 Apr 2007 01:13:24 +0200 (CEST)
Betreff: RE: Euro 3,840 via MoneyGram Transfer
An: "Prince Fayad H Bolkiah"
Dear Prince,

today I was sent you the money via MoneyGram.
As attachment you find the scanned transfer slip.
All data you need, you will find there.

So I hope next days, my money come to my door at home.

Regards Sven Udo


Dateien: MoneyGram01.bmp (114k)

Sven Udo


Sven Udo
Forum Guru
Beiträge: 1.678
Registriert am: 01.01.2006

RE: Prince Fayad H Bolkiah aus dem Sultanat von Brunei Darussalam ist wieder da!

#16 von Sven Udo , 13.04.2007 05:55

II. Akt/13

Was? Der kann den Transferslip nicht lesen. Dann soll er seine Brille aufsetzen.
Oder eine Lupe verwenden.
Und dann will er schoch wieder Name und Adresse vom Absender.
Ja das bin doch ich...

Im übrigen hat den Scann MoneyGram gemacht. Ich habe es mir gar nicht angesehen.
Schicken wir es noch mal, von mir aus.
Aber prompt schon mal gar nicht!

In Antwort auf:
Datum: Thu, 12 Apr 2007 18:27:26 -0700 (PDT)
Von: "Prince Fayad H Bolkiah"
Dear Sven,

Thanks for your mail and its contents.

I got a copy of the email attachment for the transfer which you did through MoneyGram transfer but the attachment is unreadable and not clear. Please you need to re-scan AND SEND the MoneyGram transfer slip to me ASAP so i can forward to the freight service in London United Kingdom.

On the alternatives you can still send me the following informations as contained on the MoneyGram transfer slip:-


I await your prompt reply so the above can be forwarded to the freight service for collection and shipment of the Box to your address without delay.

Thanks alot as i appreciate your efforts so far.



Sven Udo


Sven Udo
Forum Guru
Beiträge: 1.678
Registriert am: 01.01.2006

RE: Prince Fayad H Bolkiah aus dem Sultanat von Brunei Darussalam ist wieder da!

#17 von Sven Udo , 15.04.2007 23:45

II. Akt/14

Am heiligen christlichen Sonntag drängelt der Depp Bolkiah auch noch.
Also hat er wieder einmal eine passende Antwort bekommen.

Außerdem haben am Montag ALLE MoneyGram Büros in DE Ruhetag...

In Antwort auf:
Datum: Sun, 15 Apr 2007 06:53:29 -0700 (PDT)
Von: "Prince Fayad H Bolkiah"
Betreff: Waiting your reply 15/04/2007
Dear Sven,

I sent you an email earlier inview of the MoneyGram transfer payment slip which you sent me via email attachment.

The MoneyGram transfer payment slip in email attachment did not come out clear and was unreadable. Therefore, you need to re-scan the MoneyGram transfer payment slip and send back to me again OR on the alternative you can send me the following formations as contained in the MoneyGram transfer payment slip:-


I await your urgent reply so the information can be sent to the freight service on Monday 16th April 2007 for collection.


In Antwort auf:
Datum: Sun, 15 Apr 2007 23:04:04 +0200 (CEST)
Betreff: RE: Waiting your reply 15/04/2007
An: "Prince Fayad H Bolkiah"

Thanks for your mail.
A little bit I start to doubt, whether you are able,
to recognize and arrange coherences correctly.

Once again for your simple mind:

1.) On any weekend all is closed in Germany.
So also on 14. and 15. April.

2.) On any Monday the MoneyGram never work here.

3.) Several times I give you my personal data.
Last I give you on: Thu, 29 Mar 2007 05:42:47

4.) You tell me: "promt/urgent" reply.
I am your bondsman or what?

Well, all comprehended now? Super, so you will be
patient and wait till Tuesday!

Sven Udo

Sven Udo


Sven Udo
Forum Guru
Beiträge: 1.678
Registriert am: 01.01.2006

zuletzt bearbeitet 15.04.2007 | Top

RE: Prince Fayad H Bolkiah aus dem Sultanat von Brunei Darussalam ist wieder da!

#18 von Sven Udo , 16.04.2007 23:19

II. Akt/15

Dummheit und Geldgier macht blind und blöd.
Und dieser Mugu "Prince Fayad H Bolkiah" ist der lebende Beweis!
Hier die neuste Mail.

In Antwort auf:
Datum: Mon, 16 Apr 2007 00:44:06 -0700 (PDT)
Von: "Prince Fayad H Bolkiah"
Betreff: reply 16/04/2007
Dear Sven,

Just took delivery of your mail.

All i need from you is to Re-scan the MoneyGram payment slip and just send to me the Eight (8) digit Reference Number on the MoneyGram slip only.

Waiting your reply.



Sven Udo


Sven Udo
Forum Guru
Beiträge: 1.678
Registriert am: 01.01.2006

RE: Prince Fayad H Bolkiah aus dem Sultanat von Brunei Darussalam ist wieder da!

#19 von Sven Udo , 18.04.2007 03:57

II. Akt/16

S.U. ist aber so was von "schwer von Begriff".
Der Prinz wird der Verzeiflung nahe sein, hofft man...

In Antwort auf:
Datum: Wed, 18 Apr 2007 03:31:46 +0200 (CEST)
Betreff: RE: reply
An: "Prince Fayad H Bolkiah"
Hi Prince,

thanks for your mail.
I do not know what you mean with
8 digital References. What for reference?
can you send me your reference?

BTW: The voucher from MoneyGram I already threw away.
What is thereby? I throw always everything away
directly. So I must now because of you, still once
into this office traipse.

I will ask for the slip. The best will be, they send
you this slip direct from the office.

I saw on the slip a lot of numbers and signs. I saw:


Maybe this is what you look for?

Sven der Unwissende

Sven Udo


Sven Udo
Forum Guru
Beiträge: 1.678
Registriert am: 01.01.2006

RE: Prince Fayad H Bolkiah aus dem Sultanat von Brunei Darussalam ist wieder da!

#20 von Sven Udo , 19.04.2007 05:41

II. Akt/17

Die merken es nicht! Die sind zu Geldgeil, dass es ihnen den Verstand raubt.
Nun ist Post da vom Prinzen und vom einer Mrs. Shirley W. Smith.
Diese wiederum schickt einen Pass mit, von Mr. Swan Buacharern.

Wer soll da noch durchblicken?

In Antwort auf:
Datum: Wed, 18 Apr 2007 01:44:54 -0700 (PDT)
Von: "Prince Fayad H Bolkiah"
Betreff: Reply 18/04/2007
Dear Sven,

I thank you for all you have done so far to assist complete the shipment of my box to your address.

The little problem we have presently is that the MoneyGram slip which you sent me did not come out clear, OK and because of this the freight service where unable to get all informations from the MoneyGram slip needed to collect the amount you sent in London UK.

Therefore, you need to Re-scan the MoneyGram slip again and send to me by attachment. Please make sure it is clear and readable this time.

I await your reply.


Und hier die Post von: Exec Services UK (Freight Service)
In Antwort auf:
Von: "Execs Services UK"
Datum: Wed, 18 Apr 2007 13:38:40 +0000
Betreff: Shipment Charges
Attn: Mr. Sven Udo


Here below is your complete delivery details:-

ADDRESS: Dümmlichemugus Allee 417-419
D-2390 Bedrüger-Depp über Holzweg

We have received the above delivery address from Mr. fayad H. Bolkiah from the Sultanate of Brunei. Mr. Fayad has contacted our office to deliver one (1) Box delivered to you at the above address in Germany. To avoid any delay in making the shipment and delivery to your address, then you will need to send us the shipment charge of Euro 3,840 only ASAP so we can send out the ticket fee to our travel agent immediately.

Send Euro 3,840 only via MoneyGram Transfer to our cashier officer below:-

Mrs. Sylvia Walter
91 Oxford Street,
London United Kingdom.

Forward to us the details of the MoneyGram Transfer Payment slip. Once the shipment charge of Euro 3,840 is received then we would issue to you a new flight delivery schedule abroad Lufthansa Airline so you can make adequate arrangements for the collection of your box from our delivery officer. Find attached is a copy of the delivery officer Mr. Swan Buacharern International passport.

You can call our office on phone number: 0044-7031904xxx

We appreciate your co-operation.

Yours faithfully,

Mrs. Shirley W. Smith

Deputy Co-ordinator Shipments
Exec Services UK (Freight Service)

Im übrigen ist der Pass mit schönen "Einlegearbeiten" versehen.
Deutlich kann man in Balkenform, die Änderung der Daten erkennen.

Sven Udo


Sven Udo
Forum Guru
Beiträge: 1.678
Registriert am: 01.01.2006

zuletzt bearbeitet 19.04.2007 | Top


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